The Incredible Hulk Strongest Form (Titan Hulk Full Story)

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okay so let's take a break from Spider-Man for a minute since we've been covering a lot of that recently and let's talk about Dottie Kate's Hulk which by the way this was drawn by Ryan ottley not gonna lie it's a little weird to see Donnie Cates writing a comic and Ryan Stegman not drawing it those are the ones who did Venom for those of you guys who don't know uh it was really really good so those guys are kind of like a one-two punch to a degree but uh but this is the beginning of the new Incredible Hulk story arc under Donnie Kate so we are finished with Al Ewing's Immortal Hulk that's kind of a self-contained story uh this one kind of builds off of it but we may do a full story let me know if you guys are interested in seeing like an immortal Hulk full story video I don't think we've done that yet but something else to also keep in mind is that this is a monthly Series so this will be coming out once every month uh so we won't be covering it like every week or every day like we'll cover them as they come out but what this does here is this basically picks up with the incredible Hulk like punching against a wall which is kind of a weird thing right it's literally just like a giant door kind of out in the middle of nowhere and we get this sword of you know Exposition here right it says things like you know I have long held a theory about the Hulk that I've never shared it before because quite frankly it terrifies me to the very core that we've always thought of the Hulk as the manifestation of Dr Banner's trauma that he experienced as a child or perhaps his ID his shadow his Fury and then the question becomes but what if the Hulk is none of those things what if it exists to protect us from Banner himself and that's a cool thing right so one of the great things about Donnie Cates those of you guys who don't know he's very very very very good at looking at the status quo for an existing character and then flipping it on its head and so what you end up doing is actually switching to this discussion between Bruce Banner and Betty Ross and it's kind of a crazy thing because of course he tells you you know Betty you're not supposed to be here and she really approaches him with this conversation about what he's doing with the Hulk that he can't simply keep the Incredible Hulk locked into that particular location now this is kind of interesting because what Donnie case is doing is kind of toying with us a little bit in relation to like Jason Aaron's Incredible Hulk run and then like the traditional incredible hook Mythos and the reason why I say that is because as you guys know with the traditional Incredible Hulk Mythos the Hulk is a manifestation of banner so they're basically two different people sharing the same body right like Bruce Banner physically transforms into the Incredible Hulk what Jason Aaron did during his run on Hulk is he actually wrote a story whereby the two of them were split so you had Bruce Banner in a separate body from The Incredible Hulk and that's happened over the years right during the onslaught Saga for example the psychic consciousness of Bruce Banner was removed from the Incredible Hulk in order to provide a kind of just pure Savage Hulk that was really the most powerful version of his character we'd seen up to that point that was the only real memes to basically defeat or at least find a way to defeat Onslaught that kind of a thing and so Donnie Cates isn't really creating new ground here he's kind of retreading existing ground but doing it in his own way which is a cool thing and so ultimately Banner's response to Betty is one of hostility at least as it pertains to the Hulk that Betty kind of used the Incredible Hulk is very much like a child and he really is right the Incredible Hulk is very childlike in terms of how he operates unless you're talking about world breaker Hulk or something like that but Savage Hulk is very very childlike in that way and so what Betty says is that she's concerned about this because hurting the Incredible Hulk is hurting banner and it's one of those things where she's like you can't blame yourself for what happened in El Paso now for those of you guys who are approaching this from the perspective of okay did I miss something from Immortal Hulk no you didn't there was a recent interview that Donnie Cates did where he answered that question because it was the one thing that people wanted to know was like okay did we miss something from Immortal Hulk that happened in El Paso or something like that and during his interview with he said no like it's a thing that has not been revealed yet it's just something that took place between the end of immortal Hulk and the beginning of this run but whatever it was that took place out there Banner just kind of freaks out and says he doesn't really blame himself he blames The Incredible Hulk and so ultimately his feelings about how the world perceives him really come out and manifest here and this is something that you don't readily see from Banner where Betty says that like you're scaring me right you can't act like this you don't sound like yourself then the response also Banner is and how would you know what I sound like right how would anybody know the only time I'm ever useful to any of you all is when I'm not here when you need the Incredible Hulk and he says I never wanted any of this right I never wanted to be a superhero or a defender or an Avenger or a monster he's like I never wanted to do any of this stuff all I wanted to do was push boundaries all I wanted to be was a man of science and so he says at the end of the day it didn't work like none of that happened and so because of that he says like this this whole thing right like this Incredible Hulk it grew inside of me like some kind of a tumor some kind of an illness you know and and I Was a Fool to believe that it would ever stop growing in the first place to believe that I could somehow control the Hulk or contain the Hulk that after the events of of dealing with the one below all and the one above all that I somehow had a stronger grasp on all this I Was a Fool to believe any of that but more so than that the biggest concern that Bruce Banner has is that at some point in time the Incredible Hulk is going to manifest he's going to take over and his fear is not that the Incredible Hulk is is going to kill his friends or anything like that it's that the Incredible Hulk will stay that way that Banner will never come back out again right to the Incredible Hulk will basically find a way to stay in control and you'll never ever see Banner he'll lose himself and that's one of the funny things where again Donnie Cates is building on History here specifically with Peter David's The Incredible Hulk the end for those of you guys who never read that story it was a phenomenal story where basically the Incredible Hulk was the last living thing on Earth right we're not really thin he was the last living uh superhero last living person on Earth and that all that was left after this just catastrophic nuclear war was basically just him and like giant bugs that would eat him on a daily basis and he would heal himself and all that kind of stuff but there's one point near the end of the story or really at the end of the story where he lashes out his Banner who's basically grown old and he screams at Banner that like I want you to go away right Holst just wants to be alone and then the banner Persona basically dies of old age however that works and so because of that the Incredible Hulk is eternally left alone on earth like he'll just be on Earth forever and that'll be it until such a time that either Earth is colonized by some alien race or Life Begins Anew and begins to evolve that the Incredible Hulk will seemingly just live on forever as the only occupant of the planet Earth itself unless he finds a way to leave the important thing is this is one of those stories that Donnie Cates is referencing here and so it's kind of an interesting thing because in the end we kind of find out who would agree what's really going on here when Banner tells Betty Ross Get Out of My Head Right like get out of my head and leave me alone this is how it might as well end and so what he does here is he sits on what's basically like a captain's chair and then he says like these waves Do Not Crash on me they break on me because I I am strong and then from there you basically switch over to the Avengers I know it's weird but it makes perfect sense here in a second and I really love what Donnie Cates is doing here right so the first thing you do is you pick up a Spider-Man who's basically talking to the rest of the fully assembled Avengers and the Fantastic Four and the question is asked is like okay is anybody else super confused about what's going on here and the response of Doctor Strange is what Bruce Banner has managed to achieve here goes beyond anything anybody has done right that in effect the Incredible Hulk becomes the single most powerful being on the face of the planet and here's the reason why it's one of those things where you can kind of extrapolate it but the idea is that when Doctor Strange starts talking about this he says that what he's built that not even Doctor Strange could have achieved it right the doctor strange says he scoured the Earth searching and questioning every Mystic and omega-level telepath that he could possibly find to see if they could do such a thing and none of them could Bruce Banner managed to achieve something that the most powerful beings on the face of the planet were unable to do himself but then estranged says there's no way the banner could have done it himself that it just doesn't make any sense the magic required is just beyond anything and so at the end of the day of course Captain America kind of reels him back in and says tell us what's going on and so what we end up learning here is that Bruce Banner had basically fractured his mind into three distinct parts and by unifying these Parts but controlling them individually he's basically made what's being referred to as a Starship right now the term Starship is a loose term here this is not something like the end of like Moonwalker right where like Michael Jackson turned into a ship and flew away that's not what we're talking about here it's it's the phrase or the term Starship in relation to basically how the Incredible Hulk exists right now now the other thing about this is that the Incredible Hulk is making its way towards one to Gore Mountain looking for a particular thing and it's kind of crazy because along the way he's basically fighting Iron Man and four Hulkbuster armors which is nuts and he's overpowering them all but what Doctor Strange tells us is that these three distinct parts are eloquently designed and really work as a singular cohesive unit what Banner had done first and foremost is he had stolen technology from Advanced idea mechanics and then basically use that technology to enhance the skin for lack of a better word of the Incredible Hulk basically he's made the Incredible Hulk more durable than he was before as if he needed it the Incredible Hulk was already one of the most durable beings out there like being able to successfully physically injure the Hulk is no small thing I mean you could make his nose bleed if you were strong enough right like the thing has done that but if you're talking about like literally cutting the Hulk removing a limb or something like that you need something like adamantium possibly vibranium and most likely something like carbonadium or the muramasa blade in order to pull that off you would need a highly specialized weapon to achieve that what Banner's done here is basically push that durability beyond what we've previously seen with his character and we'll actually see how far deep that goes because it gets nuts the second thing that Banner's done is he's built this giant mind Palace like nothing Doctor Strange has ever seen before so much so that there's not a singular telepath on Earth that can get through it no one can break through it Emma Frost Professor Xavier of the X-Men no one can break through this psychic barrier that Bruce Banner has erected in the mind of the incred edible Hulk and then following that of course you have this kind of you know conversation not really a conversation so much just taunting back and forth between banner and Iron Man right where it's kind of like you know yeah yeah you can't beat me so on and so forth but like he crushes them all in terms of the durability of Iron Man this is where things get cool so one of the things that he does here is he basically fires off what are basically these rockets that have adamantium nanoparticles shrapnel inside of them in effect what happens these are like little just tiny shards of adamantium they burrow themselves into the body of whatever their target happens to be and then due to their Nano programming they basically forged the adamantium at an atomic level in effect adamantium grows from the inside out and so for the Incredible Hulk this is designed to grow in the form of a cage to basically lock him down in place and so that's when you get into the third thing or the third aspect of what Bruce Banner's done here that the Incredible Hulk itself is powered by rage right as you guys know the angrier The Incredible Hulk gets the stronger he gets what if you were able to find a way to weaponize that and so that's what Banner's done that Banner sitting in this kind of captain's chair is basically controlling the body of the Incredible Hulk but what of the Incredible Hulk's Consciousness Banner has actually taken that and locked it away and that's what you saw in that opening scene when he was punching on that door that Banner has imprisoned the psyche of the Incredible Hulk and then basically subjects him to constant bombardment by enemy forces whenever he needs him to become angry and because the Incredible Hulk is childlike the Incredible Hulk is going to attack whatever it is that's attacking him and he's gonna become angrier the longer the conflict goes on because these are basically infinite armies that would be attacking him he would just become angrier and angrier and angrier basically Bruce Banners found a way to weaponize the Incredible Hulk's rage that rage is the engine that Bruce Banner is using so what's basically going on here to kind of give you guys a better perception is that Bruce Banner used technology to modify the body of the Incredible Hulk to make him more more durable he in turn took over the mind of the Incredible Hulk and he uses the Incredible Hulk's rage to decide how angrier and how powerful the Incredible Hulk is going to get so basically just imagine that at any point in time in any fight that uh that Bruce Banner could just amp The Incredible Hulk up to like World breaker levels on a whim that's what we're talking about here weaponized World breaker horror it's nuts and so in this conflict because of the fact that the adamantium is basically holding him in place and not even the Incredible Hulk is strong enough to physically break through adamantium he actually rips his arm out of it and when he does it literally tears his arm off like which is kind of crazy so he's basically pummeling Tony Stark with one arm against all these Hulkbuster suits right like literally all these hulkbusters suits that he has are getting totally obliterated with his one arm and then he takes one of the arms of the Hulkbuster suits and attaches it to his snapped arm right so his arm that was ripped off and then just goes forward from there and so what you end up finding is that the immortal Hulk traveling here of course once this arm is basically healed which really only took a couple of minutes right if that maybe like 30 seconds to fully