Speed Modeling Your Ridiculous Suggestions LIVE (with Peter France)

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[Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yo what's going on everybody welcome back to the stream it's been a minute since we've done this together um wow it's been about a month a lot has happened in a month what's going on everybody you see me do you hear me like technical difficulties are lurking around the corner all right so there may be some on the stream you know how it goes um but we're gonna do our best so this is a very awesome stream i'm very excited for this because i think this could actually be like a thing that we can do once a month um it's a way to involve you guys and it's a way to you know for all of us to learn so here's what we're gonna do all right um first off let me let me just hop on over so we got peter france up in the house what's going on peter what's up everybody hey buddy it's good to be here thank you yeah i need cheers man i feel like i'm on a talk cheers oh cheers we got our sparkling waters i got my tea and my sparkling water it's hot and cold fire nice yeah we're doing it all coffee and sparkling water very well hydrated absolutely we got the dehydrator and the hydrator all good to go um but no i'm super excited this is a great idea i love speed modeling so yeah so here's what we're gonna do let me let me give you guys the lowdown so basically we got six rounds all right me and peter are going to go six rounds um speed modeling the first two rounds are gonna be five minute rounds all right we have five minutes to do whatever you guys suggest i have a pinned comment in the chat go to that link um post a picture of what you want us to speed model as well as just one word of text for what that thing is and we actually got sotomonte one of the moderators for the for the discord server he's behind the scenes and he's going to be updating this prompt um as we create right so you know go go don't go easy on us all right like lay it down um yeah i want some weird suggestions like something really out there absolutely yeah um i think the harder and the more ridiculous the funnier it's gonna be so yeah like i said six rounds the first two rounds are five minute rounds um the next two rounds are ten minute rounds and then the final two rounds are 30 minute rounds all right so we're gonna kind of get warmed up and then as we get into those later rounds we're actually going to take some time and like hopefully we can all learn something together so that's not it two other things that makes this super cool so um first off speed model with us do this challenge with us open blender open c4d open maya 3ds max whatever the heck you guys use open it grab a pad of paper and pen draw it with us let's do speed drawing too whatever it'd be sweet um and just challenge yourself with us but if you guys aren't going to do that then it throw suggestions our way all right so this involves everybody the link is pinned in the comments here um in the live chat go there check it out um drop some suggestions so dimonte is going to pick his favorites and update each uh each round for us live here so quite the production um thank you chris i see you man you've actually helped me out a whole lot thank you for the super chat um making some big moves in the future i'm very excited this this channel is gonna be doing some big things and um chris has helped me out with some cool ideas and scisheron good to see you again good to be back man thanks for hanging out um peter psy's asking how you doing man what's going on dude i'm vibing i'm chilling i'm just i've just been having a nice time taking life slow live in uh in la here me and my roommate are working on a little vr game that i'm going to be posting more about in the near future so you guys can expect to hear about that very exciting very challenging but really fun um kind of a retro shooter game but yeah just been chilling been vibing you know trying to stay healthy and you've been doing rock climbing yeah how are you doing what's going on wait are you can you hear me what what rock climbing you've been rock climbing yeah yeah oh i've been rock climbing a lot i'm still like a beginner definitely but my i got my calluses you know my fingers are getting a little stronger been going a few times a week it's a good time me and clint are going to be uh going rock climbing outside so maybe we'll post a vlog or something we'll definitely get some outside climbs i've been going at night with my buddy jan so definitely gonna make that happen so y'all let's uh let's freaking do this we got people we got a thousand people up in here let's get to speed bottling all right so as you can see um peter's in blender i'm in c4d we got five minutes on the clock uh we don't know what the prompt is we got sodamonte one of the the main discord moderators that he was basically the first along with uh deerin and he's gonna he's gonna be dropping it like it's hot for us all right so hopefully this first one uh we'll see what we can do here but um soto i know you can hear me um peter are you ready oh i'm i'm ready i got my default cube ready to go is that a default default sphere indeed yeah you know you know balancing it out you know let's balance it out everyone get ready here we go we'll start in a minute you know what one minute you know what peter here i'll match you oh snap okay how many polygons yeah 16 rings by 32 sides um y'all these super chats are coming in frederico thank you um uh greetings from portugal y'all are inspiration good work happy renders thank you sir we're doing what we can man um and best sites p speed model peter's face with mustache i mean hey wait we will here's the thing you got to hit that discord there's a pin link uh in the live chat here um it's in the discord server there's also a link in the description and there's an ideas and a submissions um oh that's the other thing i didn't mention as you guys do this post your post your submissions in the submission uh channel on the discord and i'm gonna look at them we're gonna look at them between each round so we're all in this together guys yeah i can't wait to see everybody's we're gonna laugh crappy models okay like including our including our don't worry guys that's going to be chill um so is everyone ready you guys got your pads of paper and your pens and your mouses and tablets and all that ready to go i'm ready to go let's go um soto do it oh snap a dive moment wow okay let's go a dive helmet okay i mean i'm glad i spawned the sphere yeah um where's my gizmo oh right that's more of a tube situation uh dude so the trick is like it's like that beeple thing you know where it's like uh have a version to get out you know don't don't get stuck not having something to to deliver you know you got to have something so that's what i'm going for here oh my god wow this is a tough shape okay what do i okay i'm just gonna i'm not even a freaking like it's like a plane with with a little warbly on it and such a weird shape okay oh man um i know this is choking man i'm joking i can feel the eyes on me you need like something like that go two by two not going to help things okay here's what if i just could like bend this thing boom gotta you just gotta hurry up uh two two three minutes are you serious we have three minutes left all right i'm gonna start not being surprised with this something like something like that oh would i dive with this helmet that's the yeah we have to 3d print and dive with these afterwards you imagine oh my god oh caps caps oh get off 3d print and dive these they have to be functioning okay i kind of have everything except for like oh wow your spacecraft i need the crisscross applesauce thing oh why don't we do a disc a little bit of a little bit of who bring out a little bit get a little bit of fill it on there filet it fry it just right the right amount of fried edges um y'all we really appreciate these super chats thank you thank you um okay how am i gonna do the crisscross situ situation i have an idea going in do like some straight up loop selection bam wham blam okay and then we're just hitting these little pieces this may not be exact but hey uh like checker like checkers uh yeah i'm just doing the shittiest checkers you've ever seen they're fine it's like a death star situation uh oh what the heck what happened to my sphere why oh is there anything else i can do to this kinda is what it is uh we have 30 seconds dude 30 seconds oh my jesus okay uh extrude enter i mean there it is i guess maybe some rivets i don't think i have time for rivets oh no i have to bevel the edges 10 seconds okay loop selection okay i'm done time zero that's it time's up what do you have stop editing all right that's that bad dude damn how the i promised with that son i mean you got the same thing damn you got the same situation heck yeah oh boy that was great that was really really fun i like your checker situation i think that worked out i like that a little bit better mine's kind of like a weird thank you i was thinking about doing like a nice array modifier but then i was just like [ __ ] it plain yeah duplicate it yeah duplicate it rotate it totally boolean it yeah i'm gonna get some yeah see here let's go to the top oh yeah we're getting some submissions heck yeah heck yeah noah good stuff jack the hack good stuff nice very nice everyone yo everyone got the shape this is so good like everyone got the shape of this no one wow vol vol tk really nailed it this is really good here um yo this is fun already this is great already uh arthopex that's solid you got like the subsurface or not subsurface but the uh the smoothing on it really good stuff spuddy yup amazing yeah this is all good stuff everybody wow we have so many submissions ed l you're right objetude so many good ones yeah we got some speed sketching up in here good stuff sick everyone did a really good job um oh peter i don't think i have your mic up in this let me add your mic really quick um but it's chill won't bear with me y'all we're just going to add peter's mic to this discord setup um guest camera what up peter yeah these are looking good right here and give me some test levels hey hey hey what's up peter franz another very exciting cool yeah so the biggest thing that i'm seeing here is everyone managed like literally everyone managed to capture the shape and the essence of this thing and that's the most important thing like if you're down crunch down to the wire you want to uh make sure that whatever you're creating uh does the job and all of these do the job so this is really cool to see everyone like focusing on the main shapes and not getting stuck on the details like we have so many submissions everyone's doing a good job here yeah i was i was watching a tick tock uh last night about this guy who's like a very good drawer and he was saying how drawing is less about making something look exactly like what you're trying to draw and more about like conveying the idea of what you're trying to draw and so it can be pretty abstract but as long as you have those shapes and enough like points to focus on in your brain you can really convey any idea and it doesn't have to be like perfect actually yeah it's about the feeling and the essence versus like oh it's got to be just right you know it's gotta be just right um so good work everybody you guys nailed that first one we did um diver helmet five minutes on the dive moment that's round one we got five more rounds left we're gonna do another five minute round um i think you guys are in the ideas section right now dropping ideas for sodomonte um he's gonna present us with the next submission so as soon as i switch over actually soto if you could cue up the question mark so that we can get ready and then then present the image once everyone's a little settled so i'm switching over to our working screen here and yep we got another question mark on it let me reset the timer real quick here all right this is i'm not gonna be so precious about this one i'm just diving in head first using my diving helmet great all right let me minimize this let's bring up our c4d digging it um i'm just going to save all this stuff because this is super cool and we should do like a museum for all these like a five-minute one or like a you know the 10-minute that would be great i was thinking about uh maybe doing a vr museum in unreal yes yes walk around and look at all the three demons i i've been thinking of something similar um doing something for like all the community weekly challenges or something or like yeah i think it could be really sweet so guys um for those of you just joining us we got 2 000 people up in here thank you so much we got the lovely peter jay france joining us um it's super chill to be doing this with you man thanks for coming back this is like your third time i think on the stream um of course i mean i always have a good time you know we're buddies and so it's just a chance to hang out and do some giving away time on a saturday is chill man i really appreciate that so um and and so does everybody else so guys um what we're doing right now we're doing speed modeling challenges we're on round two out of six this is our this is our last five minute round and then we're gonna go on ten minute rounds okay um if you guys wanna submit suggestions this is live suggestions from y'all there's a discord link pinned to the live chat there's also a discord link in the description of this video go there go to the submissions uh or the ideas channel right on the top left of the discord and you guys can give a picture and a text uh like a prompt and sotomante is working behind the scenes our moderator and he's prompting us here we have not seen these we don't know what we're gonna model right this is just live off the freaking top of the dome here um so with that i think