OBSCURE SPACE MARINE CHAPTERS | Warhammer Pub Quiz [40k] w/ @DreadAnon

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we've got white Templars which is uh true and then we got oh oh your friend [Laughter] 's chapters for the purposes of this quiz we will have to only give you one point okay I won I won you have no idea dread how many times Hal has referenced that before we record an episode I like how it was the white Templars too you know there's something something splashed over oh Colin why'd you why'd you have to go and do that I kept it to Jean seed I kept it lore friendly hello and welcome to lore crimes today we have a very special quiz episode for you all he's a master of memes and an angry undying dreadnoughts and also my favorite Warhammer Channel it is dread on himself here to host our quiz and what will our topic be today Mr dread our topic will be obscure Space Marine chapters the ones nobody knows about maybe some of them don't even have color schemes that's how obscure we're going with it today oh no Andy's got us in the bag we're so dead we are dead in the water oh okay Colin uh Eli get the funny answers ready it's gonna be pure funny I've gathered from those reactions Andy that your knowledge of obscurus BS Marine chapters might be pretty good well to give you an idea um I do I make stuff for my thumbnails on my channel and I actually made every single known successor chapter logo on my own like kind of like with a border and everything so I made like 200 plus of these designs okay so I got quite deep into like this is a weird chapter what are they about oh they've got like a paragraph that's it so I know a few of them it's too late to change all of my questions but this situation is definitely the core view ambulance but not for me we're gonna suffer oh Lord okay Colin Colin what are you feeling how's your confidence levels tonight I uh you know I uh I've played the Space Marine video games so as long as all of the questions are about Mark Strong I think I've got this one uh but yeah okay because I always thought you were more of a fantasy guy so yeah yeah yeah uh so you know if the celestin prime makes a surprise appearance I might be all right otherwise uh you know I'm here I'm definitely practically all of my knowledge of edge of Sigma comes from your videos so oh thank you I'm so sorry to hear that would you say you know more about the Space Wolves than like any other Space Marine chapter why do you gotta do that as you I think that's true and ultramarines maybe I think that's true Space Wolves did like yeah oh my God he likes I did have to learn about them to [ __ ] on them so that's fair exactly there is actually a space Wolf question on here so not to spoil too much but you you will have that in the oh all right all right I got I got something yeah Eli what how are we feeling how are we feeling uh pretty good like 50 50. I feel like I've made a few shorts on weird obscure Space Marine chapters but not that many yeah they're awesome now a couple of these are pretty pretty far back in the chronology so I have faith in you nice nice and how what what are we like what are we like um confession uh I like characters I'm sorry it has no characters there's none of that rubbish here we don't like no personality we don't like no cards it's all stats I'm meaningless just statistics I want my blank army guys I'm ready to be guided let's do it they're too deep into it but that is kind of like a good that is kind of like a fun division of Warhammer players like some people like The Fearless army guys and some people like the personalities yeah so you know oh I'm sorry oh look here uh okay oh we ready yeah yeah let's go right question one a real softball to start you off with I'll walk into the goal if you can't get this then you may as well go home now you're probably already at home but as I mean like the part of the quiz okay so question one which original Space Marine Legion only had one successor chapter bonus Point what was this successor chapter called oh okay right Autumn uh oh no this is meant to be the easy one man this uh yeah this is this is disappointed already at the status [Laughter] Salvo hello is this a bad time to mention I've still yet to read any of the Horus heresy I chickened out after like the first four books I think there's there's just so much of it you know Andy what book are you want right now I'm on Python death oh no so I'm on book 51 of I think it's 51-52 of the Horus heresy then I'm going to be doing the seated Terror I started last year like properly I think I I'd listened to about uh Prospero Burns I think was the last one I listened to from like a few years ago and then last year I went from there and I've gotten all the way through almost so I'm nearly there I'm nearly there yeah it's a bit it is a lot oh my Lord what would you say the the good book to bad book ratio is like in just in terms of quality of the writing um quite honestly I would say from my experience a third of them are kind of like oh I can't really remember what happened in these books there are some which are like amazing and then there's other ones where you go I know what happens but it was just a bit of a slog like me and me and Hal mentioned it I think a previous episode about the salamander stuff is a really difficult series to get through because you're just like nothing's happening apart from there being sad