Adam Richman Talks Man vs. Food, Getting Habanero Poisoning, Eating 180 Oysters + More

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we were filming the great balls of fire challenge in Portland Oregon this is right when the show started becoming popular on my dad's grave first episode where anybody had said I love first time I ever heard love your show came because I knew you were here no one had ever said that [ __ ] to me about anything yeah I mean and you know including like a relative who had seen me in a play like you know I gave you for you so this this recipe called for I don't know how many pounds of habanero in the fritter in the sauce so spicy that when I clapped my hand at the end spec men in my eye and I couldn't see I basically had habanero poisoning I didn't know that habanero peppers can approach a level of just sheer toxicity but I had a habanero poisoning essentially so I'm out in the parking lot talking [ __ ] but by pa and a great work and yes I'll happily write a recommendation for you whatever we're talking or where should we go drink with what's going on know this wise checkout on the day off okay Yatta Yatta and then all of a sudden it felt like I had gotten kicked in the stomach from the inside like a [ __ ] mule like yes so I doubled over in the parking lot and you're like you and be all right like one second I run in I'm like headed for the John I'm trying to stack like chairs on tables I'm like gangway so I'm like oh no so I'm like pushing my way through I get to the bathroom I didn't know if I wanted to puke [ __ ] die cry pray so I just literally i sat their throats closed fully clothed holding my abdomen going okay whatever happens and like mentally planning like okay if it's gonna come out both ends head in the sink ass on the toilet you know you're making vibe ramen episode now you could afford a mop you know I mean so I'm there and I just sat there doing deep breathing and meditation and whatever and eventually the pain kind of subsided I went home with someone that evening I remember like you know it's like you know so no no you know what I gotta go to the restroom I bring it back and look at G knew exactly what I had been up to flash forward to the end of the season we're filming a new end of part of the season we're filming in New Orleans my director was leaving to go just be a showrunner and his wife was pregnant he was heading home and I wanted to win and I had to eat a hundred and eighty oysters and it ruined oysters for me and I had just had a breakup too and I just I knew you know I'd taken a shot to my ego and I spent this really pretty girl at the casino the Harrah's in the French Quarter so we started talking in this could all of a sudden some dude oh I guess I've been at the challenge walks by goes careful girl that guy just had 180 oysters I'm like why you got a cock-block me man it was it Hani awful really very beginning choices a great quality sure sure and I worked for the st. Bernard project and Gulf Coast seafood took a huge hit a lot of people lost their livelihood with that spill and I really wanted to showcase as much Gulf Coast seafood and give these people a chance I used to live in Alabama for a year and I went down to Gulf Shores and Eufaula and Foley and Pensacola and all these places along the Gulf Coast and then these people took a huge hit because even if they're you know harvesting grounds weren't decimated by an oil spill people had no confidence in Gulf Coast seafood after that so I was like I'm gonna champion Gulf Coast seafood I'm gonna [ __ ] beast this I'm gonna go out and see some titties in New Orleans and drink some hurricanes and has some gumbo and I used to go down to Mardi Gras you know got me a new show feelin like Billy big biscuits and then I was this is again y'all won't find this on camera because I didn't know about clearances rights for songs so I'm eating this thing I get up to about dozen 11 I had to eat 15 dozen just even thinking about it makes me feel some kind of way well and it was a table next to us with these like the dudes who kind of know didn't know no hate y'all but they kind of like they they shop for SkyMall like those dudes definitely or like some SkyMall shoppers they were like really intensive very funny and I finished dozen 11 and I saw the bucket was like over there but I didn't want to outwardly shout like you know make you move the bucket closer because I knew everybody oh he's gonna go so I finished dozen 11 I take the first bite of dozen 12 which sounds ridiculous of oysters and I went child so far that came so far I can't stop now and then I jokingly go to change and they all laughed and me and the guys next to us we're still going and then my director was going to stop everyone's gonna stop we couldn't clear that [ __ ] song please it was so close to the end of the challenge please don't sing that song I was like because he cut my mind off of it and I was like eating and like galvanized and everyone's like goddammit ah [ __ ] you know everyone in New Orleans just a little bit [ __ ] up you know in the quarter so we're eating I finished dozen 12 and all of a sudden there was a good older guy living out of a movie in the back of the thing goes and I was like and we're like singing it and so that's why if you watch they say quickly go to a time lapse during those last few doesn't because we're just there and I was like oh no and I'm sitting there just blasting through these oysters just crushing it and I remember I couldn't it texturally I couldn't do I stirs till the pilot episode of man vs. food nation almost three years later and every so often still like I'll go I'll do eight from this two dozen platter we've gotten and I'm gonna tap out because it's just after a while it's just consistency you have no flavor you know that was man vs. food jacked up a few different foods for me you know like a Denver I was never a Denver omelet guy but I won't never [ __ ] be a Denver omelet guy ever again Oh terrible but you know nothing nothing these restaurants were mom-and-pop shops they all did great business you know one two three hundred percent increase in business during the single worst economic time for an independent business owner and to know in some small way that a kid who came up in the independent business it's something to do with that sure
Channel: The Premium Pete Show
Views: 233,665
Rating: 4.8677883 out of 5
Keywords: gary vee, premium pete, food, tmc, bobbly flay, man vs. food, food network, traveler, adam richman, nas, victory lap, rachel ray, hip hop, foodie, habanero poisoning, nipsey hussle, hussle, podcast, motivation, anthony bourdain, combat jack show, travel channel, gary v, food competition, oysters
Id: OIbkqwt1Kso
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 57sec (417 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 04 2019
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