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i get the if you know that you're not gonna remain the same again jump up on your feet is is [Music] [Applause] i am what god [Music] what god says [Music] [Music] i will never never never [Music] jesus is my salvation [Music] is [Music] me i would never never ever [Music] everybody it is my pleasure to invite on stage our own papa reverend doctor ava demina are come righteousness of god you are the head and not the tale you are above and not below you are redeemed redeemed from sickness redeemed from death redeemed from sin by the power of the holy ghost it's your season to win take your healing take your freedom take your favor the same i would never ever know i [Music] [Music] [Music] somebody shout hallelujah father we rejoice that this morning we are accepted in the beloved we are complete in you the head of all principalities and powers and we rejoice that your word rules and reigns in our hearts and we thank you for the privilege of learning the privilege of being equipped the privilege of fellowship together with the saints the privilege of enjoying the grace of god and the knowledge of what christ has made available to us and as we study your word this morning thank you for revelation knowledge thank you that bodies and yolks are destroyed worries and concerns are taken care of confusion is rebuked and direction takes preeminence and we rejoice that by the end of this service will all be the better for it thank you for answered prayer and thank you for the blessing in jesus precious name and every believer sees a powerful amen lift your right hands to heaven let's release our feet together so say these words i am born of god i am born of the world the word of god is my nature i do not struggle to do the world i do the world naturally therefore today i will understand the word of his grace i will be built up by the end of this service i will never be the same never ever be the same again in jesus name and every believer sees it powerfully man we want to welcome everybody connected to this service by way of kingdom life network facebook youtube twitter instagram the entire social media community we want to welcome every one of you all of the radio audience and everyone connected this morning we're so excited to welcome all of you and we want all of you on social media to do me the favor you've always done let's label together to get the word to the ends of the earth do me that favor again this morning share the video on your page share with all the groups on your page you know create watch parties tag some people let's ensure that everybody is able to get the opportunity to hear this world put the messages on monogram telegram and whatsapp groups let's floor the earth with the truth of the gospel all our campuses all over the world we welcome you we're so glad to have all of you in the service this morning and all our bible study groups all over the world we want you to get ready the world is going to be very exciting this morning it's been a long week of the you know the foundation and culture of discipleship did we enjoy that series are we enjoying that series praise god can we celebrate the word of god this morning with a shout out that didn't sound like a shout now [Music] aha that's more like a shot glory amen well get your pen your notebook and your bible you can be seated with your sweet smart self this morning as we continue with our series of the foundation and the culture of discipleship but this morning we're going to be examining why and how believers give why and how believers give why we give and how we give both in the first and in the second service and that will be the last part of this particular season for of training evangelism and discipleship we want to look at the new testament spirit of generosity the new testament spirit of generosity because many people just like i grew up understanding giving as giving we go to church as little children and my parents would just give me offering and tell me put that's all and then we put the offering and does it and then of course sometimes as naughty children when they give me the offering i will share it i will take part of it and it'd be skit and then i'll put the other part in the offerings you know you know most of us that's how we grew up is that true you just go to church they give you offering put it put it put it all right i just put the offering that's it asking no questions that's how most of us grew but as i grew up as a child and began to go to church and you know began to grow up and then i got into ministry with that mindset i kept just giving and just giving generously and joyfully but then in ministry i began to hear something you know something that you know made some sense to a natural man give and expect to receive give and expect to receive at the end we have something like that i began to hear preachers say things like name your seed name your seed i didn't know that but i began to hear that and of course i began to hear people giving testimonies of how they got people to give and people gave so much money okay so and it all it was all tied to this kind of giving and then that began to confuse my mind as a young christian and many of us you know got exposed to that you know i call it evil teaching evil teaching and you will see why in a few minutes please pay attention you know that kind of teaching to give and expect something from god because you gave it's not just evil it is very wrong totally wrong and we need to understand the importance of a true application or interpretation of the scriptures we must understand a true application and interpretation of the scriptures second timothy chapter 2 verse number 15 second timothy chapter 2 verse number 15. brother paul writes to timothy and says to timothy a pastor study to show thyself approved unto god a walkman that needed not to be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth now so brother paul is talking to a pastor and he says to that pastor you've got to be able to rightly divide the word of truth the word there actually means to be eager study is the words buddhazoo be eager to show yourself as proven of god you must show yourself as proven of god equally brother paul wants us in galatians chapter one verse six galatians chapter one verse number six i marvel that you are so so removed from him that called you into the grace of christ unto another gospel unto another gospel the word another gospel is the word eteros you are j liso a terrorist another gospel it simply means it will look like the gospel it sounds like the gospel it looks like the gospel but it is not the gospel it looks like it all right and it sounds like it it simply means it will look like the gospel and most of those who preach another gospel quote the scriptures they quote the scriptures for me as i grew up in ministry and i began to preach the gospel and of course i began to see the so-called prosperity preaching you know that's all that was available to me that's all i knew and i learned from the best of the best of the prosperity preachers worldwide i'm talking about at the global level i learned from the best and of course every time they said something they showed a scripture and because for me it was in the bible i thought it was that's all that was needed since i can see it in the bible that's all that was needed so i took it from them and i ran with it preaching with all my strength with all my life and with all my heart and i'm sure god saw the sincerity of my heart and he saw that i was doing this honestly i was not trying to be dubious and then in his mercy you know help me made the u-turn that i made and began to look at the scriptures in the light of christ and i saw so many things that were very wrong with that shade of the gospel so many things in fact i'm putting together a a teaching series on what is wrong with the prosperity gospel where did it start from and all of that you know as time as time goes on i will do a full teaching on that in this house now and most of those who preach another gospel like i said quote from the scriptures it looks like the gospel it sounds like the gospel but it is not the gospel you have to closely look at it well from the from the rightly divided scriptures to be able to know that that is not the gospel now remember a scripture can never mean today what it never meant when it was first written a scripture can never mean today what it never meant when it was first written in other words you can never arrive at the truth when you twist the scriptures no matter how many results you