Coastal Awakening 2019 | Dutch Sheets | Friday PM Service

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good evening don't you just love Jane Hammond she's married to an awesome awesome guy and she has an awesome awesome daddy-in-law it's a real pioneer family for running family for all of us Thank You Jane for all you do and I've heard it's been wonderful I know it would be ken and I were sitting there talking about chuckling he walked up here that's why he had Chuckie on his mind how long since I've been here it's been a long time it been six months or more well what's good to be back awesome to see what the Lord has been doing and I'm encouraged by what he's doing we're seeing the fruit of our labors in this nation we're not seeing one anywhere near the fullness of it yet but we are seeing the fruit of our labors so we're gonna continue to see that happen and I'm going to just share some prophetic dreams and words tonight that have come into my life in them in the recent past and just sort of use them to give perspective on where I think we are and what what the Lord is saying and then we'll probably turn that toward some prayer and intercession amen so lord help us now to accomplish everything you desire and wish for us to do thank you for what you've already accomplished and I thank you for moving us forward into the next step and phase of what you want to accomplish while we're here together or I feel a strong anointing here it's probably it's on this house but it's also because I'm sure what Jane's been teaching on I feel a strong anointing to stand in that Watchmen role for this place and for this state but also for this nation so we want to be very sensitive tonight in the morning to follow your leading click carefully Lord I feel that there's great faith in this room I feel like there's a great a significant agreement in this room I feel like you can just do with us anything you want no limitation whatsoever so steer us holy spirit we're gonna be diligent to listen and honor you and you're leading we thank you for Lord in Jesus name Amen I'm gonna start by reminding you some of you maybe you haven't heard it but for some of you would it be a reminder of a dream that was given to a person regarding the gathering we had in Washington DC on 222 and 2017 I believe was at 18 it was 18 so you know that gathering was called the turn around because of a word that Chuck gave to the nation that there would be great turmoil for the first part of president Trump's tenure but then we would hit a point of breakthrough and a great turnaround would begin and so I was instructed by the Lord and through dreams and several people in my life that speak into my life prophetically I was instructed very specifically or clearly to host that gathering now we didn't plan on doing it at the Trump we just couldn't find anyplace else in Washington to do it you know they didn't want us very openly stated we don't want that here when they think it was a prayer conference can you imagine a hotel just coming right out and saying it's like these people telling chick-fil-a you're not welcome in our airport or whatever you know it's just but then the Trump Hotel said we want you here we want you here we'll work with you they said we know who you are what you do we know all about the appeal to heaven flag and these conferences that you're doing around the country we want you to do that gathering right here isn't that amazing and how many of you were there know Schneider be some people out also so it was one of the most significant gatherings I've ever been in mostly just prayer decrees not a lot of speaking but at the end of the gathering I shared a dream God gave a lady a week or so before but it was the context of the dream was was at the end so it was after the gathering and in the dream she was there at this 2:22 gathering and she left with some friends of hers walk down the street in Washington DC and saw an angel and the angel was till on a mission going somewhere had a scroll in any time so they decided to follow the angel and the angel walk from there from our gathering to the Capitol and went into the Capitol and in the dream they followed the angel into the Capitol and then the angel went into she said a big meeting hall and she said it was the place where the presidents do their State of the Union address well that's the house chamber House of Representatives chamber and the angel stopped at the back entrance and paused and then unrolled the scroll and shouted in the room was full by the way of Congress men and women and the angel decreed the verdict has been rendered and then the angel decreed very loudly with great authority America shall be saved when I read that there was one of the most electrifying moments I've ever spent the place just erupted but not just with emotion it was you could feel the hovering presence of God making his declaration the Ancient of Days America shall be saved and it's easy to lose sight of some of these promises that and others like it when you're in the battle and if you watch the news much at all which many of you probably do i watch probably too much news I'm just always trying to be aware of what's happening in the nation but if you watch much of the news and listen you can you can be steered off course by thinking things are not going in the right direction but the very chaos that you see is because we're winning no doubt about it the enemy is so engaged alarmed upset right now and how could you possibly explain the vitriol and hatred toward our president other than it being demonic I don't care what do you think about the man's past I don't like he's past either I just believe God redeems but how can you possibly explain it any other way how can you possibly explain an entire industry forfeiting its integrity and its assignment as journalists and people that are unbiased just report facts how can you possibly explain an entire media abandoning that the