Is There a King in Thee?

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pastor Walmart was saying children's check-in is still in the place it's always been but after first service we will exit through the sad we have sad doors on both sides of the sanctuary and in those sad winged lobbies on your way out that's how we're going to do checkout for our children because if we release this group of people out into the lobby on the way out would be mass confusion with the second group coming in so we want to do things decently in order amen and so that is a bit of housekeeping on that lastly I want to make sure and Devin you need to come make an announcement about the Seder meal because I'll butcher something comes down please with me obey don't she look lovely all Easter everybody say Eastern Resurrection Sunday is coming up and we have a lot of stuff going on resurrection weekend first of all Good Friday is at 1:00 p.m. make plans to be here will be hosting seven different pastors from churches in the community here and their congregations will join us and we're just gonna have a great time of fellowship a great time of being together in the presence of the Lord they're going to be preaching on the seven last sayings of Jesus that he spoke from the cross that's it 1:00 p.m. on March 30th good Friday right here then on Saturday March 31st it is our Highland Park community block party our Hope fest that's going to be 11:00 until 2:00 p.m. we're gonna be giving away food there's gonna be lots of fun and at the end weather permitting we're gonna have a helicopter that drops over 20,000 eggs out of a helicopter onto the soccer field and we're gonna watch thousands of kids just run over each other it's going to be absolutely fantastic and you don't want to miss it you don't want to miss bringing your kid to get trampled it's going to be great so make sure they come with an Easter basket or bag or something it's going to be great we want you to be there and then Resurrection Sunday look at somebody right now say neighbor I'm praying for Resurrection Sunday that more people will be saved on Resurrection Sunday then any day in the history of our church come on let's give God praise in advance for that so on your way out today please if you haven't helped us grab these these are all free they're already printed it's a nice like card invite thing for you to give to your friends family neighbors co-workers people you love people you hate would be really good bring them to church and you can both get saved on the same day it'll be fantastic so make sure you get these on the way out and you can give these away to people it's going to be a fantastic weekend and we want you to make plans to be a part of all of it baby what is this announcement about the Seder meal if you want to go a little deeper into the meaning behind the Easter which is Passover on April 7th at 6 p.m. in our redemption to the nation's Jim our school will be hosting for the church our annual Seder meal so we'll be having a Seder meal for our students during the day this is for our church family and for you as adults to come over dr. Reginald Lynn's the bee we'll be doing that Seder meal it does include an awesome dinner but it will absolutely walk you through all the steps of Passover and a deeper understanding of what Christ came and did at the time we celebrate Easter so tickets are available in the lobby today and you can stop by and get those thank you can you tell her just how much you love her and she goes back to her seat because if you don't tell her I will I see some of my very best friends and all the world back there Tim and Jodie Cushman I love you thank you for coming to worship with us today you will always be family to us and we're honored that you're here god bless you I want you to take your Bible open it to two places [Music] Micah chapter 4 and Romans chapter 5 Micah for if you don't know where Micah is fake it and look on the screen in just a moment [Music] Chad let's put up the Romans passage first please Romans 5:17 my subject today is there no king in thee is there no king in thee verse 17 Romans 5 for if by one man's offense death reigned by one much more they which receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life by one Jesus Christ how many know that if sin reigned to death it's in order for us to praise God that through grace and righteousness given by Christ we are able now to reign in life because somebody say neighbor is time to reign now go to Micah chapter 4 verse 9 Micah chapter 4 verse 9 now why does thou cry out aloud is there no king in thee is that counselor perished for pangs have taken me as a woman in travail is there no king in the look at your neighbor asked them neighbor is there a king in you I don't know if they appreciated it so look over at the other neighbor and tell them say is there a king in you let's pray I love you Jesus I'm thankful that you've called me out of darkness into your marvelous light I'm grateful for the grace that rescued my falling soul I'm thankful for mercy that kept me from having from having what I deserved and grace that gave me what I didn't deserve I'm thankful father God that you've given me people in my life Lord who've taught me the way of truth and righteousness and today Oh God I'm asking you to teach us in this place teach us truth about who we are in Christ open up our hearts and minds and let us understand and know let us receive revelation as to our identity in Jesus I pray today that someone would be stirred up out of a posture of defeat into a posture of victory and we thank you God today for what you've intended from the foundation of the world to do in this meeting and I praise your God that before we leave every person who has felt overcome defeated and overwhelmed by the vicissitudes and the problems of this life today they're coming back today they're bouncing back today they're rising up today I thank you in advance that somebody is going to remember the king that is in them in Jesus name and everybody said a man and a man can be seated let me just kind of intro this message this way sometimes because of