SPIDER-MAN Miles Morales PS5 FULL MOVIE [4K-60FPS] All Cutscenes Marvel Superheroes 2021

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[Music] [Music] [Music] up until about a year ago my life was pretty normal i lived in the greatest place ever brooklyn represent had two cool parents and loved all things science and superheroes everything changed though when my dad was killed in the city hall bombing i i couldn't believe he was gone but peter parker and his aunt may they were there for me and so was spider-man who i later found out was pete crazy right then when the devil's breath crisis started things got intense it seemed like all of spidey's villains were on the loose i managed to do my part to help him out and after all that believe it or not a spider bit me and i started to change i didn't want to worry my mom so i went to pete and now we're officially spider bros he's been training me up and i'm actually getting pretty good with this whole web swinging thing i'm still learning to juggle this responsibility with everything else in my life school friends a new home i moved to harlem a few weeks back but i'll tell you i can't wait to see what the future be holds unscheduled service disruptions are affecting the harlem night this is [Music] are you registered to vote [Music] foreign [Music] that is so cool i got you hey thanks no problem hey uh you think you're gonna add that new spider-man too the kid yeah maybe original's just my guy you know yeah i know hey is tails bodega around here yeah bright yellow sign down the block can't miss thanks beautiful work by the way maybe leave a little room for the new guy just in case it's a convoy [Music] [Music] hey pete headed your way did i miss the convoy not yet they're still securing a couple inmates vader feels good seeing the guys who escaped last year going back to the raft real good the raft's an eyesore and secure as long as the octopus-related flaws have been fixed let's hope okay closing in on you be there soon i should let mom know i'll be late miles did you get the shopping list hey mom yeah but uh the bodega was out of coconut milk gonna check a store downtown oh thank you but avoid midtown that prison convoy is making traffic at night here oh yeah good call see you at dinner mom man how does pete do this secret identity thing completely stresses me out [Music] p you here just down in some rocket fuel how are you drinking very very carefully okay go time helix two on root heavy payload copy helix too we've got you all scoped this is a big operation it's gotta be hundreds of felons escaped from the wrath last year now it's time to move them back in police aren't taking any chances especially not with our guest of honor getting a lot of interference here one of those guys who helped dodges in there i think so could be vulture could be scorpion could be someone bigger okay we got a problem oh impact helix 2 is down no casualties payload compromised response team dispatched sit tight helix too peter i'm sorry man i didn't mean to it's okay we got this just need to contain it before before that happens hello tiny spiders [Music] miles i've got rhino but you have to contain the escapees right here i'm on it he's never gonna trust me on a mission like this again nice work with the helicopter kid real heroic stop hey guys how about we the calling timeout please no all right then come on i your holiday spirit's a little overzealous this year alexis [Music] [Music] oh hey sorry worst thing out of this is a bad headline i'ma count us lucky oh crap crap the winner bad this is starting to feel real bad man don't think like that we're going to stop him as long as we work together speaking up i'm giving me a hand up here yeah yeah i got you okay yeah i got this hang on tight tiny spiders thank you you're welcome you know you're ruining christmas right the last six christmases i was locked behind 30 feet of steel i intend to enjoy this one he's a menace yeah too soft he's a low energy menace too easy maybe he's a weak minded oh hey jonah very fast effectless treacherous unhinged menace hey mom yeah coconut milk still trying to find it i've been kind of uh an adventure are you yeah yeah what do we do let us raise [Applause] temperatures pete are you okay no no no no i'm okay i've got him headed your way be ready okay yeah spider need a minute spider-man you good [Music] pete pete wake up wake us wake up man wake up man this spiderman is broken i would like to exchange for new miles get out of here jack the hell what was that don't you care oh now you alive kinda guys wow just wow simon krieger head of r d at rocks on energy pleasure to meet you you too ah sorry i think our ball landed in your yard no actually did us a favor we uh just bought the place uh we're planning to tear down for a build but uh looks like you beat us to it i wanted to thank you both of you taking down rhino solo you are going places bud thanks but he's still dangerous uh we'll hold him for the police you know i always think these super troopers are overkill until something like this happens nope dirty calls hey uh really great to meet you both future's looking bright hello hey he's right yeah let's clear out let the police do their job yeah yeah okay [Music] bioelectricity wow gotta be honest little jealous hey look i got nothing on the og think we should run test tomorrow a little voltage analysis oh man yeah sorry i've been meaning to tell you i'm not gonna be around for the next few weeks this some kind of pee joke i don't get no uh mj's headed overseas for the bugle and requested me as her photographer kind of a working vacation for us oh man look i don't know if i'm ready to fly solo i screwed up today big time with the helicopter but then you delivered big time you saved my bacon miles i got lucky hey i did this gig for eight years without backup and you better believe i screwed up lots of times but that is how you learn [Music] what's this christmas present but first you gotta take the oath um okay i promise to do everything in my power to protect this city i promise that's it oath a real thing totally definitely didn't just make it up see in a few weeks spider-man new york's only spider-man i'm new york's only spider-man i'm new york's only spider-man please i'll screw this up [Music] yo kinky dude rhino what yeah where you at you get into the apartment okay yeah your mom let me in unpack slash dumped my stuff all over your floor and now i'm in the park grabbing some air oh perfect dip over to the amphitheater got something to show you dude is this spider related please tell me you got a piece of rhino's horn or something picks up scene of the fight are straight up nuts definitely spider related and definitely better than a horn oh loving the suspense i'm there i will never get used to you doing that hey look check it christmas present from spider-man open it dude put it on i'll cover you oh what never seen a guy change clothes in central park okay how's it looking this is only half of the present what's the other half i'll let you know when i find it miles get ready for your first holographic training challenge these challenges are spread throughout the city each one focuses on a new move or technique this one focuses on acrobatic improvisation get into position to start hollow training oh i am so down and that's the bingo blue screen of death tons of high-tech gear we can sell oh crap spider-man take them out again colonel panic let's try a bios reset nice that did it looks like p made stealth swinging and combat challenges hey dude i think you should check out roxanne plaza on the way home i just walked by and i'm pretty sure someone's breaking it uh yeah i'll look into it hey so i want to hear more about your new spider powers i