we're ready to hop into the round two this is our last five minute round okay is everyone ready take your last sips let's do it okay all right soto hit it strand cat all right i know exactly how i'm doing this okay uh let's go into a little a little front view situation here this is me the janky so i'm gonna finish this in like two seconds sketch spline sketch tool oh that's smart it's so good i love this picture just got it is it closed closed probably best way to do this these two bridge or weld where are you at mr weld okay uh let's hit it with the extrude and we need the caps there we go i probably could have done this a little a little better um well peter your your screen is like glitched out but i think that's just the problem you know let's just say it's the prompt okay yeah it works it's it's thematically relevant oh my god undo too many polygons um i feel like there's a hunch to this thing i'm gonna like oh yeah it has has like a hunch going on um best way to do this grab like guys do a soft selection it doesn't work with black maybe a bend modifier well let me get let me get to a point where it's actually a thing eyes yeah peter why is it so jinky okay these are definitely like more squished something something like this i'm kind of done we have a minute left okay oh damn yours looks good i mean i don't know that i don't know if i'd call that good oh boy rough i mean i feel like i could bevel the edges oh no dude i think i just crashed the system oh that was close that was close oh oh my god oh no i think i just crashed my system i'd i'll clamp oh janky oh no what is happening uh i get an hdri in here with my extra time 19 you have 20 seconds dude am i rendering on my cpu oh no oh no okay we're good [Laughter] it's basically time dude wow oh my god like set up that camera angle perfect it's like kind of top down a little bit oh my god that's so good why dude that's so good it's so freaky i kind of love this character it's a really funny character i love how you like your geometry is definitely way cleaner than mine um like mine things yeah we went about it differently how did you do yours what was your technique i i started with a sphere and i just like extruded it uh different pieces like very low poly and then i added a subdivision surface modifier on top of it to smooth everything out so i just modeled like a super low poly version at first and then that's the way to go man look at that hunch wait go to his back what happened to his back dude it has so much like added weight dude the traps on this guy we need to uh oh my god give him give him some abs give him some the two pieces of muscle going down each side of the spine and then like yeah the like the uh the airplane pillow neck [Laughter] exactly airplane pillow neck right it's like he's swallowed six golf balls that are conveniently placed some lats excellent lats on this on this lad oh my god i'm so sorry for this poor thing creature wow let's check out everyone else's work dude yours is yours looks like the most like a it's just it's just janky like i was like let's go for the fastest thing possible uh yeah using the the sketch spline sketch uh tool it worked out it worked out for what it was um let's check everybody's these are hilarious let's see in the chat yeah where's the reset yeah oh here we go here we go here we go uh it's like it's got so much sass entude tinum did a really good job on his that's solid is this really seriously what oh no it's volume model god i think it's yeah i think it's volume oh yeah like uh what's called yeah yeah metabolism this one looks like x-ray essay looks like an eraser oh my god what is monkey for what the heck oh my goodness oh that's terrifying what is up that's so good wow oh this the the conic form too kind of looks like the football yeah i was about to say it i like that dude damn i got a hair son like i just busted into the door these are so good lily wizard got it for sure yeah definitely it's it's about the tube yeah it's the hip that's like thrown out yeah this one's another eraser mdk nice dude the robozord version fancy shoes hope that's pretty good um coal coalescence is really good the beefy one general custards beefy kidney baby shiver j i'm gonna say shiver j has the most accurate oh wow it's really good yeah that's really good yeah wow these are awesome so much fun dude i think this is a thing i think this is a thing we can do this like once a month or something oh absolutely yeah oh great oh my god ed l has a whole scene i'm not even at it yet there's so many yeah i know there's so many seven more like it just keeps going dude oh my god mitch mitch is this all like polygoned out that's cool there's a lot dude arya's looks like that one character from uh before christmas spinning i don't know i haven't seen a boogie man yeah yeah we went on the nightmare before christmas themed haunted mansion ride at disney and like it we got stuck right at that guy's part where he was like doing his dance in his song for like 30 minutes oh my god yeah i was wrong i will always remember getting stuck there was it like a good time or you it was fine it was just like me and kim and we were chilling you know these are all great everyone got the vibe um oh a zottles is really cool i like that through in the extra little flare um oh my god uh you know the sketch looks incredible echogold echogol did a sketch that looks sick um adrian did a sketch saddle with the hdri very nice um great there's too many there's so many to look at um good job good job with yours these are awesome yo furry mon has one with like really long sexy legs [Laughter] this is great everybody good work everyone got it like they're doing you guys are doing funny stuff congrats i want to see an animation with like uh uh an army of all single one yeah all of these like like charging at you yeah like you there there's so many all you hear is like you hear and it's just like yeah as you get over two guys there's so many of these that's great oh cool um ask a 501 has both of the sketches on paper it's really cool like together yeah these are all good good stuff guys very good stuff nice yeah good job okay um let me scroll the bottom yeah we're at the bottom here good stuff um so we're gonna hop back in we're gonna do our first 10 minute round here so let me reset the timer um let's get this timer popping off uh bear with me momentarily oh timer back up to not five hours um peter you having a good time man nah man i'm having a really horrible time i i don't want to understand didn't you you said you had like plans in like five minutes right yeah i actually um i have my friends plans in a bit that's cool singing just yeah like what like two or three minutes you think yeah even like right now would be great because i'm pretty tired of this so then like i'm gonna like yeah no no cheers you got your spicy water going cheers yeah there's spicy water love it all right um little cucumber key lime popping off with some key lime right now now i gotta ask are you oh my god somebody has the uh the cat holding the uh diver helmet that's funny okay let me reset the timer briefly right eight so this is round three all right we're going into two ten minute rounds all right uh we don't know what we're going to model but it's going to be awesome sodamonte's working behind the scenes and he's pulling your suggestions um if you guys are just joining us 2 200 people up in the chat thank you guys for hanging out with us thank you for the super chats i really appreciate everybody it's hard to get to a mall but just want to shout out john thank you for the super chat sir uh we got uh who else do we got we got uh karkuta karketa uh thank you for the super chat um the list goes on and on shoot if i missed anyone else i apologize um but it's a good time thank you guys for your support thank you for your time and we're going into round three this is 10 minutes all right we got double the amount of time on this one and we have no idea what we're gonna do leave a submission um suggestion for us there's a link pinned right up here in the live chat so peter are you ready i'm all right now i've seen ej over at idesign do this and i'm wondering imma start with a cube i think i think so yeah okay okay loop selection t for scale see how this down kl gonna be cut tool make a little cut in here scale this guy up a little bit so i'm doing the low poly version and then i'm going to do like a subdivision surface yeah i mean that's such a great way to model anything i like how we're doing this so differently too yeah i would have thought we would do it pretty similar there hmm this is gonna be tough dude dude yeah this is not tough for me no you got it you got it wow you certainly are you got something going there you definitely got something going um yeah i guess it's a little weird [ __ ] but uh better than this we're working on i don't know what this is this is a shoe like a cankle how often do you model peter how often do you model how often do you model stuff um yeah a lot yeah because i'm i'm always making assets and stuff for games and for the patreon and you got a patreon yes i'm going to be posting all these models on my uh patreon if anybody's interested in my junkies is there a link or do you have a like what do you like a slash something um yeah let me let me check i think it's just like you should take five minutes to check what that would be um while i work on my model yeah it's just uh patreon.com peter france if anybody's interested got some cool 3d scan assets coming out and about uh oh hecky i did a day and uh i also made a blank generator so uh yeah it's a little blender object you uh you can generate an egg shape and uh specify whether it's cooked or not whether it has pepper on it and uh it has bubbling displacement so if anybody needs heck yeah thanks we'll be releasing a patreon probably this month i think i can't wait to see that i mean you got so much good hell yes just trying to get the shape down you know ape ah you might my control key is so rusty i've spilled too much like pretzel dust into it wow dude you're you're killing it yeah you're killing it this is looking good too you actually have like yeah i'm trying to get that base shape down but i think i need to move on to the other features before it's too late uh we got less than five minutes yeah i should probably like start with a bill oh hell yeah i'm getting some people subscribing to the patreon thanks y'all got some uh got some new stuff coming out in the next couple days it's awesome man it's gonna be sweet ma yeah yeah you know what gotta get up to the patreon yeah like i mean how how much of it is like manageable for you versus like it feels like a burden to like constantly you feel like you're always behind in like trying to post you know what i mean yeah i just you know it's the nice part about it is that i'm always working on stuff so i have things to post just like assets that i'll make for my own things that i can post and hopefully other people will get some use out of it but you know i've i've been really slacking because you know just working at corridor didn't have much time to do that stuff but these days i've got a ton of time and uh i've been working on a ton of stuff so you can start uploading more regularly and giving people actual bang for their buck which i regrettably haven't always done it's cool you know you do what you can right you know we're working on it yeah like what i'm doing with this duck [Laughter] oh boy dude wow this is not good not good if you saw this on turbosquid it would be going for or it would be free mine would definitely be the free one yeah there's no in between it's either way too expensive or like weirdly amazing and completely free no mine's free because it's janky as all dude i'm going to make mine all kind of yeah i'm going to make this janky on purpose but the personality in yours is is it's got a lot unmatched it's got to be like buschemied out you know [Laughter] absolutely we have a minute and 51 seconds peter all right i'm going for uh materials now materials these are materials just gonna add a little sub surf a little make it a little shiny actually rough and then a clear coat actually no it looks crappy yeah there we go what the i'm gonna plug a little noise texture into a bumper y'all see there's hope you know if you're like me like there's hope knowing that you can get better you know um how do i make this better as quick as possible um how about that looks so funny uh loki i'm i'm i'm jealous that's hilarious i wish i made that i'm loving this dude this is a good time peter i'm glad i'm glad we're doing this together oh yeah yeah thanks for inviting me i'm happy to be 45 seconds cool [Laughter] [Laughter] yours looks so good you just looks like a freaking beeple render dude i think he has i think he has like a rubber duck he's like a desert or something i forget which one uh yeah i think you're right all right dude that's time no dude times last time dude it's over man what is that an ocean you light peter mine look okay look so mine mine looks like a cankle but then if you actually look if you actually look at it correctly it's a duck and it's and it's a duck that's had better better days the duck that waddled out into the road at a very poor time yours looks so good dude that's that's awesome thank you thanks i appreciate that man that's sick you like you had time for materials man what the heck um all right yo let me see that butt let me see that butt though see that butt no no but i don't want to show the butt it's my least i'm the least proud of them too good dude i don't know about this anymore i know yeah it's it's a little square it's like a lizard tail that got chopped off great okay so what was your technique on this what'd you do on this i started with the sphere and then i just extruded it out a little bit and yeah it