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we're good we're good um uh i got destroyed by your donations aggregator 90 days so you can process the payments really uh that's crazy man well um why is that have you ever asked them that or or like sent an email also uh still what's up how's it going legit how are you doing all right we're gonna try to do two runs today maybe three probably two actually i guess at the pace that we're doing it now it's probably possible to do three us money is sussed to them okay so wait is there a certain percentage then that that is subjected to that holding period or that that processing time or is it just everything did they not divide it by um the type of currency oh it's one transaction okay uh proxos what's up how's it going oh we got the ponytail dude good luck must resem resist simp definitely resist simpson's not good uh canadian mage powers to send smoke from the wildfires to pennsylvania and cover the whole state uh i did not do that that was not me it was uh it was someone else i promise speaking of which i actually just speaking of fire i literally just walked into that fire almost that was a something we have not done yet but i'm not really willing to see what happens uh damichi what's up how's it going is guava drinks in the runs is that why we couldn't get runs dude you are responsible for the invisible ninja i knew it was you you probably are the invisible ninja uh bolt strike what's up man you're gonna pretend that uh you're not here because you i always get runs when you're not here that's true actually but maybe it's because uh you need to be here every single second of every stream and then eventually i will get every single run and the reason that i didn't get other runs is because you weren't here so it works both ways so you either can never leave or you can never come back it's one of the other uh have i managed to make the run more consistent uh we have pretty decent results now i wouldn't say uh it's much different but i'm definitely playing decent as of lately sometimes sometimes i don't know i guess like the thing is the the standards change every single time we improve it so we can't really say we're holding it to the same standard obviously like what i'm doing right now is not as great as it could be in its own standard but compared to before it's really good but it's not enough so i can't say it's good because if i did then i mean like we're not this isn't the goal right so we're still not technically there so definitely doing better overall but that's kind of just expected you're just supposed to do that no other way to get it so i need to continue the frequency of which we've improved the improvement rate has to be pretty much i would say like it would be making sense if we got to like a pb of one or zero pretty you know pretty much within the next week or so i kept playing good but i mean that could easily not happen for many reasons so we'll see but yeah if like if that happened relatively quickly it would probably like be within the next week that would follow roughly how quickly that this is uh down so far that would be about two weeks in total but the the bigger pbs are really easy to beat that's the thing huh oh where's skrill crumple um i probably should put it on the btv modes now um the only thing is i don't have the files for it again because of the uh the hard drive situation so i'd have to get carson to send me them and he's been very busy as far as i know because like sometimes sometimes he takes months to respond so um i don't know i mean i'm still waiting to like figure out if we're gonna be able to do some more emotes but um i have no idea what he's up to i'm assuming he's like super busy um how long do you think it'll take for the run like i said if we're improving at the rate that we have been another week but um that's not necessarily going to happen though that's just the that's like the best case scenario so we can't really expect that but that would make sense if we're following the um the same trend like and also factoring in that when you get to uh like a number this low it's nearly impossible to lower it without just getting the run or uh you know spending quite a bit of time many many days trying to lower it so but yeah sooner but sooner the better for me then we can do some other cool stuff which will be exciting uh crowley it's going pretty good how are you doing man uh reese what's up i haven't seen you for a little bit i'll be back crowley you gotta you gotta uh explain to me um like if i get mad at this game like how to rage properly you gotta show me how to do the rage how to break things like legit rage like proper age right i need a lesson oh man that was scary uh i finally got down the darkest dungeon art style oh nice dude do you have anything um that you're working on with an example of that that i could see hello bigly too or if you were to make one would you would you be willing to show me also slick thank you for the 61 months dude welcome back how's it going in wait are you in are you no you're not in california anymore you move from california right can't remember where you moved to or unless you actually did move there from somewhere else i can't i can't remember what it was yeah how's things going over there man best rage you breathe deep exit the game and just tell the ps5 i'm not mad i'm just disappointed in you that sounds like a pretty serious rage man well i don't think i've been disappointed in the ps5 that's a big one and that is even quicker than before actually did we get an 8 30 on this yet i don't even know if he did that's uh it's pretty fast though like from 13 minutes plus that's not too bad been all over the place moved uh to oregon two months ago now you're in texas uh what do you like the best everywhere every state you've been in so far i've never actually been to texas um or or actually oregon i want to go to oregon though um apollo what's up oh sorry apollo thank you so much for the prime sub i hope you enjoy your remotes welcome and uh reese thank you for the prime set as well first time in your you have discovered the secret circle oh man see the thing is i was i had a surprise that i was planning to make something that still kept that whole thing alive but it's just not possible because the person in question would be able to help me with it just does not have the time to do it and there's no one that can actually do it the way that that person can do it so that i know of at least or that won't charge like you know a lot of money so it's uh i want i wanted to do something cool with that i'll try to bring it back at some point with like it won't necessarily be like an alert or anything but i wanted to make a little thing to to remember that got an 836 yeah i think i was like a little bit quicker yesterday on that but even even so getting under nine minutes on that is pretty good haven't had as much fun anywhere else than texas okay interesting landscape is better in oregon though that's what i would think because texas is probably not as like mountainous right uh steven souls on the console it is yeah well you can play it on pc if you have the original ps3 disk and then you have the software to run it [Music] oh uh the following i'm not actually sure um you know who would be a good person to ask that uh that's doing a run in that game through that area right now i would talk to mcswoozy he probably could show you i've never done that before so i have no idea um i might be in the future but i never never had to avoid the poison there also uh tim or is it timo sorry ah thanks for watching youtube man i appreciate it there's gonna be a lot more stuff on there um it's gonna be kind of like in a wave because i'm trying to plan it so can fill in the absence of the stream when i go on a trip but excuse me there should be uh quite a few things on there and like a quick burst coming up soon it's also debating like if you guys would want to see anything that's a variety based like maybe older but i think i'd rather just like do some other stuff how long it's going to be uh i think it's like five days maybe i don't know i was kind of debating like not even going on it just so i could do more like of this stuff because i really wanna there's a lot of things i wanna get done uh with this run and other stuff that just well there's not going to be enough time i can tell you that so i was debating not doing it but probably would be a good thing uh cain thanks man also cindo what's up brakes are important they are but like i kind of balance things now where i don't really feel like the need to have big breaks or anything because i'm not really going like super hard just in the stream i'm kind of trying to spread everything out so it's not the same as uh before but before i would say yeah that would be super important uh oreo how's it going dude uh whenever you take a step away from challenging for some challenging for a day or two you actually accomplish it right away so the thing with that is um the brain actually can't uh create pathways neurologically to solidify certain ideas or concepts without a rest so in your sleep you're actually doing that that's another reason why i was saying if you don't actually sleep properly you're not like retaining what you're learning properly or even creating the right structure to approach the things so you need to not only just take breaks but also sleep too that's why i said you can technically do less things and achieve more than someone else but you have to your your learning process has to be in when you're actually consciously um acting on it um better yourself you have to have a better learning process and you can train learning processes aside from the skill you're learning as a skill itself but that's just a totally different concept right so it depends on how you understand meta learning or how you break it down but if your meta learning is good and then you're actually getting a lot of like rest and you know like you're having a lot of reflection on whatever you probably will be like just as effective as someone doing uh some crazy [ __ ] but without having to do all that stuff and i've proven that before already like with myself just like the difference of like what i was doing before and then how quickly i improve on things versus now it's like i can do like way less and improve probably even quicker in some cases i even devoid of legacy skill even on games that have nothing to do with this or like different types of things it's just it's it works for everything pretty much as long as you can not get too emotional or too mad at it i guess we were subject in school