Patsy Cline Lived Here! Metal Detecting Patsy Cline's House

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and congratulations on another coin this is going to be a middle e tech ting adventure don't step on my machine too hard to end all adventures all we have behind me is the patsy cline house this was one of the place that she lived as a young child and she spent several years here growing up and we're gonna get to detect all around it and we're gonna find stuff now this is an old house I'm gonna show you the back of it and we're gonna find stuff and what we're hoping to find I'm with Todd from Appalachian History Detectives we're hoping to find it's something that we can identify belong to Patsy Cline wouldn't that be awesome I can look bracelet or a ring where there her name or initials in it let's go and see Todd he's already starting to dig a patsy cline yeah we're hoping to find something oh let me show you something real quick this is kind of bizarre house is right here you can see it's an old house okay I've hardly go on inside and done a video on that you've already seen it you can see it's an old old house well right where I'm standing is a railroad bed if look just look at look down through there that raised thing that's not a road that's a railroad the railroad came in here in the 1900 or so and built it right next to the house look at that when's this close to the house but we are going to find we're hoping to find a bracelet or something from patsy cline she was living here in the early 40s like during the war years so if we can find something from that period it could have been something that belong to her or at least she touched and fondled him well you get the picture let's stop talking let's start digging hard is on the other side of the house and we're going to start right here with his fortunes I'm going to show you what I'm using and how I'm setting it up I'm using the Garrett 80 max zero discrimination just for a second so you can hear what's in the ground maximum sensitivity that's my headphones I'm gonna have to turn my headphones on in a minute but I'm going to just let you listen to it okay this is what we're dealing with today something right there now what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go ahead and crank the sensitivity up cuz I don't really want to dig in the iron in here today this has never been detected let's just run it up to 41 quiet the Machine down but we'll still hear those good signals like that one right there that's the reading like a pull-tab zone but we got to dig those things it could be a small gold ring or anything yeah grab that while we're here and then we'll get to dig in my hand yeah that's what it is look easy all tab not from the 40s nineteen forty so we haven't gotten back to the patsy cline era just yet that right there that's an old dog well you look down in that hole it's a stone liner well a stone line well that goes way down but they have a cover on it that's bolted down so we can't really look inside there that's a really cool artifact and I can tell you right now or structure I should say a guarantee Patsy Cline walked them right there - right there many many times this is our second signal I scraped the dirt back and it's not a great you know it's the same type of signal 51:52 probably not gonna be anything but a pull-tab but let's go ahead and just scrape the dirt back you see what it is okay so we moved it it looks like this is it right here and it's just a piece of tinfoil or pie plate yeah that's a pie plate this would been a plate or a like a pie pan that some type of pie would come in could have been you know our fruit pie could have been a meat pie but something you buy in the store don't know if this would date to World War 2 era when she lived here probably not okay we're gonna keep digging for right now what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna keep digging these lower signals and if we if we get overwhelmed with just so much junk in here we can kick it up a notch and only dig the things that sound more like brass copper silver things that would be more likely being grade with her name because that's our goal is to find something with her name on it let's get back at it so we move slightly to the side of the house and have some decent signals in here one was right there it's reading like 80 so we know that's not gonna be a pull-tab I just mark that that could be something that 60 might not be a pull-tab I'm like you were reading about 50 we'll dig that in a minute together [Music] all right there's probably something but let's get a better one the 42 or let's get a better one in ponytail all right something there 44 we'll leave that one 200 what's that one there okay that's kind of a weird one it's all bouncy well they got one too weird Aggies three together please say all right signal should be right here all set might actually just be in the lease I think it was there it is this is a brass fitting to something I'm not sure could be to a car could be to a tractor some other type of machinery it could date to when she was here but I'm not gonna say it does I just want to show you real quick that area had all those signals this is what they are they're all pull tabs so we're gonna move on from this little spot right here and we're not gonna dig any more of these signals like the 52 60 or so we're going to have to skip those because there's just too many of these in here still digging junk this was down about 10 inches and it's a lid to some type of jar I would suppose but it's all aluminum could date from her for a time period but it's just no way to tell it all right well it's brass and it's it's concave almost like a buckle would be mm-hmm you know I mean it's not it's not flat it's not armed and it's got that's