think it's some kind of bioelectric discharge or supercharged static electricity oh we gotta name it so venom power you know because it stings okay that's not bad i'm gonna run plaza first then home remember venom power trust me let's go hi there i'm simon krieger and what you're standing next to is a new form reactor once activated this reactor will supply enough energy to power all of harlem now i'm sure you're thinking simon how is that possible and the answer is new form just one canister of this revolutionary fuel source is enough to supply harlem with clean safe energy for the next 500 years soon we'll be opening reactors throughout manhattan and then worldwide get ready for a planet powered by newborn rockstar we're here for you what was that no sign of anybody they broke a bunch of stuff maybe they were looking for something [Music] huh you did a search for new food what were they gonna do with they were tracking new form shipments but why on security they can take it from here gotta look into this later i gotta get home christmas dinner sounded pretty good right about now i'll look into that group from the new film shipments tomorrow it's too cold to change out here [Music] looking this good sauce is great what was that all good little spill get it cleaned up real quick all good it's all right man hi bendito i invited a guest tonight can you get the apartment ready oh um maybe put on some music set the mood ah nadja really your campaign manager on christmas eve well tomorrow's rally isn't going to plan itself thanks for getting the apartment ready niko hello 15 years in brooklyn without a stain then we moved to harlem might be a sign glad dad's tree survived the move me too he loved that little guy ain't no christmas like a brooklyn christmas miss hearing them say that [Laughter] yes mom's not done unpacking either that wallpaper just screams abuela well what's that huh must have gotten mixed up in the move one of dad's old case fouls who's the prowler i wonder if dad ever caught the guy i haven't looked through these since before city hall dad's favorite album he put this on every sunday while he made coffee bleached borax what's the pick dj the greatest record ever this is perfect low-key classy you didn't like jazz when i was little your dad taught me to love it that doorbell's been broken for years miles could you get that of course finn hey fix your doorbell it's so good to see you how are you it's been like months a lot's changed yeah it really has is that our guest of honor come on in you two dinner's almost ready finn i'm so glad you could make it thanks for inviting me miss morales we missed you well this one especially uh hi finn this is genki my friend from brooklyn visions academy genki this is finn my best friend my other best friend oh yeah you guys won the middle school science fair at county right you made a uh energy converter jinx [Music] the wiring in this building is such a mess i'll check the circuit breaker no good breaker doesn't have power let me check if i can see anything from the fire escape definitely can't get to the transformer from here unless you're super sticky [Music] come on it worked oh man those lights are bright do not think this through gotta get back inside a7 come on genki is miles still outside actually uh what about a photo right now yeah you know precious moments you gotta capture him shouldn't we wait for miles no he hates photos all right everyone squeeze in ready great photo great photo oh hey miles who's ready to eat you guys sit down i got this to love me finn tell us everything you've been up to you still in robotics club i had to quit but i've been studying biotech on my own nerd oh says the guy who has to wear an ascot to school hey only on tuesdays does your brother rick still work for roxanne i don't know how anyone could work there after seeing your last campaign ad you went for simon krieger's jugular that reminds me genki you have a certain flair for social media could you spread the word about tomorrow's rally yeah we'll be trending by midnight sometimes it feels like simon krieger's my real opponent roxanne has so much influence here but they don't answer to anyone except their shareholders harlem needs someone to fight for the community that's mom's campaign speech voice in case you couldn't tell uh do you want to proofread these before i post them yes do not hit send [Music] so what's going on with you what do you mean you seem i don't know distracted wanna talk about it not tonight it's christmas hey how are you handling the move from brooklyn i mean it's fine ugh you hate it no that's your i hate it but i'm too nice to say it boys no it's i don't know anybody here and i'm always having to ask for directions you need to find a good restaurant a barber shop somewhere you can shoot hoops you'll settle in what if we hang out tomorrow just the two of us you're not too busy it's winter break i can put off homework for at least another week okay i'll text you it's a date uh i mean not a date uh you know a friend date still as smooth as the last time i saw you miles what you awake no so i stayed up last night and designed an app for your new suit thing's got a crazy custom os nothing i've ever seen before but i ran it through a disassembler so i could reverse engineer the plug-in architecture and you just fell asleep again didn't you miles i'm up i'm up it's almost done compiling oh thank you ready to try out my app yeah man let's do this i'm connected to your analytics let's test drive this baby all right i can see everything you see how are you not thinking all the time lots of practice welcome to friendly neighborhood 1.0 it lets new yorkers directly request your help and report crimes in progress nice ui thanks oh look someone just made a request request came from a guy named aaron davis wait what that's my uncle does he know you're spiderman no got to be a coincidence i'm headed to the subway stop what is going on uh hey there you needed some help i'm spider-man by the way yeah i know aaron davis i think somebody's messing with the sensors i'm getting bad data from the main relay up top of grand central on my way wait wait yeah where's the other spider-man oh he's on vacation but don't worry i got this he definitely didn't recognize me oh he's calling through the app this is spiderman hey forgot to mention there was a break-in last night right next door at roxanne plaza hanging around my stop this morning the underground you know anything else about them they think of themselves as a young moff they've been around a while but now they've got a new boss tinker tinkerer thanks for the tip so uh you call spider-man often like for help didn't really have a way to get in touch to this athlete i saw you on the news last night taking down rhino figured you were the right person to call cool have you uh been working at the subway low nah i took the job last year after my brother well anyway i was trying to make some changes and decided this job was a good place to start the train going down on my watch doesn't exactly paint me in a good light well when we fix them you could tell your boston showed initiative by using the friendly neighborhood spiderman app i'll do that good luck with the senses there are way too many wires on this one it's got to be messing with the signal where do these cables go hmm this is crazy tech i hate to do this but senses are back online what did you do took care of the guy messing with it and it looks like they left some of their toys behind hey i'm gonna have to call you back whoa then i can use this to make those hollow drones pete designed [Music] perfect time to try out those new hollow drones okay hope the trains are running again should check in with uncle aaron yeah hey mr