Special Guest: Dutch Sheets

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if you like Redemption to the nation's Church if you like worship if you like the word if you like food and you like give aways all of that a man all of that then we want you to be here on May 21st it is a very very important day we're going to be setting things some things in order and talking about the future and talking about where we go from where we've been and what God is up to and I want you to make it a very very important part of your plans to be here on May 21st because it's going to be a really important day as we launch out into what God has for us this morning we have the distinct privilege of having one of a man who I consider a general in the kingdom of God I was at Ava's house in 2014 when Dutch sheets was breaching there and he came over to me I had never met him before I'd obviously read the book on intercession and I had obviously been in meetings with him I never imagined I would get to know him or meet him but he came over and he laid his hands on me and I won't share all the needs spoke over my life because some of it is for me and it wouldn't make much sense to you but I would tell you this I got so drunk in the Holy Spirit and I don't do that I do when God does it but I had never had that experience before in my life I was wandering around in the parking lot at Ava's house I didn't even know where I was looking for my car the power of God had it not been for Jason stubs finding me wandering around in the parking lot I would have walked off into a creek somewhere and probably to this day would have still been floating down that Creek my life was forever changed that night and God did something in me that really began to set a course of encounter with God that I had never had before many things happened that night but this man is it is a general and I say that in a pure sense he doesn't want me to call him a general in fact I kept trying to call him apostle or prophet or something like that he said Kevin call me Most High Holy Reverend to which he was totally joking he said call me Dutch I'm Dutch and he's here today I believe with a prophetic word that is going to set this house in a direction and in a course that's going to be supernatural how many can agree with me on that right there would you help me welcome a general in the kingdom Dutch sheets god bless you sir as you come to disco [Applause] thank you I'm not man enough to that big podium they rolled out here I'm sorry I'm not I'm just not excuse me actually I oh I probably won't run down here but I will move around up here so I moved the furniture hope that's okay what a great atmosphere in here today do you enjoy the Worshipful isn't that awesome right now I don't do the advertisements well so I'm not going to say much but I'm going to tell you one story about my first book intercessory prayer just to mention that we do have a table out there but this story goes so well with my message that I'm going to say something I don't usually talk about by the way I love your pastors we had a wonderful time look together last night and looking forward to just hanging out some for another day or so and I don't know what it is I looked over at my daughter Hannah and said these guys look like they're 20 years old I mean whatever you're drinking just keep drinking it this it's working but I started receiving prophetic words from people while God start talking to me first back in the early 80s and he said you're going to write books for me on prayer and of course that's happened now but not prior written 20 I don't know 25 books most of them on prayer but when he first told me that I I thought it was it couldn't be God because I never got above a C or D on any paper I ever wrote in high school or college I couldn't write and fact when I would go back and reread what I wrote I couldn't understand what I was saying I confused myself and then a few years later profits started giving me words you're gonna write books I'm everyone prophet said to me you're going to be a prolific writer and I just you know I did did the courtesy thing you know smiled to thank you and when I turned away walked away and they couldn't see my face it was like nobody gets it right all the time I guess even and even after some of those words I started you know trying to write and I same thing I just threw it away because it was so bad and then after 15 years amazing I started getting these words in 81 I wrote my first book in 96 but early in 96 one of the ladies had given me the word well earlier words was in our church and we were doing a meet-and-greet thing and I was on the front row get ready to getting my things together to head to the podium to the platform and she was running around everywhere because she wasn't there often but when she was there she liked to see his neighbor friends as she could so she was running around the room and she went cross in front of me and she got about 8 feet past me and she stopped and she said oh I went since in Cindy Jacobs some of you ever heard what Cindy says oh I know she's got to work Oh and she stopped her looked at me and said oh the Lord says if you don't write the book he's going to give it to somebody else and then she just kept talking and I said wait a minute you can't do they come back here you can't just say that to me before I go out to speak and then just walk off she said well that's all I got and our Romines again I thought he okay what her because the Lord had been dealing me about trying this again and saying this is the time gear in a new season and two weeks later I had a brother then on Wednesday night to speak and he was prophetic and in the middle of his sermon he stopped speaking and he looked at me and he said there's a book in you and it's time to get it out and I thought well I'll try it again and this time it was different just felt like the same anointing I feel when I'm up speaking when it starts coming right up out of here I said well maybe this is okay and that was the beginning that was a book intercessory prayer announced and I'm not sure exactly how many books have sold around the world it's in 30-some languages it's used all over really it's it's an Arab Arabic it's in Hebrew it's in Russian it's in Chinese it's it's pretty hard to take credit for a book when you just what's bed one night you couldn't write your name you woke up the next morning you could write so we do have some things out there that can help you in that that's that's a good book to start with you want to learn how to pray intercessory prayer got another book on the power of hope if you know somebody that's hurting Bible says Hope deferred makes the heart sick you can't run with a sick heart you can't run the race of life and and so I call