you know why does Nick Keim hate this little thing Nick Heim is like he can write a good book but as soon as it has a salamander in it I don't know what happens it's like someone walks in just like brains him or something I don't know I mean not to I'm sorry man if you are listening to this because I do like some of the other stuff but I have to say this Alexander books have really um pain I'm so sorry dude at this point all the answers oh Colin Colin go on oh no oh I would say at this point I it's like when someone says you should watch One Piece I'm like that's a thousand episodes that's 54 books in the horror just read all the Lexicon articles that's what I do every Warhammer book there's ever been written what so the answers for question one are in so without further Ado I will move on to question two let's go baby the black Templars you know we know him we love him everyone's favorite angry space Germans but they're not the only Templars on the scene so I want everyone to name me two chapters with Templars in the name that are not the black Templars okay I can do that it's just like um color theory now like we're just gonna guess only two of them are colors so actually wait no I only asked for two [ __ ] okay I think I know one of them I think I know one it was um all right there's only there's only so many colors in the rainbow so I've got an all right Chance some of them aren't color themed I have to say but yeah there's more oh [ __ ] geez those are the ones I know with colors I was the question right like which are the ones with colors whoa Andy you've named me three whoa I've got the logos somewhere to prove it if it's three answers give it to him just give it to him [Music] I can't wait to read out my answer but don't do it yet points from me for references to my soul you can keep trying but you know what happened all right the answers are in so we're moving on to question three in this voice are a Homebrew chapter with a focus on pragmatic tactics such as camouflage negotiations and long-range engagements all the stuff you don't want in your Warhammer but there is an official chapter that use similar practical pragmatic tactics what are they oh I think I know this one cheeky one how do you think I know this one Eli you give me the answer before that's right [Music] I have the parrot or something though yes um are these guys the last few brain cells I haven't killed uh are pretty Chuck along this quiz I'm feeling all right I remember because there were so many angry comments on my old reasonable Marines video about how this is just this is just a copy of this chapter it's Kim first I like the idea that that you might have gotten a point out of Shame just like right reasonable brains is like my is my only video to have a million views and it's like in one of my old crappy videos too which is like I mean a million views is cool but also it's reasonable Marines what the heck do like all my most viewed videos are like the old ones I hit so where I was just like mumbling into my microphone and didn't know how effects worked we should have a full fit round where someone has to like whoever loses has to play their oldest video oh no oh you guys should see my oldest shortage like atrociously bad I might have deleted it actually it was so bad oh man no you have to embrace the shame you can't ever delete anything you're right you're right I'll I'll see if it still exists and okay so that is the end of round one let's loving the energy by the way yes I copied it from this zoology YouTuber named Lindsay Nicole she's really good and she says everything's in exact same tone of voice so we love it we love it astronomically unlikely the SE listening to this Lindsay I'm sorry for ripping you off okay so our first question was which original Space Marine Legion has only one successor chapter and for a bonus Point what was this successor chapter called so Andy I am grilling you first you answered the Space Wolves and the Wolf brothers and sir you are correct two points Colin oh no Colin you got the space walls but you did not get the Wolf brothers you answered the wolf speaker which I regret to inform you are a recent professional success oh that's right I'm I'm talking it's low volume but I'm cutting yeah come on I did and uh and then maybe you can't immediately eject all right Eli I mean it's the Space Wolves so we'll forgive it I'll take one useful you got a point for that but then you said the 13th company were called amokas I don't I do not think I do not think it's the correct answer and dare I say is a little sus oh oh Lord I feel bad for my answer now how what were we doing what were we doing what were you doing did you say salamanders my G what where are you thinking I just I just realized how wrong I was I just remember the other success to chapter is the brights they only had uh I thought they only had the red Talons but I just remembered they had the Brazen Claws and then they had this as a chapter way later like I have a few I think but now they have more iron Lords they got all sorts this might be spoilers for uh later questions probably yeah I don't know this I like how how was like the Brazen claws on the other and it's like whichever one came first the other one copied their homework so it's like hang on a minute it's exactly the same logo just with a different color scheme cheats that's kind of what painting Space Marines is