davis how are things looking now i've got a signal but trains on the tracks something must have gone down at the yard it was the underground messing with your sensors i'm thinking does roxanne ever use the subway to ship new form roxon uh the subway system was designed to carry people not freight this line got some updates with roxanne plaza so they could be using it under the table i'll follow up on it so uh you mentioned your brother you got other family i haven't seen them in a while i had to make some changes by taking this job i miss you especially my nephew we used to mix beats together well maybe now you can see him again sam it's your family oh so keen yeah uh i should go fight underground bye underground's wrecking everything maybe i can stop them quietly tinkerer lung said that's their leader man they read the controls gonna have to get the trains back on the tracks by hand or web i can use that turntable come on trusty new york subway yes hey mr davis did anything change when you're in panels just lit up like christmas good job kid glad to help if anything else comes up just post a note in the app wait a second i got a little something here it's not much but for for me it's the least i can do guy who just saved my job cool cool i'll head back now hey miles just landed in europe how's day one of solo spidermanic pretty good i stumbled on the conspiracy of our neighborhood classic you have a plan sort of making it up as i go the mark of a true spider-man well if you need me i'm a phone call away and a cross-atlantic flight but it's fun sure man oh and thanks for the gift it is awesome you earned it oh mj needs me gotta go [Music] dude fixing the subways made the app blow like uh oh this one's from teos that guy rules oh i should definitely check that out now that the whole city's counting on me we're like the number one app in nyc right now and check it out as soon as you're done with your uncle she still doesn't know you're you right had a couple near misses but i kept my cover i'll check the as soon as i'm done here later oh hey mr davis i'm almost there you gotta hurry spiderman underground's here putting bombs on the tracks bombs for real guess they didn't like you fixing things i'll get there as soon as i can hang tight and don't go outside you did it kid trains are back underground's done you do good work i'm just gonna the next arriving in five minutes you okay mr davis yeah thanks to you oh hey here you go one year on limited subway pass thanks did i get the name right how did you um okay gotta go hold up miles i kind of suspected when i saw the news yesterday watching your moves on those escape cons juking guys left and right could have sworn i was back at the park playing pickup with you and your dad you were quick then a lot quicker now don't worry i won't tell your mom promise promise look at you if your dad could see you now he'd probably freak out he'd definitely freak out so you taking over for the other spider-man nah like i said he's just on vacation right and he left you in charge yeah a lot of responsibility for a kid your age i can handle it hope so but listen you get in over your head you give me a call i'm here for you got it got it thanks hunk hi honey what are you up to oh just you know went on a run again miles you're working so hard lately you need to carve out time to relax i am i've been hanging with genki sampling music working out all the time disappearing for hours to study i'll stop telling you what to do but i worry about you mijo if i'm feeling burnt out i'll come talk to you about it okay i'll hold you to that i love you bye adios miles we still meeting today never got a text back from you oh yeah sorry i've been wrapped up in my own stuff but i'm free now where sweet 78th and west end 78th by the science center why there you'll see don't be late 78th and west end guess i'll find out what she means better hustle over hey molasses up here fire escapes shakier than it used to be careful on the way up [Laughter] uh so this is why you wanted to meet here almost bailed you took so long give me a hand it's stuck time capsule's seen better days you remember the combination yeah it's uh oh man it's uh you kidding me y'all got to start remembering this code not always going to be around to tell you well remember we'll remember remember yeah yeah good now uh what are you going to put inside this bad boy secret time capsule only miles and i know boom that's right keep it secret keep it safe hey rick you gonna take that job at roxanne or what why you gonna take it if i don't maybe waiting to see the offer okay competition eh well they're talking a good game want me to uh lead their clean energy group and you know me clean power save the i world my nerdy fan club oh speaking of devil roxon back in a sec you remember the code right um the fibonacci sequence nice our award i mean our energy converter was pretty fire truth you think it's still on display at the science center hope so wow look at this goober central rig looking suave as ever though yeah something going on with him you guys fight or something no no fight finn it's fine why do we really lose touch crap now i'm late i gotta go hey i feel like we both have stuff we're not sharing next time we hang no secrets okay yeah um maybe if you're on time see you soon short stuff you know i'm taller than you now right not in here phone check subway card check you got the house key yeah i got it come on we're going to be late [Music] hey dude i am so filling your suit with snow are you still wearing your suit yeah you know just in case it's gonna be fine [Applause] see this is my favorite part of living in harlem pop-up street fair best food in the city awesome music yeah this is pretty cool so what do you think about rio morales you're gonna vote for so hard to think of mom as a politician she's been a teacher my whole life similar skill sets right growling people educating them making sure they don't throw things at each other [Music] i'm gonna get two festivals and honey you're uh too much yeah maybe save some suits for them okay that's a good idea good luck miss morales thank you tim look roxanne's really into the constant vigilance thing huh for real do you remember what we lost when roxanne bulldozed this block hey you okay yeah it's just last time we did one of these in my bag in new york city and junipero's daycare it'll be okay your mom's got people looking out for her think teresa's church was choir plus how are your spiders [ __ ] even now roxanne is transporting new form it's experimental fuel across the city but they won't tell us there is this message is for roxanne the man you answer to simon krieger is a killer this plaza is a monument to everything he's done i won't let it open the underground will stop it we've got a situation here i got you let's go smile we made it home not just driving your mom to the hospital but there isn't any here had to figure out the tinkerer's next move i'm logging into your analytics hopefully good idea hey yankee thanks for helping my mom anytime man miles gracias where are you i'm at home but i can come to the hospital no stay where it's safe but you're hurt what if something happens to you while i'm not there mijo this isn't like city hall we're all okay moms i saw what just went down at your mom's rally you okay where are you i'm headed to brake lake bridge there was an explosion all right but if roxanne shows up run got it they'll look for some of the blame for all this and it won't just be the tickle okay i'll be careful looks like the plaza was just a warm-up or a distraction let's not shoot each other all right we're after the new farm ignore everything else get rid of him then grab as much as you can carry he's destabilizing it keep