Hope deferred in the book the common cold of the soul because you can't go through life without experiencing Hope deferred you're going to lose somebody you love you're going to you're going to go broke you're going to be rejected something's going to happen that's gonna set you back and if you don't get your heart healed you'll stop dreaming you'll actually stop living you'll be a walking dead person because something in you that's creative and dreams and beliefs has been damaged so that book will help people recapture hope and vision and faith and the will to go on and there's a devotion on I'll say this and then move on in the message but 15 years ago my wife prophesied to me that one day you will write a book called the pleasure of his company and you will teach people how to connect with the father's heart and so we waited until we knew it was the right time a couple years ago I wrote that book the pleasure of his company it's my favorite of all my books I went to a new level writing that book in my writing and I can and I and I know why it's because of the subject it's because the father so wants to connect with us so it's 30 short chapters you can take a chapter a day meditate on it think about it throughout the day and at the end of the month you will have a new walk with God so that's all out there I'm going to talk to you about seasons today I'm going to talk to you about ages the Bible talks about ages seasons times transition Isaiah 46 verse 10 says God declares the end from the beginning he doesn't start at the beginning he starts at the end we start at the beginning then we try to plan and think our way through to the end but God doesn't do it that way his verse in Isaiah 46:10 says he declares the end from the beginning so he starts at the end and then he backs up knowing what he wants to produce or do so he's not trying to figure it out as God never figures out anything to figure something out you have to not know at some point what you're going to do or what it looks like or how it works so you have to figure it out what God never figures anything out he just moves to what he's already decreed and does the next step he never figures anything out he never gets around to anything he never finally gets around to it because he knows exactly when he wants to do something before he ever gets there so he decrees the end from the beginning and eventually time catches up with his decree so you wonder why you are where you are seasons of your life and why you can't get this done or that done or why you this promise he gave you hasn't happened yet you just have to persevere till time catches up with his decree I had to persevere and writing and try it one more time because time finally caught up with his decree for me there's another great verse excuse me there's another great verse I want to launch into this within in Hebrews chapter 11 verse 3 it's heart hard for the translators to really translate this verse because it's so different it's it says by faith we know the worlds were prepared by the Word of God and we tend to think of that in the context of creation and I suppose that's okay because it does say that all things invisible were made from the invisible but the context that it Springs from is not physical creation it's just the decree of the according to Isaiah 46:10 declaring the end from the beginning so what that verse literally says in Greek is he connects or decrees the ages and the alignment of the ages from the beginning by faith we know that the ages are properly aligned and connected by the Word of God world there's not physical earth in that verse it's ion so he's not talking about physical earth and the first half of the verse he's talking about the ages the ions when it says prepared it's not created it's not the Greek word for create it's cut our deeds of the word for a line we talked about this word last night to properly connect something so we know that the ages are connected by the word of God in other words the God who decreed the end from the beginning knows exactly where he wants you to be when you're 20 he knows where he wants you to be when you're 30 when you're 40 when you're 50 God is not surprised by Isis he's not even surprised by throne I am but he's not because when he started in Genesis 1 he had already written in revelation 22 he had already decreed at the end from the beginning there was already a lamb before there was a fall there was already a crucified lamb in heaven before Adam ever fell and so the word means to properly align the ages or align anything but it also means to realign that's interesting in it because in the Greek the word means to take something and line it up correctly either initially or when it's gotten out of alignment you realign it like setting a bone this is the word for setting a broken bone this is the word for taking a dislocated joint and popping it back into place you put it back into alignment so dog not only knew where he wanted to go from the beginning but he also knew dislocations would happen so from the beginning he decreed I'm going to get to find a man named Abraham and I'm going to enter into covenant with him and he had decreed that and then he decreed the profits and when Israel would mess things up he had already decreed how he was going to snap them back into alignment so a prophet would come in the word of the Lord would speak and sometimes he after seventy years of being out of Jerusalem and things being a mess and everybody thinks it's all over for Israel as we know it because they're even in captivity in another land in fact Abraham's descendants it looked like lost in their destiny for 400 years but the God who declares the end from the beginning had already decreed there's coming a time when I'm gonna deal with this Pharaoh and all the gods of Egypt and he just started snapping things back into alignment and you can't just do that on your own you can't just you know if if I was in charge I would run my life differently you know side of an Abraham Abraham I'm sure he'd have done it a little differently but God decreed not only the alignment of the ages but the realignment of the ages he declared not only your life but I'm going to show you some words here in a minute that he also knew how you would mess up your life some of you he knew you'd be on drugs some of you he knew you would be rejected he knew you would be in prison so he wrote into your story and decreed this is how I'm going to realign them and get them back into the destiny I have them because I'm not I wasn't taken by surprise that I knew I knew they wouldn't get some of them to the point of starting some things till they were 50 but I can do from 50 to 70 more than some people allow me can do from zero to 70 because I'm the God who wrote into