Spidey's Best Moments! | Compilation | Marvel's Spidey and his Amazing Friends | @disneyjunior

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i sure am glad i could show you around my city black panther when it's a hot day like today i like to go to the amusement park with friends thank you spidey as king of wakanda i travel to see so many wonders of the world but i have never been to such a park my hot day three-step plan one cool breeze in the ferris wheel two enjoy a snow cone three make a splash on the water slide a corner snow interesting and that waterslide does look inviting but wait huh what is it my height i'm hearing is picking up sounds of trouble over there a rhinoceros is charging the crowd oh boy that's rhino his skin is tough as rhinoceros and he's just as strong stealing and breaking stuff are the only things that make him happy we must stop him go let's go [Music] rhino right through out of my way [Music] better put on the brakes rhino never [Music] hang on we'll save you i'll steady the top with my webs you push the beams back at the bottom [Music] [Laughter] rhino really needs to cool off maybe he'd like a snow cone aha yes an icy treat for rhino good idea let's catch him how did you learn rhino do not take what is not yours want some back here spidey he's right behind me ready when you are [Music] [Applause] [Music] you're welcome relax rhino we'll fish you out so not cool but these coins are snowing thanks black panther great work you too spidey hey spin i'm almost at the library now where are you [Music] yeah hey i got here as soon as i could spidey what's the trouble glad you could help spin someone set off the alarm in the library who'd steal from a library you can borrow the books for free huh good question that might give us the answer that's green goblin's glider he must have broken in i think the best thing to do is sneak up on him super quietly and find out what he's doing right with my cloaking power nobody's better at sneaking up on bad guys than me go webs go looks like gotti broke through the window look that room with the light on is my favorite in the whole library that's where they keep all the books about legends exactly books that are filled with stories from a long time ago so what's green goblin doing in there [Laughter] there's green goblin and he's reading this story about the pumpkin king will tell me how to find his sword once i figure out where it's hidden i will be unstoppable it says if you wish to find the power sword go to the place where his armor is stored huh where could that be goblins after a power sword wait what's a power sword let's find out get ready to surprise him and web him up sorry two spiders good thing i brought my bag of tricks with me they're full of goblins gotta run spiders and i'll be taking this book with me that book staying here cubby you'll never find the power sword yeah no matter i already found the clue i need in that book all i have to do now is find the place where the uh what was it again armor is stored yeah that's it sword rhymes with stored easy to remember you'll never catch me whoa what's up good thing we have a web shield i'm sorry spidey my hiccups earned our plan to sneak up on green goblin it's okay spin you know when a plan doesn't work i just find another way to save the day give it up doc ock you can't handle a spidey team but can you handle the might of gigantic squishy squishy how did you get so big what other scientist is brilliant enough to invent a gigantic serum now squishy is big enough to capture the whole spidey team at once way too big when you silly spiders are out of the way i'll be able to rule the whole city now go squishy keep those spiders away from me so i can take over the city for no fishy treats for you we have to stop squishy she can accidentally crush everything in her path yeah okay she might be a giant octopus with giant slimy tentacles we can handle this but first let me whip up doc go let's go too bad you missed one of my tentacles and my giant octopus distraction is going perfectly a plan [Music] [Music] hey i got her [Music] or maybe i don't okay let me try [Applause] [Music] this isn't working there's only three of us against eight tentacles and she's really strong ouch squishy let go you're holding us too tight huh are you two okay yeah we're fine squishy isn't trying to hurt us she's just too big and doc ock's making her do bad things to get treats squishy defeated you spiders easily now no one can keep me from taking over the city and she's not even done growing yet she's already too big to stop we need a plan the best way to tackle a problem like this a giant octopus problem is to break down a plan into parts so we each need to do something to stop dog well i know a lot about octopuses they're curious and playful so maybe i can try to keep squishy busy so she doesn't go into the city and squash everything good thinking ghost spider then i can distract doc great