All Movie Suits Gameplay - SPIDER-MAN PS4 (2002 - 2019)

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[Music] Pete you here turn it off legs now are you okay [Music] hey wait wait hold on too late you are crazy you're amazing open it have to take care of these demons before I can follow Lee into the lap time to KO those snipers literally didn't see that coming [Music] all of the antiserum spider-man leave now my fin will handle this disable Li wiped out the agent stationed here they're not handling anything you have been warned superhero sweep it off sable make good on her threat but these guys are looking to team up tired of you harassing our agents spider-man you guys think I took out your men got me kidding me you gotta beat this back you get inside yeah really wish sable would cut us some slack we should be on the same team demons in snowboard down time to follow the inside why are you so heavy you harass my men destroy my equipment and cost my client means give me one could the reason he should not kill you right now listen I don't like you you don't like me but Lee has your client inside this building right now and he's gonna kill him if we don't do something we could fight each other if I leave but not both this mean we're good we'll help me secure a Norman after that I'm making no promises works for me these how to control you secured Osborn I was okay Lee no more running this ends tonight this is insanity I have to find a way to reach them Martin Lee I know a man who built feast no way to go but down I know about the accident I know what happened to your parents accident you found us Linna Collatz Osborn my parents died because of me because of what a sport did to me you're more than your past don't let it control you I tried so hard to make my parents proud to honor their legacy but to truly honor them oz one must see justice I won't let you do this Martin [Music] Li's pain is anger it's fueling his power this is the only sample no no mark I told you I'm sorry was it a fax I was trying to help you don't help people [Music] this won't bring your parents back [Music] why do you insist I'm trying to save this piece of scum I'm trying to save you Martin don't let revenge win fight it must be punished you [Music] fight it Martin you can walk away no I know you do Jesus even Martin you and Osborn now it will all be over soon [Music] my will is stronger than yours we'll see about that he's almost down oh hey I know but this is the wrong way mark [Music] [Music] useless [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] that look on your face you can't imagine how satisfying it is ready for your final lap [Music] [Music] Hey hey my hair saw how gone I would not worry about him right now he needs a hospital no no ha [Music] [Music] Herman long time no see hey I'm no lawyer but I'm pretty sure that's what the parole violation oh yes we're stuck in here for a while want to play 20 questions no how about with someone face punch it is yeah well your karlitz are all digital now aren't they have it your way you wanna fight large so we can talk science remember our first fight stupid also how would you measure words per minute syllables four seconds one uses to express a single thought so subjective now I can do some real damage what he's doing this hermit cycle now feel me no people don't use banks anymore you're lucky you found actual cash if you really want to rob banking tried a trip tell the rich come on Herman tell me who you're working for I can help you cut a deal and we're done you're freaking me out Herman it's not like wait did you think max give up now we can protect you okay seriously sorry Herman II brought this on yourself literally they said one toe inside the vault I'll have your head got it boss tripling security demons won't touch a thing listen up demons are making moves on all our caches lost to tonight already boss maybe in lockup that don't mean as hardware's up for grabs come Jackie go - you up Eagle - reporting in eyes on what caches are the demons after I need to take out Fisk's men and figure out what they're guarding whatever it is I don't want it in fists or the demons not a junk scattered around here well-placed web shot could make a great district that's why fur has a guard watching it they need to divide and conquer snipers everywhere I need to deal with them first so much get off [Music] Jennifer sweet dreams [Applause] [Music] you know we can't have vigilantes trust passing or doing illegal searches yeah I know which is why I brought a warrant so what do you say we do some perfectly legal searching I like the sound of that what's your name Thomas and Davis call me Jeff and you are just messing with you with sons a big fan so that wart cover breaking down doors not without a lot of extra paperwork okay I'll find another way any place this rundown should have a hole in the wall like a window I feel like I'm in a horror movie hello any fishermen with a grudge and a hook for an okay where's that locked door electric web for the wind gadget man huh you remind me of my son started taking apart the TV when he was five now he's