Darkseid vs Trigon - Who would win?

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hail webcam parrot here to talk about a matchup between the dark lord of apocalypse darkseid and trigon the destroyer of all in the recent dcau movie justice league dark apocalypse war we saw these two titans of evil face off against each other a match up that we have never seen on the comic book page before i've seen a lot of discussion over this particular fight with some of you saying that trigon doesn't stand a chance against the new god the dark side so i'm here today to try and answer the question of who would win between these two classic dc villains plus i feel like this is a fight that we can all appreciate i'll be using the rebirth versions of both of these characters which encompasses the new 52 and post-crisis versions as well not that either of these characters were ever retconned by any crisis events but hey right away i think it's necessary to debunk a pretty huge misconception surrounding darkseid and what his true form entails some seem to think that darkseid always uses avatars or emanations when he visits the regular universe which could not be further from the truth darkseid specifically tells us directly in the comics that he hates using avatars and almost never uses them it's also pretty obvious when an avatar is being used they're kind of like pre-programmed robots and don't really act like the real dark side at all the reason darkseid seems so much weaker when he's in the regular universe isn't because he's using an avatar it's because of how boom tubes work a boom tube will adjust your size to whichever destination you are trying to reach so although darkseid is significantly larger than universes and is essentially a living idea beyond all physical limits on apocalypse he isn't this powerful whilst he is standing on earth this version of darkseid is something that myself and others refer to as dwindled darkseid of course at his full power he could simply choose to destroy the regular universe at any time he wanted to were he to use his full size that's just never been darkseid's gold really he prefers domination to outright destruction don't worry though for this video i will of course be using darkseid at the full height of his power and not his dwindled self i'll be covering darkseid first and trigon in the second half of the video something that people really underestimate about darkseid is that he is really a god amongst gods most of the other new and old gods don't really compare to him at all comparing darkseid to someone like mr miracle is like comparing jimmy olsen to superman even before becoming darkseid uaaxis drained the vast majority of the dead race of the old god's power and his current level of strength reflects this immense power that he gained darkseid has wiped out and stolen the power from entire pantheons of gods and even when he had an army of old gods banging down his doors it was a simple matter for him to erase them down to the last man with one blast from his omega beams a blaster that could kill anyone on apocalypse excluding maybe calaback was said to be essentially useless against darkseid and even the new gods embodiment of death the black racer has been cowed by the lord of apocalypse more than once and can be called into battle to serve him a jimmy olsen empowered by the majority of the new gods only seemed to be a fair match for darkseid in their battle eclipso was utterly dominated by him in a one-on-one fight and during final crisis it was stated that the spectre was powerless to stop darkseid in one of his numerous fights with hi father they accidentally cracked the source wall and darkseid has been able to create stain the equal of tachyon who himself is an embodiment of the source several of darkseid's engagements with his son orion have been direct threats to the source itself and on one occasion orion's astro force was directly compared to the source as well by extension darkseid also skills to see var a being that was going to destroy all of creation by dancing that orion was able to combat with boom tube superman on top of this incredible raw power darkseid has access to a number of different abilities notably the omega beams these beams have a wide variety of effects but can most often be seen as erasure referred to often as termination itself and the ultimate wipeout it can also send others to apocalypse or to the omega sanction which traps its target within an infinite loop of lives and deaths each worse than the last it was also able to trap cyborg superman's soul within a marvel and sent slobo backwards through time there is more to darkseid's skillset but they usually require time for him to enact and they'll be more relevant later so i'll leave darkseid there and move on to the demon trigon now i say demon because trigon is referred to as a demon several times but he is far far worse than any demon i'll probably do a video that goes into more depth on what exactly demons are in dc and the hierarchy of hell itself so for this video i'll just be brief most demons are directly spawned from the very nature of hell itself or are the children of such beings these demons seem to be referred to as hellions with some examples being nagal etrigan and ranvidar etragen is a hellion presumably because his mother is a helian even if his father belile arguably isn't other demons known as the lilim were born from lilith such as mazakin and the last type seems to be angels who turned against god and were cast out from heaven to become demons