SERAPHON! Tips on Assembly & Build Options

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hi this is Naomi with sword and steel and we are going to look at the new seraphon coming out Games Workshop gave me these kits and I have built them so that you can check them out and we're going to be looking at assembly options any issues I had during assembly and then we're also going to add in at the end of the seraphon from the seraphon Army so you can get a good idea of scale through the entire Army [Music] oh this is thesaurus astrolith Bearer and he has only one way to be built and use all of his pieces there is a little bit of dubiousness with how his necklace fits over his neck and attaches to the back of his shoulder pad so I'd suggest attaching this piece first to the necklace piece to help situate the necklace properly now everything fits exactly so so you will know when you get it in the right spot just getting it to the right spot is a little bit tricky so I don't suggest adding any glue until after you have it in its proper position so you don't accidentally glue it to the wrong part this is the skink star Seer and rules wise there are no options to choose from so any choices you make are just looks the inside of the Ring can look a little smaller the piece on the side can extend fully to the base or just be a little bit of fine and the skink on this dice are completely separate models to choose from one is standing with his hand hovering over an orb attached to the dice and the other is sitting staring at an orb in his hand since these skinks are full models I intend to make this additional skink I skink star priest I'm going to attach the skink to a 25 millimeter base and leave his hand extended as if he's casting a spell these four models make up the spawn of chotec together they count as one model for game purposes there are no rules options to choose from so any choices you make are four looks only the fire lizard has a couple of ways his neck can be oriented and he can have his mouth open or closed and his crown can either be furled outward or more backward the skinks have different faces to choose which one goes on which body and different crowns and you can choose between two different standard designs this is the source scar veteran on agradon and though the guy suggests to build the source attached to the agradon you don't have to I built them separately and as you can see with a little maneuvering because of his spear you can take him off and put him on again so you can paint this deed and Rider separately and then glue them together post painting now he can use a relic celestite spear or a relic celestite Club in game so you will want to check his rules in your battle Tome to see which option you want before assembling him the agradon has only one way to be built but you have three different head options for the source and I choose the one with the smug smile can the head and tail of the agridon be switched with the agradon Lancers the tail no not really since it's built very differently but potentially the head cam as for the agradon Lancers we have a lot of different options to choose from each of the heads of the agridons can go on any of the bodies each of the Tails can go on any of the bodies and each of the tail feathers can go on each of the Tails though it looks like the bodies of the sources are meant for one particular agredon body thesaurus's heads can be for any saurus body and there are two Champion heads to choose from and six regular Source has to choose from remember those only three guys you also have two different neck orientations for each source so you can get multiples of this kit and make them all look different with ease with the exception of the musician's body I guess since there's only one way to build him on the standard Bearer but you can still make them look unique by having different heads and neck positions on them one in three models can be a musician and one in three models can be a standard Bearer and one model in a unit Can Be A Champion there is no good reason not to use all three of those since wielding the drums of the standard doesn't make the model unable to attack with the spear or club that you choose to wield so you have to choose between cell estate Spears or celestite clubs and all of your models have to wield those same weapons so in my case my Champion is wielding a celestite club and that means it is assumed that my musician and standard beer Bearer are also wielding fat and if I'd made them as regular lenses they too would have to wield clubs could you magnetize the weapon choices well if you kept a musician on the standard in the group then you'd need only magnetize the champion and since the weapon choices attached at wrist with a reasonable amount of surface area of plastic to work with as long as you're very careful yes you could certainly magnetize the weapon options and lastly the shields can easily be left off thesaurus until after you're done painting them since they are completely separate from thesaurus body that is wielding them and lastly the crocsagors these can be assembled as either crocsagors or croxagore respond each has their own worst growth so you'll want to decide which type of crocsagore you are going to build first note the croxocores wield these Drake bite malls and one wheeled Moonstone Hammer while the respawned wield what are called Drake Fang War Pigs and one wields a starfing or pick a specialty weapon that one in three models can use the Moonstone hammer for the Crux of gores and the starfang war Pig for the respawn is undoubtedly better than the regular weapon because it has better hit stats and better damage so there is absolutely no reason not to make sure one is carrying that weapon past that the options you have are for looks only each body has at least two different poses to choose from and the crocsagors have two different head options respawn have one hyper option there are five different tail end options that can go on any model and the three different weapon ends can go on any of the staff poles this model here I found you had to really push the head into the neck for it to fit but otherwise everything comes together really smoothly I did find myself using a fair bit of glued to clean up join lines but these are all of these models all these models had a lot of thought put into where they attached so they would hide the join lines as much as possible I was just being particular two of the models have a couple different pieces each to stand on and all together there are three tiny fully done frogs that you can add to their base and they are adorable I'm saving them I think I'm not sure yet I think I think little detail there are also some amulet options to further change up the models you can easily get multiples of these kits particularly if some are going respawned and make the models look different I love all of these kits I'm so pleased with these new models here is a look now at all of the new seraphone models that have come out at least semi recently the hunters of juanchi which are the chameleons come from war cry and then the blue ones come from underworlds and there's some skinks in there with a star priest that comes from other worlds 2 I believe and then we have the other models just recently come out within the seraphon Army set so I did alter the slan Star Master just a little don't know if you noticed but otherwise these are all 20 23 models and I really like the look of all of them thanks for watching make certain to like if you enjoyed the video make certain to comment below if you had any questions or you had a particular seraphim model that you're super excited to be painting I really really like the look of these new seraphone models what do you think of them my favorite is still going to be the crocsagore so those will be the ones I'm painting up first I just have to decide the most difficult question what color scheme am I going with should I do crocsagore scales I mean but they're so pretty I'm thinking there's gonna be some sparkle because they're Celestial lizards so it's a tough choice anyway I will catch you in the next video bye thank you patrons for all of the support that you've been given the channel I really appreciate it and thanks to the new YouTube subscribers you are the best that could be what I do just Crocs of course scales because I do like that turquoise it's very pretty turquoise Crocs of War scales with um the lighter turquoise which not I have to think about it I have to think about it hard because I want them to be gorgeous but also sparkly I think I might brush on a little bit of one of the turbo dorks I've got a whole bunch of fancy cows up there um turbo dork colors on top of what I do so that they've just got a tint Sparkle to them or I could make it look like the inside their crevices a Starlight that would be a lot harder a lot harder I might just have to go easy on myself and make them slightly sparkly I don't know rainbow roll is a really neat one too ah I could do that on this on their talons oh it's the choices oh if you haven't seen laser plants by Gamer's grass those would probably be really cool on some seraphin bases I like them a lot I will be using them so I guess you'll check that out when uh when I do that I am painting these this happened it's happening okay bye
Channel: Sword 'n' Steele
Views: 18,476
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: dZIg7JCkeZI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 9sec (609 seconds)
Published: Sun May 28 2023
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