though bro no one's inventing a new color you didn't know the Wolf brothers I didn't I didn't think it was baseball I thought it might because I could only think of only has one and I thought the Spaceballs they made more because they had that had that plan to wrap the eye of Terror they did make more later but after primaries uh yeah we're supposed to like oh that's a nice codex you got there unzips flies takes a piss on it that's that's their opinion first they made the first one and Lehman was really excited for it and then it ate [ __ ] and died and the world was better for it such a hater oh I pain I I didn't yeah I'm in last place how you have to do a space Wars video for your next uh Channel upload but okay shall we move on to round two let's do it let's go no this is gonna be a really weirdly structured one because I didn't think about how this would work just over a speech so you're all gonna have to you know just put up with it because I said so it's my quiz and I'll do it what I want okay I have a question yeah a question what about the results were the other two questions I said them and then I forgot them as soon as I said them okay right so I uh what do we got what do we got what do we got what do we got what do we got what do we got um oh [ __ ] we discussed the other two questions at all whoops by the way 100 we're leaving this soon a terrible quiz master and you give me three you give me the silver Templars the red Templars and the white Templars all of those are correct but you still only get two points oh because I'm mean like that okay okay we got white Templars and red Templars that is correct also yes my boy Eli you got red Templars white Templars Knights Templars are probably one well which is not true but you got two points anyway I'll tell you I'm so tired from my answer you have to do it in the voice you have to do it we got white Templars which is uh true and then we got oh oh your friend [Laughter] chapters for the purposes of this quiz we will have to only give you one point okay I won I won you have no idea dread how many times how has referenced that before we record an episode I like how it was the white Templars too you know there's something oh that's something splashed over oh Colin why'd you why'd you have to go and do that I kept it to Jean seed I kept it lore friendly okay sir you must preserve my brother's Jean seed cut it from his body okay with regards to the third question uh everyone got that right that was the Raptors oh wait I got an extra bit as well I put something extra as well yes you did you did you put Fox news's anime which is probably technically true in some sense [Music] I can't fathom as to what that sense would be but you know what I don't know but I I have to put this on the internet it has to be there I admit it's been some time since I watched Fox News so I can't say if I can uh I can confirm or not Trump and Ted Cruz had a like a beam struggle and then Ted Cruz gave a speech about his family I give him the strength to make his Kamehameha stronger the 2016 election said hey sometimes I just get uh smacked in the face I'm just asking the questions I do he's such a weird man even in this other side of the content you know over the ocean whatever oh his reach extends far as does his hairline what hey I would say oof okay now that we've actually said how many points everyone has got and not just in my dementia riddled brain let us move on to run two as I said this is extremely this is extremely weird because I didn't think about how it would work because when you when you think about a quiz you imagine everyone huddled around a table with like pen and paper and stuff uh which is not the Kyocera but we're going for it anyway so I have listed four Space Marine chapters and I have listed four gimmicks now your task will be to match the Space Marine chapter to their gimmick oh no this is gonna be different loud and clear okay so here are the four Space Marine chapters I've just noticed they're all bird themed but that doesn't have any bearing on the question I don't think I don't know how that happened but anyway right the Doom Eagles the howling Griffins the Imperial Hawks and the shadow Falcons are we good yeah okay we have here are the chapters and no let us move on to the gimmicks the gimmicks are swearing Oaths having a high number of librarians being depressed and nihilistic and operating from high altitude so we will put those in the chance that's very uh Dazzle is like two bird themed like come on Warhammer Christ you could say that perhaps Games Workshop have at times been bird-brained is this because uh we don't like having Birds rest on the Dreadnought is this like an inside they just poop everywhere it's crazy oh this is tough though um Andy's already won this so I knew a couple of these answered I actually don't know the last two though I just guessed not gonna lie I mean I've structured it in such a way that if you know two of them you could probably get the remaining two pretty easily allegedly but also really yeah yeah oh this is difficult though because I don't know any of these paid Colin please tell me you're suffering uh you know I'm going uh I might be going the wrong way oh [ __ ] probably at least be able to get one I should think just just by pure chance Christ these are all successive chapters are they as well which is kind of like yeah obscure we shall go two