him busy i saw the explosion are you okay i'm fine but did you see the tinkerer [Music] i was so happy to see her i wasn't paying attention i have to pay attention [Music] no no i gotta get people off the bridge comes down [Music] what's going on [Music] don't worry i got you thank you man those people they're trapped got an idea i need something they can cross no no no i can stop this thank you i did this my powers i made it explode everyone's safe after the explosion the bridge started to get eyes on the other spider-man please advise what's going on i have no idea copy no no i'm not your enemy what are you doing she saved us hey leave him alone i'm recording this this is your last warning i saved it what the hell where'd he go over did they push him to help what happened to roxanne being here for us they were gonna shoot me they didn't even listen are you okay i don't know here today is simon krieger discussing the destruction of braithwaite bridge look i want to root for the new spiderman but his what did you call it bioelectricity you want breakfast well that cost us rocks on property and it destroyed a bridge this is messed up that's not what happened finn's the tinkerer she stole the new form no idea why and it's my thought the bridge blew up no it's not i'm headed to the campaign headquarters you boys need anything while i'm out i could pick up lucy coco i thought you'd quit after last night [Music] why would i quit i said i'd fight for my home i meant it you could have you could have died [Music] our family doesn't give up you know that [Music] mom phil said the cocoa would be great if you don't mind i don't mind when i got powers and i i thought i'll be able to fix anything do anything that spider-man does whenever you say spider-man you always mean the other one you're spider-man you can fix this your way here we go found my position let's hit the road [Music] keep it moving that's my attitude this is just a moment sad to see it like this i should find a low profile way in don't want to draw attention hello man this place is dusty no one's been here in a while rick's esu textbooks he took night classes so he could keep running the shop during the day guy was unstoppable someone left the lights on don't remember they're being crazy okay this is a secret room video file from six months ago running a test upload half my team is sick krieger still want to make this new form we need to do this tonight let me you sure we're ready we have to be they broke ground in harlem today out of schedule poisoning the city to make a buck i keep cutting corners ignoring safety reports i can let them pervert my work like this finn okay first we flush the core then we wipe all data you're sure they can't just make more of this stuff no no as long as we take out the backup supply in jersey too but without me they'll have no idea how new form works project will be doa i'll record us things go wrong video uploads straight to the bugle perfect you ready to save new york ready there's a second video damn it no uploads phone must have been damaged i won't let tonight be for nothing i promise rick they were trying to shut the new form project down something went wrong last known location of her phone if i can track it come on come on invisible be invisible come on he's here [Music] okay back to that if i computer find finn's phone maybe i can understand what happened to rick and why she became the tinkerer there got a location hey genki i uh i got to confess something you were bitten by a spider and now you have powers no i mean yeah but okay while you were sleeping in i kind of played speed on a gun the build i sent you last spring or the one on your laptop dude that one's not done it's a total mess i thought it was cool i love the part with the expenditure decahedrons you made it to third level yeah why did i beat your high score no it should be impossible i deleted that level because it breaks the game world oh i gotta go test some stuff bye roxone research labs this is where the whole new form project got started finn's phone's in there somewhere and i think i just found my way in i can charge things up i wonder if i can power things down absorbing energy fried the generator i can't believe that actually worked better get in there before more security comes breaking into a lab full of armed guards christmas break sure is different this year i should be at home taking naps playing a ton of video games and eating like a hundred christmas cookies what's so funny damn miles we're a skinny ass kid you hit hard uncle aaron you're the prowler my dad had a foul on you i know and i bet you got a lot of questions right now but we need to get out of here you picked the wrong place to break into i'm not leaving till i find what i came for listen i did some work for roxanne a while back you don't want to mess with these guys if we get caught in here then help me uh stubborn as your father all right but we do this my way i know a place i can access a security terminal let you know what's coming remote mines use them if you get in a jam don't get caught see that vent with the laser shielding how'd you do that i've worked with systems like this before now focus yeah looks like a good time to try out those remote mines what's going on with the cameras should be evented now leads to a laugh then the reactor like a new form reactor is what these schematics say yeah hey where's the new form i asked for oh we're trying to make more but mason didn't leave behind any note and well i had heard that one canister of new form survived the uh incident on the bridge now if we had access to that don't you think that if i had it i would give it to you yes mr krieger i just want to make it clear that without that canister it will be impossible to hit the deadline i'm doing everything in my considerable power to find that canister however right now it would help me for you to go back to your lab and do your damn job quakers on the deadline so you gonna tell me whose phone you're looking for tinkerers you're gonna tell me why you're stalking me to protect you you should feel honored i came out of retirement to watch your back i can't believe my uncle's the prowler and i can't believe my nephew's risking his neck for a phone let's get on with it prototype need to take these guys out nice work thanks silos just on the other side of that flash shield use that terminal to open it up wait a second there's more labs around the city with a new form reactor in each one new form made rick sick i need to shut these down focus get the phone and get out of it reactors below powers this whole facility phones all the way at the bottom it looks like i need to figure out a way past that fan and all those guys too remember what i said don't get caught battery needs a charge please don't explode nice okay camera video here it is okay core dumps a two-person job you start to override here i confirm it there step one in wiping new form from existence any regret destroying the thing you made you see me lately right let's make the world safer ready ready triggering override in three that wasn't me industrial sabotage rick really [Music] no one's gonna care about a few sick people uptown or a dead engineer you're just the cost of doing the business i can stop this break down rick was trying to save people krieger killed him i have to finish what they started uncle aaron can you unlock the reactor shooting from where you are why you got your phone now let's leave that reactor killed my friend it needs to be shut down permanently i need your help punk please uh uncle aaron okay stand back thanks just like the generator outside only you go down that hallway i feel real bad right now i feel like i just got dropped out of a plane but at