music also uh gillian what's up how's it going i wouldn't say procrastinating i'm just saying like you can do your stuff but don't overdo it you know like uh you have to be very aware of diminishing returns and immediately stop doing whatever you're doing once you hit that barrier and then continue to again reflect recover uh do the stuff really well the next time but always cut the diminishing returns because they're never gonna help you and then you're gonna burn out quicker plus you're using energy you don't even need to um so unless it's like 100 necessary there's no point and that's why um there's a lot of debates in like esports now saying the people that like train 12 hours a day don't really need to do that they're just they're they're throwing four hours in the garbage basically by doing that because you only need really eight hours and then they can take the four hours to do um you know exercise meditation uh you know focusing on diet spending time with family or friends whatever you know like that actual four hours extra will gain them a better career and they'll actually improve more than they would playing more hours because it's not just raw input because humans aren't machines so you can't continuously keep a linear improvement trend so your trend has to be an analyzer so that's what i've been trying to do for this kind of stuff and other things so if i know i'm like this isn't really like you know benefiting me too much at this point like we just put it down which is really hard when you're stubborn but yeah it helps because i really would i would do this for 12 hours straight i just i can it's just makes no sense it's not healthy either so plus then i wouldn't go do other things that are probably more important in the future so i do have a discord uh reese drop the wip what is the wip um about the stuff yeah dude i'm sorry that i haven't been as much in the loop with that can i can talk to you about that um probably not right after i'm done but later tonight we can uh we can discuss uh like the current state of what's going on with that but i appreciate it man um and also i hopefully will be able to use the the software soon i'm thinking um i'll probably do it for the charity stream coming up if it works so this is coming weekend if you're cool with that ah shivx no worries man that's just the game just i hadn't seen that yet so i had to uh get my first taste of the the bs and then we continue also louis thanks for the prime sub i hope you enjoy your remotes man uh i find it interesting that if i run away from the skelly that's already like rotated that he doesn't follow as well as this one because i've had that happen but i'm not sure how to get it to happen again and i'm also creating a sound effect pretty close so i don't know why that doesn't work it's good that it doesn't but it's like i don't understand i guess uh because he's just not even visually seen the character yet maybe it's like different i don't know the tension in this area is palatable that's an interesting way to say it it's definitely quite a an area i don't know what's going on here oh we didn't have the ring back on they're playing ds2 you hate the the gutter gutter is terrible i do agree any pods or sites you recommend uh i was just reading books for that kind of stuff but it's also just like a straightforward concept that i've always understood it's like there's gonna be people that are better at you and certain things when it comes down to like um we could say like there could be an advantage biologically in a sport for example um so then what does the you know adversary athlete do they have to work twice as hard as the other person a lot of people will claim you know or they'll be like oh they gotta like think outside the box they gotta do other stuff so on something like that like obviously there's no even playing field when it comes to um you know potential biological advantages but when there's no biological advantage in anything it's simply just the process of the mind um and then other things are like less important when it comes down to everything surrounding that you literally can do everybody can do exactly the same it's a matter of like how you apply uh concepts that make sense to you and um have a system that works for you but it's gonna revolve around metal learning regardless if you wanted to be quick and it can be even quicker like this is this is probably like extremely slow and terrible compared to like people are actually good at it i'm just exercising it on a minor level it's not really like i'm you know it's like i'm a master of that but uh one day maybe i'll be better at it i think i still get too emotional sometimes so but um in the grand scheme of things though i think that uh it's just a straightforward concept um but i think some people believe that other people just learn differently where it's like you can learn differently but learning quicker is not impossible because you learn differently it's just a matter of your structure for the learning right so what is the the system that you're trying to enforce on something so for this like we're just cutting out anything that doesn't actually help us and not doing it so we're not wasting time uh capsiem thanks for the uh the prime sub i appreciate it i hope you enjoy your emotes yeah i don't think you can be told those things you have to actually do them it's not something that you can like just listen to so i don't know if i could tell you something that'll actually like what i just said is exactly all the information you need you just have to make a system for yourself that is more efficient than what you're already doing right and what you're already doing is most likely all the time trying things seeing what happens trying things seeing what happens you're not applying a pretense to it so you have to have some sort of breakdown after you analyze what the situation is but how you're going to navigate it and then you have to apply those elements in an order and then also keep analyzing what's happening while you're applying those elements then changing things that need to be changed as you see fit until your system uh benefits you more than just randomly trying things and then seeing what happens right or the classic i'm just gonna try until i win and if i don't win i'm gonna just not do it when really you're not even looking at what are the components to do well to win better or to like get to that goal quicker you know or why is this person winning you know in this amount of time when i can when i'm not and the difference between that is literally just the thought process it's not many other factors if it's a mental uh thing right those aren't really that complicated in a lot of cases so i would say it's somewhat common sense but it's not exercised as often as it could be i think it's so easy to you know not really understand that in games too because in a game you're like oh i'm just gonna like relax and have a loser experience and enjoy it not really think about like all these things but thinking about those things can still help you though might make it a little bit less fun on a first playthrough of a game maybe you don't need to do that all the time but for something like this super important right perhaps some folks meditation after each day and accessing what when right wrong what can be improved i wouldn't say meditation even matters this is more of like an active process you're doing when you're doing an activity um i wouldn't say meta learning happens outside of actually doing the task it's more of just having the system you apply to the task right so for this like i have checklists of things i'm constantly going through in my mind and if they're not met then i have to address like why that's a problem and then i have to break that down and i have to go into that and then once that's solved we move on and we keep assessing where things need to be um and uh how to get them there and that's just it just that doesn't stop ever it's always constant because you can't uh really understand anything unless you do that at least fully and that's why even at this point it's like i could have some [ __ ] happen but i'm gonna figure out exactly why that is caused in the game that's why i'm trying to break down not only just um surface level stuff but we're gonna go deeper than that and be like okay so like in the ai script like what is making this dude back up like this many commands and then why is it conflicting or why can you change the properties of these types of things that are predetermined or like scripted uh events and we look into that sometimes you can figure out exactly you know not maybe you don't know why it's happening but you can figure out how to not have it happen um that creates a disadvantage for you and then you can actually use it to your advantage so it's like um that kind of stuff it doesn't even have to be that you can actually pinpoint exactly the details because who only the people that look at the source code could do that but you could solve a general graph based on the variables you're being presented with because those are all obviously going to tell you something right so but if you look at them as just something in general without really like caring about it then you're not going to use that as a tool so you can't benefit because you're not seeing the opportunity you have to work through the situation with what you're presented so it's just a lot of that stuff that's why i said like a lot of people aren't really playing the same game it's just you're that's why you can't compare this to me because i'm not playing the game you're playing like the the thought process is probably completely different that's just the truth right it's not a bad thing it's like that's why it's like you can't feel bad because you're not expected to think like that you should be having fun you shouldn't be doing it like this if you're just doing a first playthrough so there's really no relevance to even fairly compare that [Music] uh dizz what's up dude possible to get a discord link uh yeah if you want to send me a uh like a direct message or an inbox on here i will send you the link right after we're done and anyone else i'm pretty sure everybody got a link that needed one but if there's anyone else that needs one let me know as well right now and just send me uh like a whisper message i can get you one sorry the system for connecting it by yourself is so bad i honestly have no idea why they haven't changed it or even why there's issues in the first place but you can always send the link if you need to i just don't want to make that the primary case because there