of these are from the ultramarines right I don't know what the other two are though yeah I think it's the ultramarines and one of them is going to be the Raven guard just because all the birds were there all ultramarines that would be extremely misleading yeah everyone wishes they were ultramarines so true it's not true foreign chapter or like uh Legion yourself dread I think I like the salamanders the best of the original Legends just because yeah nice you know they're nice and we we appreciate niceness in this house I can hear this salamander character now actually now that you're talking I could completely here an American accent the least effort I put into anything ever so it's like I just gotta talk I can't rely on my effects to save me depressed and nihilistic is tripping me out because it just seems so obvious too because that's the night Lords and they're not in the list yeah but my words like to like to impress their depression and nihilism on others with you know knives uh they're not cool like the white scars are just like just go for a ride chill it'll be fine maybe I am a white scar yeah all warts white scars brother I'm afraid I'm not well then I don't think you can I I have I I have played a large amount of Total War Medieval too though so okay yeah I think Colin's probably the type of person who a Mongolian back in the day when we crushed to say like the rest of us so we're probably quite far enough excuse you you know what I mean just picking on you genetically I'm Irish and Italian I was I was in the clear Zone hungarians that have to worry about it do we have anyone from of Hungarian extraction here tonight I don't know necessarily Eastern European though okay well somewhere in that region pain so let us move on to question number two of this extremely finicky round okay I have listed three Space Marine chapters who fell to chaos and next I will list three chaos the three chaos War bands that they became and you will have to match the chapter to the war band that the chapter became okay okay sorry I I stumbled over my words a bit there but we're piring through we're piring through okay this is oh go ahead sorry go ahead yeah I mean Andy's got all of these I think so far so uh so the chapters are the astral clause the Crimson sabers and the lion guard oh I know this cool right no worries I'll do that and the warbands are the death Shadows the red corsairs and the Crimson Slaughter that's easy oh Andy you Dickens you guys get the edit oh no um I feel like I've heard of crimson Sabers from something I I'm gonna be cheeky and give you a hint here the Crimson Sabers one is pretty easy when you're pretty easy oh okay okay um okay thank you thank you it's so easy it looks like a trick but it's actually not it's just chaos being really uncreative hell do you not know the do you know the red corsairs one that's the one I did know that's the one I didn't know even I knew that one good I gotta admit no no offensile but you're having a bit of a tough time with this one I'm quite surprised because you're usually storming it I don't have anything yet I know characters though I don't know how to do is eat hardship and reference Horus heresy all I know is like because we all have we all specialize in different things so this is like my big weekend essentially I don't um later on but I think you will be well suited to if that is of any comfort to you probably not going to go for the funny to be fair it's been a rollercoaster like yarick I stormed it and then we just did the luminef quiz which I got nothing because I don't know anything about fantasy so it's tough yeah I'm like the the most inconsistent member whereas you're all like usually anywhere from like second maybe third or me it's either first or fourth every time I haven't won in so long he called age of Sigmar fantasy I'm already [ __ ] seething in this corner over here and smite the edge of Sigmar Heights next here's our year guys next year it's done when it's done after the next 200 Horace heresy novels have been released I can't wait until um age of Sigma releases uh an update where a wayward Space Marine chapter somehow somehow transports himself into the setting to sort it out just to boost sales and then the gas raises them all as corpses we have basement in space now so that's true they're uh they're coming back not just the zangos the little dwarfs they're fighting the dwarfs just like I didn't see that and I was like yeah get out of my 40K who knows I think maybe someday I think Deep Rock Galactic is single-handedly made made me love the leagues of otan not for any of their lore just because I get to scream rock and stone every time I think about them that is it I think the special rulers you get escorted out yeah just tip the table at that point that thing where like all like security guards like carry one arm and it's just the persons like all victims they have that look on their face we're like I'm completely helpless This Is the End because you're going to encourage people to go to tournaments now just put like pebbles in their pockets and when they're losing it just lob them it's like rock and stuff like ow stop it just because you're losing a bit of an escalation yeah but they have to though yeah but you'll feel as loud as you can but you lose your respect of your loved ones as well so it's a bit of a trade-off yeah well I mean you know it's like the store