just starting with the general shape already is makes it much easier so i basically just started with that and then i would take like a little piece and just extrude it and move it just like following the general shape and then once i had that i took the whole thing and i just like used proportional editing to um you know grab a little piece and just shift it back yeah so that would be like soft selection in c4 and just yeah yeah and then just grab this stuff and extrude it a little bit that's great so it's all about like knowing how like you went with that approach and that worked out way better than my freaking box head looking duck this thing is changing oh the wrong how did you go i mean i don't know about the wrong way it just means a lot more love um but what did you do with the cube how'd um which may have been my first mistake and then i extruded to basically get a low poly version of this thing and then i threw it into a subdivision surface um and i like just kind of chopped it up a little bit try to get that low poly um yeah and then i just did a plane here for the bill that i just same deal you know start with a plane extruded it out yeah um threw it into a subdivision surface and then my eyeballs are just stretched and squashed spheres yeah same i love your character that's great dude good times let's check out everyone else's let's see what they got yeah yeah all right oh damn oh there's some good ones oh there's some janky ones too everyone had time for their textures that's great wow oh wow gub there's so many dude there's so many oh my there's some cursed ones holy [ __ ] jacob i have to get to the top first oh my god i know there's so many okay okay okay okay here we go here we go dude yeah okay herman's good stuff uh deadly laser good stuff i like the minecraft yeah i love the little good stuff um sriga was [Laughter] uh monkey oh my god pork what the heck this is like jacked that's so creepy that's incredible uh ask is good with like i like how you're including them all yeah more low poly i love the shade yeah yeah um i'm just scrolling down there's a lot here um the notable standout ones jaylen kind of cursed a little bit i like it um uh pillow ford oh it knows it is a there's a duck and it is a good school um slowly like it just got squashed yeah it looks like a pokemon uh dude has azubius so angry jacobster wow that's really good yeah that's really great damn damn even got the is that a model they downloaded because that's really good for it is really good yeah the time we had that's amazing if they if you model that that's incredible um what else uh lowly wizard is pretty good that's that's that's fun um lots of really good ones yeah pickle juice yours kind of looks like that frog a little bit dude as homer simpson as a duck [Laughter] oak tree is like i feel like this very memeable duck it's like me when i when yeah it's great oh let's let's try and find the most oh wow big mac holy crap that's really good let's try and find the most cursed one oh okay oh my god there's literally a homer simpson the one above immortal pickles is pretty cursed under here that one is pretty damn cursed it's like hey what else do we oh my god mr v vky looks it almost looks like a person oh my god that one is up there for most cursed spoilers okay let's see what else we got oh nice got the shades default animator dude blue twist do you see the drawing oh my god that's amazing i was just looking at mn78 above the drawing yeah it uh it looks like that duck put on lipsticks like it's seen things dude it's seeing things um there's a lot here there's a lot of extreme derpy is pretty good echa gold i like your your animated drawings these are really good i'm digging these animated drawings see yeah these are all solid um yeah great job everybody brad brad you'll know the teeth dude i lost track i can't see what you're doing evolver i thought he had work to do man he's making ducks oh you know that is a beautiful sketch very talented sketchy i'm trying to catch up with you trying to sync up here oh oh i thought it was before you see i'm just going through there's so many these are all really good guys everyone has really captured the essence of the duck oh nice you got a wide duck i like that so fun seeing all the personality and all of these zeb chan really good stuff here like that ben good drawing man freeze 3d has the cat and the duck together i like it oh you were past me evolver yeah with his with his scene so those are assets i know you working you don't got time for that you got assets pulled up ready to go that's great these are solid a no with the drawing black and white drawing is super solid shadow dwarf with the teeth digging it ah look at this we got some really cool drawing everyone's doing such a good job i'm really proud of you guys thank you for uh for putting in the effort and doing this with us this is really cool we got 2 400 people in the chat going strong good stuff and bogdy with that sketch that's incredible crawlworth i like it like the ms paint it's stylized i dig it really cool ed l good stuff latchy yes a little cursed wow there's like uh otto doing the angry bird that's really well sculpted very good everybody ooh magic of vauxhall dr very good that's really cool uh snowy that that's awesome so many ducks oh wow virtual that's really good it's oh my god we're not even halfway through uh gub gub wobbler your drawings are really good man i dig those so much derek thank you for the super chat brother appreciate you man finland nice photoshop there oh 3da au that lighting dude it's almost like a pirate duck i love it wow at the end so many good ones wow bogdy that drawing jeez that's so good that's so good just using like there was no lines it was just filling in shadow and light that's so good i'm always so impressed with 2d art because like i feel like with me i i let the computer do so much of the work it's like i just get it halfway there and the computer's like i got you but with 2d it's like you have to have the whole thing in your head before you start it's so impressive yeah drawing drawing is really fun it it you're a student um holy crap the angry duck whoa it's so angry yeah wow yeah it's very similar though like it starts with a sketch and it goes from there um dang these are all really good guys good there's so many wow rose rosu that's amazing the drawing ones are really cool man all right we gotta we gotta move on to the next ten minute one here i'll scroll down as much as i'm alright again these are awesome piece of pizza it's right in your face i love it that's good man good stuff i'll at least get to the end you know we'll get everyone's everyone's ducks in here people making movies holy crap oh that's cool i'll dig that i like the low poly ones too oregon so many ducks that's it all right so peter we are on to our fourth round four out of six rounds this is our last 10 minute round and then we'll move on to the 30 minute ones um vincent thank you for the super chat all right greetings from ireland um i love ireland been there last year the year before for my birthday good stuff oh god that's so good i want to go man looks beautiful it's a beautiful place um okay so let's switch over we're going to pop this off um 2 400 people up in the chat thank you guys for joining us um hopefully y'all are learning something as we do this because i know i am this is fun okay um yeah all right here we go um this is our round four our last 10 minute round so to monte let me reset the timer and hit it the eiffel tower wow kind of hard to see from that tiny view there but i'll do my best i'm going to pull up a reference image for myself yeah yeah i know that really is that within the rules what i go about this best suited damn this is a tough one good suggestion i guess we can start with like face shape god bless you just gonna start with the grid and uh remove everything but the four corners and then start extruding those up y'all yeah that something like that and i'm going to merge overlapping vertices so these are all connected and then here hard to tell based off of this but it tiny like there's something like this up in there definitely suggest uh looking it up on google images because that's been helping me a lot having good references you can't beat it wow this thing is advanced um it can be advanced [Music] um i meet like half ways that with is maintain basically throughout that i think you you had it you were doing what i'm doing now but you just did it faster oh nice yeah i just i don't know i just started with the four corners and like connected them at the top and then i'm doing like i'm just trying to get the shape right here doing this such as so slowly six minutes holy crap six minutes damn it wow okay brute force okay um okay okay okay you know what i'm going to do i'm going to triangulate it no sub attacks in geometry can triangulate it i'm going to throw a wireframe modifier on it i'm doing i i waste so much time yeah oh no wow that's bad see if i can recover and we upload this to turbo squid that's the thing that's that's what it i have is upload it to turbo squid and submit it by the time the timer's out i'm gonna make these little platforms wow dude are you serious are you serious you serious what am i doing over here what am i doing wow gotta throw that wire frame on there son oh my god dude i just want to quit now we have four minutes uh i shouldn't have left don't even say that dude don't even the whole chat is gonna explode um wow what am i doing this is rough use a circle and like roughly line it up to the edge uh three minutes okay we got this okay let's see i don't even know how you did that like i have to subdivide this like crazy and do like trying out the triangulated thing yeah that's exactly what i did yeah i like triangulate it and then threw a wire frame modifier on there minute 50 time flies seriously dude okay that's good enough i duplicate honestly like real i've seen the modeling tools in c4d and i think blender is like easier i would probably agree with that oh thank god oh no 55 seconds no 55 seconds okay if c searches anything awesome mw oh i'm just just ranting shift c will search anything in c4d and then i need to get the top piece 28 seconds i missed the arch dude maybe i can get the arch real quick i oh yeah you 17 seconds dude material material there's no freaking way dude yeah i'm i'm not wow didn't have time for that you guys did that dude that's that's time that's time wow all right no no yours looks good enough yours is good enough there we go oh my goodness yeah all right let me see yours let me see yours go full frame on that dude good stuff man it's this is such a hard thing to model also i'm realizing my proportions a little bit a little bit it's a little squashy again man that was tough that was super tough yeah i feel like just the the um like the top third of yours needs to be tapered a little bit more yeah i'm totally right i need the arch you got the arch on the bottom down for sure i need to get that um but i think if you ask people like what is this most people would be like oh yeah the eiffel tower and yes mine does look like a telecommunications tower i agree you are not wrong okay um but like it still looks like the eiffel tower though like you got the shape down and you got the like the uh wireframe yes thank goodness thank goodness i got the wireframe that was what did it um it's the arch i needed the arch i think that would have that would have done it for me yeah um dude my arch is so janky it's literally a circle mesh that i extruded upwards and then just like went like with it and then subdivided it along the way it's better than not having an arch that's the difference between delivering the vibe and not delivering the vibe because that's the biggest thing someone said mine mine looks like a telecommunications arch and that or um tower right that's that's a negative those are like i didn't win in that case because someone someone thought it was something else but with yours you know what that is right you know i wonder if it's the uh the arch that helps make it feel like that let me like let me take this out and let's see if it still feels like the eiffel tower yeah see it definitely looks more like a just a radio tower um i think though for yours having that tapered butt it look it looks like the eiffel tower more so than mine because mine is like not as tapered um i see i see yeah so here's the question though is this the vegas version or the paris version that's the question that's a good question let's take a look at everyone else's let's see what uh [ __ ] let's see what we got yeah yeah yeah damn i just like found one that looked amazing there's no way they modeled that in this time render warrior that's ridiculous that's just a photo let's go to the very tippy top all right sweet um damn nice there's some good ones here oh sloth dev that's good i like that got some drawings very cool very cool and animated with arms and legs abstract games i like your audition here very nice yeah this is a tough one 10 min in 10 minutes is very difficult yeah a lot of these are just flat it looks like you guys are just doing like one one chunk of it um yeah this is tough reference is the key on this one very specific shape definitely good work everybody oh yeah seriously well like the curve you want dave has a good perspective drawing they did yeah great perspective oh wait a wild guy i see what you're saying [Music] nice ar hsm i say your biggest your biggest thing here is uh reference just try and use that reference for perspective and proportion i think that'd be the main note for everybody is um reference yeah use the reference as much as possible also just like if there's any way to bring the image into your 3d software just like using it as a background is always so helpful i always do that for like yeah absolutely