Alternate Realities Winner Reveal Stream (w/ Ian Hubert, Wren Weichman & Peter France)

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] welcome welcome everybody i can promise you one thing and that's the that is there's gonna be some technical difficulties i promise but we are here all right i'm a permanent smile that's just the way it is it'll probably switch it up in a second um but i am super happy to be here with peter france ian hubert and ren wykman guys we are freaking doing it so first off do we sound okay can you guys give me some levels how are we sounding how we looking hello hello hey how you doing i'm doing great i'm excited for this i mean so much creativity so much inspiration here in this little little area right now and i i could not be more excited agreed man yeah um so if i could get my video fixed you know that would be sick but right now i hope i'm sounding good um we'll figure this out in a minute and this this this is how i know you as clint just permanently constant good vibes all around um but yeah guys so well basically we got a lot of announcements we got a lot of freaking announcements but it would freaking help if my camera was working let's see let's see if i can't frickin it was working it was the whole time all the technical difficulties we've had up to this point has been a hoot it's been a good time but hey i appreciate you guys doing this with me um this is going to be an incredible stream oh and peter peter by the way is like on some next level because he's like taking over that chat you know his video is constantly popping in and out okay i can't see it now i'm watching the stream oh no it's about hilarious i ruled this live stream all right well maybe my video will fix itself eventually at some point but guys couple announcements here's what we're going to do so first off myself and the discord moderators went through 2401 submissions you guys submitted it was freaking insane the renders were nuts if you total up the collective hours it's 18 years worth of renders it's absolutely ridiculous a lot of time that's insane yeah it's absolutely absurd um that's that's about that's a little a little more than half a billion seconds yeah it's uh it's a lot it is certainly a lot which is a lot geez so you know myself the discord mods we went through everything we picked the top 100 and try to keep it as unbiased as possible and then i got together with these guys um a couple days ago we went through the top 100 and we whittled it down and we found our top five we're not telling you yet until the end of this thing but um that's what we're gonna do during the stream we're gonna get this down to the top five i basically issued everybody a little animation you guys built it out in your style you put you know put your spice on it built out your world and five you guys are going to be going home with some amazing stuff so fifth place um let's go through these prizes really quick whoa hold up that was an earthquake i just felt a nerf really okay sorry yeah but my i was shaking i'm outside on the ground and i'm like shaking are you in san diego okay sorry okay uh just north of san diego yeah i'm next to a big lake outside of san diego anyway yeah that was wild um sorry continue so yeah basically i'm gonna go through these prizes i gotta give a shout out to rococo to wacom to pny to aftershocks and to quixo for hooking up all of the prizes for this thing fifth place let's see man this is off the top of the dome here fifth place is getting um an awesome pny ssd as well as a one-year subscription to the quicksilver megascans library it's gonna be the same for fourth and fifth place all right but as soon as you go up to third place if you're if your render is the third best render in this whole thing you're gonna get both of those things you're gonna get the quixote mega scans subscription you're gonna get the pny an even better pny ssd and you're also going to get a wacom tablet um a size of your choice you know small medium large whatever you want um shout outs to wacom those guys are amazing and then also second place you get all of that plus a pair of aftershocks um like open ear headphones the things that we use all the time i use these things all the time they're the best and first place gets all of that the open ear headphones from raptor shocks the wacom tablet size of your choice p and y uh ssd the kwiks will make skins year long subscription and the rococo full mocap suit with the gloves and the studio all that stuff so it's gonna be nuts it's gonna be freaking crazy peter's all tiny again at least at least you're not taking over the visual like there you go you're fixed now so yeah um so any other announcements i just want to thank everybody for doing this um for everyone who submitted to you guys for helping me uh judge this thing um what else uh i just wanna say that what i've seen so far i've seen the top 100 and every single one of them is amazing like legitimately incredible i was blown away yeah it's uh i'm excited to look at all of them with everyone it's freaking nuts um any and just scale of this thing too like i over the past month i've seen the entire 3d community explode i feel like it's really good together in a cool way like you should be really proud of yourself clint for being able to inspire so many people to come together like this this is really cool this is really special dude i'm so inspired that like i feel like i just can't move you know like i'm just i'm i'm frozen out of shock and like it's blowing my mind and guys my goodness um next weekend here we're gonna be we're gonna have a top 100 like all the ones that we're gonna review today there's gonna be a montage of the top hundred my buddy adam he goes by feverkin he did like two custom tracks for it and then on the same day i'll also release the full 2401 cut and that's gonna be everything it's gonna be three and a half hours long it's gonna be nuts three and a half hours yeah just like solid vibes and good shots [Laughter] absolutely um okay so i think that's everything uh let's see let me go through my notes here oh yeah really glad that uh i got this holly holly land like mic right now uh they sent one over and i'm glad you guys can hear me you can't see me but shout outs you sound you sound great that's good that's it doesn't even matter we can't see yeah friggin good heck yeah i don't need to see you hearing is enough all right so here's what we're gonna do here's what we're gonna do um we're gonna go through these top hundred we're gonna whittle that down to the top 75. all right from there we're going to go top 50 from that 75 from that top 50 we're going to go top 25 from the top 25 we're gonna go top 15 and from the top 15 we are going to choose the five best renders out of all 2401 renders now we like i said we've done this so we you know we've gone through this process we know who the winners are but we don't know who's first second third fourth or fifth so we're going to figure that out live with y'all it's gonna be crazy um so before we begin shout out to skillshare you know so i think i'm gonna have to hit this button right here i'm gonna show you talk to you guys a little about skillshare for a second yeah and then we're gonna get into it all right i'll see you guys in two seconds talk soon this week's stream is brought to you by our friends over at skillshare skillshare is an online learning community for creatives like you guys who are looking to up their game grow their value and learn a new skill now it doesn't matter if you're a beginner intermediate or advanced on your journey you can learn anything here on skillshare at any level and any schedule type too because these classes come in bite-size little chunks sometimes 5-10 minutes and it'll allow you to fit it into your very busy schedule alright so first i gotta shout out this incredible artist this guy is don mupassi known as visual don he's an incredible artist he's gonna teach you guys how to make a looping city animation in c4d and after effects this guy is awesome the work he puts out in c4d is incredible and i know you guys are going to learn a ton with his tutorials on skillshare next up i know we got some blender folks up in here so i don't want to forget about you guys blender is a free program it is a fantastic program if you guys are looking to dive in and learn how to do stuff for free and there's a ton of great tutorials on skillshare for blender and this one here is an intro to modeling so if you guys are trying to learn more about how modeling works what it is this is a great way to start for anyone trying to do this for free and finally for anyone trying to bite off more than they can chew there is a ridiculous 11 hour course on how to make a game here on skillshare it's a fantastic course lots to learn here and unreal engine is again it's free guys so check out this fun course on skillshare it's a good time so as a skillshare member you guys get unlimited access to regularly updated premium content for less than 9.99 a month for a yearly subscription and to the first thousand people who click the link in the description i got you guys with a free trial of a skillshare premium membership you guys are going to learn something new you're going to grow you're going to get past the competition and it also helps me out too it helps me do more of these live streams so click the link in the description and start learning all right okay so we're back uh i think that went like one and a half times over but hey like i said you know lots of things going on in the stream today i'm fixed i can see myself uh definitely oh my god the chat is going crazy thanks for thanks for bearing with us guys uh hans thanks for the super chat man i appreciate you there's like 80 million plates i'm juggling trying to run this stream at the same time with all these things going on so thank you guys for bearing with me thanks for hopping in and joining us today we're going to go through all these awesome renders and check them out so peter you brought up a good point dude um yeah yeah i was just saying that you know we're going to be whittling these renders down to the top 75 top 50 top 25 top 15 10 5 whatever and i just wanted to say that all of these renders are amazing like i hope nobody's upset that we're skipping past theirs going to the top 75 or 50 because being in the top 100 already out of 2 000 is crazy so i just want to congratulate everybody on being in the top 100 absolutely let's see uh 100 that's doing some math that's funny yeah no it's true it's true we're already looking at the top four percent heck like if you're here you're already like the cream of the crop here and it's like it don't eat don't take anything personally that we say because we're gonna start getting a little like uh nitpicky and it completely glosses over the fact that what we're looking at is incredible that's just the baseline here is incredible absolutely yeah yeah yeah they're just kind of like what resonates the most with us what speaks the most you know and so that's going to be where it kind of like goes from yeah yeah this is the most like overwhelming just display of of cg talent i've ever seen just condensed into a few minutes it's a first time watching it like my brain just shut off and just couldn't even process it was just so so much cool stuff yeah yeah halfway through you get desensitized to how awesome it is you're just like all of these are amazing i can't focus on any of them so yeah don't don't worry guys if like you know we're glossing over some renders you know we we can't we we don't have 12 hours we have a couple hours for sure so yeah you guys should be very proud if you're in the top 100 and just the fact if you even submitted guys like i said next week there's gonna be the full 2401 montage three and a half hour long so that's that's that's a feat in itself you guys finished you guys hit the finish line and you made it happen so congrats to everybody who entered this thing um i think it's about time we hop into it are you guys ready to do this let's do it yeah all right i am here we go all right it works yes okay so we're gonna go through the top hundred renders all right and we're gonna choose 75 renders i'm in davinci right now you guys don't see my timeline but basically i'm going to be leveling up uh 75 renders from these top 100 and we're going to go through these and we're going to just do this based off of feeling based off of style based off of visual composition based off of render quality you know based off of story and it's going to get a bit more nitpicky as we get towards the top 50 top 25 but for this 75 of you guys are going to be moving on from the top 100 so uh let's freaking do it how do you guys feel about this render right here i love this one i love my style it's so unique it's clean it's fresh yeah so you move this one up what do you guys think does it get the advance oh yeah all right sweet that one goes up dig it the laser one oh i love it yeah the robot face in the cage yeah this one the sunset i love the color heck yeah this one gets the level up that little little camp love this one too yeah this one's sick so super sick yeah this one gets the level up for sure oh this one's ren's favorite i'm a sucker and i love that star that little solar flare too like it's so good yeah this one gets the power this gets the level up for sure and that is cool cool fireworks i love these carrying great fireworks yeah i like the vibe on this one what do you guys think upper moving on up yeah okay cool all right this one is moody i love it yeah yeah you think so top 75 i don't know we're gonna have to bring them all out yeah it's a bit hard to see what's going on it's a little dark yeah it's a little dark all right which i like the darkness but it you know it also makes it unclear yeah i feel like a little bit of like that i yeah i i for me i just don't get what's going on this one on the other hand oh this one that this one's one of my favorites i love the style of this one yeah the jet with that that uh that line behind it the the what do you call the the the line in the air the cloud line oh shoot we're getting we're getting some lag it looks like on this oh no yeah hmm i wonder if there's a better way to do this hmm we gotta freeze you again clint i know i know one fps shoot oh no i wonder what on stream settings let me change ah i should have done normal latency here but i don't think i can change that while i'm streaming oh huh someone said the renders are leggy but we're fine really yeah um maybe it's a da vinci situation here huh well yeah it's a little crunchy on my end huh let me pull up uh let me pull this up and see cpu is pretty maxed close premiere oh yeah let's close some programs here there's a lot going on here guys let's see oh boy we can close desktop center oh no yeah what is maxing this out freaking obs dude is crunching that makes sense yeah don't don't reset obs god no okay all right let's see maybe that helps a little bit i don't know anyway this one goes up we know that that one goes up all right i love this one i love the color contrast between the orange and the blue yeah bunch of freaking pride rock in the background dropping bodies off of it yeah that's beautiful absolutely beautiful this one goes up for sure i like the subtle use of volumetrics yeah it's very nice this one's cool it's base it's very much so inspired by the video game limbo yeah very unique art style yeah use of silhouettes and grayscale i dig this one i dig this one a lot also should we also point out the like reestablish the rules real quick i mean most people uh watching right now probably you know submitted something so they're already familiar but you want to like restate what the rules were clint yeah so basically um the idea is that you were you guys were given a character and you can't touch the the like the walk cycle essentially the only thing you can move are the hands so in this case the character or this this uh dario touch the hands and move them up to this ball here and there's also a spherical element that was provided that you guys can see maintained through a lot of these renders so you can see this little spherical element here you can see the character walking and you can't you can't touch the camera in relation to the character so the character has to stay in the same spot and the spherical element needs to be maintained so yeah let me um someone actually had a good idea they said just turn off the uh turn off the webcams potentially that way we can just actually look at the renders so let me see real quick um what if you also reduce the uh playback resolution in davinci can you do that you know like set to half rez or whatever i don't know because davinci's taken 30 of computer juice and so is so is obs and the other i don't know 40 is the rest of my computer i suppose so let me see i just i know that your guys's video is tied to your audio so i'm trying to no i can i can turn off my webcam are you ready boom wait hold on let me no then it's just like peter's a skype now [Laughter] dang it's like i feel like it's laggy even with the video paused i mean what do you have running on chrome chrome is a huge uh ram hog and cpu hog let me close as much as i can is da vinci running on your cpu or gpu um i don't know how to even check that hmm yeah um maybe i can close the chat or not the chat but at least now but i need to see the stream i mean you can pull the stream up on your phone that's what i'm doing oh yeah yeah thanks for your patience guys sorry about the technical difficulties i'll pull the stream up on my phone be a stream without some technical difficulties yeah but it's like the stream stats you know what i mean you should be able to see the stream stats uh and i don't quite give me two seconds give me two seconds here so also uh in davinci go to playback then go to timeline proxy mode and set to half resolution okay playback uh what is it timeline proxy mode half resolution yes please amazing also davinci is default set to cpu but you can set it to nvidia yes oh wait hold on so you're yeah how do i do that if you go to your settings go to memory and gpu and change your gpu configuration to uh memory and gpu which settings here uh which setting system settings well these are project settings yeah uh preferences preferences memory memory system memory let's see gpu i think it's using gpu gpus on yeah okay dang okay well let's give this a shot um and see how this goes i'm still getting the error on youtube's end but like let's keep moving this one goes up right we like this one yeah oh yeah bam oh yeah this one watch the dude transform yeah i wonder how they did that turns into a werewolf yeah it's freaking sick i wonder if it's just like a body and then just like extruding some hairs yeah i think it's a shape although i guess he doesn't have that legs and stuff and then okay and then hair's going up do you think this one goes up definitely yeah we're we're still getting lag in this like every video is like a lagged version of it basically oh somebody's saying that relates you using the part is on your system say again peter somebody's saying two things one that the more overlays you use uh the harder it is on your system and the second one i already forgot okay hmm what if you just use the full screen the video that we're watching is the only thing yeah yeah i can try that um overlays yeah let's let's give it a shot um let me see if i can turn you guys this video off without your audio going down can you guys give me levels yeah okay check check so that's connected to the sound bone and the sound bone is connected to the all right let me figure this out y'all we're gonna get this going um okay okay was that my spider-man model no so i'm trying to figure out how to add hmm do you not just make it so that the what we're seeing currently your screen share is just what is streamed i could do that but i need your guys's audio and your audio is connected to your video so i guess i just need one person's video is all i need let me see let me turn off okay one thing clint yeah chad is going nuts right now time timeline settings where is it oh here we go screw it 1280 son no it doesn't scale great um let's give that a shot and see if that works okay next time i won't do low latency when i'm adding a million things [Music] oh that's looking better we like this one right this one can go up yeah i dig this one yeah no audio my goodness bear with me yeah video is a little better a little better okay still laggy test test test can you guys give me some levels hey test test audio is fine yeah audio's fine next five minutes you say ian i just gave him levels okay cool talking about coffee [Music] hmm yeah this one needs to oh man the chat's moving too quick obviously uh obvious needs to stream from davinci not your desktop okay okay let me try something [Music] a display capture or a media source let's try media yeah i'll try media source no no that's like a video okay so somebody's saying obs delete desktop capture create window capture select davinci window capture bam oh that's a peter and this is the best tech support ever it's so fast get out of here monitor window capture okay did somebody just pay five bucks so that they could give tech support i think so that's amazing shout outs what did they say it was only up for like half a second all right y'all you're seeing some live live stream tech in here this is what goes into into this live stream it's a lot so let's see this might work a lot better okay anti-original has a good suggestion if this doesn't work okay i'm all ears dude they're saying create a new scene in obs with only resolve in it and enable desktop audio recording in the audio tab so that way audio would work without showing the webcam okay let's see like pin that definitely pin that and uh got it how are we feeling on this one top 75 i dig it oh wait are we yeah yeah i like this one cool i like the little uh of the bones i love this one love this one yeah clint it looks great yeah this one goes up oh excellent the stream hey it's working it's working it's working this one i love this one's so good this is one of one of my favorites so i actually originally thought that this robot had like a tail like a huge slug tail but i think he's actually just holding a slug he's like oh interesting yeah i don't i don't know like this one's super sick definitely goes up for me i just don't know yeah i don't know where the slug tail comes in yeah but there's like the tail he's like he's holding it under his arm you know like off to the side maybe god's lagging again oh no okay okay okay we got this someone said right click uh generate optimized media there is a nuclear option what is the nuclear option ending the stream and do it turning off the low latency mode that is pretty darn nuclear how would that even work i don't know you just post a link to the new stream in the old stream i said well it would still be the same stream link through youtube right you're just restarting obs would that kill this no it's not obs thing it's a youtube thing so i'd have to end the stream switch to normal latency and then go back everyone say do it restart it come back redo it oh man is that gonna fix it you think i don't know i've never done that before i've never chopped it up into two things before i'll never know and though all the links that we shared online won't work anymore i know okay hold on um what peter what was that one last option that you said [Laughter] um what was it oh it was to create a new obs scene without any of our webcams using desktop audio capture to capture what you're getting from skype of all of us as opposed to piping in the webcams and the audio oh man that's a lot that's a lot everyone's saying restart it restart the stream nougat dang uh boy that's a i mean i had a really good suggestion they said take a deep breath i could use that i mean that's that's always a good suggestion oh yeah i'll get a sip of water too there you go ian how's the weather up there in uh washington pretty pretty good pretty good we had a couple days of 80 which was nice and now we're back down to like oh 60s for the next however many weeks we keep getting that where it's like middle summer like i think we touched 90 degrees and it goes back down like 50 60 degrees for a couple weeks uh you guys got good summers up there uh in theory although lately they've been all smoky you know right down there all right so if i can just get your guys's audio i think that would check helpful scheduled stream can restart scheduled stream can restart so if i stop the stream and restart it it'll pick back up i've never done that before man what what unit of currency is that i'm not sure whoa that's wild uh let's see restart will not fix it it's an upload speed issue but a hardware overload oh it's not an upload speed issue but a hardware overload um have you tried nixon or webcams yeah but i need but your audio is attached to the webcam streaming but you can do an audi a desktop audio capture of your skype okay let's try this bear with me all thank you for hanging in i appreciate everybody's time all right so i'm gonna get rid of our heads and you guys aren't gonna be able to hear our boys for a minute you'll just be able to hear me so they can't hear you now so we're we're gonna add let's see screw it i'm gonna show you guys how confusing