Clean Up Windows 10 | 3 Steps For A Faster Computer

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in this video we're going over cleaning up Windows 10 I'm gonna break it into three parts one deep bloating the actual system level like let's say it's a fresh install you run this deep load script it removes a lot of the unnecessary garbage that gets installed from either feature updates or fresh install so even if you've been using your Windows 10 for several years this will actually clean up and make it run quite a bit faster and then in phase 2 I go over startup programs and show you where everything is starting up now you can easily follow along using no tools whatsoever for either one of these steps we're not actually going to be downloading any software for those step one and two and disable a lot of the startup programs that slow down your computer and then in step three that's where we kind of Ratchet it back clean up some of the privacy issues with Windows 10 and then also just make it a lot better with some basic system tweaks so that's basically all I'm doing in this video now I originally did a deep bloat video a year ago that one I thought was a pretty bad video is actually one of the very first ones I shot on a little crappy webcam and I know this one it's gonna be a lot more clear and concise so you can easily follow it so with all that said let's jump into it this video is brought to you by CD in 77 the content delivery network used by space agencies and CentOS I also amusing this on Chris Titus comm to speed up my website so if you're interested in this click the link in the description so for this video I'm actually showing my streaming PC now I haven't run the de bloat script on this and quite a while probably about a year and a half or so and I use this for a whole variety of functions certain windows only software that doesn't run on Linux I'll actually use this system so let's go ahead and clean this up because it really does need a cleaning and I recommend probably running these steps about every six months or so or as you see fit if you're noticing slow down a lot of times this will give you a good boost especially after Windows 10 feature updates Windows 10 feature updates will actually install a lot of this stuff all over again so that usually happens about every six months to a year depending on your setup so with all that said we're gonna go ahead and I have a follow the do I made an article on my website Chris Titus comm and I'll put the link down in the description it's just you come here and you can actually easily follow along all those steps I documented it so you can copy/paste all these commands and not have to sit here and sweat and read exactly what I'm doing on the screen so first thing we're gonna run our d bloat script we're gonna right click the windows key down here and go to windows powershell admin you may get a UAC prompt just hit yes to continue from here we're on the actual powershell you'll see PS in front of it if you don't see this and it's a CMD or you don't have that option you can actually launch into powershell by just typing powershell from the command prompt so if it's black and it's not blue like this screen you can easily fix that by just typing powershell so now it says administrator windows powershell we can easily run our scripts now i have this command right here this is actually a github project it's the same d bloat script from a year ago that i actually did a video on but it's been evolved a little bit in it made it a little more user friendly for everyone so you can actually just come in here and paste this in now you can paste this by ctrl V to paste or you can simply just copy it with the mouse and then just right-click directly in the powershell this will go out download the d bloat script and then launch this nice graphic user interface from here we can customize a black list or we can just say hey remove all bloatware or remove all bloatware with a customized black list so if you're doing like certain things or you want to leave certain things in here you can customize the black list first and then remove with the customized black list however for this I'm just hit remove all blow wear and in the background I'm gonna kind of pan this over the right you can kind of see what's happening it goes through removes any text services any other packages that get installed that you just don't need okay so now the actual remove all bloatware is done other tweaks that I highly recommend and we'll just go ahead and do them since we're already here is disabling Cortana stopping edge PDF takeover this is basically Microsoft edge is their browser most people use like Adobe or a lot of other PDF viewers so that's why I recommend just hitting stopping the PDF takeover if you don't use onedrive go ahead and uninstall it I don't use onedrive and I think it is currently on here after a feature update this usually gets reinstalled because one drives integrated with Windows 10 so yeah we need to actually go through and uninstall that you can unpin all the tiles from the Start menu which I when you run the Dee bloats all script it goes ahead and does this which can be annoying if you've been using your computer for a while it will unpin all your stuff from the Start menu just by hitting the remove all and then disable telemetry and tasks you want to hit that as well and then remove bloatware reg keys okay with all the bloatware pretty much removed I highly recommend if you want to do dark mode which is the actual settings on here you see how everything is dark you can actually hit enable dark mode to get that I like this feature but you may not depends on taste and then enable installing dotnet 3.5 chances are you've probably already installed that so you probably don't need to install this but with that our d bloat section of this is complete let's