Marvel's Spider-man: Miles Morales (The Movie)

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Up until about a year ago... life was pretty normal. I lived in the greatest place ever... ...Brooklyn! Represent! Had two cool parents... ...and loved all things science and superheroes. Everything changed though... ...when my dad was killed in a City Hall bombing. I... ...I couldn't believe he was gone... ...but Peter Parker and his Aunt May... ...they were there for me.... ...and so was Spider-man... ...who I later found out was Pete! Crazy, right? Then, when the Devil's Breath crisis started... ...things got intense. It seemed like all of Spidey's villains were on the loose! I managed to do my part to help him out... ...and after all that... ...believe it or not... ...a spider bit ME... ...and I started to... ...change! I didn't want to worry my mom, so I went to Pete... ...and NOW... ...we're officially Spider-bros! He's been training me up, and I'm ACTUALLY getting pretty good with this whole web-swinging thing! I'm still learning to juggle this responsibility with everything else in my life. School... ...friends, a new home. I moved to Harlem a few weeks back... ...but I'll tell ya... ...I can't WAIT to see what the future holds! Are you registered to vote? ¡Gracias chico! ¡De nada! That is SO cool! I got you! Hey thanks! No problem. Hey, uh... think you're gonna add that new Spider-man, too? The kid? Yeah! Uh, maybe... ...original's just... guy, you know? Yeah, I know. Hey! Is... ...Teo's bodega around here? Yeah... ...bright yellow sign down the block. Can't miss it. Thanks! Beautiful work, by the way! MAYBE leave a little room for the new guy... ...just in case. The convoy... WOO H-HOO!!! LET'S GO!! Hey Pete... ...headed your way! Did I miss the convoy!? < Not yet > < They're still securing a couple inmates > I bet it feels good, seeing the guys who escaped last year going back to the Raft! < Real good > < The Raft's an eyesore... > < ...but it's secure... > < long as the Octopus-related flaws have been fixed > Let's hope! Okay! Closing in on you. Be there soon! Should let mom know I'll be late! < Miles, ¿qué tal? > < Did you get the shopping list? > Hey, Mom... ...uh, yeah... ...but, uh... ...the bodega was out of coconut milk. Gonna... ...check a store downtown! < Oh, thank you! > < But avoid Midtown! > < That prison convoy is making traffic a NIGHTMARE > Oh yeah... ...good call! See you at dinner, Mom! MAN... does Pete do this secret identity thing!? It COMPLETELY stresses me out! Okay, be cool... cool... ...helping Spider-man protect a giant prison convoy? You can handle this! Breathe in... ...breathe out. Be cool! Pete... here? Just downin' some rocket fuel. How are you... ...drinking? Very... ...very carefully. Okay... ...go time! < Helix 2 on route with heavy payload > < Copy, Helix 2, we've got you on scope > This is... ...a big operation. It's gotta be. Hundreds of felons escaped from the Raft last year. Now it's time to move 'em back in. Police aren't takin' any chances. Especially not with our guest of honor! Getting a lot of interference here. One of those guys who helped Doc Ock is in there? Think so. Could be Vulture... ...could be Scorpion... ...could be... ...someone bigger! O-kay, we got a problem. Hold back, Miles, let me take- I got this Pete, don't worry! Miles, NO! It's secure! Woah..! < You're drifting, Helix 2 > MILES! < You have a weight imbalance > < Correct to 236 > Rotors unresponsive. < Brace for impact! > < Helix 2 going down! > < Helix 2 is going down > < Brace brace BRACE! > < Helix 2 is down > < No casualties > < Payload compromised > < Response team dispatched > < Sit tight, Helix 2 > Pete, I-I'm sorry man, I-I didn't mean to... It's okay! We got this. Just need to contain it before... ...before that happens. Hello... ...tiny spiders. What the hell!? < Miles... > < ...I've got Rhino... > < ...but you have to contain the escapees! > Right... ...contain... ...I'm on it! Pete's never gonna trust me on a mission like this again! I'm gonna... Nice work with the helicopter, kid! REAL heroic stuff! Hey guys... 'bout we call a timeout... this through? Please!? NO!? < How's it lookin' out there!? > Almost contained! Nearly... ...almost contained. Can't let Pete down! Need to get this under control! Woah, great arm! You ever pitch? Seriously, you're AAA easy! Whole new career, just waitin' for ya! MAN... ...Pete is TOO GOOD! < How are the streets, Spider-man? > Honestly? Kinda terrifying. I got the keys, let's move! Hurry up! We gotta get out of here! < Miles... > < ...I'm gonna need a hand up here! > < You free!? > Your holiday spirit's a little overzealous this year, Aleksei! Man... Hang on Pete, I'm comin' Wanna grab takeout? HOLY CRAP! That's not good. OH! Hey, sorry, happy holidays! < Uh... > Pete... ...scale of 1 to 10... are we doin'? < 10 for generating spectacle, 1 for minimizing destruction! > < Tomorrow's Bugle headline is gonna be a doozy! > Worst thing out of this is a bad headline... ...I'm-a count us lucky. OH.. CRAP CRAP, THE WINTER BASH! Pete... ...this is starting to feel REAL bad, man! < Ugh... > < ...don't think like that! > < We're going to stop him... > < long as we work together! > < Speaking of... > < ...mind giving me a hand up here? > Yeah... ...yeah... ...I got you! Okay, Pete... ...I got this! Take it away, cowpoke! Whoa whoa wait! Not the mall! Hang on tight tiny spider! Spider-man, hey... ...I need a little help! Oh, HEY, woah, woah woah! < Comin' in hot! > Gotcha! And.. you're safe! You too! Spider-man, whoa! DO YOU HAVE ANY NON- -DESTRUCTIVE... ...HOBBIES!? Fly fishing... ...on the Volga! That sounds... ...nice? The power over life and death... Oh.. baby! ...excites me! Less... ...nice! Gotcha. Thank you! You're welcome. Spider-man! DON'T... ...SCARE BABIES! Hey... ...uhh... know you're ruining Christmas, right? The last 6 Christmases I was locked behind 30 feet of steel! I intend to ENJOY this one! He's a MENACE! Unh... ...too soft. He's a... ...LOW ENERGY MENACE! Too easy. Maybe... ...he's a WEAK-MINDED... ...OOH... Hey, Jonah! Looking good! Very festive! ...MENACE! A FECKLESS... ...TRECHEROUS... ...UNHINGED... ...MENACE!! Jared, he was here! Right... here! Here, Jared! < Mijo, ¿donde estás? It's getting late! > Hey... ...Mom... ...yeah... ...coconut milk... ...still trying to find it! Been kind of, uh... adventure. < Are you... > < ...running? > Yeah, uh.. sorry... ...trying to catch a train. < ¡Mira hijo, no seas mentiroso! > < Grab the milk and hurry home please > Sí Ma. Te quiero mucho. < También te quiero > < Now or never, Miles... > < We gotta stop him! > On my way! We gotta bring him down, fast! Yeah... ...yeah, what do we do? Let us raise temperature! Ohh.. bad bad, very bad! Pete... ...are you okay!? No... ...oh no NO NO! < I'm okay > < I've got him > < Headed your way... > < ready > Okay... ...yeah... ...might, uh... ...need a minute! SHOW ME WHAT YOU GOT, FREAK! Tip for the police... ...MAYBE don't bring RPGs to the prison convoy next time! MAYBE... ...don't bring RPGs ANYWHERE! That the best you got, Aleksei? Okay, that was pretty good. Get outta here, Spider-man...'re makin' things worse! MAN... ...I'm tryin' to help you! Focus fire on the platform! More guys up top! SHOOT ALREADY! Pete...'s gettin' hairy out here. Police and escapees are shooting it out! < Backup the police > < I can hold out... > < ...a little longer > Pete's counting on me! I've gotta stop these guys! They're all over that bridge! TINY SPIDER! Just need a few... He CAN'T lose! He never loses! < Miles... > < ...need your... > Pete!? PETE! Hang on, man! Spider-man... good? Pete... ...Pete! Pete... ...wake up! Wake up! Wake up, man! Wake up, man! This Spider-man is broken. I would like to exchange for new one. Ah... ...this one will do. Miles... ...get outta here! Bro... ...BACK... ...the HELL... ...OFF! What was that? You're not gonna keep pushing people around, Aleksei! Don't come after my friends... ...or I WILL come after you! I'm not gonna let you hurt anyone else! I am excited to see you try... ...small one. He's down! Flattery's not gonna get you out of this, Aleksei! Hey! In the future... ...just do the time, man! No more breakouts... ...PLEASE! Is too much for you, spider? You... You know, man? Chasing you through the city kind of felt like a wild, uh... ...what's the word... ...wild goose chase! Wild... ...GOOSE!? No... ...NO!!! I HATE CHASE OF GOOSE!!! You alive? Kinda! Guys!? Wow! Just... ... (laughs) wow! Simon Krieger... ...Head of R&D at Roxxon Energy. Pleasure to meet you. You too... ...uh... ...sorry... ...I think our... ...ball landed in your yard. No... ...actually did us a favor. We, uh.. just bought the place, uh.. we're planning to... ...tear it down for a build... ...but, uh... ...looks like you beat us to it! I wanted to thank you... ...both of you! Taking down Rhino? Solo!? You are goin' places, bud. Thanks... ...but, he's still dangerous. Nahh... we'll... ...hold him for the police. You know, I always think these super troopers are overkill, until... ...mmm, something like this happens. Ope... ...duty calls. Hey, uh.. REALLY great to meet you both. (laughs) Future's lookin' bright! Hello! Hey... He's right. Let's clear out. Let the police do their job. Yeah... ...yeah okay. Bioelectricity...! Gotta be honest... ...LITTLE jealous. Hey... ...look... ...I got nothin' on the OG. Think we should run tests tomorrow? A little voltage analysis? Ohhh... (sigh) ... ...yeah, sorry... ...I've been meaning to tell you... ...I'm not gonna be around... ...for the next few weeks. This some kind of Pete joke I don't get? No... ...uh, MJ's headed overseas for the Bugle, and... ...requested me as her photographer. Kind of a... ...working vacation for us. Oh MAN... ...look... ...I don't know if I'm ready to fly solo. I screwed up today BIG TIME with the helicopter. But then you DELIVERED big time! You saved my bacon, Miles! I got lucky. Hey... ...I did this gig for 8 years without backup... ...and you better believe I screwed up LOTS of times... ...but THAT is how you learn. What's this? Christmas present... ...but FIRST... gotta take the oath. Oh... ...okay! I promise... do EVERYTHING in my power to protect this city. I promise. That's it. That oath a real thing? Totally! DEFINITELY didn't just make it up. See ya in a few weeks, Spider-man! New York's... ...ONLY Spider-man. I'm New York's only Spider-man! I'm New York's only Spider-man! Please don't screw this up! Yo Ganke! < Dude... > < ...RHINO!? > < WHAT!? > (laugh) Yeah. Where you at? You get into the apartment okay? < Yeah > < Your mom let me in... > < ...unpacked / dumped my stuff all over your floor... > < ...and now I'm in the park, grabbing some air > Oh, perfect! Dip over to the amphitheater. Got something to show ya. < Dude, is this Spider-related? > < PLEASE tell me you got a piece of Rhino's horn or something! > < Pics I've seen of the fight are straight-up NUTS! > Ha! Definitely Spider-related... ...and DEFINITELY better than a horn. < Oh... > < ...loving the suspense! > < I'm there! > I will NEVER get used to you doing that. Ey, look... ...check it! Christmas present from Spider-man! Open it! Dude... ...put it on! I'll cover you! What!? (laugh) Never seen a guy change clothes in Central Park? Okay... How's it lookin'? Woah... < Head uptown for part 2 of this Amazing Gift! > This is only half of the present! Well what's the other half!? I'll let you know when I find it! < Welcome to Just the Facts... > < ...with ME... > < ...your truth-slinging host with the most... > < ...J. Jonah Jameson! > What!? Does Pete set his suits to autoplay Jameson's show!? Guys a masochist! < Sad news, listeners... > < Christmas charity SPECTACULAR... > < ...was CANCELED... > < ...DUE TO... > < ...MASKED VIGILANTE MEYHEM! > GOTTA be something better on! Ah! Been hearing good things about this one! < Hello, I'm Danika Hart, and THIS IS The Danikast... > < ...where I spotlight the people making a REAL difference in our city > < Today's topic? > < OH you know, stockbrokers, for profit colleges... > < ...maybe the people who make internet videos AUTOPLAY! (laughs) > < NO... > < OBVIOUSLY, we're covering the Spider-men's incredible takedown of RHINO! > Subscribe! Danikast - new favorite podcast! This is the place! Looks like Pete set up a lot of gear. < Miles... > < ...get ready for your first holographic training challenge! > < These challenges are spread out throughout the city > < Each one focuses on a new move or technique > < This one focuses on acrobatic improvisation > < Get into position to start > Holo-training!? Oh, I am SO down! < First up: Air Combat > < Fighting the enemy on YOUR terms is a great way to gain the advantage > Alright, yeah! This is dope! Bless Peter Parker! < Another key Spider-skill: Disarming > [ INITIATE RANGED ATTACK ] GOT SOMETHIN' FOR YA! [ COMBAT TRAINING ] < More guys incoming, heads up! > < Time for some freeform practice > < Use air combat and disarming to eliminate these enemies > [ RETARGETING AIRBORN HOSTILE ] < A-and that's the b-bingo! > Ugh... screen of death! Tons of high-tech gear we can sell... Ah crap... ...SPIDER-MAN! TAKE HIM OUT... ...THEN GRAB THE GEAR! You all trying to catch some hands? Yeah!? Okay! Let's go! TAKE THE SPIDER OUT THEN GRAB THE- Just so you know... ...this is official Spider-man tech... ...y'all are not authorized to resell! [ SUPER SPIDER ENTERTAINMENT SYSTEM ONLINE ] [ BEGINNING RE-BO-OO-OO-OOT ] [ CHE-CH-CH-CHECK ] These guys are see through! HOW ARE THESE GUYS SEETHROUGH!? < Wel-c-c-cccome to Advanced Quip Training > < R-rr-rremember... > < ...specificity is the mark of every great quip > < For example: Instead of... > < ..."Hey ugly!"