this is bam look at look how crazy this is right here inception all right so here's what i need to do this is they see all the craziness that's going down right here yeah bam okay so here we go we want to got rid of your guys's heads we're gonna right click up in here we're gonna add a desktop what is it a desktop audio source or an audio output which one that's a thing where is that audio shoot i need to full screen this crap i can't see anything thank you all thank you for bearing with us trying to fix this lag situation so you guys can freaking see what the heck is going on thank you for hanging in there with us now they still can't hear you yeah yeah exactly um yes it does i'm gonna bring you guys back in here let's see all right you guys are back in i'm bringing your videos back in [Music] i just need your guys audio and not your video check well hello bandwidth highest no audio only no lowest lowest bandwidth how about that is obis encoding on your gpu i have no idea that was one suggestion to make it better yeah and another common suggestion is use nv enc encoding in obs but i don't think it's an encoding actually it might be an encoding issue because that takes hardware under settings output no bs all right hold on [Applause] i got this one fire to put out here let me see your guys's heads are gone um it's just so dang tiny let's see ren let's reset ren screw it i'm gonna do audio only reset i'll just do audio only i think it'll just be better that way okay so you guys are just audio only right now and cool let's try this again all right so we get levels from y'all you guys can we hear you hey check all right hey all right so you guys we got audio levels um and now we're trying to play this video and it's doing its best here um looks like it's playing to me cool cool i'm just terrified to play it for too long oh yeah so i love this one this one's great yeah this one goes up for me super dope little guys in the audience okay so but we're back to like we're all we're all live right now right like we are live yeah we're we've been live yeah everyone can hear you no i'm learning your phrase like we're no longer troubleshooting we're back to reviewing we are back to reviewing for the next 10 seconds yes um how do you guys feel about this one this shot i love this one i it looks like it looks real to me it looks like an actual like shot you know i love the foreground elements i love the silhouette i love the the light rays behind the the elephant yeah yeah okay elephant's like hey i'll get you guys in here this one oh yeah i love this one go back wait yeah i got you i got you i got you i love this one so much i love that little orb that he's pulling i love the way the sand is kicking up under water there and of course that fish is such a cool looking fish yeah i love the fish this one was good and then the fish appeared and it's like yeah this one's great the first time i saw this i didn't see the fish until like the last moment so it was like this shot evolves over the few seconds yeah it's that reveal it's all about that reveal it's like super nice yeah i'll move this one up this one people are saying this is a lot better good great oh i love this one yeah this one's sick it makes me feel warm and fuzzy it's just like it's like super nice i like the vibes i like the colors um the render quality is really really good i'm digging this one a lot oh wait yo this one's been updated it has been it has been yes no more floating burns nope no more floating birds all right this one goes up for sure yeah i love this one it reminds me of the new pixar movie luca oh yeah which is very good by the way so it looks like we're still getting lag guys um i think it's like it's good for a second and then it goes back to just being laggy um maybe just look at each one individually at least this first round kind of like just let it build up a buffer and we talk about each one for a sec also i think something to note is that we're like pausing and going back and skipping around so that might look like lag to the audience no i'm looking at the the stream and it's definitely frozen like i'm looking at it now and it's just completely frozen yeah um so the stream's bitrate is saying is lower than the recommended just open this thing let's see yeah yeah it's we're on a lower bit rate is what it's saying stream status is good um yeah part of me which i wish i could just redo this with normal latency what do you guys think you think we should just reset this thing and like reboot it and have everyone come back how confident are you that changing that latency setting will fix this um it is like we're basically at us crawling right now we're at a snail's pace and i think that if it's an option but like peter said it is a nuclear option so yeah trying to figure that out i mean if you think it'll legit fix it okay have you tried putting on the gpu in obs no i should yeah yes h264 encode okay where do where do i go under settings file uh no like on the on the right under like the streaming buttons settings yes yeah and then uh just under output change the encoder to indunk the uh streaming encoder i can't mess with it because i think i'm streaming oh no you can you cut the stream and then restart it with an obs while still keeping the youtube link i think so i'm gonna i'm gonna freaking try it i'm just gonna try it um if the stream goes down we'll be back there'll be a new link it'll be on the discord i'll tweet it out and if it goes down i will switch to normal latency and let's let's give it a shot all right i'm gonna stop streaming see ya see you in two seconds don't go anywhere what happens to see if we get back cool okay i think we're back [Music] are we back hello hello yes still waiting for me to update on my all right we're back in pixelated the stream oh wait no no no that's my settings for some reason normie okay we're back cool how do you guys feel about this render yeah i love it yeah i love it too yeah let's move it up oh it's buttery again oh yeah now it's working well hopefully let me give it a minute give it a minute this one's gorgeous yeah yeah this one's cool i don't get it though i don't exactly know what's going on also i just realized your name's on that giant experience it is punisher corp i love the character animation for that little robot it's so expressive yeah this one get this one goes up for sure ooh the big army i like this i like the color contrast it's cool it's cool but what do you think should we pass on it for top 75 don't know i yeah i don't know i i would guess on this one we gotta say like not pass one at every four i feel like we're either above or below hey i'm gonna get you guys hey on playback let me get some playback here uh playback quality 1080. let's give it a shot making it better hold on that pop yeah this one's cool i i like the colors and the design like the graphic design element to this yeah as far as animation and story i don't find it too compelling yeah agreed i think like the art direction here i think is really cool but it it it just is limited to that you know i don't really it's just a bunch of dudes that were duplicated instanced out and are all just kind of walking yeah we do need to choose 75 of the 100 so i'm down if we think that to move on i'm down and move on already in the top four percent yeah yeah this one i like a lot yeah i like the idea of just dude pulling a boat walking on water freaking sauron's eye in the background and what's going on underneath the water surface also just look at that substrate going on when the lightning hits it and all that like yeah those dudes below the water yeah it's people it's people that's so cool yeah it's freaking the volumetric clouds in the background damn yeah it just looks like a painting i love this one i love the clouds yeah i look like a classic painting yeah that goes up that goes up for sure um how do you feel about this guy here this just feels calm i think calm relaxing vietnamese rice field looks like yeah i dig the uh like the visual composition uh i like the silhouette i think it's placed nicely so i think this one should go up yeah cool yeah this one's sweet i don't know what's burning in the background but like some sort of planetary uh fiery wipe i think the moon just blew up something like that yeah so this one this one is playing a little bit laggy on my end damn the background environments in this one are are really cool so much detail on the horizon is this a dark souls type deal yeah it's dark souls that's like the little fire right here and then this is i think the starting level of dark souls but i think this one's beautiful and should definitely go up yeah definitely um so playback on that one was laggy uh but this one is playing smooth for me so yeah this one i like too but having literally just seen another one that was similar i don't know what he's dragging though it's a giant skull so i guess he just finished a monster hunt it's kind of good it's a monster i like this one i think this one is very like the lighting is great i agree ian i like the purple flowers yeah let's bring it up heck yeah yeah oh man i love this one oh yeah i'm the dude taking a crap in the back yeah yeah yeah this one goes up it's very unique tiles it really makes it uh look like you know there's motion going on and of course obviously the freaking foam simulation going on i don't know how they would have done that that has a shaving cream viscosity yeah yeah this one this one's great i like so much going on i love the story on this the vibes yeah oh the puck is popping appeared yeah this one goes up yeah i love this one too i love the brightness of it top 75 trees also i love everyone's creative take on twisting what the that sphere in the background is for instance this one that sphere is an explosion so it's not actually there on the first frame but it is there yeah yeah it is nice i like it let's try and let's try and bring back the uh webcam and see if we can we can do that successfully we've just not uh we've lifted all of them but like one out of the last like it's so much harder being harsh when it's like a stream i know i know it was already felt so hard when we went through it the other night and now it's just like knowing that whoever really like watching it's like oh man they're all so good like it's literally only i think two that we've not passed on so far yeah it's like two or three all right i'm just gonna real quick um reset your guys's heads up in here um give me half a second i'm gonna try i'm gonna try to reset peter oh get that yawn out that nice big yawn um all right i'm gonna try and get you guys set up in here all right everyone everyone still wants to be mean be mean okay yeah well of course they want us to be mean they enjoy that all right ren i got your little little red head back up in here sweet okay let's see give me some levels guys hey check check one two three hi names peter all right hello so now uh let us know guys hopefully this goes well moving on do we like this one do we think it's top 75 i like this one i love the i love the the particles i love the depth of field i love the detail i love the the dedication to just the orange color palette and the glow i don't know smoke yeah this one goes up for me it feels like a bunch of like stock assets kind of to me that were like put together really well i feel i love this one yeah this one's great so creative i like a lot yeah this just nails the stop-motion look this goes up and i have that exact time-lapse of stop-motion so yeah we'll we'll touch on we'll touch on all these ones that are getting leveled up in detail as as we get a little further into it but right now we have roughly let me see how much we have we've we've passed on two and we're about 25 percent all right so we got a little more sorry this one has to go up and we haven't looked at that yet yeah this one's great this one's amazing yeah this goes up i love eyeball one it's unique i don't know if i need to see it go up it's unique yeah i don't know how do you guys feel i love this one i like it i would put it up all right it goes up it's definitely top 75. i love the colors this is top 75 for sure oh my god there's also stuff going on in the background yeah it's like a little operation i playing katamari oh is that cotton yeah oh [Music] so sick this goes up yeah great muppet caper i haven't thought of moving forever this one's creepy as hell oh i love how it's all the little uh i guess those are rats i initially thought they were beetles but you only really see the they're curved back yeah as they just be out of the way i dig it i think it should go up i recently noticed that the the rat in the background is actually moving it's just huge so it's moving really slowly i think he is moving too slowly like detrimentally slowly for the shot you know it's like he needs a little bit more more motion in mind he's just like two key frames yeah it's too slow it's too slow i hear you um what do you think should we pass on it or move it up move it up yeah okay there's so much going on there's a good one the atmospherics and this one are nice yeah this one that i just have no idea what's going on i love the mud low tides it's like a little fluid sim or something on the feet yeah it's beautiful this one's beautiful it is this one's running a little chuggy for me i think it's a 4k one um but this is beautiful i i think this should definitely go up this is top 75 for me for sure sure yeah i love how people have been doing like cloth sims on their characters there's some really good cloth things going on this one uh we're looking at the snowy orange dude this one's well done it's a little plain yeah it's plain in my opinion in the composition but it i feel like it could use a little bit more detail yeah are the clouds strobing in the background yeah they're popping they're like popping in there like you're gonna go minimal you gotta like really dial in the stuff you do have yeah for sure i agree like this one would have been better had there been some things connecting the background to the foreground a little bit more to kind of more show off the parallax personally i i'd pass on this one yeah due to that it's just it's a plane you know it's a plane and it makes it plain so these 4k ones are a little chunky but this looks cool yeah yeah this one feels pretty unique to me it's he's like a little 2d cutout what do you guys think should we pass or you think uh good for 75. i like it but i'd pass yeah yeah i feel the same it's definitely a sweet render but again it's it's difficult to understand like the story of this one i guess it's you know scanline guy escaped his machine oh yeah yeah he's taking that arcade taking the arcade with him like it has story to it i maybe this is top 75 it has story and it's like it's well done well done i like the chromatic aberration going on it's like just subtle enough yeah i'll move it up this one i love yeah so anything titanfall related is automatically really cool in my book but at the same time it lacks originality in the sense that like it is a reference you know it's it's uh you know it's referencing a pop culture thing a video game and to me when we're up to these top picks and whatnot it it kind of it's it's slightly detrimental in terms of the originality but i think it's absolutely top 75 i i agree but it is so well done like the environment work yes so gorgeous it looks straight out of the background yeah amazing i'm gonna move this up this is good oh absolutely this one i like but i have no idea what's going on it's it's like almost too abstract dang this one's laggy too i'm gonna switch back to uh 12 1280 here it's definitely sweet it's but yeah i'm i'm having like i don't immediately know what's going on and can connect on an emotional level with it like i can a lot of the other ones i guess yeah dribbling some stuff on him the fluid sim is sweet yeah i love how the light is catching it let me try pre-rendering these real quick um that's a good idea how you guys doing you guys hanging in there i'm doing all right yeah you can do your thing i've been drinking too much coffee let's um yeah go for it all right just pause pause the stream everyone sorry uh um a parting thought for the audience isn't lasagna just spaghetti flavored cake wait what just say that and leave he just left oh ian how are you doing man dude i'm doing good have you have you heard of corridor digital they're this youtube channel i have yes indeed they just featured me in one of their videos and i haven't had a chance to watch it dude that's awesome i have not had a chance to watch it either but you did a little vfx arts react thing right yeah they all like sit on the couch and they like react to stuff that's awesome and you did did you talk about dynamo yeah yeah dude so good man freaking insane that so it took you three years to do try to figure how to do the next one uh faster which has been which has been fun still keeping it 20 minutes ish no no i mean i love the idea of doing like a two-minute one too just because it's the internet you know you can do you can do whatever but uh and the next one like feature length i don't know i always think that's great about the internet is you can make them whatever length you want absolutely yeah do you think you'd ever do a feature length thing i'd i'd love to just every time i've ever played with anything you know in the feature realm it takes so long that i'm totally scared for sure yeah for sure i feel like especially too if it's in your style where it's like just crazy vfx world it would be oh man that would take so long my goodness but i'm really looking into some really cool practical locations so i can do like augmentation instead of like having to generate the whole thing oh is this a little blue bar at the bottom like the the pre-render yes oh so we just have to like kill time for like two more minutes oh no we'll be good once friend's back we can hop right into it oh can render as it plays back yeah yeah yeah like and we're we're gonna we're not gonna like watch through it back to back like we're gonna talk about it a little bit and stuff so we should've done this forever ago hopefully this works yeah um i really appreciate you guys bearing with me on this stream there's a lot of uh i know there's a lot of technical difficulties uh but we're gonna get through it i appreciate you guys um lessons learned for sure lots of lessons learned are you doing that going great man yeah you're killing it on the fly trying to man uh welcome back it's the nature of having the cno be live absolutely hey ren did everything come out okay [Laughter] for those of you who don't know i'm literally at a house right now uh with a whole bunch of other people there are literally 30 people staying at this house most of them are in their early 20s and they they're already starting to party and i'm just out here chilling i have a really cool backdrop but this is great i'm i'm excited heck yeah let's finish this up let's get this top 75 going we have yeah we've always done three we need to start passing guys all right this goes up davinch all right can you just like okay here's another quick suggestion is there a way to label color label any of these so you don't have to change their track at all which might mess with the pre-rendering i don't it doesn't look like it messes with the wrench yeah it's fine okay yeah that's good great hello oh man dude foot man is it just a start that's a stargate and uh what looks like a a crystal from zelda or an ethereum crystal but i could i could pass yeah it's sweet it made me giggle but that's as much as it's doing for me rip this one i like i love this one i think it's unique um and i i hadn't seen any other render in all of these this whole contest like this yeah this i love i love the way it i forget the name of it where you have like the spiral that kind of just keeps going and going like a vanishing point thing like a mobius kind of like a mobius mandelbrot maybe is the name of it i can't think of the name but it's it's got like that you know that corkscrew going off into the distance i dig it you guys think uh what do you think yeah let's bring it up okay yeah yep yeah that's right we're at a really good view going on right here starting with this one i love this one a lot this one evokes an immediate emotional response yeah there's something so unnerving about all those little characters just kind of like being all weird and jumping up on them and and it feels claustrophobic yeah this one's sick this one goes up for me for sure easy yeah the sim is insane i love this one i mean look i'm wearing a green screen shirt right now like i'm a sucker for green screen this one's sick yeah way to go way to freaking like take the prompt and like flip it on his head and do something cool with it like and it's yeah it's still got that that that orb yeah it's got the sphere foreground i haven't really seen many foreground orbs yeah that one goes up i have that ladder right over there really there's so many little details in this one i love the mocap that is directing yeah yeah the little like mocap screen and like the director the mocap director bones yeah this one we'll definitely be talking more about later definitely god dang this one is also great i love this one goodness like it's not just black and white it's it's like there's so much tonality within all of the black and white of course yeah this one is a plus a plus it does look like uh cotton balls oh yeah this one this one's sick render quality is really nice yeah i dig this one good good use of the prompt here with the sphere yeah and also he's pushing against something rather than pulling you know yeah i dig it it's still passed though you still pass uh you know what i i'm also going to pass on it too i dig it but i don't know it's maybe it's the color palette isn't rich enough for me i mean hey if it's a pass it's a pass you know like all that matters is the top five you know what i'm saying that's all yeah yeah okay all right mdk i love you love this one yeah i just want to hang out yeah like there's there's a so here's here's now that i'm actually looking at this again i'm i'm a little confused by the perspective we have this ship in the foreground shooting directly sideways to a planet in the distance so is the ship the size of the planet or is the planet the size of a ship yeah it's just going into the distance yeah but like the laser doesn't have a vanishing point on it you know i don't know i'm being super nitpicky like needlessly it's diffusing as it as it goes you know this one's sick this the colors on this guys are freaking great this is like vibrant city and it's my favorite i like how the grass changes color yeah this is what outside lands felt like a couple years ago when i was just high out of my mind and they lit up all the trees with lights this one's this wasn't up you guys you think definitely cool see this one's cool they they added i like the addition of all of the the the it's not dust the snow the drift the air drift the wind that you see yeah uh snow drift and of course the extra animation i don't know if that's like mocap animation or mixamo i'm going on right now don't do it peter i'm doing it what do you guys think top 75 i i would say no though i do like it i'll pass on it my favorite part about it honestly is the death star the death star looks very nice good job it looks really nice dynamics are good but i freaking dig it again it goes back to the uh it's i mean i don't know i feel like star wars anything directly referencing it is uh overplayed it is a maximum animation i love it i love it was it laughing did you have been laughing yeah so this one though the uh i'm getting some real horizon zero dawn vibes from this and i love that game and it's not it's not not a direct reference like i was literally just saying a moment ago but i got the vibes and i like the implied story here that he's dragging a parachute you can see like a crashed spaceship in the background it's pretty sweet i love that crash spacecraft i love the the clouds kind of forming the the circle element with the flare going right to the middle like that's that's really cool yeah this is an up this is for sure enough yeah so i think i've been really appreciating the use of negative space for that sphere instead of actually having a tangible sphere same idea because we're about halfway through um we if we love it let's just say up because we're gonna come back to it we're gonna talk about it later when we see it again so if we if we love it let's just let's just say all agree like yep move it up if we feel like should be a pass then maybe we can touch on y and then we'll get into the 75 and the 50 from there does that sound good so if you love it we shouldn't talk about it yeah because we're going to talk about it later only go into detail if we don't like it okay interesting is this like the background blobs baby oh well is it he's kidnapping the baby it's like the rona it's the rhony i think oh that's what it is yeah uh i could probably pass on this one it's good it's well rendered but yeah the music i was saying this one we talked about last time but i just kept getting uh wait wait go back to a clint it's the uh mike wazowski yes there's ink good soft body there that's good this is incredible 100 yes 100 100 peanut man burger man definitely definitely we'll see you later see