heal which gives you a real indication of just how powerful and durable he is that what he was looking for was actually something that Tony Stark built project Arc so the idea behind this is that in the aftermath of the events of King and black when null had attacked the world that null overcame the world super fast right showing up with celestials different things like that and Tony Stark who is Ever the futurist began developing a kind of suit of armor that would serve one part as protection and then one part as basically a Gateway as a wormhole and that's why you see in its chest is what looks like a giant portal energy source where the Arc Reactor would normally be and what would happen here is that in a time of a massive emergency he could actually Evacuate the world's population through this thing now the other thing about it and those of you guys who are X-Men fans is probably not lost on you this looks like master mold and I have to believe there's probably a reason for that but what this looks like because of the fact that Tony Stark piloted a Celestial is that it looks like it's a Celestial killer armor is what it looks like right like Iron Man's Celestial killer armor which is kind of nuts but at the end of the day the response of Hulk is I'm gonna need to borrow this so you know despite Tony Stark begging for him not to that the math is not complete he has no idea where he'll go if he passes through that portal if you'll basically take control of the suit of armor itself or if you'll end up in some hellish Dimension or the realm of Mephisto or the Negative Zone there's no way to know what will happen the responsive Banner is I don't care it doesn't matter to me what I want to achieve is more important so he literally travels through the portal to a future destination and we have no idea what awaits him there all right what's going on guys this is Rob and I forgot that Hulk number two was coming out two weeks after Hulk number one now after this it's only coming out every month so we'll have to wait like a month before we cover the next issue I know it sucks one of the things a lot of you guys have voice to concern about is that sometimes it's hard to keep track of stories so what I'm gonna do is I'm actually just going to kind of create playlists for the individual stories that we're doing so they're super easy to follow we'll probably end up with a million playlists but there's no such thing as too many playlists on YouTube so for those of you guys who are following Devil's Reign you'll actually find a link to the playlist in that video which right now only has one video and then for this one uh you'll find a link to the playlist uh both for this individual story arc and this video will also be added into the main playlist for the Incredible Hulk so that'll make it easier to follow along having said that so in the first video what we kind of talked about and what we ran over here was really the change that was going on with the Incredible Hulk this idea that what Banner had done in the aftermath of like everything that Al Ewing had done which was just a ridiculously Amazing Story which we still need to release a full story for for Immortal Hulk um that what's happened here is Banner has basically weaponized The Incredible Hulk insofar that he basically turned him into a ship because the Incredible Hulk is so incredibly durable and so powerful he can survive in almost any environment and one of the things that was established in Jason Aaron's run is that the Incredible Hulk's physiology can actually adapt to an environment so he wasn't able to breathe underwater until he was and so what this means is that with Banner basically controlling the mind of the Incredible Hulk and the Incredible Hulk's rage being used as quote unquote the engine that drives the ship that he's basically able to do almost anything he wants to and so far as executing plants we don't really know what this plan is what we do know is that Banner basically sees control of basically Celestial Tech and then in turn traveled into the Multiverse now the funny thing about this is that as soon as he leaves his Universe he comes across a group that's referred to as the alternate universe timeline Hazard operations response and intervention team with some other word that starts with a y it's Authority this looks like Authority from DC Comics those of you guys who don't know who that is the authority is actually a group that operates essentially in the Multiverse but they they well they've served different purposes but they're a wild Storm Team uh we haven't really talked about them and maybe we should we haven't really done much of the way of Wild Storm but this is hilarious because at the end of the day he just plows through I mean none of these guys really have a chance but it is kind of a funny thing to see I mean tell me this ship in the background does not look like the ship of the authority from wildstorm they're basically a Pastiche right I mean if they're not exactly those characters they're basically a past Niche but when it comes to the Multiverse this is one of the things I want to talk about we I like to reiterate this every so often for people who were either new or who have been here for a while and need a bit of a refresher there are a lot of teams that Patrol the Multiverse for different reasons like the Exiles travel from one Universe to the other just basically solving problems and we should cover the original like not really the original but like the Exiles run uh that basically went into what was basically House of M and all that kind of stuff did like the world tour storyline and all that we should probably cover that because the Exiles are like the most underappreciated but more most amazing team in Marvel Comics like literally it's just a team that travels to alternate realities all their like every one of their stories was awesome there was never a boring story in the Exiles but nonetheless these guys are obliterated pretty quickly the other thing behind this is that Banner is basically asleep at the wheel and it kind it makes sense right I mean it's a pretty exhausting situation to be in controlling uh giant green rage monster and then you know sending him into space A lot's happened over the course of the day A lot's happened over the course of the day and so once Banner starts to wake up what you actually end up finding out here is they're being targeted and the reason why is because there's somebody out there or something out there that's trying to get their hands on the Hulk for reasons we don't necessarily know we simply know that they are but again this is the nature of using the Incredible Hulk's rage as an engine system that where this really beginning called a kind of a physical tractor beam is trying to pull the The Incredible Hulk in that Banner amps's rage up right as a means to just kind of keep the or at least push the Incredible Hulk to higher levels thinking of this is something akin to like NOS in a car except you could regulate how much Nas you basically allow in that car and you basically have it just increasing in power forever right is is kind of the big difference here but again like monsters are basically introduced get set upon the Incredible Hulk one of which is Finn Fang Foom uh spoilers have you guys played the Guardians of the Galaxy game yet dude that game is amazing I just finished it like a couple days ago Dude that game is amazing Finn Fang Foom looked awesome in that game when they when they're like we need to go find Finn Fang Foom I was like yes I really can't wait to see this but the thing behind this is that again these are just monsters and the Incredible Hulk in what's essentially his is almost like infantile form is Savage form just sees them as a credible threat and attacks them that's one of the benefits that Banner's kind of waiting for when it comes to the Incredible Hulk if the Incredible Hulk has not figured out this is an illusion now this is one of the big differences between what Donnie Cates is doing and what Al Ewing is doing that in a lot of ways Al Ewing depicted the intelligence of the immortal Hulk or at least his ability to understand his surroundings as being on par with Ben right I mean the immortal Hulk was not as intelligent as Banner right it wasn't one of those things where he's like practicing science and things like that certainly not on the same level the banner was but he was certainly a lot more cognizant of what was going on around him right he was able to understand what was taking place and a more nuanced way than what Savage Hulk is able to do now whether or not this means the immortal Hulk slash devil Hulk Persona is gone forever or is temporarily just kind of retreated is something that only time will tell right we'll just kind of have to wait and and watch is Donnie Cates and progressed to find out how this happens but regardless what the immortal Hulk's anger being amped up more and more at the End of the Day banners told that the origin of this entity is unknown but according to their sensors they're being scanned and when it turns out they're being scanned for gamma radiation the initial response to Banner is it's the Avengers right like they're trying to find him or they have found him and they're basically trying to bring this guy back right they're trying to reel him back into the universe because the reality is he's not supposed to be out there right like he he overpowered The Avengers in order to get to this and so following that you basically have him of course taking out Fin Fang Foom and you know the The Incredible Hulk destroys these forces or whatever and so Banner needs more rage and so as a really great throwback he basically amps them up and has a giant version of Wolverine appear here now on the surface you would think that if what Banner wanted to do was to maximize The Rage of the Hulk that he would somehow find a way to unlock the world breaker Hulk rage level right to make him you know as angry as he as he's ever been but there's a couple reasons for why we can surmise this is not really happening the first is that to go from just Hulk who's kind of chill and relaxed or at least is you know kind of minimally angry we can call him that until like World breaker Hulk could possibly just destroy his form right like I mean destroy the the engine so to speak right the other part of this is that given the fact that the the world breaker Hulk form is essentially a more cognizant and intelligent version of savage Hulk that what this would mean is that it would figure out us all an illusion right like World breaker Hulk would figure out what's going on and then basically just stop right and just just cease to fight and just kind of maybe revert back to a base form and call it a day there's a few different reasons for why we can discern that's not necessarily happening the other cool thing here is that this being a throwback is to the old Wolverine first appearance when he fought the Incredible Hulk this is how he looked right this is this is how Wolverine looked back in the day not only that as most of you guys know uh The Incredible Hulk and Wolverine have had some ridiculously good fights especially with that animated movie right Hulk versus and it's like Wolverine and Thor you guys remember that movie that movie was awesome I'm gonna watch that movie as soon as I finish with this video well it was a it was a great movie right it was it was a great thing I absolutely loved it uh but there's been some great battles here right and there's a lot of I wouldn't say animosity but Wolverine kind of represents this being that's very difficult for the Incredible Hulk to take out and so the Incredible Hulk's rage just kind of keeps going and going and going but as the fight breaks on or continues on between Wolverine and uh and and the Incredible Hulk the Hulk's not getting as angry as he needs to be the engines themselves are also critical so it's almost as though the engines kind of match what the Hulk is going through now you do get some cool moments right where like giant Wolverine goes you know goes to stab The Immortal Hulk and his claws gets stuck in the ground and Hulk rips out one of Wolverine's claws which is awesome it's just ridiculously cool to see but the the this kind of disembodied Betty Ross right who almost seems to be a voice in Banner's head to a degree seemingly his conscience kind of chimes in and is like you're pushing the Incredible Hulk too far like if you keep on doing this either he's gonna break he's gonna shut down and he's basically like that that Persona is gonna be destroyed possibly replaced with another or simply just losing your ability ability to power this engine entirely or everything is going to go belly up the crazy thing about this is that if this version of the Incredible Hulk is seemingly defeated slash destroyed that what would happen is Banner would revert back into his human form right like remember all this is essentially taking place in the mindscape right like this ship that banners sitting in is the brain of the Incredible Hulk and the Incredible Hulk himself is just his Persona fighting all these enemies that banners making him see that appear to be real but actually aren't right that's one thing to keep in mind this is not happening on some Planet somewhere right that's not really what's going on here but that if this version of the Incredible Hulk is defeated or destroyed that the Incredible Hulk will revert back into his human form and banner cannot withstand the rigors of the Multiverse in his current form right Jake like as a human being he cannot withstand that he would basically be destroyed and so that's why there's a bit of desperation here that's why there's a bit of a desire to to kind of push the Incredible Hulk more and more and find some way to get past this ultimately though the Incredible Hulk succumbs to this this kind of tractor system that's pulling him in and there's no conceivable way for them to find a way out and so essentially once they're pulled back in here or into this particular location they crash land in what basically looks like a cave with a kind of stasis field thus keeping the Incredible Hulk in place now we're not really given the details of this stasis field and in reality we don't really need them but I would surmise that given how it's Technology based it's likely one of those things where it basically reinforces the strike of the Incredible Hulk so for every punch he Doles out that level of strength is Amplified two times over by the shield so basically The Shield is always more durable than the Incredible Hulk is right like the Incredible Hulk strength works against him and being able to try to break out of this thing the crazy thing is that there's just this kind of guy out there right like this this person out there that you can't really make out this says that like after all these years they finally caught him right they finally caught this person and where Banner doesn't know what's going on right like who in the hell are you like what what in the heck is happening here the the person kind of chimes in and says wow you're wildly different from all the rest of them right you can speak you can reason and you're in control like this is kind of weird like don't be afraid I mean you harm my name is Dr Bruce Banner this looks like Bruce Banner from an alternate reality now try as I might this is not an existing version of Bruce Banner that I'm familiar with and I've searched high and low this is not a version of banner that we've seen before so it's not like the Incredible Hulks landed in like the House of M universe and this is Banner in that Universe this is a seemingly a reality that we've never seen before which makes me wildly excited to see what Donnie Cates is gonna do here what's going on guys this is Rob and we are back with