cost of one thing their hatred for one person and it's not really I don't think Trump they don't know this but it's it's that they hate what he's doing he stopped a runaway train I can't fix it by himself and he's not a messiah but he's just he's just arrogant enough bold enough stubborn enough it's just this God just using that you don't want to look for a lot of the gentle fruit of the Spirit and you know in the pastoral heart from president that's not his assignment his assignment is to be a wrecking ball but there's this hatred now of that because the the left of the Antichrist crowd those that oppose biblical morality life all of these things had such momentum 50 years of momentum and the blood of the innocent feeding principalities and powers in this nation and and and just an incredible momentum this wave of darkness of turning away from God an entire nation and and this man but also a movement the church finally began to awaken and say we are not going to let this happen and these powers of darkness and the people that they use are just furious with what God's happening but what we have to remember when we see all of this is America shall be saved and the deep States gonna keep being exposed God is cleansing people are gonna go to prison no question in my mind all right now I'm not here to talk politics I'm not into politics oh I am into government but I'm not into politics God is government he's not political but he is government so America shall be saved shortly after that gathering a friend of mine had a dream with the president in it myself in and I don't think this is as much about me a lot of times when people have a dream about me it's what I represent in the nation the prayer movement the Baptist aaalac prophetic movement the The Awakening that's coming a lot of times when there's a dream someone has about me it's really about us so the dream is as follows I dreamed last night that you and a small group of us were invited to see President Trump and the Oval Office and a lot of times by the way the president is a representation of authority in this dream I think it's literally him but sometimes when people give me dreams about the president I know it's what he represents the leadership of the nation thority in the nation etc but in this this dream I think it is about the President himself so we're invited to the Oval Office and upon arrival after some small talk POTUS Trump very much in humility so I believe there's a transition and happening in his life I certainly wouldn't call him humble yet but I believe there is a transitioning happening in his life but in this dream very much in humility he began to thank you talking to me so I'm gonna say us but he he began to thank you us for your leadership and the appeal to heaven prayer movement he then presented to you to me and appeal to heaven flag that he had signed what does that symbolize well I think it's it's a position of the highest authority governmentally in America endorsing the prayer movement I don't need an autograph flag it's not that's about it's about a signature that represents the highest authority authorizing a movement he requested of you to organize he asked me in the dream organize a high-level strategic prayer task force he told you that he would be releasing directly to you significant issues for prayer he said to you that he had received this prophetic instruction from a very trusted voice his wife Melania about five years before he was elected president she was born again filled with the spirit she is the influence in his life toward the Lord so when she so that's why if you discern the same thing I discern even during the elections when I heard about her past also which wasn't very moral really and posing nude that sort of thing why I kept asking myself why don't I feel unclean perversion stuff on her rather than why do I feel pure because that's not who she is anymore at that time you presented to him a white stone and read to him revelation 2:17 which in Revelation 2:17 John was good we were given know whatever people were given a white stone with a new name on it that only that person knew was a personal name from God to you that he wrote on a white stone so symbolically in the dream I gave Trump a white stone and read to him that verse he then quoted to me in a dream there was a man sent from God and his name was John John is president Trump's middle name and God spoke to us before the election through a through a six year old and he said Jesus told me who's going to be present his name is John not Donald John because the Donald is the it's the brand of the man in his fleshly nature to become the biggest and the best tycoon and you know all of the things that he he has done some of which are not wrong but a lot of its based on pride and just being the biggest and the best and the Donald but God didn't call him Donald he called him John he was given that name because God's gonna make him a John the Revelator intimate disciple the lady's head on Jesus birth breast a son of thunder but who was transformed into also one who could hear God's voice and walk in intimacy with him his mother his grandmother was a part of a great Hebrides revival in his lineage is awakening so the significant in the dream that when I read him the verse he he he gave his new name that God referred to him as John this is all this is all just leading up to the part of the dream I really want to share he didn't ask if he could pray for all of us in a dream and in his prayer he said and this is really what I want to what I wanted to get to Lord let this man and these leaders convene a holy convocation that I might finish my eight years well that it drives some people crazy listen that I might finish my eight years well and the ancient markers of our founding fathers be restored that's what I wanted you to hear it's our greatness even this make America great again thing our greatness is not linked to wealth wealth is a