the gracious gracious nature of our Father we stumble on two things that surprised us that we weren't expecting and you just kind of have to know those moments when they happen that God is trying to say something or do something or may manifest or perform something in your life you weren't expecting and for me that happened last week as I was preaching I really felt like God in that sermon last week somewhere in that message last week God began to touch my heart and say I want you to press in a little deeper with this thing regarding the king the king in us how many were here last Sunday we talked last Sunday about the kings of Israel and Judah and the seat of authority the throne on which the Kings were to sit and then we come to the end of that message and we talked about how joash was the lineage of David of the lineage of David was created for that seat of authority but somebody had his seat God had to remove that person and put joash the rightful heir in the place of authority and I don't know where it happened last week but God really began to work in my spirit about this thing of Kings and this thing of the King in US I am grateful for all of the revelation that has began to infiltrate the church and I believe it is a thing that God has inspired and induced but it is a revelation of the kingdom of God I don't know if you've heard it or not or you can put your finger on it or not but to me it seems obvious that in the last several years God has really began to put a magnifying glass on the message of the kingdom in the house of the Lord I think God is fed up with religion and I think God is tired of people going through church emotions I think God is really warning his people to be a kingdom advancing agency in the house of the Lord in in the earth in the nation in the city that God's planted us how many would agree with us that the church is not just an organization it's not just an institution the church is the ekklesia that called out legislative body of heaven and on earth we are to preach not just a message of the gospel don't miss this we are to preach the gospel but we are to preach the gospel that Jesus preached and the gospel that Jesus preached is the gospel of the kingdom the Bible tells us that he preached the kingdom everywhere he went the first message he preached when he walked up on the scene was a message of the kingdom the first thing John the Baptist preached when John the Baptist came upon the scene was repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand the first message the disciples preached when he sent them out in Luke 9 is the message of the kingdom the first message they preached after he died and rose again was the message of the kingdom why because the kingdom of God is God's eternal perfect plan being manifested in the earth and I don't know about you but I don't want us to waste our time our energy our resource resources preaching a kingdom that is not the kingdom of God I don't want us to focus all of our attention even on just growing this church there is something bigger in the earth going on than our local churches and if churches don't buy into the message of the kingdom the kingdom will never be advanced because we will spend all of our time all of our resources and all of our energy promoting ourselves rather than reminding the earth that there is a king who has a kingdom and one day he's coming back and those who are faithful now will rule and reign with him for a thousand years amen there is a king assignment on your life there is an assignment to operate in authority as a king and priest of God now because of this Kingdom message that has permeated the house of the Lord minds are beginning to change people are beginning to think strategically come on I'm grateful that one day I believe in the rapture can I just get that off my chest I believe we're going to heaven one day I believe in the rapture but sometimes in the past we were so rapture minded that we were no earthly good I want to be ready to go but I want to know what to do in case he wants me to stay a while y'all helping nobody today we keep jumping up off the ground trying to do rapture drills and God is trying to get us to plant our feet on cities and communities and tell the devil you cannot have Chattanooga yes we're going to heaven but before we go we plan on breaking down some strongholds and we plan on seeing Jesus in us run the devil out of business Kingdom message has began to infiltrate the hearts and the minds of the people in churches where the kingdom is being taught now because the kingdom message and I'm easing into this but because the kingdom message has really began to take hold and Rutten become a pillar of Revelation in the house of the Lord it has as a byproduct a proper identity began to help the people of God realized who they are in Christ a byproduct of preaching the kingdom is that people become more equipped with an understanding of who they are in God I must say it one more time a byproduct of preaching the kingdom of God is that people sitting underneath that preaching should become more aware of who they are in Christ when you start talking about the kingdom you shift from a church member to a kingdom ambassador oh god I don't have time to go into that but a church member can warm up you and feel like they did their job a kingdom ambassador understands their real assignment begins on Monday morning when they wake up Oh y'all see this is too heavy for some people the church is not here to serve just to serve needs and to meet our spiritual needs to certain the church is here as the ekklesia of God to give marching orders to the people of God so that have a purpose to run with and the message of the kingdom has become a pillar and through that as a byproduct we're beginning to understand who we are in God the Bible is actually full of knowledge regarding who we are in Christ individually we are called disciples individually we are called believers we're called witnesses individually we are called a new creation a child of God a heir and a joint heir a citizen an ambassador a chosen one a saint a brother a sister the Bible has