their story in advance how I was going to fix it snap it back into alignment and time eventually caught up with my decree it's not that in what you saved though you were 50 he just knew you wouldn't be safe till you were 50 so the God who decrees the end from the beginning and decreased the alignment of the ages or seasons from the beginning just snaps things back into place so you can't go through life without dislocations you can't do that that'd be nice but in a fallen world it's not going to happen so now I'm going to back up and I'm going to break a process down for you that's the big picture he glares the end from the beginning and he knows at every stage how he will realign or just if where everything's okay you'll just move us into that next season but I'm going to give you four or five words from the Greek New Testament that I think are interesting in wonderful pictures of this process because if you're not a visitor here you know that this house is in transition there's a realignment happening there's another there's another phase or season that the God who declares the end from the beginning has never caught by surprise just always knows how to move us into the next season he's never caught off guard he's never nervous he's never frustrated well except with us so the key is always to try to back up in your heart and mind and soul and look at the big picture and say where I where am I in this process of his because life people circumstances have plans for me but the key to all of life is to figure out to find to hear to understand to discern what is he saying to me right now and if I can tap into that even when things have become dislocated if I can tap into what he's saying I can feel it sometimes he just snaps me back into alignment so the first word I'm going to mention to you and this is as a teaching I would not normally do on a Sunday morning I'm not trying to feed you milk today okay I'm trying to go a little deeper today I know so I know there are different levels of maturity here but actually if I if I were honest and I will be honest with you but if I were honest I'd say I'd say I'm really mostly speaking this work for the leadership but I won't say that because it is a word that all of us can can clean from but there's an interesting word in acts 17:26 that says he chooses the times and boundaries of our habitation fascinating verse this God who knows the end from the beginning and is already he already knows the junction points of the ages both corporately nationally internationally and personally he says that he chooses appoints the time and boundary of our habitation that means you're alive today because he wanted you alive today if he'd wanted you to live when Jesus walked there you'd have been alive when Jesus walked there because but he chose the time the Kairos is the Greek word of Kairos of your habitation he also chose the place or the boundary of your habitation if you're in God's will and you live in Chattanooga then you're not here by chance you didn't end up here and he figured out something for you to do here if you're in God's will you're here because he wanted you here which means you're a part of the big picture somehow if you're an American you're an American for a reason because he chose he chose your time and your habitation and if he does everything for a purpose that means you have some role to play in this place in this city in this nation that he carved out for you and declared from the beginning what your role would be in that that means unless he does something by chance that gets caught off guard which we know is not true but because he starts at the end and then backs up to the beginning the very fact that you're here now means you have something we need you have something he needs you're not an accident and the word appointed he appoints the times and boundaries of their habitation of our habitation is a very strong word the word appoint if you look up Protoss o in the Greek New Testament it will say that it means a specific command for specific purpose a specific command for a specific purpose so God commanded that you would exist a very specific command that you would exist now and live where where he wants you literally you could you could you could go elsewhere but he knows where he wants you he gave a specific command for a specific purpose there's a reason then there is the Greek word Pro or reads oh the Pro does in Greek what free does in English I'll get the pro a reason let me do prothesis first pro thesis pre thesis can you obviously hear the word English word thesis a thesis is something you're right about or present verbally the purpose for something well how it why it exists how it works you taught you give the an explanation on it so the word for purpose when you're called it going to his purpose he created you with the purpose prothesis means that God pre thesis to your life Psalm 139 says he wrote about you before you were ever born the God who declares the end from the beginning wrote about you and he finished the last chapter before you were ever born he preachy cysts your life we get our English word prosthesis from it because a prosthesis is something in our language that restores purpose it's an artificial body part that restores purpose to something so God even even uses this word in Romans 8:28 verse says all things work together for the good of those that love God are called corneas purpose he sticks this word in there prosthesis meaning that there's nothing Satan can cut off from your life or take out of your life that can catch God by surprise he's already written into your story how he's going to work that together for your good and when the enemy thinks he's taking your arm God's gonna give you another arm and his prosthesis is not man-made it's fully restored purpose so he has three pieces your life and even when the enemy tries to interrupt and dislocate he's already decreed and written about you about each one of us how he's going to restore purpose fully and reverse everything the enemy meant for evil and turn it into something good and when I thought I had a dislocation that would keep me from ever being everything I needed to be he knows he will snap me back into place and heal my broken bone and restore purpose to that part of me and nothing the enemy could ever do unless I allow him nothing he could ever do nothing I could ever walk through nothing anybody could ever do to me can ever steal from me my purpose can't happen [Applause] he precisas you I believe he does this with nations in 1607 when they landed at Cape Henry they planted a cross on the beach Robert had prophesied from the gospel about this from these shores the gospel will go not only to this nation but to the ends of the earth that's the first thing