Spider-Man PS4 - All Suits (Showcase)

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[Music] a couple feet i realize the irony in me saying this i hope you've learned not to hit people [Music] my slippers did not look like that online i refused to sign for this package oh boy danny's all here [Music] [Music] all right all right all right i give up do i get time off if i talk you won't if you don't there that truck out for a sunday drive oh crap it's spider-man oh boy there you go here we go i've ended this what is that [Music] these bombs aren't gonna defuse themselves my web muffled it pretty well not gonna lie feeling pretty good about myself right now [Music] oh hey spider felicia the maggie are no joke you shouldn't be playing with them oh but i like to play spiderman he's working with the cat got him spiderman you guys sure do jump to quick conclusions [Music] that was fun that's enough [Music] oh what it's not fun getting beat up we'll sit with that for a while thank you you were gonna kill me [Music] how is this happening what's wrong willy you seem angry you are everything that's wrong with this city huh i was gonna say the same to you that's one high-end spy cam [Music] so now's my chance to cr i wish i'd done that well in school those lunatics will kill someone driving like that man i will pull this car over right now [Applause] [Music] now if i was a mercenary dressed like a scorpion where would i be behind you me i'd end it now but octavius is paying and he wants to torture you which i respect [Music] damn it what did he inject me with how you feeling spider raw panic crawling up your spine you have to get this number always asking the least interesting questions how am i calling you is am i calling you these students are acting like the ones at the halloween party they must have corrupted them i better end this fast [Music] one down one to go what's happening electro's been grounded spider-man i presume you're sick you need help i have all the help i need and we will not stop until norman gets what he deserves wild guess those guys breaking in don't live there ever hear a knocking down already [Music] you think a private security company would grasp that i make the city more surprised does this turn into a robot ugh [Music] can't let the convicts escape time to huff it chalk up one for the good guys good one now i can catch the drunk so close to perfection [Music] hell no it'll take both of us to stop them in some of these they're moving let's go get him find cover [Music] that's what i'm talking about [Music] oh incoming rockets a little excessive don't you think what is it national rocket day or something settle down i've got enough for everybody okay it was clear bomb squad must be somewhere ahead [Music] it's always nice to stop a mugging got to stay strong in the love about this fundamentals [Music] if the sniper sees me near the target he'll take the shot only chance is to take out the gunman before he can fire nobody likes a camper spider-man found more names and locations looks like it's all going down within a matter of minutes no pressure send me what you got multiple snipers one spider-man i need to move fast anyone who's ever worked on norman's campaign is a potential target that's one way to destroy osborne i guess make it so nobody wants to be here this is the place now where's the assassin can't go near the target the gunman would [Music] but i've gotta run [Music] she shorted out my web shooters with an emp guess i'm doing this the old-fashioned way come on i want to help then back off felicia why didn't you come to me with this because it's not your problem it's mine and i'll handle it maybe i don't think it's a problem wait unless you mean the gang war because that's definitely a problem go spider i can take care of myself [Music] advantage [Music] ah [Music] do it hand down [Music] now i can catch the drone so close to perfection [Music] i heard that looks like we've got some doorbusters it's not even black friday wow you all forgot your keys knock him out on that [Music] this keeps up bystanders will get shot i gotta get in close hey guys room for one more curbside service [Music] i forgot my password spiderman near the console what is that warning full deletion i thought the it guys at my last job were rude let's see just how good their security is oh you guys forgot the latest kernel patch [Music] someone needs a nap just in time [Music] art of war style choose one point now let me focus trying to make sure we didn't miss anything they keep talking about gear what does fisk stop that sniper has a guard watching him they need to divide and conquer only a decade or two you've been through a dozen different sleep it off dope smugglers i like the sound of that what's your name officer davis call me jeff and you are uh just messing with you [Music] i need to get closer last time don't look for me hey stop running stop chasing me now can we talk like human beings this feels pretty human to me [Music] excuse me pardon me one of howard's pigeons [Music] great [Music] [Music] [Music] wow you all forgot your keys [Music] so we're all going to jail where i bet you'll be as good at breaking out as you were at breaking it [Music] i can help you stop hammerhead how no killing no breaking the law your way won't get it done felicia about your son i just need to know keep mine and i'll take care of him [Music] [Music] uh oh yeah i'm awesome [Music] heads up hey where are you going gotta take those shooters out get back i think that's all of them [Music] so you guys were in bed with fisk all along oh no i'll never get that image out of my head so your plan didn't work on to plan b getting kicked in the face [Music] right now that's just [Music] never touches the ground [Music] [Music] now i just need to wreck the jammer okay that's the last of them this system should be back online spiderman the crimes are just working again great time to end this lee corrupted a lot of people at the halloween party the sooner i get you guys back to normal the better i still [Music] just need to get rid of this sometimes breaking stuff is the answer and it's fun too
Channel: ynSection
Views: 7,568,683
Rating: 4.590023 out of 5
Keywords: spider-man, spider-man ps4, marvel's spider-man, spider-man ps4 gameplay, spider-man ps4 suits, spider-man ps4 all suits, spider-man ps4 dlc suits, spider-man ps4 all costumes, all suits in spider-man ps4, every suit in spider-man ps4, spider-man ps4 guide, spider-man ps4 dlc, new spider-man ps4 new gameplay, spider man ps4 new gameplay, spider-man suits, gameplay, suits, all suits, insomniac games, ynsection
Id: avPnmMPDfmU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 55sec (1675 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 03 2019
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