Philip J Fry: A Man Made of Time

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and Fry you've got that brain thing I already did I don't think fry is human humanoid certainly human though well that depends is Jesus from the Bible a human fuckle your sphincters this video is going to get weird upfront no disrespect to religious folks this is in no way an allegorical comparison this is a categorical one I'm not talking about some sort of Joseph Campbell monomyth BS where all main characters represent Jesus because the hero's journey involves a metaphorical death and rebirth either no what I'm asking is if Jesus was in like a DND monster Manu what would he be classified as my first instinct was to just call him a demigod given his half Divine half mortal Heritage but he's not listed in Wikipedia's list of demigods so there's more going on than that and besides Hercules might be the son of Zeus and IM mortal woman but both individuals are independent corporeal entities unlike Zeus the judeo-christian God isn't a physical entity certainly not in the same way God Appears to people in the Bible sure but Zeus is like an actual dude who just lives on a really big mountain if I remember that stuff correctly this corporeal disparity allows for a unique relationship between Father and Son that puts Jesus in a different category from other Sons with Celestial Heritage he's more than just the son of God he is God too that is he's the physical Avatar of that non-corporeal entity inserted into the linear timeline via pregnancy as a savior just like fry but instead of being the Avatar of the judeo-christian god he's time itself instead now don't worry this whole video is about justifying that absolutely out of pocket statement and I swear to fry I'm not trying to start a cult here okay so to get to the bottom of what fry is is we need to talk about when he came from and why it's different from a lot of time travel stories to do that we're going to have to first unpack how Futurama handles time travel in general look time travel just like any other madeup [ __ ] comes in a variety flavors the rules for time travel aren't anywhere near Universal because time travel isn't real it might be theoretically possible or whatever I don't know I'm not a scientist I just watch watch too much Futurama but being a show whose premise literally hinges on time travel Futurama has a deep relationship with the Trope quite a few Futurama episodes have time travel in them all of them are bangers BX okay most of them are bangers regardless using a broad definition of the concept the following 11 episodes have some form of time travel there are a variety of time travel tropes and rules throughout these 11 episodes but they can be divided into two main categories the Terminator rules where the timeline doesn't change and Back to the Future rules where the timeline does change huh okay well I guess there is a third category and we'll call it traveling forwards in time is still technically time travel I guess okay but let's put that group group three to the side for the moment because there's a huge disparity between the first two categories to address first now I don't think there's a universally correct way to tell a time travel story as long as the rules serve the narrative and are internally consistent it's usually fine the Terminator and Back to the Future have diametrically opposed views of time travel neither is more or less correct and both serve their respective narratives on an episode to episode basis this is also true for Futurama but when the series is considered as a whole there are some glaring in consistencies but let's start with the series's most consistent because a lot of the series follows a template similar to The Terminator fry is far from the first [ __ ] boy from the future Kyle ree plowed the way forward for fry when he went back in time and planted the seed of the Revolution the main thrust here is that in the Terminator the timeline is linear and rigid and I swear that last one was actually unintentional the point is time is fixed and any change made to the Past isn't a change at all it's always happened that way Kyle ree is always in that motel room making love and I guess War at at the same time this is for the most part how we see Futurama approach time travel most famously of course is Roswell that ends well there are some key differences between Kyle Reese and fry that we'll get into but from a time travel structure standpoint the stories follow similar rules the Roswell incident in 1947 wasn't aliens it was and always has been the Planet Express crew enus was always killed in that nuclear blast and Fry has always been his own grandfather nothing changes when they go back in time just like a robot can't go back in time and kill John Connor because he's already alive in the future we see the same set of time travel tropes appear in the latest season on Hulu I Know What You Did Last exus uses Fry's name as shorthand for trying to go back to the past to change something only to make it happen oh I've made a complete fry of myself Santa is even and has been evil since this moment because the professor went back in time and made him evil in that moment Farnsworth has always been there in that moment setting Santa bot's naughty nice sensor to naughty and he always will be there setting that switch just like fry has and always will be in 1947 giving his grandma Mildred a cream pie some of the linear timeline rules in the other episodes aren't as clear but they're present hell decision 312 is just reverse Terminator instead of Skynet sending a robot back to try to crush a human resistance before it can even start the last remnants of humans send Chris Travers back in time to stop the robot Uprising in the first place but the outcome is the Same by sending Arie back to kill Sarah Connor the robots accidentally kick off the very resistance they were trying to prevent and when Senator Travers runs against Nixon he inadvertently assures Nixon's Victory and the subsequent takeover of