Contrast Hacks! Speed Painting Stone Trolls for Warhammer: The Old World | Rockgut Troggoths

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hi everyone my name is Matt and welcome to my channel I'm working on an Orcs and goblins Army for Warhammer the old world and I want to paint a few Stone trolls for it let's paint these up fast using contrast paints and a few tricks I started off by priming the models with my favorite method beginning with a coat of gray primer all over followed by a light dusting of white spray from the top and sides contrast paints are the most effective when we start with the lightest areas first and in this case it's going to be the bellies I'm beginning with a mix of about four parts Apothecary white contrast paint and one part storm verman fur Apothecary white is too cool and too light for the Trolls but by mixing in a warm gray like storm ver and fur it brings the color much closer to how I want it working on one section at a time begin by flooding the area with paint then wipe your brush on a paper towel and soak up the excess large flat areas can be tricky with contrast paint and I want to make sure it stays smooth I rinsed the brush a couple times and soaked up extra paint from the top section with a little practice and the Right Touch you can get a pretty smooth result the zenial prime also shows through the areas we wiped off and it effectively gives us a highlight I also painted the undersides of the arms and the inside of the ears we'll leave those areas and then move on to the blue skin and scales with Space Wolves gray just like the last layer work on one section at a time and begin with a generous coat of paint to ensure it makes its way into all the recesses we don't want the paint to drip or pull so wipe the brush on a paper towel and soak up any excess paint as needed we'll be using a blending technique on the areas where it meets up with the light gray skin and it's really easy paint a small section then rinse the brush wipe it on a paper towel and then run the clean brush along the edge to blend and soften the transition work your way around the model until all the skin and scales are painted next we're going to darken the skin some more using ultramarines blue focusing mostly on the scales I'm using the blending technique a lot more with this color paint a small section at a time then rinse the brush dry it off on a paper towel and then run the clean brush along the edge to blend it you may have to rinse and repeat a couple times to get a smooth blend once you're happy with the blend look for any areas where the paint is pooling and soak it up with the brush work all around the model allowing more of the blue to accumulate on the scales and use the blending technique to create some subtle half tones on the arms now is a great time to ask you to do all those YouTube things we all love so much please click click the like button if you're liking the video so far it really helps out the channel and don't forget to subscribe if you haven't done so yet that way you don't miss out on any future content next I'm going to dry brush the scales with rust gray grab some paint on the brush and wipe off nearly all of it on a paper towel use plenty of pressure and circular motions I like to dry brush in a variety of directions some times circular and sometimes side to side the more directions you go the smoother the end result will be one thing I've noticed is when I include dry Brushing in a video I get a lot of comments about brushes I'm using an old cheap craft brush here there are lots of specialty dry brushes on the market and they can be very useful so if you have one by all means use it there are drawbacks to using a cheap brush of course but I want to make sure my guides are as accessible as possible and show that you can still get good results from inexpensive materials I dry brushed one more highlight with Fenian gray focusing just on the scales you could use a detail brush and paint all the edges if you like but since this will be for a large army I'm okay with saving time and dry brushing it you may notice that some paint from the previous stages has spilled over on the unpainted areas that's okay since we'll be using opaque paints for those sections we'll start off by painting the bones and teeth with bone white then then I painted a highlight with off white I used a fine brush on the smaller details like the teeth and painted over most of them on the larger areas I switched to a bigger brush and applied the paint kind of like a heavy dry brush next I painted the claws with xandre dust then I shaded the bones and Claws with skeleton horde I don't want the shade to be too dark on the bones and teeth so after painting those areas I rinsed the brush dried it off on a paper towel and then wiped off the shade from the raised areas it kind of works like an easy highlight next I base coated the wood with steel Ean drab then I shaded the wood with a mix of equal parts NL noil and agrax Earth shade this is a really useful mix that I find myself using a lot I'd recommend mixing up a whole pot of it check out this video here to see how I go about mixing up a custom color now let's move on to the stone I base coated all the stone areas with dawn stone as well as the ropes on this club [Music] some of the other Stone Parts have crystals sculpted on them and I went ahead and painted those dawn stone as well next it's time to make some texture so I dry brushed and stippled the stones with white and an old brush make some side to side strokes and some tapping and jabbing marks as