Who is spider man 2099? - Origin, Stories, & Powers

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what is up my name is Eiler and with Spider-Man across the spider-verse coming out in just a few days I felt like this was a great time to dive into the lore of what could be this one of this film's most complex characters that is Spider-Man 2099 from trailers this version of Spider-Man seems to be the leader of the spider society as well as playing as a more Mentor type role or a leadership role in Miles Morales life and maybe even being some type of antagonist as well but the movie's not out just yet and I don't have a copy of the script so instead of you know speculating on what could be we're going to talk about what is so if you're interested in learning more about Spider-Man 2099 his powers his move sets all those cool things well then you found the right video because we're going to be diving into his origin some of his Greatest Story arcs in the comics as well as his powers and abilities the goal being that well you can walk away with a little bit more knowledge on Spider-Man 2099 whether you've seen the movie or not whether you read the comics or whether you don't before we get into the history of Spider-Man 2099 don't forget to you know like share subscribe if you do enjoy and uh yeah let's start with the history of Spider-Man 2099 the this version of Spider-Man was created by writer Peter David and artist Rick Landry and first appeared in the comic book Spider-Man 2099 issue 1 in August of 1992. however his first technical appearance was in the Marvel age issue 114 in July of 1992. however this was a preview book not a comic book so technically his first appearance was in the Marvel age but it was not his first comic book appearance [Music] just like every hero every Spider-Man 2099 does have an origin story to start things off just who is Spider-Man 2099 Spider-Man 2099 is Miguel O'Hara who is half Mexican and half Irish he's from Earth 928 and is a genius geneticist in the year 2099. the reason I keep saying 2099 and the reason that year is such a big deal is because it takes place after the heroic age in 2099 there are no Heroes just large evil Mega corporations gangs and those waiting for the return of Heroes and a new heroic age getting back to Miguel's origin story he was employed at the mega Corporation alcamex where he worked on genetic research inspired by Peter Parker aka the Spiderman of the past heroic age this work would involve trying to recreate a Spider-Man of sorts and he would find some success but end up trying to quit after his research leads to a fatal test on a criminal once putting in his resignation his evil boss and secret father Tyler Stone would drug him with Rapture Rapture is a powerful and addictive hallucinogenic drug that would bond to a person's DNA the only way to attain this drug was through alcox forcing Miguel to work at Alco mix with the drug keeping him a prisoner to his own research however we cannot forget that Miguel is a genius geneticist and in a comic book so naturally he would attempt to cure his addiction with a genetic reset of his body well attempting to cure himself from Rapture his experiment would be sabotaged by a jealous supervisor named Aaron Delgado this would be the Catalyst for Miguel gaining the power of the Spider-Man and then some Delgado checked in my guild to make sure the job was done but as he got closer he was terrified of what Miguel had turned into naturally as anyone else would do in this situation Delgado pulled a gun and started blasting however did Miguel's new reflexes he dodged the bullets causing air to shoot explosive containers and explode the lab killing Aaron despite the best efforts of Miguel to save him after this accident Stone would hire a cyborg Bounty Hunter named Fincher to hunt down McGill this is when he back out grabs a homemade suit he made from unstable particles more on those later but after Venture catches up to Miguel this leads to a fight in which Miguel wins and throughout the rest of the Run Miguel continues to work at alcox and begins to realize that Spider-Man is needed once again in the year 2099. [Music] going into some of the more notable appearances of Spider-Man 2099 his arcs could be confusing because they generally have to do with some time travel and Alternate Dimensions the original Spider-Man 2099 series ran for 46 issues during this run Miguel's brother's girlfriend Casey was kidnapped by a samurai known as a specialist so Miguel went after the samurai came to the realization that the world was in need of a Spider-Man during their confrontation with the specialist Miguel was not fully aware of his new abilities and strength ended up killing the specialist after sledding his throat with his talons Miguel would then start to work in New Wave New York where he would fight against The Gangs of future New York eventually