they said in the first seven when they first landed in 1607 and planted across in America they decreed the purpose that God had already written about for this nation from these shores the gospel will go forth to all the ends of the earth but he's done that for you personally so I'm alive today because God wanted me alive today I'm doing what I'm doing because he planned it for me to do this and sometimes when I'm struggling with where I am in the process I just stop for a season and I back up and I said Lord what did you write about me for 2017 I don't want to just stumble my way into this and hope for the best I'm going to back up here and say what did you decreased alter my purpose I do the same thing I back up and say Lord what did you write about this situation there's another great word in Ephesians we are his workmanship created in Christ Jesus for good works which he prepared for us ahead of time he's always doing things ahead of time he's always out there way out there we just walk into he prepared good works for us we are his workmanship plain uh can hear word poem this is any any craftsman writer tailor seamstress Potter who who is who takes something when it's a piece of garment or a hunk of clay and transforms it into something else the word would be playing so it's stored for poem we are his poem you could translate that way workmanship is used in the King James Version it's the context in this passage probably is a tailor or a seamstress making a garment we are the garment that he is making we are the outfit that he wants to wear he wants you to put him on but he's going to put you on so he gets in here you become his outfit we are his workmanship created in Christ Jesus for good works Agatha's not Carlos I've told you I'm not doing milk today Agatha's not Carlos call us our good works or something that is good that looks good but it has no practical purpose it's just something you hang on the wall Agatha is good works good not only looks good but does something profitable practical so always when it's Agatha the New Testament they always if they do a good job translating depend on the translation but they do a good job they always add the word works because it's not just you're being good or you look good it's your doing something good so he has good works that he has planned for us as his workmanship and innocence which he prepared ahead of time and that's pro there's that pro word again pro ecto Amazo which means literally in greek to measure in advance well that's consistent is it with a seamstress or a tailor because if you were going to make a suit for someone you're a tailor you would measure them first because you're not going to make it 38 inch waist you're going to make 38 and a quarter inch waist you're not going to have 32 inch length you're going to have 32 and 5/8 because when you're finished you want to tailor may that suit just for them so when this passage says that God measures us in advance what it's saying is he knew ahead of time what he wanted to do with you so he measured you he put in you the things that you would need when he was forming you this guy's gonna need to be a good speaker this guy's he's going to need this kind of personality because he's going to be a bean-counter he'll sit in office in crunch numbers this person she's going to be a stay-at-home mom that's what I want for her she's going to raise some world changers for me he made me the way I am because he knew what he wanted to do with me because he declares the end from the beginning and so the God who previous my life and plan works for me ahead of time measured me and made me the way I needed to be and I used to not like myself but now I'm okay with myself and he knew that I some people think I'm antisocial I'm not anti-social you still like to be around people too much I'm just not very social I'm a people lover but I'm not a people person so I you know I can do it but my favorite person to hang out with is me because I just leave me alone and I I talked to me only when I want somebody to talk to me and if I don't want to answer I don't even answer but you know what do you know why he made me this way he made me that way if you don't like it that's just kind of your problem because he made me their way this way I used to try to be different but then I realized he made me this way you don't he made me this way because he knew I spend half my life in hotel rooms he knew I would have to be okay with just being in my own little world it's been half my life away from my family then I could deal with that and make it work he knew that the way he wired me to teach and to write and I'm not going to put together a sermon just to get people excited he knew that I want this guy to be a teacher as well as a prophetic speaker and a episodes picture so so I'm going to wire him in a way that he he's that he loves to sit and he will ponder one word for 10 hours don't think I've never done that and I've written the same paragraph in a book probably if some of them I've written them 30 times I don't like that i'ma do it this way and I'm not bored with that I love it and I don't like the computer stuff you know helps I like books spread all over the place I like to do it the way Jesus and Paul did it they didn't use computers they had real Bibles well did not look well they had real books okay he made me the way he needed me because he had works planned for me which he decreed ahead of time and wrote about me before I was ever born and I'm moving day by day and age by age and season by season sometimes having to be snapped back into place but I'm moving toward the good works that he prepared for me ahead of time and age to age in my life he just snaps me into place and when I get off a little bit he just snaps me back and when somebody else tries to take me out he just snaps me right out of prison and moves me to the throne and when they try to make me live in caves and say I know you're anointed to be king but you're never going to be king I'm going to be king he just keeps right on Places well I've done I wrote about you David when when they put you in that cave and you had to hide out he thought that they were just this just happened because of that they're so great and they can for my purposes but I wanted you to write a few songs for me and I wanted you to write in a dark cave where there was no light with a little candle I wanted you to write the Lord is my light and my salvation whom shall I fear the hosting camps against me in spite of this I will be competent somebody's got to write this for me so along the way on your journey some of the good works that I prepared for you ahead of time and I wrote about you was that you would write some Psalms for me in Cades in fact he would write Psalm 23 for me that