... > < ...try... > < ..."OH, nice mask..." > < "...wai-wait that's your FACE!?" > < "EUGH!" > That's not a quip... ...that's a straight-up BURN! [ SYSTEM E-ERROR ] That's it for the tech thieves... to fix the training sim. Kernel panic... Oh let's try a BIOS reset. Nice! That did it. < Hey dude... > < ...I THINK you should check out Roxxon Plaza on your way home > < I just walked by and I'm... > < ...PRETTY sure someone's breaking in > Uh... ...yeah, I'll look into it. < Hey, so... > < ...I want to hear more about your new Spider-powers > I think it's some kind of... ...bioelectric discharge... ...or supercharged static electricity? < Ooh! We gotta name it! > < How about... > < ..."Venom Power"? > < You know... > < ...'cause it.. stings? > (laughs) OKAY, that's not BAD. I'm gonna run... ...plaza first, then home! < Remember: Venom Power! Trust me, it's gold! > Hi there... ...I'm Simon Krieger... ...and what you're standing next to... a Nuform reactor. Once activated... ...this reactor will supply enough energy to power ALL of Harlem. Now, I'm sure you're thinking... ...Simon... is that possible? And the answer... Nuform! Just ONE canister of this revolutionary fuel source is enough to supply Harlem with CLEAN... ...SAFE energy... ...for the next 500 years. Soon... ...we'll be opening reactors throughout Manhattan... ...and then... ...worldwide! Get ready... ...for a planet powered... Nuform. Roxxon... ...we're here for you. What was that!? Hmm... sign of anybody. They broke a bunch of stuff... ...maybe they were looking for somethin'. Huh... ...they did a search for Nuform. What were they gonna do with it? MAN this night will just not quit! Their tech is unbelievable... ...but Venom totally wrecked it! Yeah... ...Ganke's right. Venom's a good name. We're gonna need backup! Haven't seen you guys before. Nice glowsticks! You never should've put on that- You guys take returns!? DON'T LET HIM TOUCH YOU! IT'S OVER NOW! Find those shipping rounds! You're done! < Hey... > < at the plaza? > Uh huh... were right! It's a break-in. Sounds like they're after Nuform. < Nuform? > < The stuff in the reactor? > It's not installed yet. They're talking about shipments. < That's SUPER weird > < HEY, I did that grocery shopping your mom wanted... > < ...but she's wondering where you are > < Your dinner's almost ready > Crap! Okay... ...I'll try to wrap this up. Thanks, man! They're moving the Nuform into the plaza, find out how! Hurry up... ...Spider-man's here! I'm trying to get a pic, hold on! Found it! Delivering to Tinkerer... ...hold him off! The Tinkerer? Who's that? Man down! They were talking about Nuform shipments... ...I need to figure out what they found ,so I know where they're going to hit next. They were tracking Nuform shipments... ...but why? Roxxon Security... ...they can take it from here. Gotta look into this later. Yeah... ...lookin' good. What was that? All good! A little spill. Get it cleaned up REAL quick. All good! It's alright, man. ¡Ay bendito! Mijo... ...qué guapo. Gracias mami. I invited a guest tonight. Can you get the apartment ready? Oh! Um... ...maybe put on some music, set the mood? Ah, Nadja... Really!? Your campaign manager on Christmas Eve? Well, tomorrow's rally isn't going to plan itself! Thanks for getting the apartment ready, mijo! Hello? That wallpaper just screams Abuela. What's that? Huh... ...must have gotten mixed up in the move. One of Dad's old case files. Who's the Prowler? I wonder if Dad ever caught the guy. Haven't looked through these since before City Hall. Dad's favorite album! He put this on EVERY Sunday while he made coffee. Oohhh! (laugh) Salsa from Abuela! Mom and Dad would MOVE when this came on. Ah, I love this one! Will you be dancing for us this evening? Ha...! Glad Dad's tree survived the move. Me too. He loved that little guy. Ain't no Christmas like a Brooklyn Christmas. Miss hearing him say that. (doorbell) That doorbell's been broken for YEARS! Miles... ...could you get that? Of course! Phin!? Hey! Fixed your doorbell! (laughs) It's SO good to see you! How are you, it's been like... Months. A lot's changed. Yeah... really has. Is that our guest of honor? Come on in, you two! Dinner's almost ready. Phin... ...I'm SO glad you could make it. Thanks for inviting me, Ms. Morales. We missed you. Well, this one especially. (laughs) Uh... ...hi! Phin... ...this is Ganke... friend from Brooklyn Visions Academy. Ganke... ...this is Phin... best friend. My other best friend! Oh yeah... guys won the middle school science fair at county, right? You made a... ...uh... Energy converter! Jinx! (laughs) Ugh... The wiring in this building is such a mess. I'll check the circuit breaker! ¡Gracias! No good! Breaker doesn't have power. Looks like the whole block's out! Let me check if I can see anything from the fire escape. Okay, honey.... ...but be safe. DEFINITELY can't get to the transformer from here... ...unless you're super sticky. Can you see any other buildings out? People on the roof! Can't go up there! Yeah, got the whole block. REALLY hope no one can see me up here. Don't look out the window! Don't look out the window! Think Miles is having any luck outside? I hope so. Bioelectricity can take down Rhino... ...but can it save Christmas dinner? Come on! It worked! Oh MAN, those lights are bright! Did NOT think this through. Gotta get back inside ASAP. Keep 'em distracted, Ganke! Never been so happy to see lights turn on! And heat... ...I was NOT ready to freeze my way through Christmas. C'mon, Ganke... Is Miles still outside? ACTUALLY, uh... ...what about a photo? Right now? Yeah (laugh) you know.. precious moments! We.. gotta capture 'em! Shouldn't we wait for Miles? NO.. he hates photos. (laugh) Alright, everyone squeeze in. Ready..? Great photo! Great photo. Ooh! Hey.. Miles! Uh... ...who's ready to eat? You guys sit down... ...I got this. Mmm.. smells good. Mmmmm. ♪ Music Playing ♪ (sigh) Phin... ...tell us everything you've been up to. You still in robotics club? I had to quit... ...but I've been studying biotech on my own! Nerd! Ugh... ...says the guy who has to wear an ASCOT to school! Hey, only on Tuesdays! (laughs) Does your brother Rick still work for Roxxon? (sigh) I don't know how ANYONE could work there after seeing your last CAMPAIGN AD! You went for Simon Krieger's JUGULAR! (laughs) That reminds me... ...Ganke... have a certain flair for social media... ...could you.. spread the word about tomorrow's rally? Yeah! We'll be trending by midnight! (sigh) Sometimes it feels like Simon Krieger's my real opponent. Roxxon has SO much influence here... ...but they don't answer to anyone except their shareholders. Harlem needs someone to FIGHT for the community! That's Mom's campaign speech voice in case you couldn't tell. (laughs) Uhh.. do you want to proofread these before I post 'em? YES! DO NOT HIT SEND! (laughs) So.. what's goin' on with you? What do you mean? You seem... ...I don't know... ...distracted. Wanna talk about it? Not tonight...'s Christmas. Hey, how are you handling the move from Brooklyn? I mean...'s fine. Ugh... hate it. Nah.. That's your "I hate it but I'm too nice to say it" voice. No...'s... ...I don't know anybody here... ...and I'm always having to ask for directions. You need to find a good restaurant... ...a barber shop, somewhere you can shoot hoops! You'll settle in. What if WE hang out tomorrow? Just the two of us. You're not too busy? It's winter break... ...I can put of homework for at LEAST another week. Okay! I'll text you. It's a date! Uh, I mean... ...not a date... ...uh, you know.. uh- a friend date. Still as smooth as the last time I saw you! (laughs) Miles! What? You awake? No. So I stayed up last night, and designed an app for your new suit! Thing's got a CRAZY custom OS, nothing I've ever seen before... ...but, I ran it through a disassembler, so I could reverse engineer the plugin architecture, and, uh... (sigh) You just fell asleep again, didn't you? MILES! I'm up! I'm up. It's almost done compiling! Oh... ...thank you! Ready to try out my app? Yeah, man... ...let's do this! I'm connected to your analytics! Let's test drive this baby! Alright. < I can see everything you see! > < How are you not puking all the time? > LOTS of practice. < Welcome to Friendly Neighborhood.. 1.0 > < It lets New Yorkers directly request your help, AND.. report crimes in progress > Nice UI! < Thanks! > < Oh, look! > < Someone just made a request! > < Request came from a guy named... > < ...Aaron Davis > Wait, what!? That's my uncle! < Does he know you're Spider-man? > No... ...gotta be a coincidence. Uh.. I'm headed to the subway stop. Ugh... ...what is goin' ON? Uh... ...hey there! You needed some help? I'm.. Spider-man... the way. Yeah, I know. Aaron Davis. I think somebody's messing with the sensors. I'm getting bad data from the main relay up top of Grand Central. On my way! Wait! Wait! Yeah? Where's the.. other Spider-man? Oh... ...he's on vacation... ...but don't worry... ...I got this. Whew... ...he definitely didn't recognize me. Oh! He's.. callin' through the app? This is Spider-man! < Hey, forgot to mention... > < ...there was a break-in last night right next door at Roxxon Plaza > < A group called the Underground > < Caught 'em hanging around my stop this morning > The Underground... know anything else about them? < They think of themselves as a young mafia > < Been around a while, and now they've got a new boss...> < ...The Tinkerer > Tinkerer... ...thanks for the tip! So, uh... call Spider-man often? Like, for help? < (laugh) > < Didn't really have a way to get in touch till this app thing... > < ...but I saw you on the news last night taking down Rhino > < Figured you were the right person to call > (laugh) Cool! Have you, uh... ...been working at the subway long? < Nah... > < ...took the job last year, after my... > < > < ...well anyway... > < ...I was trying to make some changes > < Decided this job was a good place to start > < Trains goin' down on my watch doesn't exactly paint me in a good light > Well... ...when we fix 'em... can tell your boss you showed initiative by using the Friendly Neighborhood Spider-man app. < (laughs) I'll do that > < Good luck with the sensors > There's the sensors. There are WAY too many wires on this one. It's gotta be messing with the signal. Where do these cables go? Gotta get inside that shack. Hey! Hey yourself! Signal relays are being jammed by something. Hmm. This is CRAZY tech. Hate to do this, but... < Sensors are back online > < What did you do? > Took care of the guy messing with it... ...and it looks like they left some of their toys behind. Hey... ...I'm gonna have to call you back. Woah... I could use this to make those holo-drones Pete designed. Perfect time to try out those new holo-drones! Where's he come up with this stuff!? [ DO YOU REQUIRE COMBAT ASSISTANCE? ] [ I AM HERE TO ASSIST YOU ] [ ATTACK STATUS ] HOW DOES THAT FEEL, HUH? THIS YOURS!? Stay sharp, he's in the air! GET HIM OUT OF THE AIR! Can't survive this! [ COMBAT ASSISTANCE COMPLETE ] Can't wait to rip that mask off! Okay... ...hope the trains are running again. Should check in with Uncle Aaron. < Yeah? > Hey Mr. Davis... are things looking now? < I've got a signal, but no trains on the tracks > < Something must have gone down at the yard > It was the Underground messing with your sensors. I'm thinking. Does Roxxon ever use the subway to ship Nuform? < Roxxon? > < Uhh.. the subway system was designed to carry people... > < ...not freight... > < ...but this line got some updates when Roxxon Plaza went in > So they could be using it under the table! Hm. I'll follow up on it. So, uh... mentioned your brother. You got other family? < Haven't seen them in a while > < I had to make some changes... > < taking this job > < I miss 'em... > < ...especially my nephew > < We used to mix beats together > Well... ...maybe now you can see him again. THEM... ...your family. < Hope so, kid > Yeah... ...uh... ...uh, I should go... ...fight underground! Bye. Underground's wrecking EVERYTHING! Maybe I can stop them quietly. Hurry it up... This team better prepare for fireworks! You think... One down. No! YOU WON'T GET ALL OF US! WE'LL KILL YOU! Get him down here! I've got a theory! You're trying to intercept Nuform... I close? Keep him on the ground! That's all of 'em. Now to get the trains back on the tracks. Controls are probably in the office. Tinkerer... ...unc said that's their leader. (coughs) Oh MAN... ...they wrecked the controls! Gonna have to get the trains back on the tracks by hand... ...or web. I can use that turntable. That works! Almost there. Yeah, that's good. Now for the others. The Underground looks up Nuform shipments, then kills the subways. Maybe they're trying to stop Nuform from reaching the city? Or... ...what? Yes! Okay, one more! Uncle Aaron sounds serious about wanting to get back in the family. I should reach out to him... Miles. Dad never talked about what happened between them. Must have been bad. That's right! It worked! We've got trains on the tracks. Now they need power. Hmm... They busted the controls here, too... ...but not the generator. Okay... ...I can use that to power the trains... ...probably. My webs are conductive. C'mon, trusty New York subway! YES! Hey, Mr. Davis... ...did anything change on your end? < Panels just lit up like Christmas > < Good job, kid! > Glad to help. If anything else comes up... ...just post a note in the app. < Wait a second... > < ...I got a little something here for you > < It's not much, but... > For.. for me!? < It's the least I can do for the guy who just saved my job > Cool cool! I'll head back now. < Hey Miles... > < ...just landed in Europe > < How's day 1 of solo Spider-manning? > Pretty good! I stumbled on a conspiracy in my neighborhood. < Classic! > < You have a plan? > SORTA making it up as I go. < The mark of a true Spider-man > < Well, if you need me, I'm a phone call away... > < ...and a.. cross Atlantic flight, but it's fine > Sure, man. OH... ...and thanks for the gift! It is awesome! < You earned it > < Oh, MJ needs me. Gotta go! > < Bye! > Gotta hit Phin back when I'm finished helping Unc. Oh, hey Mr. Davis! I'm almost there. < You gotta hurry, Spider-man! > < Underground's here... > < ...puttin' bombs on the tracks! > Bombs !? For real!? < Guess they didn't like you fixing things > I'll get there as soon as I can! Hang tight... ...and don't go outside! Gotta stop this quick! < They're gonna blow the whole line! > Not if I can help it! Watch out! Hope webs work! Okay... ...bombs are down! Now for these guys. Get him out of the air! < There's more on the upper tracks! > Ugh... ...I'll get them. Everyone... Man down! Let's make him pay! Get him out of the... < Across the intersection, another one! > On it! Keep him on the ground! One more. Give up, you can't beat us! So last night you learned Nuform's getting shipped by train... ...THEN today you attacked the trains... ...why? To stop Nuform? To steal it? We'll kill you! Man down! Make him pay! You'll never stop the Underground! We got you, huh? You okay, Mr. Davis? Yeah... ...thanks to you. Oh, hey... you go. One-year unlimited subway pass. Thanks! Did I get the name right? How did you... ...UMM... ...OKAY, gotta go! Hold up, Miles! I kind of suspected when I saw the news yesterday. Watching your moves on those escaped cons... ...juking guys left and right... ...coulda sworn I was back at the park playing pickup with you and your dad. You were quick then... ...a lot quicker now. Don't worry... ...I won't tell your mom. Promise? Promise. Look at you! If your dad could see you now... He'd probably freak out. (laughs) He'd DEFINITELY freak out. So you taking over for the other Spider-man? Nah... I said, he's just on vacation. Right... ...and he left you in charge. Yeah! Lot of responsibility for a kid your age. I can handle it. Hope so... ...but listen. You get in over your head, you give me a call. I'm here for you. Got it? Got it. Thanks, unc. < Miles... > < ...we still meeting today? > < NEVER got a text back from you > OH.. yeah! Sorry... ...I've been wrapped up in my own stuff... ...but I'm free now! Where? < Sweet > < 78th and West End > 78th? By the Science Center? Why there? You'll see. Don't be late. < ¡Hola mijo! I wanted to tell you my favorite food truck will be at the rally tonight > < Look out for a logo with a giant gyro > Okay... ... (laugh) thanks for the tip! OH... ...MOM... ...I wanted to ask... ...since you know everything that's going on in Harlem... ...have you heard of the Underground? < Uh... > < ...yes > < They've been vandalizing Roxxon property... > < ...and I think they've been recruiting kids around the neighborhood > < Why? > < They didn't.. try to get you involved in their mess, did they? > No... ...uncle Aaron told me about 'em. Uhh.. yeah... ...I ran into him, at the subway stop by our house. Did you know he's working there? < No > < You KNOW I don't want you around him > Ugh... ...but you and Dad never told me why I wasn't allowed to see him anymore. He used to come by our place all the time! < (sigh) > < That's for Aaron to explain > < Give me one second! > < Sorry, honey, we're still setting up > It's all good. Go save the world, Mom... vote at a time. < Have I ever told you you're my favorite son? > I've got steep competition. Love you, bye! Hey Molasses... ...up here! Fire escape's shakier than it used to be... ...careful on the way up! (sigh) So... ...THIS is why you wanted to meet here! Almost BAILED, you took so long! Give me a hand, it's stuck. Time capsule's seen better days. You remember the combination? Yeah, it's uh... ...ah man, it's uh... You're kidding me! Y'all gotta start remembering this code! Not always gonna be around to tell you. We'll REMEMBER, we'll remember! "We'll remember" - yeah yeah... ...good. Now, uh... ...what are you gonna put inside this bad boy? Secret time capsule... ...only Miles and I know. Boom! That's right... ...keep it secret... ...keep it SAFE. Hey Rick... gonna take that job at Roxxon or what? (laugh) Why? You gonna take it if I don't? Maybe... ...waitin' to see the offer. Okay! Competition, eh? Well, they're talkin' a good game... ...want me to, uh... (clears throat) ...lead their CLEAN ENERGY group. You know me... CLEAN POWER, SAVE THE WORLD! (laughs) I LOVE my nerdy fan club! Oh! Speak of the devil... ...Roxxon... ...back in a sec. You remember the code, right? Umm... ...the Fibonacci Sequence! Nice! Our award! I mean our energy converter WAS pretty fire. Truth. You think it's still on display at the Science Center? Hope so! Wow... ...look at us. Goober Central. (laugh) Rick looking suave as ever, though. Yeah. Something going on with him? You guys fight or somethin'? No... fight. (sigh) Phin... It's fine. Why did we really lose touch? Crap! Now I'm late. I gotta go... Hey... ...I feel like we both have stuff we're not sharing. Next time we hang... secrets... ...okay? Yeah. Mmm.. maybe... ...if you're on time. See ya soon, short stuff! (laugh) You know I'm taller than you now, right? Not in here! Phone.. check... ...subway card.. check... got the house key? Yeah, I got it. COME ON! WE'RE GONNA BE LATE! HEY! (laughs) Dude, I am SO filling your suit with snow! Are you still wearing your suit? Yeah, you know.. just in case. It's gonna be fine. See.. THIS is my favorite part of living in Harlem. Pop-up street fair, best food in the city... ...awesome music! Yeah, this is pretty cool. It's still hard to think of mom as a politician. She's been a teacher my whole life. Similar skill sets, right? Corralling people, educating them... ...making sure they don't throw things at each other. (laugh) That looks really cool! Oh... ...sorry. (laugh) I should take ASL with you next semester. I've basically already mastered español. (laughs) Good luck, Ms. Morales! Thank you, Tim. Look... Roxxon's really into the "Constant Vigilance" thing, huh? For real... Buenas noches vecinos! Do you remember what we lost... ...when Roxxon bulldozed this block? Hey... okay? Yeah, it's just last time... ...we did one of THESE, my dad... ...home of the best hand-rolled ice cream in New York City... ...and Junipero's Daycare! It'll be okay, man. Your mom's got people looking out for her. St. Theresa's church... ...whose choir... Plus... you're Spider- Shhhhh! Even now... ...Roxxon is transporting Nuform, its experimental fuel across the city... ...but they won't tell us the risks! This message is for Roxxon! The man you answer to... ...Simon Krieger... a killer! This plaza is a monument to EVERYTHING he's done. I WON'T let it open! The Underground will stop it! We've got a situation here. EVERYONE... ...STAY CALM! NOWHERE TO RUN! WEAPONS UP! They need you! I'll help your mom. Come on... ...stay back... ...I mean it! I got you! Let's go! THE TINKERER SAID FOCUS ON ROXXON! THIS ISN'T ABOUT YOU, SPIDER-MAN! Don't let Spider-man... You attacked the WRONG rally! I stopped you at the subway... ...I'll do it again! < Miles... > < ...we made it home > < Nadja's driving your mom to the hospital > What!? Is she okay? < She hurt her arm when she fell > < Don't worry, we're taking care of her > < What about you? > < What's the Underground doing? > This attack doesn't make sense! I thought they wanted Nuform... ...but there isn't any here. I have to figure out the Tinkerer's next move. < Okay... > < ...I'm logging into your analytics > < I'll help how I can > Good idea! And Ganke... ...thanks for helpin' my mom. < Anytime, man > What was that!? < Miles! > < ¡Gracias a Dios! > < Where are you? > I'm... home... ...but I can come to the hospital. < No... > < ...stay where it's safe! > But you're hurt! What if something happens to you while I'm not there? < Mijo... > < ...this isn't like City Hall... > < ...we're all okay > < You stay where it's safe > < ¿entiendes? > < I'll be back soon... > < ... and I'll even let you sign my cast > Okay, ma... ...nos vemos en casa. < Te quiero > < Miles... > < ...I saw what just went down at your mom's rally > < You okay? > < Where are you? > I'm headed to Braithwaite Bridge. There was an explosion. < Alright... > < ...but if Roxxon shows up... > < run... > < it? > < They'll look for someone to blame in all this, and it WON'T just be the Tinkerer > Okay... ...I'll be careful. That explosion looked bad... ...I gotta hurry! < Looks like the plaza was just a warm-up > Or a distraction. Go go go! Woah woah woah woah! Let's not... ...shoot each other, alright? We're after the Nuform. Ignore everything else. Get rid of him... ...and grab as much as you can carry! THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!? Phin? No... He's destabilizing it! GET DOWN! Keep him busy. (laugh) He blew up the whole truck! < Miles... > < ...I saw the explosion! > < Are you okay? > I'm fine... ...but did you see!? The Tinkerer...'s Phin! < (gasp) > < My god... > I saw her today! I just... ...if I'd just put everything together... < This is not your fault, man > I was so happy to see her... ...I wasn't paying attention. I HAVE to pay attention. MOVE, HE'S GONNA... THE NUFORM'S GONE! HE DESTROYED IT! The bridge's coming down! I have to stop this! Peace out! The explosion was your fault! IT'S COMING DOWN! < Oh my god! > NO NO NO NO NO... I gotta get people off the bridge, before it comes down! C'mon! The bus! EVERYBODY GET OUT! EVERYBODY OFF! Thank you! DON'T WORRY, I GOT YOU! NO!!! Thank you. Man... < Those people... > < ...they're trapped! > I've got an idea! I've gotta get it stable! Okay, okay okay! I NEED something they can cross! Oh no, NO NO! I can stop this! JUST... ...A LITTLE... ...CLOSER! Just a little! NO!!! Spider-man... ...thank you! I got you. I did this. My powers... ...I made it explode! Everyone's safe! After the explosion, the bridge started to... We've got eyes on the other Spider-man... ...please advise. < What's going on? > I have no idea. Copy! No! No, I'm not your enemy! What are you doing? He saved us! Hey, leave him alone! I'm recording this! You! Put that phone away now! I said put that phone away NOW! Hey, get your hands off her! LEAVE NOW! This is your last warning! I SAVED THEM! What the HELL? Where'd he go? Oh my god! Did he go over? Did they push him!? What happened to him? What happened to Roxxon being here for us? They were gonna SHOOT me! They didn't even LISTEN! < Are you okay? > (sigh) I don't know. < Here today is Simon Krieger... > < ...discussing the DESTRUCTION of Braithwaite Bridge > < Look, I WANT to root for the new... > < ...Spider-man, but his... > < ...w-what did you call it... > < ...bioelectricity? > You want breakfast? < Well that cost us Roxxon property... > < ...AND it destroyed a bridge! > This is messed up! That's not what happened! Phin's the Tinkerer... ...she stole the Nuform... idea