the robots you see since Nixon wasn't elected the robot Uprising didn't happen and Travers never got sent back from the future the humans of 3027 sealed their own fate when they sent Chris Travers back to challenge Nixon in the 312 election in doing so he handed Nixon Victory before a single vote was cast people will remember Nixon running unopposed in the election going forward but the truth is he was always running against Travers but a president Travers didn't exist so he can't exist I don't give a bag of butts who won the election nothing's going to change the wouldbe president elect Chris Travers is promptly deleted from the universe by the Paradox correcting time code he was so wildly out of alignment that he just straight up disappears unlike the other paradoxes we see get corrected in Bender's Big Score which honestly looked more like mob hits than anything else with all due respect dbot I don't think we should rely on an accident happening let's kill him speaking of which the first futur movie has quite a bit of time travel in it and plotting it all out would be a video by itself that honestly probably already exists somewhere else on YouTube but for our purposes I want to look at the general rules of the time travel in the movie because they support this overarching deterministic structure I've been outlining so far we see one of the clearest demonstrations of this phenomenon when Bender appears in the middle of the movie to put the universal time code on Fry's ass I'm Bender from way at the end sure enough at the end of the movie we see Bender take the time code off of lars's ass to do just that this isn't just limited to the internal timeline of the movie It's revealed that the destruction of New York City by UFOs that we see in the first episode was actually caused by Bender when he was looting throughout time despite the fact that Bender is stealing nearly every object of value over the course of human history his burglarizing doesn't appear to actually alter any of that history nothing changes when he returns and the item still has value so it still exists in history hundreds of Benders have always been stealing artifacts and just chilling with them in a cave where Planet Express will eventually be built nothing is changing except our perspective when one Bender tells all of the other Benders to wait and something actually does change the universe tears a hole in itself correcting what otherwise would have been that change well we're boned to this point we've discussed pretty clear examples of this consistent timeline from here on out there are definitely other ways to interpret some of these methods of time travel the rest of these episodes might not fully support this linear idea from all perspectives but they at the very least don't contradict this interpretation of an inalterable timeline what I'm saying is if we're picking a lens to view fut drama's time travel through when discussing Fry's origin well that ends well will be that lens with that in mind I want to talk about Category 3 before we talk about Category 2 let's clear the first two out of the way there are time travel elements in space pilot 3000 and Mobius dick that aren't really relevant to this conversation and neither support or disprove this unified time travel theory that we're building they're on this list though because they are technically time travel technically correct the best kind of correct but that's not the only reason they're on this list the first episode is very significant to fr origin story despite being the most rudimentary form of time travel rudimentary not realistic cryonics are a scam kids don't believe it or I guess maybe adults I don't think kids know who the [ __ ] Ted Williams is anyway as for Moby Dick while the crew doesn't exactly time travel there is a fair amount of time dilation throughout the episode which again the best kind of correct this also shows us that the Universe does apparently have fourth-dimensional beings which is going to come up later the whale moves through time in a way that is entirely foreign to us but could support this idea of a fixed timeline if we consider the timeline like the surface of the ocean the whale can essentially breach and dive into different spaces on the timeline as with your standard issue whale breaching in the actual ocean they can come up wherever they damn well please Mobius is basically swimming around under our perspective of time ready to breach through at any moment literally any moment that's definitely time travel but there's 's nothing in the episode to suggest that the whale is making changes to the timeline by breaching and diving in and out of it the first planet Express crew didn't disappear from the present because the whale ate them in the past they disappeared in the past because they were eaten in the past the whale can move in and out of timeline it will but it seems to be subject of the rules of the universe when it's inside like I said the time travel itself in both of these episodes isn't super relevant but some of the lore is it's a four-dimensional space wheel it'll come back up rounding out this group we have our two examples of forwards only time travel this method feels simpler than the time travel we've been discussing because hell I'm moving forwards in time all the time to be fair these examples are significant changes in speed and I'm always moving through time at the same Pace well almost always at least where's the device that lets you speed or slow the passage of time under the seat time dilation or not moving through time even forwards through time at a substantial clip higher than we typically do don't make me tap the sign now fast forwarding through time seems pretty basic on its face but an interesting view of a wider Universe begins to take form when you look a little deeper in Time Keeps On Slipping for example we find out this it's as if we all behave normally during the time skips but then we have no memory of it you mean we just my yes oo just like that this could indicate