Modeling Sofa : Maya Tutorial

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so in this video we're gonna learn how to create the sofa so as usual we'll start with a cube I'll go to create polygon primitives and choose cube let's make it wide and long we'll go to the inputs area in our channel box choose width as 10 depth is 10 and height s 2 now ok looking good now we want to make the edges to be smooth and we want to make it look like a seat I'll go ahead and push it up maybe a bit more okay I'm gonna right click and choose edge I'll select all these edges shift the right-click and choose bevel edge let's reduce the fraction a bit or something like that ok and increase the number of segments okay looking good I'll go ahead and press 3 to smooth let's see how that looks looking nice ok I want to add a little bit more detail right in the middle so what I'll do is I'll have to add some divisions to add those divisions I'm gonna press shift right-click and choose insert edgeloop tool' and this time I'm going to go to the options of the insert that you'll do and here you'll find there's an option called multiple edge loops I'll choose that and choose and the number of loops to be 5 I'll close that click here that adds 5 divisions and click here that adds 5 divisions which looks really good fine now let's push these things up a bit now I'll go ahead and choose the face select these four faces in the middle push them up something like that looking good I'll go ahead and choose these edges 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 inches okay so push all this up looking good fine now just to create a little bit of uneven shape what we can do is we can just select a few vertices so 1 2 3 4 and I'm going to push them down okay so now let's go ahead and take a look press 3 okay it looks somewhat nice I think I'll just do the same thing for a few more vertices so 1 2 3 4 I'll have to pick this one 5 6 7 8 9 okay good I'll just push them down something like that so let's see how that looks when we smooth okay that looks nice okay fine so now let's create the now let's create the side handles and the back one I'm going to create another cube so for all the designs that we're doing we're gonna use just cubes okay so let's just make it wider okay so we can even give an exact value of 12 let's see I think I'll have to get 14 because I'll have something coming here and something coming here and I will make the scale Y to be 5 okay and this would be 2 looking nice maybe even taller than this right so make it 8 that's too much I guess maybe 7 and then I can push this up by going to my front view or side view we'll keep them in the same level I'm gonna actually select these to come back to the object mode okay so let's try to keep them in the in some grid so that it'll be easy for us to Asus good fine now I'm gonna add some divisions to this with divisions that's actually enough needed we'll just keep it something like 5 ok and high divisions we'll have 3 and depth divisions just one I'm going to make the model here in the side view I'll go to vertex mode pick this vertex pull it down just to create a slanting shape okay something like that looking good starting to look like the back of a sofa press three key and see how that comes out but the edges are blending in too much you don't want that result I'll go ahead and choose the insert edge loop tool this time we have to go back to the options and reset everything every change that we did okay so now I want to create an edge loop just here in the edge one here this edge press three and that looks nice we have the bottom area bending in we don't want that we want to make it flat so I'll add an edge loop down here in the bottom looking good I'll go ahead and select it press three once again and there you go that looks nice okay so now we want to create two copies of this I'll press control D and before that we can actually delete the history we have got a lot of history information there I'll go to edit and choose delete by type history looking good if you want to get rid of this transformation information also you can go to modify and freeze transformation that looks perfect I'll go ahead and control D rotate it okay 90 degrees and there you go let's push it to the side and we want to make it a bit smaller actually so what I can do is I'll just go to the top view so that we can actually check what's happening here I can just make it smaller push it to its place bring him in and if you want we can even just select these furnaces and just push them inside and something like that okay and I think it's too tall what we can do is just select that and scale it just in one axis okay so if you want to make it smaller also just push it down make sure that it's just touching the grid point and if you want you can also make some slight changes here in the appearance select the first edge select the double click on the last edge I can just push it down just to show some slight difference between the back one and the front one side once okay so this first one double-click on this last one and do something like that so let's check control press three now okay it looks slightly different so that's much nicer I'll go ahead and select this face it's not this first one double the last one just to make some give some different appearance okay push this guy inside looks good press three that looks nice okay now I'll make a duplicate to the other side again let's go to edit delete by type history modify freeze transformations ctrl D push it to the other side and we can actually flip it just by finding the axis that we want that is x-axis here so scale X let's give -1 okay that goes like that I'll go to the front view push him like so now as you can see this guy is a little bigger we can just scale him a bit it's small good me press 4 we can see clearly what's going on that looks perfect okay so now all we need is just the bottom area again we'll create a cube create polygon primitives and choose cube and we already know the exact size so it's going to be something like 12 and depth is also going to be 12 it does not match we can just adjust it not a problem look at the top view well we we have to push this back that's for sure looking good and we want to make it a bit wider also let me check that that's 13.5 I think that looks perfect okay so if it is not having a perfect fitting you can just adjust it manually anyways we'll apply a small bevel to this and push it down we can actually check with the front view on the side view that looks nice and I want to make it a bit more little taller so I'll choose something like that or something like that good okay so once we got that let's go ahead and apply a small bevel to make these edges look a bit more smoother I'll go this edge select all the edges press for to make sure that all the edges are selected press shift right click and choose bill press five I think I'll have to make the fraction a bit smaller okay and increase the number of segments so something like I think three would do press select and press three so that it looks really smooth looking nice okay now what I want is I want to create some extrude from the bottom of this or we can also use different cube for this for creating the feet or you can extrude from here I'm just going to leave it as it is because if I have to extrude from here I have to add a lot of extra divisions so I will just create a different cube go to the top view place him exactly in a corner that will make it a bit bigger and there we go let's check it from the side view or the front view I'll have to push it up I think the entire so far too much high I'll push them all down okay I think that should be the perfect height and we'll keep it a bit inside okay and inside like that let's go ahead and make it a bit smaller from the bottom side okay now you can create whatever kind of design that you want okay so I'll go ahead and choose all these edges and I can add a division in between and make it smaller like so that's one thing that I can do or I can add an edge loop by going to shift right-click and choosing insert edgeloop tool' add an edge loop here and make it smaller like so or bigger so depending on whatever kind of result that you want I will add one down right in the bottom okay something like that I'm going to add a couple of more one just about here yeah this one will try to keep it maintain that same shape that we have created the hard shape maybe I'll just add one more here let's try to see how it looks when I smooth it pressing three okay so that looks good now if you don't want to make it look like a circular shape or cylindrical shape we can also add divisions right here this edges one here one here one here and one here okay so now you can see that it'll be more like a rectangular shape Doxey shape that looks nice so once we're happy with the result we can actually duplicate to the other sides I'll go ahead and choose edit delete by type history if needed modify freeze transformations okay I'll choose ctrl D to make the duplicate and then push it to the to its new location so I'll go to the top view just to check if it is matching up I can also check from the front view place it there okay I'll make another duplicate with both of them selected and ctrl D this time for the back okay so once we got that done our sofas ready that completes this tutorial on creating a sofa you
Channel: Rees3D
Views: 116,226
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: autodesk, maya, 2016, autodesk maya 2016, 3d, UI, modeling, texturing, lighting, rendering, premitives, rigging, andrew, anyone can animate, animation, tutorial, beginner, intermediate, advanced, hd, lecture, class, teaching, education, learning, teach, learn, how, how to, office, interior, chair, table, house, maya tutorial, maya modeling tutorial, autodesk maya
Id: _3hDxcWomig
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 13sec (913 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 18 2017
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