if a bottle cap has i don't maybe bottle cap and cardboard hat okay this one i don't get what's going on in this one uh it's it's pretty i love the forest in the background but i just i don't get it you know yeah it's well done it's just a little like random i guess is that a bell i don't know not sure uh looks like hot dogs on a train in the background kind of oh hot dog train gets me gets me back in i could probably pass on this one it's great like i said it's your top hundred it's freaking top notch i love the color palette of this one i do too but i think the last colorful one was better i don't know yeah this one i'm not particularly a fan of the color palette to be honest uh i almost feel like the vibrance is too high or something like i love that maxing out that saturation yeah that being said i love the lighting and the colors but besides that it doesn't really draw me in very much yeah i've got to pass on it i like this one a lot i don't get it but i i don't know this one i think deserves to move on mainly just because i love anytime someone can mess with the rules and like reinterpret it and push the boundaries of what the rules mean i dig and uh having like a person on a treadmill i mean i'm just gonna say yes for now i don't know i think i think so yeah i think this one's sweet i have absolutely no idea what's i mean i guess it's just a person powering an entire factory and there's like a meat grinder in the back or something right all that meat doesn't notice the meat it's like i think it's coffee beans there's little coffee beans right up in here no that's he's grinding up people oh boy it gets the up it's a good one this one i dig a lot this one's very uh painterly i'm just gonna say yes for now incredible yeah oh yeah incredible yes i love it lucas shout outs good stuff yeah this is this isn't up i love it i like this lighting yeah i like it too it's like it's it's such clean composition too uh if it's yeah yeah yeah i'll put it up yeah i'll put it up i'll put it up oh my god yes yep this is probably my least favorite of all the 100 what are you crazy yeah i'm joking this one's a yes this is so good yeah 100 we'll see you later i could pass on this one i could pass it's good i love the vibes great vibe same it's just but it's like i could pass and i don't know it's uh feels a little simple shout out to mark good stuff man i enjoy the render great composition yeah this one's sweet i like it volumetrics a lot of great layers yeah i'll put it up yeah in the light rays i like the vibes of this one yeah same this isn't up come on the top 75 for sure yeah this is this is going up and ian's in that one you guys want to say ian isn't that you there but i'm like working in a little shop hold on let me see you're like oh that was not much of a punch zoom there um so the bottom you you are down here by these plants is that you i think that's me and also that's the same model of me to the to the left there over here in the shop yeah and then this is sam from rococo yeah that's sam lazarus that's awesome all right that's enough for sure uh moving on well well this is so overstimulating i mean it's amazing there's a lot going on yeah i feel like it's almost too much it's like it lacks focus i disagree like it's i think this is great oh the swarm of flies around the garbage and the like oh yeah you're right the wind on the garbage when the car goes by too there's a lot going on this is top 75. at least yeah bump it all right bumped oh caves rd my boy i love this one yeah i love the color so much and i love that he just like spawns out of the gas emitting out of the ground the fireflies particle system yeah that's 100 it's also just gorgeous lighting yeah it's gorgeous lighting absolutely like i could use a still frame at the very the very first frame of that i could keep is like a wallpaper he's in uh unreal engine as well nice this is unreal yeah it was unreal what this one i love a lot it's a good story yeah yeah there's a story going on definitely getting some neo breaking out of the matrix vibes here i'll put that up that goes up oh oh ops we'll come back we'll see you later what's the name of that town uh purpiet outside of the in the ukraine uh chernobyl you know right he's definitely got some trouble vibes on this this kid just wants to find his parents oh it's really good um well they know they're in the background look to your left what where no there's just somebody under an umbrella oh no that's a flesh-eating marauder what what where from the right yellow brother oh oh oh oh somebody the chromatic aberration is [Music] i like this one the color palette is not for me but it's very it's like it's like intentionally muted i'm not gonna lie i like it a lot but at the same time it doesn't speak to me so i could have it yeah i'm down to pass on it it's great i dig it little pass the environment work is very good great i like this one i like those little lights on the string depth of field is done right here i feel yeah i think this is good it's unique lit well fun yeah yeah is it getting his own hand in a pencil sharpener no there i think there's a pencil in there it's hilarious he's sharpening his hand [Laughter] oh i love the giant creature in this one i just wish i knew what the was going on i mean i guess it's like a titan uh attack on titan thing right dude he blew a hole through this wall that's exactly oh that's the wall from attack on like that's what happened 10 seconds before this oh that's dope yeah let's bring it up yeah yeah i see yes [Laughter] yeah this one is the best this is my fiancee's favorite one it just makes me giggle i love it this is this gets up it's so perfect it's good the world is crazy but i think i could pass on this one personally yeah i mean it's got some really nice high detail going on both in the foreground and the background yeah the design is gorgeous yeah that background is amazing should we put it up then it's a yes from me yeah yeah we are doing 3v1 god damn 100 it feels intense i can feel it's intense we'll come back to that i like this one a lot this is so funny so they're going for like the studio ghibli vibe here right that being said i wonder like are these cutouts for movies being placed in here or are these originals i i don't know that's another thing that is kind of hard to judge is like how far does the asset creation go are they just pulling from a library and placing stuff in versus creating the assets from scratch who knows uh it's hard to kind of judge something because obviously the more creative asset creation that goes into something the richer and more uh novel it is versus kit bashing i want to assume they they drew all of this yeah yeah cause the the guy pulling the car that's definitely not from a ghibli movie and the uh the painted look like projected on the geometry is so it's so amazing i think you should go up but there's little crabs there's crabs on the street yeah oh my god that's awesome yeah these little guys all right ian you love the crabs crab i laughed out like okay i laughed out loud when uh she looked out the window and saw that crab with the sword that was like my favorite part of the whole thing i love the use of silhouettes here it's like this is like an artfully done depth mat yeah i'm down on this but i could i could probably pass on this one yeah i could too yeah you know it's gorgeous but it doesn't stand out i don't know it it stands out but at the same time i can pass it's like it feels rich and it feels intentional uh oliver gorgeous though shout outs to oliver oliver i'll see ya shout out on the next one [Laughter] it's good but i could probably pass on this one too i could pass on it i don't know nothing's really jumping out to me as like noteworthy it's it's a cool you know graveyard scene it's lit well enough i don't know and i i can't put my finger on what's not speaking to me about this yeah i love the the low mist mixed in there with the weeds but uh sure i think it had like some more interesting lighting going on i think something i really that speaks to me in these renders is having a little like a tiny little confusing element it's like oh wait what's going on here and then your brain you figure out the story you're like oh that's what's happening and then you feel it's like rewarding for watching the render because you kind of like figure out the story and i feel like in the ones where there isn't much of a story it's just it's looking at a very pretty painting but you know also i'm also coming to realize that i i think another thing that kind of pushes me away from liking something like this is that you know they're not really taking advantage of the actual mocap context you know like this person is just like leaning really far forward holding a lamp and it doesn't really seem justified you know like he's not pulling anything he's not pushing anything not you know resisting motion it's got to lean into the bat stream yeah yeah it's like the air is thick with bat poo poo you know but i'll pass on this one yeah you guys agree yeah okay compositionally it's nice but yes i pass shout outs paul i like the initial uh the punch of contrast you know yeah it's nice silhouettes are great the wind is great yeah glare the grass animation is wild not quite sure what's going on is it choppy that's just the way it is that's just the way it is is that how the song goes i don't know i think it's just wind i could pass on this one it's it's nice too yeah shout outs i'll be lost i think great environment design i'm curious that this isn't purple do they does kit bash 3d have a like a stacks pack or that the ian hubert pack can you see any of your assets ian uh i don't think so not that that's you know like a factor no i'm just curious like i'm just trying to not you know uh i multiple people message me worried about that the uh the stacks i don't know it speaks too much ready player one for me it's a solid vendor though bring it up because it's like there's so many little things going on everywhere yeah i'd bring it up i'll move it up it gets the it gets the upgrade also by the way we have just under 6 000 people in this live stream right now that's insane really yes what's up everybody that's like that is more than four times uh the amount of max people i've ever had like this is insane guys thank you for joining us shout outs um thanks to ian peter and ren for doing this with us going to the top hundred renders we're whittling it down to top 75 right now we're gonna get down to the top five and uh and issue some some prizes to some winners um yeah so thank you guys thanks for helping in here thanks for sticking in thanks for seeing it past the uh the technical difficulties we're on the i feel it now we're doing we're doing well i don't know what technical difficulties you're talking about it's been smooth perfectly flawlessly let's keep going sick i love the style of this one yeah this one yeah this one's bomb ups oops i love that the sun shines on everyone doesn't even fit like in the circle it actually genuinely feels like nested graphic design mm-hmm um ian you get the ups yeah yeah i feel so alive i love this one i love this one i love the idea that like you have these giant floating spheres you know i guess dropping pesticide on the on these fields but they there's no propulsion system for them so you got to like tow them but you're still using robots to do it that was pretty i like the robot design yeah it's a good mobile design super dope this gets the ups good composition yeah i love this one love it ups 100 percent it's up it's chilling the more i watch this one the more i don't like it no sorry the previous one we'll return this one also yeah we'll get to it this one i like i like this this one i like yeah me too it has like i love the dynamic range is incredible the silhouettes are so cool i think the only thing that detracts it for me is i wish i saw some more like texture detail it just seems like there's a lot of bump detail and displacement detail but no like texture i kind of like the ground on everything i feel like that's kind of the style yeah i suppose i'm down against the up for now cool this one's gorgeous yeah the flowers growing that's a pretty sweet system i don't know how they did that if that's like a c4d thing or like a houdini thing i don't know pretty dope just right let's bring it i'm bring it up all the way up this one i love this one so much i don't know what it is about it but it just looks so clean yeah so sharp it's like it's like the mids were lifted or something perfect like ah or like this like it's like the mids were lifted and the and the blacks were like crushed down just enough and the color correction is perfect this definitely goes up yeah i love how textured the grounds are in like so many of these yes you can feel like you can catch it yeah dang pretty freaking sweet so like the fantasy element here i love this the the little staff is a little it feels a little glitchy it does a little wonky on the arm movement i love the tiptoe uh maneuver yeah tiptoe on water feed the puddles yeah that's well done sorry the ripples going out i wish that big foot did something to the water oh a big splash oh yeah it does kind of space through huh what do we think guys i really like this one i like it god dang it this one's in the thumbnail today it is this goes up for me easy that's like some of the best i love the the cloth sim work going on but we could talk about this more later yeah that's amazing i feel like i can yeah spooky town i'm gonna say no on this one i'd say this one's an automatic pass for me i don't know why uh i'm down a bit i like it yeah i'm down to pass on it um we got to get you know we got to whittle this down you know it's yeah yeah it's dope but compositionally i feel like it could be a bit more focused as opposed to like like here's a bunch of different things you can look at as opposed to here are a few things that make sense together that you can look at yeah shout outs to sean good stuff man i love it what is this i don't know yeah i'm having a hard time understanding this yeah i don't know it's like what it is like i think there's an i'm intrigued definitely there's also like weird light directions going on right now you have like the giant light source in the back but there's a shadow from the dude on the little like broken wall piece behind him it was like obviously there's a spotlight coming from behind here i don't know it's it's it's very interesting i could pass on this one it looks like he's dragging a giant like fleshy baked potato plushie baked potato yeah it's interesting but it's hard to understand which gives it a pass in my book cool simon shout outs man good stuff dang i love the use of the foreground element extending into the background to give a sense of scale yeah yeah like this one's certainly a lot better than that that one we looked at at the beginning with the uh just the flat brown and the orange jumpsuit it's like having that that pipe going off into the distance really helps cement it all together i was doing the uh or like listening to the developer commentary for half-life alex and like the first map that you load into with all those giant pipes going off in the distance that's why they did that is to give you a sense of scale that's cool watch it you guys man i'm all about that sense of snail sense of scale this is enough for y'all yeah pups yeah god um is a favorite yeah i like it so much this is one of my favorites 100 100 i just love the justification for the mocap yeah yeah yeah oh man this one's also great this goes up now move this one's kind of depressing it's it's beautiful what do you all think i'd say oops yeah yeah i'll bring it up yeah oh i love that balloon it's so puffy balloon's great one thing that bothers me is that the scale of the smoke sim is off it it seems like a way bigger smokes oh you're right yeah yeah he's parented to the train is that like a blown up boiler that's weird detail i'm like i like this one says yeah i could pass two this one has like it has it all but it just doesn't do it for me oh it's a race huh the uh the balloon it's the country cross cup and you can see the other racers like in the background and his exploded that's cool oh that's so cool yeah this is a yes for me definitely yeah okay we'll move it up we'll move it up nothing against you nothing against you sir um valentine i love the detail i love the surf surface imperfections great the lighting is is pretty good for uh these materials i like the blood but i can also the reveal of the chess piece in the foreground that has blood is pretty sweet that being said i think it's a pass for me yeah i could pass venue venue it's just i don't know it's very sharp i love the specular highlights on it this one fantastic lighting i love the background the whole like background right yeah beautiful the slanted building with the steam and everything is like sick this one gets enough for me love the bear like the only thing my only gripe on this one is the background it's like the the foreground and everything is so well done i love the lighting is perfect it's just that like the background smokes him it almost looks like they took it and they stretched it only on one axis or something yeah yeah here we go i'm having a hard time understanding what's going on in the background you've got that really white smokes and then the black spots and i get they were probably trying to just really match that cur the the circle element so just massaging it but yeah i mean i i could i could pass but i will not particularly a fan of the composition to be honest vlad shout outs man i like your colors a lot i think it's good stuff bear is great too this one's friggin dope this one i love because it's and it's another one where it's like there's an antagonist you know uh it's it's a it's a bit of a creative twist on the prompt again you know where you have these guys that are pulling things or pushing on things but this guy is resisting a force kind of like the arrows yeah this gets the um for me just based off the fire it's good fire too or simply pushing through something really difficult or persevere yeah i'm a sucker for it gets the up yeah getting to the last few here six wheelie wow this one's a good one this is william lang land i think he's in the chat right now um this dude's like 14 or 15. dude's insane he's incredible yeah this gets the up for me oh yeah it's gorgeous this one is i love the colors darn amazing but the other death stranding one i like to look like just a touch better i'm i'm kind of thrown by the scale of this shot because it's like it looks like the background sorry the mountains there are way further behind the orb that is technically behind it but the orb feels closer somehow i don't know why in the top right faster yeah yeah it does feel a little weird it's really i think the colors are gorgeous the lighting is really nice however the composition doesn't really draw draw your eye anywhere it's got five different spots to look at and i don't really know where to look there's a lot going on no doubt it is amazing i like it i i could pass though okay yeah same yeah shout outs yeah i'm a fan of that color oh i'm a fan of that color the colors and the density but the composition is still like feels really clean yeah i'm down [Music] um oops this looks good there's so much going on so many little fish yeah the bubbles the the schools it's just like the render quality is sick absolutely beautiful it's thick yeah jeez god damn so much weather i love it i love the light it's like the hovercraft flies over and like illuminates the rain that is cool oh yeah uh oh that is cool dude yeah in the passing waves of yeah is incredible this would be cool to hear like with sound a lot of people good sound with theirs yeah this gets the up for me uh it i like it it also just looks like ian that you did this you know this is like straight up your style there are some of my elements in there yeah i think my my biggest critique of this one would just be that the truck isn't moving at all like relative to the the frame it looks kind of like a yeah it feels a little right it could be rocking up and down a little bit or side to side just a little bit of motion like rattling perhaps i'll put it up though unless maybe is he pulling it is it on the ground i don't know pushing it or something oh that's cool yeah cause there's somebody in there i think they're push starting it oh that's cool yeah this gets the up this is good yeah and this last one is mine i'm not done with it yeah i'm not done with it oh this is the first i've seen yeah that's a pass for me definitely i'll delete the file and i'll delete my rim layout thank you another five seconds um it's a robot that's like crashed or that's like chilling out in this canal it's destroyed there's this like little machine gun up here that they had a little robo war going on you know that's awesome but yeah still working on this um hard pass everyone in the chat agreed i'll delete the file bam is gone um let's figure out what we got here let's see we have one two three four five six seven eight nine 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19. we need to get rid of six we need to get rid of six okay so i'm gonna just like thumb through these these thumbnails here and we need to pick six that need or we can just go straight to the top 50. that's done true moving on let's just like this next round we're going to be way more strict about what makes it versus not we've now we now have a baseline of what we've seen we know uh the ones that elicited the most sort of emotional response and those are kind of the ones that are going to continue on all of them are incredible all of them have really cool color composition tone all that stuff render settings are all nice the simulations are all very cool and and well done and detailed but it's time to be strict yeah this is when we're just turning dial and we're turning on our dick dial wow all right so i need to get rid of hold on now hold on now i tried to do a sweet transition it didn't work yet because i gotta i gotta undo something real quick uh now maybe it'll work top 50 yes indeed is this actually the speed the chat's going at yeah i think so wow this is like just seeing the matrix pretty crazy we're on we're on top 75 right now bam all right i'm gonna fill up my coffee you guys want anything yeah can you grab me a pizza or something yeah all right i need to redo the window capture here how are you guys doing are you guys doing all right good i'm doing great i'm checking out the chat right now uh it is going crazy let's see let's everyone said hi delete the window capture and add a window capture add the existing window capture oh but i got to do the freaking thing here we go we're going to make it work wait what yo what's up shovel man all right bam bam bam i uh do i have like i just drank this entire french press can i can i disappear you can disappear for 45 seconds yeah absolutely all right so if y'all are just joining us we made it to the top 75 and we are gonna we're gonna review some art here y'all we're whittling it down it's gonna be good it's gonna be real good wren how you doing man i appreciate you i'm doing all right taking the time i you're you're out on a freaking like basically like a bachelor party i mean kinda not really but uh there's a lot of people here we're all like we're all vaccinated so we're all just hanging out chillin oh it's just a little hangout well hang on some friends of mine uh rented this this airbnb house it's massive like literally 30 people are staying here at this house got this incredibly nice view of this lake out behind me in the mountains wow i'm really bummed i didn't bring my drones i was told that uh that was specifically uh banned here oh no but i'm regretting not doing it yeah you kind of you probably could have brought them and just been like hey it's all good especially that little small one i have so quiet all right so guys we i just want to jump in we've made it uh to the top 75 um and it is time down top 31 entries have to go yeah all right yep we got to do it okay so hang on your butts top 50 yeah your name yeah i'm going to be strict this time around if we end up with less than 50 great a green a on this one i like this one it's super cute but i'm going to say name it don't speak to me hard enough agreed and i'll say nay same sorry ian we love you right now i love the style also drock's thank you for your submission it's amazing god man i'm gonna say yes on this one i love the sunset i love the sunset yeah top 50 for sure i'll put that up oh i gotta render these hold on one second um let's see we render all these guys where you at bam there we go next one not andrew price andrew pross um it might be a little laggy guys for this first part i'm like batch rendering some stuff so hang in there i love it but i i could pass i i if it had some more lights on those foreground elements just like a little bit of like more detail showing them off it's it's like a dark silhouette against a dark background that is occasionally lit up yeah like for this to work for me i want to see way more of the lightning going on like make it like the middle of the most intense lightning storm as opposed to like a couple flashes and that's it also on that little cable the guy's holding it looks like it's sparking if you used that as a light