get from it no matter how many results you get from a twisted scripture you can never arrive at the truth the truth of the matter is it doesn't become true because you have a result it doesn't become true because you have a result because when when when i was preaching the prosperity gospel we gave and we saw some things that were results and even people who gave her testimonies and gave you know that is also another thing that made it look like real because of the testimonies people were having i just gave and this is what god has done but then when you look at it everybody that gave didn't get a testimony so it's god passion everybody that gave didn't get sometimes out of the whole giving only four or five people have the testimony what about the rest is god passion is god favoring some people and disfavoring some people what could be the problem what could be the issue those kind of questions were lingering on my mind somewhere but i didn't have answers to them and of course when i was growing up in the ministry when we ask our senior pastors and people we look up to some questions they will just give us that scripture the secret things belong to god and the ones that are revealed and for us for us and our children so there are things you will never know there's no point asking and then we kept wondering what kind of god is this who just you know keeps you wandering and not ever giving you answers to your questions anyway so all that was going on in my mind and then you know as i came into the truth of the gospel i discovered that the truth of the matter is it doesn't become true because you have a result people go to native doctors and native doctors give them things and with those things they still get resolved that doesn't validate native doctorship is that true people go to suit sayers diviners necromancers and they give them some formulas and when they apply it it works that doesn't validate it so the fact that there are some results doesn't validate that operation at all listen carefully an experience does not validate a lie an experience does not validate a lie if it's a lie it's a lie irrespective of the experience that accompanies it so we want to look at why do we give why do we give and i want to be very clear because you know a lot of preachers don't like when i start talking about these kind of things because they feel like i want to spoil market i want to really rip off things but we must remember that i'm also a pastor i'm a preacher i'm a pastor all right and so if anybody should say the kind of things that we encourage people to give no matter what i should be the one because i am also a pastor it's not like i am no more a pastor i'm doing something else and i want to spoil pastor's market i'm also still a pastor and i'm not teaching this somewhere i'm teaching this to members of my church who are supposed to support my ministry so it must be the truth for me against all odds to bring you to your notice otherwise i could just you know do what everybody's doing collect the monies i need to collect but it does it has no blessing there is no blessing in falsehood there is no blessing in lies the blessing is only in the truth so please pay attention this is very important we want to look at why do we give because the reason why we teach is so that you don't give out of assumption so that you don't give out of assumption so why do people give because people need to be taught why we give because to god your motives are very important where god is concerned your motives are very important we want to examine giving today look at the book of acts which is going to be the text for this teaching a man who came to peter and the background of this man is that this man was a sorcerer acts chapter 8 verse number 9 acts chapter 8 verse number 9 but there was a certain man called simon which before time in the same city used sorcery and bewitched the people of samaria giving out that himself was some great man so it's very possible to bewitch an entire city it's very possible to be which an entire state is very possible to even bewitch an entire community everybody is under a spell of witchcraft everybody is manipulated and controlled like a remote control by a soothsayer a diviner a witch doctor and everybody goes to him from the greatest to the smallest because of his operationality and manipulation this is what was happening in this particular city so people thought he was a great one look at verse 10 verse 10 of acts chapter 8 to whom they all give heed from the least to the greatest saying this man is the great power of god that is he was very popular and what he was called they said this man is the great power of god they acknowledge god in what he was doing but this man was a sorcerer this man was a native doctor this man was a diviner even though he was a diviner but because the people are in darkness when a man is in darkness he can't tell the difference so the whole city concluded that that native doctor is a man of god is a great power of god why because he can call their phone numbers why because he can tell them about their village scenario why because they can tell them what they are going through right now it's not a revelation to tell you a problem after all is the devil that caused the problem so for the devil to use his messenger to reveal the problem it's not a revelation it's not a revelation so everybody looked up to him like some great man of god and of course he was suit and tie he had escort and pilot cars he had bodyguard and protocol and of course yes he quoted some verses of the scripture out of context and everybody thought that must be a man of god but don't forget you can never get the truth out of a lie when a scripture is not rightly divided is a lie when a scripture is not rightly divided it's a lie that's what brother paul would say to timothy rightly dividing the word autotomy rightly dividing the word of truth so they said this man is a great man of god so along the line this man this native doctor this sorcerer had brother paul i mean had philip philip the evangelist look at verse 11 of the same chapter 8 please pay attention and to him they had regard because that of long time he had bewitched them with sorceries he had bewitched the whole city so everybody respected him and everybody looked up to him like some great man until some kind of teaching like this one started going out and then he became comfortable because the only people that are uncomfortable with the truth are people that are making merchandise out of lies you didn't hear that the only people that are uncomfortable with the truth are those that are making merchandise out of a lie now please pay attention to this so verse 11 verse 11 look at verse 11 again and to him they had regard because that of long time he had bewitched them with sorceries so people can be respected over time by sorcery they can be respected over time because they are sorcerers they may not call themselves sorceress because sometimes the gullible audience don't know the difference between sorcery and the gospel of christ so they concluded all of the all men of god he is also one of the generals of the gospel of christ he's a general because they don't know the difference he had miracles he had signs and wonders so people respected him some of those people the reason why people are drawn to them is miracles and you know the bible says an evil generation seek for sign and none shall be given to them except the son of jonas and the bible says with signs and wonders many shall be deceived so signs and wonders are instruments that can be used for deception and that's why a believer must not rely on miracles a believer must rely on the written word of god rightly divided because the writing word of god is the truth is the truth and when you know the truth which is the written word of god revealed in the person of jesus he sets you free hallelujah so the people respected this sorcerer look at verse 12 and 13 when he heard philip preach when but when they believe philly preaching the things concerning the kingdom of god the city began to believe the true gospel and the name of jesus christ they were baptized both men and women next verse then simon himself when the native doctor discovers that his customers are no more coming he will have to think twice when a native doctor discovers that those that used to patronize him have suddenly seen the truth in christ and there are no more patronizing him he has to submit the bible tells us look at it put it up for me put it up for me and that's why we have to preach hard then simon himself