facing off against vulture 2099 who was a cannibal during this confrontation vulture would ask Spider-Man to join his gang to which Miguel said no and would defeat this version of vulture and yes you did hear me correctly vulture 2099 and his gang are cannibals eventually there was a crossover story when Miguel would meet the 616 Spider-Man in this story 616 Spider-Man would fight vulture 2099 in Spider-Man 2099 would fight against Eddie Brock Venom later in this event the two Spider-Man team up and are sent even further in the future where they meet Spider-Man 2211 who like Migo has physiological changes but instead of having Talons and fangs he has six arms together they fight against hobgoblin 2211 in this future version of hobgoblin is the daughter of Spider-Man 2211 and she is also the reason there has been so much weird stuff happening with the timelines this event ends with the three Spider-Man fighting the Hobgoblin 2211 and returning to their respective realities around the time of The Superior Spider-Man run Miguel would noticed some strange anomalies happening in his universe and would travel to the past in the 616 Universe to save his grandfather as I'm sure you know the superior Spider-Man was Doc Ock and the body of Peter Parker and Miguel would end up fighting against a superior Spider-Man Miguel would then be conflicted over the decision to kill his grandfather and prevent the creation of alchemics but this would drastically change the Miguel's reality and possibly leave the world far worse than it ever was so he ended up deciding against this and as he went to return home he comes to discover that stone had already restored the portal that sent Miguel to the 616 universe meaning that Spider-Man 2099 was stuck in modern day New York City however he would end up working alongside his grandfather aiding him in the creation of alchemex and putting it along the right path the 2015 run of Spider-Man 2099 shows Miguel still stuck in present-day New York working at Parker Industries and struggling with wanting to be Spider-Man during his tenure at Parker Industries he built a time portal and it turns out that 2099 is devastated and his girlfriend tipis was murdered naturally all of this is motivation for Miguel to Donna new suit and return to being Spider-Man 2099 and this run has invite Dr Kronos as well as updated versions of old villains this is the most current version of Spider-Man 2099 in the comics it is unfortunate they had a fridge Tempest just for Miguel to get back into the role of being Spider-Man 2099 full time but that being said I do really enjoy the way that they took the design of Spider-Man 29 suit and I think it's a really decent upgrade giving him new powers and abilities as well as just being a Sleek you know different look for him I would even go to argue that the 2015 suit is even stronger than the original Day of the Dead suit that he debuted in in 1992 and is also the same suit that's going to be in the upcoming film Spider-Man across the spider-verse I think that it's really hard for an aesthetic to surpass an original and the fact that in my eyes they really did do that is impressive and it really makes me look forward to any future inclusions that Spider-Man 2099 has in films or even future comic book story arcs [Music] so let's talk about the villains of Spider-Man 2099 as he is a unique character not only in his powers abilities and as well as his setting but also whenever it comes to his Rogues Gallery his Rogues Gallery includes new foes that are specific to Spider-Man 2099 but also updated 2099 versions of villains we all love to hate these updated villains include vulture 2099 who as mentioned already is a gang leader and cannibal as well as Goblin 2099 and Venom 2099 who is the half brother of Miguel which naturally leads to epic battles between the Spider-Man and Venom of 2099. one of Spider-Man 2099's more unique villains is Flipside who is an Android who can mimic the powers of both Spider-Man and Venom it seems op but it works foreign Spider-Man 2099 shares a lot of crossover with this 616 counterpart however Miguel's Powers don't come from a radioactive spider and this is where a lot of the differences come in Miguel gets his powers from genetic and physiological mutations that we see from his origin story which means that Spider-Man 2099 gets a little bit more than the standard wall crawling in superhuman strength proportionate to that of a spider but before we get into those physiological and genetic mutations let's talk about the abilities that he gets from his suit as before mentioned his suit consists of unstable particles which is a comic thing with its own Wiki page but essentially all they really do is increases their ability to extreme stress from things like extreme cold or extreme heat as well as being resistant to his own Talons and it also includes a low-level anti-gravity