the Hulk right with uh with Hulk part three and and I don't know why I keep getting the wires crossed with like Donnie Cates and Al Ewing like in the Venom video we were like it's Donnie case's Venom but it's actually Al Ewing's Venom it's probably because the two of them directly switch stories which always throws me off Donnie Cates was writing Venom valuing his writing Hulk then they switched and Dottie case is riding Hulk and alien's writing Venom and it just it takes me for a loop sometimes so I may make that mistake a couple more times hopefully not I'll try to make sure I don't but the whole idea behind the Incredible Hulk is Donnie Cates is writing it right now uh is that basically Bruce Banner is piloting The Incredible Hulk now if you want to get caught up make sure you guys check out the playlist down in the description which will not only have this Incredible Hulk story all the way at the bottom but we'll also have a whole bunch of other Incredible Hulk stuff to go along with it including the immortal Hulk uh but the whole thing behind this is that Banner is basically in an alternate reality and the crazy thing is that this alternate reality he's in is one that's actually occupied by in another version of Bruce Banner now before we get into that there is something really important here and this is one of those instances where Dottie Cates teases a thing and then kind of gives us this slow introduction it's usually what he always does you can set your watch to it right so he'll give us like the first two issues which will set the stage and then we'll get issue number three which is something's coming and then we'll get Issue Number Four which may or may not focus on that and then with five and six we'll basically come to the fruition of what's going on with the thing he discussed assuming he's going to keep it confined to those six issues and not really like build it up as something that'll show up in like you know 12 or 24 issues later on down the line but the thing about this and really the big question that we'd all had is that at the end of Al Ewing's run on the immortal Hulk that banner and Hulk had basically kind of found a way to work in unison right there was Harmony there as there usually always is when it comes to the ending of a Hulk story what we didn't know is what had happened between the time of the ending of immortal Hulk and the events in El Paso when things had basically popped off and the Incredible Hulk had somehow lost his mind instead tearing everything up that what had basically happened is things that kind of gone back to the status quo that basically whenever the Incredible Hulk essentially came on that where he and banner would kind of work in unison and both would basically know what the other one was doing that Banner was basically shut out and so things started going nuts and he didn't fully understand what was happening the other part of this is that when the when the questions asked what happened like like you know his belief being that like the Incredible Hulk could basically just taken over shut Banner's mind out and then went on a war path in El Paso killed a whole bunch of people and then basically you know kind of reverted back into Banner that instead there's something else going on here that seemingly there's another kind of Hulk presence that's there almost demonic in nature and then just basically refers to Banner as being weak and then kills Banner right off the bat now of course this is him seemingly having like a dream experience it's not actually him experiencing that so we don't know exactly how this unfolded if it was a vision that took place in El Paso if it's something that he's just imagining right some sort of way for him to kind of cope with the the things is it like the Incredible Hulk actually did in El Paso we don't necessarily know all we know is that he basically wakes up in this alternate reality and is met with this version of Bruce Banner now the crazy thing about this is that this alternate reality version of banner as he says he describes him as being magnificent and says I have never met an Abomination with such agency before and so seemingly in this alternate reality there appears to be more than one Hulk and those various versions that are out there don't really have the same kind of intelligence that Bruce Banner does now the funny thing about this is that this is kind of the exception to the rule whether it's because of the fact that Bruce Banner is basically controlling The Incredible Hulk so like piloting The Hulk and using the Hulk's anger as a means to essentially control his body to increase his strength or decrease his strength as needed or previous iterations where you had like Professor Hulk or even like World breaker Hulk or something like that that regardless of the situation seemingly this alternate reality version of banner has never encountered that and so when the the main Marvel Universe Banner introduced himself as I am basically Bruce Ben and I'm controlling The Incredible Hulk I'm piloting him basically like my mind is controlling the body then this alternate reality version of banner is like okay that's interesting I'm curious about this and so of course with the Incredible Hulk Persona it really is his mind kind of facing off against all these different threats that Banner shuts the threats down which of course lead to the Incredible Hulk Persona basically calming down right remember that's how this whole thing works the Incredible Hulk is basically the engine that you have the physical Incredible Hulk's body but you have the mind of Bruce Banner that's controlling The Incredible Hulk's body and that what you have is the Incredible Hulk mind basically the Savage Hulk's mind being forced to fight enemy after enemy after enemy increasing his Rage which allows the Incredible Hulk to stay strong so Banner can basically control the Hulk's strength right remember that's kind of the thing that's going on here it's interesting and it's kind of meta textual but in the midst of all this kind of happening The Incredible Hulk Persona meets with what looks like this kind of dark demonic devil Hulk version the crazy thing is that he seems to have seen him before it's one of those things where he's like you right like who who are you and then when this version takes off the whole kind of chases after him right and it's like please come back so it's an interesting concept because it looks as though the Incredible Hulk wants this kind of devil version of himself or this being or whatever it is this happens to be again we don't fully know what's going on here the important thing that to really discuss here is basically main Marvel Universe Banner talking to alternate banner and what we get is this bit of an origin story in that this alternate reality Universe version of Bruce Banner says that unlike the main Marvel Universe where the gamma bomb had gone off but Banner had basically pushed Rick Jones out of the way was exposed to the radiation and then became the Incredible Hulk leading to General Thunderbolt Ross and all those guys riding the whole thing off as a failure and basically saying aftermath of this is basically just too dangerous that in this alternate reality it worked right the gamma bomb went off without a hitch Banner was not caught in the blast he never became the Incredible Hulk or anything along those lines but in his naivety he believed that this would only lead to a kind of second atomic age right that in the aftermath of humanity discovering atomic energy that yeah I mean it gave us the Cold War and the fear that the United States and the Soviet Union were going to wipe themselves off the map but it also gave us microwaves and all kinds of technology and so the thought of banner is that sure this could potentially be used for destructive capabilities but if for no other reason than self-preservation Humanity would not necessarily be quick on the trigger in terms of just detonating all these gamma bombs across the world in some major conflict instead they would use gamma technology as basically a source of energy to kind of enter into a new age of human evolution instead the worst fears of banner come true that there seemed to have been some kind of just massive Global Calamity and what they ended up doing with the powers that be as he describes them taking their weapons and then basically detonating them across the world everywhere except for the United States is hit and so what he says that this whole thing had basically turned the United States into the greatest Empire in the world seemingly it was the US that struck first for whatever reason which is not really explained here what seems to have happened is that the United States using gamma bombs targeted the rest of the world and then detonated all those gamma bombs in populated areas across the world leaving only itself as seemingly the last functioning Empire in the world of the last functioning country in the world and so Banner has basically been trying to continually atone for his sins and when the questions asked what are you doing to to atone for your sins how does all this work he basically says that the ensuing radiation from these gamma bomb attacks basically affected everybody across the world those individuals who weren't killed in the explosions were transformed into hulks but instead of them simply just being like hulks as you expect them right just like running around and like an Incredible Hulk type person instead they're all irradiated so some of them look like look like crabs some of them are just kind of like welded in place and it's just like Hulk heads or whatever the case is and sometimes like you do see a kind of version of the Hulk that basically escapes here's the irony of all this this is almost exactly how the events played out in Greg Pack's Planet Hulk event as part of Secret Wars right the big difference here is that in that story everybody in the world were changed into like tried and true Incredible Hulks right Incredible Hulks or she-hulks and like that was basically it they weren't really mutated or anything like that it's just everybody in the world became a Hulk here it's really a an interesting blend between the events of Greg Pax Planet Hulk from Secret Wars which I think was part of like War zones or something like that and then uh the events of Incredible Hulk The End by Peter David right where basically the world was destroyed in in nuclear war all the heroes and all the villains had basically died out in the Incredible Hulk and banner were like the last two people on Earth until the Bruce Banner Persona had a heart attack and died and then it was just the Incredible Hulk and and I don't really know how a Persona has a heart attack and dies but regardless it's a very interesting blend between these two things the other part of this is that because these hulks kind of appear out in the world every once in a while and because this alternate reality version of banner referred to them as Abominations the question that the main Marvel Universe Banner is where are they right when you find these hoax and you capture them where do they go what do you do with them and he's like I found them in the same place that I found you right out in the void that basically what this alternate reality version of banner has been doing is every time he finds a Hulk he basically throws them out into the void of the Multiverse right just sort of throws them out there into existence he doesn't know what happens to them he doesn't really know where they go and it's not really his concern and he does this because he's instructed to and when the questions asked by Banner who instructs you to do this who tells you to just throw these Incredible Hulks away right to just throw them out right to maybe study them for a little while and then throw them into the void who tells you this who is the person that's in charge here and the response to this alternate reality version of banner is my father is it's his father-in-law president Thunderbolt Ross what's going on guys this is Rob and we are back with Donnie Kate's run on the Incredible Hulk and in the last video we basically ended things seemingly with this idea that Bruce Banner essentially seemed to work for like General Thunderbolt Ross or at the very least was subservient to General Thunderbolt Ross who of course had become president of the United States now the other part of this is this reality is given a numerical designation which usually happens faster than this but this is referred to as Earth 122. so maybe that's something that'll become important later on down the line I'm not entirely sure usually whenever Marvel actually assigns a numerical designation to an alternate reality it usually means that alternate reality will appear in the future so again that's why I say you may or may not want to keep it in the back of your head the thing about this is that as we know uh basically Thunderbolt Ross ends up discovering or finding out that there is a kind of enormous amount of gamma energy that it basically spiked from a specific mountain range and what this does is it seems to indicate that Bruce Banner is actually in hiding from General thunderbol that he's not actually working for Thunderbolt Ross per se and that what ends up happening here is Thunderbolt Ross of course is like send everything right like get all the drop ships going and everything like that and I want to be there when it all happens now here's the thing to understand this would never be allowed to happen the president of the United States would never be allowed to enter in active war zone the Secret Service would keep that from happening right it just like the president's not allowed to put himself In Harm's Way like that I mean he wouldn't even be allowed to get close he would never be allowed to enter an active war zone but at the end of the day as Grant Morrison once said this is comics and none of it's real so why does it matter so here's the other thing about this the big question that we kind of had to ask here is what's going on with the rest of the world now we don't necessarily get this in depth we do get a couple questions answered but really we basically end up finding out that it's largely Tony Stark who killed the world not Tony Stark directly but the technology of Tony Stark that what ended up happening is that with everything following the way that it did right the gamma Revolution as it was called all these people with like gamma energy basically popping up all over the place that what it did is it made Stark Technologies essentially obsolete now this is an important thing because before Tony Stark became Iron Man as most of you guys know he was a weapons manufacturer and whether it's because you've seen the movie or you've read the comics it was basically The Art of War right the danger that comes with war itself and like the loss of innocent lives and the fact that Tony Stark was forced to face that fact when he was kidnapped while really during the Vietnam war in the comics versus uh during the Afghan conflict in uh in the movies that he ended up turning over a new leaf and basically using his technology in order to one make the world better as well as turning himself into an Avenger the difference here is that because this whole gamma Revolution happened before Tony Stark became Iron Man or at least maybe after he became Iron Man this Stark Industries had no real value and so the result of this is that Tony Stark filed for bankruptcy right like literally his company's value just plummeted because he wasn't offering anything that was better than the whole gamma Revolution right the idea of like gamma-powered beings and so what this meant is that eventually his company was absorbed now we're not really told who it was that absorbed his company whether it was Justin hammer or anything like that