absolutely uh nubu very good very good drawing there yeah ronin's good ronin is one of our mods he's up in the chat right now i think he's moderating oh hell yeah honeycomb tower wow mdk definitely that's like a great he's another mod too yeah um yeah totally oh no way it's very good it's fantastic yeah it reads very well modeled oh that like curvy wick like fire one oh the snow yeah that's great that's great quantum that's not bad i know that's good too you know with those sketches damn jonas reference reference reference jarvis is like i don't know what i made get that reference i someone made a hard tower oh augustia that's really good really good can i issue a challenge to our viewers i would love if anybody you know has some time and wants a little project to uh i would love to see like combining all of these things that we're making into like a scene that makes sense contextually you mean like you know all the power or you say take these five models yeah like taking the take your duck take your cat and your eiffel tower and whatever else we make and like put it in the same scene and like try to tell a story with it yeah that could be cool maybe maybe the next challenge here the weekly challenge oh oh yeah you do challenges that's fine about that um yeah you have to like use all the models in a unique way to tell a story okay yeah i like that could be cool um all right back to the discord we'll take a look at a few more of these and then we'll hop back into round five out of six that we'll do and this will be two 30 minute rounds so we will really have to work in the detail of these next two rounds yeah these are all ready these are all pretty darn good um this one was significantly more difficult yeah definitely a lot of detail which is exactly you know hard to get a lot of people went for just like switched up the style to like a low poly or like game asset style and that definitely echo gold again with solid cartoony drawings really good muggy sleet that's gotta be an asset that's really good there's no way 10 minutes like freaking nuts um some really good drawings everybody really impressed oh wow ah adam that's cool very nice very nice i dig it ben good stuff oscar i really like how you're putting all the drawings into one oak tree good good job on the top down perspective i'm really digging these drawings sweet good stuff everybody oh yeah wow that's great nice i don't know if that was modeled in 10 minutes but good job i'm assuming y'all are being honest with this challenging yourself render warrior if that there's no way there's just no way there's no way on some of these oh i think render warrior is a photo i could be wrong though this is good stuff yeah i like all this everything lined up random out of context pictures evolver thanks for the super chat man he says he loves the format he stopped working to watch and join so that's chill man heck yeah sweet hell yeah that's everything so peter um we're on to our fifth round this is gonna be a 30 minute round we're taking your suggestions uh sodamonte probably has something already queued up hell yeah um yeah me too this will be one where we'll actually have time to add detail so um i'm excited for this one it's going to be good and after these two rounds of 30 minute uh submissions or 30 minute prompts then uh peter is going to bounce and then i'll do the weekly challenge i'll go over some of the weekly challenge art um and then yeah gonna be a good time so let's hop into it let's hop into the third one here let's switch over to our working scene and let me queue up a 30 minute timer here briefly bear with me all right somebody's using if uh somebody's asking if we can use online i mean sure yeah it's a modeling challenge you know so like yeah texturing is cherry on top okay peter are you ready born ready definitely you have to use the restaurant next one yeah let's let's take a two minute break i'll be back yeah yeah sounds good i'll be back two minutes or so see you guys soon [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what's up y'all yo yo the hair's a little crazy you know but whatever whatever it's all good um so i'm waiting on peter he'll probably be back in like two seconds um but thank you guys for joining us this is really exciting really fun i think this could be a thing this could work here um it'd be fun to do this maybe once a month we can do texture challenges we can do simulation challenges whatever i think it could be really sick um peter euback i hear movement soon soon if you guys have any questions i'm down to answer any questions while peter makes some coffee and we'll hop into our last two rounds 30 minutes each appreciate y'all for the super chats and the support very very cool um yeah i'm really i'm really excited we're gonna be i'm gonna be making a patreon uh this month probably do an announcement video later this month and it's gonna be really sweet it's gonna be an awesome chance for you guys to uh connect a little bit more to get some stuff for free well not for free but just it'll you know you know how patreon works it's a monthly thing but um i'm gonna have all my assets packs uh project files everything uh behind the scenes stuff art review uh streams it'll be a lot of cool stuff um that i'm excited to announce so coming soon very very soon y'all um so any questions y'all y'all might have thoughts on peter's stash i love the fact that he's rocking it guys he's rocking that stash do i ever do sculpting i do not no um let's see when's the next community challenge oh that's a good question i'm actually announcing the next big community challenge um next week so next week will be the big one we're doing things a little bit different um as in the prompt will be different it's gonna be really cool and i'm so excited to piece them all together to form something that i'll announce uh next week so definitely keep your eyes peeled for that it's gonna be sweet i'm gonna challenge you guys over the next month um to do something cool so yeah it'll be good yo sun get that coffee oh yeah i need it a little sleepy all right i'm feeling refreshed you feeling good peter doing great all right round five of six we got 30 minutes on this one we don't know what we're gonna model yet this is from your suggestion uh through discord um we're going to do one more suggestion if you want to guys if you guys want to get your suggestions in there's a link attached to the live chat here go on over post a picture in a text description and sotomonte the moderator working behind the scenes right now he's going to pull it and present it to us so that's exactly what we did he did here for round five uh sodamonte let's go for it man what you got what is that what is that is that a pokemon i i think it's a like a an aquatic creature the lizard type thing i don't know whoa okay all i know is that they just added them to minecraft okay so cute oh my god i love this little guy how am i gonna do this all right i think i'm gonna follow your rubber duck situation solid there we go so we have uh 30 minutes yeah all right sounds good what a crazy looking creature oh i believe there are things like that that exist that's just amazing yeah it's this totally like just a pokemon yeah so when's the last time you've been to the aquarium i actually went a few months ago i went to the san francisco uh like pier aquarium which was okay it's not the best aquarium but it was fun and i got to see cute little fishies and some sharks and stuff was great that's cool yeah i'm a fan we went to the long beach aquarium probably like uh i don't know maybe like two months ago i'm a big fan of like the penguins and stuff the birds yeah penguins are my are my absolute favorite penguins are super cute they really are okay i'm gonna i'm gonna grab a little reference image here let's drag that right on blender this is very similar to like that raindrop thing you did i feel like oh yeah little dude um alright um smart what you're doing peter smart what you're doing what am i doing yeah what you're doing is smart like the way you're modeling it yeah dude modeling off of pictures is always so much easier get some symmetry up in here no one has time for that i'm gonna turn on screencast keys so you guys can see what i'm doing uh is that a blender like option it's a little plug on a plug on it's a plugin where it says on the screen what keys are being pressed you may not be able actually yeah you can see it kind of just above your head there okay half and half of it i might be able to move it actually yeah why don't you work on that yeah i'll work on the model that visible this is like there we go the last thing i do is model this kind of stuff it's it's so not what i do yeah i feel a little lucky because i model stuff like this all the time i'm gonna get that so crazy it's little face dude it's so cute i know i love it it's insane that that's a real thing i know dude world's an amazing place i wonder if i can actually make this part of um hill kind of like a long tail and it tapers it's a weird tapering situation i think my biggest issue is i just don't have the workflow down for stuff like this yeah i've been doing like character modeling for a long time and i've the best way i've realized for me is just like starting with some kind of uh rectangular or like slightly circular shape and then going like lengthwise extruding outward and then you just take some of those faces and you just like extrude them out with the limbs ooh such an interesting actually yeah having references helping someone just kind of just taper down it like starts all spindly look such a strange shape um it goes from like a a tube horizontal to a flat tube article i have to you're right in between that whoa coco i'm gonna start extruding some limbs here actually i'm gonna turn on my mirror modifier so i only have to do this once yeah there you go cute little bud we got 20 minutes sweet i'm flies dude during these things honestly it's crazy [Music] wow it has this like spine right yeah kind of like a weird translucent type thing and then like the fin piece like tapers you know like on the top and bottom tapers to a real like thin translucent piece kind of happy with that um wait let's get some thingies ah it's better than nothing all right his fingers definitely taper like super hard dude i feel like tapering is the word of the day it's a good one dude uh my gizmo is all jacked what's wrong with it just not aligned best way to do this a bevel situation yeah that kind of works gross hello hmm wait peter didn't you two like you had like a pack of like did you model i remember one time at corridor you were i was like sitting next to you and you were working with like a frog and then you had like a bird scene in the forest and stuff were those modeled by you oh yeah those are those a pack no that was a pack from uh blender market there's like a pack of 250 uh low poly animals that's that's great i love just opening that up and making shitty little scenes with it it looks so good yeah your your animal stuff looks really great nice dude okay i feel like i put the arm love i love creature stuff it's always fun i need to detach this arm and move it down to another section it's on yeah i'm not not upset yet yes oh i got them we got 11 minutes left i have to move on to the face and and the gills i forgot about the freaking face and the gills damn it and it has feet too are you kidding me i'll just copy these guys let me copy this really quick guys so cute what the heck i know i want to be the friend he's got little feet he's popping off dude my stomach is growling all right what's that head look like a little schnecky how you feeling about yours i'm digging mine i'm happy with it that's great that's great all right it's time it's time to ruin it with the face here has these beady little eyes yeah they're cute i think the key here is symmetry totally yeah it's definitely not worth doing something more than once oh wow that is horrible little mouth dude so cute so cute it's the fact that the eyes this is a great suggestion yeah yeah whoever suggested this kudos a great i'm not i'm not too upset about this we have six minutes boy all right shoot oh can i just have like a month to work on this seriously man uh okay material time i'm not even i'm not even messing with materials that's not bad it's not bad okay down okay here goes i'm doing this in like the worst way i literally did the exact same thing just janking it into place yeah pretty much there's a varinoi texture inverted to get kind of a scaly look unwrap well that doesn't look good four minutes that looks great man wow that's cool all right the gills interesting okay oh [ __ ] there are gills aren't they okay so looks so weird how did i [ __ ] this up what the [ __ ] clint what's the vibe with uh cursing on your stream i mean i don't but you know me i i just don't anyway um yeah sorry it's just been slipping out i mean there's some kids up in here so i'll keep it chill sometimes sometimes it comes out you know i do there we go there we go now we're talking uh two minutes cool laughs wait i think overall let's see we got a minute left make sure you guys post your submissions we can take a look at them what else we got here oh [ __ ] all right 20 seconds what about the done top part shoot how part what top part a little of the spine yeah okay 20 seconds all right i can do that kind of goes up six seconds i think that's time that's good enough all right dude yours looks so good thanks man all right yeah you got it up in the forest there oh yeah wait very cool i wish i had more time for materials you even got the hair fluff on the on the like little antenna things too yeah he has weird little like tendrils coming off of the antenna you said there were gills where are the gills are they like under the i kept saying gills i meant the antennas with the with like the