SPIDER-MAN Remastered Full Movie (2020) Superhero 4K ULTRA HD All Cinematics Cutscenes

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[Music] [Music] um [Music] hey [Music] all units level 4 mobilization location fisk tower fisk [Music] uh [Music] [Music] this one is 1084 at fisk tower all units is on route we need more backup 1032 times square officers under fire bring in the hammer [Music] ah okay yuri all done what's happening yuri yuri get more backup and lock down the airspace yuri you okay if he makes it out of that building we're gonna lose him i'm gonna go uh do your thing yes he's the day heads up hey where are you going okay i'll clear a pat come on come on they shut the elevators down take the stairs i prefer a more direct approach heading to the upper floors and hoping nobody turns on the elevators our choppers are taking fire looks like fisk has armed men on every floor he's desperate and he's hitting us with everything he's got i have to find him and end this not yet we just picked up chatter they're wiping all their data servers we need that evidence if we want to put him away for good okay server room it is let's see just how good their security is oh you guys forgot the latest kernel patch says the guy frantically erasing his search history true but that's part of my charm isn't it it's clear move up hey guys i guess bombs are part of willy's getaway plan you go after them we'll look for the bombs spiderman we can't move we're pinned down i'll lift it when you're free get out fast if you can walk help the injured got it ah [Music] go go thank you you guys all right we were just about to call for backup i think i'm it lead the way we'll be right behind you heads up boss good news is they were willie's last line of defense i'm right outside his office take him down now with pleasure writing your memoirs don't forget the hyphen between spider and man get the chopper ready i won't be long i'm surprised you made it this far but your foolishness ends now uh you do know i can still see you right eight years of this insurance oh for me you shouldn't have how is this happening what's wrong willy you seem angry i will destroy you [Music] get your best shot [Music] you are everything that's wrong with this city huh i was gonna say the same to you you know what to do men surrounding i don't want excuses uh [Music] so should we kiss now yeah maybe later finally off to rikers huh you know i think you've got more enemies in there than i do if you think this will be more than a minor inconvenience what got to go hey good luck willie i have a feeling you're gonna need it idiot i'm the one who kept order in this city month in one month you wish you had me back the kingpin is heading to prison end of an era i feel like i should celebrate maybe take a vacation i'm sorry i'm late started without me the grant committee's director will be here soon it's fine parker i invented this equipment i think i can handle it power damper oh man um maybe we should abort not yet hold on dr davis are you okay another setback but we're close is anyone hurt no it was all my fault the energy levels exceeded our expectations from a certain viewpoint that's a very positive development it doesn't smell very positive i assure you in the next phase let's not get ahead of ourselves is there somewhere else we can discuss this maybe you should take the rest of the day off peter but we'll talk later now that you quit smoking what do you tell people when you come up here that i need a break from their crap fair enough so why'd you call need a date to the policeman's ball you got a black and white suit uh no ball this year anyway we spent too much integrating oscorp surveillance tech worth it though right it was until an hour ago the system went down city-wide every tower how they tell me someone sabotaged the central server and now all the towers are offline hmm inside job maybe we'll figure it out later right now we need to get the towers back online fast and you called me oh that's sweet i called someone i could trust plus the signals are scrambled and we have no idea how to fix it ooh i love a challenge you break it you buy it i thought you trusted me so you're the snitch back off creep yep she's the one i said back off leave me alone keep me quiet lady get away from her oh crap spiderman walk away now but she's dead let me go all clear ma'am i knew jameson was wrong about you you're a little weird but you got a good heart have you got somewhere to go i could take care of myself i'm sure you can but just in case there's a place called the feast center seen it i don't want charity they got the best weak cakes in the city hands down mom used to make those i haven't had any a long time i'll check it out thanks spider guy it's spider man hello should be able to spot the next tower from up there oh wow one of my old backpacks from high school forgot i attached tracking dots to these not good can't have people taking pictures of my three chest hairs parker dr octavius i uh what you got there chinese if i know you'd be here i would what are you working on oh just a side project [Music] of course it's you i uh i i don't know come on parker it's obvious let me explain i only wish you'd told me sooner i wanted to but i was afraid that if word got out my family might be in danger ah yes ah i guess if you design his equipment you're bound to be a target too yeah yeah don't worry your secret's safe well i'll leave you to it [Music] that should do it [Music] excuse me late for work [Music] same old me mr lee's probably in the kitchen getting ready for the party hey martin so sorry i'm late you're right on time just keep her distracted while we get everything ready you got it hey there's my favorite aunt peter what a nice surprise need some help uh yeah sure oh there are some heavy-duty no no i mean i mean i mean not yet i mean i came to uh uh uh i just just wanted to talk okay okay um peter are you in trouble do you need money no i mean i'm a little behind on my rant but no no no no i'm i'm fine girl problems again huh what no that's crazy i still wish you and mj could work things out she's a great girl she is the two of you would make some beautiful babies ah peter what is it come on you can tell me these past few years you helping me through college and working here and sacrificing so much and asking for nothing i just wish there were more people like you in the world he's right five years ago you walked in here and told me you were inspired by my mission to help others now it's you who inspires me thank you me for everything here's many more years of service thanks again for setting all this up oh i just wish i could do more well may's always told me if you help someone you help everyone now maybe we should send me to city hall to have a word with mayor oh i gotta run um thanks again for the party and everything it really means a lot voicemail from yuri should check it outside attention units we've got reports of armed mugging i am losing patience where is the file there's someone else here they must have taken it those masks who are these guys there's no one here but us we will find the file or you will die this is bad they'll kill her if i alert them need to pick them off silently hey what is that this totally belongs to don't move buddy if i had a nickel for every don't move hey pete mj what are you doing here same as you working at least i was oh i uh think this is yours yeah thanks so ravi's got you covering a break-in for the bugle well robbie doesn't technically know i'm here and it wasn't a break-in until a few minutes ago uh uh-huh let me explain [Music] uh excuse me hi mary jane watson i am covering the fisk estate sale hello craig said we'd do this tomorrow i like to get a jump on things i don't you'll have to come back tomorrow right okay i'm sorry hey craig no sorry it just it looks like we're gonna have to run something else on the cover i don't know uh maybe the expressionist piece you know what i think i can make today work are you sure you're here no moment like the present thank you craig never mind we're good let's get started hello craig funny you should call because the reporter you sent is clearly not working the puff piece we agreed upon no she's here now i've got to get into that back room if that statue is what i think it is this just turned into a huge story what do you mean he had to reschedule if she's not your reporter who is she craig who is in my auction house oh pete told me about this fisk used it to hide evidence why didn't the cops take it i know this statue opens that's it norman osborn what is this devil's breath what is devil's what the excuse me sir you you can't be not good where's the statue in in there who lied i was on my way to the exit when i saw you you're lucky to be alive this is the guy i saved five minutes ago listen whoever these masked guys are they're after this file but i'll never get it out of here while the place is swarming with him right okay um you hide back there i take out the bad guys you make a break when it's clear sounds like a plan good to see you pete yeah you too not exactly how i pictured us meeting again though honey that's exactly how i pictured it stop no hide daily cardio check huh looks antique i think i know someone who could help track down where this came from a job for later i just talked to craig you are not the reporter he was sending you don't even work for heritage arts never said i did hi mary jane watson daily bugle you you will not write a word of what you saw the record what do you know about the file those masked men stole that i don't what about the long history of stolen goods fisk has laundered at this auction house your editor will be hearing from our attorney like the last six months never happened since why did mix become italian no idea but i'm still glad she makes these fries totally best in city so how's the grind at the bugle hmm well yeah well i just got an all-caps text from robbie about my so-called antics tonight so it looks like i'll be meeting with a legal team again uh as soon as he reads the article you're gonna write guaranteed promotion so creepy mask guys what's your take just another night in the city it's your