Spawn vs God & Satan (Spawn Armageddon: Full Story)

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What issue does this start? I'm on #53 so I didn't click because of spoilers.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Deaf30 📅︎︎ Mar 30 2020 🗫︎ replies
make sure you guys hit the subscribe button if you guys are enjoying the content that we're throwing up and make sure you guys are the like button if you enjoy the video and yeah let's begin okay you know one of the best things about being a comic-book youtuber is you guys you know other made in the past I'm not super knowledgeable on spawn and I'm kind of learning about it as I go through it and I cover it I covered spawn issues either the first section rights like the origin of spawn and then like the second part and then like the origin of Angela and then a lot of the guys were just like no Rob like just go with spawn number 154 and just read forward right like just read Armageddon basically like all you need to know is that spawn in Swanage Neil Malvo Gaea basically ended up dying spawn it up killing him he was offered you know Malvo Shias place in Hell spawn said no because he didn't want to be part of Hell he want to do his own thing that's all you need to really worry about right just cover Armageddon I promise you will not be disappointed dude this story is lit it's amazing this is why I'm so glad I have you guys right like this is why I'm so glad that I have you guys see you guys like when it comes to something I'm not really familiar with you guys can be like no rod go read this instead so so here's the thing give me suggestions on like spawn and like other stories and other things that are not Marvel and DC give me suggestions about that kind of stuff cuz you guys seem to love it and I'd love to go check those things out right like I'm mostly just a Marvel DC guy right like I don't really bit my tail out of the waters but nonetheless you guys don't care about my stance on comics you guys are here for spawns war against heaven and hell okay there are a couple things to know going into this right we already covered one of them that essentially Malabo jizz no longer part of the picture right like he was killed and spawn issue number 100 and in his place came a guy named Lord Mammon I think is what his name was now Mammon is one of the Fallen ones and those are kind of be explained a little more as we get through this but the long and short of this is that when it came to the fallen ones in the end the spawn universe and I do not know how true this is to actual biblical storytelling but the idea was that when the war between heaven and hell broke out that there were angels who supported God but chose not to fight and the result is that they were basically cast out of heaven but never actually sent to help Mammon as it seems to be the exception right he's one of the rulers of hell and he's more powerful than mal Bhoja is the other part of this is there's what's called the man of miracles and then there's Sam and twitch now Sam and twitch are really kind of like the sidekicks of Spawn not in the sense of like robbing or anything like that you know Robin for Batman but insofar as like their supporting characters in the story but Sam and twitch in the 99 were huge people loved salmon twitch write Livia lovely like like the bickering that went on between the two of them and that kind of thing so eventually they spun out into their own series which was hugely popular I'm pretty sure I think it was like a massively popular series but people loved Sam and twitch the idea is that they're kind of detectives right so they basically helped spawn out in so far as there are things going on out there and it's like okay spawn can't really figure it out on his own or they can provide him with information you couldn't readily get on his own different things like that now the man of miracles is ambiguous if you know who he is please do not tell anyone right I know who the man of miracles is we find out but please do not tell anyone who the man of miracles is but one of the first big instances of the man of miracles encountering spawn was when he basically removed the kid named named a kid named Chris and the idea behind this is that Chris was that was essentially seem to be some aspect of spawn himself that could basically reach in and grab other personalities out of spawn now why he has those personalities and how we got them will be explained over the course of this video but what we do here is really kind of jump into the meat and potatoes right cuz you guys want to kind of get into this sort of thing and one of the things fallen established his right off the bat is he is not an agent of heaven and he's not an agent of Hell right he's not working with either force and that's what makes things kind of interesting is because todd mcfarlane depicts the conflict between heaven and hell almost as like rival gangs each one is trying to take over the other's turf right like the angels and heaven want to get rid of like the forces of evil and the forces of evil want to get rid of like heaven and all the angels and God and all that kind of stuff you know and so there's sort of always warring against each other spawn after the death of mal Bhoja and the power that he possessed following that basically put him in a position to where both sides were jockeying to get him to their side right because of the power he possesses and what it is that he can do and so because that he's kind of like I don't want to have anything to do with this anymore right like I'm doing my own thing I'm not fighting for either side and so the result of this is that he's basically given you know and in an attempt to essentially stop the apocalypse stop the end-times from coming he's giving these kind of locations by Sam and twitch about things that are popping off now what they say is most of these skirmishes are being dealt with by like local police but there are some that are exceedingly bad and things are kind of going nuts and so the results of this is we end up jumping to basically Joshua Creek Tennessee what we have here are essentially the dead rising to life right the Dead coming back and then just you know kind of cannot really resuming their lives the way they did but like kind of maintain their personalities there were things along those lines this is really one of those instances where it really does look like the apocalypse and so with spawn arriving on the scene we pick up with this guy named Hiro Sheik it's amaura and this guy's not really giving us we're not really given a lot of story here all we know is that somewhere along the line that this guy basically died in addition to him there's also a young woman that's brought a line I brought along as well by the name of Kumiko now for the most part all they've known is darkness for a pretty lengthy amount of time and for the most part they were seemingly yanked out of the body of spawn by Christopher himself and so the result is that he basically he basically tells these two guys you all are going to be endowed with some measure of power you guys are here to help me you know essentially quell this threat right these undead zombies that are running around this city and so it's kind of interesting because Kumiko is more or less obsessed with video games and her grandfather is a lot more traditional insofar as he's kind of like the slow-moving guy right like analyze the situation figure out what's going on don't just rush in head-on whereas Kumiko just grab some guns and just start shooting the place up and the reason why is because for her she used to play this game that really had her just like wiping out zombies in a game called zombie wipeout and so she got really good at killing zombies so it's kind of like her thing right is her repertoire now there's a reason for why it was that she was chosen here along with her grandfather but once they get in here they immediately just start kind of unloading right you know you have a grandfather who's just tearing everything up at least slicing heads off and so on you've got Kumiko you know shooting everything up that she possibly can and things are kind of popping off pretty quickly the issue with this is that as the situation begins to unfold and as they begin to really take on their true forms because this is all happened within the span of minutes right so their bodies are still transforming from how they look when they first pop up to when they really start to gain these powers and more or less become their spawn selves more or less or spawn versions for lack of a better work but to because of course surrounded by zombies and then she's ultimately saved by her grandfather and then once they get inside this place this creature who had essentially called all these people together and who was saying hey guys like you know all we have to do is pray everything will be fine that ultimately made us of course being consumed by zombies now for the spawn series being as religious as it is the fact that like God's not answering their prayers is a big hint to what's going on but we'll find out what it is it's taking place here in a second but it's one of these things where like with these characters being essentially brand new and that's not really getting a lot of them aside from the fact that like they're killing zombies and kind of going on a warpath that their that's when she begins to realize the reason why they're beginning to look the way they do kind of decayed breaking down things like that is they are in fact debt and that's when the grandfather realizes I'm the one who killed her right like he killed his own granddaughter that kind of seems to have been the case that's where things are sort of popping off here we end up learning there's a handful of things that are going on the first is that humanity is crying out for God to say that right this place Joshua Tennessee Joshua Creek is not the only place where things are going wild it seems to be the only place with a dead or rising but it's not the only place where people are sort of panicking and looking to God to save them from whatever it is it's taking place that nobody that that essentially God is not answering anybody's prayers that heaven itself is under siege but the reason why God's not answering anybody's prayers is because God is not there the throne of heaven is empty no one knows where God is and so what we do here is we pick up with essentially the angels of heaven right these warrior angels now you guys will probably remember them from our origin on Angela we didn't really touch too much on them after that and in reality what you learned in that video is really all you need insofar as they are the individuals who were charged with protecting heaven against whatever the invaders would would come to its doorstep namely the forces of Hell but the fact of the forces of help are so huge in number and the forces of heaven are dwindling so fast really all points to the idea that the forces of Hell are going to win out right everybody in heaven is simply going to die at some point hence the reason why the character of Zahra has basically been resurrected now the way in which her character plays out is really cool right what we end up learning here is that somewhere along the line Zahra was an agent of heaven and was really considered to be God's most loyal servant she had a bloodlust that was really uh none challenged nobody was on the same level as she was when it came to like destroying enemies right she's an exceedingly powerful member of the heavenly Pantheon the issue with this is that once her bloodlust takes over it's like Thor in his warriors madness all reason and logic go out the window and all she wants to do is just destroy everything and so because of the fact that she was kind of considered to be this sort of chaotic concept insofar as her going being sent out into the field and then killing these various forces would require God to monitor her all the time and then eventually reel her back because she wasn't really in control of herself ultimately this basically led to God imprisoning her from the time that he sort of began to realize that she was uncontrollable essentially up