Perry Stone

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we trust you in every situation god we commit ourselves to you and grandeur earth is clay before moved by this house war and the seas that are shaken and stirred can be calmed and broken [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] my eyes are on you and it is well with me I'm I know what you're going through [Music] far be it for me to not believe my eyes can't see us called our faith in this mountain that's in front of me we'll be thrown into [Music] we declare that with authority my [Music] we don't put our eyes on the situation [Music] the waves No his [Music] go the way to win still know [Music] sometimes I want to have control of a situation but we need to just let it go and let God still know No so we see [Music] [Music] accomplish your will [Music] whatever I have to go through that [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I'll never once pay [Music] [Music] a shout to the come on lift your voice open your mouth it's a good thing to give praise under the Lord hallelujah without everything that hath life and breath praise the Lord everyone shout hallelujah it is well it is well what a statement of our faith in our God amen hallelujah I never take for granted the gifts of God and God is placed in the body apostles prophets pastors teachers evangelists and as they come our way we need to respect those gifts and we need to honor those gifts and today we are very privileged as a people as a congregation to have a gift in the kingdom purposes in this last day and a gift that God is using in powerful ways and will will welcome him to the pulpit but I want to challenge 100 percent of everyone in this room and everyone watching online to do something in sowing into this ministry today you should have been giving given an offering envelope and while the the word is coming forth you can at some point sew a seed into this this sermon and this word that will be preached or the ushers will be at the rear doors after the service is over there are offering boxes out in the lobby or offering baskets down front but I know as I have set Friday night Saturday morning last night the word has been rich and it has been ministered to my soul and spirit and I know we're about to receive something from a God appointed gift to the body of Christ and I want us to give a great Jacksonville welcome to evangelist on as he comes halleluyah halleluyah [Music] well thank you for that welcome you can be seated a man a man may many many men somebody say amen amen amen you've heard that song it is so it is so y'all need to learn that one we we've seen that one back home it's pretty cool all those Jamaican you know it makes you kind of get out and get in the groove you know what I'm saying we're so glad to have you know just two things real quick and get right into the word number one is tonight we start at 6:00 and I've never totally preached on this I can't believe it but I haven't in 41 years and I was reading first Corinthians 14 and Paul said when I speak in tongues I'm speaking mysteries and I started really delving into the word mysteries in Greek and I started realizing that maybe the greatest revelation first Corinthians 14:2 praying in the spirit we've taught all the other reasons why we pray in the spirit so I'm gonna ask you a question to not answer what mysteries are you speaking in what do you actually say and how do you know what you're saying and then tonight as we do in all of our conferences we're gonna pray for everybody who wants to be baptized in the Holy Spirit so if you know any church in town anybody in town anywhere in town that doesn't believe in this gift that doesn't understand this if that's afraid of this gift that just wants to receive this gift this is the night for them to be here at six o'clock say yes it is now Robby if you'll just stand I want to show you this we do an album of all the CDs if you're interested put your name in today do not wait till after service because it's very difficult for them to run it so go ahead and see the folks back there if you're interested in all the message which will include today's in tonight's as well everybody ready to go sound ready to go up and the sound room thank you guys by the way for what you do and your ushers and all your folks here at the Church of sweet people and you have a great church I want to mention this and the great pastor great heritage in this church and we just enjoy so much coming I can't wait to my wife quits homeschooling my daughter's got a year and a half left she graduates because Pam says I'm going to go with you everywhere you go I said praise God it's about time and I just be honest with you I preach better when she's with me I really do people even say oh here's Pam well we won't have church tonight praise the Lord when they know when miss Pam shows up so but pastor we do love in a perspective appreciate you in this ministry and what this church is bit the heritage and Papa here making you believe how this man preaches at 80 or 87 years of age it's amazing absolutely amazing and when I see men like him I think of patriarch suck in the Bible amen so thank you so much I'm just honored to be here all right now in the next few moments I want you to track with me now that we're tracked with me means follow me carefully because I received a word on what the warfare will look like in the future the warfare is going to shift and I'm going to tell you how it's going to shift and how you should be prepared for it there's five quick truths I want to give you now will warn you if you try to keep notes on me I'm gonna talk faster than you can write how many believe I can talk faster than you can write number one a Satan has not changed and is the same since the fall of Adam he is still the same nothing has changed about him number two there are no new weapons same weapons he's always used only new strategies and new methods number three the warfare transitions with technology the warfare transitions with technology when I was a kid a Playboy magazine I didn't even know what they were was under wraps under a counter in Big Stone Gap Virginia in a store that was a pharmacy later they were wrapped up and put on a shelf later they were put on a shelf and you saw more of it to try to attract people to buy it then came HBO Showtime and Cinemax that people purchased and could see about anything they wanted to see now the internet I have five young people in my ministry who confessed at age 11 they start viewing pornography and became addicted to it including my 11 year old daughter and we had no idea that it was the phone and it was the iPad I'm gonna give you my opinion your eight-year-old doesn't need an iPhone I'm serious give them a badge that is the detects where they're at if you want to but I'm telling you something I see kids that can't even carry on the conversation and they're so addicted to their phones that it's reprogramming the brain that is not me saying that that psychologists saying that they can't carry on conversations they're addicted to their phone they're seeing things at age seven last week pornography came up to a kid's phone in Cleveland Tennessee raw x-rated pornography and a seven-year-old should never have to deal with that at age seven or eight Stan or age 12 rates 13 I'm gonna you look at me all you want - I'm gonna preaching anyhow it does not matter okay because I see the danger of it dealing with youth ministry as we do number four your battles are going to adjust with your age you will not fight the same style of battle when you are younger as when you are older your youth battle according to Paul and Timothy is to flee youthful lust you will deal very heavy with the lust of the flesh when you get married your battle will change because