least the reactor's disabled you're almost out ah i really needed that phone now what am i gonna do come on kid i can't get to you before roxanne does we're taking you into custody let's go before more of them show up whoa that was super cool cloaking tech work you take the left i'll take the right you need to lay low don't trust anybody and don't take off that mask wait till roxanne finds a better talk i can't lay low i still need to find finn your friends the tinkerer no wonder you care so much about this it's not just that i'm protecting new york is my job use finn tell her you want to join the underground you just told me don't take off the mess don't tell your spiderman go to her as a friend she's too smart for that you'd be surprised people get stupid when they care about someone like you'll be as stupid now if i told her the truth i told your dad the truth thought he had my back hoped he would be my brother instead he cut me out if i kept my mouth shut maybe i'd still have a family you know what you have to do okay i should call finn no no i've got time to check on the city yeah miles you know how many followers you've gained since the applet live it's crazy i've been running some numbers and i know you said no to ads before but maybe we should reconsider no right no of course not i'm just saying so did you find finn's phone yeah but uh it melted after i absorb energy from a new form reactor what how are you not dead felt like i was for a minute there but then i released all the energy and kind of a mini explosion luckily i didn't bring down the whole lab man i gotta start taking notes on all your new powers so what's the plan now uncle aaron thinks i should tell finn i want to join the underground then i can take the new form so she doesn't use it for whatever whoa like lie to her face yeah but i don't have any other leads you know what we need don't say a pros and cons list a pros and cons list exactly i gotta make a move man i guess well good luck call if you need me okay i gotta do it off ben get her to let me end on the ground hey miles you okay oh yeah why would you say that oh uh i saw the news about your mom's rallies we're fine do you have time to get coffee maybe i can make time there's a place on edison near fisk tower they don't do foam art but people don't take pictures of their lattes so worth it okay meet you there i was really glad you called needed a break from what oh just stuff so uh i went to your folks old shop i thought you might be there look like there might have been some kind of fight just before i got there i went inside looked around found out about rick so sorry what else did you find out i wanna help you but you gotta talk to me i'm really sorry your mom got hurt at her rally if that new spider-man hadn't shown up everyone would have been fine please don't try to talk me out of this i know what i'm doing okay good so that's my big secret that's why i've been so busy what's your excuse uh well school volunteering at feast you're always busy with stuff like that what's the real reason the real reason is i've been taking on a lot more responsibilities than i can handle lately made me push my friends away but i'm here to fix that maybe i could join your club crew team uh i don't know you know rick was he was the best i get why you're doing this if you want my help i'm all in if not no worries your secret is safe with me you're a good friend miles okay let's go where you know i'm not good with heights you'll be fine i'll be watching [Music] you'll need to prove yourself to the underground i'll show you how when we get to fisk tower you're set up in the kingpin's office space after he went to prison the fed seized his property they haven't gotten around to selling it so we moved in how'd you get involved in all this the underground the tinkerer tinkerer's a knob to my role i built everything the masks the weapons programmable matter right the underground tried to rob my granddad's shop and saw what i was working on we made a deal i know you're after krieger but what do they get out of it besides guns notoriety they want to be so well known they can get away with anything and you're good with that i can't take on rocks on alone come on you need to jump from the crane to the balcony show them you're fearless they're watching through the windows you have to do this come on you'll be fine gotta do this without giving away i'm spider-man come on mouse gotcha so am i officially in the club now sure but watch your back these guys take a while to warm up to new people here it is where the plan comes together so your plan how does new form fit in krieger's saying you stole a [ __ ] i stole one canister i'm making some adjustments don't worry about it take today to settle in right good you're back gavin needs you not now we've got a new recruit fine oh man you built all these yeah long as the new weapons keep coming the underground stay loyal is that a programmable matter sword new enemies new solutions you mean spider-man right this week's most unwelcome surprise how many times do i have to explain it to him miles i need to deal with something hang here okay oh yeah sure snow get now's my chance i gotta figure out where she's keeping the new foreman might be able to find some clues in here break time's over kids group two head downstairs for training sounds like where i need to go they're like i've seen this guys how to update genki who are you texting uh my mom yeah she needs me at home right now really yeah my wrist is in a cast i need to help with dinner did you tell her i'm thanks you can head out that way see you back here soon definitely [Music] let's see if they keep their secrets downstairs genki i'm in the vents nice did you find out where they're hiding the new form not yet but i saw finn head toward the basement so i'm gonna try and follow her hey when you're crawling through vents do you ever feel like you're in a movie and start humming suspenseful music to yourself and then think about getting caught and put into a cell suspended over an alligator pit and then making a bomb out of gum wrappers to escape wait what no cool just curious okay i'm in the atrium okay still no sign of finn she must have gone somewhere i read this interview with fisk where he said he loved art with a purpose what does that mean i don't know but they also found a bunch of secret passages in his house hidden behind art so yeah gotcha i'm looking hey i think i got something oh secret stairs goes deep lots of mob bosses have secret exits like this i wonder if fisk planned to use it when the other spider-man came for him he should have built a faster elevator maybe he would have gotten away let's not start giving the super villains ideas cool you hear all that noise in the atrium must be hell of a training exercise today i know you don't want to talk three people got sick after the bridge three we know how dangerous new form is you knew this would be dangerous it's the deal we made what if we are getting sick too you can't hack it you can get out the underground doesn't have time for weak links you hearing this new form is making the underground sick too they're so callous about it you moved the new form safely yeah the lab uptown genki they moved a new form we're not sure if the canister's safe it was hot buzzing like it's unstable it's that new spider-man his powers messed with the structure tell everyone not to touch it they're hideouts new forms got to be in one of them i need a clearer picture then i can narrow it down [Music] we don't know enough about this stuff what it is where it came from my brother created new form chief chemist and roxanne killed him i won't stop until roxanne's gone are you with me you know we are good i need power generators car