until now when she's been free now this kind of begs the question why didn't God just fix her so she's sure she could be controlled I don't know probably for the sake of the story but regardless her her rage manifests in the form of like this giant beast of war but it's this idea that the angels of heaven really look at her in sake with her being on the battlefield now it's hide his turn because she's more than enough to take out all these forces these these from these members of the forgotten of Lord Amon who were all basically trying to lay siege to the gates of heaven and so following that what we end up doing is basically picking out - you know all these individuals who have been more or less massacred by the Hindu goddess Kali at least I believe is Hindu the way is kind of depicted here that sort of seems to be the case but Before we jump into that what we end up doing is picking up with the man of miracles and the man of miracles essentially visits spawn and it's kind of interesting because a man of miracles will sort of make these appearances here in error and now again if you know who who the man of miracles is please do not spoil anything we will find out in the next video but the man of miracles basically says that like that really isn't going to be a way for you to stop as you can if you want to but at the end of the day you're going to need Christopher to make this happen right like talk to Chris he will know what to do and so again these are kind of ambiguous here there's a lot of questions popping up that we don't really get definitive answers to but we will so do not worry right so the next thing that we end up doing is basically you know having Christopher travel back into spawn and then sort of end up in this giant desert plain out with these two individuals and and what we end up finding out here is that the man's name is a mall and the woman's name is Shanti and they've basically kind of existed here they sort of recognize where they are to a degree insofar as they seem to basically be part of spawn but it's also this idea that their karma is more or less tainted right in their loafers really tainted in the traditional sense and so far as like they did bad things to people but it's is this idea that they cannot truly cross over and the reason why is that for them they're still holding on to this kind of earthly presence why this this thing that still binds them to the earth as it exists now and the reason why is because once they're yanked out and they started having this conversation with spawn what they say is according to their belief system they follow something called the book of Vedas right these this book that really gives people a kind of direction a sort of compass when it comes to wisdom and the things that they cannot that they can read that essentially contains a legends of the gods that in the religion itself that it follows a process whereby they they die in their reborn multiple times in an effort to basically achieve Nirvana to essentially achieve spiritual perfection and then according to these legends that Kali was created out of pure light to battle the forces of Mahishasura I think it is I apologize if I'm mispronouncing but basically to battle his forces of darkness the issue with this is that as Kali began to battle these forces she began to become corrupted by her bloodlust right this idea of just eventually destroying and killing everything and so in response to that her husband Shiva essentially laid himself down among the dead and then she came to believe that she'd essentially killed him and so in that moment she had basically sort of experienced a kind of of sympathy right a kind of pain for what it was as she had done but ultimately this whole thing is just a more or less a myth as how they refer to it that it's really an allegory it's not designed to be taken literally it's just designed to show how easy it is one when it comes to the forces of good and evil to how easy it is to fall to the evil side right how easy it is to stray from the path of righteousness more or less and become the worst version of themselves now this is where things sort of shift because what Todd Miller I guess not really time we fall it's David Hein who writes this but what he ends up doing is like shifting the whole thing on his head and saying no Kali is very much real the other part of this is that kylie's really depicted as being on a pantheon of power while not necessarily tied directly into heaven and hell' into g judeo-christianity she appears to be on a level of power that's higher than that of Spawn right this is all kind of stated by way of Haqq the Swan doesn't immediately get into a conflict with her and kill her but also kind of you know things like I could destroy you easily if I wanted to I could annihilate you in your entirety if I wanted to right so that kind of seems to be the case that in reality if she's just that much more powerful then spawn himself and so following this you end up getting this this interesting sort of situation right where spawn kind of rehash as what is it he's doing when he basically says I'm here to prevent the apocalypse and she's like well you can't you can't prevent that why would you try you're a hell spawn you're supposed to fight on the on the sides of good or evil really on the side of evil that's your purpose and his response is well I choose who I fight for this is kind of cool because what it shows is that even though Kelly's not really part of the Deo Christianity it's all something everybody is aware of right so it's very similar to Marvel in that regard right insofar as you have like the the sky father that's why you've got Odin you've got Zeus all that kind of stuff they're aware of who they are right so it's just this great big huge sort of shared space and that's kind of a cool thing to see what is it's it's interesting it kind of changes the way that you see the story to a degree but the long and short of it is that essentially you end up having this deal that's kind of being struck that shanty and her husband really say like basically Kali says I will leave this place and I will spare spawn if you're willing to give up that which you value most that which means the most to you and the result is that we kind of learn origin story and will be end up finding out is that somewhere along the line the shanty and her husband were basically expecting right she was pregnant with a child and that as they were making their way to their parents house they ended up going around this mountainside this bend and there was the the road was too thin really for them to avoid a truck that was coming around the result was that they were knocked off the side of the mountain and they ended up dying and so when they present the child to Kali the response of Kali is well this child's neither alive nor dead right this child is reborn from whatever it's life was before but the fact that it hasn't been born mean it hasn't left its previous life but it has not started its new life it's just kind of stuck there in a state of limbo and while the parents realize this at the end of the day it's their child and they just don't really have the heart to let it go but because of the fact that there are much bigger things at play here and because achieving their ability to move beyond their their current forms and potentially pass on and even reach nirvana they end up giving up their child they end up sacrificing their child to colleague who basically says I'm giving this child a gift of death therefore it can be reborn again in whatever form it's going to take and so satisfying this bargain Kali basically leaves Kali walks away and allows faun to continue on his journey now this is where things really begin to pop off this is where things really begin to get nuts and the reason why is because what we do here is we pick up but we can kind of cover that origin story of Kimiko right so the auditory of her and her grandfather for those of you guys who were interested you're just over here is that when they were alive basically they were of course alive in the modern era but the grandfather was very much beholding to Japanese tradition right early said that seems to be the case when he talked about Bushido cultures but the tradition of respecting oneself and the people around them did all went into it his children were a little more progressive insofar as they considered the beliefs and the teachings of their father to be old hat and then you had Kumiko who was even more progressive than that and as far as she was concerned she didn't really care about the traditions of her grandfather and she was at that rebellious age where she was like I just want to go and do my own thing my parents just won't understand me that kind of situation and so as a result of that we end up finding out that her grandfather had actually been following her for a few weeks whenever she left the house and he considered what she'd done to kind of be disrespectful but more so than that he basically wanted to save her then what are you discovered is that in her private life that she had basically been going to like nightclubs bars different things like that that she'd been going and engaging in drugs she'd been prostituting herself to pay for drugs and so she was living this pretty horrible lifestyle and so traveling to essentially this drugged in in order to save her what he ends up do of course showing up there with a samurai sword he in turn you know kills with a guy who answers the door and then everybody else starts opening fire right and so ultimately Kimiko jumps in the way to save the life of her grandfather and their grandfather perishes as well but that's how all this went down right is is pretty violent and pretty extreme but that's how all of this ended up going down but the real meat and potatoes of this and the really the most important thing comes with the twins Jake and Katie of Terry and Wanda Fitzgerald now though the guys who are not super familiar with this and this is why I think covering the origin story was so important after Al Simmons was killed and then he was basically resurrected as spawn during that was a five year eight year time period before he ended up returning that Wanda believed he was actually dead and so believing that he was dead she married his friend I married his best friend because he was there for her when she needed him that kind of a thing and so while cyan is the daughter of Wanda and house Simmons Jake and Katie are the children of a Terry and Wanda themselves the issue with this is it following their birth they've been displaying these almost kind of psychotic tendencies right like wanting to destroy things different things like that they've been putting magnets on the fridge and it said stuff like kill mommy things along those lines and so Wanda ends up coming home after the babysitter's keeping an eye on the kids and then like essentially you have like Katie who bashed in the head of Jake with a baseball bat smashed his head in and Wanda immediately starts to freak out but the crazy thing is that in the midst of all that Jake basically gets up right in this head starts to heal everything starts to go back to normal and Wanda has no idea what to make of it all but while that was happening when Jake was unconscious she had called the cops and basically said I think my child is dead and that kind of a thing and it all just sort of went nuts after that when when the cops show up as far as they're concerned Jake's got a scratch on his head and the explanation is well Jake seems to have fallen and bumped his head that's how they that's how they assumed things went down but of course Wanda tries to explain everything to Terry that something's wrong their kids are not their kids something's not right right things just aren't making sense do they've always kind of displayed these crazy tendencies and is really becoming more then Wanda has been able to handle and so all this basically comes to a head when you end up having the twins who basically grab a knife and they end up tying up Wanda along with with cyan and then just kind of like stick him in there right I mean they've got like the dad tied up so like Harry's tied