Spider-Man: Edge of Time | Full Gameplay Walkthrough (2011)

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you [Music] Eddie Eddie Brock listen to me Eddie this this isn't you radiation knock boredom is drain Danny sir not the engineer driving it right now hang on parker's just hold them up another few seconds I'm almost there like sure don't drag this out [Applause] you had no reason here O'Hara it looks like you called me Parker Parker are you there Peter Peter [Music] I keep trying to tell myself that I'm just jealous of Walker Sloane's progress it was only five years ago that he first showed up at alchemax talking about harnessing energy from the fourth dimension now he won't stop until he's running the place I know his type he's thinking beyond alchemax aiming towards who knows what he's the exact type of corporate monster I've sworn to rein in especially if he's mucking the time travel the year 2099 might not be much but it's all mine and he's not been changing [Music] has been siphoning alchemax resources into converting the Gateway the old virtual unreality lab into something else' something dangerous I've tried talking to him but he's got no time for Miguel O'Hara he will make time for spider-man just use the convenient access to the ventilation system to get inside and then Walker and I can have a little chat whatever Sloane's up do I've got to shut it down before he gets in over his head and drags everyone and everything down with him I see they've been keeping busy in the cybernetics division that's a lot of shock and robots down there during the day as Miguel O'Hara alchemax geneticist that could have walked right in but at night the security protocols kick in the genetics lab without that department I wouldn't be the man I am today Sloane's gotta be around here somewhere I just know it [Music] you'd think the largest tech developer in the world could afford a car with their air ducts for extra comfort [Music] [Music] there you are holographic assistant online how may I serve you mr. Sloane hello Joseph run a final check and initiate security bioscans preparing systems mr. Sloane this won't take long bioscan sequence initiated access to time research lab granted is just long slow down Miguel take your time don't want to get caught here I will connect should be thanking me start off richardcowley Industries is going to take over this entire corporation unless I still substituted you're the only one who thinks outside the boxes yes Joseph I don't [Music] I knew it was up to something I'm almost embarrassed it took me so long to come up with it I simply go back in time and launch album excuse before was originally founded not only killing remake alchemax unlikely vintages but you can dismantle start her to come up before get started you're a genius a program to do justice oh no you don't get away from me that easily of course the CEO will want me to have that degree of power is all about power but he won't have anything to say about it by the time I'm done [Music] securities again sequence initiated [Music] Gateway room access granted yep he's heading for his time research lab all right there's an access point near the generator huh Gateway activation succeed time-travel present in 60 seconds no way [Music] this thing's almost fully charged and I don't have a clue how to shut it down only chance is to get to the lab before it's too late if I don't get there in time he could actually pull this off go into the past and tamper with who knows what [Music] [Music] almost at walkers lap [Music] [Music] [Music] it's changed everything's changed but is it start here it started back then I kind of Peter Parker's time can't fix it because he's gonna be dead it's an abomination is what it is I'm the only newspaper man in the city that realizes what a menace that webhead is Jonah um indoor voice okay I'm trying to get Mary Jane on the phone people why and I see my freak next thing you know they'll be a musical about them a chorus line of dancing spider I'd pay to see that Oh Mary Jane hi [Music] Elsie's show MJ I would love to but I'm working with dr. Octavius in the genetics lab on a DNA project I had a download a sample of my own DNA into the permanent alchemax genetic files I'm still waiting for some test results permanent files huh great so 100 years from now we can clone you yeah I don't think so well how about I come there and we grab a late dinner afterward okay tiger yeah sure it's okay anything for you babe and I love when you call me tiger it's like a blast from the past he did it that lunatic actually did it and I saw it all used get the shot out of my way now Cory robots centuries not sure I can take them right now maybe I can draw them off move fast enough to distract him with some decoys [Music] block [Music] [Music] [Music] next round Peter Peter Parker who's that who's talking Miguel O'Hara the spider-man from 2099 are the other Me's in my head - no it's just me and you old timer I threw together a chronal link program using a sample of your DNA it's allowing me to communicate with you at the point in time it was taken I just wish it was from earlier on we have almost no time time until what until you're killed and I'm telling one now cuz it kind of sounded like you said kill listen a lunatic named Walker Sloan from 2099 created a time gateway it was a one-way trip that dumped him sometime in the 1970s he then used his advanced knowledge to build alchemax years before it was supposed to be established transforming your world and mine but I work for alchemax you're saying that somehow wrong completely at this point in time you earn a living taking news pictures for J jonah Jameson with him the late-night ranting TV news guy forget it you can't forget it where does this so-called death happen Sloane's building another gateway on the 66th floor so he can finally travel back and forth I saw you being killed right there by who I couldn't make it out it doesn't matter get out of the building so a crazed killer can wander around the building without me to stop him no way besides if I find this guy somewhere else then I'm invincible because I can only die at the gateway right it's not an exact science Parker meaning what you want to spend an hour getting a crash course on temporal physics No then do what I say hey you've got a lot to learn about priorities pal I'm gonna do what I think is right and that means going after bad guys you want a spider-man who'll do whatever you want complete video who's that spider-sense hey Eddie Rock antivenom he's the one gunning for me but he's reformed I've got the intruder side they're teleporting guards at spiffy new tech but what did you say I can't hear you we need to work out the kinks of this time-travel communications thing if it's gonna have any hope of catching on Parker focus on what's important I am which is why I'm heading up to the 66th floor if that's what we're supposed to butt heads maybe I could draw him out in route I'm gonna go look for an elevator do you want to die of