with some good examples being neuron asmodeus and of course lucifer himself trigon is no lillian he's no helian or fallen angel he is a being of pure evil itself in a realm outside of all dimensions resides the peaceful people of azerath in an effort to improve themselves they cast their evil out into the ultimate void beyond even the distant realm that is their home there out in the great nothing this darkness coalesced merging together into a sentient living being that would eventually become a trigon but this power was not enough for trigon who was aware of a group of beings known as the divine they would traverse reality looking for beings with evil in their hearts and draining them of it using the heart of darkness a powerful primordial entity that had drained the evil from countless universes and galaxies when the divine exposed trigon to this entity rather than having his evil drained by it he merged with it instead absorbing the power of the heart of evil into himself darkseid is certainly evil but contrary to what some people have said he is not pure evil darkseid is the order within chaos he brings order to the chaotic world of apocalypse and generally wants things to follow a certain set of rules like it is possible to work with darkseid and make deals with him that he will honor even if the deal ultimately benefits him or he uses some kind of loophole but trigon literally doesn't care at all about any of that in one storyline he agreed to leave the earth alone if he got to take a raven with him so he took raven home showed her around his palace tortured and vaporized an innocent child you know the usual then at the end of the day not even 24 hours after making the deal he just said okay time to invade the earth now lol darkseid is the kind of guy to promise not to shoot you in the face only to just shoot you in the back because that technically wasn't a part of the deal trigon will promise not to shoot you in the face shoot you in the face anyway and he'll probably shoot you in the back whilst you're lying half dead in the dirt afterwards for the fun of it he really has absolutely no honor and definitely stands a good chance of being one of the biggest jerks in dc when my doomsday video first went up that's when i decided to start researching this video so i announced it in the comments before i knew anything about this matchup i thought you know i'll just whip out a quick video trigon doesn't have a ton of appearances he's a teen titans villain there is no way that darkseid isn't just going to one shot it'll be a nice easy and uncontroversial video well as it turns out my initial impression was wrong very very wrong when it comes to raw strength darkseid doesn't even hold a candle to trigon for starters i'm going to go over a statement from the monitor who claims that the energies animating from earth are so powerful that they could only be coming from the spectre or the demon trigon at first it seems like oh the spectre and trigon have a similar level of power not very impressive in the context of this video after all we already know that darkseid should be pretty significantly stronger than the spectre most of the time but this statement isn't even really comparing the two in strength at all it's just saying that the power being detected could only be from those two beings which doesn't limit trigon to the spectre's level and as you'll see there is a fair amount of evidence for him being far beyond this i am just going to briefly go over some of trigon's family who will be relevant to the scaling later first are his three sons shug ruskoff and most notably belile etrigan and merlin are likewise the sons of belial and etragon has a son called golgotha i know it seems weird for the belial we usually see to be related to trigon like this given that he looks completely different in most other comics and you might be fooled into thinking that these are two different belials but demons this powerful can basically just look like whatever they want and it is directly confirmed later that ruskoff and serge are his brothers confirming their relationship so yes trigon is both etrigans and merlin's grandfather and yes this is absolutely hilarious grandpa trigon here again to destroy the universe now trigon doesn't get a lot of appearances not compared to darkseid at least but he is basically just treated like the strongest dude ever in practically every single one he would be called the strongest demonic entity the earth had ever seen which includes a huge number of incredibly powerful characters including neuron the first of the fallen and of course lucifer ariane a sorcerer i've talked about before that has fought and defeated the great darkness is also referred to as a demon sometimes but i'm not sure how much that counts even more impressive than those first three at least is etragen's own child and trigon's great grandson golgotha conceived from within the great darkness itself golgotha was the most appalling monster to ever come from the depths of hell golgotha was so powerful that even only moments after being born its pale was too much for hell to contain eventually spilling over into heaven where it was confronted by michael demi ergos and in an incredible display of power golgotha was able to literally one-shot the guardian of heaven this is the same michael that casually dominated the primordial spectre and is considered god's greatest servant literally taken out in one shot by this darkness in pair with a demon spawn no matter how many times i read it i just can't get