up they're all basically tied up and the twins look like they I mean they got they have like a gun things are about to pop off right like these are about to get kind of nutso they they seem to have kind of lost their minds at the very least Kerri starting to see what it is that one has been about about their kids being crazy this entire time and so following this we switched back over to Zira and Zira did exactly what she was expected to do which was basically just lay waste to the forces of the Forgotten and essentially destroy them all and so ultimately because the you know all the forgotten ever believed to have been destroyed she asked them how does it feel to be the last one left are there any more of you and before this person gives the name she snaps the guy's neck and so as a result of that you know you end up basically having the other angels who were there kind of watching everything unfold and it's like okay this is kind of nuts but like what do we sort of do here you know and and basically it's this notion of her basically saying like we're gonna initiate the rapture with Heaven's forces being depleted we're gonna recall all those from Earth who are faithful to God and when the response is but only God can initiate the rapture and God's not here we don't know where he's at then zeros response is then I'm gonna go find him I'm gonna go find God the next time you see me God will be at my side and so what you end up having here is you basically end up having Kali you know kind of picking up with with her character only for Kali to basically transformed back into the man of miracles right so that kind of seems to have been the case that the man of miracles essentially went to go test spawn or whatever the case is we don't really know what the reason behind this is but he was kind of amusing to himself about everything that's going on that says there's truth behind all of these charades everything that's going on from the time that Al Simmons became spawn up until now has all been part of a plan more or less it's all been part of a greater plan that's what he's hinting at and saying there's truth behind all of this but only one can set everyone free a child will save everyone and that's what we're basically given this kind of perception of what what basically ends up looking like cyan as that's where things sort of go nuts because what we do here is we end up picking up directly with spawn and his guys who are just kind of having this conversation and what we end up getting is this explanation of why spawn had like people inside of them you know when you have spawn and you have Zam and twitch and Christopher and like and all these guys all having this conversation what we end up learning is that when Al Simmons died that essentially around 6,000 other people all died within the same hour and for whatever reason that those 6,000 other people were all bonded to spawn but this is the reason why it is that where spawn didn't know that they were there back in the early days that mal Bhoja could not control spawn he could not make spawn do whatever it is that he wanted to do that mal Bhoja was trying to control 6,000 people and not realizing that and that kind of seems to have been part of the plan the man of miracles was talking about although we're not entirely sure now as far as Sam and twitch go with their investigations only about mm names have been found but what this means is that spawn is armed with all these individuals who can essentially help him along this path in his war against heaven and hell and so that's when things kind of get interesting because from there you basically switch back over to Towanda and you switch back over to cyan and you switch micro but it's hairy and all these guys and you have the kids who were just like okay so like let's kill him like let's do our thing I mean why not just kind of giving in to their darker and twisted selves and so where things start popping off and it's this idea that they're just gonna kill him and they're gonna take these guys out suddenly spawn pops up and when he does is kind of like okay so like essentially saving yo Wanda and Harry from Jake and Katie and a Sian who looks like she's basically on her deathbed more or less looks like she's about to die I see me like he's going to save them the issue with this is that when he goes to kill Jake and Katie under this idea that what Wanda's telling him is true that they're not that really they're children they're possessed by something or where somebody's got them screwed up you know possessed by demons whatever the case is who knows the spawn goes to try to take him out and they cannot die you know initially it's believed that they did the chains pierced them you know they come crashing down Terry starts freaking out Neil calls him a murderer and believes that they're dead but ultimately they're not right they end up getting back up again and then suddenly there's this huge kind of rattling sound and literally zero just comes smashing into the building and what it's just like who in the heck are you right when Jake responds like who in the hell are you then Zahra immediately bends down and says I am your faithful servant and it's like who in the heck is she and basically Katie says yes now I remember who I am you know and and Jake stands up and says I do too my name is not Jake what this all points to is the idea that the son the son of Wanda and Terry is none other than God himself ok so I think it's safe to say that you guys absolutely loved the spawn Armageddon video that we did spawns war against God and Satan begins a lot of you guys really seemed like what about that title though right but like it's it's legit right like what do you guys think right because you guys really seem to like it so in this one where this this is actually technically part on the second STUV the the second part of the story because we're splitting into three sections maybe three or four sections but this one I decided to do on its own and the reason why is because this is the origin of God Satan and everything how it all came into existence which is a cool thing right because it kind of expands and builds in the spawn mythos in a really really cool way so in the last video that we did we basically had this great big huge revelation that the twin children of Wanda and Terry ah basically Jake and Katie that Jake himself was God at least it was revealed that he was God which begs the question who was Katie and I'm sure a lot of you guys have probably figured it out by now that's kind of what goes on right you know with this kind of revelation here you know Jake almost sort of gets carried away with himself he's like all my memories are coming back now now I remember who I am I'm God and the way that the way that God operates here is interesting because you would expect that Jake acting and kind of like this this really violent manner as a child or something like that is maybe just like him being a crazy kid but as soon as his memories came back of him being God he would go to become more enlightened he'd become more caring he'd be a very benign person like I'm sorry my children for the way I conducted myself that kind of a thing no he's a dick like dude it's nuts you know he's like I am God I created all of you guys out of mud and you guys all should bow before me you know and it's just like extreme arrogance in hubris right and so in response to that Katie's memories all begin flowing back and then Katie comes to the realization that she's Satan and it's just kind of like wow you know in there from there like they both get pissed they're like who stuck us in these bodies right like who put us in this place and so in response to that God basically tells Zahra kill spawn right like take him out and then we'll worry about everybody else later you know because initially they say it like you have to kneel down right like kneel down to us bow down to us and at the end of the day spawns like no like I'm not I'm not going to you know like like give us all the information hand like no I'm not going to write as far as like I'm not doing that you're crazy if you think I am and so in response gods like make him talk so Zahra goes to get into a conflict with spawn and it's kind of interesting right because we're the two of them go and they you know as soon as they're as soon as their weapons touch they stop right and they're separated and when that happens God and Satan begin to get pissed off if Satan's like you know you don't have the right to do any of this and this being is like but I do though because like I'm your mother I'm the one who created you and that's when we start to get this this really cool origin because immediately the mouths of Satan in God are sealed shut right so whoever this being is is more powerful than they are seals their mouths shut they can't talk and then says it's time all of you learned the truth and so what we end up finding out here is that when spawn starts talking to you this person known as mother what she says or it's not really a she it kind of transcends genders but what mother ends up saying here is there was essentially me right like I created everything I created all the gods that are in existence I have a whole bunch of different faces and you've met me countless times before it you met me when I was disguised as Kali the goddess of destruction you met me when I was disguised as the man of miracles I stand beyond all gods that exists inside your universe right I am the God of all gods and it's kind of crazy because what mother ends up saying is like I'm the creator and destroyer of worlds I created everything in this universe and this is not the only planet that houses gods every planet around this entire universe has God so every planet in every single solar system in every galaxy and every universe has its own gods it is people Lane worship - but of all the gods that I've created over the course of my entire existence Satan and God as you see him are the most dissapointing right and that's what's kind of crazy about it is because it's like initially you know like mother basically treats them exactly like children right then when they were initially created that there was kind of like some bickering and some squabbling but that as time went on their bickering and squabbling turned into you full-scale warfare against each other but something happened that ultimately mother didn't expect that God created mankind but the funny thing about it is is that that todd mcfarlane really grabs this notion of like how humanity exists now and walls of an in a perfectly genius way right because according to biblical scripture depending on how you look at it something it literally some don't but it's kind of an ongoing war between God and Satan right that God created humanity and God loves humanity and that kind of a thing and that Satan is always trying to trick humanity and then bring humanity down to its level right you know that kind of bolster his army and gods trying to bolster his army and the two of them are gonna have like a final war something like that but in biblical scripture or at least of your New Testament God's not like out to get you like I'm just looking for reasons to draw a line through your name instead of under it that's Old Testament stuff right but like New Testament is a wholly different beast but the way this picture is painted here is that for the most part like it's kind of an ongoing war between the two but Satan is always trying to grab humanity right like always trying to trick humanity at the end of the day God is doing his thing but like Satan is always trying to find a way to get humanity to his side and that's what makes it kind of nuts is because for all their grandeur and for all their pomp and circumstance because of everything that that's that's going on here because of this war between the two which is really kind of depicted as Old Testament you know Scripture more or less that essentially mother came along and said enough is enough I've had enough of watching you guys fight each other I've had enough of you guys go win the war between heaven and hell this is not what I intended when I created you and so as a result of that mother