Create Studio Ghibli Art in Cinema4D & Blender (with Peter France)

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yo what's up everybody oh my goodness what a stream this is gonna be this is a very very special stream because i am joined by a very special person and his name is peter france everybody what is going on what dude up son dude it is good to be here i'm excited to dig my fingers into some studio ghibli renders and make a make a sweet scene thanks for having me man yeah dude absolutely um so hey can you guys hear us can you see us okay just give me some like thumbs ups in the chat so we know that we're all good yeah this was quite an ordeal yeah it was we were like oh man yeah maybe we could like figure it out uh like last night but then we were up so late working on the star wars thing um that like we're like oh man we're so tired so we woke up this morning there's always so much to do on the morning of a stream it's crazy but we're getting thumbs ups right now we got the live chat popping off uh hell yeah yeah the coffee got the live stream we're good to go yeah all right so what are we what are we doing today dude what are we gonna do dude that's a good question i i well we're gonna do a studio ghibli render yeah because these movies are lovely and beautiful but i i personally don't know which studio giveaway movie or which scene i'm going to do so i got to look at some reference to figure that out for sure do you have stuff pulled up right now yeah i got like some youtube cops some compilations going all right here i'm gonna switch over to you so i'm looking at your blender right now yeah there you go sweet dude this stuff is nuts i could just spend these three hours oh my god dude just watching this ah that looks so nice it's amazing it's like not okay yeah it's like their stuff is so painterly and i'm like to do it in 3d and to do it like all for real which is kind of like water it down you know i know yeah it would just like make it look real yeah but i don't know maybe we can figure something out um no totally i mean oh god damn what are you thinking about do you have do you have a movie or a scene in mind yeah so here um let's see bam all right so i got a bunch of images here pulled from like back when i was working at rocket jump i like pulled a bunch of images from nice bunch of movies and the ghibli ones were definitely one of those um those look great i'm looking at the stream right here oh heck yeah so i got the like panorama ones going like these big ones oh dang yeah that's amazing oh my goodness where'd you get these images i just pulled them from the movie yeah i just like print screen and then went into photoshop and just pasted them in that's amazing those are beautiful yeah they're freaking sick man so i don't know i wanna what's up nothing so i don't know dude i want to like i want to i want to do all of these they're also i think we have time we can spend a few days on the stream yeah absolutely we'll just do a 24-hour ghibli stream dude be craziness yeah um it'd be cool to do like this robot with the grass on them oh man that could be said it looks like freaking iron giant dude straight up yeah or i was thinking about these beautiful is it from castle in the sky uh it's hard because i want to pick one that's like really complex and has a lot going on but i i've learned that lesson too many times for sure gotta pick an attainable goal what about there's this one of the bath house that's like like the daytime main one no it's like a night rainy night time one i'm trying to find it oh yeah i was looking at that one the heck is it it's like here you have it on your side somewhere yeah let's see i'm going to you is it uh this one very similar it's not that one it's like it's like a random shot in the middle of like the middle of the movie it's like a transition shot or something damn i'm trying to find it yeah you keep looking i'm on i'm on you right now all right um oh i found it this one's really nice oh you got it yeah dude that is beautiful though oh my god it's it's ridiculous all right this one um right here you see that it's like rainy oh oh dude you should do that one okay i feel like that's your vibe i'm gonna do this one yeah i'm doing this one for sure awesome all right so i'm going back to you you got to figure out what the heck you're going to do because we only have like we got like two hours to work on this you know oh boy okay you know i love these daytime like blue sky shots with lots of green that's really calling my name so i'm gonna find one of those okay cool heck yeah um so real quick shout outs to christian thank you for the super chat and also josh he's josh is like pop off sons i'm like heck yeah dude thanks y'all yeah that's awesome um so once you get your scene chosen here um we uh actually here how about this how about this this uh we got a sponsor today on today's stream so while the sponsor's going peter go ahead and choose your scene and then uh we'll be back in like two to three minutes and we'll hop right into these renders guys so uh so stay tuned oh yeah yeah back in two minutes let's do it today's stream is brought to you by wagon provides you with a number of computers at different tech specs to access from anywhere in the world so wagon's a bit different from other remote access companies that allow you to tap into your personal supercomputer what if you don't have a personal supercomputer and that's exactly where wagon comes in so let me give you guys a brief rundown on how this works so once you guys log in you'll be presented with your dashboard here you can check your connection tweak some other settings here but most importantly you can actually choose your tech specs so let's start with planet we got four cores 16 gigabytes on the gpu and 16 gigs of ram we'll save that and we'll run the computer boom and we're in this computer is a blank computer obviously i mean it comes with a couple things pre-installed here but this computer is yours and yours alone to download and install whatever the heck you guys want you are the only one with access to your personal wagon computer so i know we got a lot of blender fans here on the channel so i'm going to use vegan's file transfer option to drag and drop a blender scene from my personal computer to our new vegan computer all right there we go let's let's open this bad boy up so even on wagon's cheapest computer it's actually not that bad we're in like render view here um we could sit here we could render this but what if we actually wanted to render it on a more powerful computer on a computer that renders things faster let's see what that would look like so i'm going to go ahead and log off of this computer and change our computer to galaxy this is 48 cores four 16 gigabyte gpus and 192 gigabytes of ram we'll save and we'll run the computer and we're back in so this is actually an entire other computer but it has the files that we dragged and dropped onto the original let's go ahead and open it up and we'll hit f12 and get this render going so what's cool about this is you can actually render this on your wagon computer while you continue to work on your personal computer at home so i'll just go ahead and log out and let this render while we continue working so vegan is here to provide you guys with additional computing power for your projects and if you want to get into 3d but don't have a super computer yet this might be a good way to get started so guys head on over to and get your renders going all right heck yeah good stuff very good stuff all righty um that was that was a great brand segment my dude [Laughter] thank you yeah that was actually cool man i got this whole like i'm figuring out the stream situation you know um making it more professional feeling good um yeah vegan they're super chill been awesome to work with so uh shout outs for sure give them a shout and uh peter do you have your scene do you have you have what you're gonna do i have my freaking scene i do here let me let me pull it up yeah i'm going to you [Music] so here's a really low res screenshot but i'm gonna do this scene i believe is this from freaking princess mononoke i am very unfamiliar with these movies i've seen like half of them oh for sure do you know which movie this is from i don't it like i it's definitely not from princess mononoke this might be from like the secret world of arietti or something oh okay there's a couple that his um his son did that i heard were like not as good um so i kind of didn't watch them but i totally should yeah it's from arietti we got it yeah it's from okay confirmed gotcha yeah i mean honestly regardless of the movie it's from it's it's gorgeous and so i'm gonna do this one you guys are just gonna be mega scan city yeah gotta get the gut race all right so you'll do that one and i'll do this one here um yeah dude dude i'm so excited to see that one mega scan city too [Laughter] all right let me know what would we do without mega scans oh dude it'd be horrible it'd be a rough life like no doubt i'd be out on the street um okay so let's talk about like what is going to be complicated with with this here with with my render um i'm looking at the roof and i'm looking i'm feeling like uh mega skans has some of that roof tiling we can pull oh totally yeah um i feel like the hardest part is just going to be modeling that intricate building geometry it's just blocks though i mean getting the details on the wood paneling for sure like most definitely that's a good point but like i wonder how i'm gonna do the people because it's all about like the people inside it's cool oh yeah yeah i mean maybe you could do like a google image search for some stills from the movie and do like a quick roto cut them out and then stick them in as cards or something oh yeah i could see that um also getting the rain like you see how like the rain haze is kind of hitting the ceiling and stuff like i wonder how to yeah how are you gonna do that i don't know maybe that's photoshop maybe it's um like right i i mean people would say just just do it in cops or whatever yeah we did a freaking thing with people um he came into the office that freaking guy it's gonna be crazy i'm not gonna say too much because just look forward to some fun people content it's gonna be freaking crazy yeah um but um let's let's check out your scene peter what sweet what are you looking at here like what's gonna be difficult for you on this one sweet yeah i mean the thing i i think i'm gonna struggle with the most is just the composition because these scenes aren't real 3d scenes i mean they have 3d perspective but it's not like you couldn't use f-spy or something to get the exact focal length and composition you kind of have to cheat it in a painterly way so i'm just gonna like make it like a telephoto lens maybe like a 50 mil or something like that and then i'm gonna start laying out planes first i'm going to go can i draw on this so i'm going to go and do this ground first get this kind of curved area here and then this curved area make sure i have a nice flat plane for the water over here and then i'm gonna go and make the medium-sized shapes you know this little thing right here kind of block out some of the foliage this little cliff thingy um just get the general shape of the scene first and then once that's done i'm going to go in and start adding trees and shrubs and then i think the last step will be getting these god rays and these little flowers right here because that's what it's all about that's like the cherry on top dude that's great that was like so well said is this just the most beautiful composition right here [Laughter] dude with all these red lines yeah seriously it's great though man it's freaking great um holy crap yo we're at 577 people right now dude that's like yes that's almost a record um sweet okay all right so uh peter here's what we're gonna do i think since everyone usually watches me stream in c4d they they know what's up i'm gonna start on you all right we're gonna start in blender we got a lot of blender fans going um sweet so yeah i'll just have you kick it off here and start building out your scene we'll be building the background alongside you we'll switch back over to me when uh when i got something but yeah dude let's do it let's do it heck yeah son all right i'm pumped okay so we got blender open here the first thing i'm gonna do is bring in our reference image sweet okay all right dude i'm kind of nervous to follow up a studio ghibli screenshot i i gotta do it justice you know oh absolutely cool so i'm just gonna start out with a little plane here oh nice you have your reference like in blender itself oh yeah yeah i like doing that so then i don't have to switch windows or anything like that it's really nice first i'm gonna do these little hills right here get like a really rough representation so it can kind of eyeball the composition of the scene all right i must say we we did hit a record peter an all-time high yeah 631 people in the stream guys oh heck yeah son it is climbing it's like 40 like it's climbing up right now that's great nice okay so we got our rough geometry here let me add a camera how much do you narrate these like mo every time like everything dude my throat is so sore at the end of these streams because i'm just like talking for five hours straight sometimes oh my goodness it's craziness okay camera calibrator that's what okay i'm doing i'm doing uh you said f spy that's basically something where you line up perspective to your reference right yeah yeah if y'all watching don't know there's this awesome free software called f spy where if you want to like perfectly match up the angle of a shot that you already have you just load it into the software you give it like four lines in perpendicular directions and then it's just like bam it gives you the focal length of the camera it gives you the exact position and rotation it's amazing and then you can just import that into blender or probably other 3d software and it just sets up your scene for you it's wonderful yeah i think i think blender guru is the first person i heard about that from when he was like recreating uh gone girl or something right yeah dude shout out to freaking andrew price dude that guy's a champ that's a first-year son i still like i don't even use blender and i watch his videos it's he's like he's so good i i really appreciate how his videos are more theory based and less actual like practice based it's really nice yeah his latest um like cabin in the woods one was so good dude yeah that video i think ren said he's gonna pop by too oh no way that'd be awesome yeah like in the chat i think we'll have to make him a mod around here somewhere yeah so i got the scene going and it looks super jakey right now so i'm actually going to overlay the background image on top of my scene so i can like do a pixel perfect there we go okay so oh that's awesome dude this is fun i'm pumped all right it's all about that first block out you know yeah so you want to look up for success yeah you start as as general as possible like get the big blocks kind of locked in and then you go in for the mediums like you said yeah whenever i start small like with the detail i'm just like i get halfway through and it just falls apart yeah because you're like i just zoomed in on that and then when i zoom out i'm like i didn't need to do any of that yeah spend your time on the on the big stuff first it's literally a sketch like an artist's sketch before they start a drawing or a painting you know yeah totally okay this is jank i'm starting over here all right i'm gonna switch over to me real quick cool so basically like like we were talking about f spy is for blender but cinema has its own deal basically if you have a your camera you right click your camera and go to what where is it tracker tags the camera calibrator so you add that you load in your image right here boom i got my reference right here is what i'm doing and we're going to calibrate it so we add those lines like like peter was saying um same technique different program so let's line this up let's do the y-axis no you know what we got a good x-axis line right here across the rooftop let's just line that up and then if you hold shift and click this line it'll it'll like determine what it is known length x so this is x it's red that's exactly what we want um let's add another one because you for perspective usually you got like these lines don't just go in the same direction they do in the world but not to the camera like it might be a wider angle lens and it'll open up a bit wider so shift click that's x and you can see x vanishing point boom solved um let's add another line let's try and find the y axis on these guys right there shift click y-axis not solved yet but let's just add another line and it probably will solve no problem um sipo yo what's up dude thanks for the super chat appreciate you brother um you're stuck in exams that sucks um saipo says hey peter really enjoyed your mushroom forest um he's anthony's yeah heck yeah thanks man i i really appreciate that i'm glad you enjoyed it with that custom music too man that's freaking sick thanks yeah i i want to get back into music i haven't done it in a while super fun what program do you use i use logic which is kind of a bummer i had to like buy a separate computer to make music on because you can't use it on windows oh seriously yeah dude that's crazy i don't know dude 732 people in the freaking livestream holy crap dude heck yeah that's awesome son all right so i got this stuff solved you can see everything's yellow um that means we got oh nice things solved and i should be able to make a cube and the cube like lives basically in that perspective so if i go back here oh baby i should be able to just load up a background let me see load up a background let's save your freaking work dude have you saved yet i have not that is a good idea oh my god all right boom arthur yo what's up dude thank you again for the super chat that's freaking awesome he says what's up y'all um love your stuff at corridor thanks for all the knowledge peter you should let your patrons know you're here [ __ ] you're right i did put on my instagram that's good that's good yeah all right this is boring stuff i'm just gonna load in a background let's go back to you peter what you got going on right here son sounds good i got a freaking cube