much to say about who we are in Christ that's individually corporately the Bible says corporately that we are the body of Christ corporately we are the people of God corporately we are the children of God corporately we are the chosen of the Lord corporately we are the redeemed the spirits of just men made perfect corporately we are called Zion corporately we are called the family of God the household of faith the church the ecclesia that called out once there is a revelation of who we are in Christ as the Kingdom message begins to be preached and declared and revealed in the earth but one of the assignments and the name given by the Word of God to believers in the scripture that is most ignored is this whole issue of kings we just don't talk about this much in the church we don't see ourselves as kings and priests of God but I want to tell you from Genesis to Revelation the revelation of God over you and I is that we would be kings it didn't even just begin with Jesus it began in Genesis chapter 17 when God took a man named Abram and said I want you to go out and look at the sky now I want you to get this this was this is profound I think it's powerful I think it was powerful for me I hope it's powerful and it means something to you God said in the daytime go look at the sands on the seashore as plenteous as the sand is on the shore of the ocean that's how many sons and daughters and that's how fruitful your loins will be then at nighttime he said go out of your tent and look up in the sky and look at all those stars see all those stars those stars are indicative of the kind of fruit that would be in your loins it doesn't matter if you're in a day season and you see the sand or you're in a night season and can't see anything there is always a revelation that exists for you no matter what season that you're in that there is something greater coming out of your life hallelujah and I don't know if it's the sand you're seeing today or if you're in the night season and all you can see is the black sky and the stars lighted up I want you to know it is a reminder that God is not through with your life yet and he has more in store for you in your future cop tells Abram in Genesis 17 verse 6 he said out of your loins will come nations and kings this is in Genesis 17 verse 6 before Jesus ever come he says to Abram out of your loins will come nations and kings I find it interesting that nations and kings are synonymous and they go together God would never give a nation without somebody who would properly steward those people in that nation Kings would come out of the loins of Abram because God intended for the earth to be filled with men and women who had the heart and the nature of the Father and would rule and reign with them with the heart of God that is the most impressive thing about David family the most impressive thing about David is that David had the heart of God did David make mistakes yes but did God keep his hand on David yes why because you can fall down but still keep a right heart don't miss it you can have made a mistake but still love God you can have blown it royally but God still love you and have his eye on you because he knows on the backside of a sheep field somewhere you're gonna pull out a harp and you're gonna beat on a temper and you're gonna write Psalms and you're gonna sing songs because if he ever put a gift on your life come on somebody I don't care how messed up you feel today he can reach down and redeem every mistake and get the glory for it if you'll run back to him Kings shall come out of thee then you skip over to Revelation chapter 1 verse 6 the Bible said he made us kings and priests under God then you flip over to Revelation chapter 5 the Bible said that he made us unto our God both kings and priests it's exactly what Peter was talking about in 1st Peter chapter 2 when he said you are a chosen generation watch this a royal priesthood so first time royalty has ever been connected to the priesthood the word royalty in the Greek is is the same root word for where we get the word king from it's a priest who ministers unto God but has been given the authority of a king the royal priesthood you're a royal kingly priesthood priests offer sacrifices and worship to God Kings make decrees and declare what God is looking for our people and get rid of preach something right here what God is looking for are some people who have authority and have the ability to make a decree but are not too sophisticated and dignified to remember that the greatest calling of my life is not that I have a title and not that I'm a bishop and not that I'm an apostle and not that I'm a pastor but that I'm a priest who gets the bring sacrifices of praise unto God Oh God give us some worshiping preachers I'm gonna preach right here for a minute for somebody watching me on Monday morning you want your congregation to worship stop telling them to worship and take your shoes off let your hair down oh my god I'll get ready to preach myself into a fit God give us a worshipping tribe I'm telling you right now I'm grateful you're here but my wife and I were shouting before we had it all the way to heaven because I'm not moved by Crowder this is the day the Lord has made Wow my god I feel like praising him [Music] [Applause] well Roy your priesthood we're kings dressed in robes of righteousness who get to come before the king of kings and bring sacrifices of rushing and at the end of the day it's not just my hallelujah that moves him it's not just my hand clapping that music it's not just my thank you Jesus that moves him sometimes we offer that but we don't give him what he really wants and that's us I didn't get no help right there maybe you didn't understand me so let me rewind and hit it one more time it ain't just our hand clapping that moves God it's not just our foot stomping that moves God it's not just our outward expressions of praise that move God that's all praise but if you really want to be a worshiper you gotta lay yourself down on an altar and you gotta say God how what the Bible call me a king I'm just the church member I'm just saved I'm only a believer that's cuz