basically puts them in a state of suspended animation and then mother shows up in the form of Jesus Christ and that's where you get Jesus is kind of like this sort of Savior right this super benign guy who's like hey dude is like hey peeps you know like gods cool man like you know it's cool don't be dicks to each other don't burn each other at the snake different things like that mother appeared in a way that was designed to basically tell people here's how you're supposed to function right you're supposed to truly care about the other people around you think more about them than you do about yourself if somebody will think more about you than they do about themselves right everybody will care about everybody else now the reality is that if everybody cared about everybody else indiscriminately the world couldn't function but the fact remains that despite the efforts of mother to curtail humanity that in the end it was too late right the nature of humanity was set in stone that people were continuing to ward over which religion was actually right who was on the right side essentially and so that's why mother basically says even after appearing in the form of Jesus people still kept twisting up my viewpoints they kept twisting up how it was all supposed to be and using religion more or less as a weapon to further their own personal agendas whether its entire armies and kingdoms or just some crazy preacher down south somewhere regardless of the situation people kept twisting things out well then the question is why our God and Satan in the bodies of children and the response of her is because I thought that in forcing them to be reborn in the form of humanity that they would learn to appreciate what it meant to be human they would learn to appreciate what it meant to be human beings but the reality is that never changed that never stopped you know even though they didn't know who they were they still had this extremely an extraordinary amount of power and the result was at the various battles and skirmishes they were getting into you we're literally causing all kinds of problems around the world and so then it turns of the idea that eventually Al Simmons died and that's where mother saw her chance to intervene yet again when Al Simmons died there were 6,000 other people that died in the same hour that he did and so in response to that realizing that mal Bojan is one of the many hell Lords that exist under Satan was essentially bolstering his army as a means to take on heaven that mother saw this as an opportunity to create someone that could essentially be her personal soldier more or less doesn't really say it in so many words but that's more or less what spawn is that spawn is someone who doesn't really follow the follow the beliefs of God or Satan that he does his own thing right he walks his own path and that's what makes him so unique is that mothers saw this and said okay in that case spawn can be used right and to kind of allow this Armageddon to take place allow the end of all things to take place now this is kind of the difference between Armageddon or like the rapture in the judeo-christian sense and like how things are going down here right and you do Christianity the rapture is really nothing more than like the stories of the faithful being taken back to heaven right you have the seven bowls of God's wrath and you got the seven trumpets of the Apocalypse and so on so forth the plagues return to earth and me all that kind of crazy stuff basically everything goes belly up is more or less what it is but it's this notion of like the taken those who are faithful being whisked away to heaven before it all begins and then those who are unfaithful being left behind and then then it kind of breaks down based on different stories that you read and so on but here the Armageddon is tried and true Armageddon the destruction of everything presumably everything except for a mother and we'll find out how all this this plays out later on but it really is the end of everything presumably the end of God the end of Satan the end of humanity the end of the end of the whole damn thing right like that's basically what it is the whole kit and caboodle all gets the boot and that's what's kind of nuts here is because following that because Armageddon has begun because the war of God and Satan has to play out and order for Armageddon to take place the question of spawn is well then why don't you just fix everything if you create a God and Satan then get it together fix God fix Satan stop making him like stop letting him be dicks to each other get Humanity on the right path then there's no need for me anymore and I can just live in the afterlife I can go to heaven and just experience some peace house bowels like just let me live man just let me go and and the response of mother is I can't and the reason why is because I as Mother Mb two laws of the universe because I made them what's the point of having laws if I just break them willy-nilly I don't break them because they not they're not meant to be broken what kind of a role model would I be if I create and break my own rules but then say nobody else can at that point it just comes down to you being it being a jerk right just being a dick you know and so at the end of the day you know what you end up having is God and Satan being sent back to their respective places right God is sent back to heaven Satan is sent back to hell but when God shows up here along with Zahra he basically looks at all the other Seraphim right all the other angels who have been here and has basically said you guys have all been slacking off apparently like some folks from Hell managed to break in and kill a whole bunch of my army you know Satan is is doing his whole thing like what have you guys been doing all this time right I think I just been like resting on your laurels sitting around watching the view is that what you guys have been doing like just kind of just just really really hard on them right any land and so in response that he's like you know with basically almost all of our forces dwindled the time now comes to take the faithful those individuals who worshiped me but didn't really know what I was about believes that I was like a kind and caring God it doesn't matter bring them right so like the rapture begins essentially and at that moment that's when we switch back over to spawn and over to Wanda and Terry and all these guys now mothers still there and mothers watching it all unfold but what you end up having spawn and Terry you know we're Lee Terry who's just like screaming and yelling and spawn over everything for Wanda it's just too much to handle it's more than she can cope with and so what Wanda ends up doing is basically taking a pistol out and in walking all the way up to the master bedroom nobody realizing she's there walking all the way up to the master bedroom taking there taking the pistol pointing it to herself and then pulling the trigger ah fYI patrons those of you guys who are patrons make sure you check out the announcement announcement posts that I made on patreon about the start of our next uncensored uncensored video series I think you guys are really gonna like it so it's the next uncensored series it's gonna be on patreon only uh no holds barred you'll probably hear me cussing there definitely be like swear words and all kinds of stuff in the comic uh yeah so like how much explained uncut basically that's how you guys are gonna see if but uh but in any event we're finally getting back into spawn Armageddon right and a lot of you guys really seemed to enjoy it which I'm really happy to see right because I wasn't sure if you guys were really going to enjoy this series or not but I'm glad you guys are glad you guys loved it but we're kind of reaching the finality right like we've got this video and I think we've got one more and then we're done with spawn Armageddon and then we go into the aftermath cuz I guess we're gonna keep spawn going but in any event if you guys want to get caught up I have a playlist for spawn now right has like the origins video the origin of his character the introduction of Angela and then it goes directly into what we've covered so far so you can get caught up quick fast and in a hurry out with regards to the to the mythos not a whole lot of videos I think it's maybe like three or four videos up to this point but in any event we're kind of picking up here with with really the aftermath of Wanda had basically you know offed herself because everything she's learned here has really just been too much to process right this idea that her twin children aren't really her twin children instead they're basically God and Satan reborn in human form now again this really ties into the mother of all creation which is to say the creator of the universe this being that created all these various gods across the entirety of the universe offer every civilization that exists out there and of all the gods who were created God and Satan are deemed to be failures because instead of serving the role which was assigned to them which is to say the traditional judeo-christian role instead they basically just bicker amongst each other and so in order to teach them what it meant to be human the mother of all creation essentially sealed them away and then recreated their essences in human form right and that's where we kind of are right now but the toll of Wanda learning that basically her children her twin children are God and Satan is far more than she can grasp and so because of all that with it being too much to handle and all this kind of really you know coming coming to a head Wanda ends up going into the bedroom you know as we saw and then grabbing the gun and turning it on herself now were we ended the last video with per the presumption that Wanda had died instead the mother of all creation froze time and the reason why is because what this meant is it basically allowed the mother of all creation to address spawn and is simply say I understand how important she is to you right because without her you would lose your will to fight and it's important that you fight and so what this does is it allows spawn to basically pull the bullet away and then to keep Wanda alive and so again this is kind of yet another instance on the stack of all these things that have made life ridiculously difficult for her and so in response to that of course you have Terry who's basically freaking out the response to spawn is do something right do something to fix this and to make it right and so as a result of that what the mother of creation does is she basically wipes Wanda's mind of everything now it's also told that she wipes the mind of Terry and cyan what we're gonna learn about cyan is that's not necessarily the case right Terry's kind of made to forget about the twins the fact that they were God and Satan and all that kind of stuff and and Wanda was as well presumably so as I am but at this moment it's really more of the role that cyan is gonna play and the reason why is because what the mother of creation does is she basically leaves with spawn and what she tells him is that this role you're going to play in Armageddon this final battle between God and Satan is a war that you need to be prepared for and at the moment you are not cyan it's going to be the person that's going to save you right she's going to be the one this is basically going to put you in a position to where you can win this war and that's why we saw in the previous video when the mother of all creation was more or less musing you know as the man of miracles the mother of all creation was saying a child will save everyone and that's exactly what this is it's cyan basically being the person who's going to guide the swan to success and the reason why this matters is because spawn has to face off against the disciple but in order to kind of create this bridge with cyan what he has to do is show her his true face to show her what spawn really is and so ultimately he ends up visiting her and then basically kind of opens himself up and pours out this massive collection of insects essentially saying like I am a monster right I'm a monster of the worst kind how you've seen me is not how I