believed also and when he was baptized he continued with philip and won that beholding the miracles and signs which were done why is he wondering because his own were false miracles now he's seen genuine miracles he's seen people's lives genuinely changed he is seeing people genuinely encountering a relationship with god that now gives them the advantage to work in the believer's authority where you're not a miracle seeker but you are a miracle worker when something is wrong you know exactly what to do when something is not working you don't run around looking for men of god you stay on your own and make it happen why because god has no stepchildren all of us are children of god these signs shall follow those that believe except you are not a believer every believer is a commander of signs and wonders why because the worker of the signs and wonders lives on his inside am i communicating at all am i communicating at all so obviously after that peter and john came to samaria to lay hands on the brethren that they may be filled with the holy ghost this man saw something that was bigger than all his magic magical acts sorceries and divination now look at verse 18 and 19 verse 18 and 19 same chapter when simon saw the sorcerer the true laying on of the apostle hands the holy ghost was given he offered them money because in where is coming from that is how it works you can buy their god with money you can buy their idol with money you can buy their talisman with money you can buy their charm with money so since that is how it works there he thought that is how it works in the kingdom so when he saw what was bigger than him he now offered money you know when people say if you don't sow a seed you cannot get a miracle if you don't sow a seed god cannot bless you if you don't sow a seed god cannot work for you that is the operationality of the kingdom of darkness our god is not like that our god is not like that he is not our god is not a marketer our god is not into merchandise he offered them seed as we call it today now the reason why you will immediately have a red flag on him is because before now they called him a sorcerer he was a juju priest i'm using all the adjectives so that somebody listening will know what i'm talking about he was a native doctor a success a palm reader a palm reader a necromancer a necromancer he was a sorcerer people interact with ghosts evil spirits people who sleep in the grave to acquire power to wow people and mesmerize people who don't know who they are that's where he's coming from that is his background but you see what he did here will pass for why many people give today because what he did here was to give money in exchange for anointing and today they call it tap into my grace saw a seed and tap into my grace that's exactly what this guy was doing he wanted to tap into peter's grease he wanted to tap into the ocean to function am i teaching good he wanted to tap by sowing a seed he wanted to tap into it stay with me that's what many people do today so he said give me look at verse 19 and 20 verse 19 and 20 saying give me also after he gave money he brought a bag of money he now said give me also this power that on whomsoever i lay hands he may receive the holy ghost but peter said unto him thy money perish with thee because thou has thought that the gift of god may be purchased with money people that want to to give money for god to give them a husband they are buying god's power you want to give money so your body can be healed you are buying god's power and the power of god cannot be purchased with money peter said go and perish you and your money perish that was harsh that was harsh that was very strong but for peter to speak like that was because of how strong the action was and many preachers today that's how they function you sow a seed for prayer you go for counseling you have to give consultation fee consultation fee those are sorcerers you have to pay before you are prayed for and the level of your problem will determine the cost sowing a seed for a miracle sowing a seed for a miracle if you don't give money there are things you can get from god your level of sacrifice determines the weight of your breakthrough simon the sorcerer i'm teaching good now simon the sorcerer so now the question will be what was wrong in what he said you know it was lovely he wanted the power of god that should be commended he wants the power of the holy ghost but why did peter rebuke him so the question will be again why do we give why do we give matthew chapter 5 let's look at jesus matthew chapter 5 verse 43 matthew chapter 5 verse 43 you have heard that it had been said thou shalt love thy neighbor and hit that enemy 44 but i say unto you this is jesus speaking now love your enemies bless them that curse you or kiss you do good to them that hate you and pray for them which despite fully use you and persecute you next verse that you may be the children of your father which is in heaven for he maketh his son to rise on the evil and on the good and send that reign on the just under on the unjust next verse for if you love them which love you what reward have ye do not even the publicans the same next verse please pay attention and if you salute your brethren only what do you more than others do not even the republicans so 48 be there for perfect even as your father which is in heaven is perfect so jesus says that your heavenly father does not reward giving with giving jesus emphatically said that your heavenly father does not reward giving with giving he says he gives to those who don't like him he gives to those who don't like him that's why matthew 6 will now make sense look at matthew chapter 6 verse number 12 matthew 6 verse number 12. and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors forgive us our debts that's what we call the lost prayer look at me everybody it looks like look at me it looks like god will only forgive when you forgive but that will contradict what we just read he gives to the unthankful and he gives to the thankful so if god will only forgive when we forgive that already contradicts his character so something was not right with that translation when you go to the original because the proper greek says you forgive us our debts so we can forgive our debtors you forgive us that is you are the model we learn from you how to forgive others are we teaching here it's not you for it's not you forgive us because we forgive others no it is you forgive us so that we from your own character of forgiveness can forgive others that is he forgives us so that we forgive others who are our debtors he is the example of what we do we are not the example for what he does he doesn't learn from us how to forgive so he doesn't wait for us to forgive before he forgives us that will be him learning from us but we learn from him so he forgives us so that we can forgive others so it's not proper construction there then look at verse 14 also verse 14 of the same matthew chapter 6 for if you forgive men their trespasses your heavenly father will also forgive you now that is not the way it's in the original if you get the greek lexicon in the greek lexicon it's it's put it up let me read it for you the way it is in the greek lexicon for if you forgive men they are trespasses that is in the original list you forgive men their trespasses even as your heavenly father forgives you even as your heavenly father forgives you because our forgiveness is as we learn from him are we teaching here that's the right word now this also should be with what the heavenly father does because where do we get our example of forgiveness from from the father look at verse 15 hallelujah verse 15 but if you forgive not men their trespasses neither will your father forgive your trespasses that means the heavenly father will sin because i sin so if i'm sinning the father will be sinning because unforgiveness is a sin so if i don't forgive the father will not forgive that means me and the father are in unforgiveness am i teaching here which is not right which is not right so something is wrong with the construction if the heavenly father refuses to forgive because i didn't forgive what has he done he has sinned so it should be that verse should be the heavenly father is the model for forgiveness he doesn't forgive because we forgive he forgave so that we also from his character can build our own character of forgiveness am i teaching good see what what you call that verse you call the lord's prayer was actually not a prayer jesus was just teaching the disciples the character of the father that this is the character