take i feel like there's a bigger story there let's not make this all about business how's how's it going with you did did you get that promotion no but we're on the cusp of something really big you know oscorp would hire you in a heartbeat right one phone called a haircut sure but dr octavius's work will help millions i'm i'm right where i want to be right where i should be almost sounds like it's more important than your other job i've never heard you talk like that before a lot can change in six months [Music] why did you ask me here pete you know just uh just dinner between friends friends was that what we are but maybe we could be you know if that's what you wanted there's a lot of baggage here yeah sure but is that so bad i mean baggage can carry good things too like uh like money and uh keys raspberry lip balm do you remember why we broke up this is a trick question isn't it saved by the siren talk to you later go love seeing you two together again you always were my favorites [Music] hi herman seriously gotcha now let's talk [Music] now dude [Music] you know what herman that's like zero personality but your suit is awesome can we talk design details maybe later good work spider-man did you learn anything about his motive i tried but he's not very talkative plus i think he hates me you have that effect on a lot of people but you love me right yuri i tolerate you wow that might be the nicest thing you've ever said to me peter what can i do for you i'm sorry to bother you mr lee i have a friend mary jane she's a reporter she's doing a story on art imports and she found this piece well she wanted an expert opinion on it and i know you have a degree and this might be the first time i actually get to use it let's see what you have interesting where'd she find it i'm really not sure what what is it a replica of an antique chinese opera mask i haven't seen one in years this symbol here roughly translates to demon demon my father read me ghost stories with that mask and symbol in it when i was young scared the hell out of me peter listen that mask it's it could be connected to dangerous people mary jane might want to find a different story do you think she's in trouble i don't know why i take the risk hey the symbol inside the mask means demon it really spooked mr lee never seen him like that he even said you should drop the story fat chance do you think mr lee knows more than he's letting on no i think he just had a weird flashback or something i know his childhood was pretty traumatic yeah that makes sense demons huh catchy name okay gotta get writing see you soon how does it work just like a natural arm you think of what you want it to do and [Music] yes hey hey what do you think you're doing this site's been declared a safety hazard stop that right now this is highly sensitive equipment that's it i'm calling the mayor's office directly peter parker how the hell are you speak of the devil mr osborne oh please how long have we known each other it's mr mayor it's norman norman norman what do you think you're doing the grant agreement you signed has strict safety provisions this isn't your first violation those were excused by me we should have confiscated this equipment long ago but but i've had a breakthrough thank you for your great service to our country these folks will escort you to oscorp robotics where you'll receive the latest in prosthetics no charge this isn't about safety infractions is it i'm trying to help you otto you're free to continue your work in a secure environment at ozcorp you always were the smartest guy in the room you haven't changed a bit neither of you hey peter harry will be coming back from europe early next year maybe the two of you can start that business you always talked about this is opportunity knocking he's easy easy they didn't take everything maybe we could start over peter there's no we without the grant from the city i can no longer pay you i need some time to think if i were you i'd look for a new job herman long time no see hey i'm no lawyer but uh i'm pretty sure that's a parole violation oops guess we're stuck in here for a while want to play 20 questions no how about we thumb rest okay face punch it is [Music] yeah whoa your gauntlets are all digital now aren't they have it your way you wanna fight let's fight man can't wait to put you back behind bars so we can talk science you know people don't use banks anymore you're lucky you found natural cash if you really want to rob banks try day trading it's all the rage oh come on herman give up now and we can protect you no way you ain't see what i do sorry herman you brought this on yourself literally man he was scared and desperate these demons are everywhere all of a sudden if they sit one toe inside the bolt i'll have your head got it boss tripling security demons won't touch a thing listen up demons are making moves on all our caches lost two tonight already boss may be in lockup but that don't mean his hardware is up for grabs comm check eagle two you up eagle 2 reporting in izon what caches are the demons after i need to take out fisk's men and figure out what they're guarding whatever it is i don't want it in fisks or the demon's hands sleep it off you know we can't have vigilantes trespassing or doing illegal searches yeah i know which is why i brought a warrant so what do you say we do some perfectly legal searching i like the sound of that what's your name officer davis call me jeff and you are uh just messing with you my son's a big fan so that won't cover breaking down doors not without a lot of extra paperwork okay i'll find another way i feel like i'm in a horror movie hello any fishermen with a grudge and a hook for a hand okay where's that locked door [Music] jeff you there i'm doing my best to refrain from knock knock jokes appreciate it you see a junction box powering the door yeah got it electric web for the wind a gadget man huh you remind me of my son started taking apart the tv when he was five now he's unlocking his friends phones sounds like he could teach me a few things okay nothing illegal in plain sight kind of anti-climactic huh at first glance let's look closer looking for something specific this yard's been here a long time bootleggers used to use it back in the day gotcha those guys love their hidden rooms thanks no way i could have unlocked this myself hey i doubt i would have found it without you [Music] hmm i got a big fat nothing well there's one secret room that could be more notice anything about the floor they can hide the doors but not the scrapes they leave keep an eye out for more of those clear you were right jeff trap door outstanding think you can help me out this thing's heavy one two three well that isn't spooky at all probably an old bootleggers tunnel and it looks like no one's cleaned it since al capone big chunk of concrete in the way i can't get through let me see how it looks from the top got room to maneuver here hang on unblocked anything you can do what was that subway maybe that's hustle place is unstable okay that definitely wasn't a subway no sounded like explosives and that sounds like demons the vault hurry come on let's go damn demons are already gone how'd they beat us here must be a bad door see if you can find it this place is one hell of an armory or was there they blew the locks to get in demons stay here hell no it'll take both of us to stop them and some of these [Music] hey guys room for one more here's your stuff [Applause] great now the three decides to run on time [Music] yes we've now identified the officer as jefferson davis we're being told he has minor injuries and is expected to make a full recovery excuse me miss are you supposed to be here more than you after that auction house thing the bugle put me on the city beat which means i get to focus full-time on real stories like this and the demons you know the closer you get to them the more you become a target right the closer i get the better chance we have to stop them we officer davis mary jane watson daily bugle no comment i don't blame you but these guys are gonna tell their story with or without you and they thrive on controversy so what's your angle i don't have one i just listen okay hop in she's good come on empire sanitation this is eddie yeah hi uh i'm trying to track down some items that were accidentally picked up from a dumpster outside my dumpster number um uh hang on uh six four four seven six that's route 33 trucks already left that shift if your stuff's not there you're out of luck wait wait please this is important can you at least tell me where the truck is let me check all right looks like it should be at the municipal garage at balran grand got it thanks eddie municipal garage bowery and grand not a problem please be here please be here yes hope it still works ew looks like everything's here hey look an old gadget prototype looks kind of awesome why didn't i ever finish it ah i think i can make this work look it's that guy who sees spiderman okay well this night isn't quite going as planned where am i gonna sleep i guess i could try mj's hmm just got a web alert huh looks like mj's story just got published i think i'll find somewhere else to stay she's probably busy with work hello spider been thinking about you a lot lately we were good together weren't we maybe it's time to reignite the flame black cat don't tell me she's scoping out places to rob she promised she would give up that life one of her cats she packs those with range extenders then harvests nearby rfid signals i'll let yuri know to pick it up hey yuri you still have black cat suit and equipment in the evidence lockup right i think so why is she back at it maybe just double check and let me know if her gear is still there will do can't believe i haven't slept since the fisk takedown gotta start taking better care of myself what are you doing here so late hope mei's couch is comfortable i i can't take this you can and you will i'll pay you back soon just ask for help next time oh you are so much like ben you have to learn to swallow that parker pride and accept that you're human like the rest of us martin i'm sorry to interrupt i just wanted to let you know i'm headed out of town you're