can be problems with that sometimes and and there's an expiry to it as well and if you don't make an expiry that can create problems all right let's see oh it didn't even connect ah bambi i'm doing pretty good how are you it's a discord sub only it is i created it with the idea that i was making it as a benefit for the subs so i never actually had a free discord ever i never really like plan on doing that uh is a remastered play any different from the original uh not really no the only thing that's different is the 8-way roll for the gameplay um but the thing is you'll notice we don't really utilize that much because i'm not locking onto stuff permanently and fighting it it's pretty rare it's actually really dangerous in my opinion ah foamy congratulations did it look like bloodborne when you're killing the pig is that the way your uh your doctor did it that's funny also eric what's up how's it going welcome back [Music] so did it look like bloodborne that's the best question you can ask because if it did that's that's pretty cool man you gotta gotta film it next time um [Music] apollo you don't have to uh watch this if there's spoilers for you haven't like played the game or anything uh also uh yeah it's it's i pre-ordered the console uh and planned to get it within like the hour of release like like when it came out so i was prepared um i did get lucky still but i was prepared so i got rewarded with it some people didn't but i'm i'm assuming that if you were camping websites and refreshing on the minute that it launched you probably at some point in the midst of all that stuff jumping around a few different sites would have found some sort of luck in it at least some people so i can say i actually was super prepared for it so it wasn't something that was completely random and therefore i think it increased the chances of me getting it much more than a lot of other people here but uh yeah it's it's low supply i guess i think they're having issues with uh upping the supply of it for some reasons by similar to other you know shorter supplies with certain technology and different things i heard the technology and it is actually it's harder to generate on a mass scale right now i'm not sure exactly what that means or the specifics of it because i haven't looked into it too much but make it seem like i'll be able to complete the game after watching you i'm sure you will be able to well i think anybody can complete the game it's a matter of um what is your tolerance for giving up right because it'll probably test you on that a little bit uh ah kunal uh good luck with your internship dude what is that what is this supposed before the the factories that make the chips required for graphics cards are massively over booked so nvidia amd can't meet demand i see i wasn't sure if they actually were part of the supply for their technology and this was like a proprietary thing like sourced from their technologies but not quite depending on them to deliver like a full-on component so they had like this jaguar chip sort of thing before that they i don't know i think that was like again in collaboration with amd but i don't know might be wrong about that but yeah anyways um i guess now they ha it has to have like an independent um gpu cpu setup for the type of power that it's doing right instead of an app um and that's resub you're using a subway gift card just like the old times man nice maybe if you do that it'll like transport you into the the game and you'll become the character they'll create some crazy time paradox and we'll have to save the world big slick will have to try to untether the evils of the universe by himself inside the video game while we just watch and i can't control anymore anything favorite area in a prom soft game i think ann orlando is my favorite or i'm just the first area of this game even it's pretty pretty cool uh jared what's up thanks for the good luck dude uh booked the amount of time they thought they would need based on the demand for 20 series but because of the pandemic everyone and their moms have been after the game of pcs and consoles to demand as far as stripping supply i see that makes a lot more sense uh uh hi shio what's up dude how have you been this is your first time seeing the game um because i remember i don't think you've actually been here when i played it before as far as i recognized it's been a while though uh so this is where ds3 stormwater came from yes honestly i feel like this this whole concept was based on a dream it's so weird man it's like i don't know only thing i can think of to make it better is it's like i said like they inverted the environment it's like you're in the you're in the sky and then like it's the sky is the ocean and then it's upside down that'd be super trippy probably wouldn't fit the game as much but then they could still be in water at least so yeah and then you kind of be flying upside down and walk in clouds and then this weapon could be like some sort of like sonar frequency weapon i don't know make it pretty interesting um ahoy the pb i took damage on penetrator split on the way to penetrator and then uh in the tower knight fight on one of the crossbow dudes i mean you can ask like whenever i've taken mistakes or damage on this i don't remember all the time depending on which one it was but i believe those are the spots for the last one nice that's a quick finish pantry was bs uh yeah it's a little bit funny [Music] [Music] wow supposed to be studying take a take a break and study again after uh diddy i will see you later thanks for hanging out man thanks for the good luck too trying to use that luck i don't know i mean like where do you redeem it i can't level up luck on this and and get any results [Music] i'll forgive you okay maybe enough of these for the next area too let's get 20. [Music] you should wish adp wait what like wish the adp would work what are you talking about uh wait actually you know what i need the arrows day too hold on i need a good persuasive speech topic any ideas uh for what exactly maybe you ask why 720p i down scale to 720p to take the stress off of the encoding for the computer but it's actually 1080p native so it creates this effect that uh it's not actually true 720. it's beyond that but it registers is that on the site um and it's also because the site can't actually handle 1080 properly people can list it but the bitrate's not enough for true 1080. they are not quite there yet so i re-rendered my stuff in 1080 so it actually comes out like that after but during this it's not really like it's a negligible difference overall unless you're um unless you're trying to uh play something maybe with not a crazy high amount of movement or anything like that i mean it is a little bit more detailed but also requires a setup that is beyond what my computer can do as well on top of that yeah 6k bitrate's not enough for true 1080 you need like 10 000 or more you can do low uh like not non 3d objects low motion for like 6k and it could be kind of true but it's not quite the same if it's like 3d objects high motion ah fat thanks i appreciate it he's trying to kind of share the i know a lot of people um have their own kind of situations or setbacks or things that might keep them from certain kinds of goals so just want to share that you can definitely do things or to at least like maybe only try to challenge yourself rather than you know challenge like pay yourself against other people because it really doesn't matter in that sense it's more display yourself because anything looks uh you know any way you wanted to when you make comparisons between any kind of you know two things right so this one what's up uh t-bra that sucks dude i've had things like that happen before um at one point i remember my second job i was able to listen to music sometimes and i forgot my headphones one day and it was so boring dude oh my god it's so hard to like just get in like the zone and everything for me at least with the way that like the tasks were at that place but um yeah i feel you man i guess depending on what you do it can sometimes help congrats on meeting your fitness goals squeal thick oh i haven't met them at all dude we're not even driving we're only halfway there that's the thing that's the whole point of that thing is just getting started it's a lifetime journey probably gonna be like a another 10 years before i hit my goals fully maybe maybe if i'm lucky like seven we'll see but um that's the the beauty of it kind of depressing if there was no more improvement so i mean it's nice to um you know even even when things are a little bit harder to improve but you can still do anything if you aren't wanting it bad enough but also even with certain circumstances it's not like a reason to not in a lot of cases kind of goals do you have uh well i'm gonna i want to compete at one point so i'm gonna be doing uh a physique competition uh like probably in a few years or so at least um maybe by the end of next year i could actually be like plausible for someone that's not like the best genetics of all time also obviously taller is a little bit disadvantaged but i will compete one day though um and it's not gonna be anything like crazy and i'm not trying to win i just want to do it for myself just because uh it's a big uh like i guess test for me since um it's something that i didn't really believe in before but i've always thought was cool so that's one aspect and then obviously just like functional um strength athleticism stuff like that so uh being able to perform everything that i like to do better than i did before which is already a thing that i've experienced many times but i want to continue to improve that even more so um that's just uh the goal but to do those kinds of things i'm gonna have to um you know be very strict with uh you know not taking time off and programming my stuff pretty closely and keeping an eye on how things are going and it's going to take many many many more years so but i'm ready to not you know give up this time because i've done these kinds of things before and you know fell off the wagon so i don't want to fall off the wagon at this point i don't have a choice to to do that raka we could maybe i don't know it'll be pretty funny it's not a goal david it can be yeah i would say it's cool i have an idea of how long our time this is a new goal how long it's going to take well i mean like i said uh realistically to get to my peak uh natural um ability it'll be roughly another like i would say i would say seven years it makes sense um i mean the thing is my hormone levels will be dipping into my 30s so i'd have to like really really go