move on to step two which is startup in removing start-up entries now I went ahead in in step two you just need to launch in a task manager now there is an advanced section of this so check the timestamps down below if you want to skip the Advanced section that I'm about to go into but for the basics section you just need to launch task manager by right-clicking in an empty spot on the task bar and hitting task manager you can also pull up task manager by holding ctrl shift and hitting escape this pulls up your task manager from here you can go into startup and we're just gonna go ahead and put this on the left hand side and you can actually go ahead and disable whatever it is and you can kind of show what what is in here like let's say I didn't want next cloud to start I can just right click and hit disable and this will disable that actual startup so yeah what you can easily do is do that reboot your computer see if that affects it at all and then if it does you're like okay I want to go ahead and do that now I see Microsoft onedrive setup we already uninstalled that so let's make sure we disable that Adobe updater I don't really like it they'll be checking an update and all the time so I'm gonna disable that as well but this is the basic startup that you can actually go through now some people like hey I disabled this stuff but I want to go ahead and delete it and this is the start of the Advanced section so if you don't want to click the little time stamp below and go ahead and jump to step 3 so the Advanced section kind of shows you where all these startup programs reside on your computer so I use these a lot with the group policy objects and things like that when it comes to my day-to-day operations as a system admin so most people need to know where this resides especially if you're in the IT industry it'll definitely help you out so the first is down here right clicking a hit run and then we're just gonna go Shell and there's two places that startup items can reside from here show common startup which is all users on the system which we don't have anything in here and then we also have regular startup which is what my user has now we have three systems launching an EOS utility for this camera that I'm recording on right now Matt drives in the Synology Drive client now the Matt drives is just a batch file to map certain things in my actual environment the Synology drive client I also use so I don't want to remove any of these from my startup but you notice that didn't show all the startup programs that's because Windows is really old operating system and there's certain places it likes to hide things so the next place we like to check for startup items would be the registry so if we right-click on this and hit run and go reg edit you'll have this as a startup now just like our shell there's the current user and then there's also the local machine so going through this real quick I use a lot of hotkeys here to get through this arrows will expand like if I do the right arrow it expands here and I go down to software and you can just type s to skip down and then we need to go to Microsoft type em to skip down to Microsoft and down down and then over expand Microsoft go down to Windows and then current version and then run from this key you can see a whole bunch more stuff so we can see onedrive setups right there we need to delete that and next cloud let's add as well so this is kind of where the rest of those startup items are now I'm gonna go ahead and close this whole tree and then we're gonna do the same thing under local machine just to see what else is there now and we're gone into microsoft windows currentversion run again and we see a whole bunch more stuff so we got the stream deck from el pescado and then we also have this adobe so let's go ahead and kill it and I always leave the Windows Defender unless you have a third party antivirus I always leave Windows Defender enabled and updated when you can so that's it for the actual registry these are the two spots that mo startup programs reside in the registry but then there's one more spot we need to check because sometimes windows a little tricky and they use what's called task scheduler and this isn't necessarily a startup program but it's stuff that gets run while you're using your computer so it's really important to look at your library and you can go through and really tweak out a system by modifying this so let's take a look here what's running on the regular so we have CC cleaner which I don't use ever so let's go ahead delete that Adobe we already said I don't care about it running so we're gonna delete that now if you don't know what these are definitely read up google them see what's going on there's a bunch of Nvidia crash reporting it looks like so I'm gonna go ahead and remove these as well update dailies and you don't necessarily have to delete you can also we'll say I don't want the self update from GeForce experience I can just go in and hit disabled instead of delete and then it'll re-enable when it needs usually when you launch GeForce experience it'll add a lot of this stuff back in here so I'm not too worried about these self checks but be careful about it I always recommend disabling first rebooting making sure it's not affecting anything and then maybe coming back in a day or two and then deleting them so with all of our startup stuff out of the way let's jump into system tweaks and privacy now this is where I get into third-party software I could manually go through and if you're completely anti third-party software let's say your system admin and you're not allowed to use something like this by all means you need to set all these in group policy and manually apply every single setting the reason why I don't recommend the home user doing this is it's very cumbersome there's literally hundreds of privacy concerns