Speed Painting a Saurus Warrior with Modified Contrast Paints

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hi everyone my name is Matt and welcome to another hobby hour tutorial let's paint the seraphon Saurus Warrior fast using my hybrid method with contrast paints I wanted to design a color scheme that could be used to quickly paint an army that looks great on the tabletop this model took me about 30 minutes to paint not including drying time or basing if you're working on a large army I would recommend painting a dozen or so models at a time in an assembly line style process that way by the time you get to the last Model the first one should be dry and you don't have to spend any time waiting I started off with a gray primer this is a household gray primer available from Ace Hardware the color is almost identical to the Citadel paint dawn stone so if you don't have access to this primer you could base coat the model with dawn stone or any similar gray next I did a dry brush with white any brand will work fine but I'm using Vallejo game color here I like using cheap round craft painting brushes for dry brushing grab a little bit of paint on the brush and then wipe it on a paper towel use a lot of pressure so there's barely any paint left on the brush drag the brush across the surface of the model and the white paint will naturally build up around the edges after dry brushing the model I took a detail brush and thinned down some white paint with water I painted this on some of the edges where I want the skin to be lighter the chest face and Knuckles especially [Music] now it's time to make a mix of four parts croak green and one part ogan camo I wanted the skin to be lighter so I opted for the croak green shade paint I mixed in some ogre and Camo to make the green shade a little bit more yellow it also makes the shade paint slightly opaque which will result in a smoother finish normally I use a wet palette but in the case of mixing washes and contrast paint I find it much easier to use one of these plastic pallets I painted this mix all over the skin and scales trying to keep it smooth and even after applying the paint take a clean brush and soak up any areas where the paint has pulled too much [Music] next I made another mixture this time with about four parts Creed camo and one part death guard green just like with the last color I added a little bit of opaque paint to change the color and increase the opacity I painted this all over the scales [Music] some areas of the scales don't have a clearly defined Edge sculpted so you'll want to blend out the green you can do this by rinsing the brush wiping it on a paper towel and then take the damp brush and drag it along the edge this dilutes the paint in that area and makes it appear to be Blended once the scales are dry give them a wash with coelia green shade I used the same technique as before by blending out the edges I wanted the shade to be darker in the center of each cluster of scales and darker along the spine [Music] with all the skin and scales done it's time to paint some of the details I painted the tongue with pink horror I used scrag brown for the leather straps and the weapon handle and I used bone white for the ropes when those areas were dry I applied some shades I used Sig Vault burgundy on the mouth making sure to paint the teeth as well after applying the paint I cleaned off and dried my brush and then wiped some of the paint off the tongue creating a subtle highlight I shaded the ropes with garagax sewer this is a really strong color so paint it carefully because mistakes will be hard to correct foreign then I shaded the leather with a mix of three parts scigore Brown and one part scragg Brown saigor Brown on its own was a little too dark for me and I found that mixing in a little bit of the base coat color helped to lighten it next I picked out the teeth with some bone White [Music] then I used some magos purple to add some color around the eyes and the corners of the mouth the one thing the color scheme is lacking at this point is a very dark value so I made a mix of four parts black Templar one part Inky by darkness and one part water and I painted the weapon and leg armor I've used this mix before without the addition of water to paint the claws on my tearinets but I wanted this to be a little bit lighter than those adding a small amount of water dilutes the paint enough to lighten the value up a shade after the black is dry I applied a thin highlight with Thunderhawk blue Edge highlights can take a lot of time so I don't want to do too many of them however they can look really good so I think it's worth picking out a few areas where you can get the most visual impact for your effort I painted a quick Edge highlight on the leather as well with scrag brown not too much just a quick Thin Line even on speed painted armies I always paint the eyes it's another one of those high impact low effort effects I used some fire dragon bright followed by a black dot next I base coated all the gold with retributor armor there's a lot of gold on here and I think this was the most time consuming part of the model [Music] while the gold is still drying I base coated the claws with black Legion this black is a little bit warmer than black Templar and I wanted to make sure it stood out from the black on the weapon the contrast paint dried pretty fast so I gave the claws a quick Edge highlight with storm Vermin fur you could probably omit this step if you want since the claws aren't really a focal point on the model [Music] with the gold dry I applied a shade using some magos purple I wanted to introduce some more warm tones into the color scheme and mago's purple looks great over gold I like to use my finger sometimes to wipe away excess paint especially on larger surfaces like the shield by wiping away the paint it's almost like applying a highlight later but it saves a bunch of time everything [Music] foreign I feel like the gold is also a focal point on this model so I want to give it a little bit more depth I lightly dry brushed some stormhost silver onto the gold I'm using an old number two brush that doesn't have a very fine point anymore [Music] [Music] after the dry brush was applied I wanted to give the gold a really thin yellow glaze to tie it all together I made a mix of three parts seraphim sepia one part Nas drag yellow and two parts water think of the glaze like a thin layer of transparent glass we want it to just tint the gold and the best way to do that is to wipe almost all the paint off the brush foreign this gem on the shield beginning with a coat of white gems are another one of those high impact low effort things that can make an army look more impressive and contrast paints are great for Quick Gems after the white dried I gave the gem a coat of aethermatic blue the pain ends up being thicker wherever the brush last touches the model so if you move the brush starting at the bottom and into the stroke at the top you'll have a gradation with the gem being lighter at the bottom and darker at the top next I mixed in some Killian green and repeated the first step then I used a Killian green on its own just near the top finally I added a DOT of white at the top texture paints are great for quick bases I prefer using an old brush to apply the paint it gives me much better Precision than any of the specialty tools on the market I also like to sprinkle some gravel and sand into the wet paint for added texture when that's all dry I sealed in the sand with a coat of Rhine oxide followed by a dry brush of mornfang brown and then Baylor Brown I base coated the rocks with dawn stone [Music] gave them a wash of agrak's Earth shade and then painted the base room with black and here's the finished model painted fast with my style of army speed painting would you like to see more speed painting videos in the future what armies or color schemes would you like I'd also like to mention that we just reached a big milestone here the channel just hit 1500 subscribers and I can't even begin to express how amazing that is thank you all so much for watching for all your kind words and for your encouragement it's really cool to see things taking off like this especially after only being at this for two months I can't wait to get more videos out there and reach the next milestone so thank you again for watching and until next time happy painting foreign [Music] foreign
Channel: Matt's Hobby Hour
Views: 74,803
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warhammer, warhammer community, painting, art, artlesson, warhammer 40k, warhammer fantasy, warhammer the old world, oldhammer, games workshop, gamesworkshop, contrast paint, citadel colour, minipainting, miniatures, scalemodel, ageofsigmar, seraphon, lizardmen, saurus
Id: Q0CX52XxCk8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 36sec (756 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 07 2023
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