now you have a companion you can have relations you don't have to deal with lust of the flesh but here's what you'll deal with the cares of life the deceitfulness of riches lust of other things you will move to an entirely different level when you get older I can tell you what you will deal with David said I'm weak this day though anointed king you will deal with weariness in well-doing when you get older and you'll begin to if you're not careful lose the desire for spiritual things because the mind and the body does not function at the level it used to when David was a teenager he ran to the Giant but when David was older he ran from a giant that had a new sword and David had to have his younger men step in to take out the Giant with the new source so my point is that as you age the method of the battle is going to change in your life and that's something you need to be aware of and number five and finally biblically your main warfare is with your flesh your flesh means the way I'm thinking am I thinking right or wrong my attitude is it right is it wrong my actions toward others am i treating them fairly with justice or am I being an unjust person my actions your biggest battle in the Bible is with your flesh in fact the four verses in the Bible that emphasize warfare it's not a war with demons believe it or not it's a battle of strongholds in your mind so those five things are very significant so then we ask ourself when we go into the older New Testament and we began to examine the BI of the battles the spiritual warfare that people fought with the devil with Satan with other people what is the enemy really after I mean have you ever really thought what are the battles really after I can tell you what battle number one what Satan is after with everybody in this building based on a battle that Simon Peter had to fight jesus said to Simon Peter Peter Satan has desired you that he may sift you as wheat but I have prayed for you now sifting the sweet is what they put wheat in in a sifter to get all the junk out the pebbles out the rocks out the thing and they would get it out and sometimes in the temple before they made Shu bread on the table of shewbread it went through ten siftings the grain went through ten siftings to make sure it was absolutely pure so God is saying Sainz about to hit you with something that's going to sift you but what was the enemy after let's quote the rest of the verse but I have prayed for you that your faith would not fail the ultimate battle line is drawn here every attack is trying to get you to wreck your faith or make you doubt God when you get sick and can't get well the enemy will say God is really not a healer when you pay your tithe and lose your job the enemy will say tithing is not really real when you have a rebellious son or daughter after you've raised them in church and the enemy says oh train up a child in the way they should go and they won't depart what happened to your family what I'm saying is if you will examine everything you've ever been through there is this element of my faith and trust in God that the enemy wants to shake my faith now why would the enemy be so interested in shaking your faith because Hebrew says this without faith it is impossible to please God and then it says that if we have faith that God is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him because in the New Testament you'll find that there is no faith you'll find there's little faith you'll find there's great faith these are all verses and you'll find they're so great faith so you've got four levels you've got the level where there's nothing at all up to the level where it's supernaturally great and two examples in the New Testament Jesus said I've not seen some great faith no not in all of Israel so your ultimate battle is Satan wants to do something to make you question God's ability for your life to make you feel like you are inferior and everybody in the body is superior that God loves other people more than he loves you and he does that by attacking the faith level that is in your life but let's look at a couple of other examples let's look at job why did the enemy attack Joe if you go and read the entire book of Job you'll find out why Joe had not only integrity Jobe had influence he said when I used to speak princess and leaders would come to the city gate just to hear what I had to say so job was the greatest man in the east according to the Bible job chapter 1 and as the greatest man of the East he had great influence so the enemy wants to attack him to take out the influence that he has over other people you see when people who are noted have a moral failure or a spiritual failure what's the first thing it attacks it attacks their integrity it attacks as I said just a moment ago their influence so Satan wanted job's influence taken out of the way you find out that with King David he numbered Israel Satan provoked David to number Israel why because Satan knew that if David numbered Israel without obeying the law of Moses which required the payment of a half shekel from every man that was counted to go to the temple treasury for the repairs of the tabernacle because there was a temple then then give them safe to knew if I can get David to do that God will become angry at him so what was David's attack about it was about numbering Israel to produce a plague or a judgment on the nation of Israel and it did 70,000 men died because of an act that David did being provoked according to your Bible by Satan himself in the book of Zechariah it says he just showed me Yeshua the high priest standing before the presence of God and Satan standing on his right hand to resist him now why would the devil show up on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem after the Babylonian captivity and attack a priest and accused a priest read the rest of the verse does the clothing of the priests had been locked up for 70 years during Babylonian captivity the high priest was pulling those clothes out they were very filthy garments they had not been cleaned so Satan was accusing the high priests of ministry in filthy garments and it was a true story they were filthy but the angel came and sanctified those garments and said Satan the Lord rebuke you I'm telling you I can go through the Bible I can talk about hat when Satan tempted Jesus he says command the stones to be made bread he's trying to he's trying to cause Jesus to abuse his authority that he had in the spirit we can go with the Apostle Paul we can talk about how Paul said there was given to me a thorn in the flesh a messenger of Satan to buff at me and he goes to Lystra he's stoned and left for dead he goes to Damascus he has to escape from the wall in a basket from the religious men who were trying to kill him he goes on the island he gets a snake bit he gets shipwrecked on an island it seemed like everywhere he went he either had a revival or a riot why is the enemy sending a hindering spirit against Paul the answer is he did not want him to spread the gospel to the pagan cities of Asia cuz every time he showed up sodid signs and wonders every time he preached so did miracles follow and so suddenly Europe is being shaken by one man who can even go to prison and write letters from prison and shape the Roman Empire by writing an epistle and sending it to a church and having it carpet is anybody tracking with me right now I'm trying to say that if you'll read your Bible you will discover attacks are set for different reasons it may be in Peters case a prophecy that's been spoken over you but to over you by the Lord and the nd wants to stop that prophecy from happening job's case you're a person of influence in Jacksonville but Satan comes with an attack against you to try to stop your influence I know in our own hometown I'll