dude nice all right so i've somewhat successfully lined up the camera in this scene let me bring that down a bit actually there we there we go now we're vibing so we got our cliff in the back here we got empties representing our hill actually you know what this is like still so off this is so difficult matching this but you know what we're gonna do it we're not getting up yet isn't it like kind of hard on a stream too where like you feel like you have to like be entertaining the whole time and you feel rushed like do you feel a little rushed oh absolutely i'm feeling the pressure right now i'm a little shaky i know me too i'm kind of cold yeah it's it's nice and gloomy here in l.a today i know you're getting that gloom over over near yeah absolutely man i think it might rain at noon pretty soon here oh maybe it was raining last night apparently yep i love rain man we don't get enough of it i know all right i think it's time to start sculpting so i have my rough scene laid out here you can see matching the background somewhat and the perspective isn't entirely jank i mean it's a little it's death honestly a little [ __ ] maybe this should be a bit bigger and further away there we go that's better yeah i'm trying to get my scale right now okay so i'm going to go into sculpt mode subdivide this a little bit back into sculpt mode and let's just start sculpting yeah turn down the strength it's going to sculpt this ground here to match the scene a little bit right there cool cool cool i'm gonna add some more resolution sweet get that little spot awesome sweet yeah we're looking good nice dude all right we have the rough scene laid out i think i should do some water next to add that plane oh my god those subs a lot of subdivisions oh yo what up todd thank you for the super chat man yeah todd's having a good time he's 37. todd the god todd the freaking god dude he's learning blender he's 37 um learn 3d modeling yeah um so he's digging that right now yeah dude so many people are talking to me and they're like i want to learn blender but it's just so much work i'm like yeah but if you just spend like 20 minutes a day then you and you take the pressure off yourself of being good you just like do a little bit every day and then in three months before you know it you can like do a ton of stuff that you would have never been able to do if you'd never started yeah seriously um it's all about those like bite-sized little bits consistently and that's how you get better at anything um i really like uh blender guru's video on like the habits of effective artists and just never having a zero percent day you know whether it's just like drawing a line or just like making one cube in blender when you by the time you get there you'll probably want to do a little bit more yeah yeah i never have the zero percent day that's a really really good point um also too i think like why are you trying to get into this you know like why do you want to 3d model stuff why do you want to learn blender i think that's a good like answer it's a good question to answer you got to have like a i think the stronger your answer the more the more passionate you'll be about it and the more you'll stick to your goals you know that's a really interesting point i'd never thought of it like that before because like if it's like oh just whatever you just want to learn it because like oh like someone didn't thought it was cool versus like this speaks to me so much and i have so much fun doing this and i know that if i can do this then like you know maybe it'll set myself up for a career um yeah for a creative career and if you know you're a creative person then that's like what what you have to ask the question like what would happen if you didn't learn blender like what what would happen if you didn't do you know daily practice in blender like two years down the line or just like 3d you know not just blender but like three years down the line like how would you be different how much more valuable would you be in like yeah it's all it's all good stuff to think about that's really interesting man that's a great way to look at it arturo what up son yo peter the chat wants a discord too all right so i got a discord um it's just a create with clint discord we do weekly challenges and stuff but it looks like people want a peter discord too damn i i honestly didn't know like having discords was a thing until you told me about yours yeah dude you you would pop off you have like a blender like a super blender like discord that'd be sick man that would be fun i don't know it seems like a lot of pressure i i tend to be very anti-social i mean it's chill like you just get the community going and like you know give them fun challenges and stuff like yeah that's cool that's a good time all right yeah yeah i'll think about doing that um all right i'm going back back to my end here i'm blocking out this uh this freaking thing so i'm just i got my cube on x-ray mode boom i got my camera lined up here so it like perfectly lines up and i got my image on a background so i'm just gonna like block this out like peter's doing right now same deal it's the same process you know different programs same idea so it really doesn't matter what program you guys are using as long as you're making cool stuff you can see how like the process is similar throughout all of this dang son friggin chat chats are off nice chain right now dude off the hook um tila and mac thanks for the super chat we appreciate you guys um am i gonna try toon shading in octane maybe maybe not i don't know i messed with it be cool um and then mac you say you want to say thank you you guys quarter i've been inspiring for years my favorite thing to do in my free time heck yeah keep it up damn damn exactly the z zach and mack the freaking i can't think of a rhyme but they're really cool the freaking the paper stack dude the paper stick there you go um zach wants to say thanks for popular popularizing blender peter um and showing how cool it is oh dude blender is the freaking best man it's just oh i i could go on and on about it but it's just such a great software and it's only going to get better because the people who use it are the people who make it you know you're not answering to any shareholders or having to make money on new features or anything it's just the people who love it are working on it making it great and i'm very passionate about it that's sick man like there's a there's a lot of cool stuff about blender um that would be fun you know like c4d is fun i'm very happy in c4d um but like if i was like if i if i didn't know anything about 3d and i could choose like where do i go from here like blender would be the first place i'd go it does have a great community which is nice for beginners you know there's a really really active subreddit where people are always posting stuff and answering questions and it's a really friendly vibe which is nice that's awesome dude but yeah i mean at the end of the day it's all the same all this 3d software it does like exactly the same thing it just comes down to preference and kind of just happenstance whatever you start on i guess yeah yeah exactly like this block out stuff is probably it's it's like one of the most important steps because this really if you can get your block out looking nice then [Music] like you're kind of off to the races really um because then you have you've set yourself up for for a successful you know concept or a successful piece of art um totally yeah it's the bones the it's the foundation of the house yeah 100 yo did you save did you save recently i'm saving every 10 seconds my fingers are just terminally like on control and s like you know like when you're playing video games it's wasd oh yeah when you're working on 3d stuff it's just control s yeah yeah exactly um good god euclid thank you thank you for the chat dude um he's working in triple a games as a hard surface artist switch to blender from maya for about 90 of things now thanks peter wow that's awesome i'm switching back to you son where are you at i'm good i got my block out going i'm going to start adding in the medium-sized objects which are going to be this uh we got some shrubs here some shrubs there we got these little cements i guess going through like you know you you model your thing three material on it and then you can go into sculpt mode and sculpt all these little details in there to catch the light like on the edge of the surface and stuff it's really nice it's really fun process it feels very painterly you know doing your brush strokes and everything that's super yeah i'm very excited for that that's awesome i'm going to throw in these it's a cylinder let's see we want some i guess i'll just do this would you say is like a tip right for beginner artists whether they're using blender or not what would you say is like something that you wish you would have known oh that's a good question really i guess that's more in the just stick with it category of advice but like never have a zero percent day even if it's just like carve out like 10 minutes at the end of each day to just hop in and at the very least it'll help you retain your knowledge you know if you have a few weeks where you kind of fall off you're busy with other stuff that's totally fine you know nobody's saying you have to learn everything in one go but just to hop in there and brush up a little bit so you don't lose any of that knowledge is definitely going to be helpful in the long run that's legit yeah consistency man so freaking important i guess that's what it boils down to it's just consistency in anything um like really anything you're doing yeah and also just finding a way to love it like if you find a way to have a really good time doing it then you'll want to come back and it'll be easy you know like i've been working on games recently in unreal engine and i i can't like i find myself staying up to like 3am just messing around with stuff because it's so freaking fun you know and so just finding a way to make it fun for yourself like whether it's the subject of what you're working on you know stuff like this working on a studio ghibli scene like it doesn't have to be you don't have to post anything it doesn't have to be even good just finding something that's fun to work on will keep you coming back that's a legit a legit point dude yeah you have it has to be playful and it has to be fun if you're like dreading it then it's gonna be tough yeah totally where's my school so hard for people dude like dude i was a horrible student i was i was okay you know like i really just like loved hanging out with my friends it was a good time yeah but yeah it really can be very clinical sometimes better when things are fun yeah totally yeah it makes you want it more makes you work harder yeah all right sweet i got my little a little cement cylinders in here big chilling i'm just going to create a little cube this isn't going to be my final shrub this is just so i can get the general shape block out the scene a little more that's crazy so you're like you're making these shrubs from is that going to be your final like mesh or are you going to replace it with uh with something yeah i actually um took some 3d scans of shrubs that i'm going to put on my patreon and uh i i think i'll throw that in there see how that works it's it's surprising because you think like 3d scanning a plant wouldn't work because there's so much little detail that i wouldn't be able to capture and that's true but it does get most of it it's very surprising and if you use it like in the background of a shot it totally works it's wonderful that's awesome 3d scans are so legit man like i feel like that's the way to do people too um because you know you can always tell when it's a 3d person in a scene you're like oh i can just tell but if it's a photo scan it's like so much better absolutely yeah ian hubert on his patreon has like an animated crowd asset and a bunch of 3d scanned people he's putting some amazing stuff on there like honestly don't subscribe to my patreon subscribe to ian hooper's patreon because i've put like some stuff on there and i think it's good stuff but he is just like every day puts up something new that's like actually super valuable so don't subscribe to me subscribe to him oh i mean ian is basically the blender god but you're also like the blender god too so it's kind of it goes both ways dude yeah i i kind of feel bad now uh doing patreon i thought i work at corridor because i'm like i i'm making a decent living wage i i've paused the billing on my patreon for the last two months because like i kind of feel bad taking people's money you know i hear that man yeah i think like people are people are gonna be a fan of you though um no matter what they're gonna they're gonna be a fan of peter so um but i i hear you at the same time dude yeah i hear you no there's something to that you know i i do have certain artists that like even if they are you know making good money i want to support them because i really like what they're doing and it makes me feel like i have a hand in what they're doing you know yeah 100 all right so i'm just still blocking out on my end um let me switch over here it's the block out you got to get the block out right you know um yeah once you do that it's kind of then then you're free then you're free to like roam and and like really start building out some cool stuff um yeah that's when you can start like experimenting and stuff yeah and it'll come together like it's kind of like an exponential growth situation where it comes together in the end like crazy super fast totally let's see so i want to get this like roof piece going so maybe we bring this point or this whole line actually some basic modeling going on here let's just kind of get that in the corner and then we can pull this out i'm holding ctrl make new stuff make new geo there and then you can use the bridge tool oh bridge that there's that and then to optimize you can select uh go to point mode control a select everything points we have 12 points total and selected hit uo and if there's any doubled up points then you'll see it here you can also hit alt v to bring up this little dialog and go to hud and you can just check whatever info you want i like having fps up here and the you know faces and points and that kind of stuff to make it make it easier to see what you got going on all right so if i go to camera view like that's looking okay like it's a little off a little off we get this stuff back in and we're starting to feel the shape of this thing and if i render it and get like a temporary hdri go in let's do like uh just a color not even a image is fine and we'll pull it was like a kind of like a dark bluish green color somewhere like somewhere in there arturo what's up dude thank you for the super chat he says don't listen to peter subscribe to his patreon so we can keep fulfilling it with knowledge [Laughter] and uh and to join the dickson award yeah man you should do discord to be sick dude all right yeah i'm done okay i'm wondering how much of this i can actually fill out with like uh like the qixel bridge assets you know because they have like those walls all the like walls and everything and the roofing tiling and all that stuff like i'm wondering i dude i'm willing to bet you could go 100 honestly i mean why not all-time record 800 people in the stream good god thank you everybody um heck yeah dude congrats yeah dude you've been killing it it's both of us son it's impressive i i every saturday i'll like wake up at 12 p.m and i look on youtube and you're like already showered and probably did like a full workout in our streaming and i'm like god damn son oh man that's funny i'm really glad that we're doing this together man this is super cool this is my first like joint 3d stream i did one with casey where we just did music but like this this is cool oh nice dude i'm having a great time i'm glad we did this all right it looks like that kind of this like pops out this little piece here i just don't know which one that is i got too many pieces there it is how's this guy sitting i can't pronounce your name ato um thanks for the super chat heck yeah you appreciate the knowledge i'm enjoying my time with peter here and i'm really glad that you guys are enjoying it too rock on heck yeah um all right peter i'm going to be i'm going to use son all right bam do it oh you got lighting in there now cool yeah yeah i threw in uh blender just got a fancy new sky texture node that you can use for the background gives you like a nice not super realistic but like like the lighting is realistic the background isn't super realistic like you would want an hdri for clouds or whatever but if you're just going for like sunlight and having the blue fill from the skylight this thing is perfect in the world node settings and so i'm just using that to kind of flip back and forth between my reference see how we're doing looking pretty good it looks like the lighting in this scene i i really like because you know you learn a lot of things by dissecting other people's art and recreating it they have the sunlight is really only hitting the center of frame giving it a nice natural vignette um like they have trees covering up the light from most other parts of the scene they just have the god rays coming in through the center and highlighting just this little bit so i'm going to try and do that i'm going to block out my lighting so that i don't know just so that i can get a more real i love that style the um like the sunlight in the middle of like a field and then everything is kind of like stormy on the outside like that look is so cool to me it's brilliant and it's brilliant because it's like pretty but then also the it just helps the composition so much it tells your eyes where to look oh no something happened what happened your computer did you change your screen or something oh did discord dude f for chat is like popping off hard right now this chord freaking crapped out on me did it really yeah okay we'll be back uh we'll get this back up i still i still have you though uh do you want to what's that am i back i don't oh i see you hold on let me let me see here let me see glenda yeah there you are there you are there you are and your camera's loading hey you're back you're back sweet okay yeah discord just pieced me out for some reason louie son that's what