it's been quoted and used by the most quoted passage of on anything by anybody anywhere in the world ever so you you're going to have to you're going to have to endure a little bit of difficulty here because I need you to write some things for me to help that person in 2015 or 16 or 17 that's going through a hard time they're going to need what I'm giving you right now because I've decreed way past you David but he also decreed didn't he that they'll come a time I'll just snap you right out of the cave and them to the throne so he makes us the way we are all of life really the the goal of life should be ongoingly find out who am i what did he write about me what does he want for my life in this season and if you're not there where you need to be you allow them to make course corrections and snap you back in doing it don't say too much about this but Satan is always trying to get you to deviate from the story that God wrote he knows he can't stop god unless unless unless he can stop the person the God wants to use where's your noggin he's not going to ultimately stop God but if you don't cooperate he can stop like I wanted to do to you that was in some other way sometimes he has to wait 40 years and find another generation that will do what he wanted to do what he'll get what he wants but even when he has to wait 40 years he knows the end from the beginning so he knew he'd have to wait 40 years and he's not trying to figure it out he just looked ahead and said I'm not gonna be able to do this to time just God so I'm gonna give them a chance they're not gonna do it but I'm gonna have Joshua do it so I don't want him to look at have looked at our generation and had to and time's going to tell because they're going to read our history in a few years time time will tell but I want him to have looked ahead at this generation and said they served my purpose and they did what I wanted I don't want to look back when I'm buried and see that what he saw about us was a generation that wouldn't cooperate so he had to find another one to restore this nation and get done what he wants to do I don't want that to happen I don't know what he saw but I think I know what he saw I think he saw a generation that's going to rise up and introduce the third Great Awakening in the earth and restore this nation but reap the greatest harvest in our day the greatest harvest of souls that have ever been reaped in the history of humankind that's what I think he's all about this generation I know that's what he wants for this generation and I don't think he's got to wait 50 years to get that done I think he saw generations going to do it right now and we got off track and the church got off track and America got off track but he also wrote in our story how he's going to snap this nation back into place he knew who he's going to have to have in this position this position he could have to raise up this he's going to put this down he goes deal with this he going to do that he's people going to deal with curses and the shedding of innocent blood and idolatry and all this stuff that goes on but he knew how he was snap this thing back into place so aids could connect to AIDS because he declared good works not only for people but for nations so you have to determine that the enemy's not going to he's not going to get you out of you going to let bitterness you're not going to let confusion you're not gonna let discouragement you're not gonna let Hope deferred you're not gonna let ignorance you're not going to let unbelief you're not going to let anything get you dislocated and keep you dislocated you gonna stay in the will of God for your life so you can find the next chapter he measured you whatever he wants for you maybe not what you're doing but what he wants for you you're a perfect fit Pro at door mob zone now I got another one you don't like this Greek stuff you got issues this is good stuff I love this Greek stuff I love these work studies Pro or reads o PR o o RI z o or reads o if I said arise o if I put an H on the front and end on the end not have horizon when we get our English word horizon from orede so because it needs a boundary once I have to do it horizon well horizon is the boundary as far as you can see where the earth meets the sky that's the boundary it's a word that means a measured distance or portion of something a sphere measured distance ProRes o pre horizon translated destined a destiny means a pre horizon to your life he actually pre horizon every stage of your life he knew where he would be wanted to get you in this stage then he will knew where he wanted to take you in the next stage he pre horizon this is why you need a mark to press toward because he created a mark for you but you won't have one finish line at the end of your life you'll have several finish lines that he has written for you or marked for you because he will take you from stage to stage your own personal age to age so pre horizon we usually translate the word in the New Testament predestined and we get these you know we can we can figure it Christians can figure out anything to fight over we can always figure out something to fight over and we can always take a simple doctrine and make it really complicated and weird and so people fight over predestination make a doctrine out of it but I realized the more I studied this word that predestined just means to predestined you don't need big books on theology it just means to destined something or someone ahead of time it means God had a plan in advance it means he knew what he wanted to do with you ahead of time it means he wrote about it ahead of time it means he's not trying to figure out what to do with you and you got saved heaven didn't get nervous and go into a lot of activity saying Joe caught us by surprise find something for him to do it means that listen if you were born in circumstances there weren't Pleasant if you're the product of rape or or mom and dad didn't plan you it means that God he knew you were coming he planned your life and wrote about you that you may have been an accident to mom and dad but you weren't to God and say everybody most people know by now James Robison has preached to millions and now feeds and clothes millions around the world James Robinson was the product of a rape his mom was raped sided not to abort him and I know if she raised him I don't remember that far the story gave him up for adoption but he was that he was the result of a rape god turning something horrible into oh but I have a plan for this baby oh but I have a history is that taking what Satan tries to do and God working it for His purposes predestined never caught by surprise Pro or read zone sometimes I'm going through a tough place I just like to back up in my heart not back up from the battle