be careful telling this but our sheriff who is a very dear friend of mine somebody in an opposition party came and began to attack him with all sorts of crazy stuff he's been totally cleared through an investigation but we knew he wasn't guilty to begin with we knew it was all something political you see the enemy and the reason they don't like my Sheriff one reason is because in our jail we have what's called the faith pod so when you get when you get jailed in Cleveland Tennessee we don't make you go to there but we say we have a choice we've got the general population over here or you can go through the faith pod and if you go through the faith pod it's mostly guys that have a church background isn't that true and they don't want to be messed up they don't want to get in fights they don't want to have problem they just want to get out of jail and do their time and do what they got to do and so if the faith part you get preach it and they don't like it the ACLU don't like if the liberals don't like it but I'm sick of the ACLU I'm sick of left-brain liberals it's about time that the American people who've made this country great speak up and stand up against the stupidity and the craziness that's going on in the country we've been silent long enough we've let people run over us long enough they've taken prayer out of school they've taken Bible reading out of school they've let good they've let men go in women's bathrooms and enough is enough I wish the body of Christ would understand I'm not sitting around and waiting for the rapture to happen it'll happen when God's time I'm living on this planet now and if I'm living on this planet I gotta say so old how you run this place in the name of Jesus forgive me for going there now to show you how attacks are set up and why I was on as some of you may have saw this program but you don't know the background I was invited to go on the jim bakker program did anybody see the program we were on with Jim Baker did anybody see that all right if you didn't see it something happened that I did not know I thought Jim knew this story Jim Baker had never been told this story and as I'm telling the story his daughter is gripping the hand of Laurie Laurie's eyes are open and Jim is just looking at me and I couldn't tell by the look am I supposed to shut up or do I continue here's the story I wanted that tell in two minutes the federal government there's a department of the federal government I won't tell which department that one of Jim Baker's silence because he could get on his program and say in the state of so-and-so they're getting ready to pass this law this is not a biblical law show up and vote and the Christians would show up and stop a bad law from being passed they didn't like his influence they set up a girl into his counting room that opened his mail to steal money she was putting cash money in her Bible taking it to her apartment and putting in boxes they kept finding out that money was becoming short so they put up a hidden camera and in the hidden camera they spotted the woman they called the woman and she says it's not me it's not me they put me up to it they being two federal agents she said she said I'll call them and I'll turn the money back in you can put it back in the system I'll just tell him I got fired but please don't don't charge me don't arrest me I'm begging if you don't do that they sat outside the apartment of Jim knew nothing about this they sat outside the apartment they watched the two federal agents go to the woman's apartment the woman said she's been fired and they brought the money and brought it back in and that was the end of now when I tell this on national TV Jim Baker has never heard it we go to a break in Jim's sister comes to Jim and said Jim everything Perry told you is true he said why didn't I know that that happened they said you had so much pressure on you we just decided me and Jackie and Richard we decided not to say anything to you about he said you mean that happened like they said I'd never knew that she said everything Perry said happened so I asked Jim Jim why do you think they did it and then he took me to a wall that had Air Force One and letters from Ronald Reagan and he said because Ronald Reagan said to me after he was elected in 1980 because of an interview you did with me that's why I won the election the left-wing liberals were so mad at jim's influence they wanted to set up but watch this they want to set up a woman to steal money the money would be missing the people would report that they didn't get their money tax their tax break or their tax information they would investigate GM and they would blame him for stealing the money and that's how this come on I'm telling you something I wish somebody wouldn't just dream the swamp I wish they'd get rid of the swamp the corruption that's out there just needs to get folks it's got to go can I just talk to you me and you would already be in prison there's a woman in this building that worked top-secret for the government and if she used a private server and one classified email came on I said what would happen to you she said they would walk in and handcuff me and take me away for an investigation but some people are above the law but you might be above this law but you're not above the law of Almighty God God Almighty will find your number somebody ought to help me preach a little bit this morning I feel this thing in my spirit because we're talking about how the we're talking about how the warfare is going to change Jesus now here's how the warfare is going to change a group of my kids and I call them my kids they're not my biological kids they're on their phone one day and they're there they're debating an issue over the gay lifestyle and my kids were saying well we don't feel based on the Bible that it's right it's just like any other type of sin in the Bible we just don't think it's right and a young girl raised in church was blasting my kids and saying I think if you love anybody as long as you love them it's okay to do whatever you want no this is a kid raised in church and my kids were saying oh wait a minute and they said pops give me a scripture I said just tell him to read Romans one that's all just read it and see what it says of course the conversation ended after Romans one was read now having said that I turned to my kids and it suddenly hit me that the battle that we are going to be fighting in the future and we're fighting now as a society and a culture that wants to change the religious beliefs of the people that live there in that nation now stop and think for just a moment stop and think and again let's just talk about this the gay lifestyle there are those of us that read the Bible in Genesis 19 the Book of Ezekiel and all you gotta do is read Romans 1 and we know that the lifestyle is wrong yes it's so the Supreme Court has said gay marriage is legal and now they're pressuring the churches to accept it but it does not change what God says about it it's really see the Supreme Court voted it's okay to abort a baby but that is not what the Word of God teaches so here's what's going to happen when you see all of the craziness happening and you see people that have the right to bake a cake or not bake a cake or bake cookies and not make a cookies and they get sued by the state for their own conscious for try for someone trying to force them to do something their own conscience said they should not do then here's the battle it's to attempt to change my god help me Jesus let me say it this way maybe you'll understand it better the real battle that we're entering into is a battle over what's truth and what's not then we'll say it again because we're going somewhere the book of Jude says this I pray that you will earnestly contend for the faith that was