source would have worked really well to illuminate the subject because right now it's kind of just falling into darkness a little bit or even like it's not a good silhouette i want to see this movie like if this were like a short film yeah i'd want to see that so bad it's like oil they're they're oil rigs they're floating oil rigs that's so cool wow um i feel like some ground lighting could have been nice like you could have had um some like under lit ground lights by the feet that kind of go up to the guy you know that could have been cool to like make him pop out a little bit but yeah i'm down to pass but i feel like you could use better art direction and i love how vibrant this one is how about that little sun yeah right sun's awesome i love that backpack design yeah the vortex in the back is cool too yeah i bring these i don't vibe too much with the the color scheme and the lighting the design is a little weird amazing but it's a pass for me i almost feel like the blue is doing a disservice like the blue orb the sun i agree it's like it's like a free tone right now and if they picked two tones i think it would work better what do you guys think i mean i i don't know i think it's top 50 for me but i i'm not i don't feel too strongly about it i mean a light yes a light yes light yes a light note from me okay this one i'm gonna say no uh it just looks like i mean the background is cool and i love the the particle system going on for the fireworks but i feel like that's kind of the only thing going on for the background it feels like it's just a photo you know in the background i love that the spherical element is the fireworks that's that is true that is true but yeah i i passed too i'll pass yeah it's good stuff yeah bourbon shout outs good times caleb all right we got some caleb up in here it's gonna be great it's gonna be a little laggy guys at first but it'll be we'll be good it's got a clean style and a really cool creative use of a like a portal type deal the colors and every step is interacting with the water i love it top 50 for me carlos i like this one i wish it was a little brighter but i do i feel like the the grade on this is is very nice and the stuff going on i just wish i could see more of it it's like too dark yeah yeah it's a bit hard to read yeah a little dark but i love it so much um i say this one's top 50 for me but maybe just top 50. you know i always love subtle use of volumetrics because the temptation when you throw a volumetric object into your scene is to just crank it which looks nice but i feel like oftentimes when you leave it subtle it's it feels more realistic and it pays off i think this one should go up i like it i like it let's bring it up limbo daario i i could okay it's sick but i could pass for top 50. i could pass i dependent on a franchise that i haven't that i'm not familiar with yeah it's like they absolutely nailed the style and the in the vibe but again because if the reference is too hard it it's i don't know yeah or rather than stand on its own a remote the clouds that are parting as the the guy yeah right yeah i love little bits of foreground like mist too yeah this is this is a this is a win for me i'll i'll i'll go for this one yeah as much as i love spider-man i have no idea what's going on yeah go get him spider-man yeah i'd pass that's for sure isn't this the scene from the movie though when he's like on the airplane and he's like trying to like climb along it but i guess now he's also getting shocked and losing his soul out of sync i don't know i don't know i'm gonna pass on it yeah i think a wing would be cool i love it back here but shut up it's just spiderman david yeah good stuff good stuff i'm having some uh some lights flickering a little bit up here we've got some wind so if i suddenly just disappear uh i love you all and say nice things about me oh shoot okay power what you're saying it's probably fine it's just flickered a couple times right so it's probably fine so this one dennis yeah i think i'll pass i like it i like it it's solid but there's another one that had a very similar colored style to it you know your least favorite one but friend your least favorite out of all the remnants no no no no not there's a few at this color style yeah i don't know this one it's very pretty but it's uh feels a bit samey yeah like you did everything you could do with this i think it's sick it's the it's the unmotivated character walking like i feel like i get what they're going with here he's walking into the wind but i don't see any intensity of the wind pushing them back you just kind of like yeah and it needs the misty you need to see the wind you need to visualize the wind somehow and like you're doing it with like the the the little tumbleweeds i could yeah it further like even the barbed wire fence is kind of shaking around but yeah just the the lack of i think particular or whatever yeah i don't know it's moving up here yeah i can pass on it it's good i'll pass i love it but i can pass yeah shout outs dennis dd great lighting i love this overcast lighting yeah yeah i think this one's really cool yeah i agree top 50 oops no question this one i like a lot yeah this is top 50 that is is the ground plane lower than the other ones because he's walking on the robot feet yeah so it's like the actual original ground plane is invisible here and the one the ground plane we're seeing is is lowered a little bit to make room for the robot interesting look at these undulating like freaking tentacle grossnesses dude look how nasty that is i love this it's like yeah this one goes up that's the cool robot design too it's definitely going up i like this one it's it's creative you know it's like it's a little paper 2d cutout show type deal i know the audience turns around and looks at us i could pass yeah but i love it i love that waterfall anyone want to change their vote or are we sticking to it is it a straight tie i'm sick and he is okay it's sick i love it on it ends anise good stuff very good stuff this one just it feels so good like it feels like a freaking monday morning you're heading out i work the fields except you got elephants instead of cows also the elephant trunk animation i wonder if that's just footage no that's that looks like a model that's just an exceptional trunk animation yeah i guess the up for me this one's got the up for me for sure yeah oh yeah just like it's got you in the right spots yeah oh ran your favorite yeah this is this is a favorite of mine i like it a lot the reveal is more detail environmentally but the story is so good yeah i don't want to go in the other reveal it's all about that reveal this this gets the ups for me on on the story reveal there's so few that change over the course of the few seconds yep yeah it evolves what do we think that's i'm saying yes on yeah i love it i think it's top 15. let's bring it up yeah i agree good stuff i wonder if people can tell since we know the top five i wonder if people can tell based on how we like select if we know if they know you know what i mean um this one is incredible i love it i love the fact that he like his little breather tube goes loose and he grabs it and tucks it back in i love the lighting yeah i love it everything about this okay well that that little tube detail i was kind of on the fence but yeah i want to i like that well i mean he's just he's just like it doesn't like break loose and he recaptures he's just like kind of like re-up and like i don't know for me personally i think this one's a little too simplistic in in what i'm looking at i don't know composition is really nice composition's sick i like it a lot also it's one of the only ones where he's not fighting against the wind the wind is pushing him down yeah that's true i'm not an up it yeah i like a lot such good lighting i love the environment work in the background all those trees and whatnot and i love the little plants in the foreground too we say safely say what's going on yeah i don't know what the laser beam is going i don't think the laser beam's doing anything this little robot going out this way yeah it just seems arbitrary to me i think he's scanning like mines it would have been nice though power station like if it had uh more of like a cone style laser that went over this foreground one and it flashed like then it's like oh he's scanning it but it's just like a laser beam off into the distance i saw it as like that's like a little sentry robot and he the other guy has to like deliver the the power station part somewhere so cool this one gets the up i think it's great yeah i love the character animation in this you guys think ian oh yeah i bring it up cool do you guys know what this is referencing like is there a certain story i don't i'm not exactly sure i get a lot of like ancient greek vibes from it with their gods like zeus and stuff like that but i'm also i mean it looks like the eye of sauron there off to the right and the i really love the the rendering quality of the water like the subsurface going on yeah looks nice like there's so much i love i love about this but part of me is just like i'm good on it you know i don't know i love the concept of like this dude pulling a boat walking on water like it just yeah like what's going on and i do love the the contrast between the red and the blue people are saying people are saying what dante's inferno i think so something like that yeah all right you guys you guys going top 50 on this one i say at the top 50 for me sure yeah cool i dig this one it's got a really chill vibe to it but it's too stationary in terms of uh idea you know it's just like nothing changes yeah i i i'll pass on it i love i love this render so much but i see you guys i'm down we can move on um if from if ron orphan yeah sick render i love your silhouette man good stuff ivan with the chungus render the 4k beefy i freaking love this i love dark souls um i think the render quality is top-notch um i love like all the low-lying fog in the background um i dig this one i think i just can't read the the character same yeah does he have a head it would have been nice if there was another light source off to the light uh off to the left that was just like adding a bit of a rim light to the character so that they stood out from the dark background just a little bit more that's like my biggest critique yeah i feel that i feel that i agree but i love that effect in the background yeah me too that's one of my favorite parts i'm down if you guys want to pass on this i hear you i'm down if you i would put it up yeah all right yeah let's put this one up and the next one is when we chop it back down i got a similar vibe this one i can pass on i don't know even though technically like i feel like the lighting is better in this one it reads better uh i i feel like the depth is a little too far like i feel like the background is way too far away um i don't know i i love parallax and i'm not seeing enough of it here i dig that kind of mystic stonehenge thing in the back yeah oh this is on the left yeah i mean i i could i could pass oh this i see you love this one lighting's great colors i freaking love it if you guys are passing i'm down color grade yeah i i love it shout outs to james good stuff man congrats on top hundred i dig this one a lot just cause it's so different we're now at a miniature scale there's not many that are out of many interests true and just that so looks like shaving cream yeah no they nailed the shaving cream yeah it's insane both in terms of like it's viscosity and the render how do you think of that yeah who who's like the circle element will be a bottom of a toilet toilet this one i'd say this one's definitely top 50 for me oh yeah i do wish there was some animation in the toes yeah that would have dude if they would have just clenched like super hard yeah this goes up i like originality it's fun it's a good time jason this one dude this one's got a story going on for sure you know top top 50 i i think so man this one i feel something with this yeah all right jason we'll see you soon uh javert jabert this one's dope to me it does feel like a ton of assets scattered around a scene i could pass on this one yeah not this one i like it yeah of course i like all that i feel like the bokeh is really nice i like the use of the explosion as the circular elements uh there's like a bit of a shock wave coming towards the foreground there with smoke it's definitely a post-apocalyptic nuclear wasteland going on but i'll pass on it yeah it's sick javert sick man thanks for joining thanks for making top 100 this one i dig a lot this one the only motion one that i've seen that really celebrates the article you know yeah my only complaint about it is that like it's just it doesn't it doesn't read too clearly that the foreground element is a person uh i disagree this is sick this is like top 50 like to me like if you see a time lapse no absolutely background i don't know i don't know is it i've always wondered what that thing is is it like a light reflector and it's just kind of moving over oh you know what it might be it might be a uh one of those umbrellas with the light pointing inside the umbrella that's kind of what it looks like like a like a foil bounce light situation yeah yeah i can see that construction paper trees yeah also notice how the cup the mug there like yeah over the course of one frame a couple times yeah this is this is top 50 this goes up yeah we got jerome next i love this render so much you can eat that mud i could just have thanksgiving dinner right there on that rock plus those floating dudes just like ominously floating up there i'll fight you guys if this isn't in the top 50. like this is no this is topic amazing detail the uh the tone yeah the use of color it's like the color is is perfect here because it's muted but it's also still saturated enough yeah in in relation to itself it's perfect yeah it's tactical color it plays in gray which is nice because when you're in gray you can shift to different colors in a really smooth way yeah i love it the eyeball i've seen enough did you see the sign oh okay i've seen enough i love that goo this one's pretty wide it didn't have to be goo but it is it's almost yeah it's like it's a little too on the abstract side in my opinion it's like i could pass on it like it's it's sick and i love it obviously i made top hundred but i could pass i i really like how the body of the the person is literally just the guts of an eyeball like the it's nerve ripped out yeah exactly it's a great simulation yeah agreed i think it's nasty what do y'all think i think it's dope but i think i think i'm gonna pass on this round okay i'd pass we're bringing up we need an eye socket wait what happened are you in a nice house the shape the kind of the window into the background i was wondering if that was like an eye socket but it could just an anime eye a flesh window gross this one i could pass on i don't know it doesn't really speak to me that hard i like this one i love it i feel like they could have leaned further into the operation element of it and again it goes for me it goes back to the i feel like there's too much separation between the background and the foreground i want to see that married a little bit more i wonder if maybe if the operation going on on the left back there was a little bit closer to camera so you had a little bit more parallax or if like obviously okay so the way i take it is this soldier took the battery from this robot and the robot should have been like oh whoa it moves wait i wonder if they made the katamari uh like graphic on the tv yeah well i'm just confused now because i thought the rope i thought he took the battery from the robot so the robot would be powered down and i was thinking if the robot's powered down then you wouldn't have soldiers around it looking all suspicious you'd have other mini robots looking like like they took they took our uh like the i think those old 10 robots are wind up he he doesn't know what a battery is oh my god dude that death stare at the end or it's just like so terrifying um this the render quality is amazing i don't know what do you guys think this is the only this is the only entry with a lava lamp true does it get does it get upset from union uh i i'd pass i love it but i i could pass i'll pass with you all this one gets ups from me but i i'm getting voted out i i which is fine which is fine that's how this works well i love this one too this one's i'm torn but for the sake of moving forward let's bring it up okay drawn congratulations jonah with the beatles the beatleborgs or the rats i thought they were beating but i think they're rats they're they're rats i love it i feel like this would have been i i don't know this one would have been creepier had they all been like just giant beetles like moving out of the way well it's the plague it's it's the speed it's the play against the plague fair enough for me it's the background element like the background element is just like too slow it's not like it would have been so good if it was like the moon like but the moon's over here it's like you just i feel like you they just didn't need this big old rat wheel they needed like it's too arbitrary that's my favorite part yeah it's like the the rat controls the wheel of destiny or something but uh i'd still i could still pass i love it though i'll pass i love it this one gets up to me but oh he's leaving the town i think he's dragging the bodies out from the town yeah into the domain of the rat lord oh man well isn't that the job of the people who would wear those masks back in the plague yeah i'll still pass i don't know i like it yeah i mean i i i could pass red i'm past fair enough shout outs this person's name is also jonah that's about to say this is a 4k render so it'll be a little laggy for y'all but um i for me this one is like 100 on the render quality and the atmosphere and like everything yes atmospherically very good uh yeah render quality all like the little foreground elements are literally uh smoke so it's like it doesn't obscure anything but it still gives you a sense of motion um the the raindrops only refracting like immediately around the lights to me make it look like it's actually like rain running down a piece of glass or something that's a little weird but like those little muddy footsteps are the best thing i've ever seen so yeah i'm gonna up this this is amazing um this one is sick but i could pass on it for top 50. i'll pass on it game over game over jordan shout outs i love the render i'm glad it made top 100 good good style um and a good contrast from all the other styles so thank you and the jordan oh i just realized you have all these names alphabetically sorted oh it's like this is the second time there's another name that's the same uh top 50 i mean listen this one's great i love this one a lot but it'd be hypocritical of me to approve this one when i didn't approve of all the other ones that were also like referential you know i agree i'm down to pass on this one yeah shout outs jordan good stuff man i like that little like weird energy uh shock wave that happens on this one yeah i didn't notice that before yeah a cool blast so like i was looking at this right and this thing whatever this person is pulling is scooping up it's scooping up this energy milk stuff and it's going up through this tube and you can see it going super cool and i guess and it's giving him some and yeah he well he's spilling it because that wire broke so it is giving him some and then this i guess is just the giant energy ball um that makes the world go round i guess um see my problem is i'm not seeing any sort of connection between the foreground story and the background story you know it's like all those little like chain linked robot arm things doc ock in the background like that's all sweet but i don't see any correlation between that and what this needs to like interact with this in some way to tell the story of how these connect yeah yeah so just because of that i'm going to pass it's uh protein assembly or something maybe yeah protein harvest thing because like it's really cool it's a really cool idea um i feel like i just could have had a little bit more connection to it so i'll pass on this one um yeah this one's freaking awesome but i'm gonna pass joseph shout outs really sick stuff again this one's really clever really uh interesting idea but i think it's too simple you know it's like i don't i don't feel like there's enough going for it plus i don't know what the story is i mean i don't think there is a story it's just kind of trippy the thing that throws me is this mix-a-mode model oh model yeah really it's like freaking like jay from grand theft auto russia or something like it's really sweet and i like the idea and it but it fits the scene really good it does yeah it's really good um i i'd say final fifty personally i do too it passed from me but i'm gonna pass okay i'll move it up to that third tier the uh the middle like i'll put on the fighting gloves tier and then we'll come back based off of how much we have yeah this one's definitely uh i showed this one to a few uh guys at the studio and uh everyone had the same reaction to this one she's like whoa yeah this one gets enough for me it's like yeah this one's great bam it's like there's so much going on but in the right way you know it's like well the the sim that they have going on is ridiculous it's just the the spherical element is definitely missing for me on this one but this blows my mind uh i'd say top 50. it's there for me though i totally see it and i i see the intent behind it it's like it's there but it's it's it's pushing the boundaries i i remember the flashlight spotlight i to me that totally that totally counts game but yeah i mean it moves up we could talk about more sounds good oh hey yeah this green screen one is a favorite of mine there's so much going on here that i love it also just looks real you know i love it so much cool style i love it so much this gets the up for sure of of the pants on the green screen dudes you have a saggy crotch yeah good stuff amazing no doubt about it i love it yeah ansel adams picture in my opinion i love it so good yeah there's like corpses in the snow yeah skeletons or something like really intense that's like a big boat i love this whole frost look sweet top 50 what do we think i love this one this one i feel like the color is just too all over the place it's too uh i feel like the color isn't focused enough you know that's what i like about it i love it yeah i love the color there's a there's a lot going on i compositionally it's just like everything is everywhere i don't know i feel you yeah i feel same time it's like it's very overwhelming yet there is a circular composition to everything everything like the way the uh asteroid belt in the distance kind of scoops up into the mountains and the mushrooms yeah yeah that's true i'll i'll i'll say yes on this one so yes for me let's bring it up all right also i hate jupiter you know i like them blowing it up oh so that that was the i see i see this one's super dope the only thing that bothers me about this is the kit bash 3d buildings not that there's anything wrong with using kit bash elements i just i don't know why i don't like those assets and also that do those come with the trees on them all right now like the group now so he added growth looks fantastic i i like i like that i could go either way on this one for top 50. like i want to hang out there like yes look at the water somewhere in his feet man that's that's so well done you're right okay it gets the up yeah that's sick god dang 100 this speaks a lot like this one dude this has story this has we'll talk about later it has everything burger man i like this one a lot just because it feels so vibrant like it feels like an hdr video you know it's like i love how bright it feels while also how like i don't know i feel like the grade on it is just yeah i love it i'm down for top 50. i could pass on this one i could pass on this one just because i don't get it and it it's got it feels too arbitrary you know like the images being displayed on that circular screen uh the giant apple watch like it it's uh i don't know it's uh it's a it's a nature simulator because he's in the machine you need your 20 minutes of nature and also run this factory while you can yeah and it crashes at the end of it [Music] that gets again incredible i'm about to pass on this all right those are fighting it's on fight and tear okay yeah it's in the fighting tear this is a 100 it's very it's so painterly dude it's like it looks like it's straight out of a league of legends or some i don't know some like uh who makes those games yeah i want to know how they did this like it looks like there's like a rib cage or like a spine in the architecture mm-hmm yeah you can clean it and then project it like you can go in there it's a great look it's so gross it's this is 100 for me yeah it's a yes i like this one a lot because i'm a sucker for rigid body dynamics yeah especially like big lego like it's so satisfying to be able to just like break a lego structure yeah and have like a giant although i i now that i'm looking at i am kind of confused by the story here because it's like the the background breaking and all that stuff is cool but like who's this person in the foreground they're