WHY... ...and it's MY fault the bridge blew up. No, it's not! I'm headed to the campaign headquarters. You boys need anything while I'm out? I could pick up... ...dulce de coco. I thought you'd quit after last night. Why would I quit? I said I'd fight for my home! I meant it. (sigh) You could've... could've died! Our family doesn't give up! You know that! (sigh) Mom! Dulce de coco would be great... ...if... don't mind. (laugh) I don't mind. When I got powers... ...and I-I thought I will be able to fix anything. Do anything that Spider-man does! Whenever you say Spider-man... always mean the other one. YOU'RE Spider-man. You can fix this... ...your way. Hmm. Yeah! Wooooooh! < Miles! > < Finally got through > Oh, uh... ...hey, Pete! What's goin' on? < I saw the news > < It was in Symkarian, so... > < ...either a bridge exploded, or a bagel was fumigated... > < ...which.. doesn't make any sense in context > < Either way, I'm looking at flights > < I can be back tomorrow night! > No... ...don't do that. It's okay! I figured out who's responsible... ...and I'm gonna stop them, I promise! < Okay... > < ...I trust you... > < ...but if you need help, I'll be on the first plane home > < Otherwise I'll see you when I get back in a few weeks, okay? > Yeah... ...okay! Thanks... ...and good luck learning Symkarian! < Ugh.. why are there 7 different words for bathroom? > < Okay boss... > < ...what's the plan? > Phin's family has a repair shop in Midtown. She used to do all her work there. If I'm lucky... ...she still does. < Wouldn't it be easier to just call her and.. talk? > I don't think so, man. Seeing her on the bridge? I don't know that person! I need to figure out WHY she's doin' all this. < Aight, man... > < what you feel is right > < Keep me posted > Shop's all boarded up. Sad to see it like this. Should find a low-profile way in. Don't wanna draw attention. (coughs) Hello? (sigh) MAN this place is dusty. No one's been here in a WHILE. Phin and I spent a WHOLE summer helping Rick repair old guitars. There wasn't ANYTHING he couldn't fix. Rick's ESU textbooks! He took night classes so he could keep running the shop during the day. Guy was unstoppable. Someone left the lights on! Roxxon ID for Ella Sterling... ...but the photo is of Phin! The team that created Nuform all got sick... ...and WAIT... ...Rick was project lead!? Some kind of meds... ...GCSF... ...used for treating bone marrow decay. Whose was this? Don't remember there being bricks here. Okay... ...THIS is a secret room! Video file... ...from 6 months ago! Running a test upload... (coughs) Half my team is sick... ...but Krieger... ...still won't admit it's Nuform. We need to do this tonight. Let me. You sure we're ready? We have to be. They broke ground in Harlem, today... ...ahead of schedule. Poisoning the city to make a buck. They keep cutting corners. Ignoring safety reports, I can't... ...let them pervert my work like this, Phin. Okay... ...first we flush the core... ...then we wipe all data. You're.. SURE they can't just make more of this stuff? No..., as long as we take out the backup supply in Jersey, too... ...but without me... ...they'll have NO IDEA how Nuform works. The project will be DOA. I'll record us. Things go wrong... uploads STRAIGHT to the Bugle. Perfect. (sigh) You ready to save New York? Ready! There's a second video! Ugh! Damn it! No uploads! Phone must have been damaged! I WON'T let tonight be for nothing! I promise... ...Rick. They were TRYING to shut the Nuform project down... ...but something went wrong. Last known location of her phone! If I can track it... (gasp) C’mon, c'mon! Be invisible! Be invisible! C'mon... HE'S HERE! Don't let him leave! Straight-up vanishing really freaked these guys out! Not YOUR lucky day... ...SORRY! Heads up, I think Spider-man's here! We'll FIND YOU! HEY, give me some... We've got someone down! They look so peaceful knocked out. You don't stand a chance against us, spider! What the? More friends joining the fun? HE'S WEAK! KEEP ON HIM! He's moving too fast! Okay... ...back to that computer. If I can find Phin's phone... ...maybe I can understand what happened to Rick... ...and why she became the Tinkerer. There! Got a location. Roxxon research labs... ...this is where the whole Nuform project got started. Phin's phone's in there somewhere... ...and I think I just found my way in. That fan has high voltage shielding. Wonder what powers it. Okay... to get into the building. I can charge things up... ...wonder if I can power things down, too. Absorbing energy fried the generator! I can't believe that actually worked! AND I'm in. Got it! Breaking into a lab full of armed guards... ...Christmas break sure is different this year. I should be at home... ...taking naps... ...playing a TON of video games... ...and eating, like.. 100 Christmas cookies. Which way? Tracker said the phone was pretty far below ground level. Uh oh! ...outer exhaust system. If it's Underground, kill them. Hey kid... (laughs) What's so funny!? Damn, Miles... ...for a skinny-ass kid... hit hard! Uncle Aaron!? YOU'RE THE PROWLER!? My dad had a file on you! I know... ...and I bet you got a lot of questions right now... ...but we NEED to get out of here. You picked the WRONG place to break into. I'm NOT leaving till I find what I came for! Listen... ...I... ...did some work for Roxxon a while back. You DON'T want to mess with these guys. If we get caught in here... Then help me. Ugh... ...stubborn as your father. Alright... ...but we do this MY way. I know a place I can access a security terminal... ...let you know what's comin'. Remote mines... ...use them if you get in a jam. DON'T... ...GET... ...CAUGHT! < See that vent with the laser shielding? > How'd you do that? < I've worked with systems like this before > < So what is it you're looking for? > A phone. I tracked the signal. It's coming from somewhere deep underground. < Lowest point in the building is at the bottom of the reactor silo > Then that's where I'm headed. All units, I've got a man down! Hey! What was that? We need another... Man down, we've got an intruder! Gotta be quicker than that. < Should be a vent in that room > < Leads to a lab... > < ...then the reactor > Like a Nuform reactor? < It's what these schematics say, yeah > Hey! Where's the Nuform I asked for? Oh... ...uh, we're trying to make more... ...but Mason didn't leave behind any notes. And? Well, I had heard that one canister of Nuform survived the... ...uh, incident on the bridge. Now, if we had access to that, I... Don't you think... ...that if I HAD it... ...I would give it to you? Yes, Mr. Krieger... ...I just want to make it clear... ...that without the canister, it will be impossible to hit the deadline. I... Shut up. I am doing everything in my considerable power to find that canister. HOWEVER... ...right NOW... would HELP me... ...for you to go BACK to your lab... ...and do your damn job! Krieger's on a deadline. < So you gonna tell me whose phone you're looking for? > The Tinkerer's... gonna tell me why you're stalking me? < (laugh) To PROTECT you! > < You SHOULD feel honored > < I came out of retirement to watch your back > Can't believe my uncle's the Prowler. < And I can't believe my nephew's risking his NECK for a phone! > < Let's get on with it > Ugh... ...I need a vacation. What? We've got an intruder! Heard something... ...stand by. No one here... Copy! Ha! < Nice work > Thanks! < Silo's just on the other side of that blast shield > < Use that terminal to open it up > < Get the phone, and get outta there! > < Reactor's below > < Powers this whole facility > Phone's all the way at the bottom. It looks like I need to figure out a way past that fan... ...and all those guys too! < Remember what I said... > < ...don't get caught! > Initiating sweep. We've got an intruder! Siesta time! Sweeping the area! Another one... Hi Ganke... < Just.. calling to make sure you're not hurt... > < ...or... > < know... > < ...dead > (laugh) Thanks. Actually... my uncle here helping me. < The.. subway worker guy? > Yeah... ...turns out... ...he's also the Prowler! (laugh) Long story. < Wait... > < ...THE Prowler? > < The.. thief who runs around in purple? > Former... ...thief. We're not partnering. It's just.. a one-time thing. < Your uncle's the PROWLER! > < That's... > < ...a lot, man > < Like... > < ...a LOT a lot > I know. I gotta go Ganke... ...I'll fill you in later. Don't let your guard down. Not YOUR lucky day... ...sorry! All units, we've got a man down! Eso me gustó. < Be quick about this, nephew! > < I'm trying to shut down cameras and alarms to keep more of 'em from coming > < Break the wires above the fan, and it SHOULD stop > Thanks! There's the fan control. Now for the wires. Nice. Battery needs a charge. Please don't explode! Nice! Okay... video... it is! Okay... ...core dump's a two-person job. You start the override HERE... ...I confirm it there. Step one in wiping Nuform from existence. Any regret? Destroying the thing you made? (coughs) You've seen me lately, right? Let's make the world safer. Ready? Ready. Triggering override in 3... ...2... Phin? That wasn't me! Industrial sabotage, Rick? Really? No one's gonna care about a FEW sick people uptown, or a... ...dead engineer, I mean...'re just the cost of doing business. NO! NO, NO NO!!! I CAN STOP IT! I CAN STOP THIS! RICK!! RICK, NO!!! NO... ...PHIN... ...DON'T LOOK! (crying) < Someone else is in there > < Find out who > Rick was trying to SAVE people... ...and Krieger killed him! I HAVE to finish what they've started. Uncle Aaron... ...can you unlock the reactor shielding from where you are? < Why? > < You got your phone, now let's leave! > That reactor killed my friend. It NEEDS to be shut down! Permanently! I NEED your help, unc.... ...please. Uh... ...uncle Aaron? < (sigh) Okay > < Stand back > Thanks unc. JUST LIKE THE GENERATOR OUTSIDE... ...ONLY... ...HUGE! < WHAT ARE YOU DOIN'? > < MILES... > < ...YOU ALRIGHT? > < You gotta get out of there, man > < Can you move? > Yeah... ...yeah! < Go down that hallway, NOW! > (coughs) I feel... ...a little bad right now. It's like...'s... ...tearing me... ...I can't... ...I feel... < Just a...> Ugh... I can't... ...hold the energy... < Miles! > < TALK TO ME, KID! > < YOU ALRIGHT!? > Unh... ...I feel like I just got dropped out of a plane.... ...but at least the reactor's disabled. < You're almost out! > Ugh... ...I really needed that phone! Now what am I gonna do? < C'mon, kid... > < ...I can't get to you before Roxxon does > STAND DOWN! WE'RE TAKING YOU INTO CUSTODY! < They've got orders to capture you > Why? What do they want? < Study you, interrogate you... > < ...don't know, don't care > < Just don't let them > < Goddamn it! > What? < Miles... > < ...I just got booted from the system! > < Give me a minute> < I'll get you out of there! > Got it! NEUTRALIZE SPIDER-MAN! Got him sighted! Let's go... ...before more of 'em show up! Woah... ...that was super cool cloaking tech! How does it... You take the left... ...I'll take the right. Watch out! This is bad, Miles! Real bad! Don't worry! We can take these guys! Oh, I ain't worried about that... ...I'm worried about AFTER we get out of here! We're BOTH on Krieger's shortlist now! Traitor! HE'S IN THE AIR! Take... ...THAT! ENGAGING SPIDER-MAN! The H Train will be passing by soon! What does that matter? You'll see! Just keep fightin'! Got him in my sights! We're the authority here! Okay... ...train's almost here! Get ready! Through the hold, hurry! Surrender, now! Go, NOW! You need to lay low. Don't trust anybody... ...and DON'T take off that mask! Wait till Roxxon finds a better target. I can't lay low! I still need to find Phin. Your friend's the Tinkerer! No wonder you care so much about this. It's not just that. I'm... ...protecting New York is my job! USE Phin... ...tell her you want to join the Underground. You just told me don't take off the mask. Don't tell her you're Spider-man... ...go to her as a friend! No, she's too smart for that. You'd be SURPRISED... ...people get STUPID when they care about someone... YOU'RE being stupid now. Look, if I told her the truth... I told your DAD the truth... ...thought he had my back... ...hoped he WOULD... ...being my BROTHER and all. Instead he cut me OUT. If I'd kept my mouth shut... ...MAYBE I'd still have a family! You know what you have to do. Okay... ...I gotta do it... PHIN... ...get her to let me into the Underground. < Hey, Miles... > < okay? > Uhh... yeah, why would you say that? < Oh... > < ...uh... > < ...I saw the news about your mom's rally > We're fine. Do you have time to get coffee, maybe? < I can MAKE time > < There's a place on Edison... > < ...near Fisk Tower > < They don't do FOAM ART... > < ...but, people don't take pictures of their LATTES, so... > < ...worth it! > Okay! Meet you