I mean just get rid of different perspectives you say I know one man's trying to write lord what did you write you probably want to use this to launch me chiropractor setting it back of adjusting you is cut our teeth oh god lays you on his table says don't worry about what they're doing let me just use this situation to snap you into your next season do you see how that hurt good that felt really good what did you what are you doing what are you doing it's the greatest question the best question you can ever ask not why the best question is what are you doing I know what they're doing what are you doing so sewed it said there so some boss did there's somebody black layer or to stab me in the back and took my promotion you know they did they did he did she did what what are you doing what did you write about me there's nothing enemy can do that you didn't already understand how you gonna take it and just use it to give me a promotion from heaven what are you doing what did you destined for me then you you know you go through each season fulfilling what God planned for you as you move toward that horizon you know I've gone through probably four distinct phases in my ministry and I first started I was a worship leader the bar was pretty low at that point in time but I was a worship leader I mean I'm talking about the this is the day this is the day I mean you know I've got the joy joy joy yeah but I was good at that stuff I want you to know I was really good I was worship leader Christ for the nations and it was okay because I could I could do it because I could unlike now I could carry a tune back then but but really I could just do it because I was a worshiper and all you had to do back then if you get up and worship people follow you now you have to know all these signals and when the jump we're not to jump from these guys are all watching it's a lot different now you have to be pretty good at it back then you just had to worship I'm not being cynical on it and I kind of turned out the way a different way than what I was trying to make it I could never do all this stuff I'm not that administrative I'm just real simple and I could never dress well enough to be a worship leader leader I don't look good in some of those clothes anymore so anyway but then then he he brought me to the end of that phase and people were saying to me you trying to hire me come to this church and do this you know do the worshipping and I'm a worshiper but I'm not fulfilled doing this because that's just just because I'm a worshiper doesn't mean I'm a worship leader and it's done anyway so I moved into a new phase and I moved into missions and God took me all over the world for a while with the Guatemala on us all entire villages come to Jesus and miracles that were just crazy and you know and I just became passionate about missions and then I became a teacher people's hearts you know God CC and I were tried to get God to let us move to another country and just be a full-time missionary but God said no I don't want you to do that and I said you know I felt it's disappointed I felt like what have I done to disappoint him or why won't he let us do this it's in her heart did we fail him somewhere and then it became clear not anything to do with that it's just that phase is over I needed to put some things in your life and used you but we need to put some things in you for what ultimately I will do in the future but that's not your ultimate purpose so then he move B to another phase and I became a teacher and I realized you know I can I can connect the dots for people I can dig in do the work for them I can spend 30 40 hours on a message and I can break down these words and I can help them understand scripture and I've spent some subjects and books I've written I've spent thousands of hours studying that's thousands and I can do that and I like it and then he started moving me into more prophetic ministry and apostolic ministry helping other leaders and that was interesting because you know to get a to get a teacher moving how long I've been going here I'm sure it's about time to stop but we'll try to wrap this up because I know you're about to cut rt2 and shift into hunger mode number I'm going to lose you and that happened someone try to finish this but you know my teaching thing got in the way of the prophetic thing because you know I'm very didactic and I'm very you know structured and you know what I'm speaking teaching you know I start teaching in a Bible School and you know I my messages were fifty minutes not 49 not 51 because when the bell rang it was over and they're going to go whether I'm finished or not so so I knew it thirty one minutes where I would be and I had ten pages of notes and fifteen Greek words and not you know and then God started he would he would he would let me know during the worship that those notes you have in there that's not what I want to say today and it sometimes it be time for me to be introduced and I I'd still be knowing I don't know what he wants to do and in it and then finally you know sometimes I'd be sitting out as the guest speaker looking at the worshipers going keep going keep going come up and say do another song they would think I was into their worship maybe I was but really what I was doing was stalling because I didn't know what to do and the Lord finally just said to me you know what you're going to have to cross over into this new phase because if you keep thinking the way you thought in the last phase you have to be able to do this you're gonna have to let me connect with another part of you that I haven't connected with yet because everything's from your didactic part of your mind but that intuitive gift prophetic thing that will allow you to hear and listen and discern by the spirit you don't have that developed very well so you're going to have to you're going to have to let me shift you into another season so I allow him to do that so I'm going to finish with this verse somebody's telling me to finish so I'm going to finish so I love this passage acts 13 where the Lord said separate to me Paul and Barnabas for what I've chosen and called him to do this law not like Paul and Barnabas hadn't been doing anything they were leaders at Antioch and they were great leaders teachers apostles but the Lord was essentially saying I'm moving them into another phase so I need you to separate unto me Paul and Barnabas separate unto me does not mean help them become closer to me the word is offer Reed's own proa reeds o means to pre horizon offer ease of Uppal arezzo means from that horizon so what you've been moving toward you just crossed over into the new and now you're moving from that horizon so it's Oppo Rito so you're moving from that's why it's towards separating Greek because