happens when you when you gotta like freaking tech your own your own stream and like do a render at the same time it's like so much stuff all right we're back in everybody thank you for the moral support there josh i see you um much appreciated and adrian shout outs to you thank you thank you um so you got peter or no okay sorry peter you got adrian into sculpting on blender um oh no way yeah heck yeah that's awesome dude adrian that's super six how many what are you working on i want to see it yeah peter you're here's your your handle at peter france on instagram oh yeah dude i i was early enough to the party i snagged my name on most software or services smart smart all right back back to your blender magic peter yeah what i'm doing now is i'm jumping on over to quicksole bridge to grab some mega scans and i'm not going to start placing magazines in my scene yet i'm just going to use them i'm going to take this little fern here and i'm going to place it above my scene to block out the light so i can get some natural shadows covering up these areas right the dappled look exactly son but have you ever tried using a noise map for that a noise map i mean you could use a noise map but you don't get those the leaf leaf shapes i got you okay well maybe is there a card a leaf card you could use that might be like like an atlas you know they have those atlases oh maybe save on yeah i can do something peter juice or maybe not do you think do your thing you you had it yeah all right i'm gonna export that to blender cool my scene is like the scale of my scene is whack it's i know mine's small i know mine's wack too i'll fix it later whatever dude mega skins has this awesome bug it's not even a bug it's just some like flipped a wire somewhere where when you import it to blender it puts the bump map into the alpha channel so you just gotta switch over to the normal all right oh frame or uh not frame rate uh aspect ratio helps with the block out like what what do you see in your scene that is helpful all right it looks like dude this freaking this house is like all askew dude like it's it was built so gently it's like pieced together i'm trying to figure out like this there aren't really straight lines there are in relation to their own little bits but everything is kind of just like placed in jenkily which is cool do you think that's part of the design or do you think that's just a byproduct of it being painted um it is probably designed that way dude definitely interesting also your mic is frozen oh no the mic is frozen your your camera's frozen oh no is it better what is he at least it's not a smile no it's still wait is it because i'm using up my gpu i have two renders going right now oh my god uh you're still frozen god damn it well at least we can hear you dude [Laughter] oh f f god damn it discord f for respects dude all right peter's gonna get his situation back it's all good y'all at least we at least like wait can you can i hear you can you hear me yeah you're backstage okay cool you're back soon i'm back yeah sweet okay he's back all right i think i'm close enough to look at that getting this thing ready um thank you pretty darn close here all right and then it looks like there's kind of like a cube down here because this thing looks like it's on stilts it's so cool like the thing i love about this piece of art is that like here let me pull up the full thing yeah the thing i love about this here is the feeling that outside is very rainy very wet very cold very scary um it's a place you don't want to be you do not want to be outside um but inside people are having a blast it's a good time you have like the warm windows it's a place where you want to be but it's viewed from this scary place it's viewed from the outside which is scary and i love like if it feels like extra comforting to know that there is a safe place surrounded by a scary place and like you're inside the safe place like that's so cool to me that's really interesting yeah you you have like the contrast of color and brightness but you also have the contrast of emotion in the shot yeah 100 is my video crapped out again dude it might be all right dang it says tell them to go to preferences system and deselect cpu for rendering and it will likely fix the frozen discord issues oh okay preferences system and deselect cpu for rendering okay princesses yeah we got some subscribers too thanks y'all right off oh my goodness all right i see you there you are okay um okay settings preferences uh i'm not seeing preferences i'm seeing settings it's preferences system and then deselect cpu for rendering uh jack says edit preferences system cuda and deselect cpu i'm not saying this here i'm switching edit preferences yeah there's no edit it's just like a window but i got user settings in blender video oh in blender blender oh i see i thought we were talking about discord yeah i could do cpu let's see how that goes that's not too bad that's fine all right am i still frozen oh we're chilling heck yeah yeah it's on whoever suggested that yeah cool people all right clint i think you were right uh i'm going with the noise map for real yeah just because i couldn't get enough detail with the 3d model okay i got you all right so what i'm doing here is i'm creating a new material for this plane as clint suggested and i'm feeding in a noise texture to the alpha cool that whole thing and then hold on dude i thought you were frozen again i got it i was like i thought you were frozen i was like dang you just thinking so my brain was just frozen into the matrix [Laughter] okay cool yeah i'm just trying to figure out how i'm gonna do this thing isn't it hard to think on a stream too dude it's so hard my brain is mush right now yeah cause it's like you're thinking about so many things and it feels weird to like stop and think about like in detail about something because you want to keep talking but it's difficult yeah that's what i learned about like film sets is if you're ever directing you feel like you just have to have an answer for something right away like somebody asks you a question you're just like boom answer but in reality you can be like okay give me a second you walked aside and you think about it you just give yourself a moment and you use your clear head to come up with a decision and then you come back to the situation you don't have to do everything right in the moment that is a great piece of advice dude that is a great piece of advice like yeah give me some time is totally reasonable you don't have to have the answer right then in there yeah that's legit man okay so i'm making a new texture which i'm going to paint onto my little light blocking thing here so i can decide which parts of the image are going to have light and which are not so let's see here go back into my shader editor bring in the image texture lighting text i'm going to feed this into the alpha with the mix rgb boom okay so let's see if this works so you're trying to get a dappled light look right yeah exactly do you get do you get like pickle bummed when your art doesn't look good for the first like dude of course most of the time i spend making stuff is like in pain yeah i feel the same dude i mean no it's fun but it's also like stressful because you know you set high standards for yourself and you don't live up to that expectation it can be very stressful yeah i know exactly what you mean like i i definitely feel i'm a perfectionist and it's tough to try and meet your own expectations sometimes but yeah sometimes you just gotta chill and like you know figure it out keep with it consistency yeah all right i'm darn close um this is feeling pretty darn close to me this like grouping of houses here so i'm probably gonna start um [Music] what's next i'm probably gonna go to mega scans and start building this thing out yeah time to hit the mega scans shout outs to giraffe in space and neon for the super chat you guys are awesome um yeah giraffe says that we've inspired him to be a filmmaker and a vfx artist been following uh us for years and thanks to peter for getting him into blender that's awesome that's really nice to hear hell yeah man so sick clint that's looking great oh thanks dude um here let me get lined it up here yeah i just got to get the get the detail we got the block out yeah um yo milay what is up son melee won the like um hope i'm saying that name right he won he did like the anime render the uh the render challenge montage video of the guy like it's like pink and blue he's walking through with the steam dude that was awesome so good yeah crazy good all those were super sweet that was an awesome video i'm so glad you made that oh man it it it blew me away i want to do another one asap this year um yeah you should do it oh i'm gonna oh i'm gonna thank you um all right i think it's i think it's time to take a look at my image here and see what i need using uh where are you bridge mega scans bridge oh and uh neon elias probably butchering that name as well i see you um so he's saying that streaming a discord is generally really crappy if you have a high load on your jeep cpu and gpu tech tip use google meat sounds dumb but it works we'll use it next time interesting okay um and then arturo with another super chat says peter check into the dms for the chat's recommendation on blender settings uh changes and to join us on blender nest episode oh check it out interesting yeah go check it out arturo send me a dm uh instagram or or uh discord also it works okay so yeah i gotta start pulling the pieces of this puzzle here together on the bridge um so let's see like i need some roof tiling i am probably going to make these little windows like the frames by hand it's very simple um it looks like i need some wooden like tatami style japanese style kind of pieces of wood here um some pipes and some vents and like it's really like a roof and then i guess if i really had to like get detailed with this let me pull up this guy here full screen so i'm gonna build this out um i'm gonna start pulling pieces here um like this really gross wood it's all about this gross wood right here that's awesome um and the roof tiling and stuff while i do that uh peter i'll be on beyond you all right sounds good man what you working on still trying to get the lighting worked in yeah yeah dude these freaking nodes are confusing me i'm trying to so i got looks super janky right now but i got this little plane up here that should have a little uh transparent bit in the middle of it to let the sun come through but my coffeed out brain is like having a hard time understanding my own nodes which is just like the story of my life understanding my own nodes yeah i've definitely been there yeah take a second no no pressure and uh heck yeah figure out what that's going to mix that in the fact oh what dude color amps all dude heck okay i'm just gonna wait what what's going on oh yes i got it there we freaking go all right it was inverted now we're talking yeah i just had to invert it it's so funny man everyone's like in the chat they're like inverted i was trying all right cool let's look at the reference again see how we're doing big chilling okay i'm gonna extend that so it covers our background as well all right maybe move it up a bit i just ripped my pants you just ripped your pants that dang it it's ripped the hole in my pants are you serious yeah how'd you even do that i just handled my back pocket freaking easy grip of zeus right there oh son oh that's looking good hey that's looking nice yeah thanks man yeah you were right about that noise map it definitely made it a lot simpler cool cool all right i think now it is time to move on to detail i'm gonna do this cliff in the back first and i think the way i'm going to do that is with some good old-fashioned mega scans that's where i'm at dude you hear they got they came out with some like crazy new cliffs and stuff yeah that's what i'm using baby heck yeah oh new money ground volcanologist lab fancy do you ever build like an asset layout or do you just drag stuff in your scene and like forget about it and just move it what do you mean by asset layout like where you'll like you'll basically go into um you basically like go into a scene and you'll have a separate project or a separate window or like off to the side all of your assets that you pulled in from bridge like laid out like a plant and then a wooden beam and then everything it's like so you can see the toys you're playing with and then you duplicate that's really smart i don't do that and i definitely am going to start doing that because it's a really good idea i i never really do that but i was watching um joe garth's uh unreal engine tutorial on learn squared and he does that where he like lays this stuff out to see what he's looking at that's clever yeah oftentimes i'll like especially in unreal i'll be like populating a scene with stuff and then i just start duplicating things and then i forget about this one asset that's in this like one little spot and then it's just like a million of one asset and none of that other one so that definitely would be helpful yeah to see like what you have dude it'd be so sick to have like i got a 3d palette we're like you can have like an ipad with all your assets on it you just swipe them up into your scene whoa dude that's the future right there i'd be so sick oh my god i freaking tried uh laying out a scene in unreal with vr the other day it was amazing oh for real you just like put on your vr headset and then as opposed to like playing the game you just go into the editor and you can like put in uh assets with your controllers and stuff and it's so much easier than doing it in a 2d view because you actually have a 3d perspective of the scene hello i'd like to introduce the stream to my lovely girlfriend kaylee [Laughter] who's being shy hello this is kaylee she just brought me a butterfly this is the sweetest thing it is dead where did you find this on the sidewalk oh my goodness it's beautiful that's legit dude oh okay bye-bye thank you what a nice gift dude it's so nice [Laughter] it's hilarious wow that is beautiful love you that's special dude especially super special dude kaylee's the best oh man dude i feel like there's so much more work to do i know i'm just freaking looking at mega skins how much time do we have whenever there's no time limit just go you know oh cool until it's chill until we're like i can't i can't do this anymore [Laughter] uh josh thanks for the super chat madelina thank you um he says nice smoothie tutorial is that a reference yeah kaylee made a smoothie tutorial it's it's like a blender tutorial but it's like an actual blender got you got you the people like your blender tutorial [Laughter] you gotta say thanks and then madeline is tall oh that's awesome dude shout outs that's great oh man all right um so thanks for entertaining a tired 10 hour till deadline architecture student keep up the good work uh we got you we got you good luck on your project son yeah what tablet am i using i'm using a a wacom intuos pro 4 the medium-sized one it's the best i love it why'd you start using a wacom um because i figured if like if i'm gonna be doing this for the rest of my life i want to save my wrist and i heard that this was like healthier or more ergonomic that's probably a really good idea and then other than that um i don't know for drawing and stuff if i want to do drawings it's just easier to draw totally yeah that's cool i should probably get one of those don't we have like a bunch of those in the studio yeah yeah definitely nice all right so what i do when i'm in bridge here is i actually like favorite it all favorite stuff um oh cool yeah and then i need some roof tiles so i'm just gonna hook up a roof and see what they got okay this is cool um i think tech technically the roofing would be oh i like that that's nice ishan what is going on what what on earth is going on you have um peter and myself i'm in cinema 4d making some ghibli art and then you got um you got peter in blender hey hey making some more ghibli art represent yeah so we're making some fun stuff cinema 4d and blender unite um [Music] making some cool art man yeah going to town heck yeah right now i'm gathering assets to build this to build my scene out and peter what are you doing i'm too freaking nose dude i'm trying to okay so i got i got my first mega scan in baby's first mega scan and uh i realized there needs to be a little light hitting this thing so i'm gonna try and go back into my dreaded light map that is not entirely working and screw it i'm just going to freaking cut a piece out of it all right so what i'm trying to do here is i'm trying to get some light hitting this little cliff right here shout out to cliff shout out to the cliff so maybe like right there let's just hide those faces no let's hide those faces no let's hide those faces now with those how about god where the heck is this coming from you're like what are you looking for yeah i'm trying to figure out where the light's coming from your lights is your light below your plane dude in this direction no no no no it's above what the heck y'all oh it's probably not showing because it's only i'm not actually deleting the vertices troubleshooting is a thing it happens to everybody no matter how good you are there you go oh there we go now we're now we're cooking hey so i think it's right here boom baby that looks awful but at least now i know where to paint dang dude this is freaking hard man this is just gonna take hours to find the right textures in this crap dude oh man i gotta get these roof tiles correct there we go okay sweet there's probably such a better way to do this but i'm kind of locked into this now and i'm just going to say whatever yeah i'm trying to decide whether should i do these roof tiles one by one and like clone them or if i should just do [Music] maybe for them it's only one section maybe i should just do it like all as 3d objects that would be that'd be dumb roof tile nice you're like painting in the light oh yeah okay i think that should work yeah there we go okay now we're talking that's super cool on the fire thanks dude yeah it's definitely like maybe the worst way i could do this but it's working well enough that i'm not going to stop i hear you for sure that's like all of capitalism yeah like it's going i'll just keep going i guess dang i need like metal like corrugated