of the god because the god that you serve because when you know his character you can trust him more you can rely on him more and you can believe him more we forgive because he forgives he is the example and we follow his model so does the heavenly father forgive because we ask him no the father does not forgive because we ask him forgiveness please write this down in capital letters forgiveness is never an answer to prayer forgiveness is never an answer to prayer every time jesus said your sins are forgiven in the four gospels nobody asked him nobody asked him every time he said your sins are forgiven look at luke chapter 7 47 luke chapter 7 verse 47 are you getting blessed luke chapter 7 verse 47 wherefore i say unto thee her sins which are many are forgiving she didn't ask for it he offered her forgiveness because forgiveness is not a reward forgiveness is a gift your sins or her sins which are many are forgiving for she loved much but to whom little is forgiving the same beloved little so he offered this woman the gift of the forgiveness of sin and don't forget this woman was a prostitute he was a prostitute and she didn't come expecting forgiveness she just came to jesus and jesus said to her woman your sins are forgiven look at another one in luke chapter 5 verse 19 when they brought the fellow from the roof luke chapter 5 verse 19 and when they could not find by what way they might bring him in because of the multitude they went upon the house top and let him down through the tiling with his couch into the midst before jesus so they dropped their friend who was sick before jesus look at the next verse and when he saw their faith because that action of tearing a roof to drop their friend was faith in jesus to heal when he saw their faith in him to heal their friend he said unto them he gave them something bigger than healing man thy sins are forgiven did the man ask for it no forgiveness is not an answer to prayer there is no prayer like prayer of forgiveness it's not in the bible forgiveness is a gift of god's grace he offers it to you before you even know you need it but god commanded his love toward us in that while we were yet sinners who died for us christ what is that the gift of god's grace forgiveness of sin is the gift of god's grace to an undeserving sinner you don't deserve forgiveness yet he gave it to you freely then in luke 23 verse 34 when they were killing jesus luke 23 34 when they were killing jesus then said jesus father forgive them they didn't ask for it for they know not what they do and they patent his remnant and cast lords he offered them forgiveness before they even knew they needed it they know not what they do so the father's forgiveness is it a response to prayer or his character character it is his character that is the way god operates does he forgive because you repented no rather it is his forgiveness that makes you repent it is because he forgave you that you now repent is his goodness that leads to repentance not his cruelty god never keeps malice so he forgives ahead of time before you committed the offense he offered you forgiveness let me ask all of you a question is there anybody here that was there when jesus died you were born at that time anybody like that nobody here so jesus died before you committed your first sin so that means he offered you forgiveness before you even sin teaching good because forgiveness is god's character there's nothing you can ever do to keep god in unforgiveness am i teaching good here there's nothing you can ever do to keep god in unforgiveness so ahead of time before you do whatever you are thinking to do he gave you forgiveness in advance he credited your account with eternal forgiveness your account has been credited with eternal forgiveness why because that is god's character so forgiveness of sin is not an answer to prayer that is why it is free god gives forgiveness freely is it clear i said is it clear that's why in the episodes you will say in whom we have redemption even the forgiveness of sins that's why you will see scripture say forgive even as god has already forgiven you your trespasses because forgiveness is god's character forgiveness is not a reward it's not a response forgiveness is god's he broke he he he pre preempted you and gave you forgiveness that's god's disposition that's why when people come you will give them forgiveness before they ask if you observe when you told the guy that they brought in the stretcher man your sins are forgiven people start the memory who is you to forgive sins how can you forgive you jesus said that you may know that the son of man has power not only to forgive sins but to heal i do not only forgive you stand up take the mat that was carrying you the man stood up took the mat and walked out so first of all he gave him what was more important than healing because what is more important than healing is forgiveness so if he has given him forgiveness what is healing are we teaching here if he has given forgiveness of sin what is the healing of your body so that's why he will say god who spears not his son but give him up for us freely how shall he not because if he gave you jesus without you asking why do you think you have to beg god before he answers your prayer as important as jesus is you didn't pray for god to give jesus god in his love sat down and decided to give you jesus before you knew you need jesus so if god gave you jesus what else in this world the earth is the lord and the fullness thereof if he gave you jesus what is car what is house what is money what is wife what is children what are all those things they are nothing compared to the gift of god's grace which has been given to you freely without you asking am i teaching good this morning he gave you christ free of charge that's the gospel now look at luke chapter 6 verse 38 the famous offering scripture which many churches you still now luke 6 38 hallelujah luke chapter 6 verse 38 give and it shall be given unto you good measure press down shaking together and running over shall men give into your bosom for with the same measure that you made with all it shall be measured to you again that's the scripture people use for give so that god can give you if you don't give god will never give you so if you don't give off free don't expect a break the level of your sacrifice will determine the weight of your breaking your offering will wipe away your suffering so that you know i was there before [Applause] your offering will remove your suffering and yet many people are giving offering and still suffering so who is lying god or the preacher the preacher of course how can offering remove suffering where did you ever see that in the bible you know what if you're sick check your seed there's another prosperity preacher so if you are not giving seed you will be sick listen it's not just evil it's very wrong it's a corruption of god's character from the pulpit from the pulpit and people who are lazy to study their bible just keep running around with it because it makes little sense it makes some sense to a natural man but you're not asking the right questions if it is true that your offering will wipe away your suffering why is it that many people in the church that give offering are suffering somebody is lying and definitely cannot be god it has to be the preacher who is preaching it now did you observe he says shall men not shall god give and it shall be given good measure press down shaking together running over shall men not god now observe i think i went somewhere to preach i think it was ghana also and one preacher came and then that day i left the service immediately because i felt like he was molesting and spiritually abusing people i mean he told them that there are four levels of prosperity in god the first level is good measure second level press down third level shaking together foot level running over that to step into these four levels it begins with giving then he started talking and calculating for them how much they have to give to enter level one how much they have to give to enter level two level three level four and he was molesting the bible abusing twisting in fact he even said something i have never had since i was born that was the first i was sitting on the pulpit because the host pastor begged me that please there's another preacher preaching who is like his spiritual father and he will want me to just sit down with him so we can give his spiritual further respect i'm a guest and as a guest i am there to serve the church so i came that evening i just flew in that evening and i was even tired from the