there! Okay... ...halfway into infiltrating a dangerous group of criminals. Cool cool! I was really glad you called! I.. needed a break. From what? Oh, just... ...stuff. So, uh... ...I went to your folks' old shop. I thought you might be there. Looked like there might have been some kind of fight just before I got there. I went inside... ...looked around... ...found out about Rick. I'm so sorry. What else did you find out? I want to help you... ...but you've gotta talk to me. I'm really sorry your mom got hurt at her rally. If that new SPIDER-MAN hadn't shown up, EVERYONE would have been FINE! Please don't try to talk me out of this. I KNOW what I'm doing. Okay. Good. So... ...THAT'S my big secret. That's why I've been so busy. What's your excuse? Uhh... ...well.. um... ...volunteering at FEAST... (laugh) You're always busy with stuff like that! What's the REAL reason? The real reason is... ...I've been taking on a lot more responsibilities than I can handle lately. It made me push my friends away... ...but I'm here to fix that. MAYBE I could join your.. club? Crew? Team? Uhh... ...I don't know. You know, Rick was... ...he was the best. I get why you're doin' this. If you want my help... ...I'm ALL IN! If not... worries. Your secret is safe with me. You're a good friend, Miles. Okay! Let's go. Where? You know I'm not good with heights! You'll be FINE! I'll be watching. You'll need to prove yourself to the Underground. I'll show you HOW when we get to Fisk Tower. You're set up in the Kingpin's office space? After he went to prison, the feds seized his property. They haven't gotten around to selling it, so we moved in! How'd you get involved in all this? The Underground, the Tinkerer... Tinkerer's a nod to my role. I built everything... ...the masks... ...the weapons... Programmable matter... Right. The Underground tried to rob my granddad's shop, and saw what I was working on. We made a deal. I know you're after Krieger... ...but what do THEY get out of it... ...besides guns? Notoriety. They want to be so well known; they can get away with ANYTHING. And you're good with that? I can't take on Roxxon alone. C'mon. You need to jump from the crane to the balcony... them you're FEARLESS. They're WATCHING!? Through the windows. You HAVE to do this! Come ON.. you'll be FINE! Gotta do this without giving away I'm Spider-man. Come on Miles, make it look good! Whoa... ...whoa... ...whoa! Gotcha! (laughs) So am I officially in the club now? Sure... ...but... your back. These guys take a while to warm up to new people. Here it IS... ...where the plan comes together! So, your plan... does Nuform fit in? Krieger's saying you stole a shipment. I stole ONE canister. I'm making some adjustments... ...don't worry about it. Take today to settle in. Right. Good! You're back. Gavin needs you. Not now! We've got a new recruit. (laugh) Fine. Oh MAN... built all these? Yeah... ...long as the new weapons keep coming... ...the Underground stay loyal. Is that a programmable matter sword!? New enemies... solutions. You mean Spider-man, right? This week's MOST unwelcome surprise. She's not gonna show him downstairs, right? Phin... Gavin's really freakin' out about shield calibration. (sigh) How many times do I have to explain it to him? Miles, I need to deal with something. Hang here, okay? Oh yeah, sure. Now's my chance. I gotta figure out where she's keepin' the Nuform. Might be able to find some clues in here. It's just WEIRD... ...letting someone names "Tinkerer" give us orders. Whew.. Fisk would not like this! (laugh) Guy had secrets and trap doors all over this place. We cracked 'em all. We OWN Fisk Tower now. Secret rooms... ...good place to hide a deadly fuel source. No one's gonna forget the Underground now. That's a lot of cash! Even more downstairs! Old man's basically funding us... ...whether he likes it or not. More downstairs... ...that sounds promising. Bridge attack's getting the Underground a lot of press! Gotta grow that rep! You ask me, we should be focusing on PR, not lugging around this "Nuform" crap. Lugging it around... ...maybe they brought it HERE. We ALL did... ...the guy was the best there was at using power to earn respect. Yeah, but he screwed up. Got caught. People need to start respecting us! That's why we need Tinkerer's weapons. The gear she's making us? This stuff from... ...Martin Li's gang? Yeah... ...trophies. Gotta establish dominance if we're going to replace Fisk and run New York. These guys are well trained if they took down the Demons! Wonder WHERE they trained. Hmm... ....MIGHT be using Fisk's secret rooms on the ground level. Break time's over, kids! Group 2 - head downstairs for training! Sounds like where I need to go. Roxxon doesn't stand a CHANCE against us. Feel like I've... ...SEEN this guy somewhere. Gotta update Ganke! Who are you texting? Uh... mom. Yeah... ...she needs me at home. Right now!? Really? Yeah... ...her wrist is in a cast. I need to help with dinner. Did you tell her.. I'm... Thanks. You can head out that way. See you back here soon? Definitely. Let's see if they keep their secrets downstairs. Ganke... ...I'm in the vents. < Nice! > < Did you find out where they're hiding the Nuform? > (sigh) Not yet... ...but I saw Phin head towards the basement... I'm gonna try and follow her. < Hey... > < ...when you're crawling through vents... > < do you ever feel like you're in a movie, and start humming suspenseful music to yourself... > < ...and then think about getting caught, and put into a cell suspended in a cell over an alligator pit... > < ...and then making a BOMB out of gum wrappers to escape? > Wait, what!? No! < Cool... > < ...just curious > Okay, need to shut down some Underground training exercises... ...then I'll look for a secret room. Nap time bro. Absolutely! What's the target? Another one bites the dust. Come on! We worked on this! There you go! We don't have all day, LADIES... Heard something. Yeah, that's what I'm talkin' about! Guys, look out for Spider-man! Do it again! Hey, come on! Someone's taking us out! Start a search! Training is finally paying off. Shh. Hey, got someone out cold! That'll leave a mark! Guys! I heard somethin'. I don't know what Danika Hart's got against us. I swear I heard somethin'... Gotta be quicker than that! Someone's taking... Another one bites the dust. Gotta watch out for spiders, man. Okay... ...still no sign of Phin. < She must have gone SOMEWHERE > < I read this interview with Fisk where he said he loved "art with a purpose" > What does THAT mean? < I don't know... > < ...but, they also found a bunch of secret passages in his house, hidden behind art... > < > Yeah... ...gotcha! I'm lookin'. HEY... ...I think I got somethin'! Woah... ...secret stairs! Goes deep! < Lots of mob bosses have secret exits like this > < Wonder if Fisk planned to use it when the other Spider-man came for him > He should've built a faster elevator! Maybe he would have gotten away. < LET'S not start giving the supervillains ideas, cool? > You hear all that noise in the atrium? Must be a hell of a training exercise today. I know you don't want to talk to her about it... ...but three people got sick after the bridge, THREE! We know how dangerous Nuform is. You KNEW this would be dangerous! It's the deal we made! But if WE'RE getting sick too? You can't hack it; you can get out. The Underground doesn't have TIME for weak links. You hearin' this? Nuform is makin' the Underground sick, too! < They're so... > < ...callous about it > You move the Nuform? SAFELY? Yeah. The lab uptown. (sigh) Ganke... ...they moved the Nuform! We're not sure if the canister's safe. It was... Buzzing, like it's unstable. It's that new Spider-man. His powers messed with the structure. Tell everyone not to touch it! Their hideouts! Nuform's gotta be in one of 'em! < I-I need a clearer picture! > < Then I can narrow it down > We don't KNOW enough about this stuff! What it is... ...where it came from... My brother created Nuform. Chief Chemist... ...and.. Roxxon KILLED him. Unh... I won't STOP until Roxxon's gone! Are you WITH me? You KNOW we are. Good. I need POWER. Generators... batteries, whatever you can find. Bring them to the theater. Spi- < Okay! > < You do you... > < ...I'm gonna research the map you found.. > < ...see what dots I can connect > YOU CAN'T STOP US, SPIDEY! STAY OUT OF OUR... FIGHTING US WAS A BIG MISTAKE! Fighting us was a mistake, Spider-man! Batter UP! SPIDER-MAN'S... Can finally check "fight in a mob vault" off my bucket list. HEADS UP! < I cleaned up that photo you took of the map > What about a theater? Phin mentioned one. A theater, huh? < That's... > Don't say it, Ganke. < ...dramatic! > You said it. < That'd be the Gem Theater > Sounds like that's where she hid the Nuform... that's my next stop. You were right, Ganke... ...Underground are everywhere. < You might say they're.. "Overground"? > (laugh) Keep workin' on that one. Barrier's electrified. Ow! And NOT friendly! < Your suit says that was three HUNDRED kilojoules > < How is that just "ow"? > Benefits of bioelectricity, I guess. Power can't be supplied all locally. < Any sign of the power source? > (sigh) Several. Bet these cables lead the way. < Electrified barrier is next level! > < Maybe they got nervous after SOMEONE infiltrated Fisk Tower > Who would do THAT? I think Jordan's been stealing from us. I know for a FACT he didn't train today. Shh! Yeah, but I hate that it was SPIDER-MAN who drove us out. I heard something. Everybody up! SOMEONE'S HERE! GRAB YOUR WEAPONS! WE'RE NOT ALONE! Gotta be quicker than that! Alright... ...drained it. Feelin' good. Now for the others. Did you REALLY blow up a club last night? Crappy little bar near Braithwaite Bridge. No one was inside. Lot of Roxxon guys go there or something? No, but Tinkerer wanted a diversion. We're stronger than ever! Gotta be quicker than that! SPIDER-MAN! Keep him away from the rig! He followed us here! HERE... ...CATCH! WATCH OUT! FIGHTING US WAS A BIG MISTAKE! HUGE... Cool, cool. Chippin' away. Heard you found an old Maggia supporter. Yeah, he's uh... ...what would one of those old mob types say... Gotta watch out for spiders, man. Found him! You can't beat all of us! Spider-man's tearing us apart! Not as tough as you look! This was never about you! No more Underground... ...soon to BE no more generator. Only one more! ...disorganized, always fighting to survive. This is better. That'll leave a mark. People respect us now! Now we got Spider-man AND Roxxon against us. I don't know if we can survive it. We can. People know who we are now... ...'bout time. You're scared. No one can stop us now. Shh... Looks like... Don't let him near the Nuform! HEADS UP! < That did it! > < Barrier's fresh out of power > And prime for smashin'. (coughs) < That... > < ...was the way to the main auditorium > Now it's blocked. Oops! Maybe there's a staircase... ...or an elevator... THAT elevator... ...if I can lift it. < Hey man, I'm thinking... > < ...what if you TOLD Phin you're Spider-man? > Yo Phin... ...not ONLY did I lie about joining your club... ...but I'm ALSO the guy tryin' to stop you! < Okay.. yeah.. we can work on the delivery > Giant armored silo looks promising. < REALLY feeling like my gaming rig is underpowered right now > Yeah. Phin's goin full supervillain lair here. Are you seein' this giant armored container thing? < Totally not suspicious > < You think the Nuform's in there? > I got a hunch, yeah. Alright, what are you up to, Phin? Phin's pumping energy into the Nuform... ...making it unstable like my Venom did. < Which.. exploded the bridge > < So... > < ...what... > < ...does she want to.. blow up the THEATER? > (sigh) (gasp) Not the theater... ...Roxxon Plaza! < Whoa.. WHAT? > < THAT'S... > < ...HOW COULD SHE... > It's not open yet... there'd be no casualties.... ...but I CAN'T let her do this! (gasp) I'm takin' the Nuform. Come on... ...come ON! Crap crap crap! Spread out! He's here somewhere. I NEED to get the Nuform... ...after I deal with her GLOWSTICK army. < JUST to put it out there... > < ...what if Phin's right... > < ...that THIS is the best way to beat Roxxon? > Phin's not just talking about throwing a rock through a window. She wants to blow up a building.. on my block! If ANY part of her plan goes wrong... ...people will get hurt. I CAN'T let her take that chance. < You're right > < Let's get that Nuform outta here > Is that... HEY... ...I FOUND SOMEONE OUT! We got somebody down! What's-a-matter, Spidey, scared? Nap time bro. Everyone up! Someone's messin' with us. Quit hiding and face us! Even Spider-man's not ready for this! Don't let him near the Nuform! We're LOSING! TAKE... ...THAT! Spider-man! Okay... for the Nuform. Okay... ...easy... ...oh NO! Can't let you take that! Hey! HEY! HEY!! SERIOUSLY!? I just want to TALK! Phi- TINKERER... ...STOP! SO YOU CAN STEAL MY NUFORM!? NOT A CHANCE IN HELL! Hey Ganke... ...ran into Phin. < What's happening? > She grabbed the Nuform! I'm chasing her across Manhattan. < Oh crap! > < Uh, okay.. how are you gonna stop her? > Step one... ...catch her. Step two? Uh.. I'll get back to you! Oh move move move! BACK OFF! THIS IS BETWEEN ME, AND ROXXON! How about... ...we use our words? HOW ABOUT... ...YOU stop being so CLINGY!! How is she not TIRED yet? It is NOT... ...going.. well. < Where are you? > I don't know... ...I'm dodging explosions! I need a new strategy. I'm gonna do what you said. < Tell her the truth!? > Yeah... ...soon as I catch her. TINKERER... ...I GOTTA TELL YOU SOMETHIN'. SLOW DOWN! DO YOU THINK I'M STUPID!? YOU'LL WANT TO HEAR THIS... ...I PROMISE! STEP... ...OFF, SPIDER-MAN! OH CRAP! NOT GOOD NOT GOOD! HOPE THE SHIP'S OKAY! I SAID... ...STEP.. OFF!!! WHOA! WHY DID SHE INVENT DEATH WHEELS? Give me ONE good reason not to END you! My mom would be VERY upset! Miles!? Can we just... YOU TWO, ON THE ROOF! FREEZE! That... ...could've gone better. Argh... ...I think she cracked a rib... ...or three. Hey uncle Aaron... ...I need, um... ...I need some advice. < About what exactly? > Just... ...everything. Are you free? < I can wrap up what I'm doin' > < Meet me at the docks in Hell's Kitchen > I'll be there. I gotta call you back. Unc... Aight, Miles... ...spill it. Give me the WHOLE situation. Phin... ...Roxxon... ...Underground...'s just... ...a LOT, you know? You're 17! You're stressed... ...AND you're a superhero! You gotta cut yourself some slack! You still makin' beats? Not much since I started... ...this. Work/life balance, kid... ...most important thing. Here... ...little project your dad and I started back in the day... ...our mixtape. Had rhymes ready and everything! How come I never heard about this? 