Speed run The Eternal Cylinder chapter 1

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and the age of the eternal cylinder they lived a family of little run something inside him said run so [Music] the great crushing thing the great cylinder had stopped perhaps it was safe here for a little while how quickly it learned to use its legs and its trunk but these things were not so much learned as they were remembered perhaps the little trebum thought they were a gift from the strange voice it heard in its mind that too was a kind of memory just when it was starting to get used to its legs the food from the jumping creature gave it new ones with the right substance as a catalyst a trebum can transform and adapt to many challenges the trebum was drawn to a bright light or perhaps to the creature next to it except for the grass growing on the old one's head they were very much alike surrounded by this light the trebum knew things it had not known before it knew the older trebum had carried this light for a long long time and it knew that now that responsibility had passed to the next generation yes this young trebum had to carry the light to those great towers in the distance [Music] it could have stayed here to learn many old things but the cylinder would not allow it run the inner voice said run the towers would not stop the cylinder unless they were activated quickly the trevor had to step on the symbol or the cylinder would not be stopped me the voice inside the trebum's memories assured it that while the tower stood the tribune would be safe the power of the eternal cylinder was contained for now this relative tranquility gave the trevor a chance to think about its family tribum are not meant to live alone so where were the others [Music] yes [Music] our young friend had found an egg a trebum egg with one of his siblings inside the egg had been abandoned but it could still be made to hatch all that was needed was a source of heat good [Music] [Music] this door had been built for trevor it gave them hope that in this large and dangerous world some places had been made for them wow uh somehow this ancient statue transferred knowledge to the trevor it was as if a memory had been stored inside it waiting for someone to absorb it and as soon as this knowledge had entered their minds the trebum realized that there was a great library of information hidden away in the web of their memories but why was the knowledge of a specific ingredient placed here in this trebump made of stone inside the cave the trevum found a living elder it had been waiting in this chamber for a long long time the elder told them it was happy to see some friends before the cylinder came it said you are young so you never knew the time when how people could shape-shift at will we trebum are inheritors of a vast tree of abilities abilities passed on to all future tripper but this power is being taken away beware the servants of the cylinder they will seek to hurt you at every opportunity and they have the power to rob you of your abilities but if you persevere one day you will find a way to protect yourselves from their evil light farewell my brave friends i fear i am too old and tired to join you may you find a way to prosper in this time of struggles it was not easy to leave the cave but the elder had urged them to go forward suddenly they felt the weight of their many tasks to find their trebum siblings to restore the powers their people had lost and it all seemed a little daunting but even when they are afraid trebum are stubborn [Music] the cylinder resumed its destruction nothing could stop it forever [Music] they needed to roll to safety to find another tower to protect them quickly [Music] all right [Music] oh [Music] [Music] the travis found themselves almost as lost as they had been in the beginning but the voice and their memories comforted them it was only natural to be confused it said they had been born into a strange broken world cut off from the history of their ancestors everyone was a little lost these days what mattered was to keep going to keep looking for answers to keep carrying the light they held within them the light that stopped the cylinder great foreign [Music] um [Music] [Applause] [Music] in this strange eerie temple the trebum felt something stir in their memories there was a great power in this place something from the days when even the elders were young perhaps it could help them oh [Music] the trebum were disoriented for a moment something new had entered their memories and they needed to make sense of it it seemed to be a map and on this map a location had been marked if they understood correctly there was some manner of serpent a guardian a greater being of some kind somehow linked to a safe haven could they find refuge there their ancestors must have created this map for a reason what manner of strange beasts lurk behind the cylinder the tremor would deeply unsettled by this new mystery but though some part of them was curious they were certain it would be best not to find out um [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] as their fear faded the trebums started feeling weak and tired with all the excitement and adventure they've neglected their most basic needs the sound of an empty stomach reminded them that survival requires more than escaping from danger you also have to eat luckily one of the many gifts of the tribe is the capacity to store food in their bodies but they still need to digest it to gain the vital energy that gives them strength and for such small creatures they do require rather a lot of food fortunately the savannah was rich in flora and fauna which would satisfy their little bellies without necessarily triggering a mutation [Music] the trebum felt a great power flowing through this cave but they were not afraid the power felt familiar even friendly these glowing structures were the work of their ancestors [Music] uh [Music] what [Music] uh [Music] uh wow [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] [Music] buttons [Music] uh me great what was this strange being half flesh half metal the trebum felt an old distant horror as if they remembered their own destruction something about this creature was very very wrong trapped on all sides by deep pools of poisonous gas the trevor needed to find a way to escape this monstrosity perhaps there was a way to use the creature's own weight to lower the bridge one by one the yellow light cruelly burned away the trebums