pretty cool little item and that should actually be quite old yeah hovering a positive oh yeah I mean I thought that could be well before her time but beautiful moon yeah I mean I think it could be a buckle I was sitting there looking at it it was it flat on that side is it just missing the iron and maybe not sure not sure about that yeah cool we have awesome ten minutes in I see yeah it's copper jacket he's shining this on it yeah so that means it's post-civil war for sure so there was a door on this side of the house too and this is the old side so I thought we'd look around here there's obviously some type of porch you see the old log construction right here got square nails stack stone I've had a nice high squeaker here and even though we're under the porch there's still modern stuff so this is a modern web modern and you know beer can that could date I don't know when that might date to says a little when I'm married on it it's amazing him it actually has a patent pending patent pending date patent pending but doesn't have a date dug the hole out a little bit to see what else might be in here and it's lots of like window glass and stuff like that nothing good will uh we'll keep looking for sure I'll be really careful about getting cut in that glass alright alright had a big signal here and I dug it up and is a little squeaker over there which is very interesting that we're gonna look at in just a minute but I wanted to show you was this do you know what that is that is a big ol saw blade that's part of a blade to cut a massive piece of wood that probably was used in the lumber industry in this area so we're in Virginia we're in an area that where there's a lot of lumber activity and this is a type of saw that the Lumberjacks wood he used that's not for like making furniture that's pretty cool right there and the squeaker is right there by the glass and it came out of the same hole so hopefully you'll be able to find it pretty easy well I'm not seeing it just jacked all rights in my hand scary some of that there it is it's a coin has an A or two or more modern going that's a wheat penny I think all right so we could be technically kinda on the board with an artifact that dates from the period for sure when she was here that's a wheat penny will get they eat off of it in just a minute any eyes and they're looking at us the penny dates to well says 1912 on it so it's possible she could have used that that would have been in circulation when she lived in this house and the saw blade that railroad that's right there next to the house was built as if eclis for the lumber industry in the area that ties it all in doesn't it that might be her grandpappy saw right there that he used up in the mountains cutting down the giant trees that used to be all over this place that's where I dug the wheat penny in the saw blade and I had a cheerful little squeaker right here so out here somewhere in this dart that looks like plastic though doesn't it there's no the tech door intestine no that's not it that's piece of plastic but somewhere in here it's a cheerful little squeaker where's that square thing oh look right there I don't think it's gonna be cheerful though I think it's gonna be a pull-tab you know I was gonna pull tab that is a another piece of aluminum I guess it was a silver yeah it's a piece of aluminum that's folded over felt a little too heavy for aluminum when I picked it up but it's because it was folded into yeah just aluminum junk I'll get rid of this - there's a first mason jar lid he's beautiful signals this is actually Atlas things he says Atlas on is backwards there but it's basically just a canning jar lid I mean that is zinc they sound a really good on metal detector all right got a happy little squeaker right we here's a lot of signal as you can hear but is a small one right here somewhere that's suspect could be a coin yeah it might be a little opinion or something picks on that dirt back yeah okay so I moved it so it's not very deep that's a signal right there yeah wait I'm screwing it to the head of the metal detector for some reason yeah some shorty guys instead that's a woman that's a black walnut there needed to this area absolutely delicious but almost impossible to get the meat out takes a lot of the meat being the inside of it really good they're hard to crack hard to pick the meat out and there's stuff between the pieces of the walnut that's good to eat that's very bitter very very bitter if you've ever eaten that you don't want to eat that again that could be from Patsy Cline's error easily because walnuts last a long time all right so whatever we right in there we'll have to get the opening round I guess I'll just try with a metal detector yeah I don't know there's so many nails in here I don't know where I kicked it so I'm gonna have to probably find this and get back with you it's like all these things party all these pieces of wood part we haven't you know something right here what's that yeah that's a flat piece of metal that would give a decent squeak going this way see not too bad but if it's turned she's being discriminated out the orientation the orientation of this and the ground makes a big difference so you turn it starts to better better better better better not too bad alright so the good squeaker in here just give me a minute and I'll find it so what I did is I kind of raped the soil back to move it around because I can't really see here the squeaker so it's probably on a piece of iron and I move my shovel I move my shovel over a little bit so I'm here better and as I did that I balled another coin I'm not sure if this is the one we heard over there this is a brand new one I just eyeballed it alright that looks like a zinc II see how it's all bubbly on top suspect that's gonna be zinc you know