hard for that reason so i might try to do um some sort of competition before that but like that's the whole trade-off is like when you get older you uh you kind of need to do these things just to maintain like a decent level of strength and everything because you're just like dwindling in that department so when you're younger it's better and i didn't take full advantage of that when i was uh the best age for it so trying to make up for that starting to be on the decline now so we're not quite declining but like it's coming up so i need to maximize everything before that point so next few years i'll be super super focused on on that and then like after that hopefully not you know regressing from that point um even with like constant attention to detail on that but uh yeah old with royce you're never old yeah but then you have to take them for the rest of your life so it's like it's not really worth it unless you're going to be already be old and then you're like okay that's my decision i think when you're younger it's a waste because a lot of people do it before they've reached their natural potential and then they leave a lot on the table and then they get all the issues that come with it that they're not really ready to take so i don't think that's worth it especially if you're not trying to get a pro card like there's no point that's not like your aspirations and that has nothing to do with like what i care about at all i just would do it more for the principal it wouldn't be for the winning at all or getting any kind of pro card um i actually don't even desire that at all one bit i don't think i ever will but for the people that do yeah you're gonna have to take uh peds probably or have a like a replacement therapy of some sort the very minimum i had to hide your bluetooth earbuds under your hearing protectors because it was forbidden to listen to music what yeah what's that music oh do i always want to do that um do you have this idea for a long time or is a new goal uh like what specifically uh what do you mean just like being functionally strong and like somewhat athletic or or what steal your retirement home i do i do want to be like uh like if i actually live i don't know if i'm going to live to be elderly but if i live to be elderly i want to be extremely athletic as an elderly person like i want to be able to do activities you can't do at certain ages i want to be telling the medical professionals uh you know against their own word like you know what what i'm going to do and then prove them wrong so that's that'd be cool not to say i'll make it there but if i do that's the goal so that'll be like a lifetime thing um it's also really good for you uh you just i think you need to be strength training if you're elderly it's it's really good for your hormones and for your mood and everything it's just and infinite benefits you just can't do it if you've already screwed yourself before that um as as you know vigorously so you have to make sure you don't get to that point or you know ease back into it very very gradually if you're at a point where you might be super injury prone or whatever you know what is happening nice eight-year-old that looks like i'm 50. well i don't think i'm gonna have like the anti-aging genetics on my side but uh if i could look like 10 years younger that'd be nice and that could be done i think just from again like the strength aspect not even like your facial features as much but i'm not sure that uh i'll be covered in that department otherwise which is fine that's probably could have been helped a lot more by not making certain choices when i was younger so that's everything you do kind of plays into it i haven't had the worsts um i haven't sabotaged myself in the worst ways like that but there's some things that probably could have helped uh in in minor minor ways you know um what is this clear stone i want clear stuff you make your man slightly uncomfortable because we work out with arms the same weights i think that's like a a non-important thing to consider actually i think it's actually cooler to lift like less like actual weight in total and have a better physique than somebody because it if especially if that other person thinks they're training for hypertrophy because it just shows that uh especially if you have like similar genetics that you actually are just programming yourself better so it's actually better to get more out of less especially if you can do it safely so in certain cases um you know you can go to uh a crazy extent to try to improve your strength but like if you're just trying to go five percent i feel like you don't really need to do anything crazy um especially if you can't actually maintain that frequently or easily achieve it even in you know a single instance it's a big grinder a big struggle it's like probably don't need to be like doing that every single chance you have you might be uh you know stressing some other things that are not going to recover as quickly it's like doing like one rep max's every day it's like that's probably not gonna work unless that's all you do like by itself maybe i don't know but even then that's that's not just not good frequency or volume i like doing more reps with smaller weight you don't really care about living in a certain way you just want to get stronger so if you want strength you do have to progressively overload if you're trying to get like um i don't know other types of training like again nucleus overload and stuff like that um devoid of like you know where we won't say you're pushing yourself in like a range of like the high end of what your strength is then your schemes have to fit what the resistance level of equivalent fatigue will be so it's a measurement of just uh minimal joint stress good fatigue ratio to the actual strength output with the amount of volume that facilitates that if i put that in an organized enough way but explain it simple speak in a second all right it's like for example let's say you could do like um you know a five by five program or even something that's testing again your one rep max very frequently or you're just trying to like progressively overload your one rep max as often as you can uh you could do that but you could also do something with higher volume and still have the exact same effect if if the person in question actually has a very very stable control over that high strength range for the high end on the strength range with the lower rep schemes if you don't then you're probably not even actually able to do that properly and you're just forcing it and you're not even actually going to get contractions so higher volume would actually give you better results because you're contracting better and you're not stressing the joints as much but if you are already contracting super well and you're super experienced and stuff like that then it doesn't matter really um at the end of the day i feel like it's just fatigue but people commonly still try to get like um a lot more volume in even after the the heavier rounds just because again that fatigue can't be um emphasized enough it's super important so you might not get enough just from doing that um or feel it as much just from doing that might just be overall you know a bigger shock to your central nervous system and more things supporting it but not quite as much destruction on a focused area as much so it's more of a balance of that equation of mitigating uh you know injury having super stable um control but then also the most possible fatigue in volume um with enough recovery and that's just all you need to do so the actual numbers specifically in question or comparing some you your yourself to like another person's strength it still doesn't really make any sense at a certain point uh all right so for armor spider we're done i gotta go back to here again i think maybe not actually no i don't think we do when you do dumbbell presses you do 15 to 25 pounds for 50 to 70 reps so at that point i would argue if you did that frequently enough you're you're kind of doing cardio that rep range is a little bit extreme but like you said your goals are different because you're trying to practice for like like high volume military push-ups right so that's maybe what gets you that goal you're doing more of an endurance kind of thing um but that's outside the rep range for the most effective hypertrophy and um you know against fatigue with uh still being controlled so i personally wouldn't do that just because it doesn't fit my goals but for somebody else it could just really depends um [Music] so try to level a little bit like 50 magic i can't even normal it's going pretty good how are you music makes you think about how about to watch some youtubers morning routine this this music really this is like a really nice piece of with the piano and everything ah normally we are here to help you with that the to the best of our abilities so fear no more i am here to kill all of the squidwards so they don't get you because you know what honestly if you get tickled by one of those things i feel like it's not going to be nice wouldn't be a normal tickle i'll watch my first playthrough on youtube of this smash what do you think about it this is like a pretty cool first playthrough just because uh it's kind of weird like i guess there's no uh remake like full remake i've played um on stream that from something i've actually played the original of because shadow i didn't play so i that was like a first time ever seeing it whereas or experiencing it for myself whereas like this is like i can review it based on the other version pretty extensively uh max what's up how's it going man killing the other the other squid people it'd be cool if they had um like little squid babies as well that would kill you on this that would be actually more terrifying than them in my opinion or if like their head detached into another creature so you like kill them and then like it just pops off and it starts trying to bite your ankles oh dude that was so scary i was like i was paying attention to but i thought for whatever reason for whatever reason that perception failed me there that was close max the bits save me thank you that was all you uh always imagine the door is sliding back down and crushing the character that's funny i think video games uh became too much much better than movies and books uh no i think they're different types of uh experiences so i don't really relate them to movies or books i think it's because i don't really like games that are like movies as much i'd rather just watch a movie um if there's some overlap where that's not true but it's like then the game