or even just the federal government itself the important thing here is that ultimately Tony Stark ended up just dying of his alcoholism right he ended up being found dead outside of a bar from alcohol toxicity and basically chronic pancreatitis following that the technology of Tony Stark was basically used presumably by the government to kind of bridge the gap between the gamma radiation of the Incredible Hulk and the technology of Stark to create these basically gamma-powered Stark uh robots right and then in turn they started wiping out everything right like literally the X-Men popped up shortly after that and they were all just annihilated by the federal government right just totally wiped out completely now the thing about this is that this looks like it takes place around the time of giant size X-Men so not only were the X-Men eradicated by the forces of basically the government using Stark Tech but they also nuked the entire entirety of the Xavier school for gifted youngsters now we're not really given much outside of that it's really just kind of banner reading about all this stuff in this alternate reality but what we could also largely surmise here is that when he starts asking questions like is there nobody left right what about blade or Moon Knight or like Captain America or even like Spider-Man that like the response of this alternate reality Banner is like I don't okay blade or moon like I have no idea what you're talking about so seemingly there is no blade there is no Moon Knight which is really kind of interesting because in the main Marvel Universe Eric Brooks became blade pretty early on and he's been around for quite some time so seemingly he may still be around and just nobody knows about him or maybe he just never really came into existence at all uh Captain America may still very well be frozen in ice it's just one of those things where we're not really given a whole lot of answers maybe we will get them at a at a later point in time but at the moment we don't really know what's happening the crazy thing about this though is that in the middle of all this you basically end up having like the forces of Thunderbolt raw so basically the US government that descends on this mountain range where you have the main Marvel Universe banner and this alternate reality banner and so what it does is it leads to like alternate Banner basically telling like you know the the main Marvel Universe Banner right don't go out there right like these this is literally an army that's bred for the purpose of destroying people like you right like they they this this is not like you running out there and dealing with like bullets and things like that they specialize in this and so what you end up getting is that once Banner shows up out there it's just like this colossal army with this these giant Mexico you know what this reminds me of in a lot of ways it reminds me of like Days of Future Past right it looks very very similar to Dave's Future Past this is one of the reasons why that story was so Landmark when it came out and why it has such a strong Legacy because so often whenever you look at alternate reality stories where essentially the superheroes have basically been killed off in some form or fashion usually by the actions of the government itself that it is some kind of days of future past-esque scenario right the activation of some version of The Sentinel program sometimes the Sentinels become self-aware other times Sentinels never deviate from their programming they never become self-aware and they just operate based on the programming given to them by the federal government but whatever it is the funny thing about this is Banner tells us alternate reality counterpart no no right I'm from a whole different playing field like I am not these gamma mutates that you see out there right these gamma-ray radiated beings just watch and learn my friend I'm on a whole different level from these guys now once he jumps out there and and literally Ross is just like fire right fire everything they have then it initially takes Banner by surprise right like he didn't really believe what alternative Banner was telling him until he was being hit with all these lasers that are literally piercing his skin right which is a very difficult task to achieve but in a world full of gamma irradiated hulks it was only a matter of time before these before technology was developed that could overcome those Hulks and by extension overcome this one but as you guys know and seemingly one of the things that makes the main Marvel Universe version of The Incredible Hulk so unique is that the angrier he gets the stronger he gets and so as a result of this literally Banner just like sets the whole the whole engine system of the Incredible Hulk to stage four now remember those guys who are kind of getting caught up here that basically it's Banner controlling the mind of the Incredible Hulk and by setting the engine to stage four what he's basically doing is forcing The Incredible Hulk personality to experience like all these different Horrors in these stages of combat which in turn makes the Incredible Hulk personality angrier and it makes the Incredible Hulk's body stronger and more durable which allows Banner to continue fighting in places that he normally wouldn't be able to fight the thing about this is that by going to stage four it basically activates a kind of hallucination of the Marvel Zombies so literally while like the Hulk personality is just losing its mind attacking all these Marvel Zombies it amps him up more and more his healing Factor kicks in he recovers almost instantaneously and then like the strength boost comes and in doing so he starts laying waste to the forces of of Thunderbolt Ross right like at that point it's really Thunderbolt Ross realizing he never had a chance in the first place right like it's just absolutely absolute madness here and even this alternate reality version of banner is like my God like what the hell have I Unleashed right they have never seen anything like this in this alternate universe they've never seen like a tried and true Incredible Hulk and that's one of the things that Donnie Cates really seems to be hitting at is that yes you have different iterations of the Incredible Hulk from around the Multiverse but there only ever really seems to be one version of The Incredible Hulk that's as unique as this now the reality is we know that's not necessarily the case right I mean the what if story based on like World War Hulk where basically Hulk ends up killing all the superheroes and becomes a hero of Galactus like that was basically the same Hulk that we were used to who seemingly had all the same Powers right so it's not that uncommon to see but it seems to be a fairly rare thing and so what you end up getting is actually General Thunderbolt Ross who contacts this alternate banner and it's just like do something right like call this guy off if you don't call this guy off then I'm bringing out your star pupil right this stupid kid that you love so much and we're gonna send them down there and so that's the crazy thing is because where where Bros is like you you got 10 seconds right Banner like literally tries to talk him down he's like no no like please don't do it please don't do it he was like call your monster off or the boy Falls right the boy gets knocked down into this whole great big huge thing and so it's one of those things where like this alternate reality Banner absolutely cares for this kid right but at the end of the day he ends up succumbing to Thunderbolt Ross and then tells Bruce Banner do you have to stop this madness right you have to stop fighting against the forces of Ross and like the whole time Bruce Banner is like what are you talking about why do I have to stop fighting and he never really gets an answer he doesn't shut off the engine right he doesn't doesn't calm The Incredible Hulk down that the Incredible Hulk Persona keeps going crazy just like it always did and so as a result of that the countdown ends and Ross is just like dunzo and kicks the kid out of this whole thing and so you have Bruce Banner talking to his alternate reality Banner counterparts and it's like tell me what's going on like what's happening here and this alternate reality Banner is like okay so here's the thing right like this kid was basically my star pupil right like he was he was just he was a research student of mine right he was like a son to me his name was Peter and he was bitten by a spider that we had basically irradiated now when that happens right in that moment the forces of General Thunderbolt Ross retreat they clear the battlefield and when Bruce Banner asked the question okay this is probably stupid but this irradiated spider that bit this kid Peter what kind of radiation are we talking about here and what it looks like is it was a gamma irradiated spider because what manifests here is one of the most badass depictions of Spider-Man ever right like literally this kid lands here and he ends up transforming into what's basically a Hulk Spider-Man it is awesome oh my God you look so good this is why I love Donnie case man the guy just pulls these crazy ass rabbits out of his ass right it's just it's nuts the kind of stuff that he does this guy's imagination is just bonkers okay so getting back into Donnie cates's Hulk run right picking up where we left off uh and we'll kind of explain what's going on to a degree as we go through this as we usually do just because of the fact that we're doing these like a month apart we basically pick up in this alternate universe with this alternate reality version of Bruce Banner and we pick up with this alternate reality version of General Thunderbolt Ross now there is this really really amazing monologue that the that Banner does like the the main Marvel Universe Banner The Incredible Hulk does as all this is happening because remember he's basically uh fighting this alternate reality version of Spider-Man who was also exposed to gamma radiation so like spider Hulk essentially and what he says here is he says he wanted to be so much more than this right he wanted to push the boundaries explore the unknowable that he wanted to discover and invent to create instead on this world every world that has ever known the name Bruce Banner the story is always the same like this alternate me the banner of this world once said I am become death again and again and again the destroyer of worlds now I love that quote I don't know where how many of you guys know where that from but it's it actually comes from a from a Hindu scripture but it was really it really became a staple of Pop Culture because of Robert Oppenheimer after the detonation of the atomic bomb when it was experimented witnessing the First Nation um in 1945 after the Manhattan Project he said I remember the line from the Hindu scripture the bhagavad-gita Vishnu is trying to persuade the prince that he should do his duty and to impress him takes on his multi-armed form and says now I am become death the destroyer of worlds I absolutely love that quote I've always loved that quote right this is one of my absolute favorite quotes when it comes to the the history just just in general right it's just it's an amazing quote but nonetheless right this alternate reality version of Bruce is basically being pummeled by Thunderbolt Ross now remember they kind of worked together to a degree right that Ross seemingly in this universe and virtually every other has never really liked Bruce Banner but the the I guess maybe alliance between the two despite it being tenuous was predicated on the idea that in the attempt of this alternate reality version of banner to solve the biowaste problem and accidentally creating all these different versions of of Hulks essentially some of whom are grotesquely mutated others are relatively normal in terms of their appearance that in order to correct this mistake they would basically send them through a wormhole and who knows where they would go now one of the things Donnie Cates tells us is that ultimately we'll find out where they go to we'll find out where it is that they all end up at but regardless it's just this really really cool moment because what Ross wants here and basically pummeling this alternate reality version of banner is he wants to know what this Hulk is where it came from and how to kill it and that's the crazy thing is because this version of Hulk this alternate reality Hulk represents this huge threat to this alternate version of Thunderbolt Ross because it could destabilize everything he's built now remember in terms of how the Incredible Hulk operates right now it's the Incredible Hulk's strength that is basically motivated by The Incredible Hulk itself that what you have here is you have Banner who controls the mind of the Incredible Hulk and and that he basically forces the Incredible Hulk psyche to face off against all these different threats and as you guys know the longer a fight goes on for and the more difficult it becomes for the Incredible Hulk to defeat a foe the angrier The Incredible Hulk becomes and the angrier the Hulk becomes the stronger he becomes so quite literally Bruce Banner has turned the Incredible Hulk Persona into a source of power that he can manipulate right he can literally ramp It Up by stages ramp it down by stages have him face off against all kinds of credible threats and so the result of this is right now they're at stage four basically the Incredible Hulk Persona is fighting Marvel Zombies in his own mind and because the Incredible Hulk cannot differentiate right it's basically a child it doesn't know that what it's seeing is not real it thinks it is and so it's just pummeling everything it sees and as the Fight Continues to go on the Incredible Hulk Persona gets angrier and angrier and gets stronger and stronger and so because of this again Betty Ross has intermittently kind of appeared in the mind of banner and just kind of talked to him occasionally and one of the things that she says is she asks like what are you doing right like you know you're not going to kill that poor thing and the responsive Banner is I mean like what are you talking about and the answer that Betty offers is like he's just a child right he can't help what he is and that's when Banner gets a little irritated and just kind of like you know what is this right since when do you care so much about protecting these supposed children why is this so important to you and that's when when Betty's like Bruce I don't exist right I'm not a I'm a manifestation of your own mind but she says I know what happens when you lock a child away and abuse it when you take its freedoms away it's agency it bottles all of that up right all of that Fury all of that rage when you do that Bruce the child turns into what made it you know this better than anyone you were turned into what you are by your father right like you hurt people you did bad things to people right like the Incredible Hulk Persona is a manifestation of the abuse you experience at the hands of your father right rage given a physical form and she says now you have to ask yourself if you lock the Hulk away and you keep hurting it keep making it angrier making it bottle up all of that rage when when that child explodes what will he turn into and the responsive Banner is I don't know but let's find out and that's when he ramps it up to stage five in order to defeat this you know mutated version of Spider-Man and at this point now it's fighting Gods it's fighting certain and like Thor and Beta Ray Bill and like Loki and all these people which again makes the Hulk angrier and angrier now the Hulk is able to overcome this uh this this mutated spider you know spider Hulk he's able to overcome him but at that point or at least uh kind of get the fight to the point where spider spider Hulk is on the ropes