that while there may appear to be momentto moment free will there's actually some sort of autopilot for the universe this speeding through predetermined time is most obvious in late Philip J fry where time is seemingly so linear that you can go right past the heat death of the universe through the Big Bang back to the origin Point not just once but twice however the use of the forwards Only Time Machine clearly has some ability to impact the outcome of the the future we see a potential future where Lilo runs Planet Express that happens only because of the absence of the professor fry and Bender and this isn't just a narrative trick either showing us something that didn't exist because Leela takes actions in the past that fry sees in the future but as soon as fry bender and the professor return to the same spot where they left after those few laps around the universe that future would be gone our time travel rules suggest that they would have always done that making that future impossible from the get-go as I mentioned before there are other perspectives to view some of these time travel episodes through some of them better than the one that supports this fixed timeline Theory this is one of those episodes having something more like alternate timelines makes more sense for the self-contained plot of this episode and while I think that's the proper way to view this one for the sake of this argument here's another way to look at it the timeline that includes Lilo running Planet Express is a paradox like Senator Travers or the hundreds of Benders and it needs to be corrected we don't see the universe fix every aspect of this Paradox but we do see it fix some po we took care of the time travel Paradox regardless I think there is some evidence of the linearity in that final scene that I just referenced this new universe is about 10 ft lower than our old one let's consider for a moment the movement of the forwards Only Time Machine this is something that is very easy to put on a timeline because the machines movement is by definition in a single Dimension that is not the first Dimension but movees strictly through the fourth dimension and in no other way it doesn't even move in space it just moves in time it's in the same physical spot through time because of the way we perceive time when it's moving we can't perceive the machine but it's always sitting there in that spot not only that because the three of them looped around the universe it's literally always sitting in that spot further still because they looped around again there's always two forwards only time machines hurdling through time in that spot theoretically the second is physically offset from the first because the first was always in the way and the second was always right next to it look like I said time travel is silly you'd go crazy trying to line up all the rules of all the time travel episodes in Futurama because Unfortunately they are inconsistent we're going to get to some of the more inconsistent episodes in a moment but I want to stick with the forwards only later I guess just general time machine for the moment because I think for the most part when they're trying to build the lore of the show in particular they're trying to stick to this concept of you can't change the past before we go any further spoilers for the latest and last season of disenchantment if you aren't familiar with disenchantment it's a 5 season Netflix animated series from Matt groing that was produced in part by David X Cohen it also takes place in the future of the future drama Universe in the final episode of the first season Dreamland Falls the character Lucy uses a crystal ball to essentially rewind and Playback time like a video not actual time travel just time viewing as the crystal balls gaze passes through time it catches a glimpse of fry bender and the professor passing through in the forwards only time machine it's a fun little Easter egg for an enormous crossover audience but it also establishes a possible link between the shows was it possible that the medieval New York we see while fry is Frozen is actually dreamland it was entirely possible based on the evidence that we had at the time that fry was just somewhere in Dreamland literally chilling in the cryogenics lab but he wasn't when Futurama returned on Hulu Professor Farnsworth used the spruced up machine to run a full lap again but this time in Reverse instead of seeing the time machine from disenchantments perspective this time we see Bean ALU and Lucy from Futurama's perspective shit's peer-reviewed now these universes aren't just linked they're the same in fact I can tell you that disenchantment takes place sometime before year 10,000 which is the first stop fry and the Gang make in the forwards only time machine in the year 10,000 fry discovers a series of statues of Liberty chronicling the rise and Falls of various civilizations apparently every future species also has an America and France too I guess anyway in I Know What You Did Last xmus we we see this faint image moments before we see the gang from disenchantment just kind of hanging out this happens while the professor is moving in Reverse implying that it happens sometime between the year 3000 and the year 10,000 my guess is somewhere around 6,500 CE okay that's more like a fun fact that it is relevant to the point I'm making tangent aside the fact that these shows are linked and specifically linked via time travel is actually important because this latest season of disenchantment had some full-blown time travel of its own and wouldn't you know it it operates on the same fixed timeline rule set episode 5 season 5 who shot Alo tries to set up a Twist that any longtime futur viewer would likely see from a mile away when Alo picks up a crystal ball to go back in time to kill the person who killed him equipped with a bow and quiver for what felt like the first time ever in the five season series I couldn't help but say out loud well obviously he's about to shoot him self sure enough moments later who did that