probably has pretty good gameplay so like i don't know something uh i would i would say uncharted is very like grand and like cinematic and stuff like that you know i really like the gameplay in that game though so i would say it's a movie like game but then there could be something that's just super super focused on being hyper realistic right um and not really as much about the gameplay elements um i know maybe death stranding would be an example of something like that where it's like i think destiny can make a really interesting movie but the game i i wouldn't play it i don't think it makes as much sense as a game for me um because it's more of like an artistic experience it's not really something that you like get high scores on or you can like you know like improve on skill-wise it's just an experience of some sort um so it depends on which types of games and how we look at all the stuff but i still i still kind of rank them separately and i don't know if books could even be related at all because they don't even have any kind of component where you interact and control the uh the narrative or see anything it's all your imagination so it depends on what type of book as well but if we're saying fantasy for example a lot of your imagination uh go back to return off they added a challenge mode i still want to play it regardless like the thing is the reason i'm not playing maternal isn't because i don't want to play it it's because there's things i want to do more than playing it there's a lot of things i want to do guys like i'm not like the type of person that just wants to do one thing i want to do 100 things right now like badly and i don't even mean just like to the point of like oh i'm going to do like try them i mean i'm going to destroy them like i'm going to do it it's not just going to be tried it's going to be completed and it's going to be completed very well so fraternal unfortunately is not like high up on that list but it's still something really cool so if i had no possible aspirations to do anything else for content then yeah i would do that that'd be like pretty high up on the list too i'm just not in a struggle to look for things to to plug in for the content i have a plan for the rest of this year and next year and maybe even into the year after that but like then that'll change based on how people perceive things too so like it's not even necessarily going to be relevant stuff at that point which means i got to do it sooner than later to make room for even new stuff and there's always newer ideas coming in as i'm thinking of stuff so it's like um and i know people are making uh updates for things too or they're creating new games or there's dlcs coming out for stuff or whatever so [Music] it's it's uh more of the case that i have too many things that we could do than like i'm looking for something to play and if i was looking for something to play then yeah return one of the first things i'd probably go for you know uh remnant i didn't play remnant no i was watching it didn't really look that crazy to me i think a lot of it revolved around um artificial difficulty from ads and the people that played it that had similar opinions of games to me said it's not worth it unless you play with another person and that was what made it fun to them except for prod prod liked it and i thought that was pretty cool because he definitely had a lot of fun but yeah like basically when you're trying to inflate the difficulty by just adding smaller enemies into a boss way it just takes away all of the value you've put into that special thing unless it's like needed and it's a lot of the times it's not even needed or supplementary it's literally just a cop out to make it harder because the game isn't like balanced as well to function with those elements or genres combined and have enemies the way they made them so it's to me it looks like more of just the easy way out to make it difficult so as there's no offense they they like further the formula that unchained couldn't do properly and then it's on its way to perfection there's going to be someone that picks it up after that and does even better but that's how things go when you're combining two ideas that have never really like meshed together well in the past so i think they did something really good but there's still going to be more needed in that combination of genres to make it really functional and very rewarding right so it's a hard thing to do uh doc i'm doing pretty good how are you what's the the deal here doing fine i am glad to hear that random wild animal feedings going uh they they go pretty well usually i don't um don't know what the next one's gonna be i wanna find those uh horses some nice apples [Music] just gotta make sure that they're available last time i tried to go and do that there was no access to the area so i couldn't go but that that's that's in my sights yeah i'm gonna be like how do you like them apples [Music] [Music] so so huh i'm over here it's still daggered anyways very strange same one as before well uh wow [Music] i can't get this one to diego properly oh they're in such a bad spot on this one uh grifton thank you so much for the prime sub i hope you enjoy your emotes welcome man everybody's in their prime today i really appreciate that that's crazy what is this a meta stream i was about to stretch and i'm like yo as soon as i put the controller down i swear the character's gonna jump off the edge like that is not what we want man it's crazy that only one more level is required to get the two-piece on that uh griffin found the on your streams you've been watching for one year on youtube love the content thanks man that's very nicey i know it's difficult to actually make the effort to keep tabs on multiple you know like platforms if you only watch on one for example or to even try to catch the stream so thanks for doing that this guy's going rapid fire uh i have heard of that bronze i have heard of the the dot dot this will be interesting so we don't actually get uh the enemy like following us up there that's interesting stronger you can't take any damage yep no fall damage favorite daily chat question the one that you just asked me minus the daily thing because a lot of people don't ask it like that but they say what's my favorite question that's my favorite question i think in all honesty i don't even have a favorite question i think that you guys sometimes will surprise me so although you know what i do miss uh why is rotten x4 like that is that is one of the best questions of all time that'll that'll be like a consistent meme for all of time now especially when we go back to ds2 oh my god [Music] yes why is freya times four yeah three times four is even better [Music] [Music] [Music] okay so on this part for whatever reason the uh see this thing didn't move to the other area i don't know why that didn't happen it's strange because ever like most of the time i wouldn't say every time because there's been times where it's exactly like we just had it but more often than not lately it's been that that other enemies already default in the other spot and not even moving just like strictly just stopped beside the other one so i don't understand how it makes it there and if it does why it doesn't move back to anything you hope won't be an elven ring uh no i don't really mind man i don't really think about alden ring to be honest i think that the only time i think about is when you guys bring it up so i haven't like when people are asking me these questions about like things that you're wishing for this and that's like i haven't spent a lot of time thinking about that in all honesty um the only thing that would be a bonus is multiplayer which i think they proved that's in the game they showed it in the trailer race so i'm sure there'll be invasions if there's no invasions that's kind of annoying but another little bonus would be like a tournament uh or not tournament sorry an arena so they have controlled multiplayer in a quick connection based uh you know format that is uh you know just kind of done like the arena and ds2 that'd be really cool and then pvp could probably expand a bit again but that's just my personal outlook on it it doesn't need it but it would help the longevity of the game it would help them keep their player base happier for longer kirsten how a television director in the legendary game never going to end up working together to make elderly well they already did it's already made man well i guess mostly we so we think unless they uh they're like hey uh so we're gonna delay the game we've never done that before but we're gonna delay it then i'll be like yo that's fine everybody else may raise the delay oh my god my life's over what are you gonna do stream i'll just be smiling finishing everything i wanted to get done and not even caring then still enjoying it when it comes up it's my my take on that if that happens has this one been done by somebody else uh a young maddie uh and kazoodle that's the little ledge where you could run past all that's been patched uh i don't know never never seen that as far as i know for as far as i can remember if you send me a clip of the original version of it i can i can try to look into it i just you're you're saying you can skip everything in this entire area and just go to the boss is what you mean yes can't see uh it's wasting a lot of time [Music] uh just like the power glitch compels you so these aren't even really as punishable what was that i don't know i just don't does anybody give me the hell out of that that was weird uh this is the end game no this isn't the end game this mid game end game is like the last couple segments maybe or last last handful i would say maybe last four leech monger i would even say false king you can consider because that's like the last hard thing but yeah what are the soul remains five we have enough nice yes yes hmm he likes those counters get some magic skips here too oh ah pilu carva how are you doing has mad monkey show to you who's mad monk what is that flameworker okay so we don't need remains for that we need the cat ring first then we'll do everything else wow i am finished yes here we go caffeine supplement for gamers what wait let me go back mad monk is the name of the supplement that's an interesting supplement name uh i don't i mean g fuel already like wants me to do stuff with them i don't i don't really uh support them after like trying what they have made and looking at the ingredients as well so i wouldn't say i can condone that i don't think i would ever really back any kind of supplement to be honest unless it was like not related to energy maybe