fighting no they're fighting the kid it's the well there's some army of toys versus this kid this little baby the only thing is that that person there is is that a is that a toy the person walking carrying the other yeah the barbie it's ken it's like the uh the like plastic hair oh okay yeah okay sure sure dude the only thing that bothers me about this one is that the keyframe for the hand animation starts at the first frame of the video oh yeah ramps up it still gets top 50 for me but i feel you i love it's a giant baby's head as the circular element yeah it's great i'll pass i'll pass on it i i love this one just like vibe wise and lighting and everything but yeah i could i could pass it it's good it's just a little plain i love all this plants i i feel like the the glow is just right there's just enough glow there's just enough cut off um but yeah it's there's no evolution to it really i mean there's like the dude in the background there i guess at the very end of it but i don't know what's going on yeah it's it's great uh obviously mid top hundred but luigi shout outs man good stuff 100 million percent this is like yeah so this is a guy to go up i love this one a lot the detail work is very good the the cloth simulation work is really good the implication that he's trying to reach that other ribbon for whatever reason my biggest complaints are i have no idea what that that circular element is it just looks like smoke or a smoke ring it i don't know it's a little arbitrary yeah it looks like the thing from arrival yeah um this is and other than that for me it's the fact that the the gradients and the color like literally the the hue is exactly the same as like one of the most iconic shots from blade runner 2049. this like literally is that exact same gradient yeah but is that just what it looks like inside a sandstorm here i'm gonna google yeah i mean i feel like that's a that can't be limited to just blade runner like that straight up what it looks like inside a sandstorm this is so sick to me this is like a hundred percent 100 million percent uh what do you guys think i say yes i like that this is really tough all right easy heck yeah gorgeous love it yup top 50 yup for me yeah i'm down yeah i my only complaint is i feel like it's lacking texture detail you know silhouette compositionally and geometry wise there's a lot of cool stuff going on but uh i don't know i feel like i'd like to see a little bit more detail on the ground and the other there's like not much bump you know ian what do you think on this one i i think it captures the feeling of industrial like better than anything i've ever seen but yeah at the same time i feel like that's mostly all it's doing okay um i'd say it's top 50. i agree yeah this one captures the like old uh propaganda workforce vibes for me i love the little elevator on that uh background building oh wow that's cool yes that's sick all right final final thoughts yes yay or nay yeah okay is the spherical element like a snow globe in the background yeah i'm not quite sure what i'm looking at this city future snow globe i like this is great but honestly i could pass on it i love it i love all the little bits yeah there's a lot going on it just doesn't speak to me detail okay martin shout outs good stuff man great work rand we're getting a little bit of wind on your end oh i mean yeah sorry it's cool i'll tell you on that you just turn your mic on when you're talking or put your is it yeah yeah yeah a little bit you can put your hood up maybe if you have put your hood on oh yeah yeah i got windy all of a sudden it's still coming in i i i like this one but i could i could pass just the background all the different layers don't totally gel for me a bit over stimulating i agree yeah i'm not i'm not a fan of this one to be honest it's really cool but at the same time i love the weird lemon yeah the color is very weird for me um i'll i'll pass i can pass on this one yeah there's just a lot of like sci-fi city you know only a few sci-fi city renders can make it and uh i think i'll pass on this one i like the reveal of the plant though when that blanket blows away i i agree is that okay yeah i agree but no yeah i passed too okay there's a there's definitely a superior plant reveal here matteus shout outs man sick render congrats on top hundred i love this one this one's freaking amazing um it's i can't believe wait this is like wait you said this is entirely 100 unreal engine wow dang man that's so well done caves man he's the master i'll i'll up this for sure yeah yeah this is a good one cool this one's also pretty sweet i love i love the the the fluid sim coming out of the the the jar he's breaking free it's telling a story you know it's like and he actually has some intent there it's not just like they're breaking away he actually specifically grabs the one in his head and breaks it off the cable snapping physics are really rad yeah yeah i dig it i'd say this is a would have loved some more environment work here yeah yeah yeah i agree yeah it's a little like where the things are placed yeah and like the ground just feels like it's lacking the ground element and like the screen i can't tell if that's like a window it looks like a window but there's no bevel like there's no thick bevel to it it's just like a 2d plane i guess i don't know i this one's sick but i'll pass on top 50. yeah i agree um i don't know it's a yes for me i think it's top 50 for me ian uh i'd pass okay okay shout out to ma m-a-d-u i love i like this one a lot i love the detail on the rocks like yeah everything and that that that splash that that wave yeah i dig this one this is top 50 for me cool oh yeah sweet i'm a sucker for miniatures also those string lights they just they read so well when they're slightly out of focus like that it feels the whole thing feels very cozy it does um for me though like story-wise i guess he's bringing a bunch of pencils to be sharpened and then what are they doing with those pencils they're in a war they're sharpening them down they're pencil sharpening uh world record speed competition nothing says war to me though also notice how he knocks the truck off the table with that little he kicks that little ruler and it knocks the truck off he's a born killer uh that was funnier than it's very it's very photographic to me you know like it looks like the the depth of field is very yeah it's very cinematic this lens flare is killing me though dude this like after effects cc lens flare is like uh oh i see that now yeah i mean yeah i don't know i'm totally totally attached to it i just think it's very pleasing it is very pleasing but for the sake of moving on i'm down to the past on this one yeah i could pass mozart motez shout outs motez good stuff again this one's super cool there's a lot of like really cool contrast going on i love the titan in the distance just kind of like looking uh back and noticing him i think this one's just like a little blurry a little like not as high-res not as uh i don't know as crispy as i would like it to be the clouds clouds are very soft and like i don't know this is right on the lightning's a little weird i guess i feel that oh i dig it i and i love the reveal of the titan there and the eyes it feels so menacing yeah the mocap on the titan is just ridiculous i love it so yeah something about being it makes me feel small you know because it's like there's something about being noticed by something so huge that i i feel is uh like it it triggers my animal instinct a little bit uh what do you guys think yeah your name yes uh yay yay yeah i'll put it up yeah i'd say 100 this is like peter's favorite because he loves otters it's not because i love otters i just love how like hard they went on this concept how it's like such a weird random concept but they really followed through and took it to like oh my god is that it's amazing fox in the background putting his guts back in oh god it's going up for me yeah this one's so this one's a favorite he's dude put his guts back in jeez he's like howling in pain that's amazing this goes up these odds don't care this one blows me away yeah it's a good one also just the like the character modeling and animation is crazy yeah i'm down and this little hedgehog just coming in hot just like yeah now that i'm realizing it every single one of those animals is different yeah there's a weasel a little like a ferret maybe that's a good one great material work too damn yeah stick sticking out of mine i love this one i just wish i knew what was going on this this is a classic one that i feel almost works okay no i figured it out this one the reason why i don't think this one should continue is because this works about the same this works just as well as a still image as it does the actual video interesting totally you know it's like nothing really changes over the course of the shot there's not really uh and it's so striking from a single image standpoint like i could pick any frame from this and it's like that's a sweet desktop background but in context as a video i don't think it works i'll pass on it yeah it's amazing amazing uh go ahead ian oh yeah i i could pass i'm just really digging all the little stuff on the carpet me too and the person being drugged in the back it's almost like their soul like they died and their soul was like i got you oh super cool yeah i love how the light source is the soul you know like yeah it's really cool yeah but yeah i'm a pass i'll pass y'all gonna pass ian peter oh yeah yeah yeah okay see this one finally works for having the pose work for wind you know like there's been several where the pose was justified for like the wind you know like oh he's just trying to fight into the wind but i've never felt that intensity until this shot yeah this is a it feels really justified 100 for me even though i feel like the fire is completely separate from the wind you know the fire is uh true i like these holding the child in front of him to kind of protect himself from anything that might fly yeah this is a very dangerous situation baby bumper this is up for me i think we can move on it's freaking great i love it yeah i love the idea i love i love the the concept here i just feel like the execution of the concept isn't top 50. i could pass on it i love it but um i really love the vibe but it's a breath of fresh air yeah that is very true something that always this is just a personal gripe of mine it always bugs me when there's a 12 frames per second element moving at 24 frames per second you know what i mean no you mean like so everything let's see so like it's something yeah or 12 seconds moving across the screen at 24. so you hear how yeah the the environment is on ones but the characters are on twos exactly so you get a little sliding yeah which is just like a ripple the animated spiderman movie did that a ton um yeah but they did it very selectively you know right yeah it's interesting this one's great but i think uh it's time to put it to bed i'm down yeah so right now we have a top one two three four five six seven eight 34 35 36 37 38. 2 4 6 8 10 2 4 6 8 22 left with like three ties do you know which one's at the top let's just keep going this one uh i don't know i like a lot about it uh i like the composition for the orb or the the spherical element you know it's uh compositionally it's pretty good but again it's just not speaking to me i'm not sure why yeah same i could probably pass on i love that train oh yeah i'm gonna pay him all right i'll pass on this one i guess yeah all right let's see what we can do without peter if three of us like it we'll move it up top 50 what do you think i i could pass i could pass top 50 as well yeah yeah i'll pass it's listen i i this one's dope because it's able to use this giant emissive texture in the background to light the ground in the foreground and it really accentuates the the the rain hitting the ground and the use of silhouettes it really feels like we're you know in the middle of a city on a rainy day like the this that taxi cab looks really good and the guy having to like pull all of his stuff while this big you know through the rain is this big reader board in the background is like hey it's sunny like that's plus the dichotomy of like the sun shines on everyone but it's very obviously not a shiny day it is funny yeah i can still pass on it though for top 50. yeah i could pass are those guys taking a selfie oh yeah uh wren what do you think ah this is a weird one it's like if i start breaking down the details of why i think it's good i start realizing it's pretty dang good but at the same time i don't know i don't love it i'm gonna pass i don't love it okay i'm sorry pedro amazing love your vibe this one's top 50 for me i like it a lot there's so much going on here that i just think yeah this one is this one again got like a little sci-fi marketplace going on i like that there's a there's a story here it i haven't really seen many that added an additional character in addition to the uh the in the mocap yeah like it's true i dig the world going on here i think this is like 10 out of 10 for world building it's not in your face it's not over the top it's pretty subtle um and it plus those little uh those red those orange curves coming in to complete that that yeah the space junker or like the yeah i just think yeah this one is like it your eyes aren't darting all over the place it's a really clean like your first look is here at the astronaut and then you're looking here at the foreground yeah and it kind of i like that it feels like you can actually like jump in and like explore it a little bit like it feels like there is stuff kind of happening off to either yeah yeah i dig it the freaking little gnats up in the light too oh yeah both those foreground characters kind of like turning the look a little bit uh that that robot ship in the back that's kind of like lifting off is that a road is that a giant robot ladybug it kind of looks like it kinda well it goes up i don't know i i digress a lot absolutely this is top 50 for me this is always so startling when it shows up it's just so lush so he's chasing the like red butterfly i just can't help but feel like that little tree element in the foreground is a disservice here it's like i feel like it blocks too much of the foreground stuff going on i would agree can't see the force man for the trees like i i want to see more about what's going on with like the little weird like blue stuff attached at his feet but i spend more than half the shot being occluded by the trees that's my biggest gripe with it but i don't know if that takes away the fact that it's one of the most beautiful renders of them all i i want to i want to bring it up i'll bring it up yeah what are we doing now top this is top 50. no we're still on top 50. i i like how clean this one is and the composition's really really clean but i i could pass on it yeah i could pass i feel the same it feels amazing but raphael shout outs man man this one's cool i love the technical uh skills being shown here you know with the the plants growing um i just don't know what this background thing is like i guess it's a rock but i feel like there could have been more going on back here like i don't know why i don't love love it like it seems like it should check every box for me but there's something yeah i can't put my finger on it i think i've grown a little tired of the um you know apocalypse last surviving plant thing there are there are a lot of those the implied story of the robot having both like the blue haze but also the yellow haze to me are competing a little bit which i think is like compositionally where it's not totally jelly okay like it's like a tie down okay but i love that big robot hand so much it's very uh yeah hyper light drifter yeah um i could go either way on this one i'm gonna pass yeah i could pass but i feel bad me too i just yeah exactly there's like more guilt for passing on this one i know but that's the way it is we gotta pass on ever on 95 of these like like peter was saying there's this dude carrying uh this plant in the back and it's like you know there's one plant shot that i feel really nails it and i think we're gonna see that here in a bit and if i have to choose between the two i'm gonna choose that one over this one so i'm gonna pass on all right regin shout outs congrats cause i saw that one on twitter yeah right this is one of my favorite background elements ever it's so good i like that they're like they're taking all the water or something but he also has those little sloshing bottles on his wagon i love this i'm pretty sure that's an image simulation in the back there they've got that vortex going on uh and so it's technically a smoke sim but he's got got it matched to look like it's the water coming out notice how it like i don't know whether that's a shading thing happening in the render versus uh like a post color correction type deal going from like the the frothy white at the bottom to dark going into the orb i've definitely got some oblivion vibes from this this isn't up for me i i like it a lot oh yeah yeah absolutely sweet i like it yeah this one i love all the style in this one but i'm gonna i'm gonna pass on this one it's i love i love the concept of the fantasy aspect but i feel like it's a little too arbitrary yeah the only thing that doesn't check out for me is the yeah agreed that yeah the in the leg not splashing the water it's beautiful but i could pass yeah yeah i could pass sebastian sick work man good stuff i'll just put that up why does this one work so well i don't even know it just does uh the color i think it's because the orbs offer a bit of a leading line down to the uh the character the cloth sim dude the lighting the wind i feel like i can feel the wind that he's uh running into just due to the cloth like really just whipping out back behind him like the cloth yeah it's the wind it's the lighting it's the uh it's the blotchy diffused sunlight yeah they're like you have a strip of sunlight hitting your character but the foreground is naturally vignetted by the cloud yeah yeah it's a natural yet sick absolutely the shaded side of the sphere off in the distance that's 100 that goes up for sure yeah oh wow okay so especially comparing them these two back to back this one feels like the camera's not even moving it does yeah there's like not enough foreground detail to really tell me that there's motion going on so it just kind of ends up looking noisy yeah i agree i agree i think that that being said there's like some really cool atmospherics going on right over the top of the ground yeah your eye is drawn to the top of the frame not the subject that's true yeah i could pass yeah my favorite bits are that all the icicles and the smoke coming out of that burning one on the in the back left oh yeah yeah but i i could i could pass this is like great environmental work but i feel like it's not enough of a good use of the prompt sandre i love your vibe man good stuff very good stuff uh yes this one's this one's a favorite of mine i like it a lot you know something about having like the lone warrior hero leading the pack of all the other dudes and you know it makes sense to have this pose he he's literally hunched over so that he doesn't get shot by an arrow justification is amazing and the the lighting the render quality this is a hundred percent for me freaking sick oh yeah this is the one this one sticks out my memory a lot this is the freaking one dude this has the best reveal and i feel like it has the best color palette of all of the the post apocalyptic plant i agree it is like the very beginning of it we see like this skeleton sitting there and then it's like a dead tree skeleton is life yeah so like there's a little electrical outlet in there too it's just like it's great wait hold up is that skeleton it's oh man there's okay that there's those two skeletons are telling a story a person died first and it was a loved one and they're holding on to him but then he also died or she also died oh my god yeah they were eating all the peaches from their little uh their fruit tree and they ran out of pieces yeah and they're revealed plus i love death to life something about that window like the way it's designed really makes it feel huge like a little walkway yeah yeah i love those walkways we'll come back to this one for sure oh yes man this one's like it's pretty well detailed but it's just like it depresses me too much i have a pass on it i love the spherical element yeah it's it's good it's like the escape yeah definitely um but yeah i'll pass on it for top 50. rough man tommy shout outs man i'll pass on this one too for top 50. i just i don't know i just don't mind with the style on this one i love the style i actually really like like the background with the clouds and the mountains and that like the trees all kind of mix them together i'll put it up we'll put up in to the fighting fighting deer i don't know i'm passing on it we'll move it up to the to the fighting deer also my my mic is going to go out at some point guys um it's a because it's a lapel so i'm like it's going to go off so i'm going to switch mics in a second there's another one chilling here so when that happens i'm assuming f will blast through the chat top 50 what do we think man this one's cool this one has like the use of uh the moonlight as a rim light works really well yeah i love the lighting on this one yeah cool i'll move it up yes yeah this i'd say yeah on this one man man this one's this one's pretty dope i wish i mean it's every time i see fire i wish i saw smoke you know it's like yeah true yeah i mean for me that's a quote every time i saw fire i wish i saw smoke that'd be great this one's great i just love the justification for the mocap data but i think i'll have to pass on it for top 50. so yes for me i just feel like i can hear the soundtrack to this just like i feel like this one here i i almost feel like it's kind of cliche to say but like i wish the moon was big like the moon is just this tiny little element off in the distance but i feel like this shot in particular it would have felt more grand if the moon was like giant in the actual spherical element i see what he's kind of going for with the composition between the hill and the wings of the dragon but yeah would have worked better if it was the moon could have gone big moon on it but like but like at a certain focal length the moon is going to be an actual size in the in this this is a personal thing just like i love the dragons like the subsurface the translucency in the in the cheeks right before the fire comes out oh that's true that's that's a really cool detail i do like this one a lot i wouldn't be opposed to moving this up this is a yes for me let's let's bring it all right what's up what's up i think this is the best nighttime sci-fi world personally i agree and there's just everywhere you look there's little things happening yeah great lighting and i love the implication that mcdonald's is just going to be around forever well i feel like that crow would get out of the rain though get out of here crow which one this guy chilling oh yeah well birds don't fly in the rain i think he's a spy he's a spy that's hilarious all right that one's up good job willie johan is next i love this one i love i love it yeah that's three you guys really love this one yeah it's the color be honest i hear you we'll get back to it wren dislikes happiness and colors it's just i don't know it's it's too all over the place this one i like a lot this one's a yes we've got some really cool detail going on i love that little robot that stops by and says hey he's chilling yeah he's like yo what's up this one's a top 50 for me yeah it's up jeez the detail and the texture work here is is very good and i love the the bright uh top light there uh illuminating the atmospherics ian you said this is your truck right it's a it's an asset yeah is the whole thing that is pushing your asset it's been it's been modified yeah okay this one is incredible yeah but i could i could i could probably if the truck had more character if the truck had more personality like maybe like even if it was as simple as like the back of it was scraping on the ground you know like it's just barely hovering uh it would it would do more for me but right now it's just like it's just placing the shot yeah this one's like right on the edge for me but i could probably pass on this one yeah i mean i'm not gonna fight you guys i do love this one though it would be a yes for me i i love that ship in the background kind of rising up uh i'm i'm gonna pass on it okay all right shout outs to indie story one moment all right so let's tally it up we're getting close let's see how we through to the top um let me do a little count here all right two four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty twenty one twenty two three quarter five six twenty 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 or 77 38 39 right 40 one two three four five or six or eight seven or eight 49 we need one of the fighting tiers to come down for top 50. one of these three which of these three do we want to take with us i like the uh the the wheel the the screen wheel one coffee factory the best out of those three i i take out the checkerboard you would you would take the checkerboard with us to top 50. oh we get to pick which one