in charge while i'm gone well you can count on me how long will you be away uh i really don't know is everything okay it's some personal business i've been planning for a while but please take care of this place it represents the best part of me well i guess i better get busy i hope mr lee's okay hello hey did you see my story i did robbie must be pretty happy right now yeah it kind of went viral and get this mayor osborne just announced he's going to give officer davis an award this afternoon wow wait isn't osborne's campaign rallied this after oh i see what he's doing yeah we all do but still a pretty cool moment for officer davis and his family i'll be there covering it wanna join me yeah of course see you then consolidated shipping [Music] jeff i'm here what do you see find the rest boss wants them dead looks like the demons are moving in on fisk's territory you got this i got this you got what you came for you don't need to kill us too this territory is ours now not today yes hey willy you nice jumpsuit slimming stay out of my business wait the demons who's their leader keep my men alive and maybe i'll tell you hello again oh come on ugh go go ugh hope i live to regret this hi is this the flight to newark one engine down now for the second this is your master plan replace fisk this is only the beginning need to disable the second engine [Music] need a plan real fast i guess this is the plan come on pete you got this you got this you got this you got this [Music] please don't screw this up these masks are so awesome where do you get them do they have a website yes hey yuri i caught the bad guys but i'm gonna fight what you might want to bring a ladder yo miles hey fanboy oh crap i'm late you coming ah nah i gotta get to city hall for my dad's ceremony all right tell your props i said congrats there's the stage entrance and we'll be right out front sounds like a lot of people out there you'll be fine honey last time i gave a speech i was in high school miss steinberg gave me a c minus well if only miss steinberg could see you now hey you got this dad i mean come on you saved spider-man i'm pretty sure that makes you an official superhero a superhero or maybe i'm just a guy who doesn't give up welcome everyone and before i hand it off to mayor osborne i'd just like to say a few words our city is so so such exemplary citizens i think this gang war may finally be over like i think over over i'm i mean there's some loose ends still to be tied up but loose ends well a truck pulled away from the scene from a company called consolidated shipping something's not right about it i just don't know what hmm well maybe after this we can grab some coffee figure it out together yeah um well thanks jim couldn't have said it better myself but i'll try we all know that officer davis is a hero but uh instead of coffee maybe we could have dinner instead i i could come over or we could you know meet at a totally neutral location for a completely normal meal cooked by professionals for acts of extraordinary bravery above and beyond the call of duty it is my privilege to present officer jefferson davis with a department medal of honor phone call sir kind of in the middle of something here jim sounds urgent sir fine congratulations sir [Applause] uh thank you mr mayor i share this honor with my family my wife rio and my son miles without their support i i couldn't do what i do yes i've worked many years for this moment who is this over the coming days your company your city and everything you care about will be destroyed people will beg you for help but you won't be able to save them listen jackass i get threats like this twice a week why don't you grow a pair and tell me what you want to watch you suffer [Music] there get down miles miles are you okay oh my god can you hear me baby can you hear me here is my hand if you can hear me stay here i'm going to find your father peter peter wake up come on say something please mom mom mom damn it hurry think big are you okay nice going kid are you okay yeah yeah yeah yeah are you okay you sure you're okay yes i'm gonna be all right i'm gonna be all right i'm gonna be all right all right i have to go find dad okay no wait no no no [Music] [Music] oh no enough we have to leave now wake up wake up i'm sorry for your loss do i know you i'm peter parker i was at city hall when look i know you don't know me but i just wanted to say i know what you're going through uh that's what you were gonna say right or it all gets easier with time or don't worry it's it's part of god's plan i'm sorry i was just trying to help i know i'm sorry about that i don't know what i'm gonna do with him mj's hunch was right police is crawling with demons gotta take these guys out then have a look around huh invoice from an auto shop pale horse rides that's one expensive tune-up what else can i find around here this is bigger than i thought looks like the demons have an army as if one deadly glowing whip wasn't enough copied silver bird we're descending to location there's another one safety's off well this is no new no this one's mine all right i'm executing this son hey that's not how we do things down town code whoa whoa before we do this who the hell are you guys code sm-1 code sm1 holding for orders copy code sm1 i have a visual pull for silverburn [Music] nice entrance solid eight out of ten nine out of ten [Music] release him he works with us yuri explanation please this is silver sablinova head of sable international a private security force paid for by mayor osborne oh the mayor has a pet army now next time you get in my way i will not be so gentle go we'll talk later peter so if you're running this place while mr lee's out of town who's doing your old job me but i could always use more help you know anyone actually i do his name is miles morales why does that sound familiar his father was being honored at city hall oh i talked to him at the funeral he's a smart kid he's just having a tough time i knew a boy like that once i remember it helped to uh stay busy it might help him too here's his mom's number thanks i'll give her a call hey you haven't heard from mr lee have you no why i'm just curious i've got a few minutes before work i'm gonna look around see if there's anything else i can do to help you out oh you you don't have to i know i want to i see you're okay this office is locked how do i get in there quietly don't feel safe anymore huh never seen that room before whoa what the high voltage lines what needs this much power that room i saw from the crawl space it should be right on the other side of the shrine yes wow what are you hiding lee can feel my power growing feeding off my anger father would say i've lost the path of balance that he could never understand the only way to fight a monster is to become one whoa this is the folder mj found at the auction house this might help us figure out what lee's planning next yeah it's a burn room wired to destroy evidence the police had found this or may don't want to think of what could have happened now how do i get out of here hello peter mr lee i thought you were out of town did you find what you were looking for martin you're back you get that thank you and heading off again shortly i'm afraid just needed a few things from my office you must have heard about city hall yes tragic peter was there he was very lucky and an osborne rally i didn't know you were a fan well what matters is you are both safe amen but the bombers are still out there who knows what they've planned next oh i don't think you or may have anything to worry about as long as you stay away from places you're not supposed to be well i should go when will you be back when my work is done wait you ready [Music] everything okay damn it this is all your fault norman you son of a well i know who you're not voting for in the next election sorry i uh have a habit of making bad jokes intense situations uh it was a good joke parker just a bit of an overreaction on my part no don't worry why don't you take a break i'll uh i'll clean this up and uh get us ready for another test so uh i hope you don't mind me asking but it seems you and norman have a bit of a history we were lab partners in college became friends decided to start a business we both had visions of changing the world just in different ways wait you were at oscorp when it started i'm half the reason it's called oscorp in grad school everyone called us the o's add corp to that and well it is a catchy name but why'd you leave norman became more and more obsessed with genetics he started a project i considered unethical and there was this anyway lawyers got involved i chose to leave in exchange for a settlement but that money didn't last very long i've relied on grants ever since if this project doesn't work don't worry it'll work uh let me let me just fix this up i'll brew some fresh coffee oh why don't you do the honors this time i think we did it next step neural interface that's a lot of work for you to do by yourself you sure you can handle it apparently not judging by today's debacle because i still haven't found another job my funds are still i know it's okay don't worry i'll figure it out what's a few bucks when you're trying to change the world right to changing the world peter you are not going to believe what happened so you know that address you gave me i went there mj i know i know but wait what is this just listen this is the address pete found men are all carrying firearms what is this place that office might be something inside that connects this to lee what's in these but come on tombstone you're right rick won't notice cousin won't be there god damn it i said i'll fix it you got some stones rick let's see if they break such a disappointment and now i need a new welder can't turn back now i need to get into that office come on now blueprints an apc this is what they're building for lee gps trackers what is tombstone using these for all right boys time to move get the gear for my office time to go okay i want to say don't ever do that again but since i know you're going to anyway here take a few of those next time nice thanks you know tombstone is crazy and pretty much invincible right everybody