metal it's looking nice dude i can see it like oh my wait is that rock texture back there thanks man yeah it's just a little mega skin it's baby's first mega scan that looks so good thanks yeah okay i think we got the lighting also what am i doing i could just be adding lights to my scene i could just freaking throw in like a point light here and a point light there why am i messing with a freaking sun whatever okay cool all right it is time to throw in some mega scans more mega skins yeah actually sorry what were we gonna say i'll just say nothing important i'm just browsing mega scans you should just do a stream one on saturday just like browsing mega scans you don't even make anything you just look through and you're like oh that's nice i'll save that be the biggest commercial honest oh my god if you could get that sweet sweet epic games quicksole uh sponsorship that'd be sick yeah that'd be sick yeah these guys are great okay i got some like roof tiling business uh i got some wooden beams um pipes i'll do later let's try and get some wood paneling i'm still staying on you you're you're uh nice you're doing cool stuff over there sweet yeah i um this is one of the 3d scans of plants i did let's see oh i wish i could use my gpu dude oh my god but yeah it works like surprisingly well and this was just for from like walking around this plant for five minutes and that is that on your phone or is that on dslr yeah this was dslr it was just like a gloomy day san francisco i was walking around you get some pretty damn good detailed plants that's amazing in my opinion like like mega scans are great for populating a background and for like using an unreal and stuff but if you want the really high detail plants mega scans doesn't really have much of that um i generally like to use 3d scans for that polygon stuff is nuts dude the polygon stuff is amazing yeah they have the best like potted plants yeah they're like photo real it's nuts cool so i'm gonna bring in another one of those little 3d scans i did dude just building out my own like 3d scan library has been so nice i've been putting stuff up on my patreon too it's just i don't know there's something rewarding about having an asset library that you made yourself you know 100 man yeah um like with those imperfections like your your surface imperfections yeah those are freaking awesome it's so much fun because then you just make the stuff you always use you know and then if you don't use your own stuff then you know it's like oh crap i should probably do a better job yeah totally oh boy blender's chucking trying to import this 3d scan lots of geometry do you have lods with your stuff no i should or i i do have like a high quality and a low low poly version um but uh not as much as i should let's see where's this freaking there's this other plant i'm trying to get where the heck is it oh here we go plant 03 maybe that's it no no four plant 04 that's the one all right i got my first roof tile in here go ahead again i went with a a 2k texture because you know basically i think we were actually talking about this uh the other day at work um yeah like what i try and do is import like the the 2k textures the low res textures and that way i'll keep my computer alive you know because especially if i have a lot of stuff i'll just do low res textures until i look at the final and i see oh i need to update these textures here here and here and then those will be 4k or 8k when they're closer to camera and then it's okay my scene is like optimized yeah that's really smart yeah because you can always switch it out later but if you have a bunch of like 8k 4k stuff in your scene it's just going to be a [ __ ] and a half to switch it all out yeah most definitely so i got this roof tile here um it's not bad at all usually i go in here i change this to glossy and octane that just has a nicer shine to it i can come in here and like tweak this a little bit more maybe the roughness i can i already has a color correction node on it i can crank the contrast maybe and like have certain parts be more reflective more specular or even do it with a gradient maybe i'm gonna pee real quick yeah go for it all right so yeah i'm gonna try and populate this roof tile across the top up here and basically i'll need to like stretch this out you can see how it's like a very intense shape here so maybe what we'll do uh silver gaming this week's challenge will be announced at the end of the stream along with the winners of this week's challenge which was color all right let's just try and get this looking nice so i want to stretch it not too crazy though because i don't want it to be like really bad looking it is going to be a distance away so i think what i'll do is take this stuff and i want to clone it so i'm going to hold alt throw in a cloner i can pause my renderer and just make sure you guys are saving constantly and i just want to kind of bring these guys it looks like they're snugged up onto each other like this and they're closed in like that open them up just a little bit and they kind of clamp on to each other like that and then from here you can obviously like really push how many you're duplicating i always set my instance mode to multi-instance that way you can duplicate a bunch of stuff a lot a whole lot of times without really taking down your performance so we'll go to town on this i know it's not quite the same roof but it'll do the trick so let's see what up son maybe we rotate these guys around or we can mess with the transform there we go yeah flip them this way maybe yeah 180. yeah the tiles are laying on each other basically something like that and then you can use you can actually keep rotating here so they all kind of like sit up just a little bit don't worry about peter he's taking a small break he'll be back in a second no worries and then let's take these tiles and see if we can't like position them up like this but also mess with the transform can we step the transform so i want to be able to let's see per step should be able to get these to like stack a little bit oh he's trying to talk to me peter i can't hear you you got to call me again on my phone let me call this something it's a very complicated technical situation we got going thanks y'all all right i see you peter hey hey yo what's up son there we go all right we're back we're good callus uh kalupsi thanks for joining catch you later man peace step deformer yeah step deformer is totally the way to do it so i'm gonna have my cloner selected and let's do a uh where's my deformers at boom here we go i want a b where are you mr step there you are step deformer but we don't want to do it through scale we want to do it through y position we don't want to go from left to right we want to go from front to back so i think that would be in the coordinates of this thing maybe rotate it around how's this going to work no [Music] um maybe experimenting how want to rotate it around the step modifier is going from left to right i want it to go from front to back step effector instead there's different ones let's see i've never even used this i don't know what this is now that is the step effector mograph vector zap that's what i have literally what i have i just need to change this i need to rotate this around somehow all right um cloner changes what do you think and i don't know all right well peter while i troubleshoot this oh going to you son heck yeah do it uh let me see if i can get your thing back up here where are you i should be streaming watch it i'm it's trying to connect to your capture here uh well it should be working [Music] where are you at yeah i'm not seeing see you but i don't see your blender discord is streaming all right let me work it i'm going to hang up and i'm going to call you back all right sounds good weird can you stop sharing your screen and then share again yeah give that a shot there you go there we go i think we're good now awesome then we'll hit you back all right we're we're in we're watching you hell yeah okay so i got some of my 3d scans in here i'm kind of just lining them up to where they are in the scene here getting some rough for this like foreground plant stuff i want to have some high detail scan action going on get some of that nice detail just lining that up getting that to look all pretty big chilling yeah if if you've never experimented with 3d scanning before i highly recommend it it is very fun and it's kind of addicting i just find myself like going out with my dslr when i lived in san francisco i did this a bunch you just go out with a camera you walk around like a forest path or a little park you see something and you just look like a total doofus taking a million pictures like rotating around it like to everybody else you probably look like the world's worst photographer totally but uh no it's super fun you get a ton of great stuff and then you can just take it into reality capture process it and then just throw it into your scene willy nilly it's wonderful i i really enjoy it yeah i messed with the with photo scans on that parallel dimensions render i did of myself oh nice cliff came over and helped uh help scan me oh yeah that was that model was you right yeah um nice and it made me really want to do more of it it's like super fun it's so fun and just the amount of detail you get is absolutely nuts yo roomie we gotta chill it out chill it out with the uh with the spam in here dude you don't get you gonna get the boot if you ain't careful son don't worry i got my problem solved appreciate it i'm gonna duplicate this and take out this tree nonsense god like clint are you seeing this yes detail right here yeah it's ridiculous dang god dang that's your skin that's so cool it's so easy too it's it's like dumb are you using would say reality capture for that stuff yeah reality capture is the fastest one i've found nice runs on your gpu i don't know they got some kind of algorithm making it fast that's awesome yeah i mean you know it's it's not like lightning fast you still gotta wait like it's probably like 30 minutes total per scan but that's not nearly as bad as other software dude this this image is gonna take me forever what no dude you gotta you gotta just do those broad strokes you know get those crappy materials in there and then add detail if you need to yeah you're right i think i need to get my windows going and like the lighting and stuff right now maybe i'm just replacing this little block out with the real shrub let's see here hmm you sound like a minecraft villager trying to figure out the best way to do these like little screen windows i think i need to make like a block of one and then i'll like duplicate it across that's really a good idea yeah dude your scene is looking nice dude thanks man yeah i'm jealous i'm pretty happy with how it's going god i wish there were mega scans had trees dude i know only they had trees seriously that's what we need and eddie says you need god rays god raised i agree i think that's going to be like a last step yeah to get those you know i might even do those in comp actually no no no no i can't do that in comp it would look way worse but let's see i'm going to duplicate my little shrub and i'm going to make a super low poly version of that to populate my background with because we got tons of shrubbery back here and i want to be able to just copy and paste this without having my computer hate me so i'm going to put a little decimate modifier on there bring the geometry down a bit maybe i'll even solo this go into material preview and i'm going to take out i'm gonna take out the rest of this ground here so we're just left with the shrub how often do you create scenes that like chug your computer hard i mean honestly it's it's so depends you know sometimes i'll have scenes that i feel are really complex and my computer doesn't bat an eye and then sometimes i have scenes that are like not that complex my computer's like yeah so i don't know um but recently for my short film i've been doing a lot of like city renders um like full cg city and my computer is just like no thank you it takes a while so i've had to get really diligent about creating folders of like background elements and then a subfolder of like buildings people objects and stuff like that and then i can just toggle those on and off for specific uh use cases you know i pretty much i'll like block out the scene with all the props and everything and then the last step once i am ready to hit render i've done all the animating and stuff is to turn back on all that uh like uh i don't know the render heavy stuff yeah yeah that makes total sense cool so i got my shrub isolated here and i'm going to throw another decimate modifier on get this to be real low poly so i can just smack the background with it smack that background i'm actually going to i got all these little bits and bobs that i don't need so i'm going to select the main area ctrl l to select everything linked to it invert my selection with ctrl i oh i got to turn on screencast keys what am i doing so people can see oh that's a thing yeah dude it's great it's a plug-in for blender where you just enable it and then it shows which keys you're hitting dude i gotta get that for c4d that's nice it's super nice i bet they have an equivalent probably yeah where are you screencast keys there we go not seeing it you're usually able to see it on your side oh it's because i'm using 2.9 it's not i don't have the right version installed that's all right okay let's populate that background yeah let's do oh uh i wish you could do like dual monitor streams that'd be awesome yeah maybe you can i just don't know about it yeah it would also be tough for like people watching in 16x9 you know very yeah all right i got my little scaffolding thing going here um thank you let's see it so basically i just created this little thing in a separate project i'm always hopping in a new projects to like make stuff small and then i'll i'll like copy it into like the big one um that's clover so it's just a paper window right here and then you could just take this probably group all these things and you gotta switch over so then oh i did oh i'm delayed there you go sorry he scared me um i'll throw a bevel in there that way like i'm beveling everything at once and i'll just give it like subdivision of three nice point too but it looks like it's chunking right there but you probably won't be able to see that from so far away i think that's totally fine and we can turn on all of our bevels i don't need to yeah it i'll just drag it in i think my biggest thing right now is to like actually hollow out these buildings and get the lighting going totally how are you going to haul them out um i'm probably the easiest way is probably just to inset and extrude i think would be the easiest way nice yeah i think i will do that all right so yeah grab this face and i'll do m w to inset and then d will push it back and like technically there's like a cut so we can hit kl hold shift we'll go right in the middle boom we can take that move it go to edge mode ul for loop selection w and then we'll move this over and then we can grab this face and just push it back even further because technically like it goes around the corner if you look at this image here like there's like a little it goes around the corner there dude that's looking great i mean i barely have anything dude let's see get this paper window popping off yeah it's all about getting those large-scale things placed first totally and rename your stuff that way god that's the best piece of advice that i never follow yeah because things get out of hand like it gets crazy all right and then let's see if i can just clone this all the way across a linear cloner and looks like it's on the z-axis the left and we might be able to get away with four copies and just kind of crunch it maybe a little bit maybe it's three with like one of them slid in or something yeah push it back a little bit like that and then maybe we go in here and actually like mess with the actual shape of this thing oh come on what the heck oh my god am i freezing i might be freezing all right i'm switching to you just crashed all right oh no no take the reins peter all right so yeah i've started going through and adding some plants i'm pretty much just taking this plant 3d scan i have and duplicating it all over the place i'm doing like i find that 3d scans are really nice for adding density because it's like a solid object whereas the mega scans are just like there's lots of transparency and those are nice for once you have the density you want foliage wide then adding those on top to give it the nice detail because i mean obviously these 3d scans are just like kind of garbage geometry especially in the back here it's just like looks like hot nothing so uh once uh once we have the density figured out i'm going to go in and throw in some mega scans but yeah right now i'm just throwing these plants all over the place and i'm pretty happy with how it's looking so far looking sick man thanks dude and there's just like so much so much detail to get hung up on here i know it's crazy all right a little tip for my blender users uh if you have an object that you're duplicating a bunch around your scene you're going to want to do alt d instead of shift d because shift d duplicates the object and makes it its own object but but alt d just makes a new instance of the same object so it only loads one of those objects into your memory when you're rendering and uh when you're in the 3d viewport so you're not like loading a ton of geometry into your render that like might max out your gpu you're just uh basically using the same object a bunch of times instead of a bunch of individual objects that are the same thing the only downside it's really nice the only downside though is that if you want to edit the object you are basically editing all the objects so you have to go to object relations and make single user object and data and then you can edit that one object as its own object but it's a great great little tip for keeping your scenes clean and organized nice well you know looking at these scenes something i'm realizing is that they're very careful about where they put detail you know in this background here there's like almost no detail it's just like a few brush strokes whereas down here there's tons of little pins and needles of flowers and everything and i