goes which one goes up oh pick one that goes up yeah the rat race one i'd bring out rat race okay peter the meat meat factory yeah i do the middle one there this middle one yeah this okay sounds good well then the other two thank you for your service 75 which is pretty solid let me just do a little house cleaning here and we'll get in i need a cookie because i'm hot damn it is 2 p.m well i'm starving um i'm gonna throw out something here yes uh you can still reveal the up 15. i mean i'm i'm down to go to the top 15 that's fine with me yeah i if we can pull that off i think we could pull that off let's see i mean yeah because it's going long you know let's see all right let me do a little house cleaning here yeah it's late okay yeah we've been here for three hours at this point i'm going to switch my mic real quick and here let's ndsa it's 2 am we on top 50 now um let me do this quick window capture deal like i don't know part of me thinks we should uh so we have the top 50. what if we just go straight into revealing what the top 15 is i'm down and then we can check we know what the top 15 is yeah and then we can go top five from there that that sounds like the most reasonable thing to do with everybody's time because what uh a little bit of the back end reveal here basically we spent all of this time narrowing it down to the top five but the top 15 is where we ended up like from narrowing it from top 15 to top five was where we spent most of our time debating because now we're like literally deciding which ones we want to fight over and you you actually uh sent us a video of the top 15 so we can see like which ones were our favorites uh looking at them at high quality and i say we just go through one by one and when we get to the one that's like in the top like all right this one's moving on okay then we get to yeah agreed so then let me uh let's hit top 15 then give me one moment here i'm just gonna switch out this screen here and we'll make it happen thank you guys for your patience and uh for hanging in with with me for so long um you guys's time is very valuable so it means a lot you guys are doing this with me i'm actually reviewing the video real quick just so i refresh my memory on what did make it to the top yeah for sure that'd be nice as well oh yeah so yeah like brenda's saying we met two nights ago we did all of this in private and we came up with our top five and it came down to the top 15 like ren is saying so i think what we'll go what we'll do is we'll actually choose the top 15 right here from the top 50 and then we'll whittle it down to the top five it's late for a lot of y'all and we've been going for a while so um just making things a little easier on everybody so we've seen many renders up until this point okay so we're at top 15 one moment i'm gonna switch out this uh this card here for the little top 15 bam okay so let's pull up our top 15. like the moment i see it i'll we'll say yes and if we don't see it we'll just be like this was good but sorry like this all right ready yeah this one amazing uh oh let me hold on give me a second yeah this one's super solid i love everything about it just not top 15. same super sick render yeah super sick render good times caleb we love you shout outs carlos same to you buddy good times this is the topic top 15 yeah carlos guys what are you taught there is no peter cut what are you talking about god damn it are they going on about the the satisfying render oh it's coming it's it's coming this one is very good but i don't think it made the cut yeah david good stuff man very good stuff dd good times not top 15 right no rest in peace this one is a yes donald on the other hand yo top 15. yeah uh enrique enrique every time i see this one i'm like man that's so good but it didn't make it yeah shout outs man good times oh my god i love this one so much the same yeah didn't make it but it's so good same with this one didn't make it very close very very close this one's very good very close very close and very close so close we're just looking at a fun highlight reel at this point also somebody said that the robot is reacting to a little burst of flames in the background oh what oh yeah that's cool okay i guess there is some motivation there it's too subtle mm-hmm this is yeah that's grg um yeah this one i wish had a little bit more yeah a little bit more i wish it was easier to understand the character yeah dude this is this would have been so much better i mean this one's already so good but that one would have been so much better had there just been a little bit more going on you know like had like we've been able to see the feet like clinch or something like that implying that he's like pinching one off or something i don't know i like how clean it is it's very clean i dig it jason also same with this yeah didn't make it very close the santa monica pier in my opinion this is like cool super sweet shout outs they nailed the fire oh man this one's also good jayden this one i don't think made it did you this one i don't think also made the top 15. really surprising yeah it was very good but it didn't make it same for john yeah shout outs to john and jonah super sweet thanks for shout out to jonah hopping in this one yeah yeah this is very good as did that one top 15. man as did this top 15. let's go congrats to all you guys real close i do love this one and yeah good stuff it's so weird to be in a position of like sorry you didn't make it and every single one of these are incredible this one yeah this one's yeah this is the top top 15. it's so weird this is like futuristic but i get a very distinct like edgar allan poe like feel from it um this one didn't make it i love it this one a favorite of mine that one didn't make it top 15 son loic lo loic congratulations lucas top 15 top 15 for lucas so sick do you ever see that movie sky captain in the world of tomorrow 100 yeah yeah i got vibes from that one there man this one oh i love this one so good um we're breaking hearts right now yeah all the hearts are just shattering right now i'm so sorry yes yeah it's like nick amazing awesome um so this one this one this one top 15. this one made it just because it nailed the the feel of intensity you know like yep yeah it feels like i'm in the middle of a hurricane we can get into like a reasoning for everything once we choose it all yeah was this top top 15 we chose no it didn't make it dang that was like must have been like 16 oh yeah no it came down to this that was the final one for sure this is a uh this one made it this one shout outs man no it did not we didn't okay no this one does this one heck yeah this one just it feels so sharp and clean yeah it's amazing 100 percent as did this one this one 100 yeah 100 this one too i think these next two yeah yeah top 15 baby this was a pass for top 15. great it's good it's just like not enough going on you know same deal i know i know well that was it that was the top 15. let's count it up two three four five six let's see one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen we have fourteen i see one made it i think i think it did no definitely it's not in this video at least oh what's in the video what's in the top 15 wait i think this top 15 is actually a top 14. really i promise we're not making this up off the top of our heads we did all this work beforehand two nights ago i'm glad we did i mean we are the judges we can decide this now i i'd bring the if there was only 14 i'd bring the water one up same yeah i'd agree with that let's bring the water one up water world sun yeah all right so our top 15 i'm going to play them back to back here um give me is that 14 no no it's 15. it's a true 15 right there give me one moment i'm just gonna combine these videos here briefly uh let's see delete gaps bring to the front and here we have our top 50 get a battery for my laptop okay i'm going to switch my mic too i'm going to switch this mic out peter wanna want to tell us some science facts oh man that's so broad what's it like specifically like what feels good like what's your what's your coolest lightning fact like facts about lightning oh i got a fact about lightning yeah um all right i'm gonna have to demonstrate this if you're in a storm that has lots of thunder and you start feeling your hair standing on end [Music] you go like this with your heels together so the current if it hits the ground can go through your feet and doesn't go through your body and you put your hands over your ears so your eardrums don't blow out and that's basically to protect yourself from a lightning strike airbender so i climbed a little like a lava butte in the middle of like a pumice field with uh my fiancee one of her friends and there was a lightning storm and i was freaking out and i was like as long as nobody's hair stands up on end we're fine and i turn around at one point and i don't know if you can see this but and they're like oh my god they're like it's the wind i'm like this is not the wind down the mountain oh you made the right call to get get out of there that's no joke oh my god zapped that's insane wow i actually threw i was holding one of those like walking sticks like the metal climbing sticks because this really steep hill and i chucked it i was like i'm holding the lightning rod exactly i threw it at one of them actually though in my panic it was that's hilarious strike you not me uh i gotta ask the chat how do i sound do i sound okay do i sound okay to you guys i guess that's good to me sound good yeah all right you sound exactly the same dude everyone's like willie for 15. dude willie willie's amazing willie's amazing i know there's going to be people who disagree with the top five but hey that's just the way it is you know this is the four of us coming together to do our best which ones will so i'm wondering how we should go about this next part here because we are kind of going along on time should we just kind of talk about each one of these top 15 individually a little bit what works what we like about it and then just reveal the top five yeah yeah and then we'll decide which ones actually win because i have a feeling that's going to take some debate that's a good idea let's go through each one of these let's just talk about what we like about them and let's reveal the top five um and what we love about the top five and then we'll figure out the order of those top five sound good so this first one here yeah uh we're good to go yeah so this first one my favorite part is the actual color like the the orange is the right type of orange the blue is the right type of blue it's it's very uh you know it's very i don't know how to describe it dark thematically but also like maybe a little too visually dark it's the only thing that's kind of drawn it back for me i wish i i could see a little bit more detail especially the whole like top left quarter of the image there's like essentially nothing yeah i love the uh like the body dump up here it's absolutely incredible yeah i just dig these feel that it's actually like several bodies and not just like some weird big shape and the guy carrying up some more of them behind yeah personally yeah i wish it was a little bit clearer in the foreground but at the same time that does make way for you to pay attention to the background and see what's going on yeah it is focused it's very very focused i think that's why it made it to the top 15. i weirdly like the balance between the foreground and the and the background but yeah i agree it's just a little a little too dark to me and just like the separation of the colors is almost too distinct like it's just to me the moon is a little too blue and all the other lights are just a little too orange that's true i dig it yeah i like the colors i i i feel like it's getting that that cinematic uh teal orange look like the right way it's not like overly done like overly color corrected yeah i feel like teal and orange looks the best when it's you get the tail and orange in camera and then just push it further in grading right moving on um i love this because the character is the probably one of the most unique i also love your lighting yeah i love the world character feels very alien all the little jumping grasshoppers like running away are super great every time i watch you through i see another little guy it's just very unique and i i think it all it all ties together in a really cool way like all the flowers look kind of like little gas pods or something i don't know there's like little spheres now this one i think gets like a visceral reaction from all of us um yeah it's dude like i'm just like my jaw's on the floor with this one it's freaking crazy this one works yeah i'm beginning to wonder if this isn't a sim if it's all hand animated i think i think it is like if you look at any given one the keyframes are actually a little like wonky and some of them are glitching out but that actually makes them seem kind of more nightmarish yeah yeah it's a it's that like sort of uh you know that that scary movie type feel with like the ring you know where like the inconsistent movement adds to the creepiness and the horror aspect jerking and lumbering also i love the color i love the the red and yellow uh side by side here it also said old boy oh yeah the the hammer fight yeah so i forget which of you said like the pointing out there is a little bit of a light at the end of the tunnel right let's go back to the tunnel shot real quick or not you know it's cool i got you you guys see it yeah also is that what is that in the foreground there i kind of kept at first i thought it was like broken glass like a broken window but now it looks like it might be a mound of something i think it's more shaving cream it all fits together this one this green screen shot it's so well done this is a favorite of mine yeah about this there's something to look at it's not too distracting anywhere but there's always something to look at the detail is perfect the render quality is really nice the circular element is very unique um and it's totally just like the meta you know on this yeah yeah it's so meta they he even has the the the gray and chrome ball and the color palette and all the the stickers on the uh on the crate sir oh yeah totally oh yeah and i'm pretty sure that's a rococo suit he's wearing i think it is it looks like the straps yeah oh yeah i love it i'm i'm personally amazed by the fabric material like the sheen is perfect the roughness amount yeah because that's not just like a a glossy or a rough texture that's like or material it's like a specifically a fabric material in the way that the light bends around it yeah i freaking dig this one also i love how the characters from uh willy wonka and the chocolate factory are in the background there left the little white thing he gets miniaturized in the white room that's funny what's what's he scattering are those just leaves i guess those are just leaves uh i can't tell it looks like leaves yeah they're leaves also when we it i don't if we really get down to it though i don't i don't get what the actual purpose is here like why are there a bunch of green screen dudes when they're just getting no cap like there's no camera you know like have you ever been on a set where they were doing vfx green everything yeah the meta part speaks way louder than anything else here for me and then on top of that i really love the use of the orb as a foreground element yeah ren we are the camera you you're looking this is the footage this is the footage all right moving on dude this one's very good i love this the use of texture here like the snow that it feels like there's depth like subsurface depth to the snow it almost looks like cotton balls yeah the render quality here is like next to none freaking crazy like that frost especially in the foreground kind of out of focus the whole thing feels so tangible yeah i agreed yeah the red lights like i feel like if i could just wipe my finger across the ground and be like yeah absolutely absolutely amazing this one i love everything about this one because it has story there's actual purpose for the mocap data um the visual composition and lighting is perfect the render quality is perfect there's a story going on like this this fire is on all cylinders for me is that there's a lot of invisible lights on the scene huh like above the car the cop car and like the rim light on the dude lots of uh nice lighting work yeah i love how arbitrary some of this is like the little the the blue orb sitting there the the yard ornament it's like it feels so out of place and i feel like that's the point i hate that yard ornament body thing they got it at a a yard sale somewhere and stuck it in the front yard yeah the worst part of the render is that darn yard ornament dude i'm like no no no no it's the best that's funny because it feels like so gaudy but also like notice the alien light coming out of the bedroom there like what's going on in that bedroom oh yeah that's a good point and just the harvest and also it's a subtle detail here but the mere fact that they put the word harvest on that giant sphere in the distance implies so much like are they about to send this person on the gurney or this alien whatever it is uh this corpse to this that that sphere like i do think it might be a direct reference to something i'm doing a stream with some some folks but i don't know when it's wrapping up but very soon very soon i'll say like probably in the next 30 minutes yeah you're fine ian well you could hear me just then yeah oh i'm sorry i turned the little uh volume no you're fine you're fine you're good no worries so yeah we love this one also i love how the uh the dude in the back is like just taking a big hit on a cigarette like all in the day's work yeah so this one i love the world i love the lighting and i love just sitting here trying to figure out exactly like what this crazy world is yeah like it feels like there are weird rules and i don't understand it but like it definitely feels like it exists i love the melted one in the foreground i i can't remember the name of it but there's this d uh game called star finder and there's this race of aliens that are basically just made out of like bones and all of their architecture looks exactly like this this looks straight out of that it feels very inspired by that at the very least but i love the yeah it's just it's weird you know animating the people i don't know it's like i think they're the life source because when that guy dies that the spore falls oh yeah but he's not dying from anything so i don't know what yeah but yeah i love the visual color world about this one it's really cool people are saying it's based on a comic the word geiger h.r geiger maybe h.r geiger that's a the guy okay art for alien designer of alien [Music] this one i love the freaking fog i love the atmosphere i love the color i love the render quality i love the claw sim i love the light uh in the helmet it's a such a good focal point this one is like so much for me i love it it draws your eye in the right way yeah like it reads immediately and then it just stays solid yeah this one's killer so good now this one boy this is one that i have a weird relationship with because my immediate reaction is hell yeah this one's awesome but the more i start really looking at it the more i'm just kind of like i don't know it uh it does it it is it does kind of just read his noise especially with the lights in the background just kind of blinking and the fire completely not reacts the the wind i love the blinky lights but it works you know like yeah it it it has to me this one has everything too it's the story it's like emotion uh huge on the atmosphere the lighting is like i guess just what it needs to be um it's hard to convey intensity you know it's like it's one thing to set up a shot that's pretty but it's another to really make it feel intense yeah this one succeeds regardless yeah there was when i saw the prompt i kind of pictured something like that and this is the one that's like the only one that really yeah made it work yeah i agreed this one uh i love the world on this it it feels very vibrant very fresh um so alive so alive yeah and so real like you get this old little lady walking past the main character um i love the lighting in it i love the color it draws the eye so well it has so many things going for this that like i'm i'm all about this one yeah it reminds me of star wars and that all of the characters are so unique and feel so grounded mm-hmm yeah really yellow that's my favorite part a little yellow tubes on that foreground person like the subsurface scattering on those are sick also sorry um i mean blue and yellow are complementary and i love that their suits are that way you know it's just like a subtle subtle thing but that choice you know of choosing uh i don't know i'm a big fan of complimentary colors you could see it in a lot of my own artwork but this one's this one's uh cool in that regard yeah yeah it was just about to say like the blue and yellow and then you get kind of that red from the ship back there and the red of the little swoopy swoop kind of has a primary colors five which i dig yeah i love that they have this like weird 1950s style like piece of furniture on their back like some sort of radar situation like it feels like yeah they did crash land there and they're looking for something is that guy looking at his phone he's like i i look at he's looking at a checklist like this guy's checking him into a hut that he's going to stay at i see oh that's so cool oh i kind of read it as like uh the other guy is having to haul their their stuff and the guy in front is just kind of like texting looking at a map or something trying to figure out where to go that's funny but like obviously putting off the hard work to the other guy i guess that makes the most sense i thought of him as like a landlord but he's also in a very similar suit so i think that's so cool it's just the unhelpful roommate also wait go back go back real quick is that e.t uh in the this little thing it might be yeah it might be e.t you realize is that e.t e.t phone home e.t carrying an electric bass on his man this one's awesome i i still can't wrap my hat at my head exactly around why this one works so well it's the lighting it's like lighting it's it's flying from above and so you get like lighting from both sides in a really nice way yeah and it's also like the coolest spherical element i think i love that so much like the city is detailed there's just so much detail it's a big-ass nose trimmer this one uh render quality and lighting for me is like 10 out of 10. this one meets a very very good middle ground between like something that's photorealistic but also painterly yeah i love the just the rocks and the puddles stretching off to the horizon like this one looks like a uh one of those like pre-rendered game cinematics that they use in commercials before the game comes out for destiny i'm getting some destiny vibes yeah man i love their like uh they're stacking or you know like these orbs how they go off into the distance i i love that so much yeah and acts as leading lines like just the the position of those orbs even though there's not actually any lines though it's uh it's still leading you your eye towards the person yeah yeah and that middle one also frames up the person like in a little composition like it's like a frame within a frame kind of yes like this is one that would still work really well if you were to crop in to just like his feet and the top of that that little sphere that's true and this one uh is so good just because of how unique it is no one else yeah and close to kind of like i don't know yeah the top five that we're going with um each one of them shines in their own way and they're all they're all like maxed out on most of the levels but like you guys will see here that like each one is very specific um and they're hitting they're firing on all cylinders but a lot of them like like this one in particular just the justification for the mocap data um is so freaking good very similar to the uh like the harvest one like this one right here the the justification for the mocap data it's just freaking top notch and it's a beautiful render love the lighting it's just looks like 300 or something it's very very well executed and also still has a very good you know consistent art quality a consistent art style across the board yeah and compositionally it just reads really clear oh man this one this one's so good yeah this i think it's it's hard not to like i don't know it's it's just obvious like look at this it's crazy every bit was given so much love oh yeah pretty wild freaking crazy um and then we have our our water scene for that's that's the 15 here that's what we're having to choose between for the top five um also again notice the use of color a lot of complementary yellow and blue yeah the cyan is a good choice making the the diver wear yellow outfit and and whatnot it stands out in the right way all right so those are our top 15 y'all and we have already chosen the top five how do you guys want to reveal it we just i i say clint you have a list of the top five go straight to them be like this is uh one through five of the top five but we haven't decided which one is number one we haven't yeah okay yeah okay well you just said it no so so basically the idea is