over this one panel of the little dude just going for zach and then michael just falling over utterly defeated in the next man really did not know what hit him when he tried to square up to my boy golgotha thanks to merlin's magic golgotha was connected to jason blood through the same magic that binds him to etrigan and it was through this bond that jason and atragen were finally able to defeat him i know it seems pretty insane for trigon to have this level of power but these aren't the only occasions that he was shown to be this strong in a rebirth comic baron winters claims that trigon threatens to utterly destroy the balance between good and evil that he is required to maintain and that he would start an apocalypse that no one himself included can extinguish both he and raven go on to say that trigon was an evil beyond any they have suffered before that trigon will destroy all balance but he will destroy everything now i wouldn't view this statement as much under normal circumstances i mean this is relegated to baron winter's own personal experiences so it probably isn't even that impressive and then i remembered that baron winters was literally there with constantine and the others directly fighting the great darkness back in swan thing vol 2. so when he says that trigon is the greatest evil he has ever had to face and that he has the capability to destroy everything it's actually a pretty huge deal aarella would call trigon the king of demons only for raven to chastise her for downplaying her father calling him satan only to the hundredth for those of you that don't know the name satan or the devil is actually a title in dc that is given to the ruler of hell who at the time of this statement was indeed lucifer morningstar but old lucy would not be in charge for much longer and for the record even if you think that it's neuron or the first of the fallen that was running hell at this time this statement is obviously still ludicrously insane for a trigon to have now i can't emphasize enough how much stronger trigon is than his sons i mean in one comic he literally just kills belial sudge and ruskoff all at the same time by mistake and he can really just casually toy around with belial with no issues at all likewise in rebirth merlin and etregon are both scared to face belisle even together so it should say a lot that merlin and belial together were able to directly overthrow lucifer with belial keeping him in a cage right next to his throne i'll explain exactly where these guys get this huge amount of power from in another video but it is important to note that merlin is often considered a rival of mordrew who i covered recently and is a powerhouse of a similar nature to trigon on his own later on in the comic belile would literally turn lucifer into a dog forcing him to call belial his master claiming that he was going to remake all of creation in his image this same belile was directly called the most powerful being to ever sit on hell's throne and as if this wasn't enough after having merlin bestow all of his remaining power and life force onto etrigan we could see him easily dispatch this dog lucifer and eventually belial as well as it currently stands etregon is satan the king of hell grandpa trigon really is just the nasty alder relative to literally all of hell and it's reflected in his realm too which is often said to make even hell look like a paradise by comparison and that trigon was a devil that no hell would dare spawn the power ultimately responsible for defeating blaze was also so intense that raven felt like it could only be attributed to trigon with both nabu and the black racer viewing it as impressive it should also be noted that trigon doesn't really fear the presence at all and definitely views himself as powerful enough to defeat him even taunting the phantom stranger telling him that the presence arranged for him to deliver raven to him because the presence feared what he might do should he go looking for her himself even trigon's sons are able to play poker in a realm that is so dangerous that falling into it would prevent even the presence from being able to retrieve the phantom stranger in a later comic trigon was also placed at the head of a council that included powerhouses like mr e neuron and blight the presence would actually turn up to this council only for trigon to eagerly start a fight with him tricon really does not give a damn we don't see the result of this battle but both trigon and the presence would appear again later which is actually pretty impressive for both of them darkseid is definitely incredibly powerful but the level that trigon seems to be at most consistently is just far beyond him even with his soulfire powers which make him millions of times more powerful darkseid would be hopelessly outmatched in a straight fight also as usual try to think about things holistically that means from a perspective where you look at everything at once i already know a small minority of you are going to rush to the comments to nitpick some feats i mentioned in the video and bring up some low end outlier for trigon try to remember that every character with more than a handful of appearances has outliers including a dark side it's not enough to point out an inconsistency you have to present a fully holistic argument covering the character overall if you want to make any headway i'm going to do a specific video on trigon in the future talking about all his powers and feats and i'll debunk the outliers in that video not here where i don't have the time