think that's purposeful to draw your eye away from the background and more towards the focus of the scene that's kind of a challenge in 3d because you know if you just have nothing back there it's it's the realistic render so it's gonna look like you have nothing back there but if you have too much back there then it's gonna be distracting so i think i might have to might have to just bring this into photoshop after after effects and do a little smudging and painting on top of the image that'd be cool yeah i've never really done that before but like me neither i feel like it could be actually really really sick to be able to do something like that especially with these totally people was doing that when he was over at corridor i know he's like the master of that stuff yeah oh man this is awesome i am having a good time i think i think my render is going to take me like two streams to be able to do this oh no dude you can do it i believe in you all right i'm trying to get those bare bones yeah man we both bite off more than we can chew like all why do we always do that because it kind of works yeah isn't it sick to be like watch this like check this out yeah it's like in smash when you're like uh what was dean saying last night he was like when in smash you say watch this and then you actually do something yeah like that's the best feeling it's it's just the greatest feeling but that's what that's what got me killed in the in that first tournament when um sam killed himself and i was like in my head i was like wouldn't this be sick and i jumped off and killed myself in a tournament and i was like dude never again oh no yeah so dumb never again all right i promise i'll have like a lot done when we come back to my screen awesome cool i'm just this is just like foliage city over here that's awesome so dense super cool it's really nice like having multiple views was something i learned early on that helps so much is you like have your camera view and then you don't do like anything in your camera view unless you need to do it from the front on perspective you just have like your separate navigation view you know where you're moving around and doing all your work and then you can see what's going to be in your final image at the same time that's a really really good point and i love your layout i think your layout is really nice thanks yeah yeah it's definitely helpful for staying organized yeah that's basically the um in octane you can uncheck the check camera option which is so confusing um wait what does that mean um it basically is like what you have where you have a locked camera and you can see your edits in the camera perspective oh gotcha yeah nice yeah that's super helpful yeah octane's great has a real a lot of really nice features i've been thinking about playing around with it it's fun yeah it's a good time all right let's see how this is looking looks jank dude i have like i'm just like hacking through all of these polygons same also the scale of my scene is so whack like the the foreground is like tiny and the background is huge that's great you know what i should probably fix that but whatever i'm looking at mine right now and i'm like what is what is this i don't think it matters though at least for what i'm doing right now i'm gonna start throwing in some more lights so i can dial this in a little bit further looking real nice man thanks dude all right most i'm almost ready to switch back over and show you it's wait can't wait how far i've come gotta have my lights at like five gazillion percent yeah you have to blast your lights out like crazy yeah um let's do was the last time you like sat down constantly unbroken to like work on something like this dude just freaking my short film's been taking ages i'm so ready to be done with it oh man it's super exciting too though like you're close right yeah pretty close um very happy with how it's turning out just trying to freaking get to the finish line here yeah your cg shots on that are ridiculous man they look so good thanks man oh yeah yeah it's a a lot of like pre-planning for the vfx has helped a ton i uh you know i 3d scanned my actor well in advance and i've just had that as as i've been going so anytime i like have an extra shot i just want to get off hand yeah you know i just can do it you know as long as it's relatively obscured and you throw some camera shake in there just great having a 3d model of your actor that's awesome all right so this is where this is where i'm at right now i got my like windows in here which is definitely taking it to the next level um compared to the actual reference you know this is kind of like what it's looking at here and i just realized oh there's like a wood piece here that's why they don't have the oh nice that looks great let me just add that on as an extra piece yeah it's just different like planes and boards and keep laying that stuff down there's like extra details everywhere oh it can get very daunting looking at these details seriously oh boy all right so let's see let's maybe add this this wood plane in that's basically just going to be a cube scaled down and like positioned up and i'll get to the texturing stuff do you text her like as you go or do you text her at the end or like how do you text her peter you know i i usually i try to texture at the end but usually what ends up happening is i'll lose steam and i i like throw coals in the train engine by like making something that looks nice yeah you know and so i'm like i get to a certain point i'm like this sucks and so i'll like throw a texture on something and i'm like oh that looks nice and then i'm ready to keep going i that's that is exactly what i do that's hilarious let me just nice to encourage yourself once in a while yeah absolutely and that's exactly what we do right now because i'm going to get some lights going in these scenes here um [Music] probably just get some like soft lights some make some octane lights here oh is it crashing dude i think i think it's crashing oh no no clint all right back to you peter cool all right sweet yeah i'm just placing my lights dude lighting is so freaking important in a render oh yeah like mixer breaks it oh yeah i love that soft look that you got it's like almost like it's in a cave system or something yeah i i think a lot of what's making this look nice is that they have this volumetric light you know the blue light back here so maybe i'll i'll play with that real quick it's gonna freaking kill my computer but here goes oh boy big cube that to viewport display wire let's add a little material make it volumetric dude volumetrics for me is like is my uh inspiration boost like i'll throw a volume some like fog in there and i'm like all right it's cool it's cool like i still got it it yeah it really helps bringing life to it i i was playing have you played half-life alex no i really want to dude it's it's the most fun i've had playing a video game ever it's an amazing experience that's awesome and yeah uh they just released a commentary version so you can go through and like their little headphone objects that you can put up pick up and put on oh cool so you can like hear how they made it yeah and they were talking about volumetrics and it was such a challenge for them to get it to render in vr because you know you run during two games at the same time in vr one for each eye and so it's like super taxing on the system and it was like nearly impossible for them to get volumetric lighting working wow but once they did it it just like made their scenes feel so much more tactile and alive and playing back through the game it's so true like all the moodiness in those scenes are like a direct result of that volumetric lighting yeah it's all about the fog man it looks just looks so good and this is looking jank dude i think i got something oh that's something it's a very soft light in this scene um all right starting to look all right okay yeah the fog definitely helped a lot just with composition ah but i'm getting my freaking light is casting i just move my light up higher i want to switch my g i'm gonna switch to my gpu i'm gonna see if it breaks it uh-oh we'll find out my headphones are uh i have to switch oh no yeah i have to switch uh headphones um i'm gonna leave this call going let me just run and grab my bone phones um sounds good keep it up man keep uh all right keep doing cool stuff i'll be back in like two seconds heck yeah all right so we got our fog going right here but once it renders in a little bit you'll see that let's change that to 100. so once this loads in you'll see that i have a light right here that's kind of casting light right into the fog i'm pointing at my screen you can't see that but we're getting like you can see where the light starts and that's going to look jank in the final render so i just gotta just gotta take this light and move it up a little bit fix that let's see here where's that thing there she is just move that back turn it up that should fix the problem dude both of my headphones are dead oh no no not good hopefully when these die i can grab the other ones that i'm charging now totally oh baby okay we got something like semi-usable now semi emphasis on the semi uh oh oh your discord here goes yep back to cpu that's hilarious i'm trying to get my colors right here trying to match these colors the saturated white can probably come down hmm oh nice clint looking good yeah i think i gotta get like this color temperature correct it's a little like white still i think could be in a few different things but maybe it just needs to go a bit more towards that orange maybe it's a little bright still yeah i feel like that blue could go more towards purple more okay yeah that's good to know whoa way too much oh dude i oh my god i scanned like a dude i crashed a cobblestone no all right back to you damn i scanned this cobblestone wall one time i think i'm just gonna use that for these little uh little thingy thingies that works yeah not bad okay let's bring that in are you starting to chug yet um no my scene or what yeah no i don't have enough stuff in my scene to chug yet i'm still like working on the block outs of all this stuff nice yeah i mean your scene is more like like the block out it's probably going to take more time because it's mostly those blocks and not much like foliage or anything like that yeah where's that cobblestone wall there she is all right we got 826 people up in here right now still heck yeah it's popping off man we're making ghibli stuff i'm using uh i'm using c4d peter's using blender and we're both making some different scenes yeah it's a good time having a dang good time my dude yeah ah how about that why is this transparent the heck dude maybe it's still loading maybe it's like chugging super hard i don't know i'm using the viewport display color dude ren is here he finally he's here ren you are a moderator now [Laughter] heck yeah what's up son ren's a mod yeah dude he's like i am [Laughter] that's great dude ran it's good to have you here i wish you were on the stream with us i know seriously it'd be crazy i'd have to get a third window like it'd be even dude we should do that yeah 100 dude that would be amazing we should get like five people and hire somebody to switch between us dude that'd be great oh you died again peter damn it i wasn't even using my gpu dude is we're using all the computer juice right now okay that's i'm switching to my gpu if i'm gonna die without my gpu then i'm gonna die with it let me try switching the stream to um stream settings can i change stream settings mid-stream i don't know i don't think so dang oh my god i have a perfect thing wait what oh my god i literally took a different photo scan of a fire pit in my backyard yeah this one's on my patreon and it's like the exact shape i need it's perfect that's amazing that's like you can come across like the perfect the perfect asset the perfect asset dude my computer's like blowing up oh no why can't i render this dude screw it i'm just keep building i'll just keep building oh it was transparent because i have freaking the transparent mode turned on dude that's your answer um ren says he wants to see your workflow using your uh your lidar photo scans oh dude i mean me too i haven't done anything with that yet the potential for that is crazy though honestly maybe i'll make a tutorial for that i mean it's i don't even know if that warrants the tutorial it's like the easiest thing in the world i mean dude that'd be cool like a full the full workflow yeah maybe definitely cleaning it up would be nice to know but yeah for those of you who don't know if you have an iphone 12 uh pro maybe i'm not sure exactly which one it is it's the one with lidar scanning you can use the lidar scanner to basically do a real-time um like photogrammetry like 3d scanning it's amazing you use this app called polycam and you just like walk around an environment with your phone and it scans it in real time it's crazy that's so cool i can't wait to use it for anything i haven't used it for anything yet but i'm very excited all right looks like our texture's a bit jank dude my headphones died again what the heck dude what the heck can you hear me oh clint's headphones died that's tragic rip dude all my headphones are dead oh no all can you hear me this is tragic i can't hear you wow let me see if i can borrow some headphones i'll be back peter keep doing your thing dude you're rocking it you're crushing this right now i'll be back all right oh man these cobblestone walls are the little fire pit asset it's on my patreon if you want to snag that it's going to work so well yeah yeah and pull this 3d scan down a bit there we go maybe this one as well see the end of that cobblestone there we go let's see how we're looking here all right nice i am very happy with how this is looking so far heck yeah definitely have a lot of work to do but where the heck is my ground son all right peter can you huh can you hear me i can hear you clint all right i just have you on speakerphone okay cool hopefully you'll be quiet enough so that you're not picked up on the mic yeah why the heck is my ground all the way down there what the heck happened lots of lots of freaking tech to to work when you're doing a dual stream like this like definitely a good learning experience for me the next one will be even better this one's awesome by the way like i don't think it's lacking really much of anything what the [ __ ] okay this is jank something happened i gotta re-import my i think you're frozen again i'm frozen i think so damn it i just want to use my gpu all right so i'm i'm basically here trying to get these windows popping off um let's see if i can't extrude inner here or maybe even spawn a what do we want to grab maybe we'll spawn i'll hold control and bless you if you hold ctrl it'll actually spawn like an object onto the area where uh the object you have selected is selected so you can see how i made this cube basically right on this little hut area right here all right peter you're back thank you i'm just making a little window sill here i'm still like still blocking out all this stuff man it just takes forever with all this detail and geometry and i'm hitting n on my keyboard n and then you can see a b c and d are my different shading modes so i was in n a which was really hard to see things because it's accounting for the light so i'm hitting n b that'll bring up my wireframe mode but it still has the light nc takes all the lighting out and nd is all the lighting out with wireframe on and uh josh thanks for the super chat dude what do you mean wren uses blender ever installed blander he um he told me he's really ashamed about it and i said there's nothing to be ashamed of i feel like like when jenna goes to sleep he'll like sneak into the computer room and start using blender oh for real yeah dang dude that's crazy like yeah he has a lot of shame surrounding it but uh you know i tell him there's nothing to worry about he said hey don't out me dude dude rent it's cool man like you can you can ask for help with this stuff literally all right i got my window so going my ground plane got all jacked up son dude everything's all jacked up for me just trying to freaking make a windowsill i'm starving too oh my god i'm pretty hungry too all right peter if you can get something that you are proud of at the end of this then we can call it because i think you're going to get there first uh i don't know man i believe in you i'm working i'm i'm i'm going hard maybe i'll do the low poly version oh that'd be cool okay i think i got my ground plane like relatively fixed here it's like fine i guess okay cool all right what to do next should probably start working on this grass yeah grass here i'm gonna switch to okay i just got this plug-in called graswald for blender i've never used it but i've heard it's awesome so let's see here let's install that so how like where do you find your blender plugins there's a website called blender market and it just has everything you'd ever want it's wonderful it has a bunch of models and plugins and even tutorials and stuff like that it's great nice what am i even looking for oh yeah under let's see here grass world was probably on my there we go dandy floss yo thanks for the super chat got you with the content man yeah it's super fun if you guys like this if you like doing these uh these group streams let me know um because we'll do more of them i'd love to have our boy ren on eventually maybe see if ian is down to come on we can do a freaking superstretch dude i'd love to do another one of these this is super fun okay let's see if i can figure out how to use this plugin real time on the stream create new settings okay dude that's always the most stressful oh that's a lot of plants there is chugging station oh my god dude there's a freaking balcony i forgot there's a balcony on this thing oh man yo thanks for the super chat man um yeah the deep fake video comes out tomorrow it's gonna be nuts on corridor um we all work super hard on it to bring uh mr luke skywalker back to life heck yeah dude i'm so excited for that to come out i know i know it was a really really cool experience um niko's just so good with all the deep fake stuff and he like taught us a lot helped us um you know guide us through the whole process and we filmed we had to like film re-film it you guys will see you'll see it was