truly am you have to see me at my absolute worst and that's when you know he's these kind of you know it's kind of I guess only bugs it's only bugs just so many bugs and the result is that she basically screams out you're not a monster and what this does is it solidifies the bond between cyan and Al Simmons she genuinely and truly accepts him as he is and that's what was needed it's game theory his success depends on the success of cyan and truly accepting him for who yes and so because of that it's one of these things were essentially the in rapture has begun to start right which is to say people being brought up to heaven and to serve God more or less and it's kind of a funny thing because what we get is this this kind of monologue of sorts you know where we're sian talked about what the rapture is right at least in terms of what her grandma had told her the rapture wasn't was about now what I want to do here is I want to sidetrack for a second and I want to have this conversation about granny Blake right because this is one of those themes that was kind of covered over the course of a lot of the spawn comics leading up to this point now granny Blake is not the most significant character and the entire spawn mythos but she also kind of is and the reason why is because she really served in a lot of ways as a kind of religious advisor for spawn nothing so far as saying like here's what you need to do in order to win the favor of God and Satan but whenever spawn felt like he was kind of drifting off the path or he was trying to reconcile his existence with the existence of like God and Satan and that kind of a thing trying to figure out his place in all of this granny was the one that kind of guided him back that basically said God and Satan are beings and and really kind of a spouse the judeo-christian belief system of God and Satan so on and so forth because of that she was a care to that like a lot of fans got attached to because of kind of like the emotional support that that she offered now eventually they kind of went their own way but it was one of these things where granny Blake was blind right so there was this kind of sort of supernatural essence about her in the in the sense that she could see things that other people couldn't normally see and that's what created the sort of rapport between herself and spawn now eventually they kind of had a falling-out they really stopped communicating different things like that but this is why granny is really kind of receiving a lot of emphasis here right because in the eyes of granny she looked at the idea of Heaven and Hell and looked at it in the traditional judeo-christian place she's going to a place where God truly loves her and different things along those lines she'll be reunited with her husband and that's how she sees it here right you know as she's making her way from Earth her spiritual essence or I guess or physical form is leaving earth you know it's part of the rapture and then entering into heaven she's reunited with Jack her former husband who died she basically kind of takes on this appearance of her being her younger beautiful self and of course she's she's kind of there looking at like God and and so on and so forth now this is all really given to us it's kind of like the the monologue of Sian right in terms of this is what granny always told me got you know heaven was going to be like right and so it's kind of like you know granny's perception of what heaven should be the reality is anything but right as soon as she gets there and she passes through the early gates there's no Jack there right there's no you know heavenly choir of angels singing you know and welcome to heaven you know there's none of that stuff right nobody from her past life that she knew who's they're waiting on or anything like that they're simply just God as the child and with granny being unable to see what's really going on God basically says then let me return your sight to you he gives her her eyesight back in which he sees what's up what she sees is this enormous army that's being formed right the Seraphim of God Zehra basically leading them all these various soldiers who are there and all these humans who are there who have no clue what's going on right because heaven as it exists is not what they've been led to believe and that's kind of the the crushing sensation of it all is nothing is what they thought it would be and that's what that's really what granny says you know this is not what heaven is supposed to be heaven is supposed to be like God loves us and it's supposed to be the pearly gates and it's supposed to be happiness everlasting and in what what is this twisted in screwed up place and that's when God kind of chimes in of like okay so like there's what you've been told and then there's what it really is right like I'm not I'm like the like the vengeful guy right like I'm the guy great vengeance am i tearing things up and punishing the wicked that's my kind of thing right and so as a result of this gods like you all have been brought here because I need an army because like we're gonna go to war with hell and I kind of need an army so like you've been conscripted and basically Rhema T realises all these humans here into his heavenly soldiers and so following that what you end up doing is you end up jumping to spawn picking up with with the mother of creation and essentially going to face off against the disciple now one thing to understand this is not the first time it's fawn and the disciple have met each other and in fact they met each other during spawn issue number 50 where the disciple took out spawn quick fast and in a hurry the big indication there is that the reason why spawn lost is because one he didn't really have the ability to tap into the six thousand souls who were part of his body but also because it was him just fighting on his own whereas here he also has the belief of sian kind of backing him right somebody who has faith in him now the reason why this is taking place is because when this battle concludes if spawn passes this test then spawn will prove himself worthy of the power of the mother of creation right not insofar as he will become the mother of creation but insofar as spawn will become a God which is to say divine spawn as a lot of you guys probably know him my spawn with the angel or with the wings and all that kind of stuff so with that being the case and sian kind of back when he goes to face off against the against the disciple it's it's kind of a tough battle at first but after that after a while spawn starts to get the upper hand on the disciple now one thing I want you to notice here is that on this guy's head he basically has the Roman numeral 4:12 and there's a reason for that right spawn gets the upper hand on this guy takes him out pretty you know pretty quickly and then kind of comments it should not be this easy right and that's what he was warned about the mother the mother of creation said much like you the disciple is more than what he seems so be aware of that when this version of disciple is is defeated then suddenly the disciple 11 pops up and what what disciple 11 says is the person you thought before was James the less right he was the weakest of all of us now you're fighting me I'm Simon Peter the rock and so what this does is it allows you know with the help of of Sian who's really kind of engaging in this battle all mostly kind of a video game situation it allows some of the the souls of spawn to emerge and basically face-off against these other other disciples while spawn really seems to kind of go for the main prize now the other part of this is that what you have is the return of the timer that countdown timer now this is old hat in a lot of ways the timer was originally part of the spawn mythos when it first came up right in the idea bit spawn only had a finite amount of energy and when that energy ran down to zero they're basically spawned would more or less die now in this instance the timer is much lower than it was before and so if you guys are familiar with video games this is in effect a boss battle is basically what this is right and it's cool is it's a really really cool depiction of this whole thing but spawn facing off against these various disciples and ultimately overcoming them all and almost kind of like a montage fashion right like overcoming each one of these guys basically leads him to facing off against the final disciple this is Judas Iscariot now Judas Iscariot and judeo-christianity was the guy who sold out Jesus for thirty pieces of silver what we're gonna find out here is that in terms of the spawn mythos there was a lot more to it than that but spawn fighting against Judas Iscariot proves to be exceedingly difficult right he is wildly powerful and so it's interesting because what spawn was told is that in the beginning you have to put your trust in cyan cyan knows what she's doing trust her no matter what she tells you believe in what she tells you and so as his power begins to sort of dwindle down as his power begins to die off that eventually cyan comes to the realization that he has to sacrifice himself where Swan goes in for the kill the response to cyan is no you have to stop do not kill him let him kill you instead let him destroy you and initially spawns reaction is no that's kind of ridiculous that isn't making any sense right like I have to pass a test I have to prove how powerful I am by taking out these various disciples and the response of Sian is no no no don't do that basically let this guy win at the same time that all that's happening the Armageddon is officially beginning right now the the whole end of times is officially starting as it does at least according to the book of the book of rapture which is with the massive earthquake that basically shakes the world right and begins the process of like the coming of the Four Horsemen and the bowls of God's wrath and the sounding of the trumpets and all that kind of stuff it begins here and so the result is that taking this moment doing exactly what it is it is supposed to do the disciple essentially impale spawn and kill spawn if that's correct which it is what this means is that spawn has officially passed the test and what this means is that going forward spawn will achieve the power of all creation right spawn is now elevated to the power of a god okay so picking up with the next part did you guys really think I was gonna leave you on a cliffhanger did you really think I was gonna leave you hanging today not at all right we gotta keep we gotta keep this going man keep this going the power of divine spawn and holy it is amazing right so what this does is this picks up really with kind of like the beginning of the end of things essentially like Armageddon in full swing and now initially there are some strange things going on here that will be explained later on as we as we kind of go through but with cyan essentially having helped spawn you know and during the time when she was helping him face off against the disciple there was this kind of protective sphere that was created around cyan to make sure that nothing could harm him right that she'd be able to focus explicitly on what it was she was doing and not have to worry about anything else now outside of this fear is Wanda and Terry but as we end up seeing here there's basically this kind of you know monster looking thing that basically starts trying to hammer against this fear and destroy it ah with with Wanda and Terry and and cyan inside now of course it is holding and it is keeping them protected but this monster being there is really kind of the indication of okay this is where everything is really sort of coming to an end right the rise of the Four Horsemen and all that kind of stuff and so picking up with the aftermath of the disciple having killed spawn we get the reason why this took place and the reason for that is because with regards to how this functions the disciple you know that though the I guess the element the personality of judas iscariot as we know from judeo-christianity basically ratted on Jesus right turned to Jesus in in the spawn mythos it was done because the only way for Jesus's life to have any meaning