of these 15 we're gonna choose five um they're they are in no particular order we're gonna figure out the order once i tell you the top five all right and that'll be basically the end of our journey today uh it's been a long stream i hadn't peed yet that's gonna be sick um oh boy i hadn't eaten yet either that's gonna be cool too um so here's what i'm gonna do i'm gonna change the little title card here to top five the champions this is the champion section um and let me just switch out this here so we don't get a bunch of lag like we have been getting bear with me a little window capture resolve and we're going to get these top five out to you in like one minute and i'll go through i'll basically go through the top five and i'll tell you why that we we all agreed collectively we got together two days ago we did exactly what you saw us do just now but privately um as a nice little rehearsal and i'm gonna reveal to you guys the top five here and our decisions on why we collectively agreed we gave each one a point we picked our personal top five um three of those went to the top uh automatically and then basically we had to fight and argue over the last two resulting in our top five um ryan did you have anything because we had a top seven yeah we had something that's right top five but uh real quick i i feel like are you before we even discuss anything revealing the top five straight up oh it says ren's muted wait hold on am i still meeting it's even possible i can hear you ren give me levels can you not hear me clint oh we're getting levels you're good i mean so did you hear what i said though like uh let's reveal the top five and i feel like in our debate about which one should get first second third fourth and fifth all of that will come out you're right you're right okay so here we go announcing the top five first off uh carlos i appreciate you donald i appreciate you i better not mess this up huh julia i appreciate you as well uh julianne julian you're the first top fiver congratulations uh more you're gonna win more on that in a second you're gonna win something uh juicy my goodness you came close clay top five buddy congratulations loic amazing he came darn close lucas came darn close wait was lucas not in top five i don't think so no look at the list hold on let me double check double check here you can't be doing this to me red this top five i i thought i remember it was in the top five too hold on i may be screwed up no you're right yeah you're you're right you're right you texted me a photo of the topic yeah i can't find it now it's in the group chat it just to be sure it's not in there right i texted you guys the five i'm looking at yeah no you're right it's not okay god dang ren you're giving me giving me the shakes here all right yeah we're still moving on still moving on um so lucas that's how close you came um nidhish very very close but pearson is a top fiver congrats pearson sam faulkner very darn close sergey oh very very close my friend uh but stefan gets it top five for stefan and top five for steven or stefan so that is our top five um the underwater you go to you yeah gigi to all you guys um holy crap let's go through these top five and figure out how we're gonna order these top five um because it's gonna be it's gonna be a deal here so the chat is probably freaking out right now and also being like what how could this not get top five y'all it was like you know um we all had our food we all had our favorites we all have our favorites exactly none of us agreed on any of this it was hard to come to a conclusion there was no clear winner there was nothing that was uniformly like yeah this one's a clear winner uh they're all all of these top five i mean yeah it's gonna take some debate here to figure out this order now okay by the time you reach like the top 15 it was like these are just these are it these are these are so good the chat's going crazy like fff i know they're all so good they're all so freaking good guys oh that's funny water sucker should have won wait what is f does that mean there no respects like respect to all the effects it's another way of saying r.i.p rest in peace yeah all right so there is gonna be no like it's not official until it's official so bear with us all right here's what i think i think this one is first place um yo can you go through and figure out what our number one pick is yeah okay okay okay our personal number all right doesn't mean anything i'm gonna yeah in our hearts there is no official winner yet all right well these are the five winners but we need to figure out the order because the prizes get crazy um yeah what's what's our what's our top what's our number one do we each want to go through ours or do one each for me it's this one this is number one for me i'm accounting for story render quality lighting use of the mocap uh um what is it uh composition uniqueness okay um ian what do you got um my first one this one last plant it's just every time i see it i just want to keep like looking in at it everything was given was given attention like the render's clean the designs are are cool um the paint or the plant looks painterly uh everything that could be thought out it seems like it was thought out yeah i this is number one for me because and again it's not official yet but this is number one for me because it has story this story is freaking awesome i love how deep it goes the more you look the the design on it is top-notch the world building is top-notch um the color the composition the render quality like the materials everything about this is like so freaking good so that's that's my number one pick uh peter what do you think dude i had mine and then you started talking about that one and now i'm looking okay stick with yours no no no no no no no you have to you're the it evolves and changes you know what i'm saying so like so it was harvest but now the more i look at this one the more i'm amazed by it although i could see harvest as number two simply because okay it uh it is like the stalinhag vibe and it's like no harvest is my number two it's just it's so it's like perfect in harvest is my number one because like the characters the posing the vibe the atmosphere the tonality the dynamic range all the invisible lights that were placed to like catch the edge of vehicles and like rim light things and highlight certain things it's just brilliant in every way so that's my top uh red what do you think at this at the same time like it is just so stalin hog that's also true absolutely fantastic but like is very much somebody else's style just kind of brought in for for their own work yeah that's a good point that's like that is a good one when i when i did i did a big old list with a number like a tally thing and originality was one of the things on that list and this definitely rated lower than like this one you know yeah um so like this gets this gets an originality point for me versus this one um you know that's a good point i was pretty tired on them but i i'm gonna give you guys a direct reference to simon stalin so i'm gonna go with the uh the last plant ren what do you think so i already have my top five picked out okay you want me to say it or just tell you what's your number one number one is the the warrior walking through the field i uh i don't know it's like i'm not even that big of like a middle ages warrior type deal like that's not like something i i naturally vibe with but i feel like it it's one of the most creative uses of the prompt and i feel like it's just so perfectly executed on all fronts it's it's technically good but it's also beautiful you know it's it looks like a painting in motion and uh just the use of arrows like it also feels like a shot straight out of a movie or a show you know it's like it i i feel like there's there's like a character struggle going on here that i can just i i can see it i can feel it but my second place is the last plant okay yeah this one i've come around to initially i was a little less uh on it you know like i was just kind of like i mean it's cool but it what i don't know it's been reading to me more and more the longer i look at it and it's just so well done it it looks like all of the different elements for it are all so uh intentional you know like it doesn't feel kit-bashed yeah it feels like everything that i'm seeing was made for this even if it wasn't you know like maybe some of those background elements are kit bashed uh rails and and pipes and stuff thrown together but everything in the foreground looks like it was either modeled or specifically tweaked and the the character looks originally created the the the way the curve of the glass is you know it's like that jar okay so i think we can like safely say for now it's not official yet but i think we can safely say that this last plant is safe to chill in the first place spot for now because it's me and ian's first peter is it your first or second it's my first okay and it's wren's second so i think it's chilled to chill in the first place spot for now until something we're gonna we're gonna we're gonna figure it out okay okay so here's here's a here's a different approach for this next last place let's pretend we can only keep four which one goes the green screen you think it's the green screen green screen or green screen or green screen or star wars star wars market however my market is the one that gets to go for me for for me too i i love it obviously yeah this one i think the only thing that bothers me is the wall on the left and the ground plane the ground plane is very much feels like a single texture without much you know uh a great variety in displacement and i can see like some rocks flipping through the ground a little bit and there's there's a lot of light on that wall that feels a little empty and that's the only thing that's throwing me off about this one um here's what i like about this one i like how it guides your eye throughout the scene i like the uh the subtle use of colors it's not too saturated i like how it actually feels like a live thriving market um i like how these characters feel unique in the foreground and the background um i love that there is enough story like this i will admit the story isn't quite there it's not 100 there for me um last place i don't know like versus the green screen for me i think the render quality is the worst of the five yes the render quality is the worst of the five dang i was thinking it was i don't know maybe it's because it feels so realistic like this one feels the most realistically rendered this feels like everything else has a bit more of a uh a style to it but this one has like a reality style that i think weird because i feel like this has a video game style and these have movie styles these are movies and this one is a video game i is the way i feel see that one this one reels like i this one feels like i whipped out my iphone and got a shot in a room same yeah yeah this feels like standing in the back that's what i mean when i feel real but here's the thing i'm also way more down for like fantastic worlds like this dramatic vibey worlds than just like a green screen room personally yeah i don't know but it is like this i just think it's its own concept so far uh second peter i just think it takes its own concept so far and the amount like the density of jokes is great and the references to i mean it's it's perfect for us because we're all in this world and so we're like oh i get all these jokes you know it it it speaks to me so loudly that it's like someone has like a freaking speakerphone next to my head that's funny um this was my personal number three and it was actually kind of going for number two this was my number three this would be my number if it's not like if it's not the fifth place for me it would have to be fourth place like i i think who but okay i mean we're trying to figure out a fifth place right now and i think uh we're all leaning towards the the little market uh pearson's one is number five right so you guys feel you guys feel that this one is fifth place but ren who feels strongly this is fifth place i feel strongly that this is fifth place i don't know about strongly but but yeah that's that's what happened yes okay all right that's fair that's fair let's let's work it into that fifth place spot pearson get you in that fifth place spot we'll revisit we're gonna revisit we'll do a final check in here before we call it but right now we got pearson in fifth place we got stephen in first place and we have to figure out the order of uh second third and fourth now personally so let's personally this is the way i would do it i would say this is me this is me fourth place with with with the stretcher fourth fourth sorry sorry second place second place right here harvest gets second place i would you can go through yeah i would say steven stefan third place with the warrior and then i would say fourth place with the green screen that's me personally so you're 100 on that okay all right uh red what do you got i uh i think the uh gobacco one the harvest one yeah harvest that's my number four that's your fourth you think that's fourth place crazy okay how come i don't know it doesn't resonate as well as the others but it has story and it has a render quality and it has like beautiful composition and like the lighting is incredible yeah and i like the lighting and composition and story and everything about the others as well i don't know i'm just saying from a personal standpoint this one doesn't res resonate as strongly as the warrior or the green screen okay i from my personal judgment point of view it is awesome it is a top five contender here but in my point of view it's fourth place behind the green screen the warrior and the last plane okay so you're you're saying warrior second place green green screen third place harvest fourth place and then the like star wars world fifth place that would be my order um ian what do you got yeah mine is really similar it's uh harvest is second uh warriors sorry sorry um green screen oh no sorry i'm reading yours i'm reading i was like that doesn't sound right um it's uh harvest is second green screen is third warrior is fourth and uh the space village is fine okay so you would swap the warrior you think green screen is uh third place and the warrior is fourth place yeah oh boy this is heated okay so me and peter are synced up are you still synced up on this peter yeah fourth place green screen third place warrior second place harvest ian here's the thing i the harvest one i do like a lot but i think the fact that it does hit way too hard on the stalinhag style loses some of that originality for me it's a great execution of that of that sort of style and concept uh it's very very good i just don't know if it deserves second i think the like i hear you on the stalinhag thing but i think the story and the um uh the story and the lighting beat out the others the other two like yeah this it's the story for me on this one it's like there's so much like as a piece of art i think this one stands uh above the other two so if not that the other two aren't i know i know i know so here's the thing if to be completely honest i'm not that attached if you guys want this one as your second place one i'm down well i think right now we have three people saying harvest as second place um ian and peter you you think harvest is second place right yeah okay i i mean obviously it gets voted up i i see that i'm just saying i could be convinced as well i i just i don't know it was the lighting didn't impress me as much as it did you guys on this one that's fair that's fair i mean that's the whole thing is like that's the beauty of having four judges is like it's a perfect mix of like of multiple voices it's not just me choosing it so so the way you have it ordered right now with the the far left being fifth place and the far right being first place like that looks like a good order to me i'm i'm down to you know sign off on that order so second or fourth and third and fourth place between these peter you agree right this is very great but but uh ian you have these flip-flops right yeah i mean it's it's so close just like the the medieval one it's it's a great idea and it's implemented like perfectly like it is so incredibly solid uh the green screen one is just also a great idea done perfectly with like all of these additional little little jokes and things to discover like i've been looking at the medieval one uh a lot and i haven't really seen anything more than i saw in the first few seconds it just continues to be really really solid where's the green tree the green screen one kept there's all these little things kind of hidden in there and i i don't know i agree with ian i agree with ian you guys think uh green screen should be number three yeah i'm down two i like it okay well then we might sorry stefan he just got demoted stefan it's chill dude it's chill wacom tablets they you know they're they're reasonably priced i'll say that they're reasonably priced um uh so this is this i think so like we have uh we have pearson in fifth place stefan in fourth place julian in third place clay in second place and stefan in first place i feel good about that just drop that layer down yeah hold on one second here i feel good about this too it's like i'm at peace with this selection so for me green screen um has uniqueness um and i just had it on the top of my head it has uniqueness and story a bit more than the warrior the warrior i set beats it out in render quality but i think in terms of uniqueness and story the green screen is is better the warrior also works the best as a thumbnail out of all of these i think yeah even including the first place like looking at all of these in their small form there like the the warrior one like zoom out a little bit in your timeline i don't i don't think the rest of the the audience can see it what's up do what they can only see the art like zoom out in the timeline a little bit so we don't see duplicated images on the the bars oh yes yeah there we go so like just look at uh an imagery standpoint i feel like the the warrior is the strongest in terms of like the like the lighting and the visual yeah yeah i see you yeah just like the contrast the natural vignette going on uh you know like when we when we review thumbnails and it's like does this thumbnail work when i it's literally the size of my thumb and you're looking at it across the room like it's not it's i'm just throwing out extra details i'm noticing uh y'all the chat's going crazy we're not doing a poll we're not doing a poll no we got all of these we got no we're definitely i'm not i'm not even looking at the chat if people are suggesting what should be it is not yeah we're not doing polls y'all like we we we got the best group of people together we have put hours and hours and hours and hours of thought into this and this is what it is so we actually legit have at this point yeah um so pearson congratulations you got fifth place buddy um you are getting yeah a year-long quixote mega scans subscription and you're also gonna get a really cool pny ssd um staphon fourth place congratulations you're getting the same exact thing the year-long subscription of uh qixel mega scans and also you will be getting a pny ssd julian congratulations buddy hold up hold up huh what fourth and fifth place prizes are the same yes yes yes yeah uh julian you are getting the year-long quixote mega scan subscription you are also getting uh a more advanced pny ssd it's way faster and you're also getting a wacom tablet of your choice um small medium or large whatever you want congratulations we love your stuff clay congrats on second place you're getting the quixote mega scan subscription uh you're getting the super fast pny ssd you're also getting a wacom tablet you're also getting a pair of these bone conduction headphones i love these things they're uh open ear headphones you can go on hikes and listen to something called aftershocks yeah because we always just phone phones yeah um and finally the grand prize all that other stuff plus a full rococo motion capture suit along with the gloves and their studio pro for about a year i believe is what it is yeah you're getting all that stuff dude um stefan stefan congratulations on first place you freaking deserve it um freaking sick man congratulations to all five you guys who won congrats to all top hundred who made this whole video um and congrats to everyone everybody yes yeah i mean taking a month to do something and like and actually delivering not many people can say they've done that um it's a hard thing to do it's a hard thing to stick to even myself with my render right now i'm having a hard time finishing it it's like okay no i need to i will two weeks there'll be a breakdown on it but now that we're done i can now take a step back readjust context switch out of like judgement picking mode and now i'm just like oh my god they're so amazing now i want to actually watch all 2 400 of them so that comes out next week you had a few in the in the the the intro video to the stream you're showing a few that didn't make it into the top 100 and i was looking at and i was like dang these are all really good they must have just barely not made it to the top 100. seriously yeah um there's a lot myself and the moderators went through and you know went through and freaking picked the top 100 and it was really hard because there's a lot of solid renders this is a very difficult process i'm shaking i'm nervous that wasn't i feel like so many of these renders are just like the best thing that so many people have have made like more creative energy has been dumped into all of these things than i've seen in one place in like forever 18 years this is incredibly special exactly um so next week we have a top 100 montage with custom music by my my boy feverkin he wrote two tracks for it top 100 all these vendors we went through you're going to see him in a montage with some sick music i'm going to put everyone's names and social medias on it so you can follow all these artists and uh also coming out that same saturday is going to be the full 2401 cut everything three and a half hours of every single submission all with the freaking uh with the credit the social medias and the names attached so you can find any artist you want that's going to come out uh this next saturday one week from now uh i have a lot of names to type up and that's why i had you guys include your names in the prod in the file name so i can see it huh yeah yeah that's clutch having in the actual file name you don't have to cross-reference anything congrats everybody seriously everybody someone says they didn't understand the 18 years thing but every person who submitted something you ask them to also submit how much time they worked on for that some people were putting 10 hours some people were putting 100 hours and you tallied up all of the hours total and it totaled up to 18 years worth of hours yep it's unbelievable we could have raised a kid with all that work i know that's older than like probably half the people who submitted that's crazy and that's like pure non-stop work no break no no vacations yeah um i gotta say thank you to you guys for taking the time that probably took a little longer than we planned for um i really really appreciate it thank you so much um and to the moderators do you guys up in here thank you guys to my moderators for keeping the chat tame thank you chat everybody in the chat for chilling out with us and having a good time and if you guys didn't win i got basically all the companies that provided uh prizes they gave like 15 10 some 50 off discount codes in the description so you guys can like you know if you were thinking about getting one of those things anyway they wanted to provide like a little little discount code for y'all so you can hit that up so like the top 100 nice yeah everyone everyone anyone who clicks anyone yes anyone um yeah other than that uh i'm probably gonna just use the restroom and chill with with the chat for another 10 or 15 minutes before i call it um but you guys feel free to hang out but you guys have spent too much time doing this already our skype call is at four hours and 43 minutes right now wow yeah that sounds about right um on and off of like 12 olives oh my god you've been eating olives this whole time yeah oh my god not gonna lie i i if we're if we're done here i think i'm gonna go get out what did ren what are you doing here get out go this is incredible honestly clint thank you so much for inviting me to be a judge on this i feel honored to have been a part of this i thought about even submitting something of my own i didn't have the time to actually put any effort into something so i was going to try to just like make the low lowest effort most insultingly stupid entry but then i was like no that's no i i really appreciate man thank you guys for i'm happy to have been in involved in the way i was this is very cool pretty much everyone in the top 100 submitted something that i feel i could not have competed with and so that's how good everything was from my point of view it was just incredible like every single child was like man that i don't know how to do that or man i wouldn't have thought to do that it was just everything was incredible the end thank you so much for having me on thank you ren for