Andrew Garfield being the BEST spider man EVER

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what happened to your face it's filthy it is yes oh yeah yeah I was cleaning the chimney we have no chimney [Music] what knock knock I'm know Mr Criminal hey my name is Spider-Man you can call me Webhead you can call me amazing just don't call me late for dinner you get it I'm going to throw you out the window now a I was washing the the the American flag my can I please no one washes the flag I do and I want anymore forget it fine can I just C people are going to die you leave right now and thisen that is an order okay I'm going to get everybody out did you hear Gwen Gwen you mother Hub are you serious prove it prove what that you're Peter Parker I don't carry an ID with me you know kind of defeats the whole Anonymous superhero Thing why you do [Music] that Mike you got to stop with this jaywalking miss me with that gay [ __ ] what gay [ __ ] [Music] the she looks familiar she's the girl on your computer yeah he's got you on his computer got not a Shaker are you a hugger and a killer okay okay okay okay okay okay I got to tell you this one thing I got to tell you this one thing and it's it's about the viante and the car thief all right oh okay no no no no no don't I fought a an alien made out of black goo once oh no way I fought an alien too on Earth and in space Oh yeah he was purple I want to fight an alien how much you're that Spider Guy sper bed huh of spider [Music] B hey I will control everything and I will be like a god to them a god named Sparkles all right so you don't want to talk there you go Peter honey can I come in no yes okay let's pick one target right and we take them off the board one at a time now you got it okay Peter 1 Peter two Peter two Peter three Peter three got [Applause] you don't make me have to H [Applause] youi um so uh you want to uh I don't know um want to what I don't know just uh I don't want them shooting me not going to shoot you you guys this is my buddy Max I told you about Max stop the cap stop right now no one suits and M I have the tingle thing just not for bread can you not throw the bread again you're a deeply mistrusting person and I respect it [Applause] uhoh somebody's been a bad lizard are you all right yeah I'm okay I'm just I'm very naked right now you know Peter [Applause] [Music] sorry how did you get out there fire escape your door man is intimidating it's 20 stories yeah it's all right crawl around crawl around yes no yes crawl around why do I need to crawl around cuz this is not enough this is plenty no it's not yes it is no it's not it is how do I stick to the ceiling do it where are you first in Broadway second in Broadway third in Broadway uh 5 minutes 10 tops are those Sirens no Peter no Peter no siren what are you you a cop boy if you don't really you seriously think I'm a cop cop in a skin tight red and blue suit you know you're you're you're officer SP my father was Captain George St hi how you doing Rodrigo oh yeah BR I've been doing your laundry since you were 6 years old understand that I'm in college now I think it's time that I took care of my own dirty underwear last time you did the laundry you turned everything blue and red that was a mistake we got a mind of the true schol I was going more for one of the guys who do the [Applause] L why are you running why are you running I got completely addicted to this place that has Korean meatballs yeah have you been there no I don't no it's mind-blowing that play on six I know you love it there British [Music] I'll take that that's not [Music] yours this is not spider just let me go that a knife is that a real knife yes it's a real knife my weakness it's small knives just let me go anything not oh it's so [Music] simple oh God I'm so damn it I just fill a hot L all over your I didn't do that what are you doing here I work here I don't work here I was going to say I I was going to say I work here but it seems like you and factory work here so you know that I don't in fact that that you um you had you you what the hell is this webbing that I developed myself I don't think you really want to know right come on let me go uh I'm not finished second knock it off man RAC wait wait wait wait wait hey wait hey stop all right on your I'm sorry I'm all thumbs today are you having trouble finding yourself no he I got it okay Mr Gua graas tell rria is down here please just tell rodri is down here hey nice outfit we have a caller on the line named Max he says he knows Spider-Man hey hi how's it going where you heading uh Monday be track oh it's Thursday it's Thursday what happened to your you got a lady Ah that's a question that's a question bu you following me no I'm not no I'm not following you no I'm not I had no idea you worked here then why would you be here I just snuck in because I I love science you love science I'm passionate about it come on let me go stop it dud that isn't funny it is kind of [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] funny [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah [Music] some point I just I stopped pulling my punches I got rageful I got bitter I just don't want you to end up like like me I'm a nobody hey you're not a nobody you're somebody like that all right listen to me now I need you really you're my eyes and ears out here okay all right all right I got to stop him though I have to cuz I created him that made all of this possible wait is this is my responsibility I have to fix it this is a wind turbine you make this no way this is amazing as good as new right I'll walk you home help me my kid is trapped you okay my son my son my son are you okay yeah I'm okay are you okay who are you Spider-Man you're a amazing just to take it in for a minute yeah yeah yeah I can take it in I can you are amazing I can take it you are amazing thank you [Applause] yeah are you going to go into battle dressed as a cool youth pastor [Music] or I'm so sorry all right that's enough all Mike yeah Big John nice nice work fellas the pleasure doing business with you so I opened the wrong portal to the wrong Peter Parker yeah I I guess you just keep doing it until we find the real one emotional Dam it ouch no offense ohys in blue here y I got him freeze you tight don't move you serious nice arm it's just the rib it's just all in the wrist buddy that came out of you yeah you can't do that huh no how on Earth does that even anyway we're getting sidetracked look how hold on bro how who are you no one seems to grasp the con at the mask free [ __ ] are you dumb hey let's do this ready wait wait wait wait wait I love you guys a thank [Music] you England really just wait your turn do I'll be right [Music] [Applause] back
Channel: Ben In Black
Views: 113,255
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 24sec (864 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 07 2024
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