unlocking his friends phones sounds like he could teach me a few things okay nothing illegal in plain sight cannae anticlimactic huh at first glance let's look closer looking for something specific this yards been here a long time who'd Lakers used to use it back in the day gotcha those guys love their hidden rooms check it out sound hollow to you I've got a hidden panel like the one on the door the conduits lead out the back look for another junction box let's see if my mask lenses can pick up the conduits things know I don't know much it seems like they're going after fists brackets trying to build up their gang you bad guys always got to be bad guys I've been asking my brother that same question for years unlike myself hey I doubt I would have found it without you hmm I got a big fat nothing well there's one secret room that could be more notice anything about the floor ha ha they can hide the doors but not the scrapes they leave keep an eye out for more of those pay dirt scrape no door none I can see anyway maybe not elevators busted sit tight I'll pull you up yeah second floor rusted machine parts big honking rats careful the bridge is out I got this one nice stuck the landing and everything we're not all donut eaters fair enough another secret door I'll rig the lock let me know if you find the junction box yep on it hah found one nailed it hey check this out nothing I'm starting to feel like this is Fisk's way of messing with me but look at the walls they kept guns here they wouldn't have moved them to the front door got to be a passageway we're missing check out the wall just might control access to another area missus man we're talking about a vault clear you were right Jeff trap-door outstanding think you can help me out this thing's heavy one two three well that isn't spooky at all probably an old bootleggers tunnel and it looks like no one's cleaned it since Al Capone big chunk of concrete in the way I can't get through let me see how it looks from the top got room to maneuver here hang on what was that subway maybe that's also places on speech okay that definitely wasn't a subway no sounded like explosives and that sounds like demons both hurry damn demons are already gone how'd they beat us here must be a backdoor see if you can find was there they blew the locks to get it Shh demons stay here hell no it'll take both of us to stop some of these find cover that's what I'm talking about lookout firing now you're just showing off I'm a little impressed how we do it I needed that and we're done [Music] your timing is impeccable okay [Applause] thousands to trucks full of gunmen in one day it's time to hang up the web [Applause] spider-man Steven stragglers at the arc I welcome I looking not much better these guys are all over the road don't kill someone if I can't stop the ketchup stay safe Jeff do you think crazy keeps us bystanders will get shot I got to get in close here's your stuff hey guys room for one more great now the three decides to run on time [Applause] [Music] [Music] we've now identified the officer as Jefferson Davis we're being told he has minor injuries and is expected to make a full recovery excuse me miss are you supposed to be here more than you after that auction house thing the bugle put me on the city beat which means I get to focus full-time on real stories like this and the demons you know the closer you get to them the more you become a target right the closer I get the better chance we have to stop them we officer Davis Mary Jane Watson Daily Bugle no coming I don't blame you but these guys are gonna tell their story with or without you and they thrive on controversy so what's hearing I don't have one I just listen okay up in she's good [Music] my sanitation this is Eddie yeah hi I'm trying to track down some items that were accidentally picked up from a dumpster outside my doctor number yeah hang on six four four seven six that's 133 Chuck sorry I left it shift your stuffs not there you're out of luck wait wait please this is important can you at least tell me where the truck is let me check all right looks like it should be at the municipal garage at Bowery and grand got it thanks Eddie unis applica Raj Bowery and grand no problem I don't care if I lose everything else I have to find my spiky driver can't be that hard finding a tiny flash drive in a 30-ton garbage truck I have years of research on that drive everything I've worked on since high school [Music] of course it's locked can't have people stealing garbage maybe there's another way it's not really breaking and entering if I don't break anything right okay I need to panic maybe they haven't dumped the trash yet nada okay time to panic sorry is there any chance the truck wasn't at the garage sure I guess just needs to be somewhere in West Chinatown great I'm headed there now hey it's a long shot but sometimes the guy stuff repeats it before they drop off really I'll check out the piece of shops and then idea which one one of the wait I think I see the trucks thanks Eddie no worries hope you find your stuff should be some trucks no stuffs not here there has to be another