The Day Without Spider-Man | Full Episode | Marvel's Spider-Man | Disney XD

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[Gwen] Peter Parker, wherever you are, I hope you're okay, 'cause this is my fourth call, not to mention the million texts I sent you. The Science Administration just arrived to drop off the Blood Gem, which you promised to help me study with Horizon's proprietary particle scanner. So whatever you're doing, please stop doing it, and call me! [beeps] Hi there. Delivery manifest lists two people picking up. Your friend flake on ya? [sighs] No. It looks like all my friends have more exciting things to do. I can handle this on my own. [sighs] [panting] I'll take high, you take low. [grunting] Now, why would you want this, Mr. Purse-Snatcher? It seriously doesn't match your look. [chuckles] Banter. That's something Spider-Man taught me. He taught you to not be funny? Huh. [muffled grunting] He also taught me words can hurt just as much as punches. How can you joke when fighting crime is so serious? According to Spidey, it distracts the bad guys and makes the people you rescue feel safe. [scoffs] Where is Spider-Man anyway? Wasn't he gonna help train me how to use these powers too? [scoffs] Please! I can Spider-coach you just as well as he could. He's probably off doing, like, Avenger-level stuff or something. What? You have notes to the police already written? Of course. I'm always prepared. It's my other superpower! Okay, this is my last call, Peter. The Blood Gem's in my lap, and if I make any real headway on its alleged mystical properties, the glory of the discovery is 100% going to me. Cool? Cool. See ya. [beeps] [chuckles] "Spider-Gwen." Sounds funny now, doesn't it? But it sure was fun. But that was then. Now I'm just going to devote myself to world-changing, scientific breakthroughs. No superpowers, no super-villains. Who needs that kind of excitement in your life when you've got this? [yells] [evil laughter] Scuse me, miss, but I think you have something I need. [grunts] [Gwen screams] [yells] [grunts] Scorpion?! What do you want? How do you know who I am? You realize you're dressed like a giant scorpion, right? And Spider-Man taking you down was all over the news last year? Don't mention the bug! Look, this doesn't have to get messy. Just give me that Blood Gem. You think I'm gonna let a criminal take an item of unknown power? Yeah. 'Cause how you gonna stop me? Ooh, a microscope! How scary. Now step aside! You first! Ow! [groans] [grunts] Gwen, get out of here. We'll handle him. I'm not running away. We took down the Spot together. I can help! Help by getting to safety. Let the superheroes handle this. I got a better idea. [grunts] [grunts, yells] [both yell, grunt] [grunts] Hero Lesson 52: Agility beats strength! [yells] [grunts] But tails beats everything. I'm not sure about your lessons. [yelling] [grunts] [grunts] [grunts] I've fought the real Spider-Man, kiddos. You ain't him! [panting] Gotta find a place to hide this. This is either brilliant, or I'm gonna have to buy a new phone. I'm done playing games! [growls] [grunts, yells] [Gwen grunts] Huh? [grunts] See ya! [laughs] [groans] I'm guessing Scorpion came this way. Gwen! Are you okay? Yeesh! Why can't anyone ever use a door? I-- I'm fine, but Scorpion took the Blood Gem. What's a Blood Gem? The Science Administration found it in an ancient dig site last year. It supposedly gives off strange energy. But they needed our scanner to test it. So whatever Scorpion wants it for, it can't be good. But I think I know-- Strange energy. Bad news. Got it. Wait. There's-- Gwen, I love that you wanna help, but you can't fight villains like that without powers. But I don't need powers, because-- I just don't want you to get hurt. Fine. Don't wanna listen to me? I'll handle this myself. Bet no one's ever used a phone-finder program to track a super-villain before. Gwen for the win. [Miles] It looked like Scorpion headed north from Horizon, so let's keep that direction. So, we're just winging it? We should invent a Spider-Tracer or something. Yeah, Spider-Man already did, but I kind of forgot to bring 'em with me. Wow. No offense, Miles, but you're not exactly the most prepared superhero coach, are you? Yeah. Okay. Maybe Spidey would've been better at this. But at least I'm here. This is useless. We can't just wander the city looking for random clues where Scorpion went. Okay. Let me check police scanners and social media, see if there's any sign of him. [beeping] But first... Hello, Mrs. Parker? Hey, it's Miles. Is Pete home? Yeah, I'll check the lab at school. I'm sure he's just working late. Except that he's not. Spidey, where are you? [Tinkerer] It looks like your mission was a success. Delightful! That gem-tracker thingy you whipped up worked great. Of course, had to do a little bashing. [Tinkerer] I'm sure. That's why this partnership works so well. My brains and your brute strength. Heh. Which is about to become