has Windows in the front and people can look in and see you just remember remember how not everyone has loved ones so it's fine Jesus Christ oh my God I'm just being a realist welcome to the law crimes here we're about to almost make war crime these are just regular crimes if you have a look let Hal know and he'll personally take care of that oh man I'm in Andy I'll just watch and laugh and film it on my phone you can find all of our future videos on LiveLeak foreign like logo appearing in the corner of their Vision right now it just please to all the grandkids watching this yes this was bizarre yes we were weird it was a weird time huh the best of times it was the blurst of times I think I'm confident my answers are on this one I think I've got it yeah okay yeah everyone's in so we will move on with this handy dandy little line of equal signs because I just noticed that looked really cluttered we will move on to question three which is you know some chapters they ain't so Kodak is compliant they kind of mix things up a bit they do things their own way and one of the parts of that is giving weird names to some of their roles within the chapter like for instance chaplains the following three chapters give weird names to their chaplains and you will be required to match the chapters with their chaplain equivalent so here we I think I just forgot to copy it and I deleted it so we will reload reload thank you undo signed in Microsoft Word okay we got the celestial lions the emperor's Spears and the tone keepers and oh come on you can't have this already no no I don't actually I was like oh I'm interested I know it's the message from Eli and he was like I thought it was going to be the sparing yeah okay and the chaplains are the orators the death speakers and The Druids oh sorry we actually get okay I didn't think that you were gonna give us the champ it's not so over it's not so over nothing is over not as long as you can imagine it so just imagine yourself getting the right answers and that maybe you will too easy yeah uh let's see yeah maybe freaking out look at this I got this who names their chapter the chaplain's origins are so it makes sense that's all I'm saying you know is that from the third book of Armageddon give me that was quite the sound sorry I don't know how that came across I love the Inquisition I love the Inquisition we have you surrounded come out and Achieve kodak's compliance position open up it's time to do your taxes no shh oh that's that's why the beta War started at some point because that guy is like Abaddon but but competent and I missed because uh sorry excuse me a badon oh God damn did you hear it in the GW like video yeah and then they followed it with reboot no no guy Haley says if they made it up they can kind of pronounce how they want maybe but you've got to do it like no one says it like guy guy Haley says um reboot galliman and I still wanna like like I just want to throttle that because it's just someone no one says reboot gollyman it's wrong it's actually straight up on the order said actually it's pronounced angeron like no that's silly or I don't know um but corva's core right bird bird [Music] s it's called iron Ferris Manus yeah it's called oh it's called we I'd like that recently I said it on our um a podcast which is coming out we should be out by now but it's already happening but um his name actually means Iron Man but Colin point out is not much better um but it's not iron hair yeah man I did finally just plug it into Google translate and it actually is just iron hands at least according to Google Translate so why are they also wrong with it I don't I look corrected by so many people in my chat because it's the internet honestly damn idiots I had a revolting comment recently I wanna I put a one of my videos on Reddit and there was a comment saying oh great another 40K YouTuber who doesn't read any books I'm like I have just got to book 51. I saw that the horrors heresy read this can watch this video and see how much you know about random facets Jeff do you we'll call him out whoever said that they have to do the uh Mad Max two men into one man leaves two men into one man leaves who knows the most law someone just about what a lovely day I haven't seen the original Mad Max that's something I really like the new one yeah the new one's great and then they're making like a spin-off type thing no I think you know like the new one they basically didn't have a screenplay for it they just kind of went we kind of know what we want to do they just shot it I'm like that's mental wrong then they have to pose it as well they had to like stop and then they re uh they've reopened yeah I think they had to go from like us they had to move production entirely from Australia to Namibia because like Australia an unusually raining season and like the desert turned green or maybe it's the other way around I can't remember but I hate it hmm Colin have you please tell me you've seen Mad Max oh oh no I was my favorite part of that film that I know yeah yeah yeah yeah what uh what our wonderful guest stranded on said I loved when Max got mad and uh maxed all over the place I need Mad Max all over this Max from Ruby and Max oh my God I wasn't ready for that today all the references I think I'm confident but this is the one I'm for the most confident about the other ones I have no faith in myself see who has tramped oh