I did that my overall disappointment with disenchantments finale isn't what I'm focused on here though the point is this is evidence that time travel in disenchantment also works on a fixed linear timeline that cannot be changed by extension it's further evidence that the Futurama timeline which we've established is the same timeline works on the same rule set but as I mentioned earlier not all Futurama seems to operate on the same set of time travel rules which brings us to our third category Category 2 which okay I know I'm kind of out of sequence here but we're talking about time travel it's on theme roll with it anyway let's start with meanwhile because I think this one kind of sits on the fence on the surface fry and Bender are clearly making changes to the timeline when they're stealing diamonds from this dude to make an engagement ring for Leila when they take a diamond and hit the button that diamond stays in bedro chest and there's one fewer piece of coal in that dude's coal case 10 seconds later or earlier earlier earlier later because let's think of this more abstractly through the lens established by Roswell that ends well if we think of the timeline as a rope when somebody hits the button something they will have always done there's a knot on the Rope if they hit the button every 10 seconds for a while there might be a big knot in the Rope but still when you tie a knot in a rope it's still a line it's not straight but it is a line This is an oversimplification of course there's probably some sort of quantum tunneling thing going on rather than a not I'm not a time travel scientist I don't think that's a thing the point is if fry going back in time and killing a dude doesn't change history then fry taking diamonds 10 seconds to the Past doesn't change History either fry always takes those diamonds and always hits the button in that moment just like Roswell just like robots Santa's first exus like I said this is one interpretation probably not the first one you'd go with but it works within our established rules the why of the fry and all the president's heads on the other hand operate more like Back to the Future when Marty goes back to 1955 he has to be super careful not to screw up the timeline his middling in the past directly impacts the future to the point where he almost completely disappears from existence and some of the changes he sets in motion never go back to their original state he prevents doc Brown's death the name of the mall changes his entire family is much better off than they were before he time traveled and I guess he gave Chuck Barry the idea for Johnny Be Good it's Marvin your cousin Marvin Barry wait hold on well that doesn't quite line up does it Marty is changing the future when he's knocking over pine trees and knocking out bullies but when he plays a song that already exists in his timeline it inspires the song to be written what if he didn't play Johnny good at that moment would Chuck Barry not write the song 3 years later is hold on is giving Marty McFly credit for Johnny Be Good Kind of lowkey racist I'm not the person to answer that question nor is this about Back to the Future my point about this movie is that the timeline is malleable the future can change as a result of actions taken by somebody from the future in the past in futur we see this concept most explicitly in all the president's heads I really don't care for this episode that much but we do have to talk about it because it does have time travel in it even though it's the dumbest form of time travel in the whole series for starters opal is just a mineraloid which means it's like a mineral but it's just not a crystal or some [ __ ] there's literally nothing special about this Blue Rock they're minerals mineraloids actually HEK the names they throw around throughout the episode opal Essence crystalline opal these are just different physical states of the same stupid rock all to make a sweaty reference to the andamooka opal given to Queen Elizabeth II something I had to look up and I hate that it's something that I now know dumb Rock aside the time travel in this episode Strays far from Futurama's typical approach the crew makes repeated changes to the Future some minor things like preventing the American Revolution whole cloth but some really big things as well I'm Andy Warhol and you're some kind of marvelous Lobster man this is some Marty McFly ass time travel I don't really have an elegant way to fit it into the rules that we've been building hell I don't even have an inelegant way to cram it it so what's going on here I want to try to answer that question before we talk about our last time travel episode The why of the fry because I think it's going to help frame the way we look at that situation and by extension fry let's take another look at the episodes we've looked at so far instead of categorizing them by the rule TOS this time we're going to group them by the method of time travel and we'll make some pretty broad Strokes here so we can group them as I mentioned while technically time travel Mobius dick and Time Keeps On Slipping are more time dilation than outright time travel for our purposes here they don't create scenarios that would allow for alterations to be made to the time stream so we're not going to worry about them the rest of the episodes divide into three methods of time travel a variety of time machines the universal time code and that [ __ ] opal so let's try simplifying it a bit more what if we called the time machines artificial and the other methods organic for lack of a better term artificial time travel is clearly constrained to the rules established earlier in the video If you make a machine and go back to the past basically anything you do is something you've already done in the past you can't change anything organic time travel on the other hand may be governed by other rules that might allow for alterations to the timeline like the opal because not to tap the sign again but technically the universal time code does allow for alterations