course not I want to run away even less [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Eddie for crying out loud you're not a killer anymore [Music] what happened the elevator I'm in just changed into a closet rock just tried to kill me with an elevator weird coincidence maybe not we're way way with what something I did here had an effect on you in 2099 that's impossible now theoretically it's not the idea is called quantum causality the two gateways created a link between our times like a wormhole through the fourth dimension right normally changing the past just creates an alternate timeline but thanks to the wormhole what you do there affects my time and vice-versa so I can change things here now that can immediately change things in the future that's amazing spectacular even the security system has all the entrance is blocked I got to come back here after I take out the security mainframe Parker my path to the 66th floor is blocked by some kind of force field welcome to my world hi is it okay with you if I destroy that security mainframe behind the glass worth shot thank you for shopping alkaloids do come again I'm about to destroy the security mainframe how you doing O'Hara you still stuck yeah well listen and learn newbie that's how both our problems right my force field just changed the centuries robot guards this whole point of causality thing is a real wild card I can't control if it makes things better or worse well at least I can get through the door now you [Music] this quantum causality could it run both ways affecting my time as well as yours impossible cuz it's happening all the bad guys just broke and by that I mean it's possible okay now to get back to that sealed door through the elevator shaft the force field should be down by now [Music] I'm not gonna miss that guy [Music] pull it together Spidey [Applause] you're holding back any she realizes time travel story a yours is gonna cost me my chop it's not your job it's not even your reality yeah that's what you keep saying but how do you know because I do and deep down so do you now let me concentrate by my own problems right now yeah well I can't help you with that maybe you can Barker you're making this harder for me nah I told you trying to control this quantum causality thing was a stupid idea they said penicillin was stupid - it's [ __ ] about the fabric of reality but Brendel just get ready to help me bread mold sheesh not believe his crust [Music] there the elevator I need is right at the end of this hallway Parker I'm in a jam and you put me there hey I was having a quiet evening until you started talking inside my head don't blame me for this alright fine what do you need me to do O'Hara great he's gone now Barker stop screwing around and get me out of this okay I'm not a time travel expert how do I wait wait wait wait what if I just trashed the robotic research facility is that worth the try anything's worth the try stop yelling at me I'm smart about this whole quantum cause out anything learn faster okay I'm there I'll destroy the prototype parts and we'll see what happens at least one of us will [Music] [Music] [Music] can't believe a man's life is depending on a theory still with me O'Hara faster faster would be better I'm doing my best best [Music] [Music] for the most part they turn into something else like I don't know kittens yeah small metal robotic killer kittens causality theory they'll just tell me who is the next 10 world series what you're killing me I'm not you will you go with the 66 or 66 floor I know and we both know okay fine if plan a keeping you out of danger supporting then we'll go for Plan B I'll get down to my own 66 floor and see if we can solve it I'll try not to die fighting me [Music] Wow alchemax isn't kidding around I need a security pass for that door and I'm hemorrhaging time especially if Parker arrives before I do if only he had listened to me [Music] [Music] hey scrappy I need your built-in passkey hands don't have to get back to that wall nor fast [Music] Harker slow down wait for me to get to my 66 for my slowing how about you hurry figures [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Parker alway here just change me trying to stay alive if you were you clear round but if you have moved your bravery bravery there is nothing I would like better than to just hightail it out of here the way the shock don't you because what I do here matters okay beyond changing hallways into elevators it matters and that's just something I have to live with even if it means I die with it you get it O'Hara yeah of course there's no security pass on why should anything be easy there's got to be a key pass around here [Music] [Music] I just need to find the right sensory robot [Music] [Music] [Music] the security forces are still in operation please remain where you are so that you can be disposed [Music] so where are you nearly where you don't want me to be slowed down would you how about you speed up yeah I'll get right on that only way to move fast enough is to go freefall in the elevator shaft shortest distance between two points is a straight line on my way Parker Parker [Music] [Music] [Applause] Parker it happened again it was it me great shaaka gotta get back up there fast before Parker reaches his own sixty-six floor ahead of me Parker you hanging in there sure crawling bleeping all part of the service and you can stop worrying about me mommy especially since I'm the one who keeps having to bail you out I'll keep worrying until this is done how close are you to the 66th floor Parker I just buzzed right I'll be in touch Parker Parker are you we've got to wrap this thing up quarters of an even bigger disaster than it already is at least there's an alternate route it'll slow me but I can still get to the 66th floor [Music] [Music] another time [ __ ] it looks like the only way up to the 66 floors through the ventilation pull it together in the shock out of my way [Music] this is nuts old nuclear plants had less protection than this [Music] [Music] [Music] finally made it back to where I was [Music] Parker I made it to the 66th floor where are you is this antivenom still hiding on face to pasty-faced fancy bennett Eddie you're responsible for the explosions you're really trying [Music] what's happening there Parker antivenoms fighting himself more than he is me subcutaneous control chips to do the job how dangerous is this guy he drains my powers on contact and he's invisible to my spider-sense terrific but where are you now and can you avoid anti-venom 66th floor and yeah maybe I could have listened to explosions bring the building down people four blocks around me killed [Music] [Music] I gotta find a way to get Eddie Brock free of whatever's controlling him there Eddie you're being controlled fight it fight kid quit now he took off again yeah if only you do the same O'Hara if you don't get that I can't turn my back on danger no matter what the cost then you've got no business calling yourself spider-man Wow I'm hurt guess