has their weakness mine is whatever you're cooking right now it smells amazing the chicken curry uh just needs some time to simmer no dumplings i hope you're never gonna let me live that one down are you nope the great dumpling catastrophe i still can't believe they evacuated the entire building i went in january too your neighbors hated me yeah they were pretty happy when we broke up yeah so let's talk about what you found in lee's office well lee clearly has issues with norman osborn yeah but but why i don't know yet but his next move looks like it involves devil's breath whatever that is yeah i'll dig into it so i was thinking what if we teamed up wait you want to be my sidekick like a spider girl spider woman no woman no not a sidekick a partner oh not again hey it's your crime system thingy looks like a residential break-in charles standish hmm that sounds familiar oh oscorp cfo wait you don't think this has anything to do with lee do you sorry to cook and run did you just leave your clothes on the kitchen floor where do you want me to uh the couch is fine dad see you later yeah of them inside you guys stay here somebody was in a hurry spider-man you're hurt i'm okay but you gotta find mr standish fast those guys in the masks kidnapped him and forced him up to his place he lives in the penthouse top floor okay sit tight good fight hey for effort the elevator won't work they know i'm here but maybe i can sneak up through the elevator shaft there's standish okay now what enter your password what [Music] let's try this again it's safe now what were they after just financial records about devil's breath how do you know about that why do they want it i don't even know what it is mr osborne's been pouring money into it for years but he keeps the whole project a secret i'm the only one who has any record of it not anymore looks like they copied some records to a secure server payroll information on a dr isaac delaney who is he i i honestly don't know damn come on come on almost got him try to fall slower [Music] you okay yeah i think so good good you know as elevator chefs go this is pretty nice hey yuri you okay yeah but i didn't get much out of standish before these sable guys stepped in and told me to back off what's the deal i get the sense all they care about is keeping him quiet because he knows about devil's breath right whatever the hell that is i'm working on that i think i just got a lead a lead you sound like a cop don't you mean spider cup [Music] uh yuri that's fair halloween party guess i don't have to change delaney's dressed as one of my greatest foes let's find out which one everyone's in costume my people now there's a guy hey look at us we're spider pros excuse me are you dr delaney oh no smoke whatever will i do this is the end for you spiderman hey what's wrong with you i worked on that helmet for a week i need to find dr delaney he's out in the party somewhere who are you i'm your friendly neighborhood spider-man [Applause] smart-ass [Applause] [Music] that guy throwing down candy could be dr delaney gotta find a way up i'm looking for isaac delaney i think he's on the dance floor there he is the lizard in the lab coat [Music] hey look it's spider boy since i'm one of your nemesis we gotta find me later oh what's the matter spiderwimp you afraid of my mighty horn hey who what what are you come on hey spiderman oh what the hell oh snap oh my god is that the real spiderman i'm totally live streaming right now what do you want [Applause] [Music] take it easy just tell me what you want this is a joke right those aren't real guns back now let him go who are you you recently began working with someone in an oscorp lab how do you know that we don't have much time isaac tell me his name show's over lee apparently the show's not over his name dr morgan michaels thank you no [Music] that's all of them gotta find lee [Applause] [Music] that guy again apologies if it helps i felt bad doing that yuri i need your help i've got reports of shots fired at dsu yeah that's me i'll explain later but right now you need to find a doctor morgan michaels martin lee's coming after him copy that okay that's how i can get into norman's office can't get in there without shutting down some security systems but if they see me they'll put the whole place on lockdown i'll be quick listen i got a lead on charles standish's location i think if i can get to him i can make him talk he knew about dr delaney he probably knows about morgan michaels as well okay just don't do anything crazy nice now i can get into norman's office and hopefully find out more about morgan michaels and devil's breath exterior sweep negative should we go on lockdown not yet mr osborne is in the middle of an important call but keep tracking there must be someone out there hold on switching to a secure line i'm way ahead of you wilson i had my people go through all your files if you try to expose our business arrangement it'll be your word against mine and i'm not the one behind bars right now wait is norman talking to wilson fisk neal statue what are you talking about the neo statue from the auction house they must be talking about that file mj found gr27 hmm dr morgan michaels is the chief scientist but the location of the lab is redacted ai controlled crispr if that actually works it could cure any genetic disease cystic fibrosis huntington's this is crazy creepy whoa gr 27 is devil's breath it's designed to cure diseases but in its current form it's like a bioweapon dr michaels keeps the only sample with him at all times that's why lee wants him we find michaels we find devil's breath where are you mj crap charles standish holy crap charles where is dr morgan michaels police sent you didn't he no [Music] he wants to kill me he told him to do it do it himself i'm not with the demons i'm not with sable i'm a reporter and i want to see lee stopped just like you what i've heard your byline stable won't listen to me she has michael's in the bowery they're moving him to a new safe house tomorrow at noon but she's totally ignoring grand central grand central the demons were talking about it when they held me they're going there to get to get what charles what are the demons need to get at grand central oh i was not a stable guy definitely not a disabled guy sorry charlie okay time to go no he knows something [Music] yes i'd call that a mild success i'd call that unbelievable do you need some help yes doctor what's going on has become that obvious my doctors call it a degenerative neurological disorder probably caused by overexposure to toxic chemicals in my reckless youth sorry is is there anything i can do you already are the worst part is it only affects the muscles the mind continues to work but it can no longer do you're the only one who knows peter i'd like to keep it that way of course uh if you'd like to seek a position with more of a future i i came here to work for you because of what you've got up here and that's not going anywhere so neither am i what are you doing here we got a fighter you just made your last mistake pong what the does it seriously take this many guys to rob a teenager [Music] you hurt you're spiderman you're the amazing spiderman you're the spectacular spiderman and a few other choice adjectives jameson uses look that was really brave but next time leave the fighting to the pros okay okay but what if there aren't any around well you can't just go swinging at someone twice your size i mean don't get me wrong i fight guys stronger than me all the time but when i do it i have oh like that time you fought right on the brooklyn bridge that was so awesome perfect example if the other guy is bigger you got to be quicker okay okay but that's it's easy for you to say uh sorry i just can't do what you do all right put them up seriously yeah come on first thing don't let the adrenaline get to you breathe slow breathe deep relax hip square to your opponent let them make the first move now use your feet when they go off balance look for an opening boom like that yeah yeah that's it okay only this time just let me have it right on the jock okay okay oh sh sorry no no no it's all good you keep that up and uh you'll be fine all right lesson's over gotta go hey uh thanks you know anytime i just punched better man [Music] listen i got a kid hey miles pete hey um sorry i'm late man oh no no i'm just glad you're here all right so um what can i do to help why don't you start just by uh getting comfortable with the place uh meet a few people you know what everybody loves coffee coffee all right and i'll be back in a little while to check on you is that cool yeah oh don't worry about mr hodges he doesn't bite much are you sure coffee thanks need help not unless you know what the hell the quark is it's a subatomic particle you know the building block of protons neutrons hadrons subatomic that fits you one kid ah hell damn hunk of junk uh you mind if i take a look huh oh we have a couple of crts at school i know how to fix these what no no you just gotta smack it half the time get it go or could be a loose co-ass cable all right all right be my guest huh mr smarty pants please go ahead tributes continue to pour in for officer jefferson davis the hero killed in the city hall bombing as reports emerged that he used his own body to shield others in his last moments of life hey new kids as well as brother aaron in addition man didn't do nothing hero except get himself blown up hey ernie i see you've met miles he's gonna be helping out around here you may have heard of his father jefferson davis pretty great that even though he's got a lot of stuff going on right now he decided to come and volunteer don't you think uh yeah yeah yeah thanks ah listen kid i'm i'm sorry about your dad come one miles let's see if ant-man needs to hit in the kitchen hey may i gotta take off but uh i brought some help for you hi miles nice to see you oh grab an apron wash your hands and i'll show you around hey peter um thanks for that back there of course we're ready for you dr michaels is that the devil's breath it's called gr27 not just be careful in the wrong hands this good don't worry we're the best in the world i feel better already code 381 package