it just corrects them consider the end of Bender's Big Score nudar has been sending virus controlled Bender after virus controlled Bender back to the past to wait under Planet Express until it's time for that specific Bender to return but when virus free Bender goes back and invites them all to stick around instead of coming up when they were logically supposed to he's made a drastic alteration to the timeline here it's ultimately corrected but there was a brief moment where things were out of alignment we see the same thing happen when Senator Travers is briefly president-elect Travers before he's just gone this is very different from Roswell that ends well where what happens is just exactly what happened but there's one small problem and it's a big one the late Philip J fry also has a paradox that is eventually corrected as I mentioned earlier we see this potential future that ultimately doesn't exist where Leela runs Planet Express after Farnsworth fry and Fender disappear to the Future now here's where I'm going out on Lim again it's possible that this future we see was more than just influenced by the birthday card that fry drops what if dropping the card was the very reason the alternative future existed in the first place this sounds a bit crazy but it's definitely not the craziest thing I've said in this video about fry being a Jesus did you remember that's what this video is about that was probably like 20 [ __ ] minutes ago I hope you did because I'm about to get to that put a pin in the whole birthday card birthing of future thing for a moment because it's time to talk about the Y of the fry obviously we need to talk about the time travel we see in this episode but first I want to frame the time travel we don't see and I'm not talking about Nibbler he didn't time travel my people lack that ability no I'm talking about the fact that the entire plot of this episode is built around the fact that fry is his own grandfather fry is able to withstand the brain's attack this is because he lacks the Delta brain wave and this is because I did do the nasty in the pasty we're probably going to refer back to the scene later but for now my point is in order for the plot of this episode to work or even exist the timeline has to be fixed like most of the episodes we've looked at unfortunately that seems to contradict what we actually see happen in this episode after using a Quantum interphase bomb to send the infosphere and the brains into an alternate universe fry utilizes the infosphere to return to the Nexus point between universes at the SpaceTime where you enter the cryogenic tube you and only you can return there but when fry arrives at that Nexus point it's not somewhere he's supposed to be he's out of step with the timeline we've seen this scene before and Fry silhouette wasn't in the pilot his presence in that moment is already a change a simple explanation would be an alternate branching timeline but that's not how Roswell that endswell worked and this episode doesn't work without Roswell so how is fry making changes to the timeline because his presence in that moment isn't the only change happening just remember that scootypuff junor sucks there's a reason fry disappears in that moment he wasn't Vanishing until he started to say the word that's because this is the exact moment that the timeline is actually altered Nibbler now knows that scooty puff Jr isn't going to cut it and when the time comes he'll opt for the doombringer he's making changes to the Future not oops it turns out I had always made Robot sental evil false changes impactful alterations like what we're seeing throughout all the president's heads which wraps up the time travel portion of what we're talking about here by returning to a Nexus point in SpaceTime only he could return to fry managed to upgrade his scooty puff junr which suggests that this was an organic form of time travel fry moves through Through Time differently this could also explain why losing a birthday card could cause a paradox he has a disproportionate influence on time fry appears to be some sort of fourth-dimensional being not constrained to our perspective on time similar to Mobius dick but unlike the whale who just moves through time differently fry seems to be able to make alterations there's something more to him like I said it comes from when fry came from and it's time to now now look at how it's different from other time traveler stories as a comparison I want to look at John Connor as I mentioned earlier there are some similarities in The Terminator and Futurama's view of time travel so looking at a son of a time traveler is an appropriate place to start conceptually the situations are comparable except for one glaring disparity the Terminator has a whole other [ __ ] dude involved Kyle ree came from the future sure but he was also born in the distant future of 2004 [ __ ] Terminator is an old movie he had parents and grandparents and great-grandparents I mean he lived during the robot apocalypse so they probably weren't alive anymore but they had existed John Connor's lineage is warped but it's still lineage half of it is just traveling back in time at some point if we look at Fry's timeline in the same way we see something very different just like Sarah Connor Grandma Mildred's blage goes back throughout time but un unlike Kyle ree Fry's Loop is is just that it's a loop fry has a father that's clear but his lineage doesn't go any further back on that side Fry's lineage is fry yansy fry it's not a line that's a loop he's not related to enus at all neither is yansy yansy isn't even related to all of the yansy he lists off for his son yansy when he's trying to get him to accept his name yansy all the way back to Minute Man jnc fry who blasted commies in the American Revolution the John Connor comparison it just doesn't work here and that's because we're looking at the wrong would be savior of humanity with the initials JC we're looking for the OG JC Jesus has an origin story that might align a little bit better now