'Cause we never finished. We'd sample street noise around the way... ...wanted the CITY to be our beat... ...but your dad had the masters... ...and after things went bad between us... ...but you can finish what we couldn't. Plus, it'll take your mind off work. Yeah... ...yeah.... ...okay. What do I do? Load that up. I'll walk you through it. < I set up holograms to guide you > < Scan the source > Holograms, huh? You stealin' my moves? < (laugh) > < This was in my playbook before you were even BORN, young blood > Okay... ...don't think about Phin... ...focus on sounds... ...clear my head. < Scan the holograms, and it'll unlock files on that drive I gave you... > < you figure out which sound you're lookin' for > < Try movin' in a little closer > < There you go... > < ...yeah... > < ...yeah, yeah THAT'S it! > Oh, dope. Not now! Hey... ...get somethin' you like? Yeah, really unique dynamics. See... ...old man still knows his stuff! And you were right about clearing my head, too. I know what to do about Phin. I gotta see her. Try to talk her out of all this. In person? Where? Trinity Church... ...tomorrow night. Why so interested? 'Cause you got a target on your back the size of Jersey! You don't have to protect me. Someone should. (sigh) You know... said you NEVER finished this tape because of how things went bad between you and Dad. What actually happened between you two? It was... ...complicated. We were too similar... ...and... ...too different. (sigh) Finish the tape... ...get all the samples... ...and you'll hear the WHOLE story... ...promise. Alright... ...thanks, unc. Trinity Church. Remember... ...Tinkerer's yours... ...but leave the boy alone. (snoring) Alright... ...time to call Phin! Hope she answers. < Hi... > < ...Spider-man > Phin... ...hey... ...we need to talk... person. < So you can LIE to me again? > So I can MAKE this RIGHT. PLEASE! Meet me at Trinity Church. No more lies... ...I promise! < If you're screwing with me... > < (sigh) Fine > < I'll see you there > At least she's willing to meet. Okay... ...Trinity Church... ...let's go. That was a hell of a way to tell me you're SPIDER-MAN! What if I'd killed you!? You want ME to feel bad because YOU almost killed me? I WANT you to stop LYING to me! I let you in the Underground because I thought you understood. I do understand. What Krieger did to Rick? Roxxon needs to pay... ...not like this. THIS.. is the only way I can BEAT HIM! I need you to look the other way. Please! I can't. I made a promise. So did I. Why'd you pick here? Your dad brought us... that CONCERT... ...7 choirs from 7 countries? Remember? Ghana was my favorite. Ghana wasn't there. You're thinking of Guinea. Uh no, I'm.. pretty sure it was Ghana. Mmm.. Guinea, Belize, Poland, Cuba... South Korea, Thailand, Venezuela...'re right. I usually AM. Usually. (gasp) What!? (laughs) Ow! Gotta say I'm disappointed, bud. Krieger... Yeah. See, Ms. Mason... ...kinda knew she was gonna be a handful... ...but you... ...I guess I was hoping that.. you and me would see eye to eye. Where are we? (laugh) You're behind the curtain, bud. (laugh) This is... ...our MOST.. secure facility. In here the sausage gets made. You're a real PRICK, you know that? Huh... know.. when... ...her brother and I were developing Nuform? All you did was put your name on the patent. He said the only thing you knew how to do... ...was SELL other people’s ideas! YEAH, WELL AT LEAST I STILL GOT A PULSE, BABE. But let's not dwell... ...right? The first thing we're gonna do... I'm gonna... WOW! (laughs) (laughing) That is awesome! Are those involuntary defenses? Oh man that's hot. You see... ...I'm gonna get that mask off of ya... ...and I'm gonna find you what makes ya tick... ...because you just... ...SMELL like next level bioengineering, and you know what that smells like to me, kid? That smells like money. OKAY! I'm gonna hit the gym... ...leg day, can't skip it. Get her to tell us where my Nuform is... ...yeah? Can't really open the plaza without it. Oh, and uh.. use... ...him. Time to finish what we started on the bridge. No cameras now. NO! Again! Woah... (gasp) Are you okay? They were gonna kill you! Holy shit! Tougher than I look, huh? (laughs) Let's find a way out of here. Roxxon KEPT Rhino instead of giving him to the police...'s CRAZY! Nothing... ...ugh.. about Roxxon surprises me anymore. You okay? I will be... ...once we're OUT. I'm shutting off security cams. Can you check that computer? What did you find? There's the exit... ...through this office. We have to lift the base lockdown first, from the control room. First we need to escape the security wing. I'll go down to the floor... ...see what we're dealing with. Door's locked. Venom worked in the cell... ...should work on the door... ...if I can find whatever's powering it. Hello! < It's unlocked > < I'm headed to the floor > Right above you. < That security door is our way out... > < ...but I'll have to hack a few terminals to disable the alarm > I'll handle the security goons. Security cameras are down in the south wing. Rhino probably turned them off. Heard he wanted to question the prisoners. Bet that other guy could get even Spider-man to squeal! There's 2 more ahead! Did Rhino track them? Nah, he's just a tool. Hey! What was that? Initiating sweep. Way's clear. < Running a cipher > Once the plaza's done... ...they'll stop complaining. < Okay... > < ...ready for another computer > Phin... ...we gotta talk. Blowing up the plaza is a bad idea. < SO is poisoning the city with an unsafe fuel source > Yeah... ...but there HAS to be a better way to deal with Roxxon. < Sometimes strategies are imperfect... > < deciding to lie to your friends > < Let's just focus on getting out > Fine... ...but we're gonna talk about this. Shoot on sight! Stay alert! MAN DOWN! Target is hostile! Need backup here! Need some cover! Check those corners! < Copy, checking position > Alert! We have an intruder! Last chance, Spider-man! Surrender! I got a man down! < Unit... > That'll leave a mark. Spider-man's here! Stay alert! Okay... ...I'm shorting the maglock. I need you to trigger the override back there. On it! Looks like some kind of record archive. Wonder what's on these computers. More info on Rhino! I know he says he wants out of that suit, but let's face it... ...the metal onesie is the ONLY reason anybody gives a DAMN about him. Just upgrade his armor. If we help him smash Kid Spider... ...he'll forget all about wanting out. There's NOBODY this guy won't manipulate. Notes about Roxxon independent contractors. We need an outside partner to track Tinkerer and Spider-man for us. Tombstone's off the grid. Black Cat's gone... ...straight... ...ish. What about the guy in purple? What did he go by? What was his name? Oh, oh.. yeah... ... (laughing) yeah... ...yeah he'll do. Guy in purple? That.. can't be. No... way. Triggering the override! There's a voice memo on here! Sir, the police are asking about Rhino. What do we tell them? Our man at the Raft is setting up a special "work release" program. Tell the police Rhino's doing... ...a little community service. Can't believe they got away with this! Door's unlocked... ...but I need you to force it open. Can do! I can't let them GO until I have my Nuform! He shouldn't even be here. Your muscle was only supposed to grab the girl. (grunt) Yeah.. he doesn't like that. Here's the deal, bud... ...SPIDER-MAN'S... ...the BEST leverage I've got against Ms. Mason. I mean... CAUGHT them... ...together... ...well I mean... ...YOU caught them, but it was thanks to YOUR intel, so... ...clearly there's something going on THERE. You agreed to leave the kid alone. Uncle Aaron!? Ah.. "the kid"... ...I love how you say that, it's just... ...SO paternal. Let Spider-man go... ...and I'll get your Nuform... ...feed you Underground intel... ...whatever you want. See!? Leverage! Works every time. Mile... ...Spider-man! Here's leverage for you... ...I've SEEN things... ...Nuform makin' people sick... ...what you did to Rick Mason. If I went public... Yeah, but.. you WON'T. Here's the deal... ...YOU'RE a wanted thief... ...PLUS all the jobs we've done together? (laugh) Bud, you'd be in the cell right next to mine... ...AND.. we both know you're a LITTLE too self-serving.. for that. Soooo... ...we're gonna head in and check on Ms. Mason and SPIDER-MAN... ...uh, BUT...'s... ...KIND.. of.. an... ...invite.. only party. Yeah... ...BYE! Uncle Aaron...! Wait... you KNOW that guy? Is that the reason we got CAPTURED? No. It's... ...I knew he worked with Roxxon, but I DIDN'T THINK HE'D... ...he'd sell me out! I CAN'T believe this! You led me into a TRAP! WHY do I keep LISTENING to you!? Phin, NO... ...there HAS to be an explanation! I didn't KNOW this would happen! Just... it! Let's KEEP moving! Can you get this open? Yeah, sure. They initiated a lockdown! That's the control room we HAVE to get into. So, we'll need past those security shutters. < Got a maintenance panel here, but it needs power > Let me see what I can do. There... power! < Accessing... > < ...ugh... > < ...I can't hotwire the shutters... > < ...but I can move machinery... > < that crane > Maybe we can use that. I'll look around. < They build engines for their APCs in here > Hey... ...crane's over this engine thing, now. < Engine thing... > < ...I've got an idea > < Can you move the crane back to the assembly line? > Yeah! Think I know where you're headed. < Okay... > < ...this laser should activate the engine > < Ugh.. crap! > < Laser shorted out > Think I can reroute power. You're good. Use the laser. < One laser comin' up! > Perfect! If I overcharge the engine, it'll be explosive. < And explosive is JUST what we need to destroy those shutters! > Get down! < Let's go! > < Almost out! > That's our way out! Give me a few minutes to get it open! Looks like they guessed our plan! Not HARD... ...there's only one exit. Alright... ...I'll take care of those guards... get that door open! Ugh.. one THING... ...did you EVER.. think about... ...calling me.. to tell me you were Spider-man? You know... ...AFTER my parents died... ...Rick basically.. had to become my dad. I thought I'd miss having a brother... ...but I had you. Phin, I... GET THIS DOOR OPEN! THAT WON'T HOLD FOREVER! GO! I'LL BE FINE, JUST GO! < Those guys with the lights on their helmets can spot heat signatures > < They'll SEE you if you try to go invisible > Wonder how much of their R&D department is dedicated to fighting us. < Probably millions of dollars in untaxed money > < You clear the floor; I'll work on overriding security so we can get out > < I can still access machinery if you need me to move anything > You're done! Don't know why Morales is so against us. You good in there? < Yeah, those webs are holding the door > < Whole base is on alert though, so be careful! > Once all the reactors are in... ...people will stop complaining. < RX-99 - Report in! > < RX-99 is MIA. Need eyes on him > Huh! Listen... ...I KNOW you don't trust me... < You're