is on the move this way dr michaels what the hell is that oh welcome aboard doctor get off me we got this yeah sure you do [Music] he is coming he is coming and he will destroy all sinners sorry lee hand it over [Music] what's your status have you apprehended lee working on it i'll take this what are you doing to me giving you a new perspective what the hell i must be honest i was hoping to bring you here my abilities lend me a certain persuasiveness i've been watching i was waiting for you at city hall you never came where were you this is real or in my mind it was a shame so many had to die with no heroes to save them that officer saved your life didn't he he was here because of you and norman wanted to use him a futile gesture in the end and where was norman during all this slinking away like a rat he knew what was going to happen and he fled norman is a hidden cancer on this city he must be excised with no trace of his corruption to return norman hides behind his massive lies i will break it apart and drag him into the light put on the mask become one of us thanks but no thanks one way or the other you will join me [Music] [Applause] oh are you okay did they take it yes how worried should i be very you're a popular guy where is this term i'm gone so-called superhuman you think you save people but you just make it worse this is your fault my fault he was under your protection you really need two of those stop we need to brief mr osborne now i'll go with her thank you i'll remember this damn devil's breath is gone i should call mj and warner this is mary jane watson please leave a detailed message and i'll get back to you as soon as i can what are you up to now mj stander said the demons are looking for something at gct but what could they possibly need here should probably call peter and let him know what i'm doing releases specially formulated microbes into the atmosphere and in turn leaves our oceans and rivers cleaner than when man first walk mr lee this will be easier for everyone if you remain calm and do as i say over here [Music] um mayor osborne's office i would like to speak to mayor osborne who's calling the man he is looking for what do you want i want you at grand central terminal in 30 minutes by yourself or there'll be more blood on your hands mj i'm on my way are you hurt no i'm fine just hurry going as fast as i can what are you doing at gct i'll explain later listen lee's going to release the devil's breath you've got to get out of there he's not going to do it until norman osborne gets here wait this must have been lee's plan all along make norman responsible by forcing him to release the devil's breath himself sort of makes sense in a twisted psychotic way okay i'm here coming into the terminal now anything i should be on the lookout for looks like he's got some drones patrolling guess he's prepared for you don't worry i'm in the ventilation system can you see a safe exit point southwest corner on my way if i get any closer the drones will spot me see that tablet i'm looking at that controls the drones think you can snag it yes if you can distract them and not get shot i'm ready tell me when okay i'm ready incoming okay move listen i'm a reporter i have a direct line to mayor osborne i can help make sure he arrives on time how first let him go sir jesus christ oh they're coming jump over the railing better work fast okay i got this come on come on it's almost there you did it good job now let's get you out of here how about the devil's breath i'll come back for it no we're partners remember can we argue later if we don't help those people they could die so could you i can't let that happen no no i got myself into this i'm getting myself out what do you mean you got yourself into this i don't like this there's too many of them then let's start taking them out quietly jesus [Music] start the timer now's your chance keep them busy i'll take care of the devil's breath you know what you're doing no that's never stopping me before oh okay looks like the blue is connected okay [Music] okay now the red one got it you did it wow yeah now let's get these people out of here i could use a little spidey help you ready right i'll clear a path try to do it quietly will do everyone follow me here finally sorry i'm late it's kind of my thing yes why are you doing this paying off an old debt better keep my distance for now that didn't work better wait for an opening now's my chance looks like he's getting tired he's hurt you're sick let me help you hmm i don't want to hurt you nothing can hurt me not anymore [Applause] ugh no brakes no problem ah that totally worked last time yuri they still doing construction on 42nd first street closed for another month why [Music] next stop prison get that car go back to the lab let's move this is mary jane watson please leave a detailed message and i'll get back to you as soon as i can uh hey it's me let me know when you want to talk texting isn't talking no no no no not that kind of over ah please say no please say no okay okay [Music] and not okay what is there to figure out oh you think ah great hello parker just in time to celebrate celebrate wait where are the arms oh wow so cool but how did you intracranial neural network neurotransmission speeds under one nanosecond faster than signals travel inside the brain never mind to an external prosthesis we did it peter no one can take this away from us i'm amazing hey and your work on the neural web was the key but we haven't even tested it yet there's so much we don't know it works beautifully come on take a look this is impressive little error though [Music] voltage spike see if that worked no i hope that stabilized it damn it the spike is cascading i don't know if i can fix this [Music] come on this is bad doctor doctor i've found a potential problem everything has problems if you look hard enough but fortune favors the bold it's time to show the world what we've done otto the neural web isn't isolating your motor neurons it could be affecting other parts of your brain your your inhibitions your mood i just think we need some more time for the first time i don't feel like a failure i feel like me otto you're not a failure but this could permanently damage your mind please right right don't worry we're close i'll keep at it work out some bugs go go you sure you're okay yes thank you peter for for everything [Music] grand central terminal where mayor osbourne is about to address the media martin lee is now behind bars when i make a promise to this city i keep it the people of new york will soon make a decision to change the course of this city forever so when you're casting your vote remember what i've done we are all safer now than we have ever been liar you have no idea what you're in for peter you okay i'm getting by i don't know how i feel about you running this place all by yourself and these people need help if i lose a few hours of sleep so be it so have you heard from mr lee since no but the martin i know couldn't have done that whatever's become of him that's not the one i want to remember so how are things with mj oh it's uh well you know she's uh that's uh it's it's complicated honesty that's what got me and ben through the rough patches you guys had rough patches oh sure especially when we were your age so are you honest with her does she know the real you hey turn it up i want to hear this a spokesperson for the police has confirmed that this was the truck carrying the device used in the grand central terminal attack oh it never ends peter [Music] the devil's breath is gone but we got even bigger problems rikers we have to hurry hop on what happened it was a coordinated attack must have been planned from the outside every cell block is breached we're minutes away from every prisoner and rikers walking right up fifth avenue what about the raft it should be okay it's a supermax facility better security and a separate power grid good what about the devil's breath sables handling it do you trust them do i have a choice uh oh [Music] [Applause] you should have worn your seat belt [Music] [Music] ah [Music] license registration please okay looks like things are somewhat under control i thought you said the raft was secure it was let's go maybe it's not as bad as it looks love the optimism but in my experience when it looks bad it's usually worse look out [Music] yuri i'm flipping gotcha hold on [Music] you okay yeah welcome to the park just in time for the fire [Music] [Applause] why is he letting everyone out i'll head for the main control center and see how bad the situation is got it i'll go join the party [Music] that doesn't sound good surprise what is he talking about hey what's your status me just trapped in a prison with every criminal i put away this is too good to be true scorpion can you hold on a minute i was in the middle of a phone call and it was business come on spiderman i thought this was a chase gotta stop this guy nobody ever takes me up on that offer oh gotcha vulture i'm time no see we're going to have so much fun sorry no time to talk now with me huh okay i got the security cameras back online how does it look well it looks like the entire population of the wrath has escaped including martin lee that makes five of your worst enemies that are now on the loose i am serious [Music] [Music] party's almost done how do you like my new suit dashing where'd you get it it's an exclusive club oh remember he said not to kill him good idea in fact we don't have to do this at all if you don't want to we definitely wanted [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] uh [Music] stay out of our way each of you has a job to do your debts will be repaid when we're done go [Music] [Music] there he is [Music] all these years all these lies it's over norman time to give them the truth [Music] so [Music] uh [Music] who maintain tight security over all transit points throughout the city police and stable agents continue to battle with rikers and raft escapees meanwhile mayor osborne has gone on record blaming spider-man for the prison break and city-wide sickness and branding him a fugitive but he has yet to provide evidence and many believe the mayor is just deflecting