it's make its separating from that but even when you separate and you move from this one you're moving toward another one so you're always in a Provo reads oh and offer eats it I don't know if you got that but I know it's close to lunchtime but so separate to me we help them cross over into this new place because they've come to one of these boundary lines and now I need them to be not just pastors or teachers at Antioch I need them to blaze a trail for the gospel to other nations they're moving into the next phase I did every bit it is today to get to this point under the Lord clearly say separate unto me Kevin and Devin for the next phase of what I'll call them to do because they're going into another season of what I wrote for them and it's okay this not look up you're forcing it it's okay to not know exactly what this looks like now that goes against the grain of who you are but I'm slapping you upside the head in the spirit right now saying it's okay it's I'm not going to slap him really because he's bigger than me but I'm gonna say it's okay I'm not saying that because I picked up that he's worried or discouraged I'm just saying that because I know your nature but gods can get you in touch with another part of who you are right now and say you've done these things and see when God says move over and cross over in a new season and you were doing this now you go to this and says if this was wrong doesn't mean that I was wrong when I was doing missions or being a teacher it meant that that was all part of transforming into an apostle and I had to go through this phase in this phase in this phase in this phase and just kept snapping me into place because ultimately he's going to say awful reads oh me Dutch sheets and he did that in 2000 he knocked me to the floor and angel said on my chest for 45 minutes and mantled me for this nation and when it happened I thought I was going to die and I begged God not to kill me because my body had no way to in my mind had no way to process what was happening in me because I felt like somebody stuck a spiritual hypodermic needle in me and sucked out everything in me and put something else in me and I didn't have a mantle and apostolic mantle to this nation before this experience but when I got off the floor I did and Holy Ghost said separate me because you just cross from one sphere season boundary into the next now separate Dutch to me for something else and I stepped into a tart a new place and I had to start getting in touch with some new gifts and start letting him go deep in me awaken some things that hadn't been awakened before not because I was falling short anywhere it's because there was a part of the well of salvation in me he wouldn't uncap yet because he didn't want me trying to do this before my time he will be trying to do some things before he had me ready in the nation ready we weren't in that age we hadn't caught up to that decree but when it all came together at the right time he just snapped me into place and crossed me over and said now I'm going to have to do some things and I'm gonna pull out some gifts in you you didn't know you had you're going to think differently you're going to speak differently you're going to write differently because I I need I need a different anointing to be floating through you in this season so what that means Kevin is this is not pleasant place you don't really know who you are right now you know who you are in God you know what he's helped you do but you don't know fully well you're about to become there's a great word for destiny in the Old Testament is off Corinth and this is really well because authoress is translated sometimes purpose I'll cure if the same Hebrew word it's the same Hebrew word for what's behind as it is for what's ahead that's weird in it what's behind and what's ahead are the same word you know what because the Greek is a picture letter to Hebrew it's a picture language and the Hebrews picture a person going into the future they pictured like somebody rowing a boat I want to roll off the platform here you back into your future so what's behind and what is ahead is the same word it's a great picture what's what happens when you get to one of these transition points because you have to roll by faith and you don't even roll this way when you roll in a boat because if you do that you'll start rolling in circles and I've done that before not only in a boat but in life and you really don't want to do that because you waste a lot of time just to get back to where you started but you line up with where he's had you and most of the time when you're rolling you're here you're looking this direction right Upton you have a word but the words just used to row by faith that's what you really do is you line up with what he's been doing and saying you so you're gonna you're going to pull on things and gifts and anointings from the past but you're gonna have to row into some new gifts do you not call just a pastor church oh I know you you guys would have to know you're not called just to a congregation you're called to a region and in some ways beyond that region emissions that kind of thing but some people are allowed to just pasture a small car I'm not sighs not the issue but corrugation of people and their whole focus is just God says take care of this but then there are people that God says I need you to think a little differently because won't you pass your city I want you to extend my kingdom influence into this region you're going to hear him to stop if you haven't already you're going to stop spending most of your day and week thinking how do I grow this how do i how do I lead this you're going to start thinking what can I do with this to impact this because that's apostolic thank you see pastoral thinking is how do I take care of these sheep Epis taluk thinking is how do we reach and take care of all these sheep okay not just this house so I heard the Lord just very clearly say acts 13 separate to me Kevin Devon separate to me help them cross over today into the next phase that I've commanded ahead of time that they cross over into so I'm going to Commission you I lay my hands on you and Commission you I had I've been commissioned several times I've been degree commissioned just okay Lord says you're doing that now would do this I know going too long forgive me okay forgive me I just felt like I had to unpack this word for you okay come on this oil then I'm going to hand it to you to close do whatever you want a little way of personal ministry all that I'm gonna I'm also hearing the Lord say these guys don't know I was going to do this by the way they're trusting me with a lot up here today but I know I'm hearing God so I'm going to do it okay not only am I going to recommission you and their romantic