spider-man no way home humor | spell? as in magic? what is this a birthday party? [PART 01]

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[Music] i'm so sorry but i can't see anything with your hand in my shoulder it's really fun that's right you know that's why they call it a fling and we fly where are we gonna go i don't know your house no no we cannot go to my house my dad will kill you what it was fun i could have been more fun i can be fine i thought you said your dad really liked me yeah well not anymore i should see what no no no no no no no dude dude dude dude oh no dude oh no peter i don't know what to do oh i'm so sorry are you okay no not really i don't see anything we broke up peter fj oh they have nothing to do with this sir don't say anything without a lawyer oh oh oh thank you i didn't know you guys broke up i thought you didn't love me i want a lawyer why do you want a lawyer i have nothing to hide exactly i'm less i'm actually guilty of something i'm very aware of your tactics and my rights just answer my questions i thought you guys were such a handsome couple you know it's really about boundaries oh let me answer the door oh hang on let's go in here so sorry to keep you waiting we getting at a snack please absolutely he's been waiting here i got you hey is it true not now you're so awkward about sex people because there's nothing to say dude i'm so sorry about that i'm not supposed to say anything to you no no not even a thing i know you take care of yourselves when mj told you that peter was spider-man what's up i knew way before mj did i was spider-man's guy in the chair oh i know about those dude half my guys are guys in the chat peter i literally helped him find the vulture and i helped him hack a suit once and kind of helped him get the space is that is that here [Music] so in spider-man's illegal vigilantism you were his main accomplice i would like to have my words stricken from the record i mean maybe it's not such a big deal spider menace with all due respect and i mean that very insincerely agents want to know exactly what was taken at least they used a good picture governments around the world launch investigations into the murderer known as spider-man aka peter parker aka the webb-headed war criminal i uh understand your loyalty to mr stark and his legacy but if you were involved if i was about advised securing a lawyer i need a lawyer because i'm an i'm under this i thought he would oh i could say uh under advisement counsel uh i refuse to answer the question respectfully because i the answer couldn't incriminate me because it's welcome to the spiritual oasis you like donkey kong jr saying good fellas what was the thing that saying good tell us i know that's what you think calm down let's see what he has to say matt you're gonna need a really good lawyer you think i'm being too pragmatic no no no no well kinda [Music] how did you just do that i'm a really good lawyer that's one of my favorite things about you really yeah well what are your other favorite things i love your relentless optimism yeah i am a glass half full kind of gal go get him tiger or should i say spider i really like how you're a people person i love people i love them so much hey we love you are you gonna have a spider baby you like sports i think the mets are gonna go all the way this year back off who are you i'm ned leeds i'm spiderman's best friend what's that noise oh it's a it's happy look gave his room to maine so he's sleeping down here you come at my boy you come at flash thompson and if you want to read about our inspiring friendship you can now in my new book flashpoint one spider two hearts a million crazy ass memories check it out i am the most famous person in the entire world man i'm still broke we would love to welcome you back to midtown high where we shape heroes or murderers i'm excited to see you tomorrow yeah me too wrap it up we both like each other we get it hang on there's no new ground being broken okay i need my eight hours mysterio was right stop we don't that's all have you been listening this whole time uh not by choice mj says hi hello some of the students put this together for you no you did that i you did i helped a little bit some suggest that parker's powers include the male spider's ability to hypnotize females which he used to seduce jones watson into his cult of personality stuff yes my spider lord feel free to walk or swing through the hallway or crawl on the ceiling to avoid everybody we all know you can do it [Music] finally some privacy i'm just gonna know what you did stop it you're embarrassing yourself you know what you did he's a conspiracy theorist this is gonna be us yes mine is the frisbee and the smiling um hi hi either way we'll all be together in boston new school new town i can spider-man there i mean they have crime in boston right yes yes yeah wicked crime i'm uh the most famous person in the world i know first one's here peter last one well don't because he will just make me clean it try not to slip we don't have liability insurance busted all this for a holiday party no one of the rotunda gateways connects to siberia the blizzard blasted through you guys didn't get in yeah because we're actually friends with spider-man someone forgot to cast a monthly maintenance spell to keep the seals tight that's right [Music] i wouldn't change a thing i did me neither although i do need to show this letter to my parents right he did because he forgot i now have higher duties higher duties the sorcerer supreme has higher duties yes some of these walls are thousands of years old and they shot an episode of the equalizer here in the 80s wait i thought you were the sorcerer supreme no he got it on a technicality because i blipped for five years oh i really appreciate you doing this for me sir don't mention it and don't call me sir i've been here then i've turned the place down you too no one said stop shopping you ready i'm ready nice knowing you spider-man wait excuse me i'm really sorry to bother you sir but please say to have the universe together the entire world's about to forget that peter parker is spider-man