blame since an exclusive report by the bugle revealed that this disease originated in a secret unregulated oscorp laboratory here in manhattan mayor osborne insists that oscar heard it all but has not provided any further evidence to support this claim dr octavius why how did i let this happen [Music] just got a call from the hospital they said you went awol i need to get back to work the doctor said you still have 14 broken bones which means i have 192 non-broken ones thanks for taking care of me by the way the hard part was keeping you hidden from sables they've branded you a priority target you know i humbly accept the honor what is happening to our city yuri i don't know feels like the end of the world maybe it is this isn't good transformers are charging the building trapping the police inside [Applause] yuri precinct is secure and i just found out what it means to be sable's priority target not fun that'll teach you to piss off international mercenaries yes so okay i need to sign off for a bit call me if things go south will do and thanks you've given us a fighting chance okay we need to hustle to feast sister site in harlem and help may peter thank god we need you at the veterans center where are you i got held up are you okay what's happening the convict started a fire we got the building stuff out but me and miles are trapped inside i'm trying to find a way into them but the fire's spreading so fast stay where you are mj i'll handle this move it pete move douglas this is stable control plus mj stay back i don't want to have to rescue you too peter don't be crazy wait for help [Music] me here we're over here [Music] i got you hang on come here you're right get to the window it's too far hold on just brace yourselves come on you stupid face come on mae i've got you oh my god go go miles come on [Music] huh [Music] we've got you we've got you everyone is safe mj if it weren't for you and miles i would have been as dead as i would have been the last eight and a half thousand times you saved me pretty sure i still owe you a few that's smart hey i'm sorry i screwed things up it's just hard being the one who always gets saved you know sometimes i want to do the saving i'm sorry i made you feel like you couldn't still partners always hey uh so i didn't know if uh you wanted sparkling or or flat or spring or mountain spring so i got one of each am i interrupting no um mj ms watson and i were just talking strategy strategy that's right the city is in danger it needs our help all of our help all right well call the play coach okay divide and conquer ms watson we need an anti-serum for devil's breath ozcorp's developing something but there's no way they can keep it safe from octavius and lee we need to find the cure and protect it i'll chase down some leads miles you need to be my eyes and ears at feast anything goes wrong call me we need to keep that place and the people there safe all right you got it what are you going to do getting a costume nut jobs is taking the city apart piece by piece time i returned the favor all right hey wait um how do i call you i mean who would you have like a cell phone in your in your pock pockets or something ms watson can give you my number good luck team do you have his number are you spider-man's girlfriend that'd be so cool come on sherlock show me what you got in this watersh mortgage board [Music] well this is moody must be some way to hit the lights there be light whoa was otto using this as a staging ground chaos of the prison break would have been perfect cover to move in this is it hello spiderman we've never been properly introduced i'm uh auto octavius there is no icarus is there no martin needs no assistance to secure the anti-serum icarus was a ruse to get you into position into position huh so refreshing to work for a man like octavius back up plans for his backup plans mj hey pete are you okay what's happening traffic's rough listen lee's gunning for the anti-serum we need to find oscorp's devil's breath lab before he does on it right now it's pulling every building permit in the city if there's a record of the lab i'll find it that's great okay talk soon empty trap failed softened him up time for plan b [Music] you're no adrian it's me spiderman what are you babbling about nobody ever gets my jokes tonight insect i thought we had a healthy given take man if i misread this relationship his guard's up need to stun spiderman i must break you you got it you got my joke i'm so happy i can almost stop fighting almost uh [Music] should check on sparky what's happening electro's been grounded spider-man i presume if you really cared about this city you'd be helping me expose osborne for the criminal he is by killing innocent people i would have restored the power you're sick you need help i have all the help i need and we will not stop until norman gets what he deserves [Music] i hate it when they team up just need to catch my breath [Music] what time oh man now if i was a mercenary dressed like a scorpion where would i be behind you me i'd end it now but octavius is paying and he wants to torture you which i respect damn it what did he inject me with whoa what the is that a sea of poison can't be this can't be real must be the poison but i can't take any chances gotta get to higher ground and analyze whatever he injected me with okay should be safe for a minute i need to analyze the neurotoxin so i can create an antidote hallucinogenic neurotoxin my brain will create nightmares that my body thinks are real i have to create the antidote fast first i need a natural steroid extract from an eclipta alba plant should do the trick esu's greenhouse is nearby hope it's in season there's the greenhouse they clipped alba it should be inside the greenhouse it can be both duck [Music] it's just the hallucinations intensifying you can get through this doc you sound like i did before the neural interface affected my mind my obsessions were always there but the interface allowed me to fully embrace them i have to fix this fix you somehow ah peter always trying to shoulder the responsibility even i can't tell you how many times your uncluttered optimism has kept me going when things look there's ah to mix a permanent antidote one of harry's research stations was developing a synthetic atrophy gotta get there fast made it somehow but i'm running out of time i need to mix the antidote finally the real lab no more hallucinations [Music] i think not you're in my domain you're just like us boy trying to steal my genius everything thought i forgot about you scorpion are you even real another hallucination at least he had an imaginary glass jaw another one down [Music] hope that's the last of them i can barely stand up there's the centrifuge i need finally i think where'd my suit go i think i took decontamination a little too far i'd better put some clothes on much better let's just go ahead and forget that ever happened right over here until miles gets back the best thing we can do is keep everyone fed oh peter it is so good to see you how are you healthy i'm good how are you holding up man good but busy oh let me go oh there i'm okay didn't you tell me something once about accepting that i'm human just like everyone else you and ben masters at turning my own words against me i am fine peter just a little rundown where's miles could he help out no he is he's off picking up medical supplies from the relief center it's amazing how quickly we go through antibiotics okay you stay off your feet for a bit i'll organize the unloading and check in with miles deal deal give me a chance to nurse my wounded parker pride come on miles answer don't make me worry about you and me quite so much for a milk run a bunch of convicts even do this looks like an exploding bulldozer went through here i can't turn back beast needs those antibiotics on crait be the one perfect this is a very large man i found the exploding bulldozer supply needs some sketches now he doesn't understand the fine art of persuasion do you not need to see that what was that check it now don't think he saw me time to get out of go go here go [Music] yeah it is i hate okay so let me know i have these get off me just give us the wallet give it us man help hey leave him alone big mistake kid you can't just push people around like that or what like this kid's got guts hip squared what the hell's he saying not gonna be saying anything in a second whoa you want to taste nah i'm good kid you want a taste i gotta work on my fight banner [Music] miles hey i've been trying to reach you you okay hey so uh don't freak out but um i gotta fill you in on some stuff all right pick on someone your own size rhino there is no one by side folk or maybe we could just talk it out okay rhino let's wrap this up never send an eight-ton infant to do a man's job let's finish this my jaw's already absorbed that particular lesson thanks do you know what octavius will do if he finds out you failed i failed yes you freaked joe did i hear you took a poetry class in the raft like a therapy [Music] a little sports thing time might help you boys learn to play nice all right yuri that's four down just octavius and lee left something tells me they won't be as easy they're only half our problem though devil's breath cases are getting worse and ozcorp is being coy about an anti-serum i'm worried they're seeing dollar signs in a seller's market i'd expect nothing less from our beloved mayor leave devil's breath to me one of my best people is on it okay mj i'm a couple blocks away let me know if you get into trouble thanks pete wish me luck okay norman's penthouse is on the top floor but the elevator's on lockdown need to get into the security room to unlock it mary jane watson super spy time to unlock that elevator that did it norman's clearing out and the elevator's unlocked time to head upstairs penthouse elevator this is it norman and sable right on cue find the alarm technician stupid useless button hmm norman's guards have all cleared out if he's hiding something up here i'm gonna find it i am saying we should not rush off without a plan you are staying here the antiserum is ready and i'm going to supervise production you will be completely vulnerable