what it isn't I think that's an ass either or nude I think it's an inking head Wow look how bad a shape that is that's an Indian Head Penny right there wow it's bubbly man that's horrible she won't get to eat off of it though it's a bar low in it I didn't leave yeah nice yeah I used to carry one of these when I was a kid it's awesome mmm could have been hers or grandpappies yep nice man congratulations that's awesome I'm stringing the penny while I'm here Wow Thanks 1888 or three bits in his head yeah 1888 1888 nice your knife is better it really is we have a spoon oh wow kinda spoon is that like a I don't know kind of spoon that would be to you sorry uh some type of specialized spoon really long really fine maybe silver I bet it has a yeah it has yeah it's got all kinds of writing on it could a spoon fed baby Patsy but she was our little girl high chair in the house yeah this is the spoon that spoon fed baby Patsy okay little baby spoon yeah yeah that is that is substantial that is incredible get a DNA test it might still be some saliva on there yeah you can date it but man that definitely has a baby she could have used that one for sure what kind of spoon it is really a mound office a baby spoon but it's it's a specialized boon it's a specialized food specialized for baby Patsy I bet they knew she was going on to greatness so they got a specialist fetus for her that's right that's awesome no that's great that's a great bag congratulations Thanks I did get it cleaned up a little bit so you can see it and on the back I think it says how about your partner Candela read this in the video looks like it says Puritan and patented a Puritan silver plate so that could definitely have been used by Patsy Cline's mother to feed her Patsy Cline herself who knows there's a possibility though Doug this little shotgun shell again we're under the porch area and it says Mohawk Federal Mohawk number 16 as a 16-gauge which is a little unusual although I do own a few with him right there there's so many signals in here I'm just taking everything that even sounds like it might be so we'll just keep doing that even if it's a pull-tab signals miss suspect it's gonna be a coin but look there's no bottle top right there a squirt bottle not terribly old but still pretty cool now so just eyeballed a real that's not very old but let's get back to this target because I think this is gonna be something that was right in the I miss a terrible shape I think we'll be able to at least figure out the problem we'll get the deed off of us right there 18:53 show Todd hey Todd yeah some little bit oh my goodness oh my gosh I'll trade you why would you trade meat on a sandwich I'll gladly trade you a sandwich now for a coin tomorrow you know who that is the kids nowadays fifteen fifty lots of signals right here got a good squeaker right there they kicked out of the leaves Adnan squeaker bought a decent signal they're in a non squeaker over there that sounds pretty good too but let's go with a squeaker first having a brochure so tight in here hard to swing the metal detector something right in here of course we want to hear all no that was a good squeaker - that's just a lid here all the other stuff in here I guess we're gonna have to I'll get they well yeah another lid no that's not a lid set that down this is a inside to a clock or pocket watch one of the two that's a little cog a little wheel goes round and round for the time this apartment it might have been the other one we were here in that other no one's quick over here nobody here I'll set up the up or now around with the pinpointer problem is like I said input here all of the iron - that could be iron all right over here you had another signal that was uh what is that glazing maybe out of that window wasn't really a squeaker body was mid-tone so the three targets right there one of them has some interest these others would be definitely post Pat see that one of the heirs could easily date to her time in this house still over in the porch area and I just noticed you can see some big stepping stones he hadn't coming out of the house which is kind of odd but anyway this is where been detecting finding a few things I got a very hot very awesome squeaker right there should be right here I kicked it out of leave so boy I thought we'd be able to see that because I know it's no it's shelf as I kicked it I moved it already all right it's right in here oh it's another coin I think it's that silver one this time Wow don't be in better shape I think - I'm not cleaning any more than that - uh see I let it dry off and now we're gonna rub it just a little bit off times if you rub it when it's really wet you lose some of the detail that's gonna be a beautiful one right there nice solid strike on it and really see the detail I think it's gonna turn out good let's go ahead and clean this nice and dry we'll get deed off of it good let's go down by the ground we're not as windy and I can use both hands okay she's gonna rub it a little bit scrape your just a little bit with a fingernail it's not gonna hurt a copper coin wouldn't be kind to a silver coin but we're okay with this one just do the edge real quick all right just give a quick rub get paid off of it yeah it's gonna be nice one that's eighteen thirty blew us in 1830 Wow all right I think we'll just let it go for for now like that it's gonna be a pretty one it's kind of turned out pretty nice the back is absolutely gorgeous that's the best part for sure grunts a little little rough but we'll be able to will be able to get that one Todd that's beautiful right there man that is freakin beautiful started something good let's go over and look he's filming so we'll have to be quiet oh yeah how's the brooch look at that definitely good date to that period will be a little before