was if he was crucified and the only way for him to be crucified was for Judas Iscariot to basically turn him in so it was the role that judas played spawn is much the same way spawn has to die and then be reborn again in order to basically experience all this power right to kind of be reborn as this new version of himself and that was kind of the on running theme right technically the mother of creation killed God and Satan and then they were reborn in human form right so it's more or less the same process when it comes to spawn the issue with this is is what the mother of creation does is she basically says that in the in the beginning of humanity when Adam and Eve were created and they ate from the tree of knowledge of good and evil it scared God right because God was now scared of the fact of what they could achieve did they could in turn by having knowledge of good and evil also know of the Tree of Life and in consuming or eating from the tree of life they would become immortal and then become gods much like God and Satan hat that was the fear that's why they were cast out of of the Garden of Eden and that's why they were sent out into the world and then things just kind of progressed from there and so what the mother of creation does is basically take fruit from the tree of life and then feed it to Al Simmons and when that happens Al Simmons is completely resurrected now with that being the case he's now divine spawn or at least he has all this like an insane amount of power to him now it's kind of interesting because spawn doesn't really know all the power that he has but he will figure it out and we will see what it is that he can do with all this power that he's been granted but one of the ways in which you differentiate between divine spawn and regular spawn are the angel wings that's usually likely if you ever do a Google search for a divine spawn that's what you will see spawn with angel's wings that's that's really kind of the the big differentiation here now the other part of this is the 6000 souls that were bonded to spawn have now basically been allowed to leave his body the knowledge and experience that he gained from those Souls are still part of spawn himself but the souls themselves are now out leaving and doing their own thing including Christopher but the idea here is that now is its spawns job to go out into the world and essentially save it right that's the entire purpose of spawn at this moment and so one of the first things he does is he stumbles across this old man and we get this first little indication of spawns power right insofar as this man comes running at him with a stick and spawn basically makes a stick disappear and then says tell me what's going on here and this is when we get an indication of what it what had happened right for the world out there they didn't really know what was going on right I mean aside from what was going on inside of the House of Wanda and Terry nobody knew what was taking place for them who was business as usual people were going to work people where we're getting you know doing their thing the news is being reported all that kind of stuff and then out of nowhere the four horsemen start to rise the first one comes pestilence right and all those who were in a shadow basically start experiencing all these forms of plagues right this idea that like their skin starts melting off and different things along those lines they swarm of insects just come flying out of nowhere with the with the horseman of death right the basically death starts bringing death to all these various humans around it around the same time that happens famine rises and famine basically drives people to this point of extreme hunger but never being able to be satiated right it's kind of a hunger in their soul they can never fully satisfy and then the final Horseman to show up is the horseman of war this kind of screamer this kind of shout that it makes drives people back down into their most primal based forms twists and screws them up and that's the kind of being that we saw trying to tear up and trying to destroy the force field that was basically protecting cyan Wanda and Terry and so following that the Four Horsemen across the apocalypse are the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse start wreaking havoc everywhere right the the forces of hell are more or less kind of solidified in these these sort of you know twisted screwed up versions of humanity but at this point what you end up getting is kind of like these armies of Heaven and Hell who are basically marching to this one particular island and the reason why is because this is where the final battle is going to take place and it's kind of interesting because the way it's depicted here is they're within eyesight of each other all the forces of heaven have to do is look to the right and like all the forces of Hell are right over there all the forces of Hell have to do is look to the left and all the forces of heaven are right there but they're there they're basically being drawn to this one island to this one location to basically fight against each other now once they get there that's when the battle begins to take place and spawn it basically travels to that that direct location and comes into contact with xerath now remember Zahra is kind of like this this super powerful agent of heaven right so she's like the double-oh-seven of heaven more or less I guess I don't really know how to quantify that but she's super powerful right I mean whoever she was the one who was able to like decimate the forces of Hell when they had entered heaven right the Forgotten more or less she decimated all of them single-handedly and so with spawn approaching her you know it's one of these things whereas kind of a vendetta against the two she initially looks at him and says like you're a hell spawn my job is to destroy you because you threaten the rule of God and it's kind of crazy because initially her her rage if you guys recall manifests in the form of a giant beast spawn takes this beast out like that it happens in seconds right it's it's ridiculous how fast it gets destroyed it's kind of nuts here you know with that happening he in turn starts to go after Zahra and Zahra puts up a good fight but it's like nope like she gets she gets taken out quick fast and in a hurry so those are the guys who are looking to quantify this imagine a singular being powerful enough to take out the Living Tribunal and Malwa comics in the blink of an eye imagine that that's basically what this is right like the beyonders more or less God out there created Zahra as like his number one person right the number like the top person in his arsenal the one he sends forward to take everything out The Living Tribunal esque kind of a character Swan comes along done so that's it right like she goes to cut spawn in half and then spawn it just basically heals himself and then just starts smashing Zaire right it's absolutely just like crushing this girl and then just sort of just leaves her there right and then following that punches a hole in her and then decapitate her right basically just like rips her head off and that's the end of her following that he starts going forward as he's making his way to where God in st. Neurath you have basically the last two of these massive demon monsters fighting each other and and one of them is essentially taken out and then starts the you know kind of lets out this scream of pain spawn follows the load follows the the shout only to realize that it's basically granny bullet my granny Blake was the last soldier fighting and when when the armor begins to kind of go away right like spawn destroys this demon pretty fast but when the armor starts to kind of melt away and it reveals granny granny Blake that she basically says nothing was what we thought it was you were right God and Satan are our dicks right like they're they're like really crappy people they're not what we thought they were we thought like God was caring and loving and loving loved us like a father and that kind of a thing no like we're pawns in this great big huge game and you tried to tell me that was true and I didn't believe but the responsive spawn and this is really kind of cool here the responsive spawn is I understand that but the heaven that you've been shown by this God is not the true heaven there's got to be a real heaven out there a real afterlife for all these people out there right this cannot simply be it if there are other gods on other planets all across the universe then they're like what are the gods go when they die right like what what happens when all this takes place there has to be some definitive afterlife out there and that's where you're going you're going to go to that place and you're gonna experience everlasting peace it's comforting right it's comforting for granny Blake to know that this isn't all there is right there like this this was not it the shoe is just a pawn and that the game of God and Satan and that was it it's the honorable thing that spawn does it's an incredible thing that spawned us and so following this the the power of divine spawn really comes into fruition yet again when he shows up to this location where all these forces of Hell are fighting and basically says this is my world you have no place here if your loyalty is to Satan then go back to Hell and almost like somebody who can warp reality on a planetary and even a cosmic scale the ground literally opens and all these forces are banished back to help all these Hell spawn are banished back there right it's not a wish that like the mother of creation granted spawn did that himself spawn said all of go back to hell and then symptom there right and that's where they are now right I mean followed like with that being said like the forces of Satan are basically gone now right either they're totally obliterated from there you end up picking up with Satan himself and Satan begins to kind of ask the question like where are all my hell spawn like something's missing here where all my hell spawn at and that's when one of his demons approaches him and says well like spawn basically like like some hell spawn out there with wings sent them all back to hell I saw it with my own eyes Satan gets pissed right rips this guy's eyes out and then from there you end up jumping to God and basically like spawn shows up on the doorstep of God and you know when he says where is there a spawn says she's right here I've got her head get out of here right like leave this world this world belongs to me now right like leave all of this and so initially God and Satan you'll kind of team up for a second and then go directly after spawn and when that happens spawn unleashes the full totality of his power then probably one of the most insane displays of the swon comic that I've ever seen spawn unleashes the full totality of his powers and says let this all be done and using his abilities cleanses the entirety of the earth he literally wipes everything out it's nuts it says like when he looked about him and saw what he had done spawn wept for all the world was desolation and mankind was no more okay what's up members of the rock quarry you know I thought about making you guys wait like weeks for the conclusion of spawn Armageddon for no other reason than the fact that I could I even did a poll on Twitter I was like should I should I make you guys wait or should I cover it now and it was kind of crazy like half of almost half of you guys were like just make us wait and I was like what I was like why that that's that's not how this was supposed to go you were supposed to like be like no we need it now and then you know like post gifts but you guys didn't it was a little bit disappointing but we are here covering the conclusion of spawn Armageddon and as we know spawn up to this issue has basically destroyed all life on Earth with the exception of God and Satan right they're the only two individuals left everything else is essentially dead and that's kind of the crazy thing about this because when all this goes down you give that God and Satan who are almost kind of like taken by surprise like spawn the protector of humanity has basically eradicated all beings in