but what you do here is you basically switch over to this alternate reality version of banner and it says like I try to tell you everything like I I've told you everything I know right like there's no conceivable way that I know of to kill this version of The Incredible Hulk and that's when you end up having uh having Thunderbolt Ross who lays his chips on the on the table right he tells the tells the guys to leave and he basically Reveals His Hand and what he says here is that in reality uh at the end of the day when it came to like all these different versions of the Hulk that this alternate reality version of banner it accidentally created that General Thunderbolt Ross wasn't just getting rid of them indiscriminately that what he was doing was actually weaponizing them that the ones who were weaker the ones who couldn't serve a useful purpose they were all discarded they were sent to the portal to end up wherever it was that they ended up at but the reality is the ones who were stronger the ones who could be used for Warfare right that they were kept and in fact Reed Richards in this alternate universe had actually made it possible for Thunderbolt Ross to essentially control these versions of the Hulk and then in turn they've used them to fight Wars right though one of the things that Thunderbolt Ross has said is that he had to use the ordinance that the equivalent to the GDP of multiple Nations that have been conscripted or taken over by the US so what this means or what this seems to indicate is that the geopolitical landscape is not the way that it is in the main Marvel Universe it's not the United States of America Canada Mexico Russia any of the number of countries that are in Europe right China that instead things seem to have changed drastically and we don't necessarily know what what continents or what nations the United States has taken over but the United States has taken over a lot of them right they they seem to control a huge part of the world and the Incredible Hulks that were basically being taken by uh by Thunderbolt Ross that had accidentally been created by Banner they were instrumental in making that happen and so while it's not necessarily the fault of banner Thunderbolt Ross plays it off by saying in a way it is like you sure like all these Incredible Hulks they were an accident created by you it wasn't your intention you were just trying to solve the biowaste problem but you literally gave us weapons and while I never told you before I used them to win Wars right I just kind of kept it hidden from you and so that's the crazy thing is because what happens is that in the middle of all this you have the fight going on between Hulk and and you know spider Hulk and the actual real world where that's where that fight is taking place but the reality is all these bombs are dropped by Thunderball Ross right and when that happens it's not enough to kill spider Hulk or anything but it's certainly enough to basically destroy the visor of uh of banner and when that happens like Banner is like literally the whole thing goes nuts right like Banner's just kind of blown out of his seat and all that kind of stuff and while it is a little weird because Banner is supposed like this is the physical body of the Hulk so if they basically the the psyche of banner the psyche of the Incredible Hulk basically you know kind of operating inside this body uh that Banner is actually overtaken by the psyche of Betty Ross the the kind of physical representation we get here at least as far as we can tell is basically Banner just kind of being thrown out there it's not really Banner being thrown into the physical real world instead what it is is it's actually Banner just being thrown out of control right they're basically Betty Ross is taking over that's kind of how that works right so those of you guys who are watching like Moon Knight right now for example you know how like the the Mind switch between like Steve Grant and Mark Spector this is the equivalent of win like Mark Spector takes over and Steve Grant ends up going back there but instead of Steve Grant like really relinquishing control uh Mark Spector just takes control that's basically how this is working right now to give you guys a better understanding of what's going on because I know like on the surface just looking at it it's like wait a minute okay so like this Banner physically exists no it's basically just the Betty Ross Persona taking over the body of the Incredible Hulk and forcing the Bruce Banner Persona in into the background right and so because of this what you also end up learning here is that this isn't actually Betty Ross it looks like it's Betty Ross but it's not actually Betty Ross right one of the things she says is that where banners begging right like you have to help me here the the response she gives is like look at you right helpless trapped at the mercy of forces and violence out of your control remind you of anybody and and ultimately she says you never really listen do you right I told you Bruce Betty isn't real Betty's not here and what she does is she ramps the engine up and basically takes it to Stage six and so now you have the Incredible Hulk Persona facing off against demons Mephisto dormammu right all these different guys now here's Kind of a Funny caveat to this right here's something that you may not have noticed one of the things that Donnie Cates is doing is giving us a hierarchy of power in Marvel Comics is very easy to miss it's very easy to not notice but he's giving us a hierarchy of power that in essence you have stage one which is kind of a relatively small threat but as the stages go up the beings become more powerful it wouldn't really make any sense to ramp the incredible Hulk up to Stage six and then like Here Comes The Red Skull it wouldn't really make any sense to do that and so Donnie Kate is in effect giving us a hierarchy of power in the Marvel Universe I can guarantee you people are gonna reference this right you go and you look at like battle forms and different things like that or you ask people you know in different forms like who you know who's more powerful you know like uh Odin or or like dormammu right people are going to be like well I mean according to Donnie Cates and you know Hulk run it looks like it's dormammu because dormammu was a stage six villain or a stage six power and Odin was stage five you know in that kind of a thing right but it's a cool little aside here it's a it's a smart little thing and so in the end one of the things that happens is that General Thunderbolt Ross reveals to uh Bruce Banner this alternate version of Bruce that these bombs that he dropped are not bombs in the traditional sense instead what they are here are basically a means of mutation that what's happening is that inside each one of these canisters are basically people that had become that had been mutated even though unintentionally by Banner but the ones that Thunderball Ross had kept and that these as as Thunderbolt Rossa first refers to them are basically just like Abominations right kind of like this alternate reality version of abomination here and so it's nuts because these things are massive in size right they're absolutely huge in size and so of course this basically leads to Betty completely taking over the body of the Incredible Hulk completely pushing Banner's Persona out of the way but in doing so she says but I'm proud of you son and that's where it seems to hit at this idea that this is potentially Brian Banner now this is where things get a little murky because an alewings run one of the things to remember in the immortal Hulk is that it wasn't necessarily Brian Banner it kind of was but it was basically Brian Banner's Spirit or Essence that had been overtaken by the one below all and used to torment The Incredible Hulk that's what that was it wasn't actually Brian Banner himself and so what this does is it builds on what we've seen both in Al Ewing's runs a lot of runs that came before it Bill mantlow Peter David were basically the Brian Banner Persona is kind of the uh the controlling asp back now that's me guessing here right just going on what's sort of happening in terms of words that Ryan Banner is the source of Bruce Banner's torment and seemingly the most powerful entity in his mind the one thing that Banner just can't seem to overcome but I could be entirely wrong here this could very well be the the mental Persona of the Titan Hulk right like we don't know we won't know until we get to the next issue but ultimately that this Persona ends up ramping everything up right like right past stage seven and and right past stage eight all the way to Stage Nine which is basically just who really even knows what this stage looks like presumably it's the Titan Hulk but whatever it is it literally leads to the Incredible Hulk just absolutely losing it and annihilating all these different Abomination forces that are out there and that's where it ends so presumably this is where Titan Hulk comes into play and if it does I can't wait to see how this plays out what's going on guys this is Rob and we are back with Donnie Kate's astronaut with the finale and we finally get the Titan Hulk the most powerful version of the Hulk that we've ever seen now for those of you guys who want to get caught up make sure you check the link in the description or you can click on the card here in the video which will take you to the Hulk playlist that will get you caught up on all this stuff but the long and short of it is that the Incredible Hulk is basically here in an alternate reality and is facing off against these altered versions of the Hulk basically um these accidentally created versions but the thing about this is that remember Bruce Banner was the one controlling the body of the Hulk and that the Incredible Hulk Persona is in the engine room basically serving as a source of power because of its anger and that somehow an alternate personality which seems to be Brian Banner although Donnie Cates hasn't necessarily confirmed it has now seized control so it's like if the Incredible Hulk body was being controlled by an evil personality is basically what it is now the way in which uh Bruce Banner basically amped Up The Incredible Hulk or brought him down in terms of like how much power he would need to face off against a particular threat was basically forcing The Incredible Hulk personality to fight different levels of villains that are out there so at the Baseline level is like the Incredible Hulk just walking along right and maybe fighting fighting some guy or you know fighting the Avengers or something like that in the real world and so in the engine room it would be these Baseline villains really like nobody of any real significance what we're seeing here is what happens when that's amped up all the way to Tim when basically it's the most amount of power that could be taken out of the Incredible Hulk right like literally pushing him to his to his highest level now Donnie Cates doesn't necessarily confirm this but what he says here or at least what this indicates is if this is the most amount of strength The Incredible Hulk can possibly offer basically pushing him to the Limit then it's Way Beyond anything we've ever seen and the highest amount of power that we've seen from The Incredible Hulk up to this point was heart of the monster when he was so strong he was actually breaking the a dark dimension the the dimension of dormammu which at the time was ruled by his sister Umar who literally showed up in the main Marvel Universe asking Doctor Strange for help because the Incredible Hulk just couldn't be stopped I mean it was crazy how powerful he was still one of the best stories ever again that's in the playlist as well if you guys want to get caught up on that but the thing about this is that with this personality running the show it's really just kind of offering this amazing meta commentary coming in the form of Betty Ross albeit seemingly actually being somebody else what we're told here is that it says everyone always says the same thing that the Hulk is Bruce's identity right his alter ego the embodiment of a scared little boy overwhelmed with impotent rage because of the abuse he endured when he was a little kid right she just kind of shuffles it off and that's true that's one of the best things about this is this Donnie Cade's kind of offering this meta commentary now for those of you guys who don't know what this means uh as we're going through this I'll kind of give you guys a little bit of a little bit of a background here although you do get an amazing moment where you basically have like when it's amped up to level 10 which according to Bruce Banner is basically theoretical he doesn't even really know what would happen if that were the case that basically it's the Hulk versus the entire Marvel Universe which in which includes the Living Tribunal Thanos and a version of Galactus who is the Hulk now there's a reason behind that and I'll explain that here in a second Because unless you're familiar with Galactus you wouldn't know why Galactus looks like the Incredible Hulk and even this personality doesn't know which is uh which is a really really cool concept so the thing about this is that when it comes to uh The Incredible Hulk Mythos most people out here whenever they go and they buy an Incredible Hulk comic book and they read an incredible whole comic book what they want to see is the Incredible Hulk just smashing that's what they want to see they want to see The Incredible Hulk fighting really powerful people and beating them up and just tearing things up because that's what the Hulk is known for now people who want a more like character-centric run that was the old bill mantlow and Peter David stuff Greg pack focused on that to a degree but it was more expanding The Incredible Hulk Mythos and then focusing on like the character of the Hulk insofar as it related to like hirokawa and Scar the sons he didn't know he had which were really really cool and there were a few other things that went in there but in terms of like a character deconstruction of the Hulk what's being referenced here in terms of the fact that like the Incredible Hulk personality is the physical manifestation of just all the rage that Bruce Banner experienced at the hands of his father's abuse that's all Bill mantlow and Peter David it was initially we started by Bill Matt low back in the day but he took off before he could finish and then Peter David continued it on and that's why one a lot of people say the two go hand in hand that when it comes to that era of the Incredible Hulk is Bill mantlow and Peter David together and two a lot of people say that Peter David's run of the Incredible Hulk is one of the most important runs it's not the most interesting run especially when you compare it to something like Greg pact which had a lot more action and a lot more character development but in terms of everything Greg pack did that was built on the shoulders of Peter David So Peter David's run is probably one of the most significant runs if for no other reason than the fact that it just sort of changed the Hulk from like the old Stanley Jack Kirby Days where he's just like you know a monster running around with the mind of a child and like beating things up and like fighting General Thunderbolt Ross and his army and so on and so forth especially if you look at the Roy Thomas era as well and it changed him into like there's actually more to the Incredible Hulk than we initially thought now as far as this whole scenario goes when it comes to like why uh Galactus looks like the Incredible Hulk I mean technically it is the Incredible Hulk versus Galactus The Living Tribunal and the Phoenix force it is here in the engine room but the reason why is something that was established in a story called The Trial of Reed Richards