batteries whatever you can find bring them to the theater okay you do you i'm gonna research the map you found see what god's like you can finally check fighting tomorrow looks like the underground are squatting in old fist construction sites off my bucket list a theater huh that's don't say genki dramatic you said it that be the gem theater sounds like that's where she hit the new form so that's my next stop if you're headed to the theater i'm all in if you're gonna check out those underground hideouts first i know someone who can help cool i'll add the hideouts to my to-do list and hit you up when i get to the theater i'll be here trying to figure out why speed nonagon keeps crashing finn's not meeting the underground at the gym till later tonight i probably have some time to check the app or whatever else needs doing you're right genki are everywhere you might say they're overground keep working on that one barrier's electrified ah and not friendly your suit says that was 300 kilojoules how is that just out benefits of bioelectricity i guess power can be supplied all locally barriers fresh out of power and prime for smashing that was the way to the main auditorium now it's blocked oops maybe there's a staircase or an elephant hey man i'm thinking what if you told finn you're spider-man yo finn not only did i lie about joining your club but i'm also the guy trying to stop you okay yeah we can work on the delivery giant armored silo looks promising really feeling like my gaming rig is underpowered right now yeah finn's going full super villain layer here are you seeing this giant armored container thing totally not suspicious you think the new forms in there i got a hunch yeah containers got cables running away from it no wonder so why do you think i should tell finn i'm a spider-man don't you think she might react badly let's take a frozen complex pro she's your best friend besides me she's a tinkerer talking to her is easier than sneaking around behind her back khan the other spider-man was super clear don't tell anyone who you are you told me maybe if she knows it's you she's fighting she'll rethink the whole tinkerer thing maybe you're right all right what are you up to finn finn's pumping energy into the new form and making it unstable like my venom did which exploded the bridge so what does she want to blow up the theater not the theater roxanne plaza well what that's how could she it's not open yet so there'll be no casualties but i can't let her do this i'm taking the new form come on come on crap spread out he's here somewhere i need to get the new form after i deal with her glow stick army just to put it out there what if finn's right and this is the best way to beat roxanne vayne's not just talking about throwing a rock through a window she wants to blow up a building on my block if any part of her plan goes wrong people will get hurt i can't let her take that chance you're right let's get that new form out of here even spider-man's not ready for this [Music] okay now can't let you take that hey hey [Music] seriously i just want to talk fish tinkerer stop so you can steal my new form not a chance in hell hey genki ran into finn what's happening she grabbed the new form i'm chasing her across manhattan god okay how are you gonna stop her step one catch her step two i'll get back to you [Music] [Music] how about we use our words how about you stop being so blind or she not tired it is not going well where are you i don't know i'm dodging explosions i need a new strategy gonna do what you said tell her the truth yeah as soon as i catch her tinkerer i gotta tell you something slow down do you think i'm stupid you wanna hear this i promise step off spiderman oh oh crap not good not good [Music] hope the ship's okay step up why does she invent wow give me one good reason not to end you my mom would be very upset miles can we just you two on the roof [Music] hey how'd it go with finn not great you still at my place i'm actually at home my parents get back next week so i thought i'd clean it but i could come back nah it's okay i'll call you later now what hey uncle aaron i need um i need some advice about what exactly just everything are you free i can wrap up what i'm doing call you in a few thanks man talk to you soon i have no idea where finn is or the new form guess i should kill some time to uncle aaron's free pick up some interference hey meet me at the docks in hell's kitchen i'll be there i gotta call you back oh hi miles spill it give me the whole situation finn roxon underground it's just a lot you know you're 17 you're stressed and you're a superhero you gotta cut yourself some slack you still making beats not much since i started this work-life balance kid most important thing here little project your dad and i started back in the day our mixtape had rhymes ready and everything how come i never heard about this cause we never finished we sampled street noise around the way wanted the city to be our beacon but your dad had the masters and after things went bad between us but you can finish what we could plus it'll take your mind off work yeah yeah okay what do i do load that up i'll walk you through it i set up holograms to guide you scan the source holograms huh you stealing my moves this was in my playbook before you even born youngblood okay don't think about finn focus on sounds clear my head scan the holograms and it'll unlock files on that drive i gave you help you figure out which sound you're looking for there you go yeah yeah yeah that's it oh dope not now hey get something you like yeah really unique dynamics see old man still knows his stuff and you were right about clearing my head too i know what to do about finn i gotta see her try to talk her out of all this in person where trinity church tomorrow night why so interested cause you got a target on your back the size of jersey you don't have to protect me someone should you know you said you never finished his tape cause of how things went bad between you and dad what actually happened between you two it was complicated you were too similar and too different finish the tape get all the samples and you'll hear the whole story promise all right thanks hunk trinity church remember tinker is yours man i needed that i was beat okay all right time to call finn hope she answers hi spider-man vince hey we need to talk in person so you can lie to me again so i can make this right please meet me at trinity church no more lies i promise if you're screwing with me fine i'll see you there at least she's willing to meet okay trinity church let's go that was a hell of a way to tell me you're spider-man what if i'd killed you you want me to feel bad because you almost killed me i want you to stop lying to me i let you in the underground because i thought you understood i do understand what krieger did to rick roxanne needs to pay not like this this is the only way i can beat him i need you to look the other way please i can't i made a promise so did i why'd you pick here [Music] my dad brought us to that concert seven choirs from seven countries remember ghana was my favorite ghana wasn't there you're thinking of guinea no no i'm pretty sure it was ghana guinea belize poland cuba south korea thailand venezuela you're right i usually am usually what [Music] gotta say i'm disappointed but krieger yeah see miss mason kind of knew she was gonna be a handful but you i guess i was hoping that you and me would see eye that way where are we you're behind the curtain bud this is our most secure facility and here the sausage gets made you're a real prick you know that you know when her brother and i were developing new form all you did was put your name on the patent he said the only thing you knew how to do was