i can already hear some of you in the comments bringing up mixing trigon as well and yes that is impressive but it was in injustice and while it is possible that they are the same mixie and trigon we just don't know if you do want to say that trigon scales to mixie because of that it's just another reason for him to be far more powerful than darkseid i already talked about how bonkers mixie is in my dedicated video on him now while it is true that trigon is vastly stronger than darkseid that doesn't actually mean he wins what a lot of people don't realize is that darkseid's greatest asset is his intelligence not his brute strength and given the correct circumstances he does have some prep feats that might allow him to deal with trigon especially since trigon is not really well known for his intelligence in the past darkseid was able to freeze a god wave empowered ares using some advanced tech that he had created i'm still researching it but the god wave is sometimes implied to be on this level and it's possible that this freezing technology might actually work on someone like trigon unfortunately it only lasted a short time and would not be enough to stop trigon forever on its own assuming that it would even work on him in the first place another option darkseid has under his belt is the contingency that he came up with for perpetua in justice league odyssey the comic is ongoing so things might change but basically darkseid felt like he was safe within the specifically protected ghost zone he had created if this is actually true whatever technology or means he used to create this would be strong enough to resist perpetua and therefore would be powerful enough to contain trigon as well if darkseid could somehow trap him within it granted this is kind of reaching this should hopefully go without saying but none of darkseid's other hex abilities are really going to do anything to somebody this powerful i mean the omega beams erasure is obviously not going to work trigon has his own erasure that's far superior uh being taken to apocalypse isn't going to do anything trigon has come back from azerath and places like the nether realm beyond even that and could easily return from it much like the omega sanction and likewise darkseid's ability to seal souls away is pretty ineffective on a being that has consumed billions upon billions of souls the last l for dark side is the possibility of the anti-life equation but that entirely depends on how the anti-life equation actually works it's possible that the total control that the equation provides would be enough for darkseid to gain some significant traction within the collective unconscious something i'm going to cover in my future dc multiverse 2 video and the collective unconscious has been used to defeat trigon before raven used it when she became white raven but this was a power that she could only use in azerath and it only worked that one time darkseid has also directly seen the collective unconscious inaction against the ares that i mentioned earlier so it is something that he could think to use the problem with this is that darkseid has been trying to get his hands on the anti-life equation for practically his entire life and has been essentially unable to for the most part and that's even if it works the way i'm suggesting it does here which i'm not sure that it does at the moment darkseid does have some incredible regeneration that is essentially related to his weird spiritual existence as an archetypal being which against most opponents probably would give him the time to eventually get the anti-life equation but trigon literally consumes entire afterlives full of archetypal beings constantly souls themselves are archetypal forms that reside within the dreaming in dc so darkseid basically just looks like a slightly larger spicier piece of popcorn to trigon and could just absorb him to the point where darkseid unfortunately cannot regenerate so whilst darkseid does have some potential options i think they are far-fetched at best and require some pretty extreme scenarios for darkseid to actually pull them off and as a result i have to give this one to the man in red trigon in most scenarios that we would expect to see them fighting that's it for the video if you're curious about more of darkseid's powers i have a pretty in-depth video up on my channel already that you guys can check out and i'll be releasing a trigon video at some point in the future as well the amazo and super boy prime videos are still on their way as well if this video inspired you to purchase any comics at all please use the affiliate links i will leave in the comments to support the channel and what i do you can also donate using the paypal link in the description and otherwise i will see you all in the next one [Music] you
Channel: WebCamParrot
Views: 554,342
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: justice league dark apokolips war, darkseid vs trigon, trigon, darkseid, justice league dark, synder cut, justice league, trigon vs darkseid, who would win, webcamparrot, the terrifying powers of darkseid, mister mxyzptlk, mxy, raven, dcau, webcam parrot, superman, analysis, powerscaling, jld apokolips war, constantine, justice league dark apokolips war ending, justice league dark apokolips war review, dc, injustice 2, belial, justice league dark apokolips war 2020, Etrigan, apokolips war
Id: 1zIJmCBQ5fo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 8sec (1688 seconds)
Published: Sun May 17 2020
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