existence from the plate from the face of the earth it really is just a dead desolate world right all life all gone is there's just nothing here initially the thought is that like spawn was crying over what is it he'd done only for us to find out that spawns actually laughing and the reason why is because he's actually mocking God and Satan he's like we you guys had this plan going on for thousands of years right you created people and then people started going divvying up into different groups good guys and bad guys some of them want to save someone went to God this was all supposed to go into some great big huge grand battle you know some grand conflict did the two of you guys are going to fight for however long it was going to be to determine which of you is truly the strongest and I brought the whole thing to an end like that you know so like what is this saying about like you guys this is all just one big joke it's literally giving God and Satan a hard time and so in response that they kind of asked the question like you're just a hell spawn right like you're essentially just kind of like a soldier of hell how did you manage to pull all this off you know and and basically like the mother of creation pops up and says like he's what I made him to be following that God gets pissed God's like you b-word basically you know this is the this is the friendly stuff if you want to see the uncensored videos go to come as you swing that's where you get all the uncensored stuff like Punisher match that we're covering which is gonna be which is fun and awesome and totally needs to be uncensored but nonetheless you know from there when the mother of creation is sort of chaste chastised by God and Satan right like you can't do this of course the mother of creation freaks out says you know I I do what I will and then spawn says there's actually something you can do for me and when the mother of creation asked what it is spawn says these two kids look too much like Wanda change them into their true forms I want to see what they truly look like and that's what we see what God in Satan actually really looked like in the spawn universe they're naked but they don't have any junk so that's I guess that's okay what God and Satan have genitalia that really is the oh we ask the serious questions here at commis explain we ask the hard-hitting questions here but nonetheless you know from there it's almost kind of like their desire to it to really kind of instigate a conflict with spawn right and farm was warned by the mother of creation understand by having them in these childlike forms it curves the desire for like death and destruction and all those different things by turning them back into their regular forms they will have a level of death and destruction that you're not quite ready for they will have a level of power that you could challenge but you're not really capable of going toe-to-toe with at the moment it would simply just take time and spawns response is whatever man like if these guys really believe that they have what it takes to take me out then let them do their worst and so following that they basically blast spawn and spawn gets taken out right here he says it is finished spawn is essentially destroyed right so this great big huge climactic battle that's been building up between spawn and like God and Satan happens with a quickness and that's basically it and that's when the mother of creation asked are you content now are you happy now that was the last of the human race these beans you had the power to create you destroyed right that's all you guys are good for is just destroying things and that therein is the the very nature of the mother of creations disappointment with her creation of God and Satan all they do is destroy and it's why she consider them to be failures and so for a moment there's almost kind of like this sort of reprieve where Satan of all people is kind of like man like you know where God like is this what we've come to you and Satan's kinda like yeah man maybe we should kind of rethink things and then immediately God turns on Satan and says this is your fault and that's when everything kind of devolves right back down to where it was before God created humanity and humanity were basically oblivious to everything around them right they just kind of existed they had no knowledge of good and evil and seyton Priya presented Eve with the with the apple of the knowledge of good and evil she consumed it and then gave it to Adam and then Adam consumed it and then they had knowledge of good and evil and free will is what came from that and so following that they basically bent to their base desires and that's where the the argument gets intriguing right because if all Satan did was basically say here's knowledge of good and evil then did Satan really do anything to make humanity evil or did he give him an e the ability to choose what sided wanted and then humanity chose to become evil like humanity chose that role they bent to their inherent desires it's kind of intruding there because when it comes to good and evil I remember learning this lesson and Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic of all games that the path to goodness is usually much much harder than the path to evil now the path to evil is more fun during nights the Old Republic I was a dick like I was I was using my force powers on everyone I was just like like I'm ever there's this one chick on Tatooine and she's like we really need this raid plate and like can you please and I was like give me that and I was like thank you I what is it I said my need is greater than yours and just took it I was like I was a terrible person everybody played the dark side first and don't even get me in that nonsense about how you play the light side first you didn't you play the dark side first nobody chose them nobody chooses the light side Jedi suck but nonetheless it's kind of fun here it's kind of crazy because following this God and Satan basically just kind of devolved down into this full-on battle with each other and while that's happening spawn had essentially been saved by the mother of creation and what she basically tells him here is this is the nature of God and Satan they will fight for all eternity right they're evenly matched and they are immortal they're never going to be able to overcome the other and that's kind of the nature of good and evil and that's one of the cool things about this right because you cannot have one without the other you cannot have goodness without the antithesis in the form of evil because it's only with evil that understanding the value of goodness comes into play and so because of that you know spawn is really kind of like what do we do here at this point right I mean the earth is all devoid of life there's nothing here anymore like what do we do and the mother of creation says you can recreate everything right this earth is basically gone this earth is gone and done now it's the the territory of God and Satan they're gonna fight on it forever right as long as they believe humanity's been destroyed they're just gonna fight against each other forever and ever and ever and never really overcome the other right it's just what's going to happen until the end of time or until they destroy their world or whatever the case is but you Al Simmons have the ability to recreate you have the ability to give birth to everything and so this is really an in kind of a misnomer from the last video this is really the full totality of divine spawns power because using the help of the mother of creation spawn essentially recreates all existence spawn literally recreates the earth and all humanity in it but the funny thing about this is that instead of stripping them of their knowledge of the end of days of the apocalypse he grants them that information because what it does is it gives humanity the knowledge the absolute true and undeniable knowledge that there is something out there greater than themselves and it's only ever when humanity as a whole is presented with a threat that one person or one one country or civilization cannot overcome on its own that people usually work together in order to quell that threat it may be a temporary thing but what this means here is that in order for Humanity to truly achieve great things you have to have a coming together of civilization as a whole everyone who's alive here remembers the Four Horsemen walking the earth right they remembered pestilence and death and famine and and war walking the face of the planet all the things they went through dates they remember what it meant to die they remember what it meant to become this soldiers of Health and the soldiers of heaven they recall their experiences with all of these things and so what this means is that one when Al Simmons is presented with the notion of are you going to allow Heaven and Hell to still have access to this he immediately says no heaven and hell basically are cut off to earth they can never enter earth they can never leave earth they can have no involvement with humanity in any form or fashion following that the question is what are you going to do right because at the moment spawn is God right that's what he is now what are you gonna do with all this power spawn and that's when he says I initially came back for Wanda right this is all going full circle I came back for Wanda I made that bargain with mal Bhoja I chose to be a hell spawn because I wanted to have Wanda back I wanted her in my life and I would do whatever I needed to do in order to make that happen and this is where things are kind of cool right there's CSI you tell them between a guy who can who can like get done and a guy who's just like man I really hope things go my way spawns just like okay so here's my situation right now that was dead but now she knows and I'm alive but she married Terry after she believed that I was dead and then like they kind of did their whole thing together so like sorry about your luck Terry I'm taking my girl back that's basically what this is he's like I want to be reborn as our sevens because at the end of the day Wanda loves Terry sure she loves him but she'll never love him as much as she loves me so like mister steal yo girl is back I guess not really steal your girl mister steal your girl back you know steal his girl back I guess is what it is but unless spawn basically rolls up and says like I'm going home right like I do not want this power of God take this away from me I don't want to have anything to do with this I just want to go back and be a normal man now initially the mother of creation goes to kind of issue a warning but spawn is like there is no more spawn I don't want to hear any anything about this I don't want to hear anything you have to say I am just gonna go home okay so we are covering the conclusion to spawn on a spawn Armageddon this is the very last thing and here's my question for you guys those of you guys who are really knowledgeable about spawn where should we go from here you guys were the ones who told me to cover spawn Armageddon and you guys proved to be right so I'm deferring to you guys again where did we jump to after this what do you think that we should cover but any event with the main Armageddon battle having happened right the end of God and Satan and that kind of a thing them them doing you know whatever the case is one of the things to understand now is that we are basically on an alternate earth is really kind of how this works right it's not really the recreated earth earth as it originally existed has been essentially devoid of all life has been destroyed and God and Satan are fighting on that world for evermore at this point what we do is we switch to kind of this this new earth as we created by spawn and Al Simmons trying to return home now if you guys recall in the last video initially the mother of creation tried to stop it but Al Simmons blew the mother of creation off and just kind of continued towards the house at which point Al Simmons has stopped deadness tracks and the reason why is because a mother of creation basically says there's something that you have to see in you before you go in here before you reveal yourself to them