i don't know i think that uh sometimes you could just benefit and save a lot more money like if you want caffeine just buy caffeine pills if you don't like drinking coffee and you want energy they're cheaper and just like save some money man you don't need anything else [Music] if you genuinely want energy you know i mean i personally like coffee but i try to like not have as much caffeine now anyway so that's like minimal but if you really wanted to be the smartest you'd probably just get caffeine pills if you don't like coffee uh why back your apple juice supplement i'm not even a huge fan of apple juice maybe it was the actual apples are these falls super precise uh you don't really time them they're just you just have to direct the character right when there's like any timing on that um but it's not that bad now there is one part where it pushes you so you have to be kind of careful with how you step off the ledge or you'll be pushed over it even though you looks like you can land on it thank you flame lurker i appreciate you not killing thanks [Music] that the real default looks like it i didn't i tried to follow up the attacker it didn't work though that's weird i think he's broken looking a little a little broken there just a little bit there we go you oh you can diagram you can uh you could in the original too this is just a better one in my opinion well not even better just a little bit less technical compared well actually no it's more technical it's um less it's it's guaranteed as long as you're good basically the other one wasn't guaranteed in my opinion this actually works if you play well it's probably the best way to put it i did see the documentary mini it's really good [Music] it's not a true diego protection bits protection bits max thank you very much i appreciate it i need those i'll take it that's a good diagram sorry phase two as well right one more uh blaze thanks for the good luck dude i appreciate it it's up to me so basils can go to the moon man that was so funny like the petition to make him not come back or whatever like as if that actually would even work even if it was like ten times the amount of people that signed it just bought my first laptop the college first order of business hop on squealer's stream uh already that's awesome dude congratulations i hope you enjoy it can you play games on it or is it just like more for doing the work never actually had a laptop that was good before i had a an e machines one and i remember uh at the time i let my girlfriend borwhip to do homework and she like rage quit it she like was like this is the shittiest computer i've ever stopped working on microsoft word and it wouldn't turn out anymore it's pretty funny lost my cam on today uh well it's only for tier three subs so it's only one pixel also but oh man demon soul's my least favorite out of the games that they made yeah they're the ones i played i don't think you see me on cam where these modes come from the ones of me that are from the stream uh that are emotes would be from like 2015 or something like that 2016. i think that's when i 2016 is when i stopped using it so it's for like the first uh year and a half maybe do i mainly update the boss you're on or does the counter do that automatically i have to type the hotkeys for it uh zegger everything for the feature is all surprised so you can guess whatever you want if that's what you think i'm gonna do but i'm not gonna be telling you guys anything unless uh it's like uh for example the charity stream we're doing this coming weekend i can mention that we're doing it but even the specifics of that is a surprise i want to keep it cool like or as i kind of like something that's cool and see what it how it's received on the you know the day that we do it not rather than it being like oh i'm going to tell you all the details i think it's more fun that way but if it's something i need to debrief you on so you can understand ahead of time because you need to know this information and i will it's just if it's not necessary then i'm not gonna be uh mentioning anything i'll be surprised no it was never really great well i don't say yes or no anything it's just a matter unless i literally it's like an idea that i've never considered before whatever if it's something that uh just wouldn't make much sense or isn't even possible then i would say probably like straight up no that's if i feel like your question is like a meme that's more likely that was like a serious question so i mean there's no reason to say yes or no uh was the imposter in elder ring vented and demon souls wait are you calling me patches what's going on that will become a hot tub streamer i will do a hot sub stream if we have if we reach 50 000 concurrent tier 1 subs for one month straight no joke i will literally go buy a hot tub and do it because that's impossible so like there's at that point i mean i could buy 10 hot tubs it's not a big deal probably more than that so uh yeah uh if that happens sure but just because of how ridiculous that is only only simply because of that i saw lobos did one it was pretty funny um looks like he was having a hard time staying staying still uh ushi what's up can't handle it i'm sorry almost did the whole right subs on his arm [ __ ] yeah that was pretty funny he was he wasn't like a unicorn floaty or something or like a horse or some sort of pony or something they look pretty funny uh okay dragon god tower knight now we get the materials uh rogar i don't know the future is unknown mysterious and churning always but never at the same time okay what is this 200 and wait one 158 that's all we got that's weak definitely need more of those where am i at the moment uh we're approaching the late game getting pretty close i need some levels first tommy what's up how's it going don't tell me you'd hop wouldn't hop in the tub with amaranth not after the yo she crinkled some bottles on main page like that was the first time i saw a stream and they like rubbed me the wrong way i'll be honest probably not after that that was involuntary i couldn't actually like not listen to that because it loaded by default when i turned on the website so i was not happy with that 50 me and matthew shasman i would probably yeah that'd be that'd be more on brand right he'll animate like his next thing while he's in the tub all right so 54 yeah that should be good uh cord i appreciate that that's that's cool man new new genre new new niche right here even within its own niche there you go or or for your your the people that are not satisfied with pronunciation niche i just don't like saying it that way but you can say it that way once hot tub stream shivx 50 000 concurrent tier 1 subs with for one month held without it dipping below the 50k once and you got it i'll even document the process of buying the hot tub because at that point who the hell wouldn't do that we're just kidding we're just making ridiculous bets now so it's like if it's impossible to even like see them being a thing then why not just up the ante dude like who cares what i changed in this game to make it not on the bottom just the overall gameplay i'd make the mechanics a little bit more sophisticated and then i'd increase the difficulty of the design of everything accordingly to facilitate the better mechanics visuals would stay the same though all the visuals are good every single storytelling aspect is fine it's mainly just the way the way it plays like i still live that's really bad that's worse than bad it's like glad bad i don't even know what that even means uh you're about to spend 250 000 on a hot tub for stream nice i didn't think it was only it was going to be this quick wow you guys well one person pulled it together nice power washing hot tub stream after power wash and hot tub at the same time what uh dude imagine you could like try to calculate the drop on the arrow to get the dude over here too that wasn't uh by you that'd be amazing or even just like a firebomb free throw do the hot tub thing for the love stream i don't want to do the hot tub thing that's the whole point so if i don't want to do it might as well make it a ridiculous wager right that's my thought process and then it just kind of like reinforces how silly the idea is so if it actually worked then it would be like that's how badly people want to see that which is kind of sad so it kind of furthers the narrative this there uh i hate when my soul leaks into my achilles tendon me too that's funny man because the situation that happened on the dogs last time i think i'm just going to like try to get them to chase me then diagro shoot them from the default spot and try to run over here so they just escaped sometimes how's that i don't know where the other one is oh it's over there we just got to do that that way there's no option i can't i cannot afford a hit on that i don't have a cat sega i had two but they both passed away um probably won't get another one for a while if i even do um [Music] in terms of any animals not really ready for any cats are based i like uh i like cats i also like dogs too though i think um dogs are a little bit more interesting cats are a little more chill they both come at their own with their own uh you know things you got to consider i think dogs are a lot more to take care of so it could be a little bit more rewarding or interactive in some cases but you really got to make sure you train them well and that's that's the part where it's like i don't really like feel like the capacity to train them extremely well right now is a fit for me especially because i'm going to not be necessarily in the same spot for a while either so i'd rather just be in more of a permanent place knowing uh you know like having a very good grasp on the next uh bit of time ahead and just kind of planning for it so i wouldn't say it's a good time for me right now to do that but definitely the cat i just don't really desire one after the experiences i've had with him [Music] oh what kind of cats were they uh no they were they were healthy cats well originally then they became unhealthy but cappy bearers are the elite animal squirrel lord uh bronze thank you very much for the the pits dude matter of fact my grandmother has seen pathway makes you sad oh it's the thing you gotta it's your responsibility to understand that when you buy them right so can't be surprised it's unfortunate but it's it's your choice so you're the one that's creating that situation in a way or allowing it to happen [Music] uh i'll number it thank you very much as well yeah he definitely can be sometimes adopted a caterpillar they're you know what honestly i've seen some pretty