well the goal here is to make a bunch of white scratches it looks a little rough now but we're going to add some washes next and they'll get toned [Music] [Music] down to shade the stone I'm using a mix of equal parts NL oil and Apothecary white and I also put down some agrax Earth shade in a separate well of my palette grab some of the graay mix and paint it over the stone then get some Earth shade and paint some in a few spots you can make some stippling marks as well for extra texture the more random you can make it the better it will look if you get too much paint on the model you can soak it up with the brush I painted the crystals the same way except I tried to keep the paint smooth on those areas after the shades were dry I went back with agra's Earth shade and painted a thin layer in a few areas making sure to avoid the crystals just to add more variety of tones and make the stone look more natural next I painted the crystals in two stages using Black Lotus from valo Express color this color is more like a dark blue and it can look really cool when layered over other colors I'm starting out with a thin layer almost like a glaze I don't want the paint to pool very much if at all the goal with this coat is to tint all the colors underneath [Music] it with the first layer dry now we're going to apply a second along with some blending work on one facet at a time and paint a small amount on one side of it then rinse the brush dry it off on a paper towel and use a clean brush to blend out the edge work all the way around and you can apply a second coat if you want to deepen the color next I painted the rope with black Templar [Music] [Music] then I base coated all the straps and loin cloths with doom bow Brown you may need to apply a second coat for an even finish [Music] [Music] even though the leather has been base coated with just one color we can end up getting two different tones by using two different shade paints I want the loin cloths to be a very dark brown and wildwood will do the trick contrast paints work great over darker base coats just as well as light colors they'll just end up a lot darker apply the paint in the same manner as you normally would put down plenty of paint so it reaches all the crevices and then soak up any extra paint with the [Music] brush then I shaded the other leather areas with agrax Earth shade [Music] next I painted the eyes beginning with a coat of black mistakes happen sometimes and rust gray was a close match so it was easy to fix then I painted the eyes with toxic yellow making sure to leave a thin black [Music] outline I painted the pupils with black and then I added a tiny dot of white in the larger eye at this stage you could base the models and call them done however I'd like to add a few highlights to bring them up to the next level since this is for a gaming Army I'm not going to go too crazy on them but a few well-placed highlights can really elevate a model with minimal effort I highlighted the wood with Bane Blade Brown just a few of the edges and Corners to Accent the wood graen then I highlighted the edges of the dark ER leather with Mor Fang Brown Next I highlighted the other leather with tuskor fur [Music] with some slightly thinned bone white I picked out the edges of the claws then I made a few highlights along the teeth with off white [Music] if you need to do any touch-ups on the belly gray sear is a good starting point it worked out perfect on its own here but depending on how light or dark your zenial Prime is you may need to adjust the color a bit try mixing in some white or storm ver and fur if it needs to be lighter or [Music] darker I used a very small small amount of white paint and added a few Reflections on the crystals [Music] [Music] finally and probably the most important part I painted some highlights on the faces with fenra and gray you could highlight all the scales as well but since this is for a gaming Army I'm going to just stick with the faces otherwise they'll never get done [Music] I used an old brush to apply wood glue to the bases then I sprinkled on some coarse gravel and fine sand after the glue dried I painted the sand with thin dry oxide followed by a dry brush of Steel Legion drap I base coated the rocks with dawn stone and then washed them with agrax Earth shade I painted the edge of the base with Rin oxide and then applied patches of static grass with super glue these trolls were a nice change of pace from the other stuff I've been painting lately sometimes it's nice to just dry brush models and call them finished and not have to worry too much about the fine details I have a lot of other models for my Orcs and goblins Army and they'll probably get similar treatment are you interested in more oldw World content what armies would you like to see on the channel drop a comment below and let me know your thoughts well that's it for now thanks for watching and until next time happy painting [Music]
Channel: Matt's Hobby Hour
Views: 14,478
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warhammer, warhammer community, painting, art, artlesson, warhammer 40k, warhammer fantasy, warhammer the old world, oldhammer, games workshop, gamesworkshop, contrast paint, citadel colour, minipainting, miniatures, scalemodel, ageofsigmar, orc and goblin tribes, rockgut troggoths, gloomspite gits, stone trolls, age of sigmar, vallejo, xpress color
Id: bqCnJMP6MmM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 17sec (1157 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 24 2024
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