once delivered to the Saints the word contend in Greek means to have a struggle to and it's from the word gone it's the word it where Jesus said in the Garden of Gethsemane his sweat became his blood he was in agony at Gonia in Luke at Gaughan is like a struggle it's like a almost a life-and-death struggle it's like two wrestlers wrestling and one is gonna come out alive and one is not now this is a strong word it doesn't just mean read the Bible and believe it it means to take what the word is said and you're going to have to defend in battle form with your mind and with your thinking and with your actions what has been delivered to the Saints in the last days come on help me preach somebody you understand what I'm saying now here's the strategy of the enemy now remember principalities work through personalities spirits work through people without people they're limited of what they can do if you believe in the sacredness of marriage you suddenly have become intolerant if you believe that homosexuality is wrong you're homophobic if you believe that Islamic radicals and I said radicals should not be put in the country your Islamophobic anybody heard these words if you do not believe that a man can go in a girl's bathroom because that morning he feels like a girl you're a backward you're a back a backwoods religious fanatic mm-hmm I dare my daughter go to a woman's bathroom anywhere in a man walk in I'll have a prison ministry before the day is that is raw legalized perversion and pardon me if this sounds crude but if you just don't know what sex you are you check your birth certificate and if you still have problems go to a doctor and get an exam if a fetus has a right to life suddenly you are against women's rights mm-hmm I'm gonna go ahead and touch on another one if you decide to stand for the national anthem you're now a racist now my sister just did the most remarkable article that I've ever read on the history of the national anthem it's coming out of the voice of advantages of magazine and I believe it's going to go viral I'm actually thinking about putting it on the Internet and that line that everybody Lou uses that has the word slave in it has nothing to do with American slavery it has to do with the British would not pay their troops any money unless they fought first it's a long story I don't want to go into the details of it but that line is in there because Francis Scott Key is making the point that the British has made slaves out of their troops it had nothing to do with America and somebody got ahold of that line and read it and now they want to destroy the national anthem people a little bit loopy because a lot of those guys who used to go to those games because they're 25% off to 50% off in some cities the guys that used to go to those NFL games in case the NFL didn't know it our veterans and if there's one thing you do not do to a veteran it's make fun mock and ridicule the national anthem that represents a flag that was still flying when a war was over that's one thing you do not mess with the veterans who fought in wars for the freedom of the United States it's that simple [Applause] look I have a very very close friend who closed tight friend I'll get a letter after the Super Bowl if they win I'll get one if they don't but listen I have a friend who owns one of the teams he's the owner okay so I have friends in the NFL if you're gonna if you're gonna if you're going to come against something do it right organize properly if you feel like there's in Justices do it properly there's legal ways there's protests there's things that you can get attention for but do not disrespect men who have died for the American flag and for the freedoms that I have to stand behind this pulpit and preach the word and the freedoms that you have now let me shift let me shift think about this for a moment they called Jesus a devil they called Paul mad they said much learning this made you mad in modern times if you believe the Word of God you were a Holy Roller you were a Jesus Freak yeah are your friend religious fanatic if you believe the word they called me they called me Holy Roller back in school and I just said you called me Holy Roller what you say is true but if you knew why I was rolling you'd be rolling with me dude so here's where your battle comes down it'll be a battle against what is true what is truth because I'm going to give you something here that you may have never considered people are always saying we just want the facts but the facts don't always contain the truth no wait a minute that's a contradiction because isn't truth fact and is in fact the truth you ready here we go well prove from the Bible it is a fact that Satan exists but the truth is not in him there is a fact without truth you can't catch this in just a minute demons exist that's a fact but their father in John 8:44 who is Satan is the father of lies therefore if you are trying to carry on a conversation with someone who's possessed by a demon you're probably going to get lied to you know why because they don't know the truth they can't tell the truth I know I've been changed all religions Hinduism Buddhism Islam Christianity believe in God Judaism believes in God but believing in God this is this powerful statement believing in God doesn't save you no more than writing your name on a barn makes you a donkey or writing your name on the garage makes you an automobile how do I know that because in James it says this you believe there is one God you do well the devil's also believe and tremble so they know the fact that God exists but there is no truth in them to be converted because in the beginning of time when Satan fell they blaspheme God and there and there dude well mm-hmm there comes a time when truth conquers the fact I'm just gonna preach for just a minute and tell you this the fact says the fact says you are poor but the truth said let the poor say I am rich that's the truth that's in the book the facts says this you are sick but the truth comes along and Isaiah and says by His stripes I have been healed well the facts says that you are dying but the truth comes along and quotes a verse and says you shall live and not die and declare the works of the Lord the facts says that you're going to hell and you're a sinner but the truth comes along and said you have redeemed my life from destruction the truth how the fat comes along and says you don't have enough faith and the truth comes along and said I don't need a lot of faith all I need is faith a grain of a mustard seed and I won't say to this mountain be thou removed and cast into the sea and it's gonna be done true I have facts come along and say your child's own drugs and they're not gonna make it but the truth comes along and says I read a verse in acts 16 that says you shall be saved and your house the doctor might give you the factor but only God can give you the truth your psychiatrist may give you the factor but the Holy Ghost can give you the truth hey your neighbors and your family members might be laying the fact that you're dead broker but I got a god that owns the cattle on a Thousand Hills and the gold underneath the hills and the diamond mines underneath those hills and the old end the gas underneath that does anybody understand what I'm saying the Bible said Jesus said I am the way I am the truth and I am the life it's a fact that Jesus existed but it's also the truth that he is the epitome of what is right and good hey Jesus now in order to counter the culture and in order to counter the attacks against what is right today in Jacksonville for the first time we introduce to you what I will call the free indeed movement alright we're going to introduce the free indeed movement we're gonna get this in people's spirit we're gonna be talking about this for the