a very enlightening experience definitely all right so i'm just going through i'm painting where i want the grass to be crosswald seems pretty sweet so far pretty easy to use still uses a particle system but i think it just does a lot of work for you of changing the settings in there and i don't know maybe it does some custom stuff too let's find out what's the longest time you've ever spent on a shot peter probably when i was working on that spider-man short film back in the day i was just like sleeping at corridor pulling all-nighters left and right like spending way too much time on each shot i just like wanted to die but it was worth it man like the passion that's nice to hear i'm glad what about you the longest i spent on a shot was definitely like a month for the parallel dimensions one damn yeah dude that one was awesome it's a great looking shot thanks movie quality i never i've never spent that long on a shot before and like it was really cool to be able to do that and like put how to feel yeah that's super sweet wait can you still hear me yeah i can hear on the phone okay do it can i hear you on stream okay great yeah that must have been fun i want to participate in the next one dude you should man it's uh i learned so much while doing it too heck yeah okay i think this should work right okay now my headphones are dying all right guys so we're doing it we're still going hard um we're making ghibli renders and uh you know it's certainly certainly a lot of work involved in doing this it's just a ton of ton of block out stuff a ton of modeling a ton of texturing but it's nice to have a friend um doing this with um so peter if you can hear me in the stream i just lost you on the phone you have to call me back so i can hear you again let's see if i can't get like a banister going all right maybe what we'll do is we'll make a cube yo hey can you hear me yeah okay sweet all right yeah my airpods died yeah i realized when i was charging my headphones they weren't even charging i was like oh no oh god dude these bone phones blow my mind they're so cool do you have some right now yeah i'm wearing them oh did you just get some yeah my mom got them for me for my birthday that's really sweet oh dude yeah they're great i got a switch i got the bone phones next step one wheel heck yeah dude do you really think you're gonna get one a onewheel yeah i don't know man maybe maybe i just want electric rollerblades that's all i want oh dude heck yeah that'd be super sick all right so i'm just going to clone this thing across the way here boom linear cloner we'll go this way i'm just looking at the reference here it just kind of goes all the way across then always set yourself to multi instance that way you get the most out of your computer input all right that totally works and i don't think i need it on the other side i think i'm just going to do let's see duplicate this stuff here ctrl drag up and smush it down we can always bevel this stuff after the fact but you definitely want a bevel though because you'll catch the light in a really nice way and you don't want to miss out on that whoa this grass world stuff is really cool all right what are you working on peter dude i'm just freaking getting this grass going son heck yeah i like your foreground stuff yeah nice so you're you're kind of you're getting close yeah we're getting there i don't i don't know if i would say close but we're definitely coming along populating it with grass and stuff it's just this is going to be quite a beastly little render here yeah seriously all right let's see here density let's turn that up to 20 see how that looks oh baby seriously man tell me about it [Laughter] wow i think that's looking good it's just noise so hard to tell nice though man i think you seem like your variation of grass right yeah yeah totally it's it's pretty uniform right now it's my volumetric cube i'm gonna turn that off see if that helps at all oh god that's so much better okay yeah this is just like mush right here dude i want to like sit on that it feels like really nice variant [Music] what the heck really a good idea to learn like a software before you like go live using it dude i have been there man oh yeah 100 play as weird workbench that's amazing winslow's asking what ghibli art is it's basically uh there's a there's a company in japan called studio studio ghibli and they make movies like spirited away or house moving castle or totoro just google it and you'll be like oh i've seen these before they're amazing movies man they're some of the best it's like each frame in that movie is just like a new incredible painting yeah absolutely um marcelo as asking what lod is you want to explain yeah yeah that stands for level of detail it's most commonly used in video games like you'll notice sometimes uh if you're like walking through a forest you see a tree in the background and as you get like a little bit closer to it it kind of pops into a higher quality version and then once you get really close to it it pops into the highest quality version and that's just so that your video game or your cg scene isn't having to render the highest quality like most taxing versions of the assets at the same time always it can kind of blend things in and out of quality to save your computer from having to render all that and you can do that with cgi too you know you have a version of your asset that's just like one square with the picture on it and then that's for like super far away and then once it gets a little bit closer it switches to a very low polygon and then it just keeps increasing in polygons until you're right next to it it's just a nice way to save your performance yeah very crucial when like you know you're you have those larger scenes you know if you're doing something small it doesn't it's not that big of a deal but when you got larger scenes going it's really nice to use that and like we we kind of talked about an hour ago about like using 2k textures until you need to upgrade to a 4k texture or an 8k texture that's like another way of kind of doing it manually you're using the lower level of detail until you need to manually switch to the higher level of detail um totally yeah all right peter keep going i'm so hungry i'm gonna grab a cookie i'll be back all right man what is p compute number of particles using plants per square meter instead of usual density oh and i am just trying to figure out grasswall this is a really cool software but i also have no idea how to do that so we're kind of figuring that out species should i change the species orchard grass variant oh that's cool can you like add hmm does anybody know how to for grass walled to add multiple oh you know what it's the outliner you probably add another one boom there we go create new settings oh okay species let's do freaking i don't have flowers dang weeds god my computer is chugging curly dock dandelion ooh they do have flowers nice okay heck yeah do some dandelions do some freaking dandelions okay i'm gonna turn down this grass a little bit because it's super dense all right turn down that size a little bit yo yo yo yo yo how's your cookie i mean it's about to be great nice i'm going to turn the grass off so we can just see the dandelions density paint oh nice we can paint exactly where we want the dandelions perfect okay so do like some right here and just let's make this easier to see huh let's do a horizontal split of the viewport and we can look at this through here and then look at the reference on top okay so we want some dandelions around there a little over here some over here do some of that turn down the weight add a little bit more variety we want like we don't want it to be like all dandelions and then no dandelions we want kind of a gradient of dandelions going around cool so then i'm going to turn the weight up a bit more go in here to where they're very dense kind of the focus of the scene and that right there [Music] kind of really focus this area on the flowers maybe add some more density right here sweet okay let's see how that looks go back into object mode and grass walled where you at okay we calculate density there we go all right let's turn up that density turn up the size a little bit what's up chris thanks for the super chat man drink for peter thanks for joining yeah yeah evolvers uh always watching the streams man thank you revolver you're very kind it's so good to have someone else on this stream dude oh my god being able to switch over every once in a while yeah seriously man all right um i would love to like push these into the ground a little bit length oh length length oh that's really cool what happened oh i just you can uh in griswold which is this like foliage plug-in you can create uh like a vertex paint thing for the length so you can paint areas where you want the plants to be longer and shorter which is nice thank you let's see if that works so let's do that and that's and then that see if that does anything oh it works that's super sweet but it changes the scale not the length which is no bueno for us new grass wall dandelion heck yeah okay so if i go in here trash the length and then can i just move this down yes it works okay so let's just select all of these little dandelions move that down into the ground heck yeah son all right now we're talking oh that's so sweet kaylee brought me some fruits thanks dude that's great [Music] so let's see how we're looking what um which which ghibli movies have you seen i have seen how's moving castle that's a good way and uh my neighbor totoro and i'm halfway through princess mononoke oh nice yeah that's a really far i've um my neighbor totoro was like not my favorite i enjoyed it but it it wasn't like gripping to me yeah but how's moving castle and spirited away were just so good yeah absolutely incredible spirited away was the first one i saw yeah it's i'm so happy they're all on uh hbo max now yep you can just roll through them oh dude porca rosso is great yeah porca rosso is one of my favorites i wanna watch that it's good and then you gotta watch uh like i think one of the most fun ghibli movies is uh lupin the third it's about like where's that gentleman's spy and it's so cool that's awesome or he's a thief damn i gotta watch that yeah it's great all right so i'm just throwing in my flowers now add a little more density turn up the size cool okay see how that works this grass wall plug-in is wonderful that's awesome heck yeah all right oh those flowers look great dude awesome that's super nice yeah okay you know what i'm going to do is i'm going to show only my ground flame and i'm going to take these dandelion lines and i'm going to change the material so each instance of it has a random color so we can select the color palette from the screenshot here oh that's awesome so let's split the view go into the shader editor and i'm going to select the dandelion flower material oh wow this is a really intense material oh my goodness okay so color oh jesus christ oh good god that's advanced dude there's so much [ __ ] okay i think i know what i have to do though i'm just going to add hue changers right in front of each of where the colors are coming out of okay this is oh that's the normal map don't want to screw with that this is color color old oh what up cliff cliff here yeah cliff's here hell yeah what's up cliff we're gonna hang out tonight oh nice what are you guys gonna do i'll probably get into some drummond maybe some 3d modeling oh nice is cliff doing 3d stuff yeah he's learning blender oh that's awesome dude cliff hit me up yeah we were i was showing him one of your tutorials on like how to do hdr eyes and stuff oh awesome yeah cliff son what up son he says show me the ways i'm almost done cutting out all of the holes for like my uh my windows and stuff nice it's just taking a minute yeah okay let's see if this is working like at all we want a random value um they say uh grasswald has settings to change the colors well that's awesome dude it's so great having like help as you work yeah seriously i've learned so much doing it this way like legit yeah you can change those make it look dry what this is awesome you can change that yo cg studio we get it we get it you can change the age of the grass and make it look dried in the age settings too page settings maybe in material oh what oh my god it's just a freaking slider dude her age yeah that's amazing percentage using this uh grass let's see material show albedo only that's helpful i don't know if this has function to randomize the color that i can see not quite sure you guys know where this random color thing is let peter know um says use a color ramp and a random inputter into the vector yeah that's the original plan i'm gonna go back to that um they say it it has advanced settings too that's advanced settings i think this thing has everything okay advanced anybody know where the advanced settings are the secret advanced settings yeah what the heck uh it says a check box the check box check box overall settings scene settings edit preferences add-on oh it's in there oh wow under materials advanced settings wait material how am i not seeing this oh it's probably the materials tab maybe let's prove the polygon material confirmed [Music] oh maybe it's in this dude i don't freaking know all right i'm just gonna do the nodes all right i'm gonna switch back over here nice all right so i am using booleans to cut out little areas for the uh the light to shine through i'm just trying to make sure i have like an edge here so it has like something to shine just as a little edge you know just to catch the light in a nice way boom and then i'll just make this editable and combine all this stuff and just delete these faces here and that'll open it up to the inside and i'll just put some lights in there cool let me drop those down yeah sweet and just light up the room like that it looks like the bottom is open so i got to close that up so if you do say let's select this and hit md the way i think it is like a medical doctor these patching holes so that's how you patch a hole md that's the shortcut boom close it up i'll go back to camera view and it's coming together certainly coming together you can lock your uh your render view here in octane make sure you save big angry welcome you got off work just in time yeah doing the dual stream peter you still got dudes like looking up grass walled for you oh no way yeah because it's so nice on the grass webpage they say you can change color saturation in more settings but maybe it's only in the oh i do not i have the version so maybe that's it we'll figure it out see my computer is like working so hard to do all this stuff at once dude same oh my god and you're streaming that's intense all right let's see we can yeah we can lock the viewport here and you should be presented with some numbers there we go and then you can like lower this down and see your whole image it looks like we need to see a little bit more of the left or the right side i'm going to move our camera over just zoom out maybe a little bit yeah that works these lights are too bright too and cut these guys down and the roof tile like let's just try and make those roof tiles like really reflective what if we take down the roughness we just take it off completely we look at the specular make sure that's yup up 1.3 okay or maybe we just control the roughness on its own let me boost that up and maybe we load in an actual hdri image here so let's let's give that a shot instead of a color let's like actually do a sky or something so hmm i duplicated the octane sky in whichever one's on top is the hdri that will be present so i'll switch over to an image and we'll load some hdri haven textures where are you there you are skies cool and we'll just try these out that's obviously way too bright and let's try and rotate it around and and dim it down like a by a bunch but honestly i kind of like what we had before i didn't i thought just a color wasn't that bad actually because essentially it is just a really super overcast sky like that is the look and feel you can come in here and like add some stuff uh later in photoshop or whatever but like this is really is like the look and feel of what we're trying to go for um you again yeah this will stay uploaded when we're done streaming for sure yeah everyone i do this every saturday they all uh all on my on my youtube page what's up fruit juice fruit juice he's a regular heck yeah ben why am i using reference man you always got to use reference that's how you get to what you're getting to probably in the fastest most accurate way it'll really guide the process especially if you're trying to go for stuff like um if you're trying to go for stuff that's based off of something or is trying to feel like real life you always want to reference it man that's like you save yourself so much time and it really helps define what you're creating so i recommend you use reference for everything um pureref is a great program it's allowing me to keep my image always on top so it's super cool it's so easy to go ask you when you're working on something you know you you just get so up in your own head of how it should look and kind of lose sight of what should actually look like yeah absolutely you kind of like get stuck and you go off on a tangent and like realize wait i went all the way out this way and it didn't work but sometimes like that's cool like sometimes you do want to like try ideas um that's true but yeah use reference when you can how are you feeling about your piece right now peter dude good i got these flowers going check it out let's see i think you're i think your video's frozen again no no it should work it's looking good in discord really yeah i think well anyway people can still hear you and they can still see you let me uh i'll stop streaming and go again there it is they they want to know where you got the name ganga here wait till your wait till your video comes back and then you got to explain it no oh there's no audio either yeah you died all right peter will be back guys in a second all right there's so much more to be done in this image man it's like there's a lot of haziness going on here um that we need to take care of like i think you can probably do this in you know in after effects probably or not after effects with photoshop you can get some of this haze down but really we got to spend a ton of time getting