scary ones lately there's one thing i forgot to show you guys i saw a flying caterpillar you're seeing a flying caterpillar i've seen a flying car hey it's been a few weeks finally found time to catch another one how have you been ah truther thank you so much for the 14 months welcome back how's it going [Music] uh i feel like some of the contrast of the enemies here is like kind of confusing because they made those dudes look like the plants so it's like really hard to distinguish what's going on there for me yes [Music] hmm yes these the spears are so scary it's absolutely terrifying uh uh mio thank you very much for the prime sub i appreciate it welcome how are you doing [Music] hmm um [Music] foreign yeah yes uh so uh club the false king always is the biggest problem because you can glitch um in a way like where you can't really do anything so that's the hardest uh thanks for the gg's by the way guys [Music] arvanic i'm doing pretty good how are you [Music] this guy's chasing i don't know why it's really annoying though might be kind of dangerous okay as long as they're not just like invisible for whatever reason now that would be hilarious i would be laughing [Music] [Music] ugh hmm [Music] not exactly sure where the thief stands in this situation overall but we have a free escape if we just get the right situation here like a nice one so i think he's over in the corner so you just have to try to run that's it which is actually a little better than killing him because in this situation it's a little bit sketchy so that works shouldn't the guy get invaded he does yeah it's just like he his um he doesn't he he might not have like a pathing that allows him to like find you at a st the same distance as the other guy does because he's kind of higher up when he's defaulting so he might not have the freedom to travel over there as often or you might have got stuck i don't know one of the two i've never seen him go to the side of that thing you probably could get him to chase you out of it but like just to throw the solar mains i'm not sure if you would like aggro during that in the same way try fat official get roasted time to throw why do you often throw several of the things do several do more than one well it's because they don't work sometimes it's just to make sure they work you need like at least two to make sure they work minimum sometimes three uh one is fine if you can visually like indicate that it works and you don't have time to throw a second one but if you can't actually see if it worked right away if you can't verify it depending on the situation you have to throw more because you could be walking in to death right there because you can't trust it i tried to kill the dragon i've killed the dragons before many times too not in um this playthrough but uh in other things we've done or that i've done sorry maybe not on stream you can use the bow yeah i think that's the only way or maybe magic unless uh it's in a different location i'm not sure if you can melee the blue one and the red ones the bow as well are magic it's upgraded from a gaming laptop to a gaming pc abnormal your gaming laptop super expensive i was gonna say did you end up saving any money like versus the cost of the gaming laptop because i know they're typically [Music] expensive uh when i said to start streaming uh august 2014 is when i first tried uh can you borrow ps5 when you're finished no you are not allowed oh sam now you can you can you can just you gotta make it over here so and uh just give me like a thousand dollar deposit and we are good [Music] um um [Music] ugh [Music] um [Music] uh [Music] um um ugh [Music] um [Music] um the good old one too how did you defeat my cheat codes that's basically what he says i have my cheater consort thanks for the uh prime sub i didn't want to go back here imagine he'd like respond or something that'd be amazing consort thanks for the the prime sub i hope you enjoy your moats thanks for using it here uh what are the solar mains like 14 that's not enough i need more arrows too only reason he had the laptop was the bat uh he went back and forth from your monster dads if this isn't the run you can't see him anymore never know my mistake it's quill smug i'm screwing up here i'm gonna refresh this really quick you can play apex without making your fingers hurt is that what you're saying it's easier to like play an actual keyboard uh inky i don't know i guess we'll see all right um 14. hmm i'll probably get like 20 more just in case [Music] and we need a lot of these [Music] welcome back let's only get 33 more arrows to 325 that's gonna have to do it better to overstock yeah for sure i just don't have enough like ability to carry more stuff without getting rid of other things actually do better with certain kinds of music yes uh it's based on just how ambient it is [Music] so um just melody devoid of percussion is pretty good for that and no vocals usually but little bits of like all those things are fine if you combine them the right way there's still obviously some music that's nice in the background that's has all that stuff just most of this is gonna be more melody centralized maybe like this obviously like a little bit of rhythm but just nothing like this too intrusive uh we uh made an oopsie on this one we're supposed to get the 2800 for the two items for leech mongerson i have to farm this guy you'll drink water if i drink water get drinking man will the music change for different games nope just the general thing it's just my brain dude the one of the dudes fell down what i've never seen that before that's that's weird i didn't know they could fall that was really funny oh he's getting protected now bob grim reaper don't leave us we need you thank you ah that'll be enough nice your brain playing the music easy do the fire and flames for nameless is is good you recommend that i already got a distance pb distance pb is this yeah you have enough arrows oh i have enough arrows yeah should be fine can buy some extra ones from the sky just in case like some regular ones but it should be good where's that officials gloves that's not good you'll often play runescape with classical electronic music works very well improving your performance yeah there's certain music that can definitely help for sure at least i mean it depends on who you are i guess but i'd still argue there could be some level of distraction objectively that's greater from certain elements depending on the type of thinking you're doing so uh cheers [Music] huh you know what it'd be actually smarter to make these guys fall in this hole right here overall obviously this guy on the side here doesn't matter if he's still stuck but that is smarter though so [Music] so um i could a lot of copy bar rejects i do what i can sometimes i can't control the killing of copy bar rejects i apologize uh yes um how many viewers do i have when i started uh zero i think i got to an average of one within a month or something like that and then five within half a year or but well i mean give or take like factoring in frequency so i mean when i actually had a part-time schedule was about five and then got up to 20 within the first quarter of the year i think 30 maybe something like that yeah when i started it was more trial and error it wasn't actually like a legit stream it was just testing things crashing over and over again so i wouldn't really watch it myself even if i i was wanting to watch something now probably wouldn't watch it okay definitely gotta get more soul remains here only one left oh i have nine sorry never mind for whatever reason i thought the number would show on the thing without it being highlighted that doesn't make any sense really so it's a good idea see people from back then uh yeah one of my moderators is still from back then is still here sometimes and then there's a couple other people that come around once in a while from the very beginning though it's only like one or two people from like the first year i would say maybe a couple dozen or something like that but i mean that's like me seeing them so i mean they could easily be here and i just don't know it's just in chat right which doesn't mean much i can't really say uh lyra no i don't really get nervous on these kinds of runs i don't think it's worth it it's pushing my full-time job uh it's part-time right now i used to be full-time but now i do other stuff so can't really uh put all my energy into this but uh it's part-time hours for me right now it's not a full-time thing but i mean i can live off of like any single thing i'm doing in general except for a couple things i could live off just by itself i just do a lot of different things for revenue just because i feel like it's important to diversify your revenue when you can especially something i've learned from doing this kind of stuff it's more more things that you have going on the better especially if they're passive too so yeah i could could do it full uh right now i just don't need to anymore i don't think it's the smartest thing for my health either and full-time to me just means like over 40 hours or whatever 44 hours not necessarily like the level of effort you put into it just the hours right so we're always going to be under that i think now we're going to do better though with less time okay take off so [Music] uh so that's what i started with i used uh or sorry a lot of it used to be um pvp related that's how i made the channel so we actually we've gone through quite a bit of transitions and pivots that have set us back as well so obviously it's been a learning experience i think i used to regret that but i think it's like the best possible thing to have that experience cool uh you know what should be fine though i don't know what people mean by passive income it means you uh don't have to put in action but you make money um off of things you've done in the past that set you up for more money kind of so it's like either your money makes more money itself without you doing anything or you have uh things that generate income without actually having to put time into them because again the way you set it up got all the mosquitoes just rob a bank [ __ ] what a great lesson for are you that's amazing dude you should be a psa that was actually really funny though probably not the best idea so all right one more dude the character model looks like the the actual area dude that's ridiculous that's a really uh camouflage dude just realized no oh yo i saved it guys i saved it i have to our stone shard though we gotta do that again i think wait let's think this through first is there away from the spot realistically that we could continue