next few moments because what we need to counter deception is truth what we need to counter lies is truth what we need to counter the strongholds of the devil in your mind is truth so here's my point the way you counter false is to be free by truth here's your verse John chapter 8 8:32 you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free John 8:36 if therefore the son shall make you free you shall be free indeed now I have quoted these verses my entire life at different points of messages or just talking to people but then it I wanted I did something the other day and I said what is the context of Jesus making that statement and when I went to the context of Jesus making the statement of what did he make it after what happened that made him say it it changed the whole understanding and the significance of why he said this because of where he said it and here's the story and I want to talk to you about this the setting is Jesus is in Jerusalem a woman has been caught in the act of adultery now I don't know if you've ever considered the phrase caught in the act but caught in the act means that these religious people saw her go in a man's house now she may have been a prostitute we don't know but nonetheless she goes into a man's house and they wait a few minutes and they go into the house and pull her out of the sexual acts she is doing with a man and bring her now here we go to have her stoned at the temple according to the law now I got a problem with the men who pulled her out of the house for this reason where's the guy the law says the law of Moses said this I'll give you Deuteronomy 22 if a man and a woman commits adultery and are caught they will be stoned the man and the woman are to be stoned with stones talk to me somebody where's the guy the whole problem was they knew that Jesus was in town and they were going to catch him in trying to get him to disobey the law of Moses so then they could accuse him then they could have the ammunition they need how many of you know that in religion in politics there are some people that just want to trap everybody come on we got some in Washington right now just one trap list that's trap let's trap let's do some let's get a conspiracy go so they got a conspiracy so then knowing the law they dragged this woman to Jesus [Music] so here we go fact she's caught fact number one fact number two it was adultery fact number three she needs to be stoned but that was a lucky day for her cause fact got interrupted by truth they did not know that when they threw her at the feet of Jesus they were getting ready to get a revelation they were not expecting so Master what shall we do with this woman she was caught in the act of adultery now according to the law of Moses used to be so what say ye now Jesus does something strange which is if you've never been to Jerusalem this won't make sense to you Saul explained it he writes in the dust now here's my problem with that statement there is no dust in the Temple Mount it's rock and house I feel what it says he start riding on this on the pavement stone I would have understood then I studied the Book of Numbers and in the Book of Numbers there's something called the trial of bitter waters if a husband is this is in your Bible if a husband is jealous of his wife and thinks that his wife has been committing adultery with another man but it does not have proof and numbers 5 they go to the priest and the priest makes this really weird mixture it takes dust off of the floor there is a pile of filtered dirt there puts the dirt in the mixture and the woman has to drink it after he takes water and pours it on the curses of the law and the ink melts on the parchment so she's got eeeek and water and dirt she has to drink and the Bible says if the seed of a man is in her belly her stomach will start swelling when the curse hits her belly and then he knows she's guilty now I don't know how this worked but I know one thing if he took her down there and made her drink that mess and her belly didn't swell she got home and took a frying pan or a rolling pin and nailed his hide with it so he came out he came out to work the next day with nuts all over his head making me drink that stuff and accusing me of something I didn't do now here's the part that's interesting Jesus would have been in the area where the trial of bitter waters happens we don't know where we think it was a chamber somewhere in the temple and he's right you got don't miss this he's writing in the dirt that's supposed to be used to condemn a woman with adultery but what is he right in the dirt because whatever he writes everybody starts disappearing dropping those stones and he looks at them he says that him who is without sin cast the first stone he starts writing now the only thing that would make that crowd disappear is for him to say Gideon the Pharisee you did this write their name and what they did hello if Jesus would have written their name one by one and told what they did before the others had their sin exposed they got out of town now stay with me because I'm gonna go back to the setting here in just a moment so then Jesus looks at the woman who says no woman where are your accusers and you know by now she's in tears she thinks she's gonna die that day she says well there are none now don't don't don't leave just part a of this verse read all of it he said I would I do not condemn you meaning I forgive you but then he says to her don't do it again see everybody wants to get to that he forgave he forgave but let's go the second part cuz I'll tell you something I learned a long time ago ready the greatest lesson you ever learned is to learn your lesson the first time right so woman they caught you walnuts okay that's pretty bad you could have been killed now don't go to this again cuz I ain't gonna be here the next time you know are you with me now in that setting in that setting Jesus comes along and says you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free and if the son therefore shall make you free you shall be free so what I did I decided to look up in the Greek because you can have a word translator one way in the English language in your Bible but it means it's a little different connotation in the Greek a different nuance and in the word free there are several different Greek words used like being set free from a bondage free from a slave market there are Greek word juice for there this Greek word you shoten whoever the Sun makes free is free indeed is if word that the root figure too little means and I just love this to be exempt from liability now this adds another dimension onto the teaching in other words he's not just saying I'm going to free you of your sin he did that but I'm going to free you from your liability what was her liability stoning so woman I'm not only going to set you free from what you did but you are not going to have to be stoned because when I free somebody when I free somebody I'm not just going into and this is a word that would have been used in the Roman time for free into a slave market to purchase you back so I now own you and you now belong to me and I'm liberating you from your bondage but it said I'm gonna exempt you from your liability I'm about to tell you what your liability was and I want to tell you why it's important that you understand that you be free my liability and your liability was a death sentence that when we depart this world we are separated from God forever my liability and your liability was if there was a sin nature in us that nobody could control that nobody could whip and nobody could defeat mine and your liability was to understand that when we leave this world we have no covenant with God and therefore we are eternal in darkness for ever and ever according to the four Gospels but the Bible said