tool it's not linked to power that's a tool our greatness is linked to our connection to him and our assignment from him to be a beachhead for the gospel to the ends of the earth so he said let this man and these people convene a holy convocation I'm starting to believe that's literal when I first received this I felt like it was just the prayer movement in general pray this way now I'm starting to feel there is a holy convocation we will convene to pray for this man and this nation and the leaders of our nation specifically that the ancient markers of our founding fathers be restored he then presented to me a pager and he said when you see the number 22 22 that's my life verse Isaiah 22 22 which talks about a key of authority given that will unlock a door nobody can close close the door nobody can open and some of you know my story a little bit prayed that verse all over America hundreds maybe thousands of times so in the dream he said when you see the number 22 22 on the pager always answer your cell phone even when there's no caller ID because I'll be sending you for a request ancient boundaries one of the things that's gonna be significant about this third Great Awakening so the first Great Awakening helped solidify and establish and launch this nation into who we are the Second Great Awakening was a correcting awakening civil war the turmoil the drifting away from God God sent a second Great Awakening to get us back on track the third Great Awakening will reconnect us to our destiny as a nation the third Great Awakening is not just about salvation that will happen that's gonna be amazing people set free and healed and delivered millions of people coming into the kingdom but one of the things for America that it will do is it will reconnect us firmly strongly to these ancient markers in other words it will reconnect us to our destiny as a nation now we are moving toward this early this year late last year and early this year I had a strange thing happened with me some probably the partners in here I think we you probably received one of my CDs where I talk about this something never happened to me before begin to happen to me four times in a month people walked up to me in the service and gave me a bag full of change now I've been given money before obviously I've been given significant coins but this was different this was just baggies this was like a bank bag it was just baggies full of change first one happened to a little girl I've been watching her during the worship shoes were really blessing me with her worship during the offering they didn't love offering for many people walking up and putting their offering in the baskets but she detoured from that and walked over to me and said here this is for you and handed me a baggie full of money changed she had been saving it wasn't much she was just just a young girl how there's about five dollars worth of change in it I just thought it was a token of honor and love and it was deeply impactful for me but when the second one came I realized I was talking to me not just about what I thought and then the third one came and then the fourth one came now in 35 years of ministry I'd never had people hand me baggies for the change but at four of them within a month I was a Chuck when one of them came and said he'd prophesy into this what's God say to me he said changes coming [Applause] oh I felt like an idiot so sometimes there's not something hidden profound you know mystery changes coming well I'm telling you changes coming America shall be saved America is gonna return to the ancient path to reap the harvest of the ages and we're moving toward that and God is orchestrating events in amazing ways I mean right now you know too far much off track here but change is coming and if you get bogged down in if you if you're not flexible and ready to change with him you're gonna be a part of the old wineskin company you still gonna get to heaven Jesus still will love you do his best take care of you being an old wineskin doesn't mean you lose your salvation it means you can't receive the new wine the fresh outpouring of Lion of the Spirit you can't hear what he's saying today you're stuck in yesterday yesterday's revelation becomes today's wisdom but you can't live just by wisdom you can't just take the revelation that came yesterday that is now seasoned and to wisdom and live just by that you have to take yesterday's revelation which is now wisdom but you have to keep receiving current revelation because if you don't receive Curt revelation today's wisdom will not be relevant irrelevant wisdom yes there there is such a thing as irrelevant wisdom the church in America is full of leaders that have irrelevant wisdom they're wise but they don't know what to do with it because it's not married to Revelation you always have to have a God godly mix of wisdom and revelation change is coming and we better be changing with him so shortly after that fact right on the heels of that change word Chuck leaned over to me in a search up fierce leaned over to me and a service and said I think we're supposed to go back to all the states he and I been to all the states together 50 state to her Becca no.3 and o4 said I think we're supposed to go back to all the states I just about fell out of my seat I thought man I'm already busy calendars so whatever whatever God says will do so he prayed about I prayed about it and what the Lord actually said was not that we were to go to all the states but we're to go to a certain number not an exact number but he would show us how many regions and gather people from the surrounding states and through this regional tour touch all the states again so not go to all of them but touch all of them people from all level and so that felt right and we just started making plans and we are now we have now begun this regional tour but here are the three things that he said to me that he heard from Holy Spirit that we were to do on this