what else I am still alive let's hope you get to keep saying the same thing [Music] [Music] [Applause] we've been a lot of things to each other Eddie but you've never been anyone's Patsy stand there card names scarce Eddie listen you've got a chip inside you that's making you do this just making it the longer that things in you the more it's rewiring you're thinking no no it's Barker what are you doing because it's causing major problems here I've got to get the atomic energy regulators out of the way so they're not destroyed so I'm in danger crying from radiation because of explosions on your head you're the one who told me about quantum causality yeah well no telling you to fix this sheesh okay oh here the first regulators say the radiation level is dropping but my costumes providing me some protection from it but it's not gonna last forever just give me a minute to take care of the other two regulators minutes about all I have I've gotten the second regulator to safety is it still affecting things on your end yeah it's still dropping but the cumulative effect if it's not stopped entirely still in one yeah I'm planning to make this go away or not thank you not the one who could end up as a human nightlight [Music] Oh what do you mean uh-oh this store should do the job [Music] O'Hara tell me you're okay better than okay back up to full strength I hate to admit it but this quantum causality thing of yours is actually pretty effective no glad you approve you know for something that makes no freakin sense at all dead-end wait there's an air duct I can get to Brock that way doesn't look like an automatic door it's a two-man operation but I can move fast enough after I hit that switch to get through [Music] [Music] [Music] what the heck are these it looks like they escaped from the Museum of unnatural history [Music] back off Eddie you're a puppet like the puppet master not me difficult for me you don't know what you're doing I know enough you have to die or we both can live you think you're so much better than I am acting like you're so worried about me I'm worried about what you'll do to other people and yeah to me but if you can fight it trust me oh yeah I always trust people who are trying to kill me so you're the head lunatic well we haven't been properly introduced I'm the guy who's gonna stop your plans good luck with that anti-venom finish him get I can't impressive resistance but activating all the control chips releasing our more beasts hillside should do the trick gray self-healed nothing's ever easy they may kill you myself oh um hello Eddie we all done here huh let me go good news turns out you were wrong hope that doesn't wound your ego what you think if you die I'll be happy to be right I don't think you're happy to be wrong well then you know as little about me as you think I know about you what I know is that Brock looks to be down for the count better make sure though so can we call this one a wrap Eddie have you go grab some coffee laugh about it okay yes I can go back now and take out Sloan once and for all no spider-sense to cure you go cure nice try didn't work the chip they stuck in you is messing with your power fight it Eddie you die Eddie don't you get it this is your chance to take back your mind you can end this now good O'Hara you might get to be right after all believe me that's the last thing I want [Music] [Music] you get the shock out of my way you wanna fight that was close I'm about to reach the gateway room and when you get there then what don't worry yeah why would I kitty I'm just doors blocking my way I'm not blaming anyone I need to find another way to the Gateway I better avoid whatever that stuff is [Music] - easy [Music] shot [Music] [Music] [Music] um no era you might want to get a move on just hold on a little longer thank you kidding me [ __ ] was it busy fighting what's controlling him I'd be a blue and red splotch by now pointing [Music] [Music] you have nothing in this activity [Music] fantastic hit the switches to open the door it's easy enough [Music] [Music] [Music] it's getting kind of complicated on my end but I'm almost there you still haven't told me what happens once you get there the only thing I can think of is to go back to your time swell it's dr. rest and air ducts should be around here to get to that control panel [Music] you still don't seem like much of a threat [Music] [Music] Parker you still with us not for much longer if Brock has anything to say about it O'Hara maybe I want to listen to you it keeps hand shock all the time you did listen you just did what you had to do and in thinking I have to die for it you won't trust me get you through this [Music] that makes us can't quit [Music] legacy [Applause] but I've had a hundred years to plan this keep your friends close and your enemies closer I kept you close to keep an eye on you make use of you but now you're done and I'm done with you O'Hara a little help O'Hara if you're there I got nothing left no power no no nothing you tried to warn me I was an idiot stop talking about yourself in the past tense this isn't over spoken like someone poison here I will be just hold on [Music] I'm doing what I can [ __ ] Parker no words that never say that attitude you don't need the same to do it and I'm out of jokes well that was close [Music] I'm sorry what no sake why are you giving me brave buzzwords not lose my patience not even close pull it together right slow down [Music] [Music] huh come on Spidey hold it together just another few seconds let's get your street back now why the shock didn't he listen to me I should have found a way to get him to listen [Music] [Music] what have you cut me into the middle of Walker I'm just a scientist for the love of davyous you knew I was out to change the future I didn't know the future was going to start fighting back the forces were unleashing with this quantum tunnel under control it's out of control and spider-man is still alive just stop it we'll just send anti-venom after him the Gateway just needs a minute to recharge if it's going to send him through safely this has to work it has two gateways powering up no you don't you pasty-faced patsy hey the place is crawling with spider-man don't worry anti-venom will step on this one I don't understand why aren't antivenoms powers draining his ACCA's mine aren't radiation based if you have to know didn't know don't care controlling Antigua his regenerating instant brought it to the surface you won't do to me what you let's go [Music] so move [Applause] [Music] there's some kind of monsters breaking in where they come from just keep calm they're probably mutation experiments for each things in that lab most likely they want to eat you for raw materials oh thank you tell mistake home I'll change things here to fix things there here there yeah but if I destroy the regeneration eggs here it'll of the experiments there [Music] Parker you still with me Parker oh sorry sitting in this egg my little scrambled oh boy I'm going after antivenom you