flight you know ghana flight evening flight so i just said okay pick me up when he starts preaching just before he starts bringing me they brought me a sudden i was listening to the man then the man started talking like that oh my god then he now said to them even lions pay tithe lie on such sense to pay tithe and many christians don't have sense to pay tithe immediately my mind started flying i've been reading the bible i have never seen where lie on spade tight where is this man bringing this rhema from oh my goodness today i'm going to be enjoying revelation knowledge then guess what the man said he said lie played tide because when daniel was thrown to the lion's den the lions looked at daniel and they said among themselves let us give this one as tight immediately said that i took my bible i told the guy excuse me i have to go now i have to go now because i don't want my ears corrupted when a pastor is greedy when a pastor is greedy every scripture is for money collection is it is greed now he says give and it shall be given good measures shaking together running over shall men take note of men now let's look at the scripture in context look at the pretext so we can understand what jesus was teaching there in that luke chapter six let's begin from luke chapter chapter 6 verse 36 look at verse 36 let's look at the pretext be there for merciful as your father also is merciful next verse judge not and you shall not be judged condemn not and you shall not be condemned forgive and you shall be forgiven that is how men operate among men if you don't want them to judge you don't judge them if you want them to forgive you forgive them so jesus was showing how men operate in the world then look at verse 38 give and it shall be given so 37 is about men but go back to verse 27. let's look at the pretext 27 but i say unto you which here love your enemies do good to them which hate you 28 bless them that cause you and pray for them which despite fully use you that contradicts 37 and 38 love your enemies bless those who use you that doesn't sound like judge that you be not judged that doesn't sound like give and it shall be given unto you now look at verse 29 and unto him that smited thee on one cheek offer also the other and him that taketh away thy cloak forbid not to take thy coat also now it doesn't mean she give you a cheek for people to be slapping around it's a parable it means don't respond if they slap you don't respond that's what it simply means all right now look at verse 30 verse 30 give to everyone that accept of thee and of him that taketh away thy goods ask them not again next verse and as you would that men should do to you do also to them likewise next verse for if you love them which love you what tank have you for sinners also love those that love them 33 and if you do good to them which do good to you what tank have you for sinners also even do the same 34 and if you lend to them of whom you hope to receive what tank have you for sinners also learn to send us to receive as much gain 35 but love you your enemies and do good and land hoping for nothing again and your reward shall be great and you shall be the children of the highest for he is kind unto the unthankful and to the evil did you observe that he is kind to the unthankful somebody says if you are not thankful to god your tongue will not be fooled that's a lie god is kind even to those that are unthankful and in greece he continues to still be blessing them that's god's character now look at 36. be there for merciful as your father also is merciful so question are you supposed to do good to them who will do good to you huh from what you have read no so who are you supposed to do good to everybody including those who are not good to you all right good did he say when you do something that's when it will be done back to you did he say god will only be merciful to you if you do something god is merciful to everybody that's god's character now he said when you do things for people you are not expecting anything in return you just do good because that is your character you're not doing it because you want to collect something you're just being good to people because you're a good person and that's the way your heavenly father operates so look at how men function he now wants to give you the difference between how men function and how god functions look at 37 he now wants to show you how men function 37 judge not and you shall not be judged condemn not and you shall not be condemned forgive and you shall be forgiven that's how men function give and it shall be given unto you good measure press down shaking together running over shall men give into your bosom for with the same measure that you made to men that is the same measure that we used to make back to you he's teaching about god's character different from man's character he's not teaching on giving he's exposing man's character how inferior it is to god's character are we in the building here are we in the building here so men give us a response men give as a response god doesn't give so that it will be giving back to him because he blesses the unthankful god blesses the unthankful is that not what we should do with you should bless the unthankful so are you to give and expect returns from what we are learning are you to give and expect returns you give because you give he said give expecting nothing that's jesus teaching jesus is god how does the father give he gives without expecting anything in return he gives without expecting anything in return does he discriminate who he gives to no he says he gives to the good and to the bad and we are supposed to give like our heavenly father gives look at james chapter 1 verse 5 let's see the way brother james will communicate god's character to us if any of you lack wisdom let him ask the original says let him ask of the giving god god wants you to know that his character is that he's a giver let him give us the giving god that giveth to all men liberally and operated not and it shall be given him who gives unto all god how does he give liberally that word there is hap loss haplos in the greece if you're writing is h a p h l o s haplos it means he gives without conditions god gives without conditions god does not give you and say now that i've given if you don't give back i will give you next time no god gives without conditions he gives freely liberally and operates not the word of bread means god does not find fault god never finds fault he just gives he never says you gave without dancing didn't you know that if you don't dance i can't collect any gift from a non-dancer you get without singing a song didn't you know that song motivates me god you don't know god when praises go up that's fraud fraud he gives to the thankful and you don't thankful that is his character am i teaching good that is god's character that is the character of god the word fine fault is the greek word on idaho it means he gives without saying because you don't have faith i won't give you know people think if you pray if you ask god for healing god will never heal you if you're a sinner the people that jesus healed what were they all the people in the gospels they were all sinners 10 steps to healing fraud there is no step to healing god heals because that's his character he even heals those that killed him he healed them bible says and jesus healed them all whether they believed or did not believe god is not going to heal you because you believe he's going to heal you because he loves you healing is god's character healing comes out of god's compassion bible says and jesus was moved by compassion and he healed them all are we teaching good here yeah it's god's character he gives without finding fault so how does god give he gives liberally he told them in luke chapter 11 verse 13 look at it luke chapter 11 verse 13. if you then being evil know how to give good gifts unto your children how much more shall your heavenly father give the holy spirit to them that ask him god just gives because he loves if you that are evil know how to give good gifts to your children how much more so what comes from the father is much more what comes from the father is much more so who is my example of mercy man or the father the father who is my example of judgment man or the father the father who is my example of forgiveness man or the father the father who is my example of giving man or the father father is that clear now second corinthians 11 now before i really take note so i can give as men give and i can give as god gives i can give as men give how do men give men give expecting