tour I'm trying to I'm trying to share a journey with you so you can track with God so you can track with Holy Spirit trying to encourage you so the three things he said we're gonna do he said we're gonna prepare the land for awakening the word of the Lord as we gather the praying church and make decrees and lock into agreement all over this nation we will prepare the land for awakening now when you've been when you've been plowing and and decree awakening is coming for twenty-five years and God finally says this year go prepare the land it's coming that's an amazing word that's a life-giving word that's it's just the hope that that brings though it's like God coming to Abraham after 24 years saying this time next year I know you've given up hope I know you're wavering I know you're old I know Sarah's barren but I'm telling you God said this time next year Isaac it's coming that's what that word means to me when when the Prophet said go prepare the land for awakening it's not like we haven't been this is a different where this is like oK you've been you've been doing this for 24 years Abraham but it's time and then he said we're going to restore God's hovering power not that God lost it but in America and anytime you see the word hover you need to associate it with birthing because that's what the word means in Genesis 1 when the Spirit of God was hovering or brooding the word is rock off and it's a reproductive term it's the words of Jesus we're being spoken and Bible called him seeds and Holy Spirit was taking those seeds and causing them to produce in the same way that it happens in nature the word spore sperm all come from the Greek words spiro spero sperma one form of it so it's all it's all God's Way of saying reproductive power that he established in creation so he uses the word at times to describe a spiritual birthing so when he said we're gonna restore God's hovering power that says to me we're about to see Holy Spirit hover over this nation and birth The Awakening we've been asking for and the hovering we're about to see is going to an experience is going to be perhaps the most significant intensive release of Holy Ghost power the earth has ever experienced so going to prepare the land for awakening we're going to release the hovering and then he said we're gonna activate an anointing to birth the future now of course two people can't do that he's talking about the praying church he's talking about the body of Christ that we gathered to pray this is what's gonna happen so we're gonna activate anointing to birth of the future and the Lord gave him the phrase plow it's time to plough the nation get ready for harvest plow so then on the heels of that lady gave me a word and she used this language and this year plowing God says to you years ago I saw assigned you to this field called America and you put your hand to the plow and have not turned back much plowing has prepared the soil for planting and good fruit has come but you have plowed with a shallow plow now that wasn't an indictment that a negative that was literal there are two types of plows which I didn't know to the farmer there's the shallow plow and then she said but now you must plow with a Ripper any farmers in here know what a Ripper plow is see if a few hands the Ripper she said goes deeper and breaks up the hard pan and even rocks not just fills up Rock can break rocks and rocky soil so it goes deeper rippers can be so powerful that the hardest part and using a Ripper can be having enough horsepower to pull it through the hard pan and rock because it'll pull through it it'll break it up and tear it up if you can get enough horsepower to pull it through but the Ripper goes deeper and breaks up the hard pan it keeps the roots from receiving water and nutrients and she says to me you are a holy Ripper well I've been called a lot of things been called a lot of things you're a holy Ripper you're gonna plow through the hard pan to give water in life to the roots I think when I hear that the roots of our nation roots ancient paths our covenant route as a nation so the flourishing can begin they said these are good words aren't they so then a friend of mine just a couple of months ago had another dream about me and it was connected to the assignment the 13 of us fulfilled in October of 2016 the retraced tour when Chuck gave me a word a month before the 2016 elections and said you're together a team he prophesied publicly or together team and you're to go to seven places in America that represent or our places where covenant with God was established our covenant roots is a nation and he rattled off six of them and I knew what the seventh one was while he was prophesying and he said here to gather a team and you to go to these seven places and reestablish covenant with the Lord in this nation and when you're finished not only would that happen but the word of the Lord will return to the land so I gathered a team put the word out to some friends and said whoever feels led to go go and end up being 13 of us going to the parts of the original 13 colonies by God's design not by my request and we went to these places and it was amazing and I don't have time to talk about all that but each in each of the seven places God showed us specific things that he had been doing in our nation there and put in our nation there why they were important and what we were to awaken and one of the most significant places of all was a place called Penn treaty Park in Philadelphia William Penn birth the father of Pennsylvania was a man who understood covenant and he entered into covenant with the native people he would never take the land but he always bought the land and he walked in covenant with them and it's often said he is one of the only maybe the only person that entered into a covenant he didn't call it a treaty even though they caught Penn treaty park he called it a covenant he's probably the only person who never broke covenant with