spin that'll give me time to figure out how to make a serum to shrink squishy back to normal size so we can bring her home to her parents sounds like a plan to me let's save squishy [Music] magnificent my giant octopus is about to help me take over the city but that'll never happen i'll get you for that spider not if you can't catch me [Music] now i'll reverse ox formula to make a serum to shrink squishy [Music] hey there squishy come on squishy come play with me hold still little spider i can't keep this up much longer whoa i think i better turn invisible with my cloaking power here i am come and get me foolish spider time to cloak what where did he go hope spidey figures out how to make a shrinking serum soon whoa [Music] squishy ow play time is over hang on go spider [Music] did anyone order a special delivery of my super spotty shrinking serum hey miles what are you up to today there's no trouble in the neighborhood so i'm gonna practice my drums whoa you're drumming sounds good gwen i'm gonna practice some of my web moves all right stop the landing nice hey come check out my new invention guys i can't wait to see it i invented a new formula for super sticky web fluid a little bit of this stuff will hold just about anything watch miles hop in and drive the web crawler are you sure this thing has a lot of power and that is a skinny web it sure is gwen miles give it full power well no way very cool peter that stuff is super sticky all right but how can you get it off i thought you might ask that this can of web off another new invention of mine check it out wow with your web offspray those super sticky webs fall right off oh spidey this gauntlet is my best invention yet how are they still chasing me if i see rain an extra strong wind didn't stop them then i'm pretty sure a snowstorm will it's so cold here this will keep you warm that is better thanks just hold tight miss marvel and i are gonna stop green goblin and make sure the weather is back to normal soon coffee's weather's getting worse and worse it's ruining all the fun and making everyone miserable i know but on the bright side there he is time to catch a flying goblin just stop wait what are you doing no my goblin glider you ruined my glider so now i'm really gonna ruin your day by choosing all the settings and creating all the bad weathers at once that's not a good idea gobby you'll make even bigger trouble oh that's the fun of it yikes that's the biggest storm i've ever seen exactly it's a twisty stormy snowy thingy oh wait i've got it i'm going to call it a snow nado turn it off bobby before it gets so big it ruins the whole city not a chance i want it bigger and bigger and bigger maybe it is too big whoopsie oh well i better scram you have fun you two that's a monster snowstorm yeah the whole city's in trouble now our only chance is that goblin we have to get it from him come on hand over the gauntlet never you're not going anywhere no my god [Music] we don't have a choice i'm just gonna have to focus and make sure i time it perfectly steady [Music] thanks now i just need to figure out how to use this gauntlet to bring back the summer weather i can shield you while you do [Music] uh let's see here you just need to find the right setting hurry but son this oughta do it [Music] you stopped my snow nado ah cheer up gobby it's such a beautiful we day did it we make a great team spidey we sure do miss marvel i'll take this gauntlet to webquarters where it can't cause any more trouble whoa gobby's got cameras all over the funhouse he must have been watching us on these screens when he was playing his tricks and it looks like he's playing another one on spin right now should you save yourself or that nice lady oh tough choice here let me help okay gobby i choose both i'll save myself save the night wow that was amazing my thanks hey the boxing gloves are my favorite he's not kidding about how much he likes the boxing gloves huh what happened to the power oh looks like we shut down your tricks scobby yeah we thought enough goblin pranks for one day well i still have one left and it's all i need to get all of you i don't think so oh [Music] whoa way to go [Music] ma'am well guppy your fun is done yo team spidey plus one for the win the damn is just up ahead oh the water's already starting to come through let me take a closer look i can see at least five leaks whoa that's a lot more cracks than i expected i got those i'll do a glide by and plug the holes with my webs [Music] i think this is gonna take all of us working together if we keep using our webseal and stop the water i'll handle this big leak myself [Music] let's do it together i'm sure i can get this one fixed on my own thank you we're a team you should let us help you i i thought i had it just let me give it another try you can try again but with our help yeah the three of our webs can plug up the last leak okay let's give it all we've got we did it for now at least hopefully it'll