try not to get kill again [Music] you're trying me to me this [Applause] our just I'm here did it to me planted that chip in me babe I didn't control you brah i freed you both know you wanted spider-man dead you should be thanking me let me show you just have life I know [Music] Telos cellular regeneration completely in three two one gently spinning I can barely stand [Music] you're in 2099 partner the cellular regenerator healed you how my medical insurance covers that look focus Parker we have to test the Gateway saw something small into it how come on O'Hara doesn't coming back from the dead entitle me to a breather we need to see if the gateways reestablished then every second okay okay okay fine I'm on it i'ma toss a piece of junk to see if the gates working one way incoming it came through perfect plus I'm feeling like my old self strengthen everything yeah well it's a good thing the Sailor regenerator had your DNA on record good stand back what do you mean I'm coming through the Gateway wait the return circuits are fried I won't be able to come through even if you set it up on that end I'll be stuck here so fix it I can't the technology doesn't exist here yet you need to find the repair parts on your side and then send them through I'll guide you to where they are the heck is that what happened I'm looking at a tentacle the size of a Buick yeah something like that came to me when the Gateway first got overloaded it looked like one of those mechanical tentacles that Otto Octavius uses in his research really messed up look just watch out for them there may be more I'll believe me whatever is trying to kill me at any time there's always more so where to you get to the hydroponic jungle you'll find what you need there these freaking tentacles keep showing up well that's interesting I am so glad you can maintain your scientific detachment and why our time gateway repair parts in a jungle just trust me okay trust me says the voice in my head you know this is how serial killers get started a client of the Tennant where the joints are that's probably the weak just need a breather [Music] [Music] some webbing should take care of that turret when you acquire the parts keep them separated otherwise you can wind up with a sort of energy feedback okay what sort do you mean the explosive sort Oh fantastic by the way thanks for bringing me back from the dead now I know how Captain America feels and Jean Grey in Colossus and just don't die again and we'll call it even what are you talking about I have an ICT path in front of me and it just became an obstacle course welcome to my world literally you're seeing quantum causality in action we're so you can help me from the present which present you're in my present you mean your past present or by present future okay I'm almost there now what okay there are three rooms in the hydro tunnel you'll find an energy regulator in each one take the part that looks like an atomic battery atomic it'll be fine as long as you remember that they're fragile and if they touch you and if they touch each other I'm screwed I get it the part you need to be in the middle of the room you can take it without risk deactivate three consoles around the room why this is always great I have no idea you know that's just gonna bug me now for the rest of the day [Music] good news O'Hara I'm on a roll don't stand around taking vows those tentacles started showing up here in force yeah yeah I'm on it how's it going more robots not complaining you know coming here so badly if you turn around [Music] least that's over with [Music] okay O'Hara I got the part you just keep going hurry up I'm going I'm going [Music] security answers again hit the switches to open the door it's easy enough says you oh and by the way thanks for putting me in this fix we're both in yeah but I'm the weed dodging lasers [Music] well mr. gato Harris warning about making sure they don't touch that was close O'Hara I got all three I'm good to go then do it head back to the Gateway room on my way [Music] Oh O'Hara it looks like it just opened up a different path and I hope you're being careful with the parts uh O'Hara said to keep those parts separate let's just say for the sake of argument that didn't work out just how big a bang are we talking about it would create it the city why are you asking don't tell me is there any way to reverse it not bringing the RISM get him to the Gateway as fast as you can tentacles I can't get past them in time sooo I'm here better keep moving [Music] such an action brings back so many memories you aren't supposed to be here you know that voice that voice sounds like it could be but the security system is totally your hair that have been but you just keep running around spinning your webs little spider I'll be right with you so we can relive all damages must be the speakers this story by the way speakers of the sewers anyway [Music] [Music] I'm in the Gateway room alright throw the parts through one at a time passing them through the energy stream should reverse the energy buildup but if you toss them in all together it'll trigger think okay okay I get it we got any clue why are those tentacles keep coming out of nowhere he may still be alive trying to get out or track us in wish they knew I'd get rid of these sucking tentacles have you got the new parts in place yeah I just have to activate the breakers good plan without getting killed mmm better plan [Music] nice block up what's happening just some security guards and something to occupy me while the Gateway warms up slowing me down [Music] [Music] don't hurry I'm thinking of staying here good for you out of here okay let me just finish this in the talk [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'm not getting a steady powerful I need to find the schematics to figure out why if the archives room here is in the same place it is in my time it should be accessible through a vertical tunnel you stay put I've been thinking maybe staying put isn't such a bad idea meaning what come on O'Hara it's not like antivenom illumine someone's always trying to kill me and there's always a chance of my loved ones being caught in the crossfire if I stay here no one I love will suffer or die because of me what about all the good you've done and will do the people you'll inspire including me you're saying the lives of a billion strangers are more important than my loved ones I'm not saying that history says that yeah well history doesn't have to wrestle with guilt or tentacles and they're at it again all right stay clear of them I'll get it figured out on my end [Music] shot a mother it's that door for seal tight there has to be a way to reopen it politic [Music] [Music] give me an update O'Hara it's all I can do to stay ahead of these tentacles yeah this is just taking a little longer than expected well move it I already died enough for one day [Music] get in there Parker those mutant tentacles are getting way too close no Warren it's almost over it better be [Music] closed door again