taking the time especially on your vacation weekend all of you guys yeah we can thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you peter thank you ian you guys are the best love you just excited to see what you do next time dude it's serious yeah i'm excited for the next one this is this was a really big one i imagine you're going to give it a little bit more time before you do another not true it's going to be way faster than you think it's coming way faster really oh it's the next week it's not next week it's not next week but it's very soon um yeah clint this was this was really special i i feel honored like wren said to be a part of this you know just seeing everybody in the 3d community who usually we're all in our own little niches and our own subreddits but seeing everybody come together into this one thing was really cool and something i've never seen before so kudos to you thanks man and thanks to freaking all you guys who submitted who made this a thing because i obviously there would be nothing if you guys didn't submit to this and like i'm just putting the videos together you know like but i appreciate it thank you peter thank you ian oh yeah it's been fun chilling with the boys yeah go enjoy your weekends go enjoy your weekends have a good one guys go eat the restaurant yeah have a good one see you guys watching everyone i appreciate all of you too i'm amazing amazing amazing jobs peace out y'all i'm a chill with the chat here but um you guys have a good one enjoy the weekends all right take care peace out and then there was one oh boy oh boy that was intense ugh y'all thank you for hanging out with me oh that was quite the stream huh i need to use the restroom um i can't wait to show you guys all this all this art back to back it's going to be crazy um so a couple things i'm just a couple announcements i'm going to take a two minute break use the restroom and i'll come back i'll answer any questions you guys have hang out with you guys for another 15 minutes or so if you guys you know a little post-mortem um but that was incredible obviously couldn't have done this whole thing without you guys uh thank you to the sponsors for providing awesome awesome content and awesome uh see my i'm brain dead at this point awesome prizes for the top five winners um if you guys didn't win it's all good i know there were some really cool prizes this time around but i hope if you entered this thing that you learned something and you grew over this last month because that's exactly what this whole stream is for it's for all of us to learn and grow together in our passions and for me right now my passion among other passions is vfx 3d work world building lighting uh telling stories making movies that's what i want to do so i get to do it every week with you guys and get better at it i don't know all the answers i don't know how to do all the tricks in the book i know a couple tricks and i've learned a lot from you guys i've learned a lot from this chat every week we get together right now we're at 2 800 live viewers which is double what i've ever had and that's freaking amazing if you guys are new to this channel and if you liked what you saw this was very this was different you know we're reviewing art um definitely subscribe if you guys aren't subscribed already uh if you guys like the content check out the channel um watch a couple videos the whole point is to learn and grow together in our passions vfx 3d passions i usually like to keep it pretty chill this stream in particular was pretty intense um i've had the most technical difficulties i've ever had on a live stream it's also the biggest live stream i've ever done it was also the most pressure on a live stream for me personally so it was very uh lots of anxiety and stress and i'm glad i get to chill out right now um because it was very stressful that first hour with all the lagging and stuff i'm glad we got it figured out uh we peaked at 6k heck yeah amazing but i gotta just shout outs to you guys for for hanging out with me and hanging out all the way i know it's late for a lot of y'all um i just hope you guys learned something i hope you guys are able to take a little bit of this knowledge and and apply it to your own work apply it to your own art and you know not everyone is going to agree with the top five winners that myself ian peter and ren chose i get that i get that and if it was like if it was up to just one person the results would probably be a little bit different um not very different maybe a little bit different but i wanted to keep it as broad as possible that's why i wanted to bring peter ian and renon is to have a less biased opinion a less biased view of all these renters so i would just congratulate all you guys you know i don't want to knock anybody for not winning i don't want to say oh they should have got third they should have fourth like that's totally okay and it's okay for you guys to have your opinion on that um as we myself ian peter we all had our different opinions that's totally fine um but shout outs to pearson stefan julian clay and stefan there's two stefan stefan um for winning this thing i'll be in contact with you guys send you some emails 3 24 a.m for gar of uh thanks for hanging in for so long how are you guys doing how's everyone you guys hanging in thumbs ups thanks for chilling with me you guys are hanging out almost midnight for alessandro if you guys have any questions for me hit me up with uh with a little app punisher when is my render coming good question i got a render i did you know a little submission um in the next two weeks so next weekend is going to be these montages the 100 top 100 montage with custom music by my buddy feverkin you can look them up on spotify if you guys want to check them out beforehand and then also uh there's the top 2401 renders it's gonna be a three and a half hour long video with everything so both of those come out next weekend the following weekend i'm gonna do a really nice chill breakdown of my render of my submission for this thing uh if you guys saw my uh my mortality run you know art breakdown with the car in the ocean with the oil rigs in the back if you saw me do that it's gonna be very similar to that so that's the next two weeks definitely subscribe if you guys want to catch that if you want to catch the top 100 montage the 2401 montage subscribe to the channel like the video leave a comment you know you guys have been on youtube you know i do this stuff ah oh man i'm just gonna i'm just gonna soldier through i'm gonna chill with y'all for the next 15 minutes and then i'm gonna use the bathroom and then i'm gonna eat some food um so i see some questions coming in what do we got i'm just gonna i'm looking at the ones with at punisher all right it's just a little easier for me to see here um sotomonte do we have a weekly challenge for next week hadn't even thought of it yet um so there's a i have a discord server right the link is in the description and it's a community of 3d artists for all of us to challenge and push ourselves this is a month-long challenge we just did usually we do weekly challenges much smaller much more chill and i review those at the end of every live stream i do and yes we will be getting back to weekly challenges i will probably announce the weekly challenge uh tomorrow i am wiped right now so maybe i'll get something up later today maybe i'll get something up tomorrow definitely by tomorrow for sure but yeah we'll be doing weekly challenges again and it's a fun little submission process i break down to a lot of honorable mentions here on the stream pick five winners there's no prizes it's just to learn and grow together different little prompts for every week um steven grimm holy crap the first place winner thank you so much really appreciate the feedback really crazy i didn't expect to be top 100 you freaking won dude that's insane i'll be sending you a rococo mocap suit a wacom tablet bone conduction headphones qixel mega scans pny ssds dude you're going to be popping off heck yeah um willing i have a question you stack two lasagnas on top of each other are they separate lasagnas or one big lasagna in your opinion i'd say one big lasagna if they were cooked together if they're cooked out the oven then stacked after it's been plated that's two lasagnas on top of each other for sure pelinio clint will the download of the project will keep will you keep it available i want to do a version of my own um i will have that available to you guys i'm gonna have basically i'm gonna announce it next week um i'm starting a patreon i'm starting a patreon next week um it's not live yet but i'm gonna going to announce that uh with the montage videos i think on that you guys will have access to basically everything all my downloaded files all my assets all my project files um all of my you know surface imperfections any product i would ever sell would be there for free um i'm going to get into it a little bit more on exactly what the patreon will look like but that'll be announced next week that kind of stuff will stuff still be available it'll probably all be on the patreon it just depends maybe i'll have the product i should probably have the project file just for free i think that's probably the best way to go just have it up for free like an archive on the discord server the discord is free you don't need to be on a patreon or anything it's just a free discord link's in the description um good question no yeah we should probably have that available to all you guys so just mess with and play around with is the next challenge this summer yes the next challenge is this summer it's going to be announced a lot sooner than you would think another reason to subscribe if you guys want to be a part of this awesome challenge with some prizes um we're going to do a little different uh this next time different little concept different camera mix it up a little bit you know the last two we did are people walking nah no people in this one it's gonna be cool what else do we got we got a lot of a lot of questions up in here uh the countdown render was like top 150 no the countdown render like basically um here let me let me play it for you let's see here let me just play it for you real quick very briefly very very briefly [Music] so that last one there that was dizzy vipers one with like the uh the like desert sand with the eyeball and the outhouse getting blown away that was dizzy vipers um no that's just a random collection of the 2400 that i just quickly dropped in to make that countdown that's not top 150 it's just random picks you know um thank you guys for all the super chats my god i couldn't get back to you guys on all of those because it was just such a hectic stream trying to fix all the technical goodness technical difficulties um my dying channel shout outs to you thank you for the super chat you made top 15. you were the claustrophobic corridor one the claustrophobic corridor one which one is that claustrophobic corridor i don't recall top 15. uh i'm sure i will recognize it when i see it but congrats congrats i'm brain dead at this point dude we went for how long how do we go for four hours that's a lot that's a lot um so one thing oh the zombies yo yes the zombie one dude did you hand animate those did you hand animate those zombies because that was nuts absolutely insane tadpole thank you for the super chat i really appreciate you guys thank you for the support it means a lot jae chen yes jae chen from pny dude um shout outs to jay by the way um for hooking up the pny prizes jay thank you so much man freaking awesome thank you for the five dollars i will get a kombucha for sure i will need one after this um man that was a long stream that was a really long stream what else are you gonna say um oh yeah if you guys also want to help out another another fun way to help out is to click that skillshare link down in like the top of the description it's actually a legit way to learn um it's a paid service fairly fairly cheap um to get like curated tutorial videos for vfx and all that stuff so definitely check the skillshare link it helps i think it's free for you guys to sign up for uh i think like a two-week trial or something and it also helps me because skillshare is like oh yeah you got a bunch of people to click and check out her stuff so good for you we'll keep working together um so that's a good one oh yeah cg geek also did a submission uh steve and his was in let's see let me actually show you let me show you i'll show you steve's real quick cg geeks render um look at ren look at red on the freeze frame oh that's funny um here are a couple renders that may get very close let me render these real quick for you guys so this was a very close to top 100 um this guy here was very very close to top 100 we had this guy uh close to top 100 they're going to be a little laggy most likely andre with uh berserk a little berserk render this is a really good world war two one with some story i like that one a lot same here world war ii with the vibes very nice um this one here i really liked the like the visual composition i thought it was really well done i love the lighting on this one i just thought the moon could have been brighter and this one is thieves cg steve cg geek yeah he's got like the avatar floating planets and actually he actually put out a video of his breakdown for this if you want to check that out uh cg geek's channel very very cool and then yeah this is like a little gold miner really fun idea and uh this guy here this is an unreal engine all real time and unreal engine a little laggy just because it's 4k but yeah those are the ones that uh they got very very close they almost won uh almost got top 100 yeah uh so dude okay back to the zombie horde one you actually hand animated every single one um that is believable here so this is hand animated all those characters dude such a good idea shout outs to you man julia sorry if you are a woman i apologize but it's hard to tell just by the name um but that's so good it's so good the hand animated characters are ridiculous so good it makes it even better the fact that it's hand animated jackson i see you thank you for the super chat really appreciate you man you said would i be willing to do a one hour challenge or something like that i did with people yeah we've done these on the channel before um we've done like a two hour challenge where we do it together so it's you guys i'll give you the assets and we make something cool we'll do that soon absolutely we'll do that very soon i think that's a really fun way to go um i got a couple more super chats here thank you guys for the support it means a lot let's turn down my iso real quick [Music] um tadpole says wow what a what a knight top 15. thank you so much for that that's absolutely amazing i made the alien chip that sucked up the water such a cool idea man such a cool idea that was my favorite background element um freaking awesome man thank you for the super chat thank you for the support thanks for hanging out with me uh evolver back at it again dude i saw you um earlier with a super chat thank you for the support once again uh i'll be hitting you up to render my submission i'm going to figure out some like render network to get it rendered in time but thanks for the support man carlos i see you thank you for the super chat it says surreal that i made it to top 15 seemed like the render was darker on stream than originally submitted any advice resolving that in the future so that could be the codec carlos that could be the codec um and the way it's imported into da vinci potentially yeah it's it's tough if it's like a lossless kind of a codec or if it's like a uh like a like a prores file it might do that to you it's also it's hard to tell yeah it's hard to tell but i just dropped everything in maybe it was darker we'll figure that one out um definitely i don't want to mess with anyone's stuff also i don't want to like tweak their settings and brighten it up or saturate it or make it darker i just want to have it as is and having all these clips coming to da vinci as an auto clip um is the safest bet for me um but apologies carlos if it was brighter um peter thanks for the super chat no message necessary just the support man i appreciate you i need to check my video on youtube i don't understand revolver you're scaring me what do you mean i gotta check my video on youtube uh nathaniel thank you would i do a challenge for a broader set of art styles like 2d animation quarter type videos claymation stop motion i don't know maybe maybe um we could do something fun like that i like mixing it up i don't like doing just the same thing over and over again um i'm always for mixing it up so that sounds like a good one to me noah thank you sir for the support um you say thank you for the challenge absolutely i got you i'm just trying to get you guys making some cool stuff you know any excuse to make some cool stuff the better right he said you learned a lot amazing you made the lego waterfall render that didn't make top 100 but was still proud heck yeah man your render was good and you will see it in the full montage next week next saturday get a haircut i need a haircut don't i i do need a haircut in time in time um when great challenge glad to meet the community on discord learned a lot and we'll keep learning um heck yeah heck yeah keep it up absolutely um it's all about surrounding yourself with a supportive community like this guys it really is um it would be pretty boring to just do it on your own and i know a lot of us are either young with not a lot of friends who are into 3d or we maybe the area you live you don't have a lot of people around you that you can like it's not la you know in la there's every there's so much going on but wherever you guys are from like you guys can hop into this community the internet is an amazing thing isn't it we can hop into this community together and make some cool stuff so i'm glad that you guys are happy to be a part of it i'm glad that you guys are happy to be learning a lot big fan from india dude it's early in india right now shout outs man carlos yeah dude uh you said thanks for the advice again appreciate all you did look forward to the next one i do too yeah um milan thank you for the super chat i appreciate you uh it was so fun to see the whole 3d community come together yes yes i agree guys i really think this is the biggest internet challenge ever it's the biggest 3d challenge that the internet has ever seen and i think the montage that i'm going to put out is going to show how big this challenge is it's freaking crazy 18 years worth of total collective work hours it was a one month challenge we got 2401 submissions and it the total work hours equal 18 years freaking crazy absolutely crazy evolver says those who submit videos to youtube need to test the codec beforehand youtube does funky things hmm i just get stressed out that the stream is bad i get stressed out that i'm having more technical difficulties i'm gonna have nightmares man goodness uh jalen thank you i'm glad you liked the videos man you had a stuntman 82 how to cancel their haircut appointment to watch the stream dang thank you thank you so much that's sick i hope you can get a haircut i need to get a haircut too um jackson have you done a challenge that involved vr as in not just edited in but to be viewed in vr i have not yet but i do have plans for a very fun vr experience that i want to release uh the end of this year you guys will if you're subscribed to the channel you'll probably see me working on it on the weekly live streams usually i'm working on stuff versus reviewing art but i do a little art review at the end of each one as well and uh indie story dude yo thank you for the support thanks for the super chat um he said you dropped in again to thank you for helping this challenge get set up i got you man no worries glad you made it the top 50. the winner deserved it for sure yeah man cheers thank you thank you man thank you for guys look you guys made this awesome like the art that you put into this and the fact that you guys put all of your effort and best work into this challenge makes the top 100 montage like the coolest it can possibly be the harder you guys put in the more work you guys put in to your individual pieces the more powerful the montage gets you know what i'm saying and the 2400 in one montage is going to be one of the most powerful things ever um so i can't wait to frickin show you guys that cannot wait will there be a live stream next week so here's my plan the top hundred montage i'm gonna release that video maybe nine maybe 10 a.m i don't know the 2401 montage i might make a mic uh i'll i'll make it as a youtube like live premiere video where like the video goes up but it's also a live stream for just the duration of the video and once the video is over it's not a live stream anymore i might do it that way i might just like have a beer and chill and kick back and watch some renters with you guys that's probably the way i'll do it that's my plan that's my plan yes there is a challenge coming soon another one another community challenge um it'll almost be back-to-back challenges here it's going to be a lot but it's going to be a good one it's going to be a very very good one how many submissions do i think there will be next time i don't i couldn't even say i couldn't even say no idea if i could guess how big the final file would be with all 2400 videos god 10 gigs maybe 20 12 gigs i don't know it'd be a lot um did i see the renders that were that were late to the deadline or did i just discard them i did see them i truly went through every render this is this is just for peace of mind for you guys and kind of for myself too there was a couple pardon there's a couple renders that relate that um like if your render was late you can't make it to the top hundred montage right um but i went through and i chose from the 2401 that's including the late ones i chose the top hundred and i made sure that um basically you know if if it was late in the top hundred it couldn't happen right so i managed to just get the top hundred as the rangers that came in on time and then anything else um it couldn't win it couldn't win um but i will show it in the 2401 montage that is that is a thing for sure oh guys i think it might be it might be time to call it um last little announcements here i'll see you guys next week for the awesome montages i'm putting together um what else if you guys didn't win and you want to purchase you know some of these bone phones or you want to purchase a uh qixel mega scan subscription 50 off that i got actually got some notes for you here we go so rococo i got you guys 10 off all rococo products until june 11th use rkk underscore punisher um all this stuff is in the description okay quicksole all right uh if you use the code pone21 50 off your first month of mega scans for the first 3000 people that expires june 8th three days and then for aftershocks these bone conduction headphones this is the freaking move right here uh 15 off all products and i believe it's the tech 37j is the discount code all that stuff is in the description and that's just like the these companies did not reach out to me and pay me to say any of this stuff i reached out to these companies i reached out to rococo i reached out to wacom to uh aftershocks to pny and to qixel because i wanted the prize pool to be built up from all the stuff i use every day i use this stuff every single day um so i wanted to you know reward the winners with all the tools that i use all the time so i reached out to these guys and they're like yo if you guys want to you know for people who don't win check out the stuff in the description you know a little 15 10 50 just for you guys i appreciate y'all yeah i i need to use the restroom i need to use the restroom i'm going to bounce um thank you for hanging out with me thanks for hanging out with me guys that was a long one wasn't it i'll see you guys next week the goal is saturday 4 200 and now 2401 montage as a premier video which means i'll just live stream and watch it with you guys that's the plan for next saturday along with the top 100 you guys are amazing thank you for your time thank you for your energy thank you for sticking around with me um for hanging out it's been a crazy year i was able to leave corridor digital to do all this stuff full time because you guys kept coming back and that means a lot it really does so you guys enjoy your weekend if you're in india go to bed or you know let's get moving it's the early morning right now i appreciate you guys um i feel like i'm just rambling at this point i'm gonna get some food i'm gonna go for a one-wheel ride and i'm gonna use the bathroom peace out guys thank you moderators ronan i see you visual i saw you up in here sodamonte shout outs peace out guys see you next week subscribe if ain't subscribe have a good weekend be safe stay creative be passionate later y'all oh you all get the ending screen hold on i almost cut it out on you right there [Music] you
Channel: pwnisher
Views: 648,840
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: xPaSw74YtDY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 273min 31sec (16411 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 05 2021
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