these like getting these textures looking good man all right am i working yeah we see you sweet all right riley wait can i hear me yeah i'm here yeah i see you you got levels okay great yeah okay so this is ganga you're explaining this to our stream audience awesome um where am i uh you are no i'm not here here what's the video what is this like milk toast background all right hi everybody uh my name is riley olsen i am peter's um sassy untalented gay roommate uh housemate uh okay i'm here talented shut up i'm also really good at fishing for compliments uh but no so um everyone knows star wars and our favorite the phantom menace um and there are the gungans uh but in in a specific interview george lucas calls them goongaz which is funny um but i was joking with uh peter and his friend matt once and we were quoting jar jar binks you know the classic um how wood like we're like lisa gonna go home so um that happens um and the man says i'm sorry you want to do what it's like you know the jar jar quote where he says misawa sniffer ganga he wants to sniff your ganga um so things just keep going from there it was at my place we were in my room watching things on my projector and i was like is that actually a scene from the movie oh yeah so manna came up with this without peter and then we told peter that it's an actual line from the movie obviously and they were like search for it on youtube yeah he says it he says it to liam neeson he says he wants to sniff liam eason's gunga but humans don't have gungas 10 minutes trying to find this one you guys just let me try yeah no we um so i think eventually it's failed that that that is not a line did you pull up a script too no i just tried to found out i was like gunga snippy fungus sniffing scene so it became a lawyer that there is i want to say a gland or a body part called the gunga or a material it's kind of like yeah you really don't know what it is or where it is that um people want to sniff so gunga sniffing became a thing um and then it also became a catch-all term for like disgusting things that are gross like definitely if there's like some gross stuff like in a pot or something just like look at that gunga in there and then there's also the cinematic the gunga cinematic universe which is an ip we're starting to try i'm trying to get started you need to make that scene in blender um we should make that in blender welcome to gun golf oh my god we can mocap it and everything get riley in the mocap suit riley is very familiar with that mo capsule i am he played the cg character this is scooty but i am scooty from uh the titular role in uh wait is the same dude who had his head blown up in your tutorial don't you have you yes you put ganga into different things in scooty it's in the background of like every shot yeah well because there's gunka corp that was the first one you said you had to add was a billboard and then there's gunga air on the air [Laughter] but uh yeah riley made the mocap suit real stinky it was the only person wearing it and b we were doing a lot of physical activity it's fine ah good times you better get back to blind yeah um so um thank you everyone for listening to the tale of the gun gun thanks for the story good stuff dude all right where are we at man what what's like there's no way i'm finishing this there's no way to understand this i believe in you you got this dude if i had all day but i don't have all day there's so much to do here look i'm gonna be so bummed if you don't finish your thing this is where i'm at like this looks like this is so bad this is like the beginning of the end yeah can you the stream is so delayed i can't see it's like it's it's it just needs so much more work at this point like it's craziness where are you at um oh hold on i have to watch your stream hold on one second one second all right there we are we're getting there we're definitely getting there it's not perfect it's definitely a lot of work no but it's coming along it's coming along it looks really good though dude thanks man yeah i appreciate that like what dude what's left to do what's up in your eyes on this yeah i mean i gotta take these flowers got to populate them everywhere else i gotta add the little dude in there which won't be too hard but then it's it's pretty much from here it's just detail and lighting little visual tricks to get it to look good and it's that thing where like i've already done 80 of the work but that last 20 it's gonna take like 80 of my time you know yep that's that's it dude yeah that's freaking it wait did somebody just send a thousand dollars no it's huff what is huff i don't know okay yeah it'd be insane no that'd be crazy i i used to think i was like oh my god a thousand dollars i think it's um i think it's like two bucks or something because like basically it's like if you send five bucks it'll be up for five minutes if you send ten it'll be for ten minutes you know that kind of stuff oh yeah that's cool but man i really appreciate all these super chats from you guys you guys are really going hard um thank you so much samu i see you um yeah it's hungarian florence that's what huff is i guess oh that's okay and yeah dude nice that's awesome that's super nice yeah we'll have to go and get a really nice thick dinner together dude i'm so done so let's say we take the next like the next 30 minutes to do what we can here and then if you still have time um we can hop in and um judge the top five winners for the color contest like all those images i was showing you yesterday yeah yeah let's do it sure sweet so yeah let's let's do that let's say like it um in 30 minutes we'll hop into that but let's just keep pushing on on our renders here and see how far we can get them sweet love it cool all right i'm throwing these headphones let me see if these headphones work now cool yo can you hear me oh my god it's not working peter say something god dang it why not work on my phone dude i'm gonna call you back i'm gonna call you back right oh no nothing let me try some other headphones all right i'm going to add another grasswald system here this is just too fun oh blender says no lender says spare me what's up son yeah it works now cool let me switch to my aftershocks all right yo we got mr dinklewinkle up in here he's one of the mods on the discord server and up here in the chat so shout outs we're going to spend the next 30 minutes here um and make our vendors look really nice and then we're going to go into the the weekly challenge winners and announce the next challenge so that's that's where we're at right now peter can you hear me all good i'm working on it okay there we go hey yo clip yo all right cool cool cool so much to be done ready i'm gonna add some seriously got some red clovers here all right i'm gonna switch back to my end here i am yeah we still 700 people still up in here dude like it is awesome yeah try to keep the entertainment value up as much as we can honestly all right so for my render here i got a bunch of like windows and i'm trying to fill in now that i got all these empty little spots here so i'm gonna go in and fill up and i'll fill all these like window frames in um try and populate this with as much of that as possible and then i'm probably gonna go in and start working on like some of these wooden beams i'll start bringing in some assets from from qixel and stuff so nice heck yeah yeah yeah just go quick and dirty dude yeah all right um get these windows in the right spot here peter what's your favorite part with uh with creating and rendering stuff favorite part that's a great question damn i've been getting really into lighting recently nice it's so fun it's crazy how much you can change a scene based on the light you know you can give it a completely different feel without like doing anything besides changing the position of the lights yeah yeah i definitely agree with you on that man lighting is everything um and you can spend so long on lighting too it's crazy yeah honestly yeah lighting and i love making things look real like texturing things really nice feels so good mm-hmm yeah what's your favorite part i'd say the surface imperfections and texturing um and then like being able to change the lighting at the end of your piece and get different looks from it totally totally yeah yeah it's 3dr so 3d art is nice in that way that you can always just make a scene and then you have like infinite iterations you can make yeah yeah exactly which is pretty nuts actually with crypto art because you can just do different versions of your scene like different weather patterns and stuff oh man yeah totally are you do you think you're gonna get into that i don't know maybe it's uh maybe i'm not quite sure it's it's definitely not like calling my name super hard but it would be nice to make some moolah you know yeah yeah definitely i know i really want to get into it i'm like itching to get in i got i finally got accepted on one of the sites oh heck yeah dude that's awesome yeah um so i'm just waiting for my acceptance on on the other ones before i get stuff going so um yeah yeah totally nice that's gonna be super fun yeah agreed um so samuel says i was playing with my friend um so couldn't catch much of the last hour dang you guys are fast and awesome at 3d can you bring someone in with 3ds max next time oh no offense grab nico yeah nico or sam or uh even ren was in 3ds max for a minute yep i'm gonna start bringing in some trees oh i bought a nice tree pack from blender market oh for real mm-hmm which one it's like uh just like trees nice freaking discord crapped out oh again well i got it down to a science now turning it back on cool yeah we see you sweet dude cliff's back heck yeah so peter do you play any uh traditional instruments sort of i i mostly just play the computer you know as far as music definitely but uh but i play a little drums a little keyboard and a little guitar i'm not good at any of them but i can like mess around on all of them like just enough to like get something in the computer yeah yeah or like jam out heck yeah yeah what about you you play drums right yeah i play drums cliff plays drums cliff also plays uh guitar and bass but yeah i'm drums and a little bit of bass a little bit of piano so we're gonna we're gonna hang out tonight and just like play some music and do some three oh it's awesome dude yeah that's gonna be fun as heck oh yeah you ever think you'll get into like making music yeah i think i think later in life i'd like to actually make some ambient music maybe some electronic music oh that would be sweet you should definitely do that yeah man it'd be super fun so man yeah this is just tedious placing windows like over and over and over you got this on yeah yes so when you guys are doing your 3d art you just got to stick with it you know um an hour a day just knocking out different pieces of art you know keep keep at it for sure it's also nice to get a nice uh blend of spending a lot of time on stuff and spending a little time on stuff yeah you know you have like a a bunch of little tiny projects to keep you going and then every once in a while you devote a little more time to something something nicer you flex all those muscles you know yeah dude that's why i love like having so many different hobbies honestly um totally it just allows me to you know to stay interested in all the different stuff i'm doing um yeah our different little projects as long as you finish your stuff you just gotta finish your stuff really yeah that's the hardest part all right got my first tree in here i'm gonna switch over to you all right oh it's on discord god damn it uh let's see here we go there we go share screen there you are i see you cool all right let's get you pulled up here bam yeah you're in sweet okay we got our reference image on the left here we got our scene on the right here i'm going to switch over to material preview so you can see easier what's going on gotta let the shaders compile a little bit okay so right now i'm just gonna place these trees in here although this is gonna be pretty even though it's low poly still kind of high poly so i'm going to decimate that a bit maybe go down to 0.3 let that choke a little bit might completely destroy it hopefully not oh yeah that's fine cool oh wait what am i even applying that to [ __ ] i feel like i lose my mind when i stream i'm like i don't know what i'm doing dude me too damn's already two yeah seriously all right not edge split oh god decimate somebody in chat saying blender is not bad for 2d animation i've heard that i've never done it but i've heard great things about it i would like to try it sometime i think yeah grease pencil you use for that the greasy pencil and greasy pencil yeah that's the name of the tool grease pencil like frielda that's cool let's place some cute little tree action in here i'm gonna make this trunk a little bit thicker a little bit longer so the view on the right is that your full render view right now uh no this is just material preview it's kind of like the video game style render got you cool yeah it's nice for when you want to roughly see what things are going to look like but don't render the whole thing yeah all right just making this tree trunk a little bit thicker thick boy over here that's a little better all right place more of those alt d that all over the place someone's asking if i've been able to convert anybody else in the office to blender i have not but probably once a day someone is like oh man i should blender once a day maybe eventually dude here i can your freaking discord's oh it's back okay it's back god damn it the constant battle dude but there's a lot of respect going around on the chat so that's cool awesome constant respect um samu thank you again for the super chat he says any free or not too hard on the wallet material sites you would recommend um dude um [Music] texture haven it's the hdr haven equivalent for textures yep i was gonna say the same thing heck yeah and it's all like pbr stuff right yeah i think so um that's awesome they also have hdri haven and model haven now mm-hmm but dude they took down their guns from model what why i don't know god dang it i know they were so nice too i don't know all right 15 more minutes alright son we're getting there yep it's all about persistence man you just gotta stick with it seriously like it'd be legit to make these animated backgrounds oh man like ford yeah i mean that'll be amazing did i just realize my angles are all off like what do you mean everything's off by like two degrees so it's not lined up perfectly oh god but that's probably fine i think it's fine yeah because it kind of adds to the like handmade feel of this whole thing totally heck yeah okay i'm gonna add a grass material here just uh for the ground so it doesn't look so maybe a forest ground nice this one looks pretty good dude qixel is so nice it's the freaking best i don't know what i would do without it all right and just the fact that you can export it straight into blender in c40 or whatever puts it miles ahead of any other i know polygon you can do a similar thing it's it requires like one more step but it's still pretty good yeah i just love the ability to like these because you don't want to be like clicking through you know different like menu trees and everything for the rest of your life you want to be able to just work and create you know yeah that's what bridge does such a good job of alleviating um george yo thank you so much man thanks for the super chat and thanks for joining we'll see you next week man same place thank you george george yeah man have you messed with like the ian hubert method where you just like projection map everything a little bit yeah it works surprisingly well i bet man like i feel like i need to be doing that right now yeah i mean it's just such a great way to get like instant detail because you you get those little microbiomes you know that exists in the corners of things yeah man that's that that's that's that detail that's super necessary and yeah it just like yeah the detail you get is like unparalleled because it's like actually from a photograph and what you lack in your modeling you make up for and just details in a photo that look like they're modeled and they're not it's amazing yeah oh i'm so close you got this man wait dude your squirrel mouse sounds like a freaking dude like pushing a rock across like the concrete at least from my like from my uh how i hear you on your phone right now that's funny yeah yeah i i unlocked it so it uh doesn't do that anymore it's chill it's just funny all right um i'm going to switch this out to a grass and rubble well actually grass wild boom one boom i'm gonna switch back to me i'm so close to getting this thing blocked out and like got all my window frames in except for like this last one and one other that's looking really good son thanks man perfect so close people are asking what 3d scanning app i use on the phone i use a polycam on the iphone to do like this quick little instant 3d scans but for the more high quality ones i use a dslr with reality capture that's definitely the best one i found dude reality capture is so cool i got it because i mean well sam used it a lot but then you when we did those scans for uh the freaking what is it the video we did with oh yeah the time capsule the time capsule yeah that's what sold me on it dude it's so good it's also just so fast yeah oh man all right last one is just this little guy right here right in there see if i can like copy this stuff cheat cheat when you can all right i think it's time for some more mega scans mega scans on mega scans on mega scans yeah mitch is asking how are we doing a live stream together dude i don't even know man like we kind of figured it out like 15 minutes before we went live and it was pretty stressful but we figured it out dude um it's like through discord and obs and it's just craziness like it'll be better the next time yeah clint pulled it together it was very impressive somehow peter can attest to how stressed out i was before we started this whole thing he was very stressed dude i can't wait to get some lunch after this oh i'm starving yeah boom all right that feels good and we'll just copy our lights sweet all right let's see if i can just line this up nice boom that looks pretty freaking good i just need to lock it up back there it's a little looking great man thank you yeah it's