i'm going to put the archdown shirt on as soon as we drop if it doesn't work we will use it but wait before we even go to the length of that we i don't know if we'll be trapped if we go under here play say well i mean like i want to know because i don't think i'm actually in like risk like in this spot we're not trapped are we it looks kind of like it because like even if i fell here i wouldn't take that it's not going to be fall damage because i have cat ring it's just more of like i'd have to walk i don't think the poison i'd be able to outdo that's a lot of stuff to redo though unfortunately so you'd have to you have to get more arrows do a flip just go back [Music] what is this area even supposed to be here because i know that that's like the border you have to go around a safe scum all right that sucks slow run [Music] get a coin there and on that like ledge that we're on kind of seemed like it wasn't even like an important place to be i don't know safe run is a good one yeah no it's still good it's just like i was wondering like because it would be a shame to like lose going back through that stuff again because i did it twice rather than just figure out a way to get to the end from there but that it wouldn't be possible it was it was blocked off wouldn't be able to do anything about [Music] that yeah not really a lot for the arrows the skulls i have i have six still we only use uh like a small amount in that area i don't even need to use any to be honest well actually sorry i need to use one i believe actually no sorry two two in total minimum but more than that helps as per usual so lucky to not take damage well i felt i didn't fall far enough to take it i think if i even fell all the way to the bottom i still wouldn't die like it wasn't enough height to die from so i think i'd be fine it would just be the poison that'd be worried about except to switch back the ring super quickly or arch don't share it immediately i was more worried about just getting trapped and then trying to like fumbling on trying to fix the situation uh penetrator segment and uh tower night fight for the mistakes box fender feel bad killing maiden no i don't feel bad killing anybody in this game i enjoy it all right so these we're not gonna weigh skulls on these guys waste the arrows instead or not i'm just gonna escape that works what is this lotus okay what was all those uh things that died there both stiff and artorias no i don't feel bad about that i don't feel bad about anything in any of the games i've never been like that i mean steph tries to kill you i don't understand how that's not really like oh my god we just killed the dog it's like it attacked you first it's the size of a building and it has a weapon in its mouth and it's it's trying to kill you immediately and it's way more capable than caleb killing you then you are killing it on the first encounter so i don't i don't see how that's like cute or unfair or anything it's like you gotta survive it's kind of scary these things are definitely randomized like there's this is like really easy this time what gives even this part too that's weird and even dude even the last part what is happening i'm gonna have to wait a second though just because of the the poison go for it this last part's nice too okay no foggy this time i tripped me a little bit oh those enemies like actually gone what's going on here what even can someone clarify that they die like they're actually like permanently dead somehow like they're not there they might all be in the the whole thing but like why would i don't understand why they wouldn't be here i throw a skull then this is gonna it's gonna make all of them come out of here which is not worth it so i don't think they're invisible either i could just shoot and see yeah there's nothing there dude um are those the ones that died in the beginning oh maybe somehow maybe you're right actually it could have been but that's like super strange if that's the case like why would that happen then like what would make that happen i don't get it there's just there's no safe way to throw the skull like unless i could get all these guys to walk off maybe and fall down i just don't know also uh pooh what's up how's it going i mean we could go for this i just don't understand why the enemies wouldn't like this one's walking back into here blocking these guys and then like there genuinely is nothing there so i mean [ __ ] it let's go don't know how that worked but something happened so so not a fan that they actually are chasing me here don't know really why through the thing it's very strange whoa sketchy dude sketchier than sketch it's just too sketch to sketch too sketch too furious i don't know break those things break those barriers boy yeah fast nice i like the the attacks nice dude amazing rng on this let's hope that doesn't change it's kind of weird that his uh aoe doesn't break the barrier it's just like whatever oh what a legend dagger what it's like everything's working the way it should have the whole time it's beautiful it's dirty gloss it's nice all right guys i think that's it wow that's incredible i've never seen a fight like that on that dude that was ridiculously good i don't understand who all right now the as milty milt will say i'm gonna go back on a historical moment and i'm gonna play a sound clip here and get copy written for my own video i need we need melty milk to to say this because melty melt is like the godfather of demon souls so we can't finish the realm without his words in the video let me locate it all right where was it that he said it come on so easy okay it's right here he gave me the aoe now the real demon soul starts now the real demon soul starts est 2000 i'm assuming 17 i think i don't know something like that cool guy check his stuff out he's amazing i don't think a lot of this would have been as simple to figure out for a lot of people without a lot of stuff he did so irky thanks for the bits i appreciate it's not over yet though but yeah this is the real game though all memes included still don't feel bad for killing any of these guys for the record is this the run slightly i mean honestly it kind of is i'll be honest there's a couple things that can still happen though that'd be really funny so stay tuned for that just in case but it's very unlikely just don't [ __ ] up a lot yeah pretty much or don't fall into the hole before you talk to the maiden or that'll kill you which is kind of weird i feel like it should just take you to the same place uh siegfried it'll be on there once uh everything processes and everything i'm gonna have to probably render it to get it nice and crispy don't forget to get hit on true king to show your dominance real smug true yeah that's the thing yeah we gotta do the full run and then just like throw at the end that's true bronze thanks for the uh the bits dude i appreciate it well i will say if this goes through this will be the quickest anybody's ever done a run like this on this game that i've witnessed so and this is the hardest for me so we applied the the themes and made them work so that's that's what i'm saying man meta learning did like a quarter of the effort i usually would in terms of like time and four times faster results than doing eight to ten hour streams and it's not even like a lucky one it's actually a consistent low amount of mistakes every time now like we got two three twos in a row yes queen of jj always running at a pace of like two or less roughly so like significantly under sub five constantly is pretty good for this regardless because i've seen even melty took like more than five on some runs when he's still ready to get zero so it's uh it's good and apparently this is the harder version so almost want to go back to the other one and see if we can do it on that too just for fun uh crimson thank you so much for the bits man speedrun leaderboard for the challenge there is just go to will i be doing after this it's a surprise just because i'm done something doesn't mean i'm telling you what we're doing next you'll see skate any percent you really want to watch me play skate again don't you that's funny demon was vanquished no don't forget to like and subscribe to my youtube channel follow me thanks for the dollar man your youtube channel pack chomp that's funny all right so this is where we can still fall into this hole right here that was spawning right behind so you have to walk carefully around this okay now we can't die to anything other than a lot okay you have been chosen by the old one where you seek the everlasting ordeal surely if you breathe the blob will kill the run it's unlikely my so i almost want to let him like almost touch the character just to like rub it in a little bit gg that was really cool man oh man that's it zero damage not in the quickest time ever obviously we can run faster paces than this but it all contributed so it's all helpful remove the sword great job and then literally get murked on the comments for killing the maiden in black with the soul brand even though it doesn't do any damage fg dude damon thank you so much for the prime sub i appreciate it stop crush kill boots that's really cool that i had the boots on i guess barefoot wouldn't have been as cool alex thank you for the prime sub i appreciate it you defeated and before long the world will be engulfed by the deep fog there's only one thing we can do after this guys to celebrate there literally is and it's like the most proper thing you can possibly do let me find it gg now i'm not sure if this is going to get me a copyright or anything so i'm going to wait till we go to the final time of the run and just quit out of this also just a plug if you like this run hit the notification bell to not miss any updates and like comment subscribe thank you it's 233 that's not too bad like well i mean considering we got like a 205 it's wild but pretty good
Channel: SquillaKilla
Views: 116,363
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Demons Souls, Lets Play Demons Souls, Demons Souls 0 Damage, Demons Souls World Record, Demons Souls Speedrun, Dark Souls Speedrun, Dark Souls world Record, Dark Souls vs Demons Souls, Demons Souls vs Elden Ring, Elden Ring News, Reacting to Demons Souls, Demons Souls First Play, PS5 Demons Souls vs Ps3, How to Demons Souls, SL1 Demons Souls, Demons Souls No Hit Run, Demons Souls 0 Hit Run, Demons Souls Guide, Bluepoint Demons Souls, PS5 Speedrunning, Demons Souls Lore
Id: yNe4gSS29XE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 162min 14sec (9734 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 21 2021
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