and with any luck that switches nearby this time - you've got to be kidding where's that pass stop to rest [Music] next round [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the tentacles to convince me that 2099 sucks then mission accomplished anxious to come home will soul my [Music] [Music] [Music] what's the story I'm almost to the archives almost won't stop these freaking tentacles reboot the gateway which please working on it terrific a voice coded door McGill O'Hara five to four nine figures Parker changing plan tears of these I can't access the archives on this end but you can on yours I'll guide you to the archive room and you can give me the information I need the archives room that would be handy I could look up the people I love and keep them out of danger don't you dare poke around in there Parker you've already seen the dangers of screwing with the past learn from the mistakes instead of repeating them fine fine [Music] a good time to pull that quantum causality thing now I don't know what to do you're in a better position than I am if I can find the architectural plans make some changes but I'll need the computer for that then find one I know that hurt [Music] don't panic I never panic there looks at the beam electrical panel up there maybe I could short-circuit this thing see if there's any way to slow it oh holy never panic thing that's more of a guideline than a rule Parker did it work made it worse the incinerator started up can you shut it down for your in now I need to find a computer mice is shocking happening now I know my own actions where is that computer [Music] you were telling me to hurry up right back atcha yeah I'm doing my best to find that computer so I can bail you out [Music] O'Hara [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the Parker are you there say something hmm glad I'm out of there place smelled like a rhino in July Oh hair are they have enough security in here to keep out an army of spider-man any ideas trying something here and it work yeah mostly I can deal with the rest thanks so Hera but almost cut me in half moving on to the next item on our agenda good now focus get the schematics we need if you run into trouble I can make modifications from here yeah I'm stuck again I'm blocked by a security field can you do anything for me it looks like the security matrix is in the adjacent room I'm rerouting event to you so you can destroy it [Music] thanks mama way to the archives I'm sure I'll be fine from here on out just hurry these second tentacles are getting nastier by the minute on my way another security matrix great there's got to be a door switch somewhere around here let me get you [Music] [Music] [Music] okay the force field should be down by now [Music] can't quit better go back little bug before you get squashed bet you can't handle this Oh her again please let me be wrong about who this is [Music] O'Hara handle yes I need help okay give me a few minutes seconds would be better the power I'm creating an access to a disguise like a fan break for it I got nothing except things trying to kill me Oh [Music] [Music] are you near the archives not yet how's it going I'm making a souffle how do you think it's going just tell me when you're on your way to the archives yeah at least the place still looks the same no the same but you know different it's just screwy you go coming down you go in the archives I need access to the other floor so I hit all the keys I need for the classify database no I can but these tentacles are making like pretty shocking difficult [Music] okay how's that start I can get to the second floor I'll let you know when I hate the others [Music] and almost yeah I need access to those other floors now no of course your highness I'll get right on that just hold your worms a sec okay [Music] and voila now get that key in access the computer sir yes sir [Music] [Music] [Music] people come and go so quickly okay I'm here so how do I access it enter my password Lila ly la access denied great you got any other ideas well let me think I wish I could just say Open Sesame or grant me access or request acknowledged access granted that was weird okay let's go over the startup procedures the slowdown marker it's not that simple did you fire up the cork enhancers activate the Tachyon relays yes yes I did all that nobody just uncouple the Heisenberg compensators yes of course like shucking no I didn't I was right Wow I know what's wrong it's Mary Jane she dies tonight right there at alchemax how do you know for shock save Parker what part of don't poke around in the archives was unclear fine I'm a nosy Parker but now that I found out it's what my job to save her I've got enough to deal with you can't mean that you can't just ignore that she's in danger hey I'm trying to focus on what's important what's important is not standing by and allowing someone to suffer or die because you do nothing if you don't get that then you don't get the first thing about being spider-man you're the one who doesn't get it Parker the future depends on my future is meaningless without her this is gonna be a huge mistake I owe you Miguel big time shucks and right you do but well maybe this will help even the score for him everything the world owes you thank you I mean that I must have been crazy to think about staying here if people I love are going to be in danger then I need to be there to help them I think you spider holy it is her watch Mary Jane look like anybody tall redhead in mortal danger I'm sure you can find it what's she doing in alchemax does she work here I know she was just meeting up with me we're going out together calm down I said I'll take care of it shouldn't be hard to find [Music] [Music] Parker I see her and she's looking for you it's my fault she's there is she say well she's not dead but the tentacles have other ideas help her quiet Wow [Music] [Music] out of the way I've got no time to play around pull it together mary-jane head toward the sound of my voice Mary Jane help me maintain shock [Music] [Music] [Music] then isn't she hurry O'Hara I'm doing my best I've got my own problems don't talk to me about problems calm down know why seconds ago the computer said she was crushed by some kind of falling debris now it says she dies no wait it's changing again it's the quantum causality Peter there's so much happening that it's going haywire now calm down I have enough to deal with without you freaking out [Music] trying to keep it together because trying to find her temporal riffs are opening all over and it's like the fabric of space-time being stretched thinner and thinner and may reach a point where it's irreparable slow anything terrific quantum reinforcements going [Music] I hope the universe doesn't in while I'm trying to save one person mary-jane over here [Music] [Music] that woman needs her shock and hearing checked and if I stop him [Music] [Music] oh you again at first I thought you were how about you sounds different move different Peter sent me he did [Music] [Music] Jacque what's happening nothing good what you say that you're in let you guys in not gonna happen we go no change that's cuz I haven't gotten to her yet I know you really please Peter I swear to you I wouldn't be doing this if I was insurance [Music] let me go it's changing again actually nothing what does that mean honestly I got her she's okay thanks thank you for real this means a lot to me no problem Peter come on Reggie let's get you out of here now hey you're talking to Peter right now you got some sort of cellphone into that mask I sell what I mean sure that's it tonight you'll have plenty of time to talk to him after all this is over you'll have your whole lives together like I just want to say thank you you're as brave and unselfish as another guy who goes by the handle spider-man you're a worthy successor to the name Thanks I mean that thanks again we go end up with a thanks you ready come home you bet [Music] how much rejection is in girls supposed to taste like at I was praying I was wrong Felicia what do they help me spider they it gave me an anti-aging drug for decades made me over spider-sense going nuts you're lying the real Felicia she would have never let them never let them what turned me into this you destroyed me spider after what you did I didn't care what happened I don't know what you're talking about even though I haven't done yet what you claimed I did well you're making this up to mess with my head and you get to guess which one you used to have a sense of humor dying tends to get you serious in a hurry then you're about to get dead [Music] really gonna do this Felicia [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Felisha I'm so sorry oh he's so sorry help me spider for me you actually felt that once we ever seeing him Felicia this creature who we are spider [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm enroute to the Gateway room tell me when you're there as well we have to time this right you got it Miguel oh how nice you and your counterpart are on a first-name basis now it's good to know you've bonded who are you I'm the CEO of alchemax the real question is who are you old friend old friend so this is where you make the big reveal and I say holy cow Norman Osborn or the kingpin Joanie Jameson come on Louise be Jameson aah all of them long dead I fear too bad they didn't have access to the anti-aging drug we developed does wonders for you and I do mean you know it can't can't be yes why do people always say that good thing your future counterparts safe to say otherwise we couldn't be this high I become the evil mastermind now don't be melodramatic with great power comes great responsibility and great opportunity and the only way to live up to all that responsibility is to use every opportunity to get all the power I learned that the day I lost everyone I loved and didn't have the power to stop it what do you mean everyone you'll find out except once I've fixed reality you actually won't find out consider yourself lucky Peter it's up and running but it's not tremendously stable where are you I think I think I'm in hell the CEO it's me that's insane how can that be fully shot Peter now let me explain it all to you explain it to my rapidly retreating backside hater Kenneth ov on I'm going as fast as I can I can't let it let me end up this way this is no time for a soliloquy Peter I'm barely holding the Gateway together I'm barely holding myself together [Music] access granted mr. Parker [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] and what now huh this is weird I can't let this happen I have to get home and do something about it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] it's can't quit now I'm not exactly a pusher [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] sometimes quantum causality is not my friend I told you the Gateway is getting increasingly unstable you're dealing with pure chaos kind of like my love life as soon as we destroy the Gateway it'll go back to normal awesome [Music] oh just need a breather [Music] [Music] [Music] is this what you're looking for you know it is well then come & get it Peter are you on your way yeah a slight setback what kind my ex wants to play cat and mouse this is serious well it wasn't my idea hey just do what you have to do and get to the gateway now where'd she go never getting warmer spider come find me you know I'm gonna make you work for it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] don't think I'm done with you I'm having a new date together so we can have lots more fun that's just what we need more quality time [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] it was like old times wasn't it Peter and I know I know it wasn't my old times not really but it was as close as I was ever going to get be honest was I yeah good you were great better than the original [Music] [Music] [Music] great back to the sewers again these tentacles are getting on my last nerve freaking tentacles are getting worse probably has to do with that whole pure chaos thing I can't slow down now [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] just keep going still with me O'Hara ready good to go on three one two three Peter did you make it through yeah something came through with me oh my god what's wrong those tentacles they were coming from some kind of I don't know what this atrocity is in fact that's what I'm gonna call it atrocity cuz big scary tentacle monster thing he takes way too long to say that big fateful mistake Peter again focus the quantum bridge is building on itself like a hurricane it's a massive time storm and if we can't get it under control it's gonna wipe out everything do you know how to solve this right the time storm and this atrocity that followed me out this is a little out of my field okay the pair of science boys would be better hey that's it the pair of science research lab best bet for all the answers I'll go there the time storm is threatening to tear everything apart ditto here not to mention I'm playing tag with this crazy opto monster I don't believe it a transitional einstein-rosen bridge you mean a wormhole yeah the crazy as it sounds I can use it to get to the para science research lab faster [Music] Peter watch your step the causality is out of control was it ever in control and the point is if you breathe wrong it could have unexpected consequences so watch it yeah I'll do my best to watch my step while I'm fighting for my life are you shocking kidding me what did I just tell him my fault the atrocity took out a wall with his tentacles okay well be careful I'm being careful tell him to be careful [Music] [Music] powers out there has to be a backup generator somewhere [Applause] looks like an old DNA card I wonder if I can get it to work by locking it into this station DNA samples ready shocked they never really shut it down there are living test subjects here looks like they feed on energy whose failed experiments could destroy the data box [Music] you should be fighting