abilities the elder had warned them about the evil light of the cylinder servants now they knew what kind of creature to avoid [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] uh [Music] hey three [Music] oh uh so the cylinder roared with fury the voice on their memories spoke with great urgency the trebum had to be very careful now the cylinder would lash out of the land but it would not let them run too far to survive they would have to stay in the eye of the storm so but as frightening and surprising as this enormous creature was the trebum felt a sense of relief to see it descend from the sky this was a celestial being they'd been told to seek perhaps it held an answer to their troubles as they approached the colossal creature their optimism faded it did not seem to like them at all and now they realized what terrible danger they were in if this creature guarded the way to some holy place then that place must lie below it and being so large the creature most likely could not see what was in front of it or beneath it so perhaps the size of the trebum was an advantage after all perhaps they could reach the platform right under the serpent's head [Applause] relieved that having bested the guardian the trevor now found themselves seeking the help they had been promised who would answer their questions in this place [Music] oh wow [Music] [Music] even with the light the maze was difficult to traverse was there some clue in the structures on the walls was the path of sand on the ground meant to help them perhaps others had walked in this place long ago and tried to leave a path for those who would one day follow them [Music] [Music] ah [Music] [Music] encountering another elder was a happy moment the trevor asked how they might survive the cylinder and the elder replied i can feel your fear little ones ever since this cataclysm began we have been seeking ways to stop it but the cylinder is relentless and indestructible it will consume everything in its path so perhaps what we need to do is go behind it i have discovered a mutation that allows us to rise into the sky you must seek a weeping tree from which grows a special fruit that floats as it becomes ripe it is the key to the transformation i have undergone with it you can use geysers to float well above the cylinder's height my only regret is that i have grown too old and weak to help you with this task if you find any glimmer of hope on the other side remember me farewell sadness and fear filled the trebums hearts as they left the eldest cave their only path to salvation was full of uncertainty and they could not forget the thing they had seen lurking behind the cylinder casting a dark shadow over this glimpse of light mysterious tree the elder spoke of they would have to keep moving forward and hope it lays somewhere ahead the cylinder would give them no other choice so [Music] wow [Music] please [Music] um [Music] of all the changes that trebum were experiencing growing a third eye was the strangest one yet to make things even stranger this eye seemed to look in two directions at once into the world and into their memories they could use it to find in the real world any element that was contained in the web of their memories it was truly a remarkable mutation [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] quick oh [Applause] wow [Music] [Music] quack [Music] finally the weeping trees that the elder had told them to find were within the trepham's grasp but though the treble my happy they realized that they faced a new challenge the ripe fruit were floating out of reach and the others were enclosed in a hard shell they would have to find a way to crack them open uh [Music] even with the ability to float overcoming the cylinder would have to be done very carefully what they needed was a geyser that was well positioned close to the cylinder when it lays still or their plan would never work they would have to keep looking and meanwhile they would try not to think about what sort of monster could kill one of the flying serpents [Music] hey oh [Music] [Applause] quick button come on [Music] great [Music] so [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] ah up now [Music] laughs [Music] [Music] oh um [Music] wow [Music] uh [Music] in the dream inside the strange giant's mind the voice that spoke to the it was trebuchet like a memory more like something alive but there were so many other voices too lost in this place [Music] i remember the mountains of my home the vast forests the clouds hanging low overhead the cities in the valleys where the rivers run i remember the faces of my children and the songs we sung when the stars rose high but i have forgotten the names of all these things and slowly one melts into the other my children who become mountains the forests will become songs and then all will become one and be nothing there was something hidden in this place and the voice wanted the trebu to find it [Music] i remember a city built in the desert in defiance of thirst when night fell it shone like a jewel and even the stars envy its brightness poets and scientists gathered from around the world and its great observatories scour the sky for wisdom and beauty that is where we first saw the new star each voice was a memory a song from a forgotten time slowly fading but some of these memories were trevor memories memories of things that trevor had once been capable of perhaps the voice suggested these could be reclaimed i remember how our towers stretched out to the sky yearning for the stars they were symbols of our best and our worst i remember our voices echoing in the canyons as we fought for change for a world that was different then it came and the towers fell and there was no more difference where our voices now where are our songs i only hear one and it is eternal as the memories return to the trevon hold abilities stolen by the cylinder were finally restored but there was so much more the voice had answers but it was frightening as it was the treble would have to come back [Music] [Music] foreign this was a place of death and nothingness there were no answers to be found here the voice on their memories urged them to return to the lands of the living [Music] [Music] [Music] a profound feeling of futility overcame the trevor
Channel: RavenAway
Views: 3,437
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 7sec (3067 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 14 2021
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