truck around here [Music] no sign of my stuff what an interesting smell Eddie my only hope you sure they were around here well the guys might have switched routes due to the upcoming Osborne rally if you pick up was on route 35 they'd be dropping off at the incinerator right now incinerator over by Manhattan Bridge better hustle there's the incinerator hope I'm not too late looks like trouble thanks spider you okay yeah thanks this gangs been terrorizing the whole neighborhood the last couple of days there's probably more of them on the way I'll keep an eye out hey what if I look around for some some personal items sure have at it I gotta go file an incident report please be here please be here yes if it still works it looks like everything's here Hey look an old gadget prototype looks kind of awesome why didn't I ever finish it I think I can make this work look is that guy spider how ice [Music] [Music] consolidated shippi Jeff I'm here what do you see find the rest the boss wants them dead looks like the demons are moving in on Fisk's territory you got this I got this you got what you came for you don't need to kill us too this territory is ours now not today [Music] hey Willie you nice jumpsuit slimming stay out of my business wait the demons who's their leader keep my men alive and maybe I'll tell saving bad guys from other bad guys not how I thought today would go I'm clear well I got their attention that are swinging around the outside to look for fifth man I could have taken them sure sure yeah [Music] you two stay here wait for the police you okay hey big guy your men are safe your turn who runs the demons hello again [Music] oh come on that just happened yeah I'm getting reports of a helicopter with a wrecking ball yeah it's like Yuri I got this [Music] rockets [Music] that helicopter is destroyed city I know bring it down I know working on it Yuri call you when it's done [Music] now's my chance I live to regret this hi is this the flight to Newark [Music] this is your master plan replacement one engine death now for the second you're playing when real bad yes this is the plan [Music] come on Pete you guys you got this you got this [Music] please don't screw this up [Music] these masks are so awesome where do you get them hey Yuri I caught the bad guys but what you might want to bring a ladder go miles hey fanboy [Music] least getting away finally sorry I'm late it's kind of my thing why are you doing this paying off an old debt but if you buy just now time to get closer to finish this like he's getting tired they're sick let me help you [Music] [Music] I don't want to hurt you nothing for me not anymore no brakes no problem [Music] that totally worked last time Yuri he's still doing construction on 42nd 1st next up prison The Devil's breath is gone but we got even bigger problem Rutgers we have to hurry hop on what happened it was a coordinated attack must have been planned from the outside every cell block is breached we're minutes away from every prisoner and Rikers walking right up Fifth Avenue what about the rest better security of a separate power grid good what about The Devil's breath Sables handling it do you trust them do I have a choice [Music] [Applause] should've worn your seatbelt check him out I'm on it damnit they got into the armory is that bad it sounds back these are armed with rocket launchers yeah that's bad I'm on it you guys go back forget this ever happened [Applause] I just a few more out new yard who thought it was a good idea to raise rockets into a prison on my way the ones trapped behind that door they're coming where is everybody they're attacking my car [Applause] help the water I'll keep working on getting the power restored right I'm on it you gotta pick them all out look out any worse it can always get worse just a few light just a couple more they're stealing a chopper like registration please okay looks like things are somewhat under control I don't you said the rap was secure it was let's go maybe it's not as bad as it looks love the optimism but in my experience what it looks back is usually worse look out sorry you okay yeah welcome to the park just in time the fire looks like a parole boys what why is he letting everyone out I'll head for the main control center and see how bad the situation got it I'll go join the party [Music] everyone just wanted to go back into your cellar lock the door behind you okay [Music] that doesn't sound good right now hard hope you like surprise spider [Music] is he talking about hey what's your status me just trapped in a prison with every criminal this is too good to be true scorpion can you hold on a minute I was in the middle of a phone call and it was business [Music] okay not really electro rhino and now scorpion are all on the loose what's going on in the rest of the prison okay I'll keep tracking electrons come on spider-man I thought this was a chase stop this guy [Music] nobody ever takes me up on that's your one time no see we're gonna have so much work sorry no time to talk now let me okay how's it look well it looks like the entire five of your worst enemies that are now