give my dad enough time to get those foxes to safety come on team let's see if we can catch up with him to help we've lost her how will we ever get my vibranium back now um i know doc ock she's probably still here trying to steal anything valuable she can get her tentacles on let's split up and look for her good idea but if she's found we need to try to defeat her together now that she's got my vibranium she's too powerful to fight alone if i find her first i'll wait for you so we can catch her together oh with all my new power i'll rule the world now i just need a crown uh-huh oh now i can take anything i want and not even spidey and black panther can stop me that's what she thinks i'll wait here quietly until she moves then i'll go find spidey to help me there she is i know i told black panther i'd wait for him but i can't let her get away put down that crown doc huh it's not yours and neither is that vibranium spidey no oh that was close one too close i thought we agreed to do this together spidey you need to have patience slow down and think before you rush in oh someone's coming it's not doc huh that's a relief but you're right i have been rushing too much gotta work on that sorry black panther apology accept it but doc has gotten away again doc is greedy she has lots of power now but she's bound to want even more she's probably still in the museum somewhere so we wait if we have patience she will come this way sooner or later right she'll come looking for more vibranium and then we'll catch her but i don't have any more vibranium with me you just leave that part to me here it is it's just a cat toy that looks like vibranium we bought it for my cat bootsy but it might help us catch stock ock i must say it looks very realistic a little squeakier than the real thing but if we can convince doc ock it's a real vibranium we can catch here she's coming okay spidey patience this time it's a good thing you brought more vibranium with you black panther yes do me a favor to check to see if the museum doors are all locked we don't want doc ock to steal the rest of their vibranium if she gets her tentacles on this she'd be so powerful that nothing could ever stop her nothing could stop me i like the sound of that okay spidey patience wait for the perfect moment then make your move sorry doc not this time oh yeah says who yes with another piece of vibranium i can rule the entire huh it's a toy you tricked me and the trick's not over yet huh my power it's gone [Music] excellent work spidey your timing was perfect all it took was slowing down and having some patience and don't forget some great teamwork i salute you my friend oh what a content salute right back at you black panther oh yes i should have been patient and waited until i came down huh anyway i'm glad we could get your vibranium back no i think this one is for your cat bootsy [Music] where'd he go a giant pumpkin float [Music] now you're trapped right where i want you you won't get away with this green goblin i don't see how you'll stop me while you're in this sticky situation why am i stuck in a pumpkin oh not just any pumpkin it's the biggest pumpkin prank that ever was you leave her alone bobby i'm coming for you tracy no we're all coming for you you're too late spiders my unstoppable pumpkin float is going to splat goblin goo all over the parade and ruin halloween me and your spidey bot here will have a front row seat you get that remote i'll get spidey out on it hey get off my glider i'm not going anywhere until i get that remote now to get you out of it there's no time you have to stop this pumpkin before it reaches a parade you're right i can use my super strong wax to stop it oh the little spider thinks he can stop my giant pumpkin with webs i don't think so now it's going even faster no one ruins my plans to ruin halloween give me that remote hurry we have to find a way to stop this pumpkin okay i've got another idea [Music] we won't let you look the parade give it a break already break what a good idea what are we gonna do we're running out of time i didn't get the remote from gobby he hit the brakes and threw me off his glider the brakes that's it maybe we can break the pumpkin ghosty see if we can pull the top off [Music] this will take two of us oh that was close amazing work team you spiders may have stopped my giant pumpkin prank but i still have your precious spidey pot tracy quick get me out of here okay team it's gonna take all three of us to rescue tracy maybe you could both keep gobby busy while i swing in sure i'll confuse him with my cloaking power so he can't see me then i'll glide in and surprise him great plan that'll give me a chance to flip tracy back no sign of those pesky spiders i guess i get to keep you after all little spidey bot sure [Music] tracy don't worry i'm coming for you gotcha i'm really glad to have you back too now where's green goblin coming your way i got it you shouldn't have tried to ruin the