and we've talked about this before but basically that set up the idea that Galactus does not actually have a physical form anymore he did back when he was gallon before his Universe before the Multiverse was destroyed and then he re-emerged after merging with that universe's version of Eternity essentially when he was reborn into the new universe as Galactus uh he had a human form back when he was initially just what you would call a human or a sentient being but when he was reborn as Galactus he's pure energy and so if you saw him as he really is it would just be a swirling mass of energy inside of a giant purple suit and there's one point where Odin like head butts Galactus and shatters his helmet uh which I'm pretty sure we did a video on that and that in turn you actually see Galactus in what looks like his human form but the reality here is it's how an ass Guardian would see him because in the trial of Reed Richards what they set up and what they stated is that Galactus is a mirror for whatever race or whatever being sees him so if you are a scroll and you see Galactus he will look like a scroll if you are a tree he'll look like a tree if you're a human he'll look human and so if you're an Asgardian he'll probably look like an Asgardian which is why in this instance the Incredible Hulk sees Galactus and he sees an Incredible Hulk so so the thing about this and what's really cool is the Hulk literally amps up and starts attacking everything Wright starts attacking all of them now the funny thing about this is during this whole this whole situation the entire monologue offered by this Betty brand we can call it Betty Brant right this Betty brand-esque person which is most likely Brian Banner that literally it says over the years there have been so many hulks gray ones red ones blue ones Wolverine ones which is actually called weapon age and he was not that interesting uh she says it seems to me that well everyone gets to have a Hulk these days Bruce has a Hulk Rick Jones had a Hulk General Thunderbolt Ross had a Hulk Jennifer Walters even had a hole and she said Health even God has a Hulk which is cool to see Donnie Cates referencing the AL Yuen run where we basically learned that the the one below all is what happens when God hulks out and so she's like it's really unfair isn't it like why can't the Hulk have a Hulk now this in this gives us two things one is a retcon that everyone's Glide happened and two is a new version of The Hulk and so what we end up getting like as this fight goes on technically the Betty Ross Persona is in the mind of the Incredible Hulk in the real world the Incredible Hulk is fighting in this alternate reality against like all these different just grotesque and mutilated versions of the Hulk remember in this alternate universe there was an effort to basically utilize gamma energy as a source of renewable energy things went wrong and instead of becoming a renewable energy source it ended up mutating a whole host of the world's population into these different versions of the Hulk and that's what the Incredible Hulk's fighting now in the real world so that's why I say assuming to kind of keep in mind Donnie Cates does it a little finicky right he does a little a little weird but essentially anytime you see somebody that looks like they're in a cockpit they're in the mind of the Incredible Hulk when you see the version of the Incredible Hulk that looks like a robot kind of that's basically him in the real world so just something to keep in mind here the thing about this is that as this fight goes on because the Hulk is being so readily overpowered and quite literally being slapped around what it ends up doing is the Incredible Hulk himself hulks out now this is something Marvel had done before and it was ass so in the story of axis basically the Incredible Hulk hulked out into basically claw which was the Incredible Hulk spelled backwards it was a terrible idea uh ridiculously dumb and so what we got instead of that was this like Daddy cage just being like this is what happens when the Hulk hulks out uh he ends up becoming the Titan Hulk which is nuts because he literally looks part machine like it's just ridiculously op which is absolutely amazing I love this I mean dude the guy's just spewing energy everywhere but this is why I say this is what it looks like this is seemingly the most powerful version of The Incredible Hulk that we've ever seen now there there are are huge differences between this version of The Hulk and like heart of the monster and looking at these two you kind of have to come from a feat's perspective and in terms of like what each one is capable of we saw what the heart of the monster Hulk was able to do I mean again shattering and like breaking apart the dimension of one of the most powerful magic wielders in existence which depending on who's writing the story dwarfs the power of doctor strange that is crazy like literally them having to take off from their Dimension and ask doctor strange for help to deal with that version of The Incredible Hulk so we're not really seeing those same levels of Feats now I would be curious to see what happens if the Titan Hulk ends up in the dark dimension again and how that unfolds it would be pretty wild and it would be pretty cool but this is what happens when the Incredible Hulks just strength rage anger all that kind of stuff and really fear take hold and is pushed to the absolute limit we just get this massively grotesque huge thing right and literally what what they're saying is they're like I've never seen anything like this before it's like 30 feet tall like the this thing is enormous right I mean he's just huge like it's just it's it's amazing I absolutely love this so again here in the real world in this alternate reality you have General Thunderbolt Ross and you have this alternate reality version of Bruce Banner and this alternate version of Bruce was in a lot of ways kind of subservient to General Thunderbolt Ross but only insofar as this alternate reality version of Bruce was basically a coward wrapped by guilt and fear and so on and so forth and so the reality here is Thunderbolt Ross basically ends up getting on a getting on the radio and calling in like a gamma bomb detonation now the way this works seemingly what would happen here is somehow gamma radiation has been altered by General Thunderbolt Ross to where it's more akin to like a nuclear explosion right enough that it would just eradicate everything here and in truth usually when it comes to like a nuclear bomb or something like that it's a combination of heat and force and radiation right I mean if you're at Ground Zero when a nuclear warhead goes off or a nuclear bomb detonates which technically it doesn't detonate on the ground it detonates a little into the a little above ground uh just to maximize the area of Destruction I mean you would be incinerated by the heat of immediately and assuming you weren't incinerated by the heat if you're close enough to the blast I mean you'd probably be knocked into a building and just just killed that way right your skull would be crushed by the impact but assuming that doesn't happen the radiation sickness would probably kill you as well right I mean there's a lot of ways to die as a result of a nuclear bomb going off but like that really seems to be what it is here right it would just be like couldn't like literally just heat and pressure it's basically what general Thunderbolt Ross is banking on whether or not it would work we don't know I mean there are literally been instances where like the Incredible Hulk who's just kind of angry has been able to withstand the power of a nuclear bomb even Maestro right like literally Maestro Hulk absorbed the radiation that came from nuclear bombs so we've seen different variations of the Hulk over the years who could easily withstand a nuclear explosion how a gamma a weaponized gamma explosion would impact the Hulk I don't entirely know I mean literally the Hulk is living gamma radiation my assumption would be that he would just absorb it but the reality here and the point that this alternate version of Bruce Banner brings up is that Thunderbolt Ross can't do that like it's a terrible thing to do because if he did thousands of people would die because while we don't see them because they're not the main focus here there's basically a populated area right it's not overly populated and they kind of seem to be off out there and a little bit of a distance but the the explosion radius would be high enough or would be wide enough that it would kill so many innocent people and that in turn Thunderbolt Ross just kind of like overpowering or really just sort of directing Bruce Banner is like no like I don't care in the end like we'll both end up killing thousands of people he says because remember you're the reason why these different versions of the Hulk exist in the first place and you're the one that brought this alternate Hulk here so really this is all your fault now the reality here is a thunderbolt Ross to a degree trying to assuage his guilty conscience if he even has one and just trying to bring Bruce Banner down with him but where this version of Bruce is kind of a depiction of what would happen if Bruce Banner just never grew any balls he never became the Incredible Hulk and was never like an enemy of Thunderbolt Ross insofar as he was able to overpower him likely humiliate him a few times that the only thing you really can do is muster up what courage he has and he in turn attacks Thunderbolt Ross and is like no I'm not going to let you kill thousands of people now while you know within the context of this particular story it doesn't seem significant or at least this particular video over the course of the videos that we've covered it's a huge moment because this alternate reality version of Bruce was constantly wrapped by guilt and constantly felt like he was making terrible mistakes and even then he didn't realize that where he was basically sending all these different uh versions of the Hulk that they caught across their world into The Ether right into some into some portal somewhere with no clue where they went to that what was really going on is that he was sending the ones out there that General Thunderbolt Ross didn't want that what Thunderbolt Ross was doing was going around and grabbing those different versions of the Hulk that he could use that were that he thought were weaponized so in reality he was at least by his own imagination and kind of using his own mind feeding into his own guilt he was the reason why all these different obamaized versions of the Hulk were continued any way to live these terrible existences under the servitude of General Thunderbolt Ross because he didn't know but had he not done what he'd done in creating the gamma detonation trying to create some kind of renewable energy they never would have been left to that fate in the first place so the Screwed Up World in which Bruce Banner lives here he largely takes as being his fault him attacking Thunderbolt Ross overpowering him pointing that gun at him and saying no like you're not going to kill anybody anymore this is seemingly him overcoming that guilt and accepting that not everything bad that's going on now is his fault right that like there are some things out there that are just the results of the fact that people are dicks right like General Thunderball Ross is just a terrible person who is doing terrible things and despite what Thunderbolt Ross said it was not the fault of Bruce Banner now the other part of this is that in the mindscape of the Incredible Hulk Bruce Banner kind of claws his way back into to The Incredible Hulk's mind more or less where he was just kind of out there basically it was a it was an in-comic representation of the fact that like the Bruce Banner Persona was forced to take a back seat so ultimately of course with him coming back in we do get this version of Betty Ross's personality which seemingly kind of alters and kind of changes and takes on this different form again we don't know exactly what this is but I would go as far as to say if the Titan Hulk is what happens when the Hulk hooks out that this is the mental representation of what the Titan Hulk looks like we don't know that for sure we're not 100 certain but in the end there's this kind of discussion where literally the personality is like you have no power here Banner right like you are weak you are pathetic you cannot take control you cannot wrestle control of the body away from me and the response of of banner is I know but he has the power to do it and in doing so flips the switch like literally hits the emergency switch and allows the Incredible Hulk Persona to come in now here's the thing it's amazing the way this is drawn right like literally the doors just half open and like the Incredible Hulk Persona is just there and it's like the head of Galactus is behind him and he looks pissed and he becomes smashing in here so what you're seeing here right now is basically a battle of personalities right it's the Incredible Hulk personality versus the Bruce Banner personality versus whatever this new alternate personality is which is seemingly the personality of the Titan Hulk I would go as far as to say that was the case but the way this is drawn can get really really hairy and a little bit confusing and so in essence what happens here is that in the mind of the Incredible Hulk right where you basically have the Bruce Banner personality the Titan Hulk personality and the Incredible Hulk personality The Incredible Hulk personality is able to beat back the Titan Hulk personality in the real world the Titan Hulk itself is literally just unbridled energy that it just can't control and so because it has all this energy and because it doesn't know how to control all this energy like this is seemingly just a Mindless thing it literally just Roars we never really hear it speak or anything like that that in the end all this energy just kind of explodes in a massive explosion right it just goes off right it literally just blows up and so what you have here at least momentarily is essentially a reunification of personalities the Titan Hulk personality has been beat back to wherever it came from we don't really know where it came from but presumably it just resides down there in the mindscape somewhere and that as a result of the destruction of the quote unquote real world Titan Hulk uh now it's basically just the Incredible Hulk back in its normal form and so at this point Banner basically runs back into the cockpit right the mind of the Incredible Hulk and in doing so re-season's control and as that goes on of course this gamma bomb is falling and it is gonna it's gonna cost so much life and so what ends up happening is there's a conversation between alternate reality banner and the Incredible Hulk band right Banner one Banner two Banner three but you end up having like this this conversation between these where alternate reality Banner is like look this gamma bomb is falling you have to do something right like I have an idea and so you know Prime Banner we can call him that Banner from the main Marvel universe is like then what do you want me to do and Alternate Banner is like I'm opening a portal and basically that bomb is going to come through that portal and it's gonna land here right it's gonna end up here where I am but in the end it's the rightful thing to do I've caused nothing but just death and destruction and just horrible things uh I wouldn't go I mean he doesn't go as far as to say like it's the faith that awaits me but he says like I really hope that you don't end up like me I really hope that you don't end up in this place where you're basically like this kind of horrible terrible villain what you have here in the form of the Incredible Hulk is quite literally a gift use