including me everyone think we're beyond you calling me sir okay uh steven that feels weird but i'll allow it can't some people still know that's not how the spell works when mysterio revealed my identity my my entire life got screwed up and it's very difficult and dangerous to change it mid casting i i was wondering i mean i don't really know if this would actually work but i was wondering if maybe you could go back in time and make it so that he never did so my girlfriend's just gonna forget about everything we've been through i mean is she even gonna be my girlfriend that depends especially your girlfriend just because you're a spider-man or i mean i don't know i really hope not all right fine we tampered with the stability of space-time to resurrect countless lives you want to do it again now just because yours got messy everyone in the world is going to forget that you're spider-man except your girlfriend thank you so much that oh my god ned what is a ned forget about it please he's very good at forgetting things let's not change the parameters of this spell anymore while i'm counting okay i'm done i'm done i swear i'm done i'm done wrong you've actually generated a good idea what the runes of kafka rules of cough call now but my aunt may should really know peter stop tampering with the spell oh it's just a standard spell of forgetting won't turn back time at least people will forget that you were ever spider-man when she found out that i was spider-man it was it was really messy i don't think that i can go through with that again so my aunt mate yes seriously it's too dangerous yeah we've used it for a lot less do you remember the full moon party at comtaj oh exactly no i'm annoyed it's a nickname harold happy hogan he used to work with tony stark but then he was kind of dating just stop talking did it work no you changed my spell six times five times hi yeah i can see you steven listen i am so call me sir okay [Music] but if they rejected you and you tried to convince them to reconsider there's nothing else you can do when you say convince them you mean like i could have called them yeah hi peter parker i do know you're in the street right yeah i could do that you haven't called well i mean i got their letter and i asked mj watson and ned these are the two smartest people i've ever met in my entire life and i'm the dumbest person i'm sorry are you telling me that you didn't even think to please your case with them first before you asked me to brainwash the entire world don't let mit be dumb like me mit is dumb no i'm saying don't let mit be dumb i mean like the the dumber version of me that wouldn't have you didn't rehearse that did you peter well i mean when you put it like that then why are you running what oh my god uh ma'am you shoulda you should get out of the car i'm risking a lot just talking to you okay i will um pick you up and swing you to school for one week for a month hello peter hi do we do i know you two weeks slash please come on and help me you know what i mean okay i'll tell everyone that you're my best friend listen sir if you stop smashing cars we could work together and i can help you find your machine so there's this lady she's the assistant vice chancellor you complete your case with her okay perfect where is she she left you're not peter parker i am so confused right now be careful [Music] hey hey hey until you stop trying to kill me i'm in control buddy i have this whole technical situation you got going on here here get out of the way look at that man hey you i see you come here that was not okay that little spell that you botched where you wanted everyone to forget the peter parker spider-man it started pulling in everyone who knows peter parker's spider-man from every universe and at this one i can't believe i'm in the sanctum saying it's horum after you left i detected an worldly presence i pursued it into the sewers where i found that slimy green son of a gun how did you know you were made of magic because my nana says that we have it in our family and sometimes i get these tinglings in my hands you should talk to your physician spell is it magic what is this a birthday party who is this clown what is this madness so how did the bad guys get here he screwed up a spell trying to get you into college watch this do you know a peter parker who's spider-man yes that him no see let's just focus on the good news okay let's just focus on the bad news i don't know how many of these visitors we've got i saw another one on the bridge he was like like a flying green elf well he sounds jolly why don't you start with him as of now you have detected zero multiversal trespassers so get on your phones scour the internet and scooby doo this capture them bring them here while i figure out how to get them back before they destroy the fabric of reality or worse wong finds out you're telling us what to do even though it was your spell that got screwed up meaning that all this is kind of your mess uh doctor strange what if the school sees me fighting these crazy monsters hey watch your mouth i'm sorry you're seriously still talking about college you know i know a couple of magic words myself starting with the word please please scooby doo this hey what did you just do this hey how did you do that lots of birthday parties you can work in the undercroft the undercroft badass [Music] so [Music]
Channel: maria
Views: 1,483,634
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: spiderman, spiderman no way home, spiderman no way home edit, spiderman no way home post credit scene, spiderman no way home daredevil, spiderman no way home aunt may dies, peter and mj last kiss, spiderman no way home doc ock, spiderman no way home andrew garfield, spiderman no way home tobey maguire, spiderman no way home peter vs green goblin, spiderman no way home peter crying, spiderman no way home peter meets peter, spiderman no way home peter says goodbye, peter catches mj
Id: XLfh74bPQFM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 33sec (813 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 24 2022
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