just a little dark back there so yeah you can go option uncheck the check camera option which always confusing but yeah i'll just move this stuff up and try and like get the wall to come forward just a little bit boom there we go grab this guy push it forward all right that's i mean that's the blockout basically right there oh and then there's so much more detail to do after that oh my goodness oh boy oh oh boy is right um where are you at peter what's going on over here i'm uh nearing the final stages here heck yeah yeah just uh throwing in some more plants making it look all nice you want to take like five more minutes [Music] yeah yeah sounds good okay um i'm gonna step step away for a small break here and then i'll be back in like yeah i'll be back in like two minutes okay sounds good son all right all right y'all i'm just grabbing these mega scan plants throw them in trying to make it look a little bit random you know nothing rotated too perfectly or scattered too uniformly randomness always helps making things feel alive i'm taking a little bit of creative liberty with my plants here because you know i don't know i'd like to fill out the scene a little bit more mega scans is nice because they give you a ton of different assets like for each flower you'll get like seven different versions of the flower but i usually end up just like duplicating three of them because you really don't need that many variations of the same thing you can just scale it and rotate it and move it around and it looks like a different plant oh yo yo yo yo my dude we're about to wrap up y'all um it's been a long one we've been streaming for oh how long three and a half hours oh blender crashed i hope i saved oh [ __ ] uh tell me i saved oh no dude okay i saved recently oh i saved in like the last 10 seconds that's amazing oh man oh we got a 30 donation that's so nice 30 euros son that's 30 euros melanie thank you melanie it's been a long time it's good to see you again he's very kind she says uh hey clint this is looking great um i hope you and the cats are doing well yes um teddy and uh gilbert are doing very well they're chilling right now and she says what's up peter good to have you back at corridor greetings from snowy helsinki hey hey thank you it is lovely to be back yeah dude you finally got a place down in l.a i know it's so nice having a house um i'm very grateful to be employed and be able to seriously have a house and stuff seriously man yeah absolutely um i think it's time i think it's time for cutting me off yeah we're gonna we're gonna do the uh announce the weekly challenge winners and we'll take a look at those um i gotta get lunch my knees are hurting i've been standing up this whole time dude oh you're using your standing desk dang yeah oh my goodness um all right can you give me a final like view of where you're at right now yeah let me uh i just need to throw a quick like ocean texture on this plane cool i'm gonna switch over to me here this is this is where i'm at i'm at like basically got my block out um i cut out all of the windows here i placed all my window frames and i lit the scene and kind of made it feel close to the image here definitely see a little bit more purple you can probably change that in the white balance in octane you can set it to green and it goes the opposite way nice dude that's a great start that's looking awesome it's gonna be a [ __ ] sick render yeah man i'm excited i'm like if i can get the rain and some sound design right i could just do like an hour long video or something like an hour loop yeah you could probably even use like ember gen or something to make some volumetrics for the for the rain hitting the roof or something oh dude yes but that might be a lot of work might be better to just comp that i'd be sick though yeah um so yeah like i definitely bit off more than i could chew as i always do and but it's looking cool like i definitely look forward to coming back to this and and working on this throughout the week um or maybe on the next stream we'll see but um yeah where you at peter what you got um yeah hold on let me freakin add this ocean super quick just a quick ocean no big deal so what are you doing are you doing uh deform yeah so blender has a little ocean modifier which is awesome it just gives you waves and stuff good god okay this ocean needs to chill the heck out okay ocean scale down okay boom then let's make that just metallic turn the roughness all the way down and then nice it looks like a normal map yeah pretty much okay waves skill ah that's awesome i wish c40 had something like that they have hot4d which is houdini ocean something or yeah it's basically houdini's like ocean thing but for cinema 4d and it's a little janky and it's not really supported in to like the current versions of c40 which sucks dang that's a bummer almost at a thousand likes y'all hit those like buttons right now because we gotta get to yeah samu with the freaking super chat again thank you um he's digging it he loves the feel of your render peter um oh from the start yeah and the tips and the start with broad lines attitude um is super awesome so that's great yeah man all right let's throw that volumetric cube back in there and i'm gonna go ahead and hit render see what happens on my freaking gpu good luck to both our computers yeah hit render and then we'll um we'll do we'll show the winners of this thing and then we can come back and take a look sweet we had some uber quick depth of field yeah do you think you guys are amazing thank you so much for all the super chats um me and peter will definitely get a nice dinner with uh with all of this stuff thank you thank you so much um yeah thank you everybody for tuning in and donating stuff it's so nice yeah people are so nice dude seriously and there you go dude there you go um there's peter peter's coming back yeah there he is he's loading in um yeah we see you so from here basically we're gonna go into the art review every single week i hold a challenge where i ask you guys to render something create something from a prompt um if you guys are part of the discord already the link's in the description it's super fun we have 7 000 members since last year since we started this so it's like wow it's so freaking cool yeah it's awesome um it's been really inspiring to see everyone's work and like you guys are putting in more and more like quality work every single week and it's becoming really difficult to choose these winners so um i'm very excited to do this uh peter do you have your render rendering yeah check it out the freaking flowers exploded oh hold on oh they're just like bam flowers oh my goodness that's ridiculous you're frozen again too god damn it oh man we got the 1000 likes that's great thank you guys that's great and hey if you guys aren't subscribed already and you guys are enjoying this subscribe um why not you know it's a lot of fun peter's youtube is also in the description so subscribe to peter too he's got a lot of good blender tutorials so don't miss those as well thanks man yeah i got some more stuff coming it's gonna be a good time yeah all right so those flowers are looking crazy um yeah a little crazy definitely you know would need like another hour of work before it's instagram worthy for sure but uh this is where we are and i'm happy with i'm happy with it cool yeah um are you ready to check out some sick renders from from some people yeah son let's do it all right so you got to fix your freaking video again because it's frozen but oh okay um on second thought though i think it's chill because i didn't put your face on the art review quite yet but i will let me throw you in here real quick um let me see let's find out let me let me add you boom scene bear with me all while i add peter to the art review thing so we can do this together uh there hey there's peter okay could you possibly share your screen with me because the the youtube feed is like way behind oh is it yeah okay um i think so maybe can i i'm trying to just like try to stack you on this is hilarious oh my goodness i'll just put you up over here here we go bear with me all we're doing edits on the fly here okay so dang i'd have to share like how's this even gonna work how far behind is the stream from your perspective give me a star with my video oh you're i'm like lining you up yeah like like give me a star oh a star like with my hands right now oh yeah sure yeah i guess you could just like give me a thumbs up or something there's a heart in the screen there's some good content right here did you see the heart yet nope shoot okay i don't know okay there's the heart there's the heart all right i'll just talk about how sick these renders are until until you see them all right so here we go um the first person the first person to win the weekly challenge is willy with this incredible render it's the one that i showed you the ian hubert style one yesterday with like the cart the shopping cart in the middle and the with the oh dude that one was amazing yeah it's like not okay you said that guy is 13 years old yeah he's like 13. is is ridiculous that's not okay like what are you doing dude um you're dealing with some darkness or something yeah it's insane like the color it's all modeled from scratch yeah it is all modeled from scratch it's crazy nuts so it looks incredible the prompt was color um so when i'm looking at these winners i'm really trying to figure out like how did you mess with uh you know with color theory do you have contrasting colors like i see the red and the green which are at the opposite ends of the color spectrum the color wheel so that's why they are complementing each other um you have tertiary colors as well which are like you form a triangle on the color wheel and you get that um so the blue and the green look really nice together um along with the red there too and i i super dig this i think it's awesome so yeah um wren was saying it looks like a scene out of soul or something like that oh dude it totally does it the detail's crazy yeah it's amazing so congrats william you get the challenge winner role this week on the discord so keep it up keep the awesome renders coming man you do amazing amazing stuff all right number two um who is number two it's gonna be jason um with the image of the girl in the grass with the glasses uh we got the red hair that one's great yeah really really nice um color here again you got the red and the green the opposite colors here your render quality is through the roof um it's freaking awesome the skin shader is fantastic and the lips that's amazing i know i'm just like this is such a a weakness for me um doing people and yeah this is yeah it is hard dude this is one of the best that i've seen like when it comes to like just doing it in a week obviously there's those guys on instagram doing like renders of old people that just look ridiculous you know but this looks really nice yeah um so jason congratulations you got the challenge winner roll this week on the discord server keep it up keep making awesome render so you can hang on to it because next week it might be taken from you we'll see we will have to see all right next up see next up we got bam mdk with this awesome animation of this paint tube spitting out all different kinds of paint onto this little work area dude i love that one i know yeah it's so good should have been in the corridor simulation challenge i know it's super satisfying like if it had like you know all the sound design and everything on it it would just be incredible but like the glowing uh paint is perfect and it loops perfectly love how the the paint coming out of the tube it kind of crinkles the tube a little bit that's crazy it does crinkle the two and fold up that's awesome and that whipped cream what the heck yeah so sick yeah good color um composition here you got the blue and the green the army men on the opposite um colored mats i wonder if that's grace go gorilla it looks like their textures it's hard to tell but i dig your colors you did it in a really cool way um and your render quality is through the roof so mdk congrats on this one you get the challenge winner roll and uh yeah keep it up keep up the good work heck yeah all right two more two more so we got bam one dead duck is the second to last winner this week um super sick color i love the aqua blue and green mixed with the gold and the orange like dude i just love this color style so much oh that's lovely yeah it looks really really nice really cute little fishies yeah seriously there's just so many um submissions this week guys so i really appreciate it your guys's stuff is amazing and it's been harder and harder to judge these pieces of art and i know there's a lot of incredible ones that i hadn't touched on obviously we still have one more winner but i really try and look for color because that was that was it you know um you could have had a really really awesome render but you may have not messed with the color you know in a way that that felt like you know it was a color challenge i want to look at it and know like oh the i want to say the color is awesome first and foremost versus the render being awesome first and foremost um renders always get your points but it's all about following that prompt so congrats one dead duck this is great we got one more challenge winner this week and who's it gonna be boom this one right here by dave uh this is freaking awesome i love the subtle simple colors the render quality is great um you have the opposite colors in the purple and the yellow um the red and the cyan it's it's freaking perfect yeah are you seen it peter oh wow yeah i just it just popped up that looks amazing yeah great color palette seriously um yeah i dig this one really nice looks real totally photo real yeah that's amazing exactly so dave congratulations you got the challenge winner roll into the other five of you guys i guess the other four congrats keep it up congrats y'all yeah before we announce the uh this week's challenge um which peter i would love your help coming up with um oh yeah i just want to show you guys a couple um runner-up renders that i thought were sick so let me go ahead and go ahead and turn these off here um and then just pull up some of these so you have these ones here which i really dug the color in it's like you have the gold blue orange blue kind of look um with the cyans i think it looks really nice um super super nice renders here by these guys there's also a hidden little peter 42 blood thing there which i yeah that's a great render i love the slightly cartoonish style yeah me too it reminds me of breath of the wild yeah um next up let's see who do we got bam these ones here very very colorful so these ones are more vibrant yes playing with yellows and reds and uh like purples and stuff you guys are doing a good job of like bouncing back and forth between these like the opposite colors on the color wheel you're doing a really good job and all these renders look really nice i think um they all deserve a shout out for sure and especially the animated one too is great whoa i love that washer one it's sweet yeah me too it's so good it's so good i love the light i know me too yeah that one's super solid yeah um and then one more chunk here um boom boom i love blue and gold blue and yellow so much and i dug these three renders um the the one on the far right is probably my favorite because it's like abstract and like super crazy looking and the colors are just perfect uh the house again wow yeah isn't that crazy oh my goodness that looks like it's from that instagram page accidental wes anderson oh i've never seen that but that sounds great oh it's great or maybe it's a subreddit yeah the house against the mountain is great and then i don't i honestly don't know what the image is on the bottom left but i love the colors a lot so i thought it was worth it oh is it a skull is that a skull maybe yeah actually i think it is with some like banana goop coming out of it or like banana feathers or something i have no idea that's really cool either way yeah um so yeah guys congratulations to our winners um shout out regrets yeah yeah good times what a stream dude honestly a long one almost four hours goodness serious i'm hearing people um thinking about uh doing studio ghibli as the render challenge did you already have one in mind no but that sounds great yeah people are getting pumped about that yeah let's do it um let's just do a ghibli render challenge i don't think we've done that in the past i'm trying to think um i don't know if deering is still on here i'm sure enough you guys have done these i don't think we've done ghibli before right because i think that'd be a great render challenge that way me and peter can finish our renders and you guys can post yours too all right we haven't done it let's do it studio ghibli oh yeah uh render challenge this week you have one week to either recreate a studio ghibli scene um make your own style ghibli scene uh the more you can model and texture your own stuff from scratch the better don't just download a scene and render it you have till next saturday at 9 00 a.m pacific standard time um don't plagiarize that's lame you'll get banned and exiled forever for doing that um that's super like no no no no no no um awesome yeah well this was super fun man thanks for having me on the stream right let's do it again it was a good time seriously dude um have get some lunch get some water oh i will be getting both of those things right away heck yeah man all right well uh i'll catch you later peter and guys thank you so much for doing this um so yeah peter i'll see you monday i guess yeah hell yeah have a great weekend man yeah you too all right later man all right you saw my dude peace guys
Channel: pwnisher
Views: 287,324
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vfx, visual effects, 3d, modelling, blender, cinema4d, maya, 3dsmax, octane, arnold, education, tutorial, stream, pwnisher, corridor, tank, texture, archviz, photoreal, boston dynamics, bosstown dynamics, robots, after effects, compositing, live action, corridor digital, s22, v2020, render, studio, ghibli, miyazaki, totoro, spirited away, howls moving castle, princess mononoke
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 229min 34sec (13774 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 23 2021
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