me [Music] [Music] DNA samples created transportation in progress [Music] pull it together how you wanna fight [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] against subjects DNA samples ready open any boxes I have no idea what you're talking about just do it fast there's a switch somewhere that will unlock the data box [Music] DNA samples create transportation in promise [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] DNA samples created transportation in progress [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] cybernetic subjects DNA samples ready politics in viata my parents house [Music] [Music] [Music] change [Music] [Music] DNA Sentosa created transportation in progress [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] just need the power [Music] [Music] symbian subjects DNA samples ready all samples locked and ready for upload and now we wait Peter I have all four data boxes as soon as I've activated them we'll know what's going on true I just need to activate each data box [Music] thirty percent 52% [Music] 75% [Music] randomized enemies terrific 100% download completed better hurry and get the information so I can shut this insanity down [Music] [Music] Peter I think that atrocity is connected to the time storm somehow what I really need is some of its DNA to complete the analysis how it's on this end grab a DNA recorder and acquire a sample download it into a computer there and it'll show up here but if it's not already there doesn't that mean I've failed you want a two-hour lecture on the laws of quantum dynamics no then trust me it won't be visible here until you do it their time travel makes my head hurt so I've got to grab a DNA report kind of genetics lab it's not a rare life you shouldn't have too much trouble finding sure I've got tentacle boy after nothing's a walk in the park right now it was practically right next door that's probably it over there easy peasy talk about urban renewal [Music] yeah I probably should have seen that coming and who the heck are you supposed to be welcome to the club they're having jackets made what are you uh septuple XL i order another enemy [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hey guys you haven't seen a DNA recorder anywhere around have you staffer thanks for the help [Music] I'm a nurse [Music] I make this look so easy [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] okay okay if I were a DNA record over here what I'd be tiny look as long as you're there what you might give it up a quick push a vet you can't get through those pants I can just shut them [Music] just so you know the cost of those windows is coming out of your salary [Music] [Music] [Music] how're you doing there aside from not having a DNA recorder and being chased by Pazuzu she just swept get it in here because at this time storm escalates you even have a ringside seat for a brand new Big Bang I'll get the DNA thing I'm moving as fast as I can well move faster I hate it when he says that talk about your corporate glass ceilings hope this one holds up that air duct looks like the only way out gotta go they've got it held up nothing is broken through but I had [Music] if I would go so quickly [Music] the windows now the air duct what's next [Music] Peter no Miguel are you okay what happened I managed to tear free left half my costume behind but it was worth it found a room to hide in passed out where are you now I'm not sure let me check finally Miguel I found it the DNA recorder yes don't stand around telling me about it use it on the atrocity of this place gotta maneuver him into the gas chamber yeah monster come come into the gas chamber breathe and start out a shot at ending this mission accomplished good going now get it to the VNA stations we can read it so once I downloaded it we're done that's a whole yeah because everything's been working out great so far it came through but the strands are in pieces can you get out of there sander quick what's mystic teleports now what do you mean teleport dictionary [Music] thank you the DNA strands I've never seen anything like this try getting you one more sample if we ever meet face to face [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] DNA strands integrated no wonder I couldn't get a read that thing's a combination of Sloane Octavius and antivenom they must have mutated into that thing when they were shoved through my god any weaknesses at a guess high voltage right now they're super charged with quantum particles if we can reverse the polarity of the Gateway and shove it back through the quantum feedback could reverse the time storm why reverses we go we can use it you know who I of course he knows so I know we go you're on the wrong side of this I'm not the villain here I'm the guy who's trying to make everything right don't you get it apparently I don't when the storm is fully unleashed I'm going to harness the quantum energy it will give me complete control over the time string what are you trying to play God the first creation of the universe wasn't bad for a first draft I'm just going to provide a much-needed rewrite I can make up for my original sin by saving Uncle Ben not to mention when Stacy her dad countless others who are kind of villain fixes it so that everyone gets to live happily ever after you're talking about power no human should have you'll end up destroying yourself but not before you've annihilated everything else I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree this discussion is over it's over when I say [Music] [Music] no way it ends here the CEO and I have some unfinished business this thing has a gravity reversal system to separate out precious metals I can use that to get the shock back up there excellent I'm not excellent I'm gonna have to reroute more power and overload it to get the upward boost I need now there must be some reserve power banks around here somewhere and can climb the debris to get hired danger engaging to my my disposal stage [Music] [Music] fighting me Butare you wanna fight [Music] okay that's a start but it's gonna take more power to make it affect non metal objects like me [Music] I can webs upon the debris to get hired [Music] here outstanding it's slowly [Music] terrific quantum reinforcements [Music] I know that I got to get down to the first floor and trigger another disposal cycle [Applause] all right now to trigger a disposal cycle that'll reverse the gravity kicking up to the next level I can webs upon the debris to get higher danger engaging spying on disposal stage [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] that should do it now to activate a cycle and go for a ride [Music] [Music] all right now to trigger a disposal cycle then reverse the gravity kicking up to the next level this is a bad idea it'll be the last I ever have okay you raving megalomaniac here I come get ready for round two [Music] is too easy you're nothing but a stooge not even close it's a corporate tool go take a coffee break Peter overwhelming forces here