romantic doesn't mean you lost your mantle it means you were doing this now God's going to wrap something bigger and a little different around you to empower and enable you to do some things you weren't doing before now you're you listen I know this is hard but you're not finished going through a season where you're going to be saying God I don't know who I am and the word of the Lord to you I've already said it once I must say it again that's okay you just have to keep growing because God is Romanticism a purpose a plan that time has caught up with for this region and for the earth but he has you on a pace to match that so now you get across into this can you get an agreement with me for this all you people that call this place home because if he gets free Commission Andrey mantled guess what whatever is on the head flows down he can't do this without a core group of people that are willing to go with him wherever God takes him so I just released to you now on new anointing Irie commissioned you andrey mantle you for the next phase that you cross over into now I call you into it I say the past was good but the past was to give you to the better and the Lord says I'm going to move you now into this a new place so you were moving toward now you're moving from and I'm giving you a new mark depressed tour so I say over here to you rise up in Jesus name into this news thority he's giving you in the earth I separate you to the work he has called you to do I allow you to cross over now in Jesus name this house allows you to cross over the angelic forces that are assigned to you allow you to cross everything says cross over into the nude and I will show you I will show you the new use the you that I have created for this season and you're going to think a little differently and you're going to preach a little differently you're going to handle your your day to day routine a little differently you're going to be bold as you've always been but you will be bolder than you've ever been you will move more in the spirit of wisdom and revelation than you've ever moved into for you you will be stronger you will have more apostolic wisdom prophetic discernment you will understand my ways like never before the Lord says I will show you things that I've not been able to show you before because when I show you you immediately want to do it but I but I have been doing things behind the scenes to prepare you and now when I show you the next piece it's all going to make sense and you daughter you just go ahead and keep prophesying and you keep praying and you keep believing because you're a part of this whole mix he can't do without you when I want him to do and you can't do without him and you both know that so I just say you cross over as well and I release you into the next level of what God has for you in Jesus name and I say step fully into that apostolic mantle now Kevin step fully into that mantle that thinks not just this house but how can I plant more houses how can I raise up other ministries to do what they're called to do how can I transform this part of the earth that part of the earth Lord says I'm going to let millions of dollars go through this house into the harvest fields of the world because you're willing to not just think about this house you're willing to think about my house and you think about willing to think about those that have never heard and I'm going to give you the this house the pleasure of sewing my gospel into people that have never before heard it and you're going to help feed you're going to help clothe but you're going to help but you're going to give the gospel to them you're going to be you're going to be breaking out into new arenas and new spheres of influence the Lord says so keep rolling keep tapping in to your story because the Lord says your best days are not behind you your best days are interview you best days are ahead of you I'll speak peace over you peace he's to walk through this transition ease all you have to do is keep rolling keep your eyes on what he's told you already you move you into the loo and you know just like Paul moved into not only a new assignment good a new level of authority the Lord says today I move you into a higher level of authority miracles will increase the power in your words will increase the anointing to deliver will increase at the anointing - father will increase because you've been a faithful son now I'm going to make you faithful father another mole what God's doing with him if he can't get up here and finish this service somebody be ready to do it whoever's next in line because I'm going to pray over the house then I'm handing it to you raise your hands father now release a fresh anointing to this house to the leaders to the elders to the staff to the workers to the children's workers to the youth workers the single young adults a release and ability for each person here to cross over into the next season cross over into the next season to cross over into next season Lord let there be a strong anointing strength apiece revelation all that is needed to take this place to the next level what you want to do I release over this congregation in Jesus name [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] down before we go to sleep those hands [Music] [Music] as the Lord has has shifted I passes into a new season he shifted us so father we praise you now for the shift from one season to the next [Music] father I declare over this house Ephesians three and 20 and now unto Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above more than we can ask father we thank you that you've given us pastors after your own heart that continue to feed us with wisdom and knowledge that come from you [Music] her father truly has the men just declare where you lead God we will follow we will go with you all the way now father as we prepare to leave this place but never ever from your presence keep your angels in camp around about us whole day and all father will be so careful to give you all the braids all the glory we give you glory now in Jesus name family we'll see you Wednesday night 6:30 right here this sanctuary [Music] Oh [Music] [Music]
Channel: Redemption to the Nations Church
Views: 1,949
Rating: 4.8518519 out of 5
Keywords: redemption, nations, church, chattanooga, tn, tennessee, spirit, spirit-filled, pentecostal, kevin wallace, deven wallace, zion project, women of fire, ruach, ruach conference, highland park, love, rsm, redemption to the nations church, redemption to the nations, nation, school ministry, school of ministry, redemption school, dutch sheets, dutch, sheets
Id: xoj1g88mLlk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 55sec (4915 seconds)
Published: Wed May 10 2017
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