it right like use it as a gift treat it with respect but use it to do good things now this is actually a really really cool concept because what this does is it gives us perspective that the only real perspective we have when it comes to the Incredible Hulk is what we've seen over the course of Marvel Comics and potentially some alternate realities and unless you're looking at like Warren Ellis's Marvel the end you don't really see a whole lot of like totally screwed up twisted up versions of the Incredible Hulk but that's all this alternate reality Banner knows I'll just twist screwed up versions of the Hulk and so as a result of this once that bomb goes through and of course it ends up detonating that the portal is reopened and banner or at least the Incredible Hulk anyway travels through it to wherever his destination ends up taking him next he has no clue where it is that he's going to end up going all he knows is that literally at the moment the hammer of all father Thor which was recently reassembled by Angela and the angels of heaven is making its way towards the Hulk so in essence what we're apparently going to see here which makes perfect sense because literally it's the 60th anniversary of the Incredible Hulk and Thor fighting for the first time that what we're going to end up getting is all father Thor against probably the Titan Hulk which I am ridiculously excited to see so Titan Hulk fights an army of 500 World breaker hulks in this video and it's amazing check this out so what this does is this initially picks up with Bruce Banner in control of Starship Hulk now people who have no idea what's going on in The Incredible Hulk Mythos right now are probably like what explain this to me man so here's what's happening right now in years past you had the Incredible Hulk who turned into Bruce Banner and Bruce Banner who turned into the Incredible Hulk the angrier The Incredible Hulk got the stronger he became what's been going on recently and we didn't know how Bruce Banner did it but we are going to find out in this video what Bruce Banner managed to do was basically take control of the Incredible Hulk's body and then have the Incredible Hulk Persona operate as a kind of engine for his own body so literally what Bruce Banner does is he just bombards the Incredible Hulk personality with an endless onslaught of increasingly powerful characters it starts off with somebody like Wolverine and goes all the way up to people like Thanos they're all just psychic projections but the Hulk personality doesn't know that so it just continues to fight over and over and over and over again and because the Incredible Hulk gets stronger the angrier he gets by increasing the difficulty of the villains that the Hulk personality has to fight that's how Banner controls how strong The Incredible Hulk gets to be or at least the body gets to be it's pretty cool but of course with him in control of Starship Hulk he basically crash lands on a world that he's not familiar with because at this point in time the Incredible Hulk or really Banner is traversing the Multiverse he's literally exploring the whole Multiverse what makes sense of all that is we go through this video but in arriving on this world he doesn't recognize anything here the only thing he sees that even just seems remotely recognizable is just this giant Citadel that's been built and seemingly it's been built in his honor because there's just a giant statue of The Incredible Hulk now of course he's almost immediately set upon by just these crazy monstrous looking Hulk type things that are called the gray but then he's almost immediately rescued by a chick named monolith now we'll learn more about her because she's incredibly important here but what she does is she explains what what's going on in this alternate reality that Bruce Banner's in and what she says is that at some point along the line a just whole bunch of Hulks suddenly arrived on this world they literally fell through a portal and arrived on this world and that they did what hulks do they just started smashing things they were smashing the world to such a degree that they terraformed it they terraformed a planet through smashing it and that's going to be one of the craziest things because every single one of these hulks are all World breaker level but of course as they're smashing and basically terraforming this world as time progresses the exceedingly violent nature of these original hulks begins to go away and what they end up doing is forming a more organized and structured Society now the other part of this seems to be that with the loss of their violent nature their gamma radiation almost seems to kind of dissipate in the sense that they do have enough gamma to basically maintain their forms some level of their strength but by and large they're just kind of really strong guys and that's it but then like out of nowhere the sun seemingly explodes and there's just like this giant Vestige of the original Hulk right the main Hulk and he just starts blasting them like covering them all with gamma radiation now that's how monolith describes it what's actually really going on here is it looks like the arrival of this original Hulk kind of reawakens all the gamma radiation inside their bodies and turns them back into their exceedingly strong cells basically sends them back into their world breaker forms and so looking at the original Hulk or the main Hulk as kind of the person that returned them to Glory they built the whole statue and everything and so while monolith doesn't really know the significance of where all the original hulks came from by passing through a portal or seeing a Vestige of the main Hulk in the sky we do know all that stuff and this was all based on the previous story arc which you'll find a link to in the comments section make sure you guys check for a pinned comment that'll take you to that video but the way the previous storyline played out is that when Bruce Banner first entered into the Multiverse he encountered an alternate reality version of himself and that alternate Bruce under the direction of that universe's version of Thunderbolt Ross was basically trying to create an army of Hulk those who were considered to be failures or cast-offs were literally just sent through a wormhole and no one knew where they went to they were just out of sight out of mind and that was basically it now everything popped off and we saw the Titan Hulk for the first time which we'll talk about in this video and so on and so forth but that's where they originally came from what is important here is that monolith brings Hulk basically to all the other hulks in this city and kind of presents him as sort of the original right like the one they all Champion as the person that gave them all their gamma radiation right like the Hulk above all hulks if you want to call them that right the prime Hulk and so they see him very much as kind of a champion of the people more so than that what they also do is they bring him into something called the god ball games now this is just an indication of how strong these different hulks are right this planet has three rings of rocks around it in the same way that Saturn has rings right so what these hulks do is they jump to a neighboring world and they smash the world right they literally just beat it and they hammer it all the way down to the point that it's as close as far as the atomic structure of everything that it can possibly get right there's no way to compact this core any further and when they have that they call it a god ball they bring the god ball back to Hulk Planet which is what this place is called then they use it as a game they throw it at the rocks and whoever destroys the most rocks wins the idea of breaking a world is now just a game of sport breaking worlds is just what they do for fun and it's just nuts right it's just a whole different level of strength and so of course basically the Incredible Hulk participates in the whole thing he's just like sure why not grab the giant core of a planet that's been condensed down to virtually nothing and start throwing it into things for sport and for fun why not be a part of this now seemingly the god ball games are just interrupted out of nowhere by a group that's referred to as the alternative Universe timeline Hazard operations response and intervention team which if you've put those acronyms together correctly spells Authority now is it the authority from DC Comics No but it's absolutely a Pastiche on the team it's basically just Donnie Cates and Marvel Comics making fun of the authority they're over the top they present themselves with this Grand level of authority that none of them have and of course they're basically going after the Hulk because the whole kid basically destroyed the previous version of authority as he was flying through the Multiverse now of course at this point monolith chimes in and says well actually what was happening is the Hulk was sleeping didn't really know what he was doing your guys just got in his way and with the horde being as strong as he is he plowed through your entire team so that's really the only reason why this happened now of course the other thing that ended up happening is that the Hulk himself along with a guy named pave who's another one of the hulks here is actually just transported to a different world which they proceed to smash and create another God ball out of but the authority is being here is really more just kind of a goofy moment it's just a silly moment I just thought it'd be a funny thing to reference otherwise we would have normally just skipped over it but of course with like the Hulk himself returning alongside pave as well as having the god ball they continue on with the grand games themselves completely and blissfully unaware of the fact that the Hulk personality inside the Incredible Hulk body is starting to become disillusioned and the Titan Hulk is starting to manifest again now here is where things get a little murky when it comes to the nature of the Titan Hulk when the Titan Hulk first manifested in Marvel Comics it manifested as a personality Inside the Mind Of The Incredible Hulk itself meaning you had Bruce Banner's personality you had the Hulk's personality then you had another that showed up in the form of Betty Ross now we knew right off the bat it was not Betty Ross and even within the story Bruce Banner knew it wasn't Betty Ross but we didn't really know what it was what ends up happening is that over the course of this story that personality starts to appear as Brian Banner the abusive father of Bruce Banner but do not be fooled by the appearance that the Titan Hulk takes that when it does appear to the whole personality it shows up as almost kind of like a shadow King type entity right very malevolent it's difficult to make out its exact form it's very dark very scary very murky that kind of a thing spouting stuff like your soul belongs to me your mind belongs to me it's only a matter of time before I take over yada yada all the kind of stuff you expect to see and even when the whole personality goes to attack the Titan Hulk Persona the Titan whole Persona just shuts it down right I mean just easily overtakes that version of the Hulk like that I mean it's not even a contest and in fact we'll see just how powerful this guy is because it's next level but one of the things to know is that with the Titan Hulk personality basically amping up and beginning to seize control we've only ever seen glimpses of how powerful the Titan Hulk is and this video we'll find out just what this dude is capable of now the other part of this is that once the Titan whole Persona does take hold Stephen Strange actually picks up on it now here's the thing about this yes within Marvel Comics those of you guys who are reading Stephen Strange is technically dead this story takes place after the death and return of Stephen Strange why because it's comic books and nothing stays changed forever and so with Titan Hulk taking control of every we think Doctor Strange actually ends up getting involved but the reason he gets involved is not for the reason that you think and so what this does is this leads to the Titan Hulk actually initiating a series of enemies against the Hulk personality under the belief that in doing so the whole personality will just face off against this endless horde of enemies grow more and more powerful and then when that time comes basically amp himself up and allow the Titan Hulk to take over right allow the Titan Hulk to seize control and then manifest in a physical form the problem with this is that Bruce Banner and the Hulk personality are actually meditating together which is something that they've done over the course of Donnie Kate's run so far they literally sit down meditate and they don't allow anything to bother them and so for the most part all these threats that literally keep being thrown against the Hulk none of them seem to have any bearing whatsoever even when you have like a manifestation of the Phoenix Thanos Galactus none of it seems to really impact the Hulk on a meaningful level but at the end of the day the Titan Hulk pushes things to the absolute limit and literally amps up the Incredible Hulk the max level the highest level he possibly can and just explodes and that's the nature of the Titan Hulk the Titan Hulk is the answer to the question when Bruce spanner gets pushed to his limits he becomes the Incredible Hulk what happens when the Hulk hulks out you get the Titan Hulk it's a pretty awesome concept because when that happens the Titan Hulk is now in full control now jumping to Doctor Strange this is the reason why he's getting involved in the first place so while we didn't initially know how it was that Banner was able to take over the mind of the Hulk and then Force the whole personality to basically become the engine system where we didn't know how he was able to turn the Incredible Hulk body into basically a vessel that could Traverse the Multiverse without being destroyed by the pressures of just space time and all that kind of stuff we end up finding out that Bruce Banner had previously met with Doctor Strange and Doctor Strange had actually showed him how to do that but he had shown him how to take over the body or at least the mind of the Hulk how to seize control for himself and then after learning how to do that that what Banner had done is he had actually taken over one of modoc's tech facilities and then started imbuing himself with a technology necessary to be able to Traverse the space waste right to travel the Multiverse so that's how all this seemingly came to where it is right now now of course when Stephen Strange realizes what's going on he ends up sending its astral form into the Multiverse in order to find uh Bruce Banner on Hulk Planet and then find a way to bring the entire conflict to an end because he kind of sees himself as being responsible for all of this but here's the crazy thing about it with Titan Hulk manifesting and with all these different world breaker hulks here on this world they didn't know what they were getting into right they weren't necessarily goading the existence of the Titan Hulk and if anything what they were actually trying to do was get rid of the Bruce Banner personality it was one of the main goals of monolith and like pave and any of them they saw the Hulk as the true personality of banner and the banner personality had to be eliminated and so by working to get rid of like all the implants in the Hulk body getting rid of the technological advancements and so on and just turning him into a more pure version of the Hulk while I wouldn't go as far as to say they're the reason why Titan manifested in the first place I would go so far as to say they have no idea what they're dealing with here because as soon as Titan Hulk shows up monolith sends Oliver