oh on them yeah yeah who knows what i'm saying dude yours is freaking cute yeah this guy look at this freaking guy he's ready for a good time i want to hang out that little guy yeah i i'm for me i'm happy with this man like this is the last thing i model but i got the tail like tapered at the top and bottom it actually looks like it has some like depth to it or some thickness to it um and then yeah the spine piece that comes up and the arms and stuff and probably could have greased out a little bit more tapered it a little bit more but yeah i was happy with how this turned out um it could be a lot cleaner oh yeah but yeah you know always stuff we can improve on but looks great yeah dude um that was awesome that was really good to work on um that was fun see i'm gonna scrub through the chat here real quick but what on earth random diagnostics whoa oh my god these are awesome holy [ __ ] yeah let's see let's see what you guys got oh my god these are incredible going to the top here wow so many people gave it a shot yeah i'm still getting up to the top oh there's a low poly one the minecraft axolotl that's so good squidgy i love the low poly version man it's like so satisfying oh that's that's from minecraft oh is it oh it's just a freaking picture they posted yeah dang that troll i mean but they said it's from the minecraft i got double troll they could have read this somebody just has that's crazy an iguana or something my uh my science teacher used to have one they're so cool yeah they're the best oh no this one got chopped horrible oh my just drawing that's sick that's really good yeah this is a pokemon like how is this just not a pokemon honestly it's like a real-life pokemon lots of drawings this time around uh yeah i love the drawing x-ray good attempt man good stuff like it it looks like i think it's just the textures you know oh my god oh my god papa bless that's terrifying so cursed good stuff larry hey finn uh finji boy i like that i like that a lot it's cute oh we got some hair on and i know it's like half cursed it has a vein look at that vein on the side oh six that's intense whoa that's yeah that's super cool interesting style you didn't got the ribs in that's cool nubu really good stuff good drawing yeah that's like wish dragon i love the the blocky yeah it looks like a wish dragon or something mr handsome the low poly but who knows maybe that's a troll oh my god manny 1000. oh man that's great whoa what happened to reigns it looked like a mouse the side what happened on the side little spider legs roman with the subsurface a little bit i nice is my favorite yeah it's just like a little like little pod whoa this like buff axle yeah cool um zergs isn't bad oh yeah bubblegum love that subserve whoa cool sculpt by jtx2 that's animated that's cool yeah that's a good one love the low poly tumi oh somebody made the minecraft version yeah that's really oh my god yeah mr vky is hilarious so good it's like a bubblegum monster nomo what's up awesome crystal pics that's good love that one whoa um i aino's looks like a uh what is it called what's that pokemon dragonair dragonite that drawing whoa i love blue twist yeah that's a beautiful art style it's like just dots that's blue twist i want to put that up in my house that's awesome super cool whoa bronze is really good oh yeah that's great yeah you can definitely tell when people use reference images yeah that helps the animated gif is so good yes yes oh panda oh my goodness yeah amazing that's really good that's such an interesting style that's awesome ah block master i love me some 8-bit art so much oh that's really nice cave dave great color palette look at that whoa that's whoa it's like translucent let's see we'll screen it you can see there's a diver in the middle whoa that's really cool oh eggy64 that's cool whoa that's dope more minecraft dig it what the heck dude wow that is amazing jeez it's all about the uh the white the highlighter pencil over top for sure totally yeah it uh in in the tail it adds the feeling of like i don't know that translucent material like bone poking through that's so good and they use the paper as the mid-tone that's amazing yeah that's brilliant that's really cool these are tough creatures andre good stuff wow andres yeah z brush it look oh no that's blender yeah that's sick oh yeah it's like a skipping stone i love the 8-bit so much chrysler in the business suit going to work mitch mitch that's pretty good oh that's dope i'm so proud of you guys so many so many submissions for this that's awesome honestly y'all are killing it wow really good stuff nobody lemon oh what happened where did i skip it it's just really cute oh yeah that's good that's really good kendov kendov is really nice mm-hmm solid i like the uh the like crease yeah that's really nice whoa there's some good ones and henriques looks like a vacuum cleaner like those hand vacuum cleaners that's great i love it heck eka gold good stuff whoa braum gee doing the uh bang uh camera mapping or cam what is it called yeah doing that ian hubert yeah style projection projection mapping yeah sweet oscar looking good lots of good drawings there this is great dude oh my god brad bread awesome this freaking beefed out version it's a green beefed out version whoa well there's a video uh by woozy face and it's animated it's pretty sweet that's super sick damn otto what the heck what the heck dude freaking otto needs to be in the stream not me that's it's really good that's really good yeah these are so good guys i love the minecraft ones i know me too so good so look at this drawing by freak joker it's all the things combined like you said oh shoot let me find that that's crazy oh my god yeah that's amazing yes i love it blender bb that's pretty good like dancing one [Laughter] that's so funny there's such a random text what i love it's so makes it i'm saving that oh twisted verve the face on that is pretty cursed that's great oh man whoa aldo yeah yeah that one's really good that's really cool i love how synced up here too yeah yeah i've been trying to follow along um i love uh when people like put their own style into it it's really cool seeing that agreed oh last prince that's cool with like the gelatin green on the tail and then the one right below that on oval sand oval pretty sweet yeah let's do it jack the hack good stuff man you do good work pretty solid ah death wings it's it's stylized man it's not the worst it's just stylized and nest gg that was good man yeah i like that blender yeah it's always really smart doing a lot with a little yeah yeah exactly the blender crash that's hilarious wait yeah it looks like some reposts um scrubbing down here what the heck scotty i love the low poly game asset version whoa scotty's is great it's the one with like depth of field with like the bluish background that's insane that's insane it's like it almost looks photoreal [Laughter] oh wow yeah scotty that looks great yeah what virtual oh my goodness that is ridiculous sculpted to perfection wow that's so good geez oh my god yeah yeah sculpting is something i really want to get into yeah it's the way to go for this eugene dude scroll down until you're just like oh my god this perfect zbrush i know yeah that's so good wow he textured it that's good oh wow that looks amazing lighting solid all right switching back yeah that was great everybody yeah these are super cool very impressive oh oh my uh my camera's frozen for some reason give me one second here bam all right we should be good um so we have one more 30 minute round to go um thank you guys for sticking with us and making cool stuff um doing this together with you guys is so cool that's like the way to do it um oh yeah it's super fun yeah yeah uh evolver thank you for the super chat and everyone else who's been super chatting i really appreciate you guys the support really helps out um and it helps me do this full time you know you guys know i'm doing this full time now so it really really helps out so thank you guys and uh yeah i'm excited to get into our last round here peter are you uh feeling good i'm feeling great man i'm having a great time to do some more modeling let's do it i'm feeling good yeah i'm feeling really good i wasn't too bummed about uh about that last one my eiffel tower pretty bummed not gonna lie but uh yeah yeah modeling is difficult modeling is very difficult yeah um so all right so dimonte thank you uh he's the moderator behind the scenes dropping these challenges on us we're not seeing them until he drops them so it's for the very first time let's switch over um all right yeah he's great he's amazing um super helpful such a good mod um tapioca senpai thank you um boba teacher boba sensei thank you for the super chat that's great um okay y'all let me reset this timer and we're gonna do this we got 30 minutes final round and then i'm gonna get into reviewing the weekly challenge and i'll announce the five winners and uh we'll announce the new challenge which might be combining all five of these models into heck yeah i i don't want to uh uh commandeer your challenge if you already had something planned out i don't know we can hear about how about we do it as an option i'll do a poll and then i'll have that as one of the options there you go there you go yeah um sweet all right this is the final round round six thanks for hanging out with us um let's do some cool stuff here um oh yeah all right so damonte are you ready hit it oh heck yeah old camera let's go okay let's go all right that's a medium format film camera or large format let's see uh dm format old film camera uh large format i'll just type old film trying to find the right reference it looks like uh like is it is it a still though it's a still camera old large format camera uh yeah old large format still camera i'll pick something that's generally close yeah here we go oh a vintage large format i'm fine with this sweet okay let's knock this out anybody in the chat know uh what the actual like name of this camera is i just typed in vintage large format film camera and like there's a there's a lot of good ones yeah i just uh i want to find uh like the same thing from like the top and the side or the schematics yeah let's do this with we got the back piece i'm gonna block it out first then we'll go in for special and stenograph oh hell yeah it's called the special instantograph patent camera thank you that's that's a mouthful okay great this is a cool piece of technology here okay question for you clint is f spy allowed or are we modeling hands off um you know what i'm not going to use f spot that's cheating fair fair all right here we go here we go 17 i'm just going off i from this one here that's probably a good idea so one thing that helps me work faster is uh to hold control and spawn primitives on current objects that i already have in my scene by holding ctrl they spawn in that area already though helps me out a lot is there anything like that in blender um yeah you just have like a 3d cursor that you can like shift right click and place anywhere and then wherever that cursor is you'll like spawn an object yeah it's pretty useful it looks like it slides in and out oh yeah that's really cool this is a really interesting yeah it's fun to like figure out how something works based off of like you know when you're modeling it it's pretty pretty sweet yeah totally all right the most helpful things i learned from modeling from my blender peeps is inset if you have a face and you press i it'll create a face and scale it proportional to the face that you originally selected and then you can like extrude outward or inward super useful this is so much fun this is like this is what i really enjoy doing oh yeah reuse this drag it over here let's get along the axis technically i guess this is as long as this is technically like a little panel here that will open up yeah that's i'd buy that i'm gonna cut out it looks like all right bevels here here 3 and 1.5 oh [ __ ] no my undo isn't working you need to restart shoot all right it's fine no no no i think just the like you undo q got messed up you know quick enough beat ain't got that section probably could have done that a little better but a bit more efficient mb is your bridge tool i can throw a bevel deformer in here holding shift will make an automatic child of whatever you have selected oh boy let's optimize it grab all those points ctrl a hit uo for optimize and maybe that'll take care of it no what's going on wow what am i doing this is tough so weird why is that doing that okay i guess it's just one double point whatever peter do you own any cameras like this no i freaking wish uh you're into still like uh film style um yeah yeah it's awesome i've always wanted it's really cool to like see your art you know come out on to a physical you know printed thing and physical strips i've never done anything like this though this is next level like this just kind of goes back into here slides in there oops um i'll throw that bevel modifier in there hold shift it's already doing its thing all right let's get this lens down so this is just extrude enter and extrude that's about it the whole way through so grab these points ul and mw as extrude enter and d is extrude w extrude enter extrude looks like go move these four and this kind of insets i'll go in a little bit back extra dinner a little bit more and then out so there's just like a little gap in there and based off my reference i can't really see what's going on but i'll just start making stuff up at this yeah i feel ya i know it comes out out again and i started seeing stuff again let's go extrude enter a little bit i'll save that inner all the way i'll make some cuts hey l boom extrude same for here i think there's like a little piece here a little tiny piece right in there hey all right more detail let's see um the lens is looking fine if it