them so Penn treaty Park is this insignificant place in Philadelphia you wouldn't even know it was a there was a national place drive by this looks like a small insignificant park with some people running around having picnics and kids it's not bigs not well maintained in a sense it's just it's just hidden but we knew we were to go there and pray and when we got there we realized that we had touched one of the key points of America and one of the phrases God had given us before this was that we were that we were to believe him for mercy and one of the dreams about me was that was me saying I've tapped into a root of mercy and an angel came to kin and my brother and I on in Washington DC earlier that year and decreed over us as we prayed for the nation six times the word mercy and then of course there was another vision a man had where mercy coins were falling and he looked in the dream that me and said mercy is our new currency I say all that to say we realized when we were there that based on the word that God keeps covenant and mercy that we were tapping into the root of mercy for America it was deeply deeply moving it was powerful time said all that say the dream I dreamed last night this is just a couple weeks ago I dream last night no I meant I'm getting ahead of myself it's another dream when were reading a minute but it the dream from a month ago one of the people on that retracing two are one of the 13 had a dream he said in the dream we were back at Penn 3d park and we started feeling that presence again that came to us there it was holy and we were having communion honoring covenant we knew he'd tapped into this mercy thing for America the president Trump showed up and he walked up to us and he said now we can move on from this place we've tapped into covenant again we've tapped into mercy again and now we can move forward from here that's incredible word it's not about Trump it's about what he represents the leader of the nation say we're reconnected now the God who keeps covenant and mercy we are now dealing with the God and keeps covenant and mercy we're not dealing with the with God of judgment we're dealing with the God who who desires to give mercy there's always wanting to restore covenant so now we can move on see we're about to move into this awakening and get the ancient paths restored and ancient markers and America shall be saved one more dream this is just a few days ago sent to me this dream thing right now Jana I don't have them but people have them for me I get to sleep it's always the way I've looked at it come on face it man I was warned an intersession for you for 2-3 hours through the night what was going on I said slept like a baby I said you were warring so I could rest this is this is interesting I dreamed last night just a few days ago but when they sent it to me said I dream last night you were presented a skeleton key he said this was one of the regional meetings you chuck her do it and in the meeting you I was presented a skeleton key they said skeleton in in that realm on that world a skeleton skeleton actually means master so you were given a master key Chuck prophesied to the atmosphere and a keyhole appeared and you inserted the key into the atmosphere and turned it until a doorway was opened in the atmosphere Jill of dreams and a voice spoke from the spirit room and said welcome into an ancient pathway reserved for this time you take the key of authority this is what he prophesized the word of the Lord I take a key a master key since I had 20/20 reach it into the atmosphere unlocked in a doorway appears and the door opens and a voice from the spirit decrees over us welcome into an ancient pathway reserved for this time and then the voice said here are the resources needed to complete the turning of the nation America shall be saved [Applause] stand up well we thank you for mercy thank you for the power of covenant thank you for your heart your plan your your way of thinking that honors keeps covenant and he and like Israel that turned away from you but because of covenant you brought them back even when you had to judge them for seventy years you said I'll bring you back when that season is over I'm gonna restore you you've never ever ever given up on them and you never will because you keep covenant and mercy I thank you Lord for the verdict the angel came and delivered America shall be saved Mercy Mercy Mercy Mercy Mercy Mercy I thank you for a man sent from heaven named John I thank you for a movement a prayer that is going to restore us to the ancient markers and boundaries and paths [Music] thank you that we can move on now back into our destiny we could move from this place he said from the place of covenant and mercy we can move back into who we are I thank you for the key of authority you've given to us to lock and unlock closed doors nobody can open to open doors no one can close I thank you that there is now a window there is a door open in the heavens over America there's an open door over the church we've been given all the resources we need now and we're gonna go into them and read that phrase again just keep praying an ancient pathway reserved for this time Lord we're gonna we're gonna go back to that ancient pathway and the door that you've opened reserved for us now we're gonna go through that and get the resources needed to complete the turning of the nation so we just say the turning of America will be complete but this is the hour that we are moving into the fullness of awakening this is fullness of revival we're preparing the land for for its awakening we're releasing the hovering it's the Lord even here tonight we just decree from this forerunner state from this place Florida that America shall be saved that the ancient paths will be restored and evil is being uprooted and the Ripper plow of Holy Ghost anointing and authority is going deep into the soil of America breaking up hard places so that the nutrients in the