the alchemax of your time should have the phrase experiment lab bazooka destroy the quantum claws down we should wipe out any trace of these experimental freaks some right near the failed experiments lab McHale don't worry I'm all over this [Music] [Music] Peter these failed breaks are piling on you sure you can do this I'm almost in laughs piece of cake this is no time for pastries [Music] come [Music] [Music] [Music] okay I took out a bunch of up any improvement on your end some yeah keep it going no problem [Music] how's it going you know the usual I'll get a move on destroying these pots [Music] [Music] [Music] I'll take it from here good cuz I got my own problems the atrocities back heading for the Gateway room you got it that's where it began that's where we'll enter we're thinking alike took long enough that's in the trick Miguel I mean the time research lab it's probably in lockdown mode yep that would be the old Parker luck yep locked perfect need a passkey if I'm gonna get through that door to the Gateway hey all monitor give me a pass oh you gotta be kidding now I got a what go in after him I think I found some sort of prototype but non-working model guards we go any chance that prototype is functional of a shock what I know well you're mr. future knowledge and everything I think now why a guy just disappeared into it with the pass I need to know less disappeared it might be another operational cake or it might be a simple matter transmitter device simple a toaster is simple a matter transfer if you say something what's a toaster [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Miguel you still there no I'm in Venezuela you were right it was a teleporter how do you know cuz i teleported why did you risk it I needed the guards pass we'll get it stop screwing around head to the Gateway room and try and like the teleport yourself to Mars while you're at it you really need to work on your people skills all right I got the key let's get to that game [Music] [Music] but this sends me back where I came from [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the babies hey pooping I have to head off the CEO before he starts draining quantum energy or who knows what could happen all right here it is the CEOs tower I'm coming for you boss it's quiet too shiny Wyatt alert engaging countermeasures ever want get the shock out of my way I'm losing my patience engaging countermeasure level 2 [Music] nice block huh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we go I've been thinking about the CEO yeah me too okay listen don't even bother trying to get it him from behind his spider sense gives him the edge but Captain America once told me that I put too much into my combo attacks and leave myself open for a few moments after them I know I shouldn't but I do Thanks I'll do that yeah well just don't let the bad guys [Applause] still hiding minds are little bodyguards you've gone soft after all these deputies face it you're a gutless coward Peter Parker I can meet you I'm in future you it was nothing personal it kind of was I mean yeah take him down fair enough [Applause] I really didn't want it to come to this and guess it was inevitable though I mean talk about your boss fights right Parker you used to be the greatest of them all and still am sport the one the only spider-man accept no substitutes you have to listen to reason oh I really don't that's one of the joys of being in charge so if you want to make this personal you can join me in the Gateway room I'm about to end this the older you is some piece of work why what happened meeting up in the Gateway room I'm really starting to hate that place but like you said it began there and it's gonna end there Miguel I'm getting ready to reverse the polarity but uh just in case I blow up the universe I just want to tell you it's been fun [Music] my wedding to hog titles tentacles Watkins the trunk I believe I had an appointment luckily I've cleared my schedule for you I'm sorry it's come to this but obviously you're part of the problem not the solution I was watching the space-time continuum collapse any kind of solution yes some absorbing I want the particles being Unleashed I'll reshape the timeline anyway I wish long before it collapses think of it as playing dice with the universe Einstein would have proved Einsteins not here so I guess I'll have to do looks like your boots yourself to the page from Iron Man's old playbook I'm swearing off yeah some kind of iron spider up what friends of yours um yeah I'm just full of surprises trust especially animal wait what powers again I remember this when I be quite anything you can't beat me I'm a better man for certain today they won't shut up along that [Music] what's happening on your side one second more than we need everything I say is to annoy you my teammates this punching you in the face elegance Oh God it's over doesn't see any fat lady singing though yeah it's still out of control you need to lock it down on your end and if you do actually I don't know what happens if you do then the fat black should collapse the quantum bridge and overwrite all of this wiping it from existence and don't say if I can still take the CEO its Armour starting to overheat you can't control the energy just as I think the time storm has reached the ideal level for harvesting the quantity which is a fancy way of saying I am Thank You Parker the other part all keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel slowing just [ __ ] Centaurus gorgeous kill this be cognized they're trying to kill me using weapons powered by quantum and first thing I'm going to do control time is wipe this entire vitae existence retroactively [Music] I told you we could only end like this millon here I tried to warn you until I really did you've no one to blame but yourself maybe the most personal thing to do is just wipe you out of existence and tired it's it's go back to normal same here okay but if the time lines snap back to normal if none of it happened how do you and I remember I mean we've got two different sets of memories in our brains shouldn't that be making us I don't know crazy crazy we already dressed in skin-tight costumes and fight bad guys for free okay crazy you really want a five-hour lecture on temporal paradoxes sure why not as it turns out looks like I have all the time in the world [Music] you
Channel: ynSection
Views: 2,593,273
Rating: 4.7600985 out of 5
Keywords: spider-man, spider-man edge of time, spider-man edge of time gameplay, spider-man edge of time walkthrough, spider-man edge of time game, spider-man edge of time guide, spider-man edge of time gameplay walkthrough, spider-man edge of time full walkthrough, spider-man 2099, peter parker, spider-man death, the death of spider-man, spider-man edge of time ending, walkthrough, ynsection
Id: x2iGK3dQAFg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 236min 52sec (14212 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 07 2019
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