parade bobby or steal our friends [Music] why did i have to make this goose so sticky yeah someone get me out of here i don't think so gabi you're not going anywhere oh green goblin almost ruined the halloween parade but now he can't thanks to our teamwork [Music] welcome back tracy you know we can still check out all the fun costumes everyone's wearing in the parade look those kids are dressed up like the spidey team for halloween she thinks we're in halloween costumes happy halloween [Music] oh they'll have to try harder than that oh this one is just right oh what am i thinking i already have avocados at home ready to work together to get this problem all wrapped up got it okay spiders give me your best shot one two three [Music] we got him now let's bring it down [Music] i don't think so robot there right through my web he clawed through mine [Music] ah our plan is not working his closet his tail and his teeth are all too sharp attention attention everyone this is your unfriendly neighborhood dinosaur i declare this farmer's mind had a smashing success there's gotta be a way to stop that guy we'll figure it out come on whoa hang on i stepped in honey there's a whole big puddle of it too bad it's not stickier we could use it on that robot dino well hey wait a minute that could work trap it in something sticky yeah just like animals sometimes got stuck because of the tar pits remember [Applause] i don't think honey is going to keep that thing stuck down honey won't we've got something way stickier we can make a whole puddle full of webs like a tar pit good idea it's spidey time how about i turn those potatoes into mashed potatoes hey green goblin over here run along you're no match for my t-rex your robot dino might be big gobby but bigger isn't always better we can use our spidey webs big deal is that all you've got nope hey our spidey speed yeah looks like you're all tied up no more ruining stuff for you oh you think so do you wait what i can't move oh yeah i forgot to mention we also have spidey smarts you can't move because while spidey was distracting you we trapped you in our super sticky webs this dinos days are over okay you can have the dinosaur i'll just be going now oh no more fun for you gabi webster showed that kitten was right around here i'm not seeing anything yet let me use my spidey vision for a closer look there's the park and the trees aha i see them snuffles please come down you'll fall and hurt yourself it's time to spidey swing go go go go wait what here i am it's me green goblin do not fear citizens i've come to save this kitty cat now now little one come on [Music] i'm here to help here you go come on hey green goblin what do you think you're doing i was just rescuing this cutie pie right here such an adorable little fluff nugget now remember big tall high places are for heroes like green goblin and his amazing friends you're no hero gobby safe and sound he did save my little snuffles thank you green goblin so you're a good guy now you rock oh all in a day's work my good citizens oh okay seriously what's going on here gobby yeah we know you wouldn't help anyone all you ever do is cause trouble usually that's true but lately as i've watched you spiders swinging around doing good and getting all those cheers and thank yous i couldn't help wondering how much fun that would be oh really yes really and you know what it's a blast so no more super villain for me i'm off to save the day [Applause] team we need to talk okay that was weird do you think he's really given up on being a super villain no way i don't trust him me neither we better watch out in case he tries one of his mean tricks what's up spidey alert there's a bus crash on the bridge oh looks like we've got another emergency but hey now that you added voice commands to the techno racer i can call it to help techno racer me me at the river bridge [Music] okay the techno racer should get to the bridge around the same time as us let's swing team spidey yep there it is on the bridge and the bus is hanging over the edge let's wet it before it falls quick we've gotta pull just in time go see spidey hold on i'll tow it back onto the bridge [Music] yes [Music] [Music]
Channel: Disney Junior
Views: 62,032,221
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: disney junior, disney, junior, disney jr, djr, best moments, compilation, spidey and his amazing friends, spider man, spiderman, ghost spider, spider-man cartoon, spiderman for kids, spider man cartoon, spiderman kids, spiderman cartoon, spiderman and his amazing friends, spidey and friends, spider-man and his amazing friends, spider man cartoon for kids, spider-man for kids, spiderman and friends, spider man and his amazing friends, marvel spidey and his amazing friends
Id: bqSgbSmrJdk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 53sec (2213 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 06 2021
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