yeah you're on edge there on edge yeah that was a little Captain kirkesque a little bit like hello and welcome to the Starship enter prize it was that weird so long it's the true speech device was the text-to-speech device [Laughter] finish it matching chapters to their gimmicks we got the Doom Eagles are depressed and nihilistic the Highland Griffins really likes wearing Oaths the Imperial Hawks like their high altitude deployments and the shadow Falcons have a high number of librarians no way damn I got I can't guess that I I go I'm good because you got stuff wrong oh so angry okay so you said that the Doom Eagles like swearing oats which they do not like actually so that's incorrect you said the Highland Griffins like the deployment which they don't so you're you're you're you're remembrancing all over the place right now okay you got this Shadow Falcons like have a high number of librarians right so that's one point two Andy Which is less than I was expecting insane well I only got one right yeah you got the shadow Falcons what oh now I put in ah bollocks sorry this was an easy one to slip up on because if you get one wrong then that sort of oh yeah I see what I've done yeah Cascades down I I think yeah I see what I've done I mixed them up oh no no let us take a look at Colin's answer to this same boat okay you also got one right you got the whole difference like swearing odds right so we're one for one we should be four for four the Demi was like high altitude deployment like ODSTs from the hit game Halo 3 ODST s [Laughter] we will we will not Halo Reach is better or worse ODST when Halo 3 ODST obviously has Superior atmosphere uh Superior level design and all that jazz but we won't we won't talk we'll move on we'll see what Eli's got cooking all right I can give you the atmosphere what's happening I don't like I don't like that you've created an uncomfortable atmosphere I did to Elias Eli what did he like yeah you said the Domingos are emo as [ __ ] which is that what I said is correct no you did you did I think I don't say bad words oh no you didn't sorry sorry I put words in your mouth there I was projecting it it's really I'm sorry for that but you also said that the Harley Griffin's like swearing Oaths which is correct yeah what and you also said the Imperial Hawks oh my God it's four for four with Eli oh no man like Christmas we the the the sweep the sweep of the week but I have preemptively said sweep of the week for Hal has also sweeped it yeah the voice I guessed it as well come back somewhere gassed every single one right that's quite impressive actually just for the probability standpoint call me uh call me Kim Kardashian because there's a comeback here boys we need someone else to be the remembrance or here in the next question oh man oh Lord nobody kicked my ass please um no and Andy's ass no no that's right we love you man we love you okay Andy because you've you're three for three on question five all right the astral Clause became the red corsairs the Crimson Sabers became the Crimson Slaughter and the lion guard became the death Shadows but but can everyone else match your performance I think so yeah actually Colin also three for three Margaret I'm staying in Eli man you've done it yeah I don't know who the lion guard though it's a it's a full house it's a full house everyone got three out of three on that one question ah come on you get it three for three you get it three for three everyone gets a three for three oh no of Warhammer Pub quizzes it's really close I'm tallying up the score as we go and I'm like oh no me and Hal are even bollocks you poor thing this is my worst update area so keep winning stop winning these quizzes I am not going to win this one don't worry there's one question left let's see who said what and possibly why okay Andy you said the celestial Lions named their chaplain's death speakers which is correct you said the emperor's Spears name their chaplain's Druids which is also correct and you said the tomb Keepers named their chaplains orators yep it makes sense like correct orators The Druids video on the emperor Spears actually because I I can't spoil it because it's the answer to a following question but there's something about them that really bugs me and it has come up on the quiz and it will be a questionnaire so just keep that in your memory banks oh my gosh okay Colin you got one right you said the emperor's Spears any other chaplain's Druids which is correct but you got the other two wrong so hey a startling descent man uh I was full confident with the celestial lines being murderers and uh yeah I threw I I copy and pasted and I didn't I didn't look back at them oh my gosh it's so over what happened I think I copy and pasted all the names you put there and then I got them mixed up uh that is quite possible but unfortunately like you have achieved zero points in this particular question um the emperor spiel's just right the emperor Spears is right oh sorry sorry you're like I'm so sorry into the fires of Hector yes okay well in my defense I put this list I'm removing all your points you've got zero points like coffee and facing wrong so I put the celestial Lions have tomb Keepers and the deaf speakers have orders so as you can tell the law crime isn't organized and efficient uh Channel we don't make any other states death speakers would be a cool name for a chapter so that's true