right, I don't > What can I do to change that? < Stop going behind my back... > < ...and stop ACTING like I haven't THOUGHT THIS THROUGH > < No one will get hurt when I take down the plaza > < No one, except Roxxon > < You KNOW they deserve it > Just... ...promise to talk it through with me, okay? I promise to listen. REALLY listen. < I've made up my mind, Miles > < You need to start accepting that > Then... ...I'm gonna have to stop you. You need to start accepting that! DON'T LET HIM ESCAPE! They look so peaceful knocked out. < I'm through > < Meet me in the show room on the far side of the assembly line > < Coming? > Looks like they locked the doors. I'll find another way. What if we went public about Rick's death? Do you have PROOF? Because I don't think the word of two VIGILANTES is gonna convince people. There's gotta be a way. I think that's the exit. Hey! Lot and found. Thanks. I know this place. This is Krieger's lab! Krieger has a lab? Mostly for show, but yeah. Rick showed me a photo once. Krieger's lab... ...wait! All the current Nuform project data's on here! Toxicity reports... ...failed safety reviews... ...and Krieger's name's on EVERYTHING! This would destroy Roxxon. Crap! You like my new color? Immune to your little... ...zappy pops. Zappy.. pops!? Come on, man... NOW... ...WE FINISH THIS! You handle Rhino, I'll take the guards! You cannot sting me through this suit! Stop resisting! WE'RE DETAINING YOU! WE NEED TO BREAK HIS ARMOR! You are... ...worthy foe! I will give you a good death. A good DEATH!? I think that's his sick version of a compliment. DETAIN HIM! Oh my god... ...HE'S THROWING A TANK! Maybe if I charge the engines! Guess Roxxon didn't plan for exploding engine blocks when they designed your new armor! You need to put him DOWN... ...PERMANENTLY! I'M NOT GONNA KILL THE GUY! That's not how we work. (laughs) That is why you will lose. GET BACK! That fancy armor's lookin' a little shabby, Rhino! His Roxxon armor's disabled! You're up! On it! READY FOR SOME ZAPPY POPS BIG GUY? I do not... you. DON'T STOP... ...YOU'RE GONNA BREAK HIM! This woman is... ...fierce! Wait! Just... ...make sure he doesn't do anything. I'll be right back. Krieger's data will shut Roxxon down... ...the right way. You know... ...Krieger told me how your brother died. (laughing) Very amusing! Shut up! (laughs) He ALSO told me... was YOUR fault! (laughs) Krieger updated the reactor... ...tried to supercharge it to make his deadline! (sigh) If Phin goes through with her plan... ...oh my god! Harlem! You watched him DIE... ...helpless. (laughs) (coughs) NO, NO NO! Go to hell. (screams) Phin... ...WHAT THE HELL... YOU SCREWED UP.. THE BRIDGE! DESTORYED MY LAB! GOT ME KIDNAPPED!!! Phin... (coughs) ...Phin, the reactor! Come near me again... ...I'll kill you! But... ...we're family! My family's dead. Ganke... ...I need help! I'm gonna go grab a washcloth... ...some antibiotics. Alright. MILES? Where have you... (gasp) ¿Pero qué pasó? What are you wearing? I have to tell you something. Phin's attacking the plaza? Yeah. So that was you chasing her through the city... Spider-man? You could have DIED. No lo puedo creer. Why didn't you tell me, about... ...ANY of this? All those talks we had... to keep yourself safe... ...but THIS? I didn't want you to worry... ...and the other Spider-man's gone, I just keep... ...making things WORSE... ...and worse. Now I screwed up things with you. Miles... ...there is NOTHING... could ever DO... ...or ever BE that would make me stop loving you. Nada. You give me STRENGTH, Miles... ...that's all a hero really is... ...someone who's BRAVE, for the people they love. Just a guy who doesn't give up. Gloria's handling FEAST, and Teo's gonna help us go door to door. Perfect! Let's get this evacuation started. I'll meet you outside? You remind me more of your father every day. You stay safe! I will. C'mon, Phin... < It's Phin... > < ...leave a message... > < ...and I'll listen to it eventually > It's Miles. I know I'm the last person you want to talk to right now... ...but you NEED to listen! Krieger updated the spec on the reactor. If YOU plug unstable Nuform into it... < The length of your message has exceeded this user's limit > < Please hang up and... > Ugh... ...I'll call her later. < Hey... > < ...I found Phin's setup > < The Oscorp Science Center > < It's closed for renovations > Oh my g... ...our energy converter... ...that won the middle school science fair! That's how she's going to finish making the Nuform unstable enough to blow up Roxxon Plaza! < Whoa... > <'s like she picked it to get back at you > Maybe she did! (sigh) Thanks, Ganke. It's my job. < Speaking of... > < ...time to help your mom evacuate Harlem > < Later > Okay... ...Oscorp Science Center. Phin needs to know what'll happen if she goes through with her plan... ...and if she won't listen... ...I'll TAKE the Nuform... ...destroy it if I have to. Sorry about this, nephew. Can't let you go back out there. Let Krieger and the Tinkerer kill each other. Go back to bein' Spider-man when the heat dies down. And what... ...just HIDE down here? I don't get to pick and choose when I'm Spider-man! I gotta stop Phin! No, you gotta survive. I've been TRYING to teach you that... ...but YOU don't listen! You want me to survive so bad... ...WHY sell me out to Krieger? WASN'T a SELLOUT. (laugh) Yeah... I'M SERIOUS. You were never supposed to get caught! Krieger broke our deal. You wanted back in the family... ...and that's the best you could do? I SAVED your LIFE! YOU THREW ME IN A CELL! TO PROTECT YOU! LIKE THIS IS PROTECTING ME!? DAMMIT MILES... ...I'M NOT GONNA LOSE YOU TOO! And I'm not gonna let people die... ...just to save my skin. You underestimated me. Damn it, no! Don't fight me on this! I DON'T WANT TO... ...BUT I CAN'T STAY DOWN HERE! Then I'll do what I have to... ...KEEP YOU SAFE! His cloaking tech! I need to short it! This isn't about me at all, it's about YOU! You're AFRAID! DON'T YOU TURN THIS ON ME! You don't realize... ...I'M THE ONLY ONE TRYING TO SAVE YOU! And I'M trying to save everyone else! You think you can beat the Tinkerer... ...Roxxon... CAN'T! I HAVE TO TRY! What's that? You got tricks... ...Roxxon countered them! I gotta stay away from those things! Didn't your mentor teach you about picking your battles!? He taught me to put other people ahead of myself! Throwing yourself at enemies you can't beat... ...KNOW WHO ELSE DID THAT? DON'T... ...SAY HIS NAME! YOU WANT YOUR MOM TO BURY YOU, TOO? I WON'T LET YOU! HOLOGRAMS? MORE TECH FROM YOUR BUDDIES AT ROXXON? I ADAPT! YOU CAN'T KEEP UP! You're naive, nephew... ...still the KID, looking up to Spider-man. No... ...I'm the kid who knows people are lookin' up to ME! Get back! I know I messed up. I let you down! We're family! FAMILY!? THAT DIDN'T STOP YOU FROM LYING TO ME... ...MANIPULATING ME... ...FIGHTING ME! Being FAMILY isn't enough anymore. Doesn't have to be like this! You... ...hating each other? That's how it happened between me and your dad! I don't wanna repeat that! I don't either... ...but I CAN'T be the person you want to turn me into. I can't turn my back when people need me! I have to be better than that. Museum closed for renovation, and the Underground moves right in. Phin's gotta be inside. It'll change everything! That'll leave a mark. SOMEONE'S DOWN! GRAB YOUR WEAPONS... ...WE'RE NOT ALONE! (coughs) You sick? (cough) I'm fine. I'll be okay. You were at the opera house! The Nuform! Get away from me... ...suck it up. You're done! Haven't seen the other Spider-man since Christmas. He'll probably come back after the bridge exploded. I had a clear shot at her during the rally. I shoulda taken it! Gotta be quicker than that. < Sarah, how's it look? > < Sarah! > Lights out for you! < Someone check on her > What was that noise? Goodnight! < Guys!? > < Spider-man... > < ...has to be! > Bet you didn't see that comin'! The REAL Spider-man wouldn't NEED to hide! Nap time, bro. Alright... ...let's see what kind of security they've got. Same kind of barrier they had at Gem Theater. (sigh) I need to drain the generators... those shacks... ...which are LOCKED... ...AND powered down! (sigh) Need a new power source... that giant spinning mobile. Got it! Sticky and conductive! That's one... ...feeling good! Oh this is gonna work! This is working! Couple more! Yes! I saw ONE more. Can't believe how WELL this is working! Sweet! Time to break the Underground's toys! PHIN! YOU HERE? Winning the science fair... ...getting to show off our converter here... ...we were SO proud. Come ON Molasses! I wanna see our PROJECT... ...while we're still YOUNG! I'm coming, I'm coming. HEY! Where'd they put us!? I've got the museum map on my phone. Our project's in a special exhibit, on the top floor. Can't wait to see our names on the little sign, like real scientists! Today... ...Oscorp Science Center... ...tomorrow... ...every major museum in the world. Special exhibit's upstairs. There's the elevator! We've got time to look around first! This model proposes a terraforming and housing initiative on Mars... ...our closest neighbor in the Solar System. This community is designed to draw on abundant water, and counteract low temperatures... ...making human life possible on the red planet. It's like a whole little community on Mars! Needs coffee shops... ...and street art! Government and privately owned spacecraft explore our planet... system... ...and galaxy. To communicate with them... ...scientists use radio antennas to send and receive messages... ...across local and interstellar space. Woah... ...I bet the sound quality on these are DOPE! Not from SPACE! Do you have tickets for the special exhibit? Oh, um... ...our project is on display! Didn't think we needed tickets. You do... ...and we're sold out. Can't let you go upstairs. Thanks anyway! So.. we need another way in. She SAID there's no more tickets! Right, but see that door? The hallway behind it wraps around to the elevator! We can't just break in! We have to! They're taking down the exhibit TOMORROW and then we'll NEVER see it! Locked! I recognize that kind of lock! If you shine a light at it...'ll open. The flashlights on our phones would work... ...but they won't reach! They WILL if we find some way to slide something reflective under the door. Something reflective... It'd be nice to find something mutable. Mutable... mean.. changes shape? LOOK AT YOU, breaking out the fancy vocab! (laugh) Shut up! Shape memory alloy! I can change the shape on the Museum app. This stuff is crazy! Think it's a metamaterial? That's it! Take it... ...don't let anyone see! Got it, let's go! Whoa, man... ...sorry! All good! Still need something reflective. Look how the external tools interface directly with the command module's computer! We could recreate the idea, but... ...with a neural interface! Ooh! We gotta play! Oh COME ON, it's just button mashin'. So you admit defeat? N-NEVER! OOOOHHHH FASTER!!! COME ON, ROCKET BUDDY! C'mon c'mon c'mon c'mon c'mon c'moonnnnn!!! Go go go go go go go!!! Gotcha! Found something I'm better at than you! Not for long! Oh! Hey look... mirrors... ...and sticky on the back! Perfect for tricking a light sensitive lock! I've got the light. Tell me when the sticker's pointed at the sensor, and I'll turn it on. No one's looking at us yet... ...gotta hurry! That worked! We did it! Come on... ...our project awaits. That was AWESOME! (sigh) I'm gonna miss doing stuff like this with you. What are you talkin' about? Uh, HELLO...'ll be at Brooklyn Visions next week... ...I won't! I'm not gonna vanish off the planet! We'll still hang out. You'll be BUSY! Not THAT busy! I'm gonna make time for us, seriously. Okay. UGH... ...this is getting mushy... ...come on... ...let's head upstairs. Hey Dad... < Hey Miles! > HI MR. DAVIS! Phin says hi. < You kids havin' fun? > < Make sure you get a picture of your project > Dad.. it's not a big deal! It's TOTALLY a big deal! Okay, okay, we'll get a picture. I love you dad! Bye. This is it! Our project's in the back! Think they got our converter all hooked up? Otherwise, what's the POINT? They'll need to feed biomass in though... ...maybe hook it up to a trash can. Our project! Oooowweeeee! Would you look at that... ...genuine award-winning scientists. No one told us we were in the special exhibit... ...ticket only. How'd you get in? Uh.. I bought a ticket. How'd.. YOU get in? Not important! (laugh) Hey, huddle up... ...we need a picture. You gotta be in it too! You helped us get it workin'! Okay, okay, fine fine fine. Scoot over. Alright... SAY ALLELES! (laugh) I am NOT saying that! Phin... NEED to KNOW! I'm DONE listening to you. I HAVE to tell her what'll happen to the reactor! CAN'T WAIT TO... DON'T LET HIM FOLLOW THE TINKERER! HERE... ...CATCH! YOU WON'T STOP US! CAN'T STAY IN THE AIR FOREVER! GOIN' ELECTRO