had to end here we got 15 minutes left peter oh boy all right i guess i should start on this like uh like the biggest thing i'm missing right now is that like scrunchy leather uh light enclosure yeah dude it's such a weird shape i really was having a hard time wrapping my head around it so i ended up just doing accordion that's basically what it is um i think it starts right up here it kind of works its way back and this is what basically will trap the light film camera so let's get that going yet hey maybe make some room for this thing so grab these up extrude it's here something like that make some little knobs to throw around various parts hey accordion situation double cuts down this thing um okay so every other one on the top and bottom it pushed up this and every other one on the sides it's scrunched in something like that feels about right oh nice oh you figured it out yeah they go opposite i think i think you have it you haven't got your gotcha no it's just uh mine's like too even i think they're all going the same way yeah you got it damn and then they kind of like scrunch towards the back a little bit probably have a couple more pieces but i think it's fine let's not do that let's just do a bevel fire on that so large with it like three centimeters and pieces the creases i feel like would be like a bump map or something totally we've got ten minutes i guess you could all right all right let's make a knob i'm feeling about yours what about you nice yeah i'm definitely struggling more with this one but i don't feel too bad about it it's looking good thanks all right so i'll make a couple knobs that i can duplicate um let's yeah probably could have just done this from a disk but whatever um make it editable we'll scrunch it down grab these middle points here control shift z will undo camera moves bring that down and i'll be lazy with this like a cylinder basically that will be my knob very quick get this gizmo down towards the bottom hit an l bam i can duplicate this all around holding shift to snap to certain angles every five degrees like this comes right up in here and it's used to tighten it close this back piece i'm also going to take this cylinder and let's double these edges too so bam bam ms a little bit always bevel them edges oh yeah i haven't been doing that oh [ __ ] we'll drag um guys over whole thing we got six and a half minutes roughly yeah all right feeling it this piece needs work um okay see let's get get this piece going we'll need um let's just get that face right here and i'll make some cuts in this um bam down the middle i'll delete these two and subdivision surface kind of the wrong way to cut a hole out of this but fine four minutes alrighty not too bad yeah i'm feeling the same feeling pretty good give this the old control a some caps popping off three minutes sweet sweet i do this in three minutes um come this mn we'll get rid of those want to add what do we do with our minute you left on some quick materials or uh do what you got um and then i just need to cut some holes out oh my god oh it was almost the end oh [ __ ] if this works in a 10. i guess that works i guess that works for now sure let's go let's go oh no i have to duplicate this let's get it over here 180 two sec last time oh yeah yeah all right oh wow peter that looks so good what the heck thanks man oh damn dude yours looks amazing thank you damn you are good at heart dude yours is freaking perfect what are you talking about like zoom up in there that's really good yeah but yours is like way more accurate mine's got like a a janky like game asset version got the thank you i appreciate it yeah um the form of yours though okay it looks so accurate like schematic-wise um i feel like i could have added a couple more rungs to my like accordion thing um uh and like maybe it's just the angle of it but like it feels a little long i'm not quite sure i could probably scale that back a tad but yeah it's hard to judge what the proportions should be it's such a strange shape and so i ended up like scaling it uh forward and backward a lot it's good to mess with it though you know yeah definitely damn now i want to like bring this into a substance i know me too make it look nice this is awesome yeah i'm definitely going to do that and put it on the patreon if anybody is uh interested in having this asset shout outs oh shout outs painless plug do it shameless okay cool man um let's check out what everyone else did nice this was super fun dude yeah man i think this totally worked yours looks thank you just now andrew's in here wait we got blender guru up in here oh damn what's up andrew oh man oh man the father my my blender father oh my god i wouldn't be here without angela i mean we have to do a quick everybody here this is here we go um damn i think we do have to do a quick donut all right five minute donut uh let's do it and then we'll take a look at everyone's cameras five minute five minutes that sounds good you reset this um let me know when you're ready peter and we'll do i you know i've always wondered how i would do the donut in c4d yeah okay uh yeah i'm ready okay all right go all right i'm done ah all right here we go here we go here we go andrew i never actually watched the donut dude blast me i needs it i'm gonna go watch it right now let's see how the heck i'm gonna this uh i guess at a tube it's this it's the the icing that's going to be my challenge yeah that's what i don't worry about see we'll do the low poly version and then i'm smart a little bit of top down situation follow this mug let's do like something i'm gonna have to deform it to the the tube or to the to the um uh to the torus that is called yeah i just selected some faces on the torus and like duplicated them and now i'm just like smoothing them out oh that's probably a good way to go um let's do a little bit yeah i'm just getting some random ones oh no clicked touch why a donut ren why a donut because blender guru is up in here or he was was he is he still in here pretty freaking sweet um yeah i mean that's what uh a word from soto that's what i heard it could be hearsay but either way happy to uh yeah it's going good it's it's a little hairy donut right now i guess ren's in the chat too that's pretty sweet got everybody popping up what's up friend all right how do i deform this i know there's like something in c4d exactly for this um like line is it wrap surface surface projection what's the surface the surface is the torus and we want this to go onto that and if we move this down will it just work of course not of course not initialize uh mapping oh oh oh oh yeah that kind of works oh my goodness like i know this is what i need but get up on this donut dude yeah oh my goodness dude what candy man shrink it's shrink wrap it shrink wrap thank you thank you everyone we have 30 seconds ah i forgot about five minutes i was used to the 30 minute one okay shrink wrap shrink wrap no you know what screw it i'm making yeah i'm making a capsule right now let's clone this oh this is great real quick 14 seconds dude object uh what's the object it's the no it's the okay this is my janky donut oh so bad so bad andrew wow okay you know what shrink wrap okay bonus time uh we got rap screw it shrink crap boom the target is how do i do that i've never done this before um shrink wrap the subdivision surface i have to put it inside of it yes oh wait no never used this before oh that's horrible what on earth dude yeah yeah boundary edge uh huh maybe i'm just doing it wrong oh yeah here's my donut take a picture of this this is just my donut right here peter you're so good dude that's great it's freaking great i love it man i'm out of breath [Laughter] thanks i don't know how this works i've never used this thing before along normals source axis is that it so bad i think we need some more uh sprinkles all right look my okay my uh donut is just a little stale the icing in particular that's how it's going that i would take a bite oh uh that's kind of like a voodoo doughnut definitely type deal yeah i i'm just gonna say it i'm over voodoo donuts love to them much love but uh you know what it is i i just like the cake doughnuts i don't like those fluffy ones like this like this kind of donut is like i'm an old-fashioned guy i like the old-fashioned donuts those are great yeah um dude we got we got render surrender up in here uh hell yeah are we gonna do this with friend um like with simulations or dynamics we gotta actually do like a dynamics challenge or something it'd be crazy yeah okay that would be i know 10 hours long just like us with our like our head and our hands the whole time that was sick um let's take a let's take a quick look at everyone's fun uh yeah yeah cameras and then um yeah we'll wrap you up peter and then i'll do some art judging oh yeah um you're gonna wrap me up i'm not as confident i can't do that i will not do that [Laughter] no i couldn't do that either one day um okay let's get let's let's be real on this uh that is good but that looks like a downloaded model but it was 30 minutes so who knows the like chinese or the japanese characters for the camera it's like the first real submission yeah it looks like oh wow really good damn yeah that's incredible good wow very good very good oh my god yeah great drawing oh wow the first low bit one uh the 8-bit one is pretty sweet yeah that looks awesome yeah i hope the box lies classic sergio i think is like one of the first ones that like kind of got that shape down um and then a thule definitely has it too oscar good to see all five or all six rounds into one yeah that's awesome amazing dude look at this cameraman [Laughter] that's amazing it's so jacked the hands oh that's awesome zachary good stuff oh i love the minimalism of uh max the cool man yeah it's like boxy the cartoony one is cool niz yeah larry good stuff what speed sculpting soft model clay whoa what that's crazy that's amazing i've never seen that hey i've seen like digital speed sculpting but not yeah that's physical that's incredible x-ray did a good job it looks like you did a sim on that like on the little scrunchy part oh yeah it might be the uh the blender cloth sculpting uh thing jarvis that's pretty cool oh the cat takes a picture i love that 8-bit style such a fan yeah that's great yeah that looks awesome really good guys getting that shape down um marv rice good work very very good work mm-hmm seriously yeah that's that looks impeccable wow good stuff everybody yes the game is oh yeah yeah anthony it's like from like one yeah i'm actually modeling a bunch of that stuff right now for my game that's in that style it's really fun it's so easy these are so cool the painting mr jay super saiyan oh the painting yeah really nice ooh durgo really good mm-hmm wait back the hack very nice man wow yeah dang good stuff yeah got all the gears in there and stuff matthew solidwork bingey boy it's just that that's quite the uh the little accordion piece that's great bass that thing's good know right jack has pictures uh bass that's really good i like that a lot yeah absolutely oh object objectitude is solid very nice man oh wow uh ed spin has the little thing you throw over your head that's amazing it's so good that's cool belly very good blender king wow that's nice heck yeah oh nice very nice ooh h4 core i love the isometric render i'm a fan of the isometric view um crystal picks good stuff piece of pizza yeah very nice uh i love i love your art style every time yeah what's up what's up tank steal hitch mitch wow dr pepsi where's dr pepsi at oh yeah good job on the lighting so cool yeah what a nice scene good stuff everybody everyone's getting the shape down mdk solid raw worth that's good dang the great murloc that's it's just good render quality good lighting you got the shape down lots of good ones here lots of solid ones here um iberic i like your style yeah hostile bunny pastel bunny that's really cool wow snake shock that's really good man these are solid yeah ooh mr tiffles love that style red of paw very nice huh uh did you see uh eca golds yet it's like the cartoon style drawing very minimal and it's a picture of all five pictures oh i gotta see that he said yeah that's good that's good stuff oh that's awesome oh my god i love that i gotta save that super good bad banshee very nice the potato oh my god great wow coalescence that's really good denim solid work solid work e2 very good model here wow that's that's great alan really nice will to thrill really good and everyone's nailing this one yeah sorrow so many good ones says uh really solid seb chen really solid digging everyone's stuff here wow altitude really good axl explosion really nice i'm always impressed when people can like make something minimal without it feeling low effort you know even though like it probably takes low effort so it's really s yeah smart way to do something it's hard to have it look clean yeah it's kind of clean yeah clean so it's really having like a solid color background like a psych i think helps with that a lot um tarjay this is really good i like that a lot man axle explosion my god so good heck yeah oh somebody made a really good donut they're solid cheese camera no it's a bunch of donuts donut town wow these are great so sick good job everybody hats off ah yeah that's in the donut town we're getting a donut town good stuff everyone thank you so much uh peter i appreciate you man uh that was freaking sick yeah dude thanks for bringing me all this was a super fun time yeah absolutely it's great um so you got a youtube channel what is that just peter france yeah yeah my youtube channel channel is just peter france go ahead and search that if you like blend two blender tutorials or other shenanigans i'm actually going to start posting devlogs for the vr game that i'm working on so if that sounds interesting to you definitely subscribe i also have