water and all that's necessary can go deep into the land and reconnect us we say the third great awakening is now upon us the turnaround has begun the harvest is ripe and is is about to accelerate into fullness millions are coming into the kingdom but a nation is going to be reestablished into fullness of destiny and that the man you put in officers try all of his life he's tried to do things through his own strength and through conniving and through through just that nature of bulldogging his way through but that that that man is going to become more and more sensitive to who you are and realize that he can't do these things in his own strength and he's going to call on the prayer army to help him get us back to this ancient path and we prophesy the visitation of heaven to President Donald Trump that he will be filled with holy spirit and he will have little a ssin like John the Revelator and he will be intimate with you and though he will still have the strength of a son of thunder he will have tempered strength he will not be the Donald he will be John sort of we asked you to gather around him the people he needs around him ask you to give him dreams and visions we ask you to awaken the prophetic nature that is in this man that he doesn't even know he has but speak to him and let the white house once again be filled with the Spirit of God and that every unclean thing that's ever taken place in that white house be cleansed by the mercy blood and let that place wreak mercy and covenant let him let him be bold that to decree that America was born of God is in covenant with God will serve God and fulfill everything God raised up America to do help me make the right decisions surround him with the right people uproot evil in this nation let the Ripper plow go right into Washington DC show us win how we're having to do with this holy convocation [Music] shows where to do it when to do it how to do it [Music] we say over Congress there was one god his name is Yahweh he has one son his name is Jesus Messiah Jesus is and there's no other name given among men by which we can and must be saved other than the name of Jesus there are not many ways to god there's only one way to the Father and that's through Jesus Christ his blood sacrifice and we love Islam and we love as long as we love the Muslims we love people of every faith but we will not we will not bow the knee to the spirit that says there are many ways to God America shall be saved [Applause] [Music] [Applause] we ask you to Lord we ask you for the sq4 Angels I ask you for a host of angels to surround the White House you know pray a lot of folk my focus has always been on Congress the courts right now I feel it intense focus on the White House somehow what needs to happen now is there and it's filtering into the courts and the Congress and so Lord we just ask you for a host of angels we ask you to wipe away forgive us give us mercy for lighting up that building with the rainbow colors that in your book represent covenant with you but when it was lit up represent a desecration of marriage covenant we ask you to cleanse with the blood of Jesus that building and those grounds and send a host of angels to guard over the place and over see what happens there the message and even the press corps that angels oppress evil and exalt light and righteousness and insulate the man and his wife from the evil spirits that attacked them and his son and his family and surround them with a Shield of protective covering and let the voice of the spirit be loud in the White House lord I know you fill us with your spirit but I'm asking you fill that building with Holy Spirit power and glory and anointing let angels fill the halls of the White House every bedroom every corner the Oval Office the meeting rooms the Cabinet Room the dwelling quarters different offices in the and the different wings or that angels permeate every inch of it let Michael come in and do it overall let him bring a host end of war angels to clean it out because America shall be saved the ancient paths will be restored and the destiny you've given us will be established Mercy Mercy Mercy Mercy Mercy Mercy it is our currency we're spending it appropriately and we can move on from here take the key put it in the atmosphere we open the door to that ancient path and to all the resources we need you can't and Jani you jump in anytime you want I'm about to say man here come on just pray in the spirit for a minute when we thank you for this these words and dreams thank you for the journey now that we're on in the and the words of promise and hope that keep us in faith and don't allow us to be distracted by the demonic voices that are so loud I are trying to be loud that we say in the spirit you're not loud in the media you're now but in the spirit you're not loud the voice of the Lord is loud angels are loud the prophets are loud the voice of the Lord who is shaking the wilderness nothing can stop him so that the prophets continue to be loud for you let the voice of the Lord return to this nation just as you said and let the apostolic Authority that established this nation be reborn and lead this nation once again that that apostolic anointing be upon leaders in Washington DC and let those that are false apostles and false prophets be silenced and let their words fall to the ground but at the Samuels be awakened in whose words will not fall to the ground they pity didn't trade the atmosphere in the heavens and ship things over America and we decree that over this nation
Channel: Apostle Ken
Views: 6,919
Rating: 4.7908497 out of 5
Keywords: apostle, prophet, dutch sheets, tim sheets, cindy jacobs, sonship, apostolic hub, apostolic, joe joe dawson, evangelism, florida, appeal to heaven, intercessor
Id: zxo3XjSMhHw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 29sec (3749 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 19 2019
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