How To Optimize Windows 10 for Gaming (2024) Increase FPS and Performance!

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yo youtube how's it going welcome back today we're going to be going over something for windows settings for all you console players that follow this channel i'm sorry this is not the video for you but we do have four i would leave it as four rainbow six videos coming out this next week so those will be out this week but for all you pc players regardless if you play siege or any other fps or maybe not even fps at all this should help you improve your frame rates improve your computer as my computer has aged it's also gotten a little bit worse so i've been doing every single thing i can to just get a few frames here and there and that is exactly what this is going to do today so now that we're on our desktop i just want to let you guys know there's a whole performance for pc playlist on the channel so if you're interested in anything like this for specific games you could just check that out and it would be all in that playlist and i'll continue to update it as we add new games and so on i'm also never going to make you guys download anything so there's not going to be any download folder that you need to do or anything i don't like downloading random stuff from the internet i know you guys know either so we're just going to hop into this there's going to be all things that you could do without downloading a single thing so before anything in case you guys end up hating whatever we do to this windows maybe you don't like it at all and you mess something up so we can just set up a system reset point so if everything goes wrong this could always just be something you fall back on a restore point we're not doing anything too in detail but it's worth doing anyways so just hit your system drive whichever one that is so local c drive configure turn on system protection turn this up to at least a few percent anywhere between two and five percent is gonna be good for you i'm just gonna do the minimum here you'll hit apply you'll hit okay then you will hit create once you have that just type in whatever name you want and then just hit create so next off we're gonna start off with just stuff that's definitely stuff you guys have never done so go to this pc hit properties from there we're going to want to hit advanced system settings then this tab should show up you should see advanced performance settings and here you might have the biggest frame changer at least smoothness changer out of all of your windows things that we do today you're going to want to set this to adjust for performance and i like to turn on a few things here just to make things look better for one smooth edges of screen fonts is definitely a must it makes the fonts look better up on your apps and whatnot i also like to show thumbnails instead of icons and this is one that also kind of annoyed me at first but i ended up turning off show window contents while dry it dragging with it off you guys could see that it does this but if you turn this back on you'll see that it drags with it i actually ended up liking it more without so i keep that off but normally it's going to have pretty much everything on so by just turning those all off and just having a few things on that should help a lot next come down to your windows and type in control panel once you have that go here hit system and security hit power options and here's where we're gonna it's definitely gonna be on one of these probably balance mode we're gonna want to come down here and hit high performance it should be right on this tab right here i don't touch ultimate performance but high performance definitely does make a measurable difference so just go ahead and do that put on high performance now we're going to go back into our settings so get yourself back here and then hit system and i'm going to go down the list of all things you guys should change notifications this should be set on on just turn these off okay these pop-up notifications even if they're in the background they are affecting your frame rate in game focus assist turn this off as well power and sleep this is going to be just a standard preset for what we just suggested it's 15 minutes and never it won't go to sleep whenever it's plugged in unless if you shut it down manually we'll talk about storage later but all this other stuff just for the most part you're gonna want things off never use tablet mode especially since you're on a desktop you don't ever need tablet mode then all these other things are just standard and it's fine next go back to home and then we're going to hit apps now what we want to do here is come down here and hit start up so this is going to show us all the things that start up whenever we log in and a lot of these are going to start up as background tasks so for a lot of things you don't need to automatically start up there's a few things that you're going to want to start up you get to determine that for yourself if you have a logitech you probably want your software to start up so your mouse works if it's wireless for my case go xlr this controls my microphone so i want that up but there's no reason you need epic games and dropbox up for example alternatively you're also going to come here hit task manager and hit start up here because there's going to be a lot more here and you can disable pretty much every background app or else you'll end up to the point whenever you look at this you're going to see a gazillion different things here that are just all running in the background as you guys see i have a pretty good amount but it's nothing like it would have been if i had everything on so go ahead and go here and start up and just disable anything that you think you don't need obviously don't touch anything that says windows or your computer might not even start up so that should sort that out next thing we're going to do is just go to the game settings game mode settings right here just type that in you're going to see all this stuff so i like to turn all of this stuff off captures you're going to want to turn this off you want to turn audio off you're