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[Music] hey guys it's Mike Chang here in Manhattan's Chinatown I just got a simple question have you ever seen your food do a little dance or a little wiggle before because if you have it you're in luck because I'm gonna show you [Music] everything's starting to smell real good already hey guys mom and Lawrence these guys are the cofounders of this place you guys go in this community to great service by the way thank you thank you so this was a big thing in Japan and the Taiwan how did you think about bringing it over they wanted to bring out a lot of the Asians - thank you sir - yeah the state but we wanted to give it a New York question what's different about it then from here they're like the Asian countries use premium ingredients grass-fed organic milk believe it's a little stronger it's a little more local so got me through the process of maybe that monster jiggly cake where the cristela can you guys not only have the cakes you have some tarts as well talk about that you wanted to add the Danish crust to it which has a nice flaky crust and then we added masterful and also Amish cream cheese Iowa guys I hope you made some for me to eat I'm gonna go eat the heck out of this so I hope you're ready I love it with my cakes jiggle you know there's something sexy about that I think so it makes it more delicious I don't know why I don't know why it's just mesmerizing dance the dance of the cake after the cake is cut jiggled it gets brainy because you don't want it to run away when you got out you're gonna know you know what it was in a wild which cake belongs to deke that's what we brand it with love though it's branded with love you gotta be careful with this because it's like a new foreign you know cake baby cake look at this Wow I got a beautiful that is I love the feel of a freshly foreign cake this is making my hand and my heart feel really warm it is it smells eggy I can't wait to bite into it hotel delicate this is I bet you wish your Majesty this or smell like this where it maybe tastes like this this will be the just the most comfortable and delicious mattress ever all right I'm gonna break this in half I don't want to but it's just too big for me to fit inside my mouth I can't take it anymore I gotta have a bite it's just teasing me you know with always dancing and all its jiggling and looking all beautiful you know I better see what eating a cloud is like it's kind of cool because you got a different texture from the bottom and top slide any more topping in the middle it's just your cloud I just want to bite up the middle peas right here let me show you just grab this look at that that is just so delicate and this this fits perfectly right here their tongue is pressing on it it almost dissolves in your mouth and it's so Airy I bet I can feel like that like a super huge crease in my mouth without even breaking a sweat that's a very big piece this middle part touches your tongue and it fades away like a beautiful dream this is like Midsummer Night's jiggly cake officially chased poetic I bet this with like a little bit about strawberry syrup or Jam to be even more magnificent alright let's see well that'd be neat this is called a wild heart and it's kind of reminds me of the Pablo cheesecake in Japan and let me just break this open crust is nice and flaky oh wow so that's ready to call it a welter I already said well alright I did not know it's gonna be this tricky oh my gosh oh it's dripping it's like a beautiful delicious flood though Oh actually reminds me pop what I had it in Japan I'm sorry it's a message hard because you know good food you know you don't need to feel free to make a mess little that borderline barbaric right now I'm trying you guys need to put this meat Harmer you need to put this I'll attempt to clean myself a little bit up a little bit then I have an idea I'm gonna change my jiggly cake and zip it in the cheese this is a dream dream team combo right here oh yeah but literally tipping the cake into whatever is dripping onto my hand and eating it as long as you have fun with your food with um the food's delicious doesn't matter if you look like this right but this the crusts amazing you don't even think that there's not much filling here but there is and the quality of the milk is very evident they told me to use Amish milk this is not your typical cheesecake tart this is out of this world so choosy on screen with a hint of tartness 100% recommend down waiting in fact if you ever come here it's a must get still blowing my mind right now oh sorry sorry I was really distracted by this beautiful dancing just mesmerizing it's not just the jiggly cake it's a jiggly cheesecake three words that I love cheese cake jiggly all right well I guess there's nothing to do if I eat this oh that's really soft by the way have you ever taken a big bite of something and they realize it's not a big fan at all because everything you've bit it just kind of disintegrated that's just right here but look how gentle this is I barely squeezed it and little bit of a is already just coming off those it a great kick to get if you ever want to leave your fingerprints on something I mean seriously big bite didn't seem like it [Music] of course this being a jiggly cheesecake my cheesy flavor is awesome it's not it's not overly sweet and it's not overwhelmingly cheesy I mean I don't know how to describe this but say it tastes like a cheesecake Wow I think what some cheap okay that's if they have a matcha green-tea cheesecake you know I'm having that partially because I mean you're Asian you're kind of obligated to have something matcha whatever you're eating dessert this is my Asian obligation right here looking at it beautiful a lot of matcha powder all around this shouldn't be bouncy because it's like more of a solid she's gay still yeah it's a little trim playa sky let's cut it open I'm gonna got my knife here but you know what this is like four layers so yeah yeah that's more suitable wow this is going now literally feeling like hot knife through butter it's not even hot and we're not cutting butter boy it sure feels that way very very very smooth cut [Music] Wow look at that so let me tell you about the layers you got you got the dusting on top the crushed the two layers of cream cheese and fresh cream so I'm in a mistake it's especially five layers instead of four so luckily I had this big store with me you know it's gonna take a bite off my sword and this seems like a very reasonable eating instruments I've never done this before sores should never be used in this way okay kids if you have a sword at home or anything that's laws don't don't do what if this is bad example but don't try this at home I feel like it just meets you okay I don't feel like moving it and it's looking so nicely sitting on top of this blade bad example right here that this tastes like a like a more regular I'm less sweet cheesecake it's just this right here this is why I'm falling a lot right here superb matcha flavor I think it's mascarpone cheese so light I mean I'm surprised it's not flying away right now first time I ever ate food off a sword before I'm glad it was you I never done this before I'm not proud of it but there's a lot of you know that beautiful green tea cheese still on this blade so you know I think they're gonna have to just give me the sword knife things those were pretty intimate I'm gonna take this home cool this looks good I'm just gonna little mind take it they got a lot you know just share this looks like an egg tart right but it's more of a cheese tart it looks almost exactly like an egg tart even down to the crust who even breaks apart like an egg tart house smells really cheesy well the texture that the inside texture does come out of an egg tart except for maybe a more delicate extremely extremely cheesy a little sweet there's almost a bit savory you like cheese yeah I love this if you have a problem kind of stop eating this how do you work here no I just like polish off everything I don't work here dislocate everything honestly that would - okay thanks for give me a slice of this is awesome hey you guys I mean water yeah that'd be great thank you [Music]
Channel: Eat With Mikey
Views: 307,669
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: japanese cake, asian cakes, jiggly cake, jiggly cheesecake, asian cheesecake, japanese cheesecake, cheesecake, cake, cheese, new york dessert, dessert, desserts, new york, new york city
Id: 7c-OE-B1jHE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 9sec (549 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 28 2018
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