returns how does god give god gives expecting nothing so i can give both i can decide to give you as a colleague in my office and i tell you look i'm giving you 50 000 you have to return it to you have to return it i can decide that there's nothing wrong with that but when it comes to god i'm not giving to god to collect i'm giving to god because i'm responding to his love finish i'm not giving because i'm expecting something no okay now this should not amaze you why someone who doesn't believe the gospel is wealthy it shouldn't bother you because that's the way god operates elon musk i was just reading about elon musk few days ago the guy is making how many millions per second last year he was making hundreds of thousands of dollars per second this year it has tripled he's making millions of dollars per second elon musk i just read about him a few days ago he doesn't care about your god he doesn't speak in your tongues he never gives to god he's not interested all these people that got if you don't pay attention to me fraud how much time did bill gates pay how much that does did mark zuckerberg pay how many how much time is a long box paying and yet they are the richest these people are making billions per second millions per second trillions per year these are trillionaires in dollars yet they have never paid tithes and preachers will tell if you don't pay tithe to be tight that shade of the gospel is very evil it shouldn't amaze you how an atheist who doesn't believe in god is a multi-millionaire he's always abusing god yet he flies his private jet no accident he should amaze you god is merciful to the good and to the bad god gives to the evil and to the good that is his character am i answering questions h-l-o-t-i-s haplotes similar to the one in james 1 5 haplos it means to give with sincerity simplicity means sincerity the word in verse 2 chest virgin means purity which is from the word agnost in the greek hagunus means agnos means purity or innocence that is without pretense without falsehood for further study you can see the use of that word in 2nd corinthians chapter 7 verse 11 philippians chapter 4 verse 8 first timothy chapter 5 verse 22 2nd corinthians chapter 11 verse 2. i go over them again second corinthians 7 11 philippians 4 8 1st timothy 5 22 2 corinthians 11 verse 2 is also from the word agnotis hag notice second corinthians 6 6 2 corinthians chapter 6 verse 6 by pureness by pureness that word means to have a pure intention that is you have a sincere intention please look up to me so he's saying you should be sincere in your intentions you should be sincere then he said in 2nd corinthians 11 3 2 corinthians 11 verse 3 but i fear less by any means as the serpent began if through his subtlety so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in christ the word simplicity means haplotic generosity that is there is generosity in christ and generosity means to give without conditions that is to give without holding back how many of you know look at everybody how many of you know why the world was on lockdown there are people who became billionaires with the lockdown and they don't want the lockdown to stop wealth is controlled by men it's not controlled by god god has never printed currency god has never printed currency currency is printed by central bank and central bank regulates the use of currency god has no money god has no money men invented money for exchange money comes from trees trees were created to give you shade men by innovation taunt trees to paper it is not god because god gave man power over all things so man has the power to create anything out of anything am i teaching here men determine the forces that control the market is men the president of the country can create an immediate economic commotion just by a policy it's not god god is not involved in how people get wealth men control that remember god said let them let them have dominion not let us let them so since he let them them have been in charge that says some people can sit down and calculate and release a virus a virus that will nations to bring a global stand still so that others can overtake others do you know it's pastor matthew in abuja our pastor that was talking to me yesterday he said papa do you know how much zoom has made in the last one year zoom everybody is on zoom and you pay imagine how much you pay for zoom usage and imagine the whole world everybody's on zoom do you know how much they have made in one year conferences are on zoom church meetings are consumed you know mega corporations everybody is meeting on zoom just think about it people like elon musk that have all kinds of technological technological advantage their technology is just making money for them while they are sleeping and on vacation men control economic forces god has no hand in it he gave man that's why when you went to school to read economics it's not a divine book the book of economics was not written by god men wrote economic principles true or false the loss of demand and supply is determined by men through all falls god is not involved so praying and waiting for god to make you rich you'll be there till thy kingdom come no fasting produces wealth it is hard work that produces world and you know even fraud needs hard work to steal the calculation the brain work the high blood pressure stealing is an industry it's an industry because there is calculation there is organization there is execution there's timing there's spy work all of that is involved because it's an evil industry kidnapping is an industry because people sit down orchestrate the plan set up an organization set up people that will do this the other ones that will do that all that all that is an industry it's just that it's an evil industry so money comes by honest and dishonest means god is not involved so in case you've been waiting for god today today is the end of your week stand up and say what can i do to make money and begin to do it god forbid that i should fast and pray for what an unbeliever gets without prayer you didn't hear that let me say it again in capital letters god forbid that i should be fasting and praying for what an unbeliever gets without prayer you are generous say with me i am generous say it again i am generous say i give expecting nothing giving in exchange is not generosity did you hear that if you're writing writing capital letters giving in exchange is not generosity that is a transaction giving in exchange is a transaction so a seat for a miracle is a transaction so a seat for a breakthrough is a transaction so as any time you give any form of money to god expecting something you are moving god to a merchandiser it's not generosity it's a transaction that is a business venture which is not wrong but not with god there's nothing wrong in doing business but not with god because what he's saying here is that generosity that is found in christ is what we have so that's why in that corinthians he now gives you the next statement look at it second corinthians 11 verse 4 for if he that cometh preached another jesus whom we have not preached or if you receive another spirit which you have not received or another gospel which you have not accepted so there is another jesus there is another spirit there is another gospel this is not our jesus who died this is not the gospel of christ and this is not the spirit of god but there is a spirit that is another there is a jesus there is another there is a gospel so watch this it is the gospel that determines the spirit that determines the jesus so in other words he is linking generosity to the gospel that is what god has done in christ he says don't let your mind be corrupted from the simplicity the generosity that is in christ don't let anybody tell you you can buy a miracle don't let anybody tell you you can buy a wife don't let anybody tell you you can buy children just be sowing just be sowing they began the sacrifice they were the miracles look at the use of that word generosity again romans 12 8 as i begin to round up i continue in the next service or he that exalted on exaltation he that give that let him do it with simplicity that is the word generosity or sincerity that means haplotic simplicity that means he is expecting you to do something that is he's not expecting you to do something back you just do it with generosity you give just because you love god you give because you believe in this vision every time we say give you give because you believe in this vision you go out you make money you keep a portion because you believe in this vision why this vision is touching lives this