just tom holland being hilarious | Try Not to Laugh

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this dude press to operate the definition of don't press the big red button Tom who's your favorite actor in the whole world Liam Hemsworth is up there man he's great he's great and the game is really good any other hemsworths that Luke Hemsworth because I'm so super talented yeah would there be I think would it start with the c India Hemsworth has potential she didn't grow up to be a great actress one day I'm sure okay let's move on make me laugh foreign it was interesting because [Music] that was hilarious um I know you Robert Downey Jr who of course you've worked with in many films uh you uh you have you have his phone number which is a pretty cool thing I do yeah I do have his phone number he facetimed me at two in the morning okay and uh I didn't even check to see who it was I was like oh who is that like hung up and then I woke up in the morning and in my phone he saved as The Godfather so I woke up and I panicked I was like oh my God I'm so sorry I didn't mean to ghost you yeah and he didn't he obviously didn't reply for ages because of the time difference in L.A so that was maybe the most stressful day of my life where I thought my relationship with Downey was over and it takes a lot to kind of shake me like I I'm I'm a little thick-skinned when it comes to being scared by stuff playing music this young lady was watching Spider-Man homecoming and you know it was kind of cool I thought that lady's watching my movie and then this this other lady walked past me and I said to my brother went dude that lady looks so unwell and and then all of a sudden I heard this thud next to me and I looked to my left and this lady had passed out next to me like full-on out cold so I jumped up I was trying to I'm not a doctor I'm an actor yeah I was like Mom are you all right so I was calling for a doctor I was trying to clear her hair out of her face check her Airways and stuff and this woman who was watching my film was looking at me [Laughter] and she must have thought she was like wow this kid just never stopped yeah I was useless I was trying to find her pulse I don't know how to do that she has no balls oh no she does she does I just don't know how to do what does SHIELD stand for oh I don't know oh this is really really tricky it's like security no safe bound sword no uh silent secret geez we're not doing very well give me the first word strategic oh yeah Strategic Homeland [Music] intelligence intelligence intelligence oh yeah like intervention so it's secret Homeward intervention Homeland intervention enforcement Logistics Division Mysterio [Music] oh I made a weird one it wasn't funny either Tony Stark um [Music] yes you've already spilled some tea on the potential thirds oh interesting interesting well I mean what have you heard yeah because it's not true I don't know what have you heard wow if there was a third film yes what would you like there will be we hoped we are here first public news what would you like to see happen to your characters in the third film um I don't really know I'll ring up John John I've got a great idea for the for the third one a great idea and he'll be like kind of interesting interesting how we read our lines and then I'm so amazed that I kept all the end game spoilers that I knew you know like I knew that he died I knew that we came back I knew that Captain America got the hammer like all those things I knew those things and I don't know how I kept them Secret well it does have spoilers somebody somebody get me some this is my friend Jay Bona Jameson a veteran journalist and a real old-fashioned news hound he can sniff out any story as long as it's located on another dog's butt oh foreign this is Peter Barker he may look like an ordinary dachshund but he actually gains superpowers after being bitten by a genetically modified Schnauzer that's right he's a dog that gained the abilities of a different dog and that's why his superhero name is dog dog I think you can guess who this is this is Nick Fury like oh yeah hey gloomy I forget we're different Generations uh yeah yeah like hey oh yeah no thank you I don't know how to do this one we're in London we're going down the street to a funky bee oh the uh and I'm gonna get a haircut three songs you can do whatever you want oh I was about to be like the streets I was like he's like I was like trying to figure out yeah I'm in London I was like waiter that's right getting on the floor what the [Music] I used to freak my mum out when I was young and I go oh my god um [Music] just keep doing it because I don't want to answer because I want you to keep doing this okay okay Velociraptor yeah because that's what they do didn't they they do the chicken oh ostrich no that was that was actually a better impression of what I'm trying to do bird it's a bird obviously okay well there's little wings because you mean your wings Little Wings small birds a crow hello children nice to meet you that's not Mrs Doubtfire this should be your thumbnail so how did he tell you how did it casually come up in conversations I just was like yo what's up Iron Man dies uh any chance there's a Multiverse in which Andrew Garfield Spider-Man and Tony McGuire Spider-Man and Spider-Man all meet together but would you want that though would you want that's it maybe that's a better question would you we want that I mean as a fan I would is your answer in and of itself the thing about this film That's so exciting right is you take Spider-Man to Europe and what's so cool about that is you've never seen Spider-Man in Europe before now of course I'd love to make a movie with those guys that's so cool show us how you greet your best friend do your little thing way to be enthusiastic wow do your little things let's do it I'm really excited today [Music] and it did I got it wrong it's super obvious it's super obvious where it's like yeah yeah yeah so I've seen that a couple times and then I get stressed because I think it's about me did that look for me what would you do with your superpower I don't know hopefully help people yeah oh classic classic I'm not actually gonna do it you can basically you don't actually have superpowers so you know something's coming yeah and recently I keep doing the whole thing of like really are you really really and then someone's kid will walk past and they were filming their child the whole time and then I look like it I was filming me like this I was like really come on man I'm with my family like it's a day off and then this little kid ice skate bars like Daddy I was like Merry Christmas this is how bad it is for me I was told it was a wedding I showed up to the wedding very soon wedding caviaries and I was like where's rubber step aside with sugar [Music] okay I'm gonna do something easy [Music] if I was watching this now I would definitely go I'm gonna see that movie yeah yeah this is the best promotion you can get yeah just put this on the posters right so I'm only doing this to reinforce oh my God this is beautiful yes it's molten man everyone can you spell Gyllenhaal now gee Tom has not been prepped for this why l h [Applause] all right well group oh don't do it ASMR no it reminds me right next to your fingernails I loved it like the most serious event in the entire MCU is called The Blitz it's not a blue Berry it's like it's like a mass genocide it is it's a blip they call it the black it really sounds like it's so funny I love watch Mojo no I'm always I was watching the top 10 things always welcome to watch Mojo yeah that's me hey oh no way [Music] this is so ridiculous [Music] but great um Jake went to um Jake went to the Forbidden City today [Music] well Jerry all right um it was a mean it really Jerry talked a lot about the Forbidden City and how amazing it is but the thing about Jeff is that [Music] I want you guys to pay attention to his face right now Mysterio [Music] [Music] I made a weird one it wasn't funny either Tony Stark [Music] oh I'm good you okay yeah yeah okay last one Romance [Music] what is this Jacob you win uh no we were in Hawaii and Sam and I were we were swimming in the sea and there were so many beautiful ladies on the beach and you know Sam was single at the time and he was like oh I just really want I want to meet someone man so I was like all that needs to happen is we've got to get someone to recognize me and then they'll introduce us to all their friends and it'll be you'll be golden so anyway so this girl walks into the sea she's gorgeous and she's walking over and I'm like here you go bro here you go here we go and she breezes right past me [Music] hello and she goes over this time and she goes oh my God are you Timothy shallow man they ask you how you are you just have to say that you're fine when you're not really fun and you just can't get into it because they would never understand yes it's scare me it's just that it annoys me like quickly like if someone turns if someone is talking too loudly yeah or someone's playing music [Laughter] foreign is this movie a prequel because you know in the at the end of infinity War you turn into like uh black confetti Thanos is robbing a bank so I'm gonna go in well why would Thanos rob a bank that doesn't make any sense Thanos is poor Spider-Man
Channel: Pun Intended
Views: 1,998,548
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tomholland, spiderman, funny, marvel, cute, holland
Id: cHlUspq0CKs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 21sec (921 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 06 2019
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