I'm not saying the details are anywhere near the same for one fut dras was hardly an Immaculate Conception oh my God and also the whole grandfather Factor again I'm not saying fry is Jesus just that he's a type of Jesus I really should have established a better term up top Avatar is already a theological term like demigod in fact it seems like there's actually a whole debate about whether or not Jesus is or isn't an avatar based on the Hindu definition of the term and I have zero skin in that theological game for me to be able to speak to that debate properly I'd have to do a lot of research on Hindu theology that I'll admit I'm not prepared to do also I'm already on like page 13 of this video about fry and diving into the history of Hinduism feels like a whole thing cuz I'm not just going to sit here and regurgitate a wikkipedia page for you but ultimately I'm not talking about theology here I'm mostly talking about semantics the fact that there's a debate around whether or not Jesus is an avatar or an Incarnation makes me hesitant to use Avatar as a term I guess I could use Incarnation though right wait it's just [ __ ] God man the term for what Jesus is is it's just God man I'm I'm not saying that's not accurate but just my God man the lack of creativity okay I'm sorry let me get back on the timeline my point here is this if we look at John Connor's lineage timeline both sides of his parentage can be traced back throughout history properly fry and Jesus on the other hand only have a maternal lineage that can be traced back throughout history fr's path from the future is similar to Kyle reee but his actions terminate the assume paternal lineage creating a new one from nothing like when God cucked the absolute [ __ ] out of Joseph though I guess to be fair for I killed enus so at least God let Joseph live to be fair I don't think that this alone is enough to call fry a God man but for time a time man if you will his unique relationship with time travel could just be a plot hole and accidentally knocking up your grandma is hardly the same as inserting yourself into the timeline as a Divine entity as as The Story Goes God became Jesus with an explicit purpose to save Humanity he didn't knock up Mary on a one night standby accident but fry did have agency in his own creation and this isn't just the ravings of an unhinged madman starting a futur cult on YouTube in the why of the fry we're told that fry lacks the Delta brain wave because he did the nasty in the Pasty but that's not the only time the nians pontificate on Fry's brain wave there's a line in the Day the Earth Stood stupid that is the key to all of this this isn't about the why of the Fry at all it's about the how of the fry somehow he has cobbled together A random assortment of other brain waves into a working mind like a prom dress made from carpet remnant he cobbled together his brain waves like Leela built a prom dress there is so much agency implied in that statement that's going to take some doing and Nibbler confirms the accuracy of her analogy yes like your prom dress now if fry is a time man we're never going to establish the exact moment he created himself because it's going to escape our grasp of SpaceTime there is of course the obvious moment of Creation in Roswell but the scope is larger than that here we see fry entering this plane from another dimension literally breathing himself and by extension the rest of time and space into existence to save the universe from from the giant brains say what dude's crazy okay that's fair but it's not based on nothing the anthologies of Interest episodes show non-canon events that happen within the whatif machine so using them as evidence isn't concrete but hear me out because according to the professor it can answer any whatif question accurate to within one tenth of a plausibility unit as I've said a few times there are definitely other ways to look at all of these things it isn't definitive I'm just just saying if you have a little faith it's plausible look when Fred destroys the cryotube instead of entering it it rips a hole in time space so large the universe just seems to disappear a simple time Paradox wouldn't cause this we've seen paradoxes corrected we've seen paradoxes corrected so drastically it tears a hole in the universe but this is a completely different level in fact in the same vignette we do see a small tear in SpaceTime but that happens when they're just trying to beat fry to death I get it it's the what if machine but they're trying to kill fry and it's literally opening a rift in time do you see what I'm getting at here fry is time and time is fry why else would the universal time code be tattooed on his ass it was bound to be somewhere I've admitted throughout this video that a lot of this evidence is kind of circumstantial but let me tell you why I believe it Jesus the God man walked on water then turned that [ __ ] into wine and made a blind man watch him do it you know Miracles sure fry defeated the brains twice but that just proves he doesn't have a Delta brain wave not that he's a God man time man he acted as a cross Universe ambassador to Yeo and helped defeat the dark ones and while I could try to stretch those events into Miracles we aren't just looking for any old miracle there's time at play here does this prove my theory probably not honestly I don't think this is something that can be definitively proven but this this is the scene that made me believe and if I haven't convinced you yet well that's all right Philip J fry is here for you regardless because time made a fool for all of us anyway thanks for watching [Music] bye
Channel: Bennett
Views: 448,588
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Futurama, Philip J. Fry, Fry, Jesus, Avatar, Time Travel, Roswell that ends well, Late Philip J Fry, Meanwhile, Farnsworth, Bender
Id: PJ5kiL-noK0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 7sec (2227 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 27 2024
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