going to put this at 30 fps and then put this at standard but don't touch this if you want to record games just download obs that's what i use that's what everyone that i know uses but just keep all this off this is not well optimized now game mode okay so this is something that depends on your system i'm going to give you guys the criterias for both so game mode off is for most amd graphics cards i would test this for yourself go into a game with and without game mode for mine the frames went up a little bit but the setters increased drastically so i keep this off however that's just a standard guideline for amd i've seen a lot of other people have this issue but for nvidia this is going to optimize it a little bit more i haven't seen issues with it at least from my experience with the video cards so on will do no harm to you and it's gonna give you maybe half a frame to two frames in a game which is not a lot but it's a few frames here there which is kind of the point of this whole video a few here a few there we end up with 10 by the end of the video all right finally we're gonna go into this storage so once you go back to this pc hit properties and then we want to get back into the settings menu and hit storage now i'm sorry if i'm going a little bit fast if i am you can at any time rewind i just don't want to have you sit through a 30 minute video on something that should take not anywhere near 30 minutes so the first thing i would recommend you guys do come up here and hit configure storage sense so this is something i would highly recommend you have on now the reason for this is you could set this to however you would like it to be but you're going to want to have your recycling bin usually emptied plus your downloads folder usually emptied and i set this thing at every single week now unless if you're gonna go in there every single week and clear all the files that you really don't need just keep this thing on and let it do its work 2.57 gigabytes in the past month it's cleared for me and it should clear in the next few days about 45 gigs straight from my recycling bin so it's an easy way to just have the storage be kind of self-ran in a way and should just get you on the right track but obviously you want to clear as much space as you can especially if you don't have an ssd the more storage you have on a hard drive the longer your load times are going to be so i just recommend cleaning up anything obviously i can't tell you what games you do play what games you don't play but if you don't play a game and it takes up 140 gigs for example like warzone if you don't play it and it takes up 200 gigs just clear that thing out it's gonna make the whole system feel way smoother now another thing i would also recommend is come down here once you're here go over to temporary files and this is going to scan your computer and see what you don't need so what this is doing is clearing all background apps that you do not need so for example window update cleanup this could clear up to 5.58 gigabytes of space just by clearing out old installs of windows that they keep downloaded and it is giving you everything that they recommend that you can clean so you can do that and then just hit remove files and it should do it for you and purge everything you don't need it already is set up so it's only things that you don't need to run your system so this is just going to clear shaders this is going to clear temporary files it's going to clear any thumbnails that are taken and of course clean up the windows updates last tip for you guys this is going to speed up now that we've cleaned all of our files go to system configuration and now that everything's cleaned up we are going to be able to boot a lot faster especially if we have an ssd just by coming over to this boot area right here and to optimize how fast our computer boots up let's go to advanced settings let's go number of processors we just want to put this at our max my computer goes up to 16 some may go up to 32 some might only be at two depending on everything so i just put this at max we're going to hit no gui boot because this is that moving bar that shows up whenever you're launching this helps you in no way so just turn that off so safely you could put this timeout at 10 seconds and this right here will make your hard drive seem like it's an ssd whenever it's loading up if you have an ssd it's just going to be faster so that is what i would recommend other than that though you could also change what services launch whenever you are booting up so you can go through here and disable any you want off so it's going to tell you to restart your computer go ahead and restart your computer and you should be good to go at this point and with that being said let me know if this helped you in any way let me know what your boot time is that should be the biggest change out of all these the other things are just frames here and there shouldn't be too much but it should improve stuttering and things of that nature so if this helped you at all subscribe to the channel and also check out the playlist for more pc graphic settings or fps boosters per se that will be coming out at least a few times maybe once or twice a month i like to do these on various games this channel is not only siege there's other things as well and you can also check out the call of duty channel that will be linked down below have a great day peace
Channel: 50Fifty
Views: 2,237,381
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 50fifty, make windows 10 faster, how to speed up windows 10, windows 10, make windows 10 faster 2021, how to optimize windows 10 for gaming, how to optimize windows 10 for gaming 2021, optimize windows 10, optimize windows 10 for gaming, how to improve performance on windows 10, windows 10 gaming optimization, windows 10 update speed up, how to speed up windows 10 update, windows 10 lag fix, windows 10 fix, how to make windows 10 faster, windows 10 optimization
Id: sH2FCmBg7VA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 36sec (576 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 18 2021
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