congratulations on another coin Jason sorry laughs I know you got spray get annoyed at my laughs that's the same one with a different date no it's not that's 1830 look at that that is awesome you're you're sitting there digging around that porch and you're finding all this stuff that fell through the cracks that's that's really cool trade you know I will not trade you I will not trade on that most people would hey Todd so we just had lunch all right or device what did I say to you that you're gonna find next I mean literally we've been digging what one minute I said a civil war belt buckle yeah I mean we just said we just left because it you want a bigger belt buckle here I guarantee it Oh a fortune I hit it with a shovel yeah you can see the Eagle on it yes a burst plane yeah oh my gosh oh my god sees really I don't know what you got you what you guys caught on video in my video but we were just talking no I mean I just heard the machine horn and like put it down I was there oh my gosh this just went from a good site to dig one you know but I was hoping yeah that is a belt buckle this is actually this is kind of neat this is actually this is the breastplate right what they call typically this would be roughly wore right here purely decoration if you look at the back you can see it's got like a little triangle of rust I've grown up up up up that's actually a belt buckle this is actually a kind of a rare belt buckle musicians I think were these during the Civil War that's that's a puppy paw thing like it was actually a belt plate and not a breastplate see spoken in their existence huh you spoken into the existence you said I would find one after lunch I did I mean just like a minute ago so weird you can see and see oh my they see the triangle yeah because usually they just have to - hooks a little iron hooks on them this has that the three starting - that's what it is well that's good that means there's there could be more nice little squeaker up under here somewhere yeah it's a nice one right there pretty good ski boots to get retell a size is this in the bushes but let's listen just listen to it again [Music] yeah something right in here we should define that with a pinpoint what's interesting that is probably a lid oh it's a little get a little hinge on it that could be tape a little compact or something I guess very fragile don't see no writing on it but that's pretty good fine I like that and we didn't even hit it awesome have nice though squeaker right here and I pulled the dirt back I think it might be a sidewalk but I'm not positive that's right queen like right here so seen these look like almost like stones that were laid down I think this could be a sidewalk what it is is right oh yeah look at that goes that way doesn't it you might actually be under it though huh say it's pretty small that's a few under that stuff concrete anyway doesn't it's brass whatever it is right there it's not like that little buckle that Todd found let's see what it is yes a little iron or brass ring kind of reminds me of something on a sword ring but it could just be like horse harness stuff that's old that's definitely a beautiful brass ring just took another small penny small corner days a week cent that's pretty good shape to it knitting um she was a date let's look at that see if Oh Patsy - drop this when she was a kid 19 there's a 41 or 44 I can't really read it but if it's a early Ford yeah 44 so this was dropped or well let's put it this way this was made when she was living in this house so let's the family got this when it was new she could have dropped it little signal there do you see what I see looks like a bracelet doesn't prior to or dog-collar towards bracelet for dog collar it's a Patsy Cline's I think it's all too heavy before you go girl that's weird a couple holes in it Oh what is that I don't really know I guess I guess it's a bracelet I don't know maybe has some gold on the inside of it is trying to get out somebody's hair maybe the spirit of that person is trying to get out make balls hmm if it opens up I think it opens up well try it after a while I'm kicking a ton of these cartridges casings are the leaves here believe that's gonna be a 30.6 and I can't really read it but yeah so that's been in the ground a long time it's about the fifth or sixth on the phone in this area she over near the stone chimney that's where I found the bracelet right in front of it and working around the side of the house some a little ways from the house now and find a lot of junk I just found this little piece of what I thought was a knife but actually it's a rock I just fell my note seriously anyway this is my target that's all that laying there I thought we'd look at it together cold gold Dick Tracy package that's actually pretty cool I've never found one of these boy I tell you how I'm gonna rub it too much not sure hug fragile that is well look at that thing Dick Tracy something club work that was around when old Patsy was here huh could be it could have been hers right there Dick Tracy detective club I guess that's pretty I love that thing that's my favorite fine I'll take that or large sent any day of the week Wow there's a Virginia plate it's not what is it oh it's broken it's a head oh okay so this Oh oh it is a head hold things ahead it's weird I don't know it's not weird I don't for anything like that I thought it was a so but it was a junior buckle that that's interesting it is interest I don't funny thing I like it yeah - you had to clean it up let it dry clean up yeah way to go great job be happy for me Todd I did the guy I was out digging with my buddy Rob and out we're in the river digging and I'm digging up muskets and carbines and all kind of the stuff from the Civil War he's not big he just walked me this was entire I dig