when it comes to windows especially Windows 10 so that's why I just say hey run this software because it usually sets everything that you need to know and we'll walk through it real fast using oh no shut up so we'll go launch into another tab here and download our own oh shut up this doesn't technically install directly on your computer it just runs wherever it is so we can just click on this and launch it and you'll see it launches the program no installations needed now you can go through and see what all these do but what I like to do is go through actions and say apply only recommended settings and it goes ahead and just kind of takes care of everything for you I wanted to show a couple things like some people like I want to be as secure as possible and they go actions apply all settings and then they go to stream or they go ahead and do something like that like let's say record a YouTube video and then all of a sudden their camera their mic nothing's registering they're like what's going on well that's because Windows 10 locked down the camera and microphone settings all these things when you do apply all actions so a lot of these peripherals get disabled and locked down when you do that so I want to warn against that but you'll see it right here microphone and camera that's probably one of the biggest things that happens when you do it all but other things is it disables telemetry which is what you sent back to Microsoft look like how you've been using your computer and Microsoft uses this data to improve Windows so with a lot of the disabling of tracking and privacy in here it's pretty much done all you really need to do is just hit app Lyle only recommend it and then just close the program that's super easy but I always recommend when you use a third-party software go through it read about it if you're unsure about it google it first and see what other people are saying because you just never know and then obviously run a virus scan on it you can always run and submit these programs to virus total comm is probably my big recommendation for those so with that we're getting close to end of the video here right click again and we're gonna go back into PowerShell or a command prompt it doesn't matter really for this one and we're just gonna go power CFG hibernate off this turns off hibernation and this helps a lot with freeing up you know memory and disk usage really disk usage is the big thing I hate hibernation but if you do use hibernation obviously skip this tweak so an alternative to using the little start menu here one more tweak here just to easily get through and like paste things you can actually open up your apps folder in Explorer and easily pin stuff that you need let's say I was always using Google Chrome you can say pin to start or let's say I wanted to pin it to the Det taskbar you can do it all from here this makes it really easy to customize your system back to how it should be like let's say it unpinned all your stuff from the Start menu this is an easy way to kind of get back to where you were at let's say I'm using notepad plus plus all the time my EOS utility for my camera and barrier to switch machines I can go through all these and it just kind of pops it all in here so I can easily customize like my Start menu a little easier with this command another good shell Start menu here is let's say you wanted to go ahead and change up your Start menu let's say there's an actual bunch of junk in here you can do she'll start space menu and this will pull up the Start menu and from here you can go into your programs and kind of clean up some of this stuff like let's say I wanted to get rid of one drive out of here and let's just clear up some of this stuff on my Start menu and then when you go to restart your computer or log out log back in it should refresh your Start menu so a lot of those things would be out of here now obviously since I just did this I need to actually restart and since I'm streaming on this computer actually recording on this computer I don't want to do that in this environment but it's a good way to clean up that Start menu and get it a little more not as bulky so you can get around so that was cleaning up Windows 10 I hope you enjoyed this now I obviously don't use Windows 10 a whole bunch here at the house I obviously use it every day at work and then I have it for a separate computer here for streaming and some gaming out dual boot into Windows 10 but anymore I've actually switched to Linux in the past year and been trying to learn a lot more about Linux desktop that's why a lot of videos on my channel revolves around Linux desktop because that's where I kind of see the future of desktop computing going especially when it comes to gaming and also utilizing old hardware Linux is just fantastic for that or at least we'll be as it's gotten better but if you're interested in those check out my other videos because I really go in depth with Linux desktop but with all I said let me know your thoughts on this video down in the comment section and a big shout out to all my patrons without you I couldn't make videos like this one and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: Chris Titus Tech
Views: 1,031,572
Rating: 4.8920717 out of 5
Keywords: chris titus tech, windows 10, windows, speed up windows 10, reset windows 10, disk cleanup, windows 10 reset, how to clean up space on windows 10, make windows 10 faster, windows 10 tutorial, how to clean up disk space on windows 10, microsoft windows (operating system), disk cleanup windows 10, windows 7, windows 8, run disk cleanup windows 10, how to clean disk space windows 10, how to clean c drive windows 10, how to
Id: mWHiP9K8fQ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 12sec (1032 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 16 2019
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