when you know the truth I'm gonna set you free from your liability can I tell you that Jesus took my one-way ticket to hell and burn it up before I ever got there and now I'm going the other direction too you know why because he sets you free from your liability and if you know that Jesus has set you free and the liability of eternal darkness and eternal death it's no longer hanging over your head and you no longer have an eternal death penalty that might be the best amen and shall you can give the Lord Jesus Christ all weekend long he sets you free from your liability Oh hallelu is somebody colloquy to God now let's talk about this for a moment I'm almost finished but let's talk about this for a moment because we want to get the fullness of this word out to you of the significance of knowing truth not now Jesus said this you will know the truth and the truth shall make you free you shall know the truth there are different in the New Testament as you know written in the corn a Greek language there's knowledge no known knowing knowest King James translation and I looked up on time and there's different forms of the word knowing that are about fifteen to sixteen different words and I'm talking about if you take all of them combined Odin Old Testament New Testament there's about 60 different words now there is a word that's very strange because we don't use it now but they used it in the old days when the King James translation was written you would not say they had a honeymoon and consummated you would not use the S word you wouldn't talk about sex you would talk about he knew her and to know her in the depending on the context did not mean to know her by seeing her to know her because she's a wife or a relative it meant to have the old phrase was carnal knowledge the old timers used it carnal knowledge which was you know what that meant emit physical relationship between a man and woman now it says in Genesis Adam knew his wife Eve so that word no does not mean to know her oh that's even her she's my wife it is the word that means to have physical relations because how do we know it because of the context and Adam knew his wife Eve and she conceived a son so the rest of the verse tells you what the word is actually referring to now stay with me you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free no there does not simply mean to read a Bible and get knowledge because if reading a Bible and getting knowledge or hearing knowledge preached from the Bible could set people free everybody would be getting free in a church it actually can refer to knowledge to the point of having a closed or we would say an intimate relationship with when Jesus says there will be many in that day that said Lord Lord and I prophesied and cast out Devils in your name and your name do many wonderful works but he will say depart from me I never knew you that verse never made sense to me how can you can't step Devils and him not know you how can you prophesy and him not know you because when you understand that it's it's like saying I never had a really personal relationship with you so God wants a relationship with people not a head knowledge yeah I believe God exists well that's great so does the devil and the Bible says the devils tremble because they believe God wants you to have a communication relationship reading his word relationship spending time in his presence relationship and because if you know the truth if you have relationship with the truth then he and that book will set you free now here's the reason here's the reason it's important to understand what I'm telling you this is anybody learning anything raise your hand if you're learning okay the reason it's important for you to understand this has to do with the statement I'm going to make that in probably 25 years ago in Pentecost data laughed me off a platform for making this statement but it's the fact anyway and it was true 25 years ago it's true 50 years ago ready you can be saved and love Jesus and still have a bondage now when I grew up I remember an old school Pentecost but if anybody smoked they put you in hell I really know I remember I remember you know we used to say I tell you at that church downtown you see them deacons out there that's not the glory cloud on the platform that's Tim unsanctified cigarettes they're smoking I remember I heard to preach it there was it was always the church now I have a son who struggles with smoking but my son loves Jesus with all his heart and he says dad this is the hardest habit to break Robbie has a son he's a great kid this kid he loves the Lord man he'll do anything you want him and he still has a smoking habit and they said dad I just want to get free what can I do to get free because if you've never had a nicotine problem you don't understand it help me help me people that's been free come on help me am I telling the truth it's a tough thing some people can get free so easy and some people can now but I don't I don't condemn people because of it because it is a habit now the fact is someone said you think I'll go to have a smoke and I said you'll get there a lot faster now that's that's supposed to be a joke so please don't take it wrong what I was saying I'm not I'm not justifying it because it's an uncle II work of the flesh but my point is that you can love God and you still have something you struggle with I know people that love God but if you set them off their temper is unbelievable it's like dude where did that where did that devil come from what do you split personality what in the world how many know what I'm talking about there's people that love God but oh they got they to have it they haven't unsanctified temper now I'm not going to listen ain't and I'm not going to go down the list because we go down this one too we could just keep on going down this list of things that our flesh that still work in a person mmm help me Jesus all right all right all right Jesus all right all right I think they're receiving this all right are you ready it's Lazarus Lazarus is bound in clothes he is dead he's like a sinner a sinner is dead spiritually right suddenly the sinner comes to Jesus and life enters into the sinner Jesus speaks Lazarus come forth and life is now in Lazarus who was dead but we got a problem the stone has been removed that's the hindrance he's heard the voice of the Lord the life has come now the sinner is alive but Lazarus has a problem ready he's still bound up he still bound up and he's alive the corruptions gone are you talking to me some of the smell is gone the corruptions gone death is gone but he's he's wrapped up what did Jesus say Jesus did not say I command these wrappings to loose and also Baby Jesus did what no one else could do bring new life into a dead man you can't do it I can't do it that's his redemptive act that's reserved for him but then he then required his disciples to do what they could do was to help that man get loose and help that man to get free the reason you listen to preaching is because it helps you get free the reason you can't fill the hole is spirit the reason you come to an altar and get prayed for is it helps you to get free you see we as ministers especially if we're Full Gospel ministers we represent the Lord we're not the Lord we represent the Lord but ladies and gentlemen we are in the loosing business we're in the business of looking at people and said we commend in the name of Jesus that power that binds you come off of them in the name of the Son of the Living God hallelujah give God praise in the house one more one more story I want to tie into this just real quick and that is in Luke's Gospel chapter 13 Jesus has a woman who is sitting in a synagogue now let me just set up the synagogue the men sat on the main floor and in the early days synagogues had