strengthier, right? If "strengthier" was a word, yes. I've heard legends of the Blood Gem since before you and I bonded over our hatred of Spider-Man. Its properties haven't been completely tested. But based on what I've read, if I can harness even a sliver of its alleged energy, you'll find yourself more powerful than you could ever dream. I can dream big, Tinkerer. Big enough to take down the bug! Oh, trust me, Spider-Man will be no match for the combined might of the new and improved Tinkerer and Scorpion. "Scorpion and Tinkerer," you mean. The two names that Spider-Man will regret ever sending to prison. What is this? Gotta belong to the girl I yanked this from at Horizon. Well, she'll be missing some texts. You moron! Someone could use this phone to track us. Destroy it. [yells] Hurry this up! I'm getting impatient! That was brand new. Okay, this is out of my league. Time to call the big guns. [chirps] [Tinkerer] It's working. Except I'm out of time. [beeps] What are you waiting for? Power me up! Our revenge on Spider-Man can't wait another second. Infusing your cells with an untold mystical energy isn't like using a common hair dryer. I must calibrate the settings. Huh? [grunts] An interloper! The girl from the lab! Uh... [grunts] [grunts] [yells, grunts] [groans] What-- What happened to me? [growls] Nothing happened to you! Hmm? [grunts] Brilliant plan, genius. Your power-up doohickey doesn't work. This girl didn't power up or nothing. I told you I had to calibrate the settings. If this partnership's going to work, you need to seriously consider going to anger management. Hey, where are you sneaking off to? [grunts] [grunts] You've seen too much, girl. [grunts] You ain't getting out of here. [grunts] [pants, grunts] Wha-- My spider powers are back? She couldn't do that before. Hmm. Someone owes me an apology. Your doohickey really worked! You gotta blast me with the-- [grunting] Oh, I missed having these. [grunts] Ouch! [yells] [cries out] [grunts] [grunts] Aah! Ha! If you guys are done with this, I think I'll just take it with me. [grunts] [grunts, groans] I've got it! Now, let's not get ahead of ourselves. [pants, grunts] Just like riding a bicycle. Take that, Anya. Huh? [yells] [grunts] [grunts] Whoa. Okay. I can kind of glide now, too? This just keeps getting better. [grunts] See ya. [growling] [Anya] Excuse us. [Miles] Sorry. How is a giant Scorpion dude so hard to spot? [sighs] We should've gotten Gwen's help. With her expertise on the Blood Gem, she could maybe track it or something. 'Cause it's not like Scorpion's just gonna head our way. Heads up! Scorpion's headed your way! [Scorpion grunting] [tires screech] [yells] Bring that back! [whimpering] I have so many questions right now. [yells] Guys, Scorpion trap! Lock him in! [grunting] [straining] [yells] You can't stop me! I don't know if that's gonna hold. Then just to be sure... [yells] [groans] [grunts] [chuckles] High fives all around for the Spider Team! How... Funny you should ask. So, the Tinkerer-- You fought the Tinkerer too? Who now? Don't be so surprised. Remember, during Spider Island, I had powers way before you did. Like, two days before. And I had powers way before both of you. But that's not helping me understand what happened to you. Well, the Tinkerer created this to harness power from the Blood Gem. Based on my preliminary scans back in my lab, it had some sort of transformative powers, and somehow they triggered my spider-powers to come back. Are you okay with that? Guys, I've missed having these powers every day. And watching you two swinging through the city-- It's not all fun and games. I didn't say it was. [straining] Shh! We gotta get to the police station and take them to the Tinkerer's lab. Anyone have paper? So we can leave a note. Whoo-hoo! Gwen, we're not at a playground here. This is serious! Lighten up, Anya. I'm back! Which is great. Don't get me wrong. But you don't see me cheering for myself every time I shoot a web. Because you never lost your powers like I did. Imagine it. One day, you're swinging over the city, and the next day, that's all gone. Now, let's get to the police station before the Tinkerer leaves his lab. Courtesy of "your Friendly Neighborhood Spider Team"? [grunts] Spiders! [officers yell] I'm through playing around. The station's just right up here. [Tinkerer] Sneak attack! I wouldn't be surprised if you did not recognize me. You're the Tinkerer... in a robot suit. Well, it's not fair for you to answer. You just fought me. Did the rest of you recognize me? Oh, so this is that Tickler guy you were talking about? Mm! It's "Tinkerer"! I'm famous. [all grunt] [gasps] And ha! My banter was only a distraction. Clever! Now prepare for real power. I'm not an evil mastermind, but making us more powerful probably isn't a winning plan for you. Ha! I'm not blasting you. [grunts, laughs] Finally. [evil laughter] Now, this... is power! [yells] Tell me one of you has Spider-Man on speed dial. [grunts] Are