up for a second there I thought you were serious [Music] party's over and what's wrong how do you like my new suit dashing where'd you get it it's an exclusive I'm killing it good idea in fact we don't have to do this at all if you don't want to be definitely boss [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] first and final [Applause] stay out [Music] each of you has a job to do your debts will be repaid when we're done go [Music] [Music] dr. Octavius why did I let this happen I just got a call from the hospital they said you went AWOL I need to get back to work a doctor said you still have 14 broken bones which means I have 192 non broken ones thanks for taking care of me by the way the hard part was keeping you hidden from famous they branded you a priority target you know I humbly accept the honor what is happening to our city hurry I don't know feels like the end of the world maybe it is [Music] [Applause] [Music] the angry drug lord drank alone there's a poem in there somewhere you know better and me never was the literary type [Music] how'd you even manage to connect with Martin Lee people fight much tombstone for days we wouldn't feel wonderfully counter to counter truck take out two stones gang rings bingo gives me products we have your marketing department cook that name up I am marketing deponent you can clear out his men before I try the counters run I will kick you in the face [Music] [Music] hey you would want to take a break now would you Oh Ronnie tired someone's been skipping cardio just wearing down Oh articulated deep blocking agent you just exhausted time to end this Mike home so that's how I'm supposed to feel funny oh yeah totally 100% normal I think Sunday Lonnie I want to find you doing good running in a soup kitchen or something Oh soon the suitcase I'll be end of the day this is Colo great great challenge you and I are very different people can we say your crazy drug lord days are done please sure for now hell of a run though not quite how I described oh that's new too much to hope you'll be taking it easier now that your uh you know mortal hmm not a chance threat of death just ups the thrill hell of a left hook can't wait for the rematch I can't hmm I like you [Music] I am losing patience where is the file there's someone else here they must have taken it those masks who are these guys there's no one here but us we will find the file or you will die this is bad he'll kill her if I alert them I need to pick them off silently Yuri the silent alarm is legit masked gunman in a single hostage looks like a heist in progress copy that sending units your way keep the situation from getting worse in the meantime can do got to do this quietly don't want to alert the others they always look so cozy left up like that she's Web them from above whoa careful you stay quiet now someone's coming if they're here where are they yeah James and Anya yo Kyla [Music] [Music] hey what is that this totally belongs to don't move buddy if I had a nickel for every don't move hey Pete MJ what are you doing here same as you working at least it was oh I think this is yours yeah face so Robbie's got you covering a break-in for the bugle well Robbie doesn't technically know him here and it wasn't a break-in until a few minutes ago uh-huh let me explain I was on my way to the exit when I saw you you're lucky to be alive this is the guy I saved five minutes ago listen whoever these mask guys are there after this file but I'll never get it out of here well the place is swarming with them right okay um you hide back there I take out the bad guys you make a break when it's clear sounds like a plan good to see you Pete yeah you too not exactly how I pictured us meeting again now honey it's exactly how I pictured it [Music] did she change her perfume focus Pete focus should clear these guys out before I push forward okay I'm near the front make a break for it will do how about that fire what's in it that these guys want so bad I know it's on something called The Devil's breath Fisk was hired to build a secret research lab for it clear what Devil's breath is there we go that's all of them no MJ stop no hide not cool with the hostage-taking guys whoa what is up with that glowy stuff on your head you guys go before I mean I've caught spectres but you know technically spectres aren't ghosts all go to vectors but not all spectres are ghosts you know what I mean [Music] [Music] daily cardio check huh looks antique I think I know someone who could help track down where this came from a job for later hi Herman that's considerate what's the money for Herman actually I don't talking but this could be so much more rewarding on an emotional level Herman what a shocker now now let's talk about it honestly Herman why are you robbing again you know the police are watching your every move it must be desperate which means you're not just stealing for yourself you can tell me what it is now or make me punch it out of you later your choice no Herman that's like zero personality but your suit is awesome can we talk design details good work spider-man did you learn anything about his