Sonic Omens: Episode Breakthrough & Temple of Sands (Infinity Engine)

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Jesus Christ, this is just a straight up finished game, how long did this take you to make?

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/StandupGaming 📅︎︎ May 04 2021 🗫︎ replies

Does infinity engine have an option to disable those... screen effects (talking about things like boosting, homing attack, etc doing screen shakes) they look so... well weird and exaggerated to me.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/Do_not_tee_hee_kids 📅︎︎ May 04 2021 🗫︎ replies
[Music] [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] [Applause] [Music] sonic sonic there you are sonic have you heard the news here listen to this professor robotnik also known as eggman captured the chaos emerald again no one knows why but at this time the emerald was stolen from the new gaia temple in the cold ruins what other madness will come to his mind is not known g-o-n agents well finally i thought that he would last at least a month without his villainous plans come on let's go tails i think it's time we made a visit to our mustache friend my sisters picked up strange activity at an abandoned eggman outpost not far from here i thought it was another gun investigation so i didn't pay much attention but then i suddenly lost communication with all of the sensors on the island i'm sure eggman has something to do with it we should go investigate the old eggman tower come on sonic all right go on ahead i'll catch up with you [Music] after the emerald disappeared the temperature on the mainland dropped sharply and the locals are facing such abnormal frosts for the first time meteorologists explain this phenomenon by a strong anti-cyclone from the west but is this so follow the development of events on a radio station of the united federation hey tails have you finished preparing the hyper tornado i sure could use a nap she isn't ready yet in the meantime i suggest warming up the frequent naps and chili dogs contests have made you gain a few pounds i could use the cardio i'll see what's going on with the sensors up near the cliff and wait for you at the wellspring hey tails try not to be late [Music] sonic speed can't stop now oh yeah [Music] let's go [Music] let's do this [Music] [Applause] [Music] go [Music] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] my [Music] the storm is coming [Music] oh wow [Music] what is that strange energy beam coming from your arm oh this that's from chip's wristband we got pretty lucky with the tree breaking or fall you can come down now sonic i'm i'm trying huh trust me i would rather have my feet planted [Music] that was pretty rough huh some of the bad knicks are still left in that well spring how did we miss them earlier tails check and see how the chow we're doing in the gardens they might be in trouble got it sonic see you near the tower all right buddy [Music] [Music] cool feeling good [Music] let's go all right [Music] sweet finish things up there and rendezvous with eggheads later check this out going [Music] here we go let's do this [Music] salutations trespassers welcome to my humble and deliverly booby trapped above i won't offer hospitality but your fate was sealed as soon as you step food in one of the greatest structures created by me dr eggman seems like egghead didn't even bother with repairs what's the point if you're just gonna wreck everything again working is more of a knuckles thing except now he's guarding the master emerald honestly it's a miracle that he hasn't given it away by now this thing's seen better days anyways give me a few minutes i might be able to find something useful here i'll be over here finding something useful uh under my eyelids uh tails you obviously pressed something wrong without the access to the security system i can now throw out the data distract him ready hey you're scrappy i'm over here wow you're looking a bit rusted around the edges there pegman standards have really dropped these days and that's saying something hey i'm right here let's go [Music] it looks like dr eggman abandoned this place a long time ago even the computer itself is falling apart so why guard it hmm that badnik didn't attack us without a reason you can track eggman's location with this hunk of junk let me see ah there he is sonic he's heading towards the grand canyon then that's where we'll be too let's go sonic did you manage to contact knuckles ah i don't know all i've got is static it must be because of that power outburst from the master emerald if that's the case he better not leave the island then we better hurry [Music] [Music] hyper tornado take off [Applause] eggman's tracker signal comes from the depths of zone 99 since we weren't invited conservators can detect us it's okay i could go on foot it's easier anyway keep a lookout for a workaround though eggman definitely got past the radars wait since when did gunn have a lab here you had an agreement sonic remember yeah on guarding the temple not all of this let's do this out looks like the