without me i seem to be completely vulnerable with you i'm going alone end of discussion keep team two on standby i'm getting some air okay july 18 bingo super creepy gotta find the location of the devil's breath lab wow some gr27 that's the code name for devil's breath this is it tenth and cathedral isn't that i knew it tenth in cathedral oscorp's records department perfect place to hide a secret biotech facility martin lee incident what is this and we are rolling i will be right next door just relax and let the medicine do its work oh [Music] what have you done oh my god norman and otto they started all this they created lee i have to get this no who's there oh no damn it we have a breach high alert pete i've got the lab location and a lot more how far away are you two avenues over say the word and i'm there great keep the motor running hey boss we got it pete you're here turn it off like now are you okay i'll be in a few seconds north corner [Music] hey you ready wait wait hold on it's too late [Music] you are crazy you're amazing it's all so much to take in harry sick norman and lee and dr octavius i know this is all my fault no not the song again you are not alone anymore pete [Music] let miles in me look after feast you you find norman you find the cure thanks partner [Music] open it why are you so heavy you harass my men destroy my equipment and cost my client millions give me one good the reason i should not kill you right now listen i don't like you you don't like me but lee has your client inside this building right now and he's gonna kill him if we don't do something we could fight each other or we could fight leave but not both this mean we're good you will help me secure norman after that i make no promises works for me please out of control you secure osborne i will talk to them okay lee no more running this ends tonight this is insanity i have to find a way to reach the martin lee i know the man who built feast no way to go but down fast spider-man i know about the accident i know what happened to your parents the accident you sound as clinical as osborne my parents died because of me because of what osborne did to me you're more than your past don't let it control you i tried so hard to make my parents proud to honor their legacy but to truly honor them osborne must see justice i won't let you do this martin lee's pain his anger it's fueling his power ah this is the only sample no no martin look i told you i'm sorry it was an accident i was trying to help yeah you don't help this won't bring your parents back why do you insist on trying to save this piece of skunk i'm trying to save you martin don't let revenge win fight it ah fight it martin you can walk away no osborne must suffer ah osborne needs to pay i know [Music] but this is the wrong way martin [Music] useless [Music] ugh [Music] uh [Music] otto that look on your face you can't imagine how satisfying it is ready for your final act [Music] hey hey where's otto gone i would not worry about him right now he needs a hospital no no hospital feast uh i need to speak to your head doctor there's no doctors here who's running this place me mostly oh okay well it's been a while but i'll do my best i'll need masks uh gloves whatever you have the sterile thank you you can thank me by not dying oh my god [Music] he'll live but he needs rest where's me they say she could go at any moment where are you going i need to find otto he has the anti-serum i don't know if i can read him maybe you can't maybe spider-man needs help from his friend peter what peter help build those arms remember if anyone can find a weakness it's him [Music] go get him tiger all right no no that's not it maybe it's this one no ah [Music] we did the impossible duck but now i have to destroy it with a little creation of my own [Music] so [Music] [Music] oh and once again we have live footage of mayor osborne being held captive on the roof tower you want me to beg not gonna happen the world will know the truth before they mop you off the pavement oh tell them what you did i never ah everything you have is built on lies you stole my company my ideas now the truth the truth okay the truth is you were only ever worth a damn when you worked for me the truth is you could never accept that i'm better than you you're a failure otto and you always will be [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] give me the anti-serum otto you've worked your whole life to help fighting the wrong man [Music] such a disappointment parker you knew i tried to warn you peter but you didn't listen [Music] no i won't let you win this means too much to me not more than it means can't you see all the people you're hurting you'll never understand you haven't suffered like i had that man is gone you can't save me peter then i guess you'll have to save yourself so much to me at least that you're making me do this you look tired parker not tired if you want to change the world you have to be the kind of man who can make the hardest decisions i couldn't agree more [Music] [Applause] [Music] hello peter i saw you as a son i should have known you turned on me just like all the others turn turn i've worshipped you your mind your conscience wanting to help others the way you never gave up that's because men like us have a duty a responsibility to use our talents in the service of others even if they don't appreciate it we have to do what's best for those beneath us whether they understand it or not no you're wrong you are everything i wanted to be you just threw it away yes of course you're right peter oh i see that now the neural interface affected my mind but i can fix it we can fix it together if you'll help me do everything i can i'll make sure you get the best out no if they put me away they'll take my arms i'll be trapped in this useless body please peter that wasn't me you said you never abandoned me you promised remember and of course you rest easy knowing your secret is safe with me you do what you think is best doc it's all any of us can you do it even when it works like hell you know where are you going [Music] here [Music] it's still viable we'll need the entire sample as a base to produce more doses how long will that take a few hours maybe a day what if we use it to cure someone right now there won't be enough to cure the others [Music] i'll give you a few minutes [Music] you're gonna be okay ma'am i've got the cure right here take off your mask [Music] i wanna see my nephew you knew i've known for a while i never wanted you to worry i did and i am so proud of you and ben would be too all the people you've saved i don't know what to do yes you two [Music] ugh [Music] uh [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] so hi mary jane watson associate editor congrats thank you i knew you could do it what about you find a job yet oh no but uh i'll be right with you honey thank you i was actually considering maybe a career change hmm yeah i think i might want to become a chef i'm sorry no it's you're a scientist a good one yeah the last project i worked on i created a monster octopus that almost destroyed the city so i mean you do make a hell of a chicken curry i do still working on my dumplings though going camping oh no my uh new place isn't gonna be ready for about a week so i'm gonna be crashing with miles for the next few nights oh you know you can always stay at my place only if you want to no i i mean i mean i mean yes i mean no no i don't not want to but meaning i i do want to but only if you do i never stopped wanting to me neither i'm not an expert or anything but i think it's in the way that you ask her hey ain't getting too nervous hey all right so where do you want this uh right over here is fine all right hey so pete yeah i uh kind of got to talk to you about something i can't tell my mom about what's up well um weird things have been going on like physically oh oh uh well you know you're at that age where your your body starts to change and so you may be noticing some areas no for example not that uh i think it's i think it's better that i just um i show you no no no no no it's pretty weird right not that weird we were so close but i'll keep trying i will find a cure i will i love you son thank you security wall's intact and bulletproof nobody's getting near the maria anytime soon mission accomplished then i hope so yeah i am gonna have to call you right back why what's going on you look good been working out no i mean you know a little so you swinging solo now you're back with your ex that's a lot of questions i'm just curious yeah i hear that's bad for cats how about you tell me why you're really here i was just waiting for the right moment look behind you [Music] i like your new tricks and i'm tired of your old ones weren't you gonna stop stealing art who said i'm here for the art what are you doing i think you have lives to save not again all right hey [Music] where'd she go peter is everything okay sorry mj i just uh ran into an old friend who trouble [Music] oh hey spider felicia the maji are no joke you shouldn't be playing with them oh but i like to play spiderman he's working with the cat got him i like watching you reminds me of old times what's on that drive not entirely sure to be honest then why are you stealing it if i don't they'll kill my son your son damn it felicia has a son it can't be i mean it could be and i could be no no no i'm not gonna think about that right now mj the cat got another day to drive just one more and hammerhead has the drives from all the other maji families we've got to figure out what's on those drives and there's something else there's this thing probably not a big thing but it could be a thing a little maybe a big thing please say a sentence that doesn't include the word thing okay the reason felicia is working for hammerhead is because he took her son i didn't know she had a son well certainly sounds like something hammerhead would do there's this uh other thing you know that she and i uh dated for a while yeah so oh oh are you serious i mean i don't know for sure but it's possible ew need to hang up now okay then she'll call back when she's cooled off right hey mj first things first head to this address