up with moss I was one of those days like nothing from now like be happy for me yes mrs. dworski I'm talking about first got here I found part of a saw blade I says partly related to the industry the lumber industry in the area back around the turn of the century and this is definitely of that ilk that's a big thick saw blade of some sort really really sick well I do believe it's a saw blade and of course it is you can see how they're offset the teeth just dug their first horseshoe kind of a little guy Todd you dug a huge one down the hill it's nice one though innit she's dug a nice little flat button it's an old one right there it's definitely 1800 earlier 1800s first parting of the day we're just talking a little flat button and I saw over to this direction and dug another foot look at that now weird two buttons and just only two buttons today and dug them like a couple feet apart just a few seconds apart and I'd be a hot spot right here this is a tight little squeaker right here to see it I do believe it's gonna be like a cent like a penny or something hopefully it's at least a weedy take another flat buttons all around me though just kind of odd but yes a wheat penny not sure of the date but we'll check that out a little bit later in a recent video I found one of these had ensured it's eaten explain to you what it was but I thought I'd go ahead and do it again because this looks like a fuse from the American Civil War has a basic shape of one but what it actually is it's a little axe partment like an axle see how it's worn right there from one around and around but yeah so they're not American civil war-era fuses for cannonballs they're just little things for wheels to go round and around this is kind of interesting little find it looks oh vaguely horseshoe like but what it actually is is a heel to II work boot this is probably off for one of the logging boots I think that's a pretty neat find right there nice big iron signal right here and looky there pretty that's a door off of a wood stove with a nice design on it it's almost like the Rising Sun doesn't dug another weedy wheat penny I'm sure the date but we'll get it cleaned off when we have about half an hour left so I'm trying to get as much done as I can in the short period of time and another wee penny just a few feet away I just dug this interesting little creature not sure what it is looks like there might have been something in the center there held on like a badge or something but I've never seen anything quite like it that's I'm riding on there I'll try to get you a good close up of the Hat at the end of the video maybe you might know what it is and can tell me guess what it's time we have to go in it but you have a very important date yeah but we did awesome at this place did away me was incredible it was that's the clients house we got half the relics or have two artifact she's part she walked over every one of those pretty much yeah she might have even held a few of them huh yep what's your best find well I would say my best find is dear yeah brooches as getting your hair probably yeah I could have belonged to her or mother or grandmother who knows hello is that a makeup container would be a little container button it's a nice little button hmm the first finds wasn't it yep a lot of other jokes we had to dig through to get there a trifle beautiful beautiful pocket maybe a pocket watch yeah definitely pocket watch for sure oh man yeah a little bit of area so I'll take a look at some of the stuff real quick you've seen most stuff we got a lot of little wheat pennies in there one Indian head that's kind of neat little bad thanks yeah I was pleased with that just because it's shiny the spoon right here we had talked about it maybe being for baby Patsy what I think is Jessica Rabbit for some reason baby Patsy Patsy yeah but actually this is probably for ice cream Patsy Cline did work as a soda jerk any soda fountain when she was young possibly living in this house right here that could have been something she brought back from work it's pretty cool huh well look at the day of the patent information on the bottom there and see if we compare exactly one was made now somebody they're not sure who that is that's a on each one what that is be honest with you that's I think we'll figure it out a lot of shotgun shell I'll clean some of this stuff up and get you good pictures of it go to haunt great hunt but your channel the Appalachian History Detectives or you find a link to that on YouTube oh yeah we're either pin comment or you know in the description there'll be a link directly to his channel as you can see this exact home from other eyes stores home I will cover the history of this site and Patrick on in her life yeah you got mud right there on your knee [Laughter] [Music] don't care if you're somewhere buried in the sand and keep it for eternity mother earth she's got her secret she promised to key or deepen her Greek mother earth she ain't saying exactly what she say where it is mother earth you are my baby [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Aquachigger
Views: 286,662
Rating: 4.8255777 out of 5
Keywords: metal detecting, aqua chigger, aquachigger, beau ouimette, metal detecting finds, metal detecting for beginners, patsy cline, patsy cline songs, aquachigger best find, chiggs army, chuggs army, patsy cline singer, patsy cline history, patsy cline places, patsy cline winchester, civil war history, relics, virginia relics, virginia history, shenandoah valley, railroads, virginia history documentary, virginia history videos, patsy cline home winchester va
Id: jbDXvJ9iGZw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 41sec (2381 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 20 2020
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