forces after Titan and when she does they all get wrecked not even hell would you see a master like this to say they get wrecked is just an understatement right I don't know what word can adequately be used to illustrate what's going on here but these guys never stood a chance in the first place any attack they launch against Titan Hawk is met with virtually no impact whatsoever he doesn't even really feel anything while Doctor Strange astral form does show up it does basically step into the mind of Bruce Banner and try to fight the personality of the Titan Hulk while the world breaker hulks try to fight the physical form of the Titan Hulk none of it's helping none of it makes any difference whatsoever literally the Stephen Strange Persona is blown out of the mind of Titan Hulk and then in turn the Titan Hulk turns his attention to these 500 World breaker Hooks and just starts sucking all the gamma radiation right out of them amping himself up even more and making himself more and more powerful so much so that what monolith does is she tells all the other world breaker hulks that are left to get out of there while they can right evacuate leave lest they die and so that's when Stephen Strange realizes what's actually going on here what he does is he jumps back to his Citadel he grabs an orb and then brings it back to this alternate universe with his astral form and then he presents the orb and the person who emerges from it is despair now despair is a ridiculously powerful entity in Marvel Comics and is one of the most powerful fear Lords to ever exist in the history of Marvel I mean this guy's right up there with beings like nightmare the dweller in darkness so on and so forth what we end up finding out here is that for reasons that are never truly revealed when Bruce Banner met with Stephen Strange to learn how to control the mindscape it was never Stephen Strange that he actually met with it was despair masquerading as Stephen Strange which is a crazy revelation because again despair only answers to some of the most powerful beings in existence which seems to indicate there are forces out there within the Multiverse that are of exceedingly high levels of power that have a vested interest in seeing the Titan Hulk personality run a complete and total Rampage across the Multiverse which basically seems to happen because when the attempts by Despair and Stephen Strange are implemented to contain and control the Titan Hulk it's too late and Titan Hulk is seizing control of everything he's gonna eradicate the world he's going to destroy every world in the vicinity in this immediate solar system spread to the Galaxy the universe and even the Multiverse and there's seemingly nothing anybody can do to stop it what's going on guys this is Rob and we are getting the conclusion of Titan Hulk along with the origin of his character which is really really cool so what this does here is this initially picks up in the mind of Bruce Banner with a little bit of taunting from despair right remember because of the fact of the Titan Hulk basically originates in the mind of banner when Doctor Strange got involved his physical form is on his way to Planet Hulk his spiritual form is in the mind of banner right so he's just there trying to get rid of the Titan Hulk the best he can the problem is he ends up encountering the fear Lord despair but the thing about despair is he's ridiculously op and in recent years he was easily defeated by Doctor Strange in a way that normally shouldn't have been done but what despair does is he actually gives us this kind of origin of the Titan Hulk and telling us that what had happened is that somewhere along the line a green door manifested to despair now anybody who's familiar with the Hulk Mythos knows the significance of the green door but that really comes from Al Ewing's run so for those of you guys who aren't really familiar familiar with that and again I'll have a link to the Hulk playlist from Al Ewing down in the comments section but when it came to the Green Door the way this worked is that in years past you just had people who became different versions of the Hulk Jennifer Walters became Incredible Hulk doc Samson became dot green Bruce Banner became the Incredible Hulk and so on and so forth but what Al Ewing did is he introduced the idea of the Green Door that in effect whenever a person with gamma radiation in their body and they are a Hulk whenever they die a green door opens and they can be reborn they can basically come back to life it's a roundabout way for immortality now we ended up learning that the origin of the Green Door actually came from the one below all who was basically an answer to the question what happens when the one above all hulks out it was a pretty insane Revelation at the end of that story right like the god of the Marvel Multiverse has a Hulk form and it's the one below all it was pretty dope but what despair says is that it was presented with a kind of power or at least a little semblance of Power by this being now what despair says is that this little nugget it was given that comes in the form of a red ball that it was only a small form or a small fraction of this being's power that it had an astronomical amount of power now by all standards of measurement it was the one below all that gave this power to Despair and anybody who knows anything about our coverage valuings Hulk will tell you guys the one below all is immensely powerful I mean there was literally a point in the story where alguing showed us what would happen in the future when the one below all seized control of the Hulk that it basically destroys the whole Multiverse it's reborn into the new Multiverse after killing Franklin Richards and Galactus and then destroys the next Multiverse then it would just wipe these things out continually until the end of time it was a really awesome Revelation but because of the power of the one below all even just a fraction of it that despair was overwhelmed by it right just like God this is insane and in fact what was instructed of Despair is that he was to take this little fraction of what seems to be the one below all's power and place it inside the mind of banner and that's where the Titan comes from it's an external power source that is slowly manifested and kind of gains sentience over the years and that's why we were never really given a definitive explanation of where the Titan Hulk came from it's not some alternate personality of Bruce Banner it's not some long-lost aspect of his anger and rage that he never quite dealt with it's a foreign body right it's like having some kind of illness in his body a kind of cancer that's just been growing over time and manifests in the form of the Titan Hulk now what this does here is it basically leads to again this Revelation that Stephen Strange's physical form is on its way but with his spiritual form basically overtaken by the combined power of Despair as well as the Titan Hulk Persona that what this does is it actually leads to the body and the mind of Stephen Strange merging their power is completely reunified and then in turn they're able to cast off the power of Despair and effectively lock him away so the only thing the only major issue that we have left here is the Titan Hulk itself right this physical manifestation in the real world and this guy is laying waste to every thing right like even Steven strange isn't fully sure what to do because the level of power that the Titan Hulk possesses here is astronomical and if it really is a Hulk powered by the one below all then there really isn't anything that can be done here but as this whole conflict is going on monolith is doing her best to hold off the power of the Titan Hulk but for monolith's part one of the revelations that comes out here is that in her fight against Titan Hulk that where it initially looked like she was beating on him as best she could she was just kind of doing what hulks do which is physically attacking him blasting him with her staff and magical energy and so on what she's actually been doing this whole time was siphoning off his power was siphoning the power away from Titan Hulk and it diminishes his capabilities he's not nearly as capable as he was but this is where the miscalculation of monolith comes into play does she quite literally siphons his power off and then blasts him with it in the hopes it'll destroy him and it sends him flying of course not when that happens the other hulks who were here who Titan Hulk just absolutely demolished with the greatest of ease that what happens is they approach sure and they basically tell her like you've saved us everything's okay and her response is no I haven't I haven't saved anything like it was my miscalculation I absorbed his energy and I blasted him with his own energy hoping it would destroy him and it didn't he's absorbing it all right he's back to 100 again and he even has whatever energy I had residually in my staff he's more powerful than he was before and so literally her response is we're basically doomed there's no way our world can be saved and even Steven strange himself says that right he's like with this level of power that you're dealing with here there's no way to save your world it's going to fall and it's going to be destroyed and even despair tells Stephen Strange that's the goal here right the goal of Titan Hulk is to siphon all the gamma radiation off of this world in any other world that exists in this universe and then destroy the universe and move on to the next one right so in a lot of ways what it looks like Donnie case is doing is kind of building off of what Al Ewing did sort of giving us this depiction of the events that took place between the time when the one below all sees control of the Incredible Hulk and that futuristic story where the one above all have been traveling throughout the Multiverse and just wiping out whole universes over and over and over again it's not explicitly told to us that's what this is but it would be a cool place to kind of fit it into so it's awesome it's a really really cool depiction on this thing but again one of the things to understand and just demonstrating the sheer level of power that Titan Hulk has not even Steven strange can stop this guy now you can make transitive property arguments right we can cook the books in power scaling and say well you know you know maybe he's more powerful than dormammu or something like that I don't definitively know but what I will tell you is a being as capable as Titan Hulk seemingly imbued with the power of the one below all is enough to go against virtually anybody out there and it doesn't matter who they are so no wonder Steven strange can't beat this guy and so what ends up happening here its Banner starts talking to the Incredible Hulk in his own mind because remember the physical form of Hulk Banner whatever you want to call it that's Titan Hulk running around but Inside the Mind banner and Hulk are kind of trapped there and so what Banner starts doing is talking to the Hulk and saying you have to do something we have to manifest something has to happen here like if we do nothing this entire world and all the hulks on it will be completely eradicated we'll be stuck here because Steven strange will inevitably die and then this Titan Hulk will literally travel to our Homeworld wipe out everybody there and we'll be helpless to do anything but just sit there and watch it happen so if you care about nothing Hulk then continue doing nothing but if the lives of the people here matter and if the lives of everybody at home matters then do something step up and do something and it's one of the coolest things right because while that's going on Titan Hulk is dominating everybody right like Stephen Strange opens up a portal to try to get the occupants of this this whole planet to like a different world Titan Hulk like basically rips a hole through that reality like tears a hole in reality and then jumps through I mean it's crazy the only time we've ever really seen a being based on physical power do anything like this was during the try on Juggernaut story if you guys remember that when trial Juggernaut was punching holes in reality it was nuts right we covered that and in fact we'll remaster it because it's just a ridiculously amazing story but it was just this op version of Juggernaut punching holes in the universe it was nuts it's not something that we see very often and so what ends up happening is that because of the pleading of banner The Incredible Hulk finally steps up now the irony of this is that when the Hulk does step up the Titan Hulk Persona basically tells him there's nothing I need from you anymore right like I've siphoned off everything I need I've got your physical body nothing here matters but something to understand here is that the entire basis the entire foundation of the Titan Hulk's existence is predicated on the Hulk itself if the Hulk isn't there the Titan Hulk's power basically wanes because there's nothing for that Persona to latch onto there's nothing for it to become a part of right like it's a really interesting Prospect because what this does is it actually leads to both banner and Hulk working together and then punching a hole through Titan Hulk and then leaving the physical body right like actually exiting out of the physical body when that happens Hulk reverts back into Banner's form and then in turn the entire conflict ends right you literally switch over to Banner in strange Academy now here's the thing and this is something that caught me off guard right because it just suddenly ends and it's just like what like it's just it's suddenly over the reason why the story ends this way is because Donnie Cates the guy who's writing this is basically taking a mental health break he's walking away from the Incredible Hulk series so it just ends suddenly like without any wheel any any real thing the only thing we're given here is some measure of an epilogue where basically doc Samson writes a letter to Bruce Banner telling him like none of us blame you for anything that's happened none of this is your fault or anything like that right like you should come back to Planet Hulk sometime or Hulk Planet or whatever and hang out right it'd be really cool if we all hung out and did God ball and all that kind of stuff right as far as Titan Hulk's concerned its power is basically non-existent right like it's just not really there anymore the force of power that was being used to create it has effectively left and of course we end up finding out that source of power ends up transitioning back to the person that originally gave it who's basically the leader who's imbued with the power of the one below all from Al Ewing's run right the leader of course being a former Incredible Hulk villain but like it just ends all of a sudden right it's just like and we're done and that's basically it because Donnie case his entire run was cut short because he was focusing on a mental health break so a very lackluster ending to what was otherwise a phenomenal Incredible Hulk story but thank you all for watching and I will catch you all later peace
Channel: Comics Explained
Views: 521,072
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: comics explained, comicsexplained, marvel explained, fluidic beats, comics, comic books, marvel, dc, infinity gauntlet, world breaker hulk, crisis on infinite earths, comic explained, infinity war, doomsday clock, Hulk, The Incredible Hulk, Bruce Banner, Betty Ross, Immortal Hulk, The One Above All, The One Below All, Marvel Comics, Iron man, Tony Stark, Avengers, Brian Banner, Immortal Hulk Comics Explained, Worldbreaker Hulk, Heart Of The monster Hulk, Full Story
Id: ApaJUWoq0UI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 104min 32sec (6272 seconds)
Published: Fri May 12 2023
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