it's the last known address of the costa family safe house if my source is right they have the final day to drive mj listen no you listen i i kind of overreacted the last time we talked not at all you reacted exactly how i would have we weren't together at the time and it's not like i didn't date other people right wait you dated people like plural the point is we're adults and there's a kid in danger so let's get to saving him i don't deserve you i know okay so i think i know what's on those drives years ago the families agreed to a joint accounting database in order to keep the peace put all their assets in one place and require all five data drives to access it so hammerhead steals black cat's son and then forces her to steal the drive so he can steal the assets from the other families hammerhead's trying to get rich quick and bankrupt the other families in the process we have to find that last drive before he does i'm on it felicia we need to talk oh i do miss our little chats but i've gotta run she shorted out my web shooters with an emp guess i'm doing this the old-fashioned way no come on i want to help then back off if hammerhead's got your son you can't do this alone why not i've done everything else alone i'm saying you don't have to do it why won't you trust me we worked together before answered your own question didn't you felicia why didn't you come to me with this because it's not your problem it's mine and i'll handle it maybe i don't think it's a problem wait unless you mean the gang war because that's definitely a problem i can take care of myself web shooters are back online i can help you stop hammerhead how no killing no breaking the law your way won't get it done felicia about your son i just need to know is he he's mine and i'll take care of him stubborn little spider i just want to talk still with me i could go all night if that's what it takes now you're getting my attention guess i gotta play harder to get we need to get closer last time don't look for me hey stop running because i'm trying to slow you down got here [Applause] [Music] can't let her get away this time a few more webs to do it that did it now to get in close uh now can we talk like human beings this feels pretty human to me i know what's on those drives you're stealing look at you brawn and brains you can't give hammerhead the last drive once he has what he wants your son will just be a loose end let me help you what are you thinking stall him give us some time to find your son i missed you glad we're back together again not like that shame okay i can probably give us a couple days max so about your son is there a chance i'm later for now let's find him when he's safe we can talk about that keep in touch spider [Music] oh mj's gonna kill me so what are we looking at got a tip from an old friend hammerhead's keeping something extremely valuable in that office above the bar a lot of guys in there if they spot me my son's dead i'll draw them out then you sneak in my hero come on please you first spider [Music] did you find the location of the vault no but we're narrowing it down and it's definitely where he's keeping my son yeah speaking of him there's an overdue conversation do you ever miss this what are you getting shot at while you steal things i really tried going straight got a job that didn't involve breaking or entering even started wearing sweatpants on weekends i wondered where you went it must have been hard for you especially with a child i need to go deeper if i'm gonna find him let me help if we're supposed to be working together some things i do better alone some things i'll call you if i need an extra pair of hands mj nailed it this place is isolated they could keep the kid here for weeks without anyone noticing this is the place i know it if they spot us it's over we need to take them all out like we used to quiet as a cat sneaky as a spider mj nailed it this place is isolated they could keep the kid here for weeks without anyone noticing this is the place i know it if they spot us it's over we need to take them all out like we used to quiet as a cat sneaky as a spider lots of places to hide a vault around here you check the shipping containers while i check in that building over there felicia what i'm sorry hammerhead did this to you yeah well he's about to find out you mess with the cat you get the claws felicia no no no you gotta be kidding me tell me you weren't just stringing me along sorry sweetie but i needed help to pull off a job this big all you ever wanted was hammerhead's drive the entire wealth of the magia in the palm of my hand you gave hammerhead fake drives you think he's gonna be mad at me so the kidnapping your son that was all just a lie lie is such an ugly word i prefer misdirection do the right thing take the drives to the police hey i earned these besides hammerhead's on a mission and nothing is going to stop him if anything i just helped slow him down a bit they cleaned up the whole yard check the vault time to go i'll raise a glass to you on the riviera [Music] felicia there's a tracker on that drive find her and kill her and if she's dumb enough to go to a little penthouse i've got a crew waiting there to send it sky high what about the drives i don't care about the drives i just wanted dead got it we'll find her [Music] if there's a tracker on that drive felicia's in trouble gotta get to her fast miss me already hammerhead knows where you are and he's going to kill you there's a tracker on his drive i don't get you spider i just calmed the hell out of you and here you are trying to save me how can you be so damn nice all the time it's not about being nice it's about doing the right thing you've got so many talents i wish you'd use them to help someone other than yourself yeah well you should know by now that's not how i roll people can change felicia love you spider he'll miss you wait your penthouse he's rigged it to explode don't worry i've still got all nine lives left damn it hang on felicia i'm coming gotta move come on come on [Music] hey spiderman do you see that sable chick you tell her my boss wants to have a sit down yeah i could but she doesn't really listen to me or anyone give me the address wait the address collects call building rooftop no wait it's probably an ambush can we please get out of here now [Music] [Music] is my [Music] [Music] you're alive did you honestly think i was dead how did you find me same way she did watch out that girl has trust issues how long have you been watching me watching us long enough to know you're making a mistake hammerhead's gotten too powerful do you really think i have a choice hair wait is that everything you need to know about that ugly thing sorry for what i did to you now we're even one more thing his head not as strong as you think it is bye felicia let's see what's on this thing ugh you came back for me why because i need you i work alone i used to say the same thing i know what's happening in zamkaria i know why this means so much to you you think you know but you do not know what can i do to make you trust me look i think i know how we can take down that monster but i can't do it alone damn it he let him lose okay here's the plan good plan that was awesome high five you said you could defeat hammerhead you uh know you left me hanging right there are medical records in here yeah mostly about that metal plate in his head carbon steel super strong pretty sensitive to heat i have an idea i uh solemnly swear to uh do whatever you tell me to i will call soon wow but let's get to work so where's this base you talked about your toys are so much cooler than mine i love this invisible floating fortress thing but now that all of new york city has seen it hammerhead will probably be here soon i am counting on it so let us work quickly i have acquired the class 5 laser array we need to calibrate it to prevent it from overheating lucky for us i'm working on my masters in calibration get them ready i'm going in okay that should do it you two teaming up now you but it ain't gonna do no good uh sable here's a little help here the laser is down can you fix it i am trying okay i'll just do the hammerhead waltz for a bit i just want to thank you for showing me what i've been doing wrong for years if i want to rule this city i got a modernist [Music] keep trying keep failing i'm indestructible i can't let him hit me [Music] you're going down look at me you can't kill me [Music] still no respect what's it gonna take do you know what i respect a guy who knows when to quit damn i missed keep them coming i'll make sure the next one hits [Music] him okay come on in boys [Music] he's quick i gotta be quick good tips [Music] [Music] huh i think not [Music] i have an idea i can't wait hold him get ready to jump wait what [Music] oh ah that was fun hey you have dinner plans i know this great pizza place i must return to zamkaria right you have a war to fight you not like to fight do what i have to in order to help my people i know that's what heroes do i am no hero but you have taught me a few things oh yeah like what like how to disarm my enemies with bad jokes actually they're good jokes but i understand humor can be subjective thank you spiderman for everything i don't do hugs yeah right of course uh hey can i get a lift back to the city i i'd swim but it'd take forever to get the river smell out of my suit [Music] ready uh i think the web shooters are a little tight you get used to it just try to keep up you
Channel: GameClips
Views: 8,522,527
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Spider-Man, Spider-Man Remastered, Spider-Man Full Movie, Spider-Man Remastered Full Movie, Spider-Man Movie, Spider-Man All Cutscenes, Spider-Man Remastered Cutscenes, Spider-Man Remastered Movie, Spider-Man Full Movie 2020, Spider-Man Remastered Full Movie Cutscenes, Spider-Man Remastered Cutscenes Movie, Spider-Man All Cinematics, Superhero Movie, Marvel, Superhero, All, Cutscenes, Cinematics, Full, Movie, Full Movie, 2020, HD
Id: Khta-vcq35E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 233min 17sec (13997 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 29 2020
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