sell other people's ideas well at least i still got a pulse babe but let's not dwell right the first thing we're gonna do is i'm gonna wow are those involuntary defenses oh man that's hot you see i'm going to get that mask off yeah and i'm going to find out what makes you tick because you just smell like next level bioengineering and you know what that smells like to me kid that smells like money okay i'm gonna hit the gym leg day can't skip it get her to tell us where my new form is can't really open the pause without it oh and uh use him time to finish what we started on the bridge no cameras now whoa are you okay they were gonna kill you [ __ ] tougher than i look huh let's find a way out of here roxanne kept rhino instead of giving him to the police it's crazy nothing about roxanne surprises me anymore you okay i will be once we're out i'm shutting off security cams can you check that computer what did you find there's the exit through this office we have to lift the base lock down first from the control room first we need to escape the security wing i'll go down to the floor see what we're dealing with door's locked venom worked in the cell should work on the door it's hello i'm headed to the floor right above you that security door is our way out but i'll have to hack a few terminals to disable the alarm i'll handle the security guns looks like some kind of record archive i wonder what's on these computers triggering the override there's a voice memo on here sir the police are asking about rhino what do we tell them our man at the raft is setting up a special work release program tell the police rhino's doing the little community service i can't believe they got away with this door's unlocked but i need you to force it open can you shouldn't even be here your muscle was only supposed to grab the girl yeah he didn't like that here's the deal but spider-man's the best leverage i got against miss mason i mean you caught them together well i mean you caught them but it was thanks to your intel so clearly there's something going on there you agreed to leave the kid alone uncle aaron ah the kid i love how you say that it's just so paternal let spiderman go and i'll get you read you underground intel whatever you want see leverage works every time spider-man here's leverage for you i've seen things new form making people sick what you did to rick mason if i went public yeah but you won't here's the deal you're a wanted thief plus all the jobs we've done together but you'd be in the cell right next to mine and we both know you're a little too self-serving for that so we're gonna head in and check on miss mason and spider-man uh but it's kind of an invite only party yeah bye cool air no wait do you know that guy is that the reason we got captured no it's i knew he worked with roxanne but i didn't think he'd sell me out i can't believe this you led me into a trap why do i keep listening to you then no there has to be an explanation just save it let's keep moving they initiated a lockdown that's the control room we have to get into so we'll need pass those security shutters got a maintenance panel here but it needs power let me see what i can do that's our way out give me a few minutes to get it open looks like they guessed our plan not hard there's only one exit all right i'll take care of those guards you get that door open one thing did you ever think about calling me to tell me you were spider-man you know after my parents died rick basically had to become my dad i thought i'd miss having a brother but i had you finn um that won't hold forever go i'll be fine just go those guys with the lights on their helmets can spot heat signatures they'll see you if you try to go invisible wonder how much of their r d department is dedicated to fighting us probably millions of dollars in untaxed money you clear the floor i'll work on overriding security so we can get out i can still access machinery if you need me to move anything what if we went public about rick's death do you have proof because i don't think the word of two vigilantes is gonna convince people there's gotta be a way i think that's the exit hey lost and found thanks i know this place this is krieger's lab krieger has a lab mostly for show but yeah rick showed me a photo once krieger's lab wait all the current new firm project data's on a year toxicity reports failed safety reviews and krieger's names on everything this would destroy roxanne you like my new color immune to your little sappy pops sappy pops come on man now they finish this [Applause] wait just make sure he doesn't do anything i'll be right back krieger say it'll shut rocks on down the right way you know krieger told me how your brother died very amusing shut up also told me it was your fault krieger updated the reactor tried to supercharge it to make his deadline a thing goes through with her plan oh my god harlan you want to die helpless no no no go to hell god i'll kill you but we're family my family's dead i need help [Music] i'm gonna go grab a washcloth some antibiotics all right miles where have you been [Music] what are you wearing i have to tell you something [Music] finn's attacking the plaza so that was you chasing her through the city as spider-man you could have died [Music] why didn't you tell me about any of this all those talks we had how to keep yourself safe but this i didn't want you to worry and the other spider-man's gone i just keep making things worse and worse now screwed up things with you miles there is nothing you could ever do or ever be that would make me stop loving you nah you give me strength miles that's all a hero really is someone who's brave for the people they love just guy who doesn't give up gloria's handling feast and tayo's going to help us go door to door perfect let's get this evacuation started i'll meet you outside you remind me more of your father every day you stay safe hey i'm telling people in harlem they need to evacuate before me and your mom go door to door okay cool i i wanted to say thanks for always having my back man hey i could use your help before you go you got it i want to cross-reference underground activity with buildings that can store a new form maybe you could hack oscorp surveillance towers or i'm in it'll take a while to narrow down that's all right thanks man i'm gonna stretch my legs a little then head out come on finn it's been leave a message and i'll listen to it eventually it's miles i know i'm the last person you want to talk to right now but you need to listen krieger updated the specs on the reactor if you plug unstable new form into it the length of your message has exceeded this user's limit please hang up and i'll call her later hey i found finn's setup the oscorp science center it's closed for renovations oh my god our energy converter that won the middle school science fair that's how she's gonna finish making the new form unstable enough to blow up roxanne plaza it's like she picked it to get back at you maybe she did thanks genki it's my job speaking of time to help your mom evacuate harlem later okay oscorp science center finn needs to know what'll happen if she goes through with her plan and if she won't listen i'll take the new form destroy destroyed if i had to sorry about this nephew [Music] i can't let you go back out there let krieger and the tinkerer kill each other go back to being spider-man when the heat dies down and what just hide down here i don't get to pick and choose when i'm spider-man i gotta stop finn no you gotta survive i've been trying to teach you that but you don't listen you want me to survive so bad why sell me out to krieger wasn't a sellout yeah i'm serious you were never supposed to get caught krieger broke our deal you want it back in