vision is changing people this vision is establishing the kingdom of god on earth therefore it's a good cause and because it's a good cause what do i do i support it i'm not giving to get i'm giving because i believe in the vision that is kingdom giving i'm not giving to by god my god is not for sale you can buy him it is that kind of giving that peter told the man you are your money go and perish we don't buy the gift of god because the gift of god is what we don't deserve is a grace there's no amount of money you can use to buy it it's a grace that's why it is god that gave first it is god that gave first you are not the first giver for god to love the world he is the first giver and he gave his only begotten son he gave so that you can be rich we know the grace of our lord jesus how that he was rich yet for your sake he became poor what made him poor did anybody steal his property who stole it so how did he become poor he became poor by taking on himself your sin so that through him becoming sin you can become righteous it's not a scripture for collecting offering it's a scripture that reveals the love of god what is the grace of christ the grace of christ is that christ becomes poor to enrich others what is grace grace is i deprive myself so that somebody else can benefit money i will have used for lunch i'm going to give it as an offering for evangelism so that somebody's life can be better that is grace giving i'm not giving to get something i'm not giving to get god to do something i'm giving because i believe in the cause see another scripture second corinthians 1 12 1 12 for our rejoicing is this the testimony of our conscience that in simplicity and godly sincerity not with fleshly wisdom but by the grace of god we have had our conversation in the world and more abundantly toward you he is talking about service that is you are a preacher of the gospel you are not preaching out of a motive more than to give you're just preaching to give you're sincere we just want you to be better we want you to be the best we want you to know god we want you to grow your knowledge of christ we want you to to be the person god wants you to be that's why we preach we are not manipulating your pocket we are not preaching to eye your pocket we are preaching to make you the best god wants you to be that's our motive so our motive for preaching is not to collect from you but rather to add to you the reason why you give is so that this good word can reach more people am i communicating you're not giving to get that's a transaction that's a business and god is not in that kind of business paul says i don't preach this for a reward i don't preach it for a reward he said our behavior among you is with generosity we have given and we have given not expecting anything in return again in second corinthians chapter eight verse one look at it second corinthians chapter eight verse one and two moreover brethren we do you to which of the grace of god bestowed where on the churches of macedonia next verse pay attention now how that in a great trial of affliction the abundance of their joy and their deep poverty abounded unto the riches of their liberality that is they are in the depth of poverty yet they are giving generously look at those three you will love those three for to their power at their record yeah and beyond their power they were willing of themselves next verse praying us with much entity that we will receive the gift and take upon us the fellowship of the ministering of the sin or to the saints next verse and this they did not as we hoped but first gave their own selves to the lord and unto us by the will of god they gave themselves to god and they gave to us by the will of god so you don't give because now you have an increase in your business you give because it is the culture of the believer you give in season you give out of season you give in season you give out of season so they were not giving out of convenience they were giving out of conviction a poor church they didn't give because they had too much they did because they believed in the vision they gave because they believed in the mission they gave because they knew that the kingdom of god requires money to reach others they gave not out of convenience but they gave out of conviction i believe in this vision i believe in this message i believe in what dr damina is preaching and i have decided to partner with him to make others here this world that is kingdom giving i'm not giving so i can get 91 dollars for 91 blessings from psalm 91 fraud i'm just giving because i believe in this righteous cause let them that favor his righteous cause shout for joy let them continually say the lord be magnified in the prosperity of his servant that is the prosperity of his servant magnifies god why because they give to the righteous cause not because they're expecting anything the lord be magnified he has pleasure in my prosperity i'm not giving to get i'm just giving because i love god even if i didn't have i would look for to give he said they gave what was available and they went beyond their power do you know what it means to go beyond your power they borrowed to give they give and they get beyond what they have meaning they borrowed if somebody borrows to marry why wouldn't he borrow to give it's a question wedding wedding is just a celebration after marriage the real marriage has happened before wedding because the real marriage is parents giving their children to one another that's marriage it's cultural so all that wedding is unnecessary it's not in the bible no wedding in the bible white wedding is a white man's culture isn't in the bible it's not a bible thing in the bible marriage is parents handing over their children when requirements of the families are met once that happens marriage has happened and of course because you're a responsible christian you now call your pastor to speak a blessing basic you don't need to feed people you don't need to wear gown you can wear house clothes and come and get married [Applause] i'm not joking i'm very serious you don't need to gather people you can do your wedding call your friends 10 10 cook for them they eat you rejoice and that's it sunday you come and give testimony we got married within the week papa was there to bless us and if papa was not their pastor praise was there all my district pastor was sent by the church they blessed us it was a wonderful wedding we were just 15 in number praise god because of social distancing so we couldn't take more than 50. you're a young man that wants to start life and you want to spend 2 million for wedding you don't have sense the school fees your father paid in school was wasted you need to go back to the village and refund the fees you don't have money to start life then you are spending two million in a way two million can set up a good business for you if you have since and that's why people get married and for one year they are still paying debt so their marriage started with bitterness and anger everybody is angry because when there is debt to pay and no money to eat there will be tension in the house that love will suddenly finish who send you and most times is the sisters and when where are you again me do i want to dance i want to dance if i don't dance i would never be normal i would never be normal i must dance all my friends are waiting they are all waiting for me i must put my picture on facebook facebook must see my picture if i don't put my picture on facebook i can never be normal who knows you on facebook facebook is for faceless people people you don't even know you want to impress them and you want to make your young man to be broke to impress facebook you know it's for facebook you don't need what you know you don't need to borrow a gun call a photographer you don't know you can enter a red housing and look for one corner and snap and put new york last week in new york who will confirm it how will they confirm it no it's a question how will they confirm it are there no green trees in new york is there no sand in new york cannot look for somewhere in lagos snap different places put new york japan china and then somebody will sit and die of jealousy for picture you snap in lagos just because you put new york japan and china vanity upon vanity all is vanity am i making your life easy my yoke is easy my yoke is easy my butt sister let the brother marry you like that you people should just gather inside my office i bless you then give him time two years four years five years when he has balance financially and he has made money you can call the whole of nigeria