a patreon if you'd like i put some 3d scanned assets and stuff i'm working on up there gonna be uploading a new pack tomorrow probably so uh yeah great to hang out with you guys i love the community i love seeing all these renders they're all so good and uh yeah you just click you create a very fun space yeah it means a lot especially on a saturday um when people are usually not working so thank you peter for hanging out with me let's do this again um it'll keep getting better and better and uh hell yeah yeah dude rock on um have a good rest of your weekend man yeah thanks man love you too all right peace out so um i'm gonna get into the art review for the weekly challenge um every single week we do weekly challenge on the create with clint discord server and this last uh challenge was falling so i challenge you guys to make your best falling render and uh yeah you guys are about to see the best five so let me make sure nothing's queued up yet i want to give anything away and let's hop over into this art review yeah boy let's do it okay so we got five winners for y'all today uh the challenge was falling and it's gonna be a good time i i really appreciate y'all doing this with me by the way um i think it's freaking cool it's really fun i want to do this once a month it's totally a doable stream and it involves everyone in a real unique way so shout out to all you guys for sticking with us we had a solid like 2400 people up in here for a while and the numbers the numbers were good so thank you guys so much thank you for the super chat thank you for the support and the whole point of this channel is just to keep learning and growing together in our passions every single week and that's what we've been doing for about a year now a little over a year um we've been doing this so thank you to all you guys who've stuck in with me um and made it awesome so let's get into our weekly challenge winners you guys are going to be getting the discord uh weekly challenge winner roll c on the server we got 27 000 people up in the discord server it's growing in just a year a little over a year it's crazy so first up first winner for the falling challenge is uh jerome stefan with this incredible animation of an astronaut falling through space passing a bunch of space debris beautifully rendered beautifully lit um your edge lighting your astronaut and all your space debris um vary in a very smart way this allows for you to pick out the shapes of the astronaut of the rope of the debris pieces and it really stands out against the black background i love this so much congratulations jerome you are the challenge winner this week you're getting that challenge winner role in the discord server to wear the badge with pride uh you deserve it man it loops your render loops it's freaking awesome um absolutely unbelievable perfect quality movie quality i'd say okay uh winner number two we got four left all right um so number two we have bam hair zettle with this one i love this one so much uh the color is incredible you fill the frame with the character you actually have the sense of speed and motion and it's built into the actual geometry of the art here um with the speed lines and everything it's so cool i love your colors so much in the way you lit it from underneath really lets you just focus on the character itself it's very stylized very very well done so congratulations airsettle for winning this week's weekly challenge you got the challenge winner roll wear with pride hang on to it all right you know because you might get it taken from you next week but you got it for this week um i love this i love this so much i like your the lens distortion you have or not distortion but like the lens grime you have i think is a really nice touch i think there might be a little bit of film grain in there too it's looking really really cool um so moving on to the third winner for the weekly challenge this week for falling the prompt was falling is boom edward super solid man um i dig this so much it's stylized uh it's centered symmetrical i really dig it i like your subtle colors here i like the way you lit it from underneath you get a real nice edge light on the character falling down you can really pick out the character and the light's catching the glass pieces perfectly so you get a story of what's going on well i think that's a briefcase it's hard to see from this tiny view i'm looking at this in obs but um i love this so much telling a cool story with this man very very nice very good stuff congratulations edward you're getting the challenge winner role this week as well now if you guys want to participate in the weekly challenge as well um once i get through these we're going to decide the challenge together so probably do like a straw poll situation like we've done in the past one of which will probably be combining all six renders that we created here on the stream to use in um in your weekly challenge or two other things we'll figure it out it looks like spider-man doesn't it yeah it looks like spider-man but if you zoom in don't think it is but who knows what do i know um moving on we got two more winners for this week's weekly challenge only two more left who's it gonna be winner number four for the falling prompt is bam bobby riggs really cool stuff this is very unique i think a couple people have been doing uh these like comic book style covers and i don't know if it was you bobby last time um it may have been but i love this vibe so much it's really cool it's very well done it's designed perfectly it's lit perfectly it's framed perfectly the color is really nice it draws the eye to the center point it fills the frame um yeah it's just all around super solid and it it answers the prompt yeah in a really cool way in a very unique way i love it i love it congratulations bobby you're getting the challenge winner roll this week it's good to do this again you know it's it's been probably about a month since i've done the weekly challenges live like this and it's definitely the way to go all right and last but not least everybody we got one more weekly challenge winner and then i'm gonna get i'll get into some honorable mentions alright so last but not least we have bam sid conscious i believe is the name and this kind of started halfway through but you know it loops so let's just uh go for the ride here we got a character falling into bed and this here is the beginning bam super cool i love the way it's lit the volumetric lighting revealing different elements as you go further into the ocean as you go deeper absolutely beautiful that's so cool we got the car jellyfish action it's cool how it silhouettes the main character i love that the main character's still glowing too maybe here be a little nice to have the character glow a little bit or something or have a little bit more light but that's so nice the way it silhouettes the character and falls right back into bed and that's what happens sid conscious every single night so freaking cool amazing congratulations to all the challenge winners this week guys thank you so much for doing some cool stuff so i don't have the honorable mentions queued up but i can actually show them here on my screen for you give me one moment because there are some really cool ones that i want to show you guys and talk about um let's see okay let's give these guys let's hide these guys in fact we'll rise up and bam all right so one at a time and it's gonna be a little crazy here but yeah we got this one here by uh annie kett and i think this is the first time aniket submitted but i really like it i like the style your lines are super solid very symmetrical and it's very easy to focus on the main subject here which is an on-duty police officer jumping out the window i wonder why there's a little bit of story going on too so i dig that any kit that's good stuff next up um we got we got eel king of course uh you know dropping dropping that phone right up in that toilet it's not good you know it is not good luckily this has never happened to me um but eel king maybe it's happened to you apologies it's a rough life but it made me laugh so shout outs man good stuff uh be pete really cool in here yeah i like your style here it's very minimal you got the fog you know you got the light from the top matrix style the hands at the bottom really cool render i dig the style congrats man keep up the good work next up utkarsh kumar with the indiana jones themed submission here i dig it it looks like a photoshop situation i can't tell if it's concept art or what but it's really good it's super good um i like your lighting feels like i'm there you got the motion blur in the right spot too i'd say that's pretty perfect dude karsh congrats man shout outs good stuff i know is next with this super cool one um is really cool yeah i dig this one a lot let's go obs come on got a character falling out the airplane don't worry he's got a parachute it's all good but i like your colors i like your style render quality is very nice your lighting is very good um this one came close this one came pretty darn close so congrats uh d god is next with this one here super cool definitely like album art uh material it looks really good got the hands coming down at the bottom catch this person and your silhouetting or i'm sorry you're vignetting the character naturally with the dark clouds which is a solid move i like your colors good stuff asica next this one i love it's very video gamey i like your composition a lot i like what you're doing again focusing the attention to the characters one by silhouetting them so they're contrasted from the background background's lighter they're darker you also have the cliff side on either side of the frame um really training your eye to that center piece there um and it looks like it's a render from nausicaa in the valley of the wind which is i think miyazaki's first or second movie um solid stuff really good i love it noobs 3 is next with this beautiful piece of art rendered very nicely got some mega scans assets in there you probably didn't need the tree you know because my eye is already guided towards the millennium falcon in the background you could probably crop drop this out a little bit just frame in just a little bit but it's really nice i like your colors a lot and your inner quality and lighting is very good so congrats one dead duck is next always putting out good stuff this one's super cool just a solid piece of art here beautiful clouds very very beautiful super solid scene this one came very close as well sick sick we're about halfway through got some more honorable mentions to shout out this one's super cool very creepy i would not want to be on that boat or anywhere in this scene um which is a good thing because he made me feel pretty sketched out i love it i love it you got some rain you got some film grain it's looking really good so congrats peach kill a good one soul nate is next this one's awesome i made a comic strip super funny i love the different take on it i love your art style um it felt very fresh and it made me laugh so i say that's a good thing congrats man good stuff soul mate zephyr is next one's pretty sweet this one came close um falling through the top uh window of an apartment building not chill not good at all but i wanted to give a shout out to zephyr because this is a solid render very very good stuff i love your color i love how you're silhouetting the main character to bring attention to them you got a little bit of fog in the background to silhouette them a little bit um i'm sorry silhouette i'm at edge light you're hitting with the edge light from up top very nice very good stuff anto abhishek is next i thought this was uh this wasn't bad here let me loop it real quick it go here we go i thought it was when i was watching it on discord it looked photo real for a second this is a mr ant i think and this dude has come so far so so far in such a small time period i just wanted to shout out this artist anto abhishek mr ant and say congrats for keeping up with everything for sticking with it and for uh yeah we're continually coming back and learning man that's the whole point of all this stuff so good job good work uh kareemi oh geez i'm gonna mute these i just don't know exactly yeah this one's really good let's loop that one more time classic miximo character on the onewheel really nice animation there with the pizzas it's good stuff very good stuff i love this one a lot this one came close as well uh let's see ness is next apologies for the sound y'all i'm going to loop this real quick this one's super cool really intense this one came close as well but i love the style of the colors i love the camera it's not too jarring i just wish it looped that's the only thing i just wish it looped but ness this is really good very impressive your animation's solid your camera animation is really good you should be proud um and two more we got time for two more this one is absolutely ridiculous like quite the take on the prompt these like soft body gummy characters is so cool amazing simulations so sick very very good stuff soft body dance no name on that one just named soft body dance and then the last one is the game factory goodness apologies y'all sorry for the ears but i love this one you know you got the dance going popping off and you're like well where's the fall i don't know how this pertains to the prompt and there you go and that's it that's it y'all thank you thank you for joining me let's figure out this next weekly challenge real quick before we dip out um so i'm gonna make a straw poll link that i will drop into that i'll pin to these uh the live feed real quick so i need two prompts from y'all um we'll use peter's suggestion using all of the models to create a scene uh so what would i call that use speed models to create a uniform unified scene or use speed