Survival Expert REACTS to The Forest | Experts React

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there you go just got rid of the enemy and possibly cooked yourself some dinner he's got a lighter dude that is a score if you are in a survival situation and you have a lighter you're golden you know mindset is so important in survival situations so whether you are covered in blood or not really you got to find the beauty and the magic i am king of phillips i am a journalist anthropologist outdoor wilderness and survival expert i have spent most of my life being feral in the woods somewhere it's probably grass in my hair right now so today i'm going to be watching the game the forest which is a survival game i've never seen this game before but i am very excited to see what happens in this forest all righty so we are starting out on a plane in survival book i feel like that's a little bit of foreshadowing there guessing by the the man hands it's a man and his son that dinner looks a little scary i'd probably get rid of that in a survival situation if you want to survive don't eat the plain food oh oh oh okay we've got some turbulence happening now we're alive on the ground and there's a super hero or not taking your son that's creepy quite frankly the last thing i would ever want to see when i open my eyes after a plane crash okay there's a lot of blood there so that's gonna be our first orders is some first aid looks like you might be the only person that made it he looks a little concerned which i would be too if i saw someone taking my son so maybe he thinks that there are some bogeys out there that don't have your best interest at heart okay so we're getting to see the terrain this is good you get a look around an old growth forest it looks like even quite lovely you know mindset is so important in survival situations so whether you are covered in blood or not really you got to find the beauty and the magic and this place is really pretty i hope he's appreciating it okay so luggage this is great so one of the first things that you always want to do especially in a situation like this is assess what you have and what you're able to get your hands on obviously if there's a plane crash there's a lot of luggage so you have options for a variety of things he's assessing the land this is good you definitely want to see where you are looks like maybe we're on some kind of an island oh this is good okay so it's giving you information on what you have different types of fires a bonfire a basic fire the survival guide good thing he had that on him how convenient so i'm guessing he's also looking for his son because i don't want to forget about the fact that a really creepy person took your child order of the day is to find little bobby oh okay a deer this is this is good i'm guessing that he's going to follow this deer get some food you don't necessarily need to do that first i mean the human body can go a couple weeks without food so that's probably not your first order of the day but oh there's a person this is either really good or really bad oh two people okay kind of feeling like this might be really bad not good they have your best interests do they want to eat you do they want to take your kindle i don't i don't know these people look like they're very interested in us so you already have a situation that is a little unnerving because standard practice would be the plane went down obviously someone knows there's a plane in the air they probably know where they lost contact with you stay in place but if you have people chasing you and following you you're probably not going to want to stay in place although you do want to figure out what happened a little bobby okay so he's chopping down a tree maybe planning on building some shelter so we're clear takes a lot more than that to fell a tree of that size but that's okay no judgment okay so he's looking at how to build a shelter her small cabin that's what he's going for this dude is ambitious i'd probably go with maybe a lean-to maybe you know like a little debris shelter or something just to keep you warm keep the elements off of you this does look like a pretty damp area so you can probably expect to have some rain some wind you don't know how cold it's gonna get at night he's got a lighter dude that is a score if you are in a survival situation and you have a lighter you don't you don't have to deal with with drilling and with plowing that stuff looks really good on tv when like the survival experts do it let me tell you from experience you're going to be out there for hours trying to start a fire so if you have a lighter you're golden hydration health oh energy stamina this is great oh okay this is terrific now plants can be your best friends if you're out in a wilderness situation but i'm always adamant about if you are not an expert with plants do not eat them now there are ways to test that if you are starving and you absolutely need to put something in your mouth you can test it you can rub it on your skin wait a little bit if there's no effect you can rub it on your lip if there's no effect rub it on your tongue if there's no effect you can pop it in your mouth and if you're still alive then it's more than likely edible but that is truly extreme survival really stay away from the plants especially mushrooms if you don't