from president down to come and join do your marriage honey don't eat your future today in a bit to impress people because people can never be impressed so if you borrow for wedding is it for the work of god if you borrow to bury the dead berry oh barrier all of us in the family have to give to two hundred thousand i don't know but i want to just go and borrow i can depend smoke smoke for one year you borrow to bury the dead yet you cannot borrow to give to the work of god and the work of god is much more a righteous cause much more than bearing the dead man is gone he doesn't know you buried him in that fashion he's not aware you're the only one that is aware he said this they did not as we hoped but to their power and yeah beyond their power they begged us to collect they say please don't pity my condition and reject my offering i know i don't have but this little let it be used for the work of god let it add value to people's lives that is kingdom giving i'm not giving expecting something i'm giving because i believe in the vision i believe in the work i believe in this message i want this message to go all over the world there's been too much deception i want people to know the truth like i have known the truth so i am giving to the work that's kingdom giving am i teaching good here that's kingdom giving and i'm going to talk a lot more in the next service i'm going to talk about why we give the reasons in the bible i'm going to talk a little more about a number of things just to help you come to a place where you are at peace with god and where you do the right things for the right reasons somebody say i hear you are you blessed this morning stand on your feet that's all i got for you in this house glory to jesus i say glory to jesus say with me i am generous i thought you would shout it very loud i thought you were shouting louder say i am generous towards the work of god i am generous towards the saints i didn't hear a good amen brother paul says upon the first day of the week let every man set apart for the ministering to the sins you know when you give to this ministry it is for the ministering to the sins because when you give to this ministry the beneficiaries of your giving are the saints every time you give that is how you meet the needs of saints that's number one you give to this ministry so we can reach people and today's partnership sunday both those online social media you know kingdom life network and radio audience today's part this week is partnership week and we're encouraging everybody to give to support this ministry so we can keep doing the good things we're doing all over the world on radio on television on the internet so we can keep doing the good things we're doing all over the world it takes money to run a visual like this it takes money to get the gospel to the ends of the act like we do and we give not to get we give because we believe we give out of conviction we do not give out of merchandise praise god lift your right hand to heaven father we give you joy this morning thank you for the privilege to honor your world and we honor your word thank you for revelation knowledge thank you for delivering us from greed convictiousness thank you for delivering us from selfishness we give because that is the sign that greed and consciousness has been broken of our lives we give because it is a sign that generosity is at work in us therefore today lord i pray for everybody in this building especially those that have had a a wrong notion about giving that this will be a moment of relearning a moment of all learning and a moment of learning so that we give out of a motive that is pure an offering that is pleasing to you thank you for the privilege to honor you and the privilege to walk in these realities in jesus precious name and every believer says a powerful amen i didn't hear that amen now before i take up your offerings listen to me online community and unders and all the social media people and everybody watching on television today is our partnership sunday partnership is the opportunity we give you so that out of the mornings you have made within the moon the portion you have set aside to partner with us to support this vision to reasonably reasonably make an impact in this ministry so that through your giving we ensure that people are reached all over the world all over the world there's so much to do so much to do there's seven billion people to reach with this truth of the gospel and so every time you partner with us you make it easy for us to do what we need to do for the kingdom so if you're watching me online and you want to partner partnership means every month you set apart a portion of your increase your income to support us to support us it takes several several tens of millions every month to run this ministry it takes a lot because we are doing a lot to get this gospel out there so i want to challenge you this morning if you're watching me online on kingdom life network and you want to partner with us every month all you need to just send an email right now to dr ebelldamina dr ebeldamina we will send you another email with banking details where you will be sending in your partnership every month and i want to thank you in advance for responding to support this vision to support this church and to support this work of god and my prayer for you is that you will enjoy the grace of god you will enjoy the favor of god and you will continue to make impact in your world in jesus name can i hear a powerful amen and all the partners online we thank you thank you for your givings today thank you for honoring this ministry and honoring this grace that is reaching out to you by your givings to this ministry now i know that partnership will be done here in a bit and you may not be online that's why i'm doing this right now but i want to take up your usual honor offerings or not for the word of god everybody grab your honor offering let's give in faith let's give with joy let's celebrate what we have in christ let's give us our way of honoring the teaching of god's word and honoring what we have in christ praise the lord all right lift it up to heaven father thank you for the privilege to give this morning we're giving honor and we give to acknowledge that it is our responsibility to get this gospel to the ends of the earth therefore our offerings we give it with joy we give it in faith and we declare that as we continue to give towards the towards this world and towards the work of the kingdom many people are reached all over the world thank you for that privilege and thank you lord that this house your people are growing in knowledge and your people are growing in grace your people are growing every day in responsibility so together we reach a world that don't know christ thank you for answered prayer in jesus precious name and every believer says a powerful amen now listen to me online we're going to sign you off but we expect you to send in your offerings the banking details are scrolling on the screen but online and for those on television the banking details are scrolling and i want to thank you for your givings today and remember the whole of this week we're going to repeat all the teachings of in christ realities by six in the evening every evening and then we're going to continue with the third series at 12 noon in the afternoon so throughout this you can only have two broadcasts a day 12 noon and 6 p.m 12 noon there'll be no 10 p.m broadcast it will be 12 noon and 6 p.m every day on facebook youtube twitter and instagram every day and on kingdom life network only two broadcasts throughout the next few weeks 12 noon and 6 p.m gmt plus one but we love you guys and we want you to stay with us in the next service so that i can conclude the teaching on why and how we give have information is very dangerous you need to hear the rest of it we love you guys i'm looking forward to connect with you at 11 a.m gmt plus one and until then let's celebrate viewers around the world for being a part of this morning this morning service glory amen amen let's do it by this message for these all the messages and books by dr abel dominar please call plus [Music] 234-806-800-9939 email power cityoffice [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] do [Music] this is kingdom life network
Channel: Abel Damina Ministries International
Views: 5,766
Rating: 4.8911567 out of 5
Id: tYV8vj-rFkg
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Length: 100min 18sec (6018 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 07 2021
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