you sure you missed all this? Well, not this part exactly. [Scorpion yells] [grunts] Gwen! Hey! Don't ignore me. I can kick your butt too. Are you okay? [grunts] Of course. Spider strength. [both grunt] [grunts] Nope! Let's see Spider-Man ignore this. That web-head shows up any time we appear on the scene. Well, this time we're ready! Yes! It's time for his final round with the Tinkerer and Scorpion. Scorpion and Tinkerer! You two need to agree on your branding. [grunts] [grunts] [whimpers] Is all of this really just to get Spider-Man's attention? Ever hear of e-mail? Do not mock me. Spider-Man probably doesn't even have an e-mail address. [grunts] Sure he does. It's on the World Wide Web. [grunts] [gasps] [thud] He thinks he's good at banter. [yells, grunts] What's Spider-Man got to do that's more important than stopping us? [growls] [grunting] [Tinkerer grunts] Taste delicious defeat, kid! "Kid"? Hey! Just gotta borrow this for a second. What? Give that-- [grunts] No one calls me "kid"! There's gotta be a way to reverse what the Blood Gem did to Scorpion. Maybe alter the polarity on this? Check the amp fluctuations. All hardwired, no access. [growls] Man, I missed this. Fighting for our lives? No. Us. It wasn't just my powers I missed. You and Miles have been off, doing your spider things, and I was the only one left out. I missed... you. Well, I'd say you're back in pretty seriously now. [Scorpion yells] Careful what you wish for! [grunts] [grunts] [yells] [growls] Okay, the lesson was agility beats strength. Let's see if it's true! [yells] [cries out] True! [groans] [Scorpion yelling] What? Am I doing something to it? You're not taking that, girl! That's my power source! [yells] [grunts] [grunts] [groans] [grunts] [cries out] That wasn't my fault! Oh, yeah. [chuckles] Heads up! [cries out] Why does that thing glow every time you two touch it? Scorpion actually said something smart. His "power source." Maybe this thing's like a battery. It's generating our powers. But what about the "let's drain Scorpion's powers" plan? [grunts] [grunts] [yells] [grunts] [grunts] There's just not a feasible way to reverse this. Come on. [yells] [angry grunt] [Scorpion grunts] [grunts] Wonderful. Now we're doing this live on TV. Perfect. There's no way Spider-Man won't see this now. [both grunt] [grunts] [straining] Spider-Man, wherever you are, you have one minute to show your face, [straining continues] or I'll destroy your little assistant here! "Assistant"? Show yourself! No! Let her-- [grunts] You're next! [grunts] I can't reverse this device. But I think there's another way. What are you doing? If this thing's like a battery for Scorpion's powers, then I need to destroy the battery. But that would take away your powers too. [straining] [grunts] This was never really about powers. Thirty seconds, web-head! [grunts] [grunts] [crying out] [grunts] [grunts] [screaming] [groaning] Where's Gwen? The explosion-- She has to be here somewhere. Oh, come on, Gwen. [Gwen] Wow. Nice to see you guys care so much. [grunts] You're alive! [laughs] Either that or I'm a ghost. Ooh, how does that sound-- "Ghost-Spider"? Creepy but kind of awesome. Weren't you supposed to lose your powers? Right? Maybe being directly at the gem's blast point, I absorbed a massive amount of its energy, reenergizing my dormant powers? So, you're thinking you became your own power source? Intense. I'll definitely have to study this. But, guys, I can't believe it. Giant fight with super-villains in New York, and we were the ones who took them down. We had to. I mean, Spider-Man never showed. Even after Scorpion called him out. And that's weird, right? Even for Spider-Man. Yeah. Very weird. [quiet chatter] I think we need to apply Planck's constant here to-- Guys, check the <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>Daily Bugle, </i>now.</font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>Yet another in a wave of bank robberies,</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>with Spider-Man still nowhere to be seen.</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>Is that web-head actually more of a menace when he's not around?</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>And who will stop these crooks?</i></font> <font color="#FFFFFF"><i>[tires screech]</i></font> Study break? Hmm. Huh? [girls whooping] [Miles] Okay, final lesson. We're only strengthened when we surround ourselves with the best people. You got that right!
Channel: Disney XD
Views: 6,904,957
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: disney xd, disney, xd, dxd, the day without, spiderman, spider man, gwen stacy, dove cameron, ghost spider, spider verse, spiderverse, full episode, far from home, animated, cartoon, avengers, marvel
Id: PlXWbFeqIi8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 4sec (1324 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 08 2019
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