balconies and they separated the men from the women now Jesus then calls a woman who has been bowed over for 18 years she's bowed over it she can't lift herself up and he calls her out and he says to her woman Thou Art Loosed from by an infirmity then he lays his hands on her and she is healed the ruler of the synagogue is very upset because he's talking about being heat you know healing her on the Sabbath day what really him I think was the Jewish tradition of women are never to intermingle with men in the synagogue so they were so into their tradition that they missed the miracle when Jesus said these words woman Thou Art Loosed the word loosed is the Greek word Apple ooh oh and I like what it means and this is the definitions directly out of the Greek to be free completely not just to be free but to be free from the spirit of infirmity and free from being bowed over for all of those years so when the spirit left in the healing happen she wasn't just free she was what free indeed you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free but if the Son of God sets you free you shall be free indeed what I'm telling you is we have to have a free indeed movement not just preaching salvation that is the ultimate message for people to receive but once they're saved is to go to the next level which is to say what is it that you need God to free you from what is it that harasses you what is it that puts a battle in your soul what is it that causes that so I want to be free but hallelujah I want to be free in deed woman Thou Art Loosed from bind infirmity loosed new ode to melt or to put off I had a Greek scholar tell me this I said what does luo mean in greek i said give me the etymology of the word the history of the word he says well this is pretty cool it implies in early Greek to boards that are put together by glue and they're held together by a strong glue but for some unknown reason something happens to the glue and the boards get loosed so what I said so what you're saying is Jesus knows how to undo the devil's glue he laughter said in reality that's what that word means in other words what you're connected with that hurts your mind body soul and spirit to be free it's not just to be saved to be free indeed is to have God undo the glue anybody needs some glue undone come on come on confess it with me right come on confess it with me right now anybody needs some glue undone yeah now I'll take a quick story and what we're gonna pray for you this'll help to show you what free indeed means power of the word Huntsville Texas years ago there was a man by the name of Claude Thompson liked a his story never went to church his family were Christians but he never went to church and a lot of times on Sunday he would go hunting or he'd go fishing or something come back real late just so he wouldn't have to talk to his family about God one day he went hunting with a group of men and it just so happened that two of them ended up dead and they charged him with murder sending him to Huntsville Texas if you know about Huntsville Texas there's some federal prisons down there and they they actually put him on death row check this out why he was on death row he killed two more men he was so dangerous on death row one of the day most dangerous prisoners there they did something really strange that they've never done before they took the morgue there was a morgue in that prison and they cleaned they cleared the morgue out and the morgue had a door with a little window and that window was only just about a 4-inch square okay and they took all this clothing off they took everything out of the room and made him stay in his underwear and he got he got to see the Sun or you know hear from a guard through a 4-inch window the light came through only six hours a day when guards would come close to the window he would spit through the window cuss him out and here's the thing they said well maybe he's mentally insane he was not insane he was just really bound up by demons and he's in a situation now that he's going to get live he's gonna actually go to go to death row months went by and a guard felt sorry for him it was a Christian guard he said Clyde I've noticed something you have nothing in that room to read you only see the sunlight six hours a day if I give you a Bible will you promise me you won't rip it apart and he was so at this point so bored he said yeah if you give me a Bible I promise you I'll read it and I promise y'all won't tear it up so here's what he did he didn't have a preacher he didn't have a radio tell the preacher he didn't have anything he didn't have anybody to fellowship with to talk to he's in that morgue just an empty room small empty room actually and so he starts reading his Bible so he got he challenged himself to read the Bible then try to remember once it got dark what he'd read well he got so good after month and month and month he could start quoting entire passages of the Bible so he'd go he'd have the gardener he said hey listen to me I'm quoting this and the key he'd be stuck quote chapter after chapter he said you mean to tell me you're learning he said absolutely I'm learning this so what happened is a long time goes by and the guards say wait a minute this guy is totally different he doesn't cuz he doesn't spit all he does is talk about God can we bring can we can we bring him out back into the general population so they released him from morgue bath back to death row finally he got to preach in to everybody on death row and they said why don't we take him off a death row and let's go go ahead and bring him into the general population so they brought him back in the general population and he starts preaching to everybody in the general population the chaplain starts hearing about it and says why don't I train him to be a chaplain so here's what they did they gave him the position of the chaplains right-hand man gave him a lifetime parole where he could check his self in and out of that area of the prison you weren't hearing what I'm saying and ended up becoming ordained and a minister through a ministry in the Lubbock County Texas Texas Jail the largest jail in Texas and began a chaplain program for prisoners until he died in 1979 that's amazing how okay alright alright I'm done but listen listen how does it happen because the word is powerful sharper than a two-edged sword how does it happen because the word is alive this book is not just a book it's a lot and when you start reading it and you you know I read it out loud I don't just read it in my head I was i will walk and read the verse and cuz it gets more in your spirit there's something about it that not only will it free you but it will keep you free now I won't do something this morning I really felt this mess I had another message and the Lord said no I gave you that mat I got this message last week he said you preach this this morning this is what's needed I want everybody who says I know I'm saved but Perry I need God to free me from something I'm struggling with stand up right now I'm not gonna call you out I'm not even gonna ask you what is that's between you and God but you're struggling with something but you really would like to see the help of the Lord would you please if you're standing I love altar calls I know some churches don't do it for time or for convenience but I want you to come to the front where we can start praying for you and I'm gonna tell you how to pray in just a moment because you're gonna remember this message would you come please just all that are standing thank you so much just take your time come on down here praise God I'm going to ask those who are here give us a few minutes to minister and we're gonna have you stand in a moment and help us to pray for those who are coming all right Perry I'm saved and