know what you're dealing with cutting down plants okay this is good this could be for bedding if you're building a shelter you definitely want to pad that with any kind of plants branches debris leaf litter will keep you warm keep you off the ground nothing will suck the heat out of you faster than the atmosphere and cold earth got wind oh oh what what is this that is humanoid but scary okay if there are things like that running around you need more than a log cabin that is creepy is it a zombie what is this island what have you stumbled into okay okay so now he's gonna build a fire it's good fires are good keep you warm kick your food purify your water keep animals away keep creepy zombies away lots of different methods for building fire go with the simple one basic fire basic fire i want some kindling he's got a lighter which he's using a lot so dude isn't going to have that lighter for very long ah that just made it look a lot easier than it is this is going to be like a multi-million dollar cabin i mean this thing's luxurious i think hipsters would love this cabin this is beautiful got a door where did you get the hinges so when you're building a shelter in the wilderness you want that shelter to be as small as possible obviously because your body heat is going to be what's keeping you warm this is good like he's got a good assortment here now obviously he's collected stuff from the plane from the luggage it looks like he has some food items some soda cans all of that you can use it's hydration it's food he just made himself a primitive tool it's great use the split method split a stick put a rock in there you can bang it down there use some lashing tie it up and you've got either a defensive or an offensive piece of tulle here got a spear it's good spear really simple easy to make you can use that for protection you can use that to get some food fish are probably your best source of protein so if you do have some kind of a stream a river a lake an ocean a spear like this is fantastic oh bow and arrow this is good this is gonna be handy you're fancy enough to be able to have all the necessary stuffs to make a bow and arrow you are sitting pretty my friend that is if you know how to use a bow and arrow the rain did a wonderful thing it washed the blood off of him finally so now he's trying to shoot a bird he's gonna use that as target practice now he's like the birds i'm gonna go some bigger game ah there you go we've got skin you can use every bit of this you can use the bone depending on how long of you're planning on being out there you can really survive comfortably for quite some time okay there's the zombies again no sign of little bobby do the zombies have him the zombies eat him zombies make him a god you just don't know okay so this is a good defensive technique blow them up so these are cannibals i would get that lit right away that is a cannibal coming at you there you go just got rid of the enemy and possibly cooked yourself some dinner oh oh the spear these cannibals are resilient it looks like maybe we're not feeling good there is that us being dragged oh that is yeah that is that is us being dragged away by cannibal zombies i've spent a lot of time in the wilderness never had that experience i hope to keep it that way it's dark that's scary okay so we are in some kind of a cave oh i'm guessing that's lunch people from your plane maybe are those body parts this is kind of like a walk-in pantry for cannibals is what i'm gathering so you are now in somebody's refrigerator oh here they are these guys are agile they're strong you got your axe and you got your lighter you got weapons it seems that they don't all right he's dead he's dead he's dead save your strength oh this is good a rope and light at the end of the tunnel figuratively and literally you're to get the hell out of dodge but now you're in a cannibal camp put the lighter away it's light out there you go you want to save that is that a potted plant of a human stuffed with tennis balls huh good lord i i don't even know what's happening there if you weren't looking for little bobby i would just get the hell out of there i mean you're already gonna need about 30 years of therapy to get over everything you've seen here so that was a survival game the forest so much fun cool environment lots to work with there i had a really good time minus the cannibals i'm gonna have nightmares over that my game plan for dealing with those cannibals would be to get the hell off the island forget little bobby i'm guessing he's dead probably in a sandwich at this point and just get off the island those logs that you were building the cabin with they'd make a great raft you know this is a really fun game but i am completely distracted and disturbed by the fact that i want to know what the hell happened to little bobby was bobby eaton was bobby put in the pantry did bobby build a raft and get off the island i don't know where's bobby you
Channel: Gamology
Views: 2,192,648
Rating: 4.9577761 out of 5
Keywords: Horror, Survival, Survival Expert, The Forest, The Forest VR, VR, Cannibal, Island, Forest, Video Games, Steam, PC, Craft, GAMEXRS2E089
Id: zTX8DlLj-9s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 32sec (632 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 03 2020
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