actually that's pretty cool I think I also saw order and death speakers so I'm like oh those are the same thing I'll just put them yeah beside each other well there was a deaf speaker in the second uh grimaldis book whoa yeah trivia we're getting some trivia okay and hell what do we got what do we got what do we got one I did bad everyone Goods I think um yeah so that yeah you got one pain so a varied performance from each and every one of you so far which you know what that's what makes it interesting also pain because I I don't know because if I'm telling this prop uh correctly meaning I have 12 Colin has 11 no he has nine and Colin uh and Hal has ten so there's only a few points in it I'm not lost at this point it could go anyway that's what you expect on here on lore crimes even though this is my first time participating so I don't know what to expect Okay so it's close but who will come ahead let us find that out right now right here in run three okay I think this is actually kind of uh an easy one but it tests your knowledge of the game itself rather than the the lore oh Eli's got this oh no maybe yeah it's an easy one I think everyone will get it so okay which no relatively obscure chapter was on the cover art for the very first edition of the Warhammer 40 000 drill book oh oh I think I might have this yeah yeah well hey the answers are flooding in and it looks good so far unless you see mine and you and you change your mind uh the first ever rule book and it's an obscure one they were the face of the game back in the day for like three years until the Ultron I have an idea but I know I'm pretty sure it's wrong I don't know I got it boys ah damn me uh well I'll try it it's the only one I get this is my weakness if not go for funny gopher funny if you I gotta try I gotta try or make a reference to my videos and you know I'll maybe I put normal answer and a funny answer with it oh I'm gonna do that I'm gonna I'm gonna go for it you may amend if you if I don't know us okay the answers are in now we're moving on to the question my personal bug bear the thing that really keeps me up at night which I am projecting on to all of you to sharing my frustration okay question two what weapon is on the chapter Badge of The Emperor's Spears uh oh I know this it's so annoying yeah thank you Aaron denske Bowden this this I will never let this let this die is the most is the ship is damn thing in the entire game [Laughter] I've got an answer and I'm pretty sure is incorrect but you know we'll we'll allow it I think my answers are cursed okay two jokes are for some reason sort of the same thing like oh no I think like who has done is thinking along the same lines as an old joke we've done we are I got mine in first I'll get a chain let me change mine then I'll change mine to something else this is so not should I not change it I can still I got a better one well think less of you but you know uh you know I'm gonna no I'm gonna change it okay fair enough now if it's less funny than that then you know I'll be even more disappointed uh I'm I'm waiting to see what the change what you change it to before I move is that funny is this funny it's kind of funny but I don't know if it's just the sort of thing I find funny because um you have to read it out though so it will be forever on the internet let's do it we'll get to it okay but first of all we have the final question of round three no we all know that Space Marines love their primarks but a few chapters love their primarks so much that they just named the chapter after them so um or I should specify which four loyalist primarks have chapters named directly after them and for a bonus point which Primark has the most chapters oh here we go can we mention the name of the chapters as well for fun if you need to flex on everyone that bad okay cool that's fine yeah for fun what do you mean for fun oh God if you need to show your superiority that badly then I suppose yeah I'm very I have a very fragile ego so stop stop they're already dead it's actually quite difficult because I have to it's not who you'd expect from the bonus point it's it surprised me when I find out I'm stock boys I'm stuck is it for weed four right don't we fall four the four loyalist primarks who have chapters named directly after them and which Primark has the most chapters named after them I've I had this there's like I'm I'm switching between um one or two I'm gonna have to commit I'm about to commit the the only there are no stupid answers only no yeah there are totally stupid answers but I trust you not to make one on this one the previous two I've definitely ruined it there was some stupidity there but we appreciate that it was the fun kind of stupidity um I have I have a question so I know I know the four primarks but the other bit we say the one who has the most named after him um yes so that's that's kind of tripping me up a little bit because I know the four primarks but I'm not quite sure what you mean about okay so yeah okay so of the four two of them have one chapter named after them one of them has two chapters named after them and one of them has four chapters named after them oh just like containing their names you mean yes because it is like the x of Y but yeah I I understand yeah I understand I'll name them too for fun [Music] we'll not judge him too harshly it does it does pose an interesting question you know was was