there's something that you need to know and so what what the mother of creation does is kind of remove spawn from its physical form and give them somewhat of like an astral form but the initial kind of conversation going on between the Simmons family with Terry granny with Sian with with Wanda is they're really kind of recovering from everything right now remember a lot of what happened Wanda and and Terry don't really recall granny remembers all of it right because she died to heaven then found out that God wasn't really God as she believed him to be and all that kind of stuff if you guys want you guys want to get caught up make sure you check the the description for the playlist of spawn to get all this stuff right we're like five videos in there so it's not super complex or anything a good way to kind of cope with the quarantine but nonetheless you know for a first-time yeah and she remembers a great deal of it and it's one of these things where she basically says I don't want to refer to like you know spawn or to to Al Simmons as the sad man anymore I'm gonna call him al because that's his name and so it's kind of a cool thing because granny kind of talked about what's going on and it's got you know from from Wanda and Terry that was kind like okay you need to go to sleep that kind of a thing it's not really dismissive so much is this kind of the belief that like granny's off her rocker and then you start to get into the meat and potatoes and the worst thing that spawn ever did and what this does is it initially picks up with Terry and Wanda going into the bedroom and then of course Wanda initially tries to kind of initiate sexy time and Terry's not really receptive to it and the reason why is because I guess really is it's one of these things were their romantic life their love life is almost non-existent and the reason for this is because Terry has like a lot of issues that he's struggling with at the moment one of the things we kind of find out here is that with Al Simmons returned Terry's been struggling with this right because it's not enough that al Simmons came back Al Simmons came back and then basically saved all of existence right so it's like if you were dating a girl and then she was like well you know me and my ex broke up and then you meet her ex and her ex turns out to be Superman right like that's kind of what this is to a degree and and and Terry isn't a lot of ways kind of feeling emasculated by that this is also compounded by the fact that when he sort of lashes out wanted responses you know I love you with all my heart you know that's that's never gonna go away I'm always going to love Al Simmons because he was a man that I was married to but you're who I'm with now suddenly we find out that what Terry's been doing has been snooping and in essentially Wanda has kind of kept this box of artifacts there's this kind of box of things that belong to Al Simmons right pictures love letters different things like that and she looked at them almost every single day she kind of kisses them and almost seems you know this is from Terry's perspective she misses Al Simmons so much and can't really let go and so the way that Terry sees this is really from the perspective of Wanda is still in love with Al Simmons and that if Al Simmons comes back right now immediately Terry's gonna get the boot right even goes as far as to say you've been a great friend you helped me through some tough times but you got to go cuz my man's back that's kind of how he views all of this and this is when we really get we get the bean spilled on everything because when Wanda learns that Terry was snooping she's like so what are you gonna do next are you gonna hit me and his responses god no why would I ever do that and she said because Al Simmons did and that's when you really learn the truth of what else and that's not the worst thing he did right but that's when you learned the truth about Al Simmons when we look at the character of Spawn we always saw him as just a guy who is married to a great woman and he potentially had a great life and then he was betrayed by his friend Jason when his boss Jason went and then ended up becoming a Hellspawn he could never go back home right he seemed like a character who was in a tragic situation a great guy in an incredibly tragic scenario it is anything but that what we end up learning is the first time that that Al Simmons hit Wanda was when they were at a party they had both been drinking they came back and Al Simmons just always kind of had this thing for his boss right he always looked up to you if Jason when he always idolized him and when Wanda wanted to initiate like like you know an intimate moment what she wanted to have sex Alstom and just kind of said no I'm not really interested in that and then she said well then let's get your boss and then we can do a threesome and maybe it'll get some wood in your pecker right and where she was joking he lashes out and hits her following that it happened at different points in time and for different reasons right sometimes he choked her sometimes he backhanded her sometimes he hit her with a closed fist and it was one of these things where she she goes as far as to say she never really understood why you know how it is that like women in abusive relationships don't just leave right like why don't they just walk away what's so hard about that like your man hits you you leave it's not rocket science and that's how she viewed it right like how come I can't do that the reality was she was in love with him you know and if you really look into the psychology of that there's a lot of women who give a lot of different reasons for why that happens right they feel like they can't do anything on their own I've kind of been made to feel like like they're inferior they can't live without that person whatever the case happens to be but there's a lot of psychological effects that go into abusive relationships and that's one of the things that happen here Al Simmons would buy her like a puppy or something along those lines but the reality of this is that Wanda looked at Al and realized that that she was second best that the love of his life was war it was conflict it was fighting things and killing people that's the way it was right that's the thing that he cared about the most and when she initially sat down and sort of having this conversation when I mean when she's talking to Terry one of the things she says is there was a point where she became pregnant and Al Simmons watching all this go down didn't know but he had no idea that Wanda was pregnant and essentially you know it's kind of like we tried so many times it wasn't really possible that Wanda had essentially gone off the pill she had been on birth control all this time and how Simmons didn't know and so finally she goes off birth control and then basically decides I want to get pregnant with this guy right and so following that what this does is it turns it to a thing where she starts talking to him about that I went off the pill I'm pregnant now you know that kind of a thing and initially he's kind of upset about the fact that she made that choice without telling him but what he basically says is like there's a world out there there's a dark and a cruel and a horrible world and like it's my job as the man on the wall to keep it at bay I'm the only one that can keep this world safe I'm the one that has to do these things you know someone and so forth but it's this idea that like only he can protect the world right only he can keep everything safe right he's the only guy capable of doing that and that the reality of him is that there are two sides to Al Simmons there's the family man al Simmons then there's just the murderous flipping a switch doing whatever you need to do and removing the emotion from the equation kind of guy and so the result of this is that he begins to kind of lash out you know for a moment when he looks at her you know she says he got this look they looked at people he's killed have probably seen on his face for the last time what he does is he pushes her in the gut and then basically forces her to miscarry and that's the worst things al sim and that's the worst thing al Simmons did is he basically hit his wife she miscarried and he killed his own baby and it's extreme right it's it's insane because it takes everything about Al Simmons that we knew and it totally flips it on its head but it totally changes everything up because he's no longer this guy who was just a really great guy in a bad situation how Simmons was a terrible human being and that's one of these things where he doesn't believe any of what he's hearing the whole idea behind Wanda was that when he went on his final mission where he ended up dying of course he didn't know that he was gonna die neither did she the intention was that when he came back she was gonna leave him she was gonna she was gonna walk away she doesn't like we're done divorce him and then basically end up end up leaving but such as it was Al Simmons ended up being killed and then basically became spawn which kind of solved the solve the equation for her finding Terry was exactly what she needed right she needed a man she needed a man that she could kind of expose the worst parts of herself to and then still be accepted right not be rebuked that's what she needed was just a great man and so following that Al Simmons basically takes off and the mother of creation basically verifies all of this and says this was all true these are all memories that you suppress everything that you heard from Wanda is true I haven't manipulated reality I haven't changed anything I didn't trick you into hearing something that wasn't actually being said that's true like this is your history this is your past you're not the man you think you are when you died and then when you went to hell and you encounter mal Bhoja you chose to become a hell spawn because subconsciously you believed that you deserve to be punished for what it was that you done that's why you chose to become spawn and so at the end of the day when spawns like well then kill me like kill me and let this be done the response to the mother of creation is no this is your penance this is the price you pay for the things that you've done you have to redeem yourself now you are basically just kind of out there spawn is more or less in purgatory now right that's kind of how he is he's not really in hell but he's not really in heaven he has to redeem himself improve that he's a good guy and in order to be able to get into heaven or whatever it is the actual heaven that kind of exists out there where those who are good people go when they die presumably the realm of the mother of creation we're not really sure but basically the the mother chrétien tells spawn it's now time for you to go back home when spawn asked where that is the mother of creation says you know where that is right back down to the alleys again it's so amazing like it's it's crazy but is it this is the darkest thing to spawn ever it did spawn killed his own kid right he was so obsessed with the idea of the life that he saw for him so I guess the life that he'd kind of went after violence death destruction that it consumed him in his entirety and basically cost him his life and the life of his child so with that being said guys we're gonna bring this video to an end if you are new here to comments explain and make sure you guys are the sub button to become part of the Rob core if you guys enjoyed this video make sure you drop a like and that will catch you all later peace [Music]
Channel: Comics Explained
Views: 1,714,909
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: comics explained, comicsexplained, marvel explained, fluidic beats, comics, comic books, marvel, dc, infinity gauntlet, world breaker hulk, crisis on infinite earths, comic explained, infinity war, the batman who laughs, doomsday clock, Full Story, Spawn, Image Comics, Man Of Miracles, Mother Of Creation, Armageddon, AL Simmons, God, Satan
Id: 2-52wBH_iZA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 33sec (4473 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 30 2020
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