models to create a story yeah so that'll be one and i'm looking for suggestions here on the weekly challenge what do you guys want to do throw it down for me h so we've done nature and sci-fi already sleep have we done sleep sword sleep and sword aren't bad um i'll i'll take it down to a couple here and we'll we'll vote on these sleep i'm actually down for i think that could be a cool one sword could be fun people like sleep okay cool um skate very nice factory oh man factory could be intense that's a lot of work okay you've done oh you've done dream okay we've done dreams so maybe sleep is a little close but i feel like dream is i don't know maybe we can still get dream weather weather could be interesting storm i think we've already done storm it's hard to remember at this point we've done so many music have we done music um mods i'm looking to you guys to see which ones we've done light time i think we've done time have we done time jazz interesting underground ah interesting hair deep deep could be cool okay all right we've done time uh deep could be interesting hmm we didn't do music maybe music music or deep since we've already done dream we could do instead of sleep maybe we could do music so what do you guys think about music and deep and then use the speed models to create a story i'll do one last look over here we've done caves um we've done steampunk already i think factory would be a lot gravity could be sweet actually music all right i'm calling it i'm calling it right here we have use the speed models to create a story we have music and we have deep so let me create this poll and i'm going to pin it really quick all right so everyone chill out here posting because i'm going to need to pin a comment actually now i can still do it i am all right so go to the pinned message it's the straw poll link and vote on what you guys want to do for the weekly challenge this week between using the speed models we created on this stream to create a story music or deep and those are your three choices and i'll give it two minutes here and we'll see what we're gonna do all right the votes are coming in we got 89 votes hundred and something votes 120 votes coming in it looks like it looks like the winner is pretty clear here i'll give it another minute the link is pinned to the live chat right now vote on the weekly challenge that was a fun stream guys thank you so much thank you sodamonte for uh for moderating and doing all the the images and the challenges for peter and i was amazing very very helpful thank you for being here the whole time to the other moderators saw ronan i saw a visual up in here thank you guys for your time always appreciated all right guys it's looking like the winner is pretty darn clear with 51 52 of the votes uh out of 225 votes it's looking like deep is going to be the weekly challenge this week alright so you guys have one week to make a render based off of the prompt deep uh and since next week is going to be an edited video i'm going to be announcing the new community challenge it's going to be a month-long community challenge very similar to the alternate realities challenge in the sense that it's a month long i'm going to combine them all into a montage we're going to judge them we're going to give out some prizes um it's going to be freaking awesome again and yes it's right after alternate realities so this one's gonna be very unique it's gonna be very different um and i'm very excited to see what you guys can do i just can't wait to tell you about it one more week you guys will find out and it's gonna be sick um i'll answer any questions you guys have over the next five minutes and then i'm gonna get some lunch so just hit me here at punisher in the chat and i'll see what i can do sarah van thank you for your time thanks for hanging out good stuff man that was a fun one yeah i want to do this this format once a month i think it could be really cool we can do a bunch of different stuff with it what was the favorite model i did today well i kind of surprised myself with that sea creature but i'd probably have to say the camera was probably my favorite it's the one i felt i did the best on uh the worst one for me probably eiffel tower yeah that was bad vfx king can you start the weekly challenge now yes you can cody how long have i been doing vfx man since i was in ninth grade 2004 probably yeah eighth grade 2004 i started by adding muzzle flashes to individual frames in like a program called macromedia fireworks and i would save that out bring it into windows movie maker and attach it to like my little airsoft guns those were the first vfx i did when is the next unreal engine stream maybe unreal engine 5. uh that is a good question i have a lot of stuff planned for the future here especially with this new community challenge coming out but i do have a unreal engine 5 breakdown coming out probably next month um i'm going to create a scene that i have in my head and have it look as photo real as possible and show you guys all the steps that i went through to creating that art very similar to the art breakdown i did last week but it'll be an unreal engine big chungus what's up dude yo uh mostly colin when were you able to quit your day job or did you go to college and straight into the industry okay so when i was in georgia i was working at a uh a hibachi restaurant of course i was working at a hibachi restaurant i was a server um i worked there for about a year and i was going to college to a technical college at the time and i was also doing vfx freelance and i was able to i mean i basically dropped out of college left that job and drove out to la to move in with freddie and he charged me super cheap rent like super cheap rent and i was just able to create i think i was working on cardboard warfare 2 at the time when i was with freddy and i would help him on vfx with his shorts so i would you know he would pay me for that as well um and then yeah it just kind of it took off from there you know i worked at rocket jump for probably three years took a year off doing freelance and then i did corridor for three years and it's been like three or four months on my own now and it is it's been insane how fast this channel has grown how much the community has grown you guys have been coming back consistently i really obviously couldn't do it without you all and i have some seriously large plans for this channel in the future you'll know about it this month i'm working hard i just got so much on my plate um and i'm trying to do a lot trying to do a lot so um i mentioned a patreon coming out that's gonna help me bring on a couple more people and keep making content that you guys are enjoying that's high quality so it's not just me i can only do so much on my own so the patreon is going to help with that it's also going to give you guys some really cool incentive um to want to sign up you know some exclusive stuff it'll be really cool um i got a ton of videos planned for later this year um like i said the next weekly or the next community challenge which is a month-long challenge with the montages at the end that's going to be announced next week so lots of big stuff coming out adam how do you get inspiration to make anything good question um well i think i enjoy creating stuff naturally i enjoy being creative so that that helps um i think it comes from these challenges from doing things from seeing things out in the wild and wanting to just challenge myself let's try something um also you know the images i see in my head i want to tell certain stories i want to get like certain vibes i love traveling going on trips inspires me a lot putting on music that fits the kind of vibe of the location i'm at helps a lot music actually helps me come up with ideas a whole lot i'll be able to see something in my head when i'm listening to ambient music or any song really but usually ambient music helps me um it immediately puts me in a place puts a picture of my mind and from there you know start coming with stories and just writing down your ideas and being aware of all the ideas that come in and out of your head right writing stuff down is very helpful so yeah i'll answer a couple more questions and then i'm a bounce i'm getting some lunch here do i plan on making merch um i don't know we'll see making merch we'll have to see about that right now the only thing i offer physical things that i offer are prints so my print store is in the description of this video it's noise grain and light.com i have some limited edition prints i have some renders but mostly film photography i'll be posting some more renders to uh noise grain and light pretty soon um but yeah in terms of t-shirts like maybe i don't know it depends on if everybody wants t-shirts but i'm not not trying to print a bunch of t-shirts you know maybe some stickers i think some stickers could be cool um and big j what are your thoughts on workbench and blender do you think it's bad or do you think it's perfectly good rendering format for tech machines i don't know what workbench is because i don't use blender i apologize my man what else do we got i don't speak german no okay hey alan that's a good question how do you know which ideas are good enough and realistic to pursue that's a great question so i think once you have a list of like ideas that you want to create you want to pursue i think you need to ask yourself like for me i want to direct movies so pursuing a film is on my plate it's being written right now um working with a writer on that but how do we decide what movie we want to make and uh nate that's his that's his name the writer nate davis he was like yo um we need to come up with a bunch of ideas and we'll pick the one that that reaches that calls out to us that's like oh that's a great idea let's do it you know i think you'll know it's like but when you hear something that you really like it's kind of like a light bulb going off but really what he said was we need to create something that we're okay living with for the next two years because it'll probably take two years to make the movie in terms of writing it filming it and doing post-production on it you need to be still passionate about what you're doing after working on it for two years imagine working on a render for two years like you better love that render you know what i'm saying you don't want to get bored of it so that was a big thing for us is making sure that we weren't going to get tired of the characters the story the vibe or you know within that two-year time window in terms of like smaller projects like the last one i did for the alternate realities challenge the post-apocalyptic vibe how did i know that was an idea worth pursuing um you know for me i love you guys know i love foggy atmospheric stuff and i love abandoned buildings so i've always wanted to do a render kind of based around an abandoned building or an abandoned landscape so that was my time to do that that just came from me wanting to be inspired um you have to ask yourself too what are you gonna learn throughout the process are you doing this like what are you gonna are you gonna gain anything from this uh for me it was a piece of content i was able to make a breakdown for the alternate realities uh piece of art that i did um i'm also into nfts as well so i'll be able to make an nft from that so it's not just the process the learning process it is being able to share it and make cool stuff for the world as well right so it's kind of a bonus on top of that um if you think it'll be good for your real good for your resume that's another thing too um but that's a very good question how do you know an idea is worth pursuing another one too is is it unique is it a story that needs to be told is it an image that people don't usually see every day and you know gets people to do a double take like whoa that's pretty sweet when you know at rocket jump or at corridor coming up with a viral video it's difficult to come up with a viral video but it's interesting with both the flores lava video i did a rocket jump and the boss town dynamics video i did at corridor for both of those i knew just the idea alone it would at least get a million views because it's unique hadn't really been done before in that certain way and i knew i would execute it uh i knew that i would execute on the idea to the best of my ability and it would be good so if you have that idea in your head that's unique the world hasn't kind of you know really seen yet and feels very personal to you and you're passionate about it then that that's that's a solid idea and that was a very long answer but with that y'all i'mma bounce thank you thank you so much for joining me thanks for modeling stuff with me that was really fun we got to do this again and uh yeah thanks for your guys support thanks for the super chats and everything uh stay tuned next week all right big announcement the next community challenge is popping off all right so we're going to create some really cool stuff together once again we're going to pack it together in a really really sweet montage i'll give you a clue as to what it is the aspect ratio is flipped so it's a vertical video kind of montage maybe that give you guys some ideas but thank you so much catch you guys next week and uh have a good week good luck on the weekly challenge peace out y'all have a good one oh i once again almost ended it without going to the end screen see you guys soon [Music] ten [Music] so [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: pwnisher
Views: 168,334
Rating: 4.9471397 out of 5
Keywords: pwnisher, 3d, render, challenge, vfx, tutorial, cg, cinema 4d, blender, unreal engine, ue5
Id: MVP-ZhxpPtI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 228min 35sec (13715 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 03 2021
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