the family and that's the best you could do i saved your life you threw me in a cell to protect you like this is protecting me damn it miles i'm not gonna lose you too and i'm not gonna let people die just to save my skin you underestimated it no you don't realize i'm the only one trying to save you and i'm trying to save everyone else you want your mom to bury you too i will let you i know i messed up i'll let you down we're family family that didn't stop you from lying to me manipulating me fighting me being family isn't enough anymore it doesn't have to be like this you me hating each other that's how it happened between me and your dad i don't want to repeat that i don't either but i can't be the person you want to turn me into i can't turn my back when people need me i have to be better than that genki my uncle just kidnapped me locked me up what dude are you okay i had to fight him then i said i told him we're done for good i'm sorry that's that can't have been easy it's what i had to do i'm headed to the science center call me and things get bad in harlem i will good luck spider-man you see him close renovation and the underground moves right in finn's got to be inside finn you here finn come on we need to finish this you and me she's got to be with our project down that hall come on molasses i want to see our project while we're still young i'm coming i'm coming hey where'd they put us i've got the museum map on my phone our project's in a special exhibit on the top floor i can't wait to see our names on the little sign like real scientists today oscorp science center tomorrow every major museum in the world when's rick gonna get here he just texted said he was headed into the subway so it could be anywhere from 30 minutes to special exhibits upstairs there's the elevator we've got time to look around first he's gonna meet us at the restaurant do you have tickets for the special exhibit oh um our project is on display didn't think we needed tickets you do and we're sold out can't let you go upstairs thanks anyway so we need another way in there's no more tickets locked i recognize that kind of lock if you shine a light at it it'll open the flashlights on our phones would work but they won't reach something reflected it'd be nice to find something mutable beautiful you mean changes shape look at you breaking out the fancy vocab shut up shape memory alloy i could change the shape on the museum app this stuff is crazy think it's a meta material that's it take it don't let anyone see it got it let's go oh man sorry all good i still need something reflective oh hey look it's solo mirrors and sticky on the back perfect for tricking a light sensitive lock i've got the light tell me when the stickers pointed at the sensor and i'll turn it on no one's looking at us yet gotta hurry [Music] that worked we did it come on our project awaits that was awesome i'm gonna miss doing stuff like this with you what are you talking about uh hello visions next week i won't i'm not gonna vanish off the planet we'll still hang out he'll be busy not that busy i'm gonna make time for us seriously [Music] okay hey dad hey mike hi mr davis finn says hi you kids having fun make sure you get a picture of your project dad it's not a big deal it's totally a big deal okay okay we'll get a picture i love you dad bye this is it our project's in the back think they got a converter all hooked up would you look at that genuine award-winning scientist no one told us we were in this special exhibit ticket only how'd you get in uh i bought a ticket help you get in not important hey hold up we need a picture you got to be in it too you helped us get it working okay okay fine fine scoot over all right say alleles i am not saying that uh finn you need to know i'm done listening to you i'll be there soon it'll keep everyone safe as long as we can we gotta take care of that before i head back to harlem i need to get to harlem now before finn destroys the reactor yankee talk to me how's the evacuation going rocks on an underground are all over it's like a war zone are you safe my mom if you can hear me i'm on my way hang tight man please yankee can you hear me yankee hang on guys [Music] yankee yankee where are you can you guys make a break for it who's that guys guys listen hey we need to get out of here but i can only carry some of you she started already [Music] spiderman cited get out of here young blood you've got more important things to do he's right go we'll get people clear i'll be back i [Music] no you don't know what you're doing they deserve what's coming to them no the reactor krieger changed the specs you're not just gonna destroy roxanne plaza you're gonna vaporize all of harlem i'm not gonna let you lie to me again you're too late [Music] i can't let you do this i can't let you stop me i don't want to fight we'll talk after i just able to react finn look the reactor's still going critical soon we won't be able to stop it no i am not running away again [Music] every chance to leave don't make me kill you you can't win why do you keep fighting because i'm spider-man [Music] this shouldn't be happening i can stop it [Music] i'm sorry it's okay ugh not any minute come on [Music] ugh no no no look [Music] miles [Music] yes get them far away i can't hold this in much longer what are you i can't it's okay i can't just let go let go [Music] [Music] say oh [Music] is everyone okay we're safe all of us [Music] [Music] [Music] yes [Music] hey get out of here kid we'll take care of him [Music] did you see his face you did good spider-man thanks [Music] who is he that guy he's our spiderman [Music] come on those are clearly defects they're deep banks you understand me do you have any ideas who i am i will own you yeah yeah oh you do you hear me that's right friends simon krieger is in prison aaron davis a.k.a i think we can all learn something from what happened in harlem but together we're stronger and that having your own neighborhood spider-man is pretty great i'm looking good hayley this is where we come from yeah we did it city on my back i'm committed this is where we a new day [Music] all right is man i still can't get over that suit so cool gotta be me yeah you do pete does this job ever get easier some of it yeah some things never get easier though roxanne did this uptown because they saw us as disposable me rick finn all of harlem i think part of our job is making sure they can't get away with it we'll add it to the spider-man oath go time go time residents of harlem are still feeling the effects of the recent city-wide uprising of the group known as the underground while the russian corporation deals with a rash of lawsuits newly elected city councilwoman rio morales addressed the media yesterday to make a plea for additional public funds to assist with these vitals are good circulatory system healthy brain activity normal he's been in there long enough mr osborne i understand he's your son but he's like but we may be underestimating the potential things i said get him out now goodbye finn you
Channel: GameCin
Views: 2,462,484
Rating: 4.695735 out of 5
Keywords: Gameplay Walkthrough Part 1 No Commentary, Gameplay, Walkthrough, Part 1, No Commentary, Ending, End, Boss fight, All endings, boss battles, Full Movie, full game, full game gameplay walkthrough, All Cutscenes, Cinematic, All Cutscenes Movie, Game movie, Spider-Man: Miles Morales, spiderman, ps5, playstation 5, Miles Morales, spiderman into the spider verse, spiderman into the spider verse full movie, spiderman into the spider verse 2
Id: NzhgkqmG2L4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 147min 39sec (8859 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 01 2020
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