ON US! Take... ...THAT! YOU DON'T STAND A CHANCE! You're no match for us! DON'T LET HIM... OH COME ON! THIS IS MY FAVORITE MUSEUM! YOU CAN'T BEAT ALL OF US! YOU'RE JUST A CHEAP KNOCK OFF! I GOT NEWS FOR YOU, SPIDER-MAN! < The Underground just showed up... > < ...I saw a Roxxon tank... > < ...most the roads out of Harlem are blocked! > Where are you? < Near your apartment... > < ...trying to find shelter > Get to Teo's Bodega! I'll be there soon. < We'll keep everyone safe as long as we can > Gotta take care of them before I head back to Harlem. Got a sight of Spider-man! YOU'RE GONNA REGRET THAT! HOLY! Spider-man is oncoming! LAST WARNING! HOW MANY SPIDER-PEOPLE ARE THERE? STAND DOWN, SPIDER-MAN! I need to get to Harlem... ...NOW... ...before Phin destroys the reactor! Ganke, talk to me! How's the evacuation going? < Bad > < Roxxon and Underground are ALL OVER > < It's like a war zone! > Are you safe? My mom? < We made it (static) > < there was about a dozen people (static) > You're breaking up! Where are you!? Ganke! Ganke... ...can you hear me? GANKE! (sigh) Hang on, guys... ...I'm comin'. They're gonna destroy this park! THERE HE IS! TARGETING THE UNDERGROUND! WE'VE WAITED LONG ENOUGH! WE'RE AUTHORIZED... Businesses haven't been damaged yet... ...but that's not gonna keep if I don't stop the fighting! You CAN'T stop us, Spidey! Need more bodies at the intersection! HE'S IN THE AIR! Take one out... ...three more show up... ...GREAT! Firing on Spider-man! Neutralize the underground... ...but take Spider-man alive... More guys on the rooftops! They're fighting EVERYWHERE! HE GOT ONE OF US! We need help by FEAST! Someone get over here! FIGHT HARD! Keep him grounded! Really hope Gloria got FEAST cleared out! GIVE UP, YOU CAN'T BEAT US! This is gonna hurt, Spider-man! GROUND HIM! TARGET IS AIRBORNE! WE'RE NOT GONNA LOSE TO YOU... < Miles! > < Can you hear me!? > < We're at (static) > Ganke... ...I'm headed east! Where are you? < Hiding in Teo's Bodega > < (static) really bad! > < You gotta get (static) > They're in Teo's Bodega! I'm close... ...but I need to take care of Roxxon and the Underground before the streets are safe! There's our apartment building! Please don't burn down! Getting lost in the blizzard! SPIDER-MAN'S HERE! DON'T LET HIM INTERFERE! Roofs are clear... ...but not the streets. ENGAGING SPIDER-MAN! TAKING YOU DOWN, SPI- STILL TIME TO RUN AWAY, RED SUITS! Ganke! Ganke, where are you!? Can you guys make a break for it!? Who's that? Someone there!? Guys... ...guys! Listen, hey... ...we need to get out of here... ...but I can ONLY carry some of you! What the... (sigh) She started already. Spider-man sighted. Get outta here, young blood! Whoa! YOU'VE got more important things to do! He's right. Go... ...we'll get people clear. I'll be back. I know. Okay, people... ...check EVERY door! We don't leave ANYONE behind! NO! You don't KNOW... ...what you're doing! They DESERVE... ...WHAT'S COMING TO THEM! No! The reactor... ...Krieger changed the specs! You're NOT just gonna destroy Roxxon Plaza...'re gonna vaporize ALL of Harlem! I'm NOT gonna let you LIE TO ME AGAIN! You're TOO late. I can't let you do this. I CAN'T let you stop me! DON'T YOU SEE WHAT THE REACTOR'S DOING!? DESTROYING THE PLAZA! TEARING DOWN KRIEGER'S MONUMENT! NOT THIS TIME! IF THE PLAZA MELTS DOWN, IT'LL TAKE HARLEM WITH IT! WHO FED YOU THAT? KRIEGER? I RAN THE NUMBERS! WHY WON'T YOU LISTEN TO ME? KRIEGER COULDN'T CHANGE THE REACTOR... ...HE'S NOT THAT SMART! HE'S SMART ENOUGH. LET ME STOP THIS! STAY BACK! THE PHIN I KNEW... ...CARED MORE ABOUT PROTECTING PEOPLE, THAN PUNISHING THEM! IT'S THE SAME THING! JUST GET OUT OF HERE... ...LEAVE! PLEASE, I DON'T WANT TO DO THIS! I DON'T.. WANNA FIGHT! We'll talk... ...AFTER I disable the reactor! (gasp) Miles! PHIN, LOOK! THE REACTOR'S STILL GOING CRITICAL! SOON WE WON'T BE ABLE TO STOP IT! NO!!! I AM NOT RUNNING AWAY AGAIN! YOU WERE THE ONE PERSON I NEEDED ON MY SIDE! I AM ON YOUR SIDE! WE CAN TAKE DOWN ROXXON WITH WHAT WE KNOW ABOUT NUFORM! IT WON'T WORK... ...NO ONE CARES! AARRGGGHHH.. JUST STOP, MILES! STOP! NOT TILL YOU DO! UGH! AREN'T YOU TIRED YET? DID YOU FEEL THAT? WE HAVE TO STOP THE REACTOR! < Oh, hey.. battle royale, my favorite > < Uh.. just wanted to chime in and let you know, so you don't worry... > < ...we're gonna be... > < ...JUST fine if this building... > < ...blows. HELL, we'll be fine if all of HARLEM blows! > < I mean do you have any idea what kind of insurance we've got? > < OH and the optics of being the victims of a terrorist attack? (laugh) > < Forget Roxxon Plaza... > < ...comin' soon... > < ...Roxxon CITY > < Alright, later kids > No... ...I HAVE to STOP HIM! NOT LIKE THIS! UGH!!! I KNOW ABOUT THE PROMISE YOU MADE TO RICK... ...BUT HE WOULDN'T WANT... DON'T SAY HIS NAME! I KNOW YOU FEEL THOSE SHOCKWAVES! HELP ME STOP THIS! KEEP DODGING... ...SEE IF IT HELPS. YOU WANTED THE TRUTH? HERE IT IS! RICK... ...WOULD HAVE HATED THAT YOU TURNED INTO THE TINKERER! SHUT UP! STAND STILL! YOU LOVED RICK TOO... ...HOW CAN YOU DEFEND HIS MURDERER? I'M NOT... ...BUT I CAN'T SACRIFICE HARLEM TO TAKE DOWN KRIEGER! THAT'S NOT WHAT I'M DOING! IT IS... ...EVEN IF YOU WON'T SEE IT! I'VE BEATEN YOU BEFORE... ...I'LL DO IT AGAIN! NOT THIS TIME. PLEASE, PHIN... ...I'M TELLIN' YOU THE TRUTH! THAT'S A FIRST! I SHOULDN'T HAVE LIED TO YOU ABOUT GETTING INTO THE UNDERGROUND. IF I COULD GO BACK... UGH... QUIT MOVING! I gave you EVERY CHANCE TO LEAVE! DON'T MAKE ME KILL YOU... ...YOU CAN'T WIN! WHY DO YOU KEEP FIGHTING!? Because... ...I'm... ...SPIDER-MAN! DEATH WHEELS... ...OKAY! HOW DO YOU MOVE SO FAST? NEED TO... ...DODGE THOSE! Whoa! Gotta keep movin'! CAN'T STAND STILL... ...her tech's too quick! NICE TRY! IT'S OVER, MILES! YEAH... ...I KNOW. I'M DONE LISTENING! YOU NEVER STARTED! YOU WON'T STOP ME! THEN I'LL GO DOWN TRYING. This shouldn't be happening! I CAN STOP IT! PHIN! I'm sorry! It's okay. NOT... ...MUCH... ...TIME! I HAVE TO... Just a little... ...further! Have... hurry. It's gonna blow... ...any minute! Almost... ...THERE! COME ON! NO... ...PHIN! DON'T LOOK! Miles! I think it happened over there! Get them far away! I can't hold this in much longer. What are you... I-I can't... It's okay... I can't. ...just let go! Let... ...go! (gasp) No! No no no... ...NO! Please... (gasp) (sobbing) MILES! OH GOD! SAY SOMETHING! (cough) (coughs) Is everyone... ...okay? We're safe! All of us! (laughs) Phin? (crying) No... (crying) He's so young! Hey... ...get outta here, kid! We'll take care of them. Did you see his face? You did good... ...Spider-man. Thanks. Who IS he!? That guy? He's OUR Spider-man! Come on... ...those are clearly deep fakes! They're DEEP FAKES! YOU UNDERSTAND ME? Do you have ANY idea who I am? I WILL OWN YOU! Yeah yeah we know who you are. I will... OW... ...OWN YOU! DO YOU HEAR ME!? GAH! < That's right friends, Simon Krieger is in prison! > < Aaron Davis, AKA The Prowler... > < ...flipped on him AND Roxxon > < Davis WILL serve time, but COULD get a reduced sentence > < I think we can all learn something from what happened in Harlem > < Together... > < ...we're stronger... > < ...AND that having your own neighborhood Spider-man is... > < ...pretty great > ♪ Music playing ♪ Miles... you doin'? Hey! Watch out now! (laughing) Alright man. See you around! (laughs) Hey kid... ...what are you up to? Signing up for a shift, obviously. Good on ya! We'll see you after break! See ya! Hey man, wassup? How you doin'? I'm alright man, I'm good. I'll see you around! Man... ...STILL can't get over that suit! So cool! Gotta be me. Yeah you do. Pete... ...does this job ever get easier? Some of it, yeah. Some things never get easier, though. Roxxon did this uptown 'cause they saw us as disposable. Me... ...Rick... ...Phin... ...ALL of Harlem! I think part of our job is making sure they CAN'T get away with it. We'll add it to the Spider-man oath. (sirens) Go time? Go time! ♪ Epic music playing ♪ ♪ Credits Music: Jaden - I'm Ready ♪ < Residents of Harlem are still feeling the effects of the recent city-wide uprising of the group known as... > < ...the Underground > < While the Roxxon corporation deals with a rash of lawsuits... > < ...newly elected city councilwoman Rio Morales... > < ...addressed the media yesterday to make a plea for additional public funds to assist with the... > Vitals are good, circulatory system healthy, um.. brain activity normal... He's been in there long enough. Mr. Osborne, I understand he's your son, but his disease could... I want him out... ...Kurt. But we may be underestimating the potential danger... I SAID... ...GET HIM OUT! NOW! Hey all it has been a GOOD week for Harlem! Spider-man stopped the Tinkerer... ...Rio Morales was elected as City Council... ...Roxxon Plaza is closed for good... ...and Simon Krieger is in JAIL! BOOM! HA! Bonus: I passed my citizenship test.. WITH FLYING COLORS! Still love ya China, gonna miss your candy! Okay... ...back to business. In an attempt to save face... ...Roxxon's board released ALL of Krieger's personal documents. Memos, emails... ...REAL fun stuff. While I'm combing through those DOCS... ...and, uh.. waiting for Triple-J to eat crow on air... ...I'll be playing unreleased, prerecorded casts. Fresh material coming in a few weeks, and in the meantime... ...remember to sing to your plants while you water them. Seriously, they love it. Okay BYEE, see you soon! Listeners... all know that I PRIDE myself on TRUTH... ...INTEGRITY... ...and FACTS! I've been tough on this new SPIDER-MAN... ...since the DISASTER on Braithwaite Bridge... ...FOR GOOD REASON! THE KID.. SCREWED THINGS UP SO BAD... ...EVEN the original model would have BLUSHED REDDER THAN HIS COSTUME! The classic one, not that... ...UGLY new thing! But today... ..I must ALSO acknowledge... ...that the city is RALLYING AROUND this youngster... ...and... ...PROCLAIMING HIM... ...ugh... ...a hero. Eugh... With an unstable fuel source on the verge of wiping Harlem OFF THE MAP... ...THIS YOUTHFUL Spider-man... ...REPORTEDLY... ...stepped in... ...and saved lives. OR AT LEAST that's what his supporters WANT US TO THINK! THE REAL TRUTH IS... ...that NONE OF THIS would have happened... ...if he hadn't donned a RIDICULOUS SUIT... ...and started SWINGING WILLY-NILLY.. AROUND THE CITY... ...PERFORMING WRECKLESS ACTS OF VIOLENCE! HERO!!!? MORE LIKE... ...ZERO!!! HA! Jared, open up the lines. I want to hear from those who agree with me. Jared? I said open up the lines! What do you mean they're open? Well SOMETHING must be WRONG! FOLKS.. we're.. having.. technical difficulties... ...PLEASE STAND BY! So I KEEP hearing IRRATIONAL raves from... ...hormonally unbalanced youths Jared's age... Wait, you're HOW OLD? Good heavens man, get a REAL JOB! ...about this... ...Friendly Neighborhood Spider-man APP. THEY claim this young Spider-man can DO ANYTHING. Ha ha ha! Well... I just used said app... PLACE an order of Saganaki... ...from my favorite Greek restaurant in ASTORIA! Specifying... ...I WANTED it delivered FRESH... ...AND in the traditional Greek manner... ...SET ABLAZE in front of me! WE SHALL SEE if our BOASTFUL BOY SPIDER-MAN... ...CAN fulfill THIS. (swoosh) HERE YA GO, MR. JAMESON! (placing food on plate) (lighting LOUD fire) Gotta go! (web swing) JARED... ...CALL 911... ...SPIDER-MAN'S BROKEN IN... ...AND IS KILLING US WITH FIRE! I'll be... ...DARNED if this isn't delicious. GO TO COMMERCIAL, JARED... ...I got some FEASTING to do! OH, NO... ...YOU SHOULD HAVE ORDERED YOUR OWN! This is mine! MINE, Jared, OUT! < Hey, kid... > < asked why me and your dad stopped talkin' > < He was investigating the Prowler > < It led him to my clients... > < ...people like Simon Krieger... > < ...Wilson Fisk > < Your dad couldn't afford to make enemies like that... > < ...not with you and Rio in the picture... > < I told him > < Hoped he'd back off... > < ...and he did... > < ...for good > < Didn't want me around > < Didn't want you to turn out like me > < Take care, Spider-man > (sigh) Thank you Uncle Aaron... ...for everything. Goodbye, Phin.
Channel: Andy Gilleand
Views: 1,979,703
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Video Game Movie, Spider-man, Miles Morales, Ultimate Spider-man, Spider-verse, Peter Parker, Tinkerer, Rhino, PS5, PS4, 4K, HDR, Story, Let's Play, Gameplay, Walkthrough, Playstation 5, Underground, Roxxon, Troy Baker, Simon Krieger, Phin Mason, Rick Mason, Ganke, Full Game, Full Story, Cutscenes, Ending, Trailer, Review, Nadji Jeter, Nuform, Full Movie, Be Yourself, Spider-cat, Aaron Davis, The Prowler, Harlem, New York City, J Jonah Jameson, Raytracing, Fidelity Mode, Final Boss, Venom
Id: xhEIQVmjV38
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 214min 41sec (12881 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 20 2020
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