security system is targeting me and not baghdad [Music] that's cool here we go [Music] go feeling good [Music] let's keep this going you're almost there the signal's coming from here [Applause] [Music] [Music] hey tails do you see my coordinates the temple is here can you get to it the valley is really narrow but i think i can make it all right careful buddy [Music] [Applause] it looks like i can't fly any further hmm there should be a way to open this gate i think i'm on the right track [Music] so their defense system is suspiciously weak what if it was really meant to keep sonic away wait if that's the case then what is gun really after [Music] so wow too windy what are those creatures on the drawings let's go hey i think i see a good landing spot this time landing gear is all set [Music] oh would you look at that he's already here what a shame sonic something's off huh what in the world what is that thing chasing us i don't want to find out i can't see anything for the sandstorm that was close tails go up hold on to something oh i think the chaos emerald is giving this snake energy let's try knocking it out of its head okay so [Music] sonic look eggman is going for the next emerald let's hurry and follow him [Music] our desires thorndike turned to ashes but this chaos just the first omen [Music] you won't get away eggman we can't allow him to get that emerald the tornado will stop him sonic fire hey tails this area is protected by gun be careful buddy god behind us [Music] tails watch out oh no one of the engines failed we're losing speed sonic hold on sonic huh [Music] i'll distract them so we have a shot at taking the emerald before eggman cover me on top buddy tails can you find where the emerald signal is coming from huh i'll be there soon sonic speed let's do this all right let's go let's get this going ah [Music] let's get this going [Music] eggman's robots are already inside the tree but where's eggman the emerald signal is coming from the top of the tree i can't fly up there worry tails i'll find the emerald oh great water lovely let's go go whoa that was a close one [Music] sliding let's go [Music] ah here we go let's go [Music] let's go almost there the ancient ruins are inside this tree hmm that reminds me of something [Music] huh what's happening water is rushing in from everywhere no time to stand still time to run tails get over here the tree's flooding i'm coming sonic cool can't stop now go cool sonic speed [Music] [Music] [Music] the chaos emerald wow it's so bright tails the details [Music] [Music] uh [Music] the simulation has started i'll get the best results if you stop annoying me shadow looks like you found the computer room after all lecture why are you here the g-ran allowed me to use that database in one of my investigations looks like it might be a bigger case than i thought [Music] i don't have time for this [Music] my father is this machine really telling me where to go [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] huh [Music] oh the simulation is over please the balance of chaos is upset sonny doesn't cope with emeril's protection although he dared to say the opposite professor eggman believes that he can test our patients according to our soldiers eggman has attacked sector w stop him and deliver the emerald to us we'll take care of the rest [Music] do not fail me shadow [Music] so [Music] rude are you there hey shadow why did you leave immediately you could have come to my office and said hi didn't have enough time where's the objective's location well you're on the right track is there any information on the incident that happened there uh-huh i found out that the outbreak was from two chaos emeralds apparently the stones were out of contact for way too long and started causing havoc shadow are you listening to me yes rouge continue tracking my signal i'm on my way shadow the jungle is rotting does the doctor have anything to do with this i see the remains of edmunds robots he's been here where did this damn fall come from [Applause] uh the jungle is no longer what it used to be hmm [Music] [Music] oh huh i need to solve it just like that huh [Applause] [Music] huh huh you are approaching me [Music] [Music] right [Music] [Music] this vision again goose i don't feel the presence of an emerald inside this temple doctor has beaten us to it [Music] another monster hungry for a chaos emerald why am i not surprised the water's rising i need to get out of here fast hmm this is taking long enough it's time to end this huh huh hmm [Music] control [Music] huh [Music] hmm [Music] are you seeing this i have no idea what that creature is strange things are happening here [Music] doctor i need to follow him [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Sonic Overtime
Views: 2,426,191
Rating: 4.7234373 out of 5
Keywords: Sonic, Omen, Episode, Breakthrough, Temple, Infinity, Engine, Fangame, the, hedgehog, tails, shadow, 2020
Id: GeM0piNhWWY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 57sec (3297 seconds)
Published: Tue May 04 2021
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