that's all you've ever been taught but I'm getting ready to help you you are a king and a priest by Christ unto God if you want to know how somebody has jacked up as me screwed up as I am messed up as I used to be could be seen as a king and a priest you gotta go back to Roman's 5 and you gotta remind yourself it wasn't your daddy that made you a king it wasn't your mom that made you a king it wasn't that parking lot profit that turned you into the king you and I had nothing to offer God when we were bankrupt spiritually and morally inept and had nothing to give him the ball my god I feel like preaching in here today the Bible said in the riches of His grace he gave us abundance and he imputed to us his righteousness which means the reason I'm a king is nothing out brought to him I'm a king because of everything he brought to me how could I call myself a king how could I call you a king the reason the Bible calls you a king is because you have a king living in you look at somebody tell them there's a king in me there's a king in me you ready for this beep don't miss this Chris there's a king in you because there's a king in you you caught it let me go over here and try Maria the earth less deal says why no tanto tiempo I mean there's a king in you cuz there's a king in you I'm gonna go one more time Dustin King Dustin there's a king in you because there's a king in you the first time the first time I ever ran into him at the office after he just got hired he walked up to me he said what's up King true we still when I text him to this day I text him I say what's up King he called me that for the first time of King and I was like oh man that's great I walked in my office I was like but some got a hold of me on that day and this revelation of kingship became something that God began to speak into our lives you must understand when I talk about Kings I'm not talking about the evil kind that used their title and their authority for their own selfish good because if you have an impure heart you do not qualify to receive the authority of the king that God has called you to be isn't it amazing that most people who grab for authority disqualify themselves from it most people who have authority are those who tried to run from it I'm not getting no help right there I get nervous when people start acting like they're the next one in line like choose me choose me and I'm qualified no I don't want you cuz if you think you got it and don't have some fear reservation if you ain't got some sleepless nights every now and then keeping you up if your vision is so good if there's something you know you can do and you don't have to have the help of God go to the back of the line find me somebody who is like oh god I was throwing up all day yesterday I was sick of my stomach all night long I'll never forget the first time I preached at Winterfest and some of these other places that I breathe I couldn't go out then I knew what I was doing I was sick all night long why because I got to remind myself it ain't me that's getting ready to get the job done it's the king look at your neighbors say there's a king in you because there's a king in you if they look like they got offended I'll give you permission to get your weave you'll person your stuff and go sit somewhere else there's a king in you because there's a king in you the story that I read from in Micah chapter 4 is one of the darkest seasons in Israel's history the story is centered around the king of Israel King Zedekiah and history tells us he and his people were conquered by Nebuchadnezzar Nebuchadnezzar took Zedekiah and his sons history tells us that Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon marched into Israel raised the city to the ground burnt the walls drugged the children and wives out into the street and the choicest men they slayed and the others they took into Babylonian captivity the Bible tells us that Nebuchadnezzar Nebuchadnezzar left the city in ruins history tells us that Nebuchadnezzar took Zedekiah the King and his sons and Nebuchadnezzar limed the sons of Zedekiah up and slew them before their father Zedekiah and then he took Zedekiah's eyes out so that the last memory he had was the memory of his sons being slain before him the women are crying the children are screaming houses and and places of gathering were left in rubble it is a dark picture of bondage and out of that hopeless situation a crowd begins to come out of the people of Israel it's like a cry of hopelessness cry of devastation it's like a cry of someone who's lost it all and while they're crying the prophet Micah runs up on the scene he says to them in Micah chapter 4 the scripture I read to you why are you crying aloud is there no king in thee that's what I want to ask a prophetic question to somebody today I'm already 3/4 through with this sermon but I want to ask somebody the prophetic question today is there no king Andy where's the king at where's the king that the king that that used to that the king that used to roar on the inside of you the king that used to operate an authority on the inside of you where is the king is there no king in thee that's what I want to ask mothers in this room today is there no king in thee there might be a pregnant mom in this house today and you wonder can anything come out of me that would change the world I want to tell you right now Billy Wilson who has one of the greatest ministries to children in New York City and all of our nation buses thousands of babies in every single Sunday for Sunday School was born through the womb of a prostitute woman left by himself on a child as a child he sat on a suitcase and I'm sure many people walked by and said can anything good come out of this skinny little boy and I want to tell you God saw a team in him mama you may not feel equipped for what you've been called to but there is a king and somebody in here today I want to ask the church is there no king in thee all this craziness going on in the world oh this foolishness happening around us and it seems like the church just cannot get its act together I'll tell you something's happening in the church God is