airfoil on the back that allows him to Glide in later suits he gains the ability to cast mirages of himself and also gains a chameleon function to look like John Cena when it comes to his spider powers he grew fangs that secrete paralyzing Venom as well as sprouting retractable Talons on his hands and feet that have been shown to be able to cut through cinder block Spider-Man 2099 also had organic webs before Toby did as he has built-in spinnerets in his forearms that should web from the back of his wrists Miguel also possesses an increased healing factor and has enhanced sensory acuity which allows him to have night vision and telescopy or for non-nerds allows him to have very good Vision even from great distances however due to his increased senses as well as acute eyesight he has photosensitivity and usually wears sunglasses when he's not in a suit Spider-Man 2099 does not have a Spider Sense instead he relies on his acute senses to sense danger rather than having a Spider Sense he also web swings a lot less than his 616 counterpart however this is not a drawback to his travel speed as his suit allows him to Glide in the updated suit from the 2015 Spider-Man 2099 run his regular Day of the Dead unstable molecule suit was bonded with Kevlar to make it even more durable other notable upgrades to his suit are adding proximity sensors to offset his lack of a spider sense as well as adding boosters to his feet which at what point do we say that Spider-Man 2099 can just fly Spider-Man 2099 has one of the greatest suit in comics simply just due to to its unique design as well as very recognizable color scheme he's also just a very unique character with powers that really set him apart from the rest of the spider people within the Marvel Comics like for example his fangs and his Talons I don't know of any other spider people with those but if you do know of some then please leave them down in the comments below so I can go check them out I really do wish that they would use them for more than just what he has been used for which is just time travel and dimension jumping and really only showing up whenever there's some type of anomaly going on with time that just needs to be fixed I wish that we could get some more stories that take place within the timeline of 2099 as it is just an interesting setting and a way to reinvent characters without having to redo timelines and I think that the continuing of continuity throughout time is just very interesting that through every time period or generation there is a Spider-Man or there is a new Venom or maybe or maybe some rendition of a Green Goblin or something like that I think that's an interesting concept and I wish that it was one that was a little bit more explored however I am still looking forward to the latest portrayal of Spider-Man 2099 in Spider-Man across the spider-verse I'm gonna go see it tomorrow and I will have a review up over the movie shortly afterwards if you want to start reading Spider-Man 2099 then I would recommend starting with the 2015 run as it's just easier to get into as far as probably easier to get your hands on however if you can get your hands on it the 1992 run is also a lot of fun and you can really see all these ideas begin to grow and expand and if you read the 1992 run before you read the 2015 run you'll kind of get those member berries of like oh I know that guy whenever people like Venture and Specialists show up later on in those runs if you don't read comics in Spider-Man 2099 can also be found in a lot of TV shows that involve Spider-Man for example Ultimate Spider-Man on Disney plus has a spider-verse event of its own in which Spider-Man 2099 does make an appearance so if you're interested in if you're interested in more Spider-Man 2099 you can check out the comics as well as Ultimate Spider-Man on Disney plus but that is the end of this video that is the origin some notable story arcs as well as the powers and abilities of Spider-Man 2099 I hope you learned a little bit more about the character today and if there's a character that you want me to look into and or want to learn more about please don't be afraid to leave a recommendation down in the comments below I will be more than happy to spend my day researching them to let you know and read the comics so you don't have to but that is going to be all from me my name is xyler please don't be afraid to like share subscribe and do all those other YouTube things that everybody asks you to do anyways and I will see you in the next one peace [Music] thank you
Channel: FlyerZyler
Views: 11,202
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: comics, lore, MCU, Marvel, Spider-man, spiderman, commentary, 2099
Id: ZcsH8iCRmJw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 5sec (725 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 01 2023
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