I love the Lord now let me say this there may be some of you out there who have never accepted the Lord as your personal Savior I'm gonna ask you if you say Perry I need help from God I need got to help me spiritually I need God to touch my mind and my soul if you are not following the Lord you need to come on down here to just just stand up stand up out of your seat and come down here and I may have some people already down here that are kind of dealing with that right now now last night I mentioned to the people that in the Bible when we cry out to God with our mind heart and spirit and we lift up a voice to him that he cannot resist that God always responded in the Bible to people who had needs who cried out to him I know that you may not want to in a church service begin to get so personal with God of what you're dealing with that you start telling him but he knows it already so what I want you to do is I'm gonna start praying and I'm gonna ask you to pray with me but don't listen to me pray you have to pray your own prayer and we're gonna ask God Lord these are your people but they're struggling with things and we're asking you to help them to set them free indeed through the word by the spirit and through the power of your name and I believe something Oh hallelujah I believe something will break off this morning I believe you're gonna feel something break off stand up I feel it in order to pray would everyone stand thank you so much put your hands up in the air hallelujah now now you pray your own prayer you approach God you ask God for help you ask God for freedom let's do it right now father we come to you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit we thank you God for the word of God that we have heard we thank you God for the Word of God that's been preached I thank you God that you gave us this word to share here in this church in Jacksonville Florida but God right now we present to you the men and the women and the young people that are standing at the front of this church these are people that confess they love Jesus with all their heart men and women that confess God that they're following you and they want to follow you and at the same time God there are struggles inside of their mind struggles inside of their spirit maybe even physical challenges and Lord in the name of Jesus they want to be free but they want to be free indeed they want to be completely liberated from whatever the thing is from whatever that is that is binding them whatever it is is hindering their mind we ask you in the name of Jesus Holy Spirit to move over them and brood over them like a wave of the ocean that starts the beating it is the shore then the Spirit of God come down right now upon their mind them in the name of Jesus from mental captivity loosed him in the name of Jesus from mental strongholds loosed him in the name of Jesus from the powers of darkness that were trying to torment their heart and torment their mind God we know that salvation is the initial freedom salvation is the redemption of the soul and spirit but we also know God that there's a free indeed moment so I'm asking you by the power of the Holy Spirit right now to let them be free indeed to loose them from those things that they want to be free from in Jesus name lift your hands now begin to cry out to God in the halters hallelujah everybody front to the back balcony lift up your hands praise God praise God hallelujah hallelujah we worship You Lord we worship You Lord we worship you come on in the altar start seeking God I want the band to begin to minister don't watch them if you're an altar pay now musicians they're just in the atmosphere keep talking to God get specific with God tell me what you wanna do God set free [Music] [Applause] [Music] quicken the people [Music] oh Jesus [Music] sweetheart father I'm ready to loose oh geez she's demonstrative of transfusion [Music] sighs change desires change desires change desires in Jesus name [Music] the anointing is breaking yokes folks let's razor just keep him up they'll be free of the baby Jesus we pray [Music] come on alarm see [Music] [Applause] secrecy see see [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you just do to slip your hands [Music] while you're standing there [Music] lord I want your [Music] everybody's to keep your hands right people discuss the Lord is ministry you know will dismiss in a moment but I think I want you to be here tonight this is gonna be so excited I've got some things just happen I want to share you about the spirit but right now just everybody I want you to just to put your hands up and just you know some of you may be standing in the congregation and you say well I don't have anything particular need God to free me from and I need help from the Lord so for the next few moments we'll just raise your hand and just call the Lord say God I want your help I want your strength God strengthened me in areas of my life where I need your strength God gave me peace of mind I don't want to have a confused mind but I want my mind to be clear it's important that you speak to God with your mouth so everybody front to back open everybody you don't have to do it out loud but just enough to where you can hear yourself pray go ahead kind of a little sing it again while they're praying okay come on hallelujah go ahead and pray thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we've been fasting and we've been praying for revival to shake America it's gonna take preaching and truth like we've heard this morning somebody say Amen we've heard the truth and the truth is gonna make us free indeed and we're gonna get things out of our life amen the bisetta ng things that keep us back from a full move of God and all that God wants to do I have great faith that this is the hour that God is wanting to release a mighty outpouring on our nation mr. Perry and I have been talking about this and there are pockets of what God is doing and friends we believe that this thing is about to take off but God's trying to get his body ready he's trying to get his church ready amen and get us walking in the ways of God and free indeed in the things of God hallelujah how many been blessed by the ministry this morning come on amen we're gonna dismiss you in just a one moment but I'm going to ask as pastor one hundred percent I want us to bless the man of God who's come to share this has been an incredible weekend and my wife and I have personally invested in these meetings and I'm asking every single person to do what you can before you leave this house this morning and let's bless Perry stone for coming to Jacksonville this weekend and then I want you to be back tonight at six o'clock and I want to this afternoon invite your friends and loved ones on social media and encourage people to be here we're believing for a mighty spiritual awaking wakening the Holy Ghost rally tonight amen amen father we thank you for your word and I want to read number six over this congregation we always like to close with this passage this is how God taught Moses to bless the people and the Lord said unto Moses speak unto Aaron and unto his sons and on this wise this is how you will bless my children and everyone lift your hands the Lord bless thee and the Lord keep thee and the Lord make his face to shine upon thee the Lord be gracious unto thee and the Lord lift up his countenance and give you peace you will put my name on your children and I will bless them somebody say you man hey man god bless you you're dismissed in the presence of the Lord be back tonight at 6 o'clock
Channel: Evangel Temple
Views: 19,498
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Length: 79min 21sec (4761 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 30 2018
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