motive I tried but he's not very talkative plus I think he hates me you have that effect on a lot of people but you love me right Yuri I tolerate you Wow that might be the nicest thing you've ever said to me Davison's right you put on a big show all you do is leave a mess behind for everyone else what brought this on officer friendly Fisk is gonna get off I doubt that we got decade's worth of evidence on the big guy not anymore evidence truck guy hit on the widow Locker whatever was on those hard drives good it's gone Big Willie isn't getting off that easy I'll get those drives back processed evidence has RFID tracking tags applied I should be able to find the hard drives if I track the tags it's gotta move fast I make fun of Jameson but his constant bad-mouthing these really hits home with something it means Fisk's men steal the drives from the cops and somehow that's my fault well the important thing is to make sure this doesn't get away with this dumb enough to try something just in time does it look like they've ranked the drives yet time to ruin Willy's welcome home party that's it I've seen people fight harder over a new smartphone the drives aren't damaged perfect now I just need to return this to the Hell's Kitchen precinct wish I could see Willie's face when he finds out about this I'll bet he chokes on his prison for dough Fiske isn't going anywhere I've got the missing drives wait a sec so you just happen to know where to find them maybe oh wow Wow really steal him and bring him right back you don't think I have better things to do with my time Rockets [Music] rolling everything mobsters carpooling will say this for fists at least he's eco-friendly contact with our van on the room damn some of Fisk's men must have made it up top where are the dry wrong answer [Music] spider-man I'm sorry I was wrong about you Jameson much appreciated officer one question yeah it's called Queens see ya you'll understand when you get there Yuri Watson of a master of suspense report came is your great over this isn't good transformers recharging the building trafficking police inside URI complicated with an understatement I'm gonna have to disable these transformers to free your men even if you manage that that's why I'm here ready to serve all your electricity and demon related needs you have free to go and I did not miss dealing with Electra's elaborate supervillain answers while he was in a raft trapping the police was a network of energy transformers who does that even get that thing addressed but it can't be easy to fly like that these streets pacifically for this one obscure scenario so many questions [Music] police are free but demons are backing down need to lend a hand Yury your men are safe what's next get to the Upper West Side we're trying to shelter civilians but RINO isn't making it easy he never does on my way finished with the priest is fast and get to Harlem any available units off of their vehicle is under fire [Music] [Applause] during join us on the moon performer get some lightness and laying into your police barricades I'm gonna even the you never seen rhino walk away from a fight you must be working on orders dr. Octavius making quick hitting runs on the city's emergency response teams [Music] priority target acquired taken pacify their future way to ask for an autograph jetpacks thought it was a good idea to give these guys jet pack guy we're on the same team this way to attack me still after we take out the convict anyone else feeling very 1984 right now up just me [Music] nice to see you ah Jack that's it for Sables airborne commandos never mop up the rest of the writers of CDs [Music] Yuriy precinct is secure and I just found out what it means to be Sables priority target not fun oh okay I need to sign off for a bit call me if things go south Thanks you've given us a fighting chance okay need to hustle the feast sister site in Harlem and help me I got held up are you okay what's happening I'm trying to find a way into them but the fire is spreading so fast stay where you are MJ I'll handle this damn it move it Pete Peter fire at rescue is on the way I felt a fire escape that'll get me MJ stay back I don't want to have to rescue you too Peter don't be crazy wait for help may know here over here my gosh hang on no memory get to the window it's too far hold on just brace yourself come on man I've got you go go miles come on [Music] No [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Noctober
Views: 1,438,019
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: spiderman ps4, spiderman, spiderman ps4 suits, all spiderman suits, spiderman suits, peter parker, tobey maguire, tom holland, spiderman homecoming, captain america civil war, spiderman far from home, spiderman into the spiderverse, sam raimi spiderman, spiderman ps4 all suits, spiderman ps4 all suits gameplay, spiderman ps4 gameplay, marvels spiderman, spiderman news, spiderman ps4 news
Id: K20dAea_oP0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 102min 11sec (6131 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 07 2019
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