raising up a group of a tribe of remnant people and they're saying you know what there's a king on the inside of us we're not a hell is there no king Elijah had that King in him when he had that King in him he could walk into the courts of Ahab and say for three and a half years it's not going to rain that's how you talk when the Kings living in you somewhere another he lost the king and he ran to a cave and he hid out in a cave and he wanted to die with his father's but I can't came to tell you the story didn't in that way he got the King back hallelujah and the Bible tells us he went back and he was responsible for for anointing the King J who who would destroy Jezebel and when Elijah left this earth he didn't leave whimper and whine and complain and moaning and hurtin he left with the king standing up on the inside of him he climbed up in a chariot of fire and God took him out of this world in a whirlwind I'm telling you somebody in here today the Kings get ready to stand back up in you whoa Samson had the King on him he had that King inside of him when the King stood up in Samson he could tear cords and he could slay men with the jawbone of a donkey when the King stood up inside of him he could tear a lion's mouth apart but he lost the king he lost the king for for a 95-pound young lady named Delilah he laid his head in her lap and told her all the secrets of his spiritual life and she cut his hair and you know the story when she cut his hair the vow of a Nazarite was broken and he lost his power with God they couched his eyes out and they made him work like a slave as he pushed the stone of the Philistine but the Bible said before Samson died the King stood back up in him hey I don't know who I came to talk to but somebody is getting ready to have a king stand up only inside of you again you're not going up dead you're not going out destroyed you're not going up broke busted and disgust you're a king because there's a king in you [Music] Samson didn't die failure Samson slayed more enemies in his death than he did in all of his life you say mother my lass that's Old Testament good I'll go to the new Peter had the King living in him oh yeah Peter had the King living in him when he walked out on the water that King rose up in Peter when he said thou art the Christ the Son of the Living God he lost the king when he lost the king not only did he make a horrible mess he denied the Lord three times oh but I want to tell you it did in the end for Peter in death and and destruction because the King stood back up in Peter you say where did it happen it happened in them in a story over in Acts chapter 2 on the day of Pentecost when the day of Pentecost was fully come the same man who had failed the Lord and denied him three times is the same guy who steps up under a spout where the glory was pouring out down up under an anointing opened up his mouth and said these men are not drunk as he supposed it being the third hour of the day but this is that which was spoken by the Prophet Joel and that man Peter who it looked like was good for nothing got under an anointing and preached one sermon and three thousand people got born again the King stood back up in Peter I don't know who I'm preaching this for I don't know where you are in life but is there no King in thee why are you still snoring crap why are you stupid [Applause] there are no key indeed I want to tell you this morning somebody is getting ready to stand up in you he's not the kitty cat he's the Lion of the tribe of juda and as loud as the enemy has been in your ears a roar is getting ready to come from Zion Wow there no King in you daddy's there no King in you hey you want the King to rise up in your children start speaking to the king at them you keep calling the fool out up and they'll keep acting like one but you start calling the king out other than they'll start standing up like the King right god this is too simple for some people you can't run around your whole life saying you're good for nothing you'll never be anything you're just a hash man I wanna be I'm gonna be no no look at your children and say I see a king in there I know you're struggling right now your grades may not be all that good you might be a tad overweight you've got some pimples on your face but I see a king Oh God who am i protecting my god he's raising up a generation of our children he'll won't know what to do with is there no King in thee oh god I feel like preaching there no King in thee I love that there's a king in you big guy there is a king in you mama what's his name Ethan Ethan there's a king in you baby mark this day down mama I prophesied there's a king in that boy he will not be a statistic sharp Ethan Geoff Ethan praise the Lord baby there's a king in you you don't help myself there's a two-year-old baby over here who's giving us revelation don't let it miss you there's a king can I see him will you come up here come here I didn't have you in my sermon you just interrupted my message come stand him right here mama is there a king in you you're scared now he just caught the revelation there's a king in you Ethan he was dancing better than this back there this is where we need to begin to speak over them there's a king in you well brother while I'm a teenager and it's just so hard to live for the Lord and you know all this peer pressure and you know you know we need to turn that thing around the peer pressure needs to be on the crack smoke and you ought not be able to come to church Thank You Ethan how many gonna pray for Ethan that God does something body in his life we love you baby okay he freaked out peer pressure ah to flop the people who feel weird are the people who should feel weird are the people who don't pray in the Holy Ghost the people who feel weird are the people who are still coming to church and and drinking and snorting and sleeping the rent they ought to feel out of place not the Bible quoting scripture knowing Holy Ghost feel no no no this thing is all backwards you think you're the one that's weird I want to tell you think you're the one that's a little uncool honey heaven moves when you open your mouth I don't care if your high school knows you're a king or not if you got Christ living in you there's a king in you [Applause] there no king in thee God wants us to operate in authority that don't mean we don't have bad days it just means when we have them we still understand who we are and our day doesn't change our identity there no King and they wives call the King out of your husband uh-oh you're not that sorry Joker he don't never finish no projects burnt a minute right my god I don't even know what I got here I dare you to start calling the king out of him the next time he breaks the birdhouse and the next time he ruins everything they had directions and it don't come out like it was in the front of the box say baby you know what you're a bad to the bone call the king out of them you ain't that better lazy lowdown stop right there you better stop woman don't let the devil get you keep you better sit down I'm trying to keep you out of trouble so I'm walking over here Lord there's a king indeed husbands called that king out of your wife listen we not just saved church members we are kings and priests unto God and as long as you don't know that Satan is pleased with you sitting in a church going to heaven but hell gets nervous when you start understanding there's a king risin up on the inside of thee well this is why there's so much depression in churches cuz they don't let the king rise up inside of them we let everything else rise to the top I'm gonna give you a piece of my mind you can't afford to do that you need to let the king rise up in you some of you need to take that authority back you used to have some of you need to take that authority you used to have over the enemy you used to have authority in life you didn't miss moments you didn't miss open doors you didn't miss new opportunities you weren't afraid of something you had never face before but something happened somewhere and that King sat down and and everything else got loud but today I just feel like something is happening today I don't know why I felt like it was today but I felt like a king was getting ready to stand up inside somebody and remind the enemy that there is still a king in me if you feel like life is out of control if you feel like you've lost all bearing and if you feel like you've lost all direction I came to remind you today there's a king in you there's a king in you Justin because there's a king in you and I really feel like today there's some people who need that King to stand up for them again he will he ain't through yet I said he ain't through yet it's not over it's not over there's a king in there I had the privilege I'm through Rick you can I don't know where we're going but you can move over there if you want to had the privilege on Friday to conduct a wedding for a very special couple I don't know it's probably four years ago when I first got here Devin I first got here that a young lady named Gigi came to a Wednesday night service raised in church knew God but had just lost her way in life fallen completely off the bandwagon got divorced started she would tell you all this I'm not telling you anything she hadn't told him 1 million people she tells it everywhere she goes goes to the Piggly Wiggly hey you heard my story yet you got five minutes let me tell you what the Lord did for me that's how Jesus operates that Pastor diver tell you I'm like Gigi you told me 22 times I love every time I hear it tell me one more time GG i had the opportunity friday to marry very special couple gigi came here four years ago when I first got here on a Wednesday night she gave her heart to Jesus and got right with God got delivered from drugs immediately she told me Friday she said I'm writing the book I said what's it about she said it's not about 12 steps it's about one step what you told me hey here's what's crazy come here Gigi come here come here I wanted to see I'm not making you up she got saved and God turned her life around because the King stood up inside of her only on Friday night the same man she divorced how many years ago twelve years ago who was raised in a Baptist Church and thought we were crazy for the first three months he came the King stood up in him and the King stood up in her and they got married again this past Friday [Applause] is there no king and day and when the King stands up not only does it do something in your life but he'll do something in the whole family that young lady that's running is their daughter she got delivered some homosexuality two years ago is there no King Andy I love you both so much somebody take a 30-second praise break [Applause] somebody take a price break in him [Music] somebody let the king rise up one more time cut out is there no king can anybody maybe just two or three but can anybody feel somebody rouse enough that they didn't feel before they got here this morning but you feel some rising up on the inside of you what is that preacher that's the king of glory his name is Jesus the king [Music] there no king in thee stay standing I'm through preaching brother Wallace I got a bill dude I don't know if I'm gonna play it is there no King Andy this is gonna sound like the craziest thing you've ever heard I didn't even tell Devon this but it's true there was a season we were getting bills more bills and I knew what to do with I said I I talked to the mailbox one day this is true I felt like a crazy man I walked out to that mailbox got another stack of bills people I don't even know all the money I told that mailbox how tired he is sending me all these bills now turned around to walk in my house when I did something grows up only inside of me said turn around and tell it you wanted to receive checks and increase now some of y'all can handle this because your little religious self felt that you didn't have any authority but I will tell you what I did that day I said I want you to start receiving checks and increase and before the Lord I started receiving checks from places that didn't even know me money this is a true story I started getting checks in the mail from Blue Cross Blue Shield you know you're blessed if they can't do anything I told the woman I said ma'am I don't understand this I got two checks in the mail last week and I went out today and I had two more checks in the mail she said tell me what they said so I started reading what they said she said oh yes mr. Wallace this is part of your health insurance it's a reimbursement I said nobody told me I was going to get her III didn't tell me I was gonna get a reimbursement I don't know where this money came from she said it's yours [Music] I feel some rising up in me right now I believe it's the king risin up on the inside somebody has got to remember there's a king in you you're not messed up in the chest up tore up than the floor up beat up from the feet up shacked up top you're the head and not the tail there's our king in you there's a king when the King stands up you start making decrease you know Kings don't beg for anything Antonio Kings don't beg for anything Kings who know their authority in him they make the crease well it don't happen immediately what's wrong with you I didn't said it happened immediately I just said it had to happen it may take a little while but keep on declaring my babies are coming home brother Wallace you're just a little crazy no I'm not I'm a king when you're a king you make a decree to a thing that it has to line up in the name of the Lord is there no king indeed that the key stand up today let the king stand up inside of you today some of you have been saved for a long time but you haven't felt the king stand up in some time throw your hands up right now let the King rise up in you if that's you just throw your hands up right now if your hands are up I pray for you right now in the name of the Lord let the King grass up in him today let the King rats up in her today we'll shake cut up a hole shot somebody pray in the hole that goes with it the king is standing up in this room today hallelujah there's a king and you man a god there's a king standing up in Ubud a man of God there's a king in you there's no king somebody's got their hands up near you right now throw your hand over on their shoulder and just start and start saying thank you Lord for for standing up in them today thank you Lord the king he has in them today Cain is in them today [Music] well I feel something to happen in here right never gonna become America's Santa mamma become a shout of a host in the name of Jesus the king is rash enough today the king is rising up in Obama today there's a moment here been worried about them babies the king is wrapping up in you mama open up your mouth and make a decree there is a Kinsey [Music] open your mouth they taunted three [Music] [Music] they taught their twins you have authority there's a king misty [Music] buh-buh-bah cosa come on lift your voice you don't need me to coach you let the King stand up and come up out of your mouth come on let the King rise up on the inside of the day some of your making decrees over a nation right now i'ma tell you you're affecting things in a nation from a place called Chattanooga because of the decree oh there's a king in the another boss a coach [Music] there is a king I want to do it I want to do it if you gotta go we love you we'll see you Wednesday night at 7:00 but I want some mamas right now it's just mamas and it ain't never mama but it's some Mama's there some Mama's that can even come down to this altar throw their hands up right now and begin to make a decree over your children right now I'm holding it up for you mama the king is rising up in you this morning and I just want you to come declaring them babies belong to God right now come on call their name out and make a decree come on mothers open up your man to make a decree the authority [Music] help me sing open your mouth they don't eat cream you have authority [Music] come on family Oh [Music] Oh [Music] I Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh oh oh my database oh I hear this I hear this King [Music] [Music] as a king they done up a shed or something there's a king in thee I feel like maybe I'm maybe I'm often I might be missing this so I qualify this I believe this is the Lord but I might be missing it but I feel like there's a pregnant mother in here that I need to pray for him a pregnant mama if you are pregnant with child I want you to come stand right here right now and I don't want to put in my own spot they have told people yet so if you hadn't told people yet okay so I don't have to go through all this thank you thank you Devin come here baby I feel like I'm I don't know your sweetener I know you come here but I I believe with all my heart come here dev I want you to lay your hand on her belly because I feel like God gave me a word for your child there's a king in thee and there's a king in thee because there's a king in thee [Music] a cat abortion Dada do not ever be discouraged if you ever get one report of a complication there's a king in pizza [Music] what's your name sweetheart who Catrice Devin come here lay your hands on Patrice's belly there's a king open your mouth make a decree you have authority there's a king a king in these one more Devin one more Devin just pray with her Devin come here please [Music] open your mouth we'll make a decrease a papaya de Lune about shine and feel the Lord coming right out that's him Thank You otakus I want every woman okay I want every woman in this house who's wanting to have a child but cannot to come stand right here right now [Music] open your mouth make a decrease you have authority [Music] there's a king indeed I don't do this hardly ever because I don't play with emotions and I'm not trying to today dear sisters I want to come into agreement with you every one of you Hanna's I want to come into agreement with you that God will give you the desire of your heart and fill your womb with the king stretch your hands toward the altar church holy jesus in your name open every womb [Music] open your mouth make a decree it's okay there's a king in thee Jesus I just asked you got to open their womb and fill it now for your glory for your glory open your mouth make a decree you have authority there's a king in the open the rules Lord fill them with teens Bible mobile whoa same isotope let a new shed of a bathrobe or opal open every moon god Phil ability for the glory of Almighty God that sure will be done in the name of Jesus J'son people [Music] or enable guard open your mouth very good be creep [Music] God do it for your glory I pray for these and with these dear sisters god effective or kings for kings [Music] lift your heads with me come on listen seal this moment with worship [Music] [Music] okay I need first of all let's thank God for what he just did and what he's doing sisters i'ma ask y'all do me a favor and slide just slide you go back to your seat or slide to the left or right I don't care how you do it but out I want to print this um in some dad's and husbands and fathers who were just about to get your stuff and run to the restaurant but you feel a king rather than up in you for your family today sir you fill a king razzing up in you today for your family your sons and daughters your life your house if I'm talking to you man of God come stand with me right now I want the King to stand up on the inside of me and that you come stand with me right now children and no children I want every man of God that needs the King to stand up only is there no king and you brothers is there no King in you you're not weak you're not anemic you're not get pushed over is there no king [Music] [Music] there's a chickadee I'll keep in the estimate [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] unless of the day one I'm gonna fix something and we're going home brothers listen to me listen to me real carefully there's a shift coming in your homes keyboard ojos I'm not a myself there's a there's a shift coming in your homes and here's the shift I'm seeing some of you were shouting until I get ready to say it then you're not gonna be able to receive it but God's gonna let you have the grace to receive it some of you have been running they can't keep up with your wife spiritually but your pace is getting ready to change sir I caught the Baba I called out of you men of God in this altar every one of you in this church today your pace is getting ready to change because a king is getting ready to stand up on the inside of you and this all thank your Holy Ghost I see men coming in the door and just trying to disconnect from the world cause the stress and your disconnecting from your wife and your disconnecting from your kids and you've disconnected from God and you just want to hide I've been there brothers I know what you're feeling but your pace is getting ready to change because the king is standing up inside of you today and God's about to start talking to you in ways you cannot ignore and your sisters are gonna say my god he caught a fast I see men and women of God running together no loss of momentum [Music] sisters no more slowing down you don't have to speed up to catch up with them there is a shift come in two homes if you receive it in your house lift your hands right now some of you've been trying to figure this spiritual thing out you've been saying I'm not as crazy as my life your wife's not crazy sir your wife is radical where you've been your wife is radical where you've been it's time to quit worrying about what your brothers in you and your dark buddies and your football buddies and everybody's gonna think about you they need the line they need the King that is on the inside of you babies your raisin need the King indeed and I call it out of you right now brothers men and government of God I called the King in the out today God is standing up in the boss I'm not a awesome Kenyan me is standing them it's time to run this house is getting ready to run with purpose this entire house this church is getting ready to run with vision and I'm gonna need about seven or eight hundred minute God who don't give one flying rip about what the culture and the age and the world around them have to say my god you're going to starve it and we're gonna take it for the glory of God we're going home but not before we give him the best praise we've given him all day long everybody all over the house [Music] today [Music] [Music] [Music] last thing probably the next and I hope this doesn't sound carnal to you or fleshly you have to hear it in the spirit I'm saying it the next wave not a momentum but of force the difference between force and momentum I said there's a difference between force and momentum momentum is I can have a buggy right here I can push this buggy and let it go and it'll roll for a minute but it's not being carried by force it's being carried by momentum force is I'm gonna keep my hands on the buggy and I'm gonna push it all the way across the stage and if I hit a bump it won't make me lose momentum cause force just pushes me over the bumper god here's what I heard the Holy Ghost say the next wave of force a kingdom force in this house will come through the men of this house [Music] [Applause] I thought I got I'm not gonna add to I'm not gonna add to it or take away from it they are getting ready to be some kings and priests stand up in this house that are going nations then it will shake generations that'll go shake job places there go shake the technology field they industries are gonna start having a witness of the king I bless you all I love you all I'll see you at 9:00 a.m. next Sunday or 7 p.m. this Wednesday shake hands with three hundred and seven people hug each other and go in the peace of the Lord come on let's sing that one less time bastards open open your mouth [Music] [Music]
Channel: Redemption to the Nations Church
Views: 1,309
Rating: 4.5294118 out of 5
Keywords: redemption, nations, church, chattanooga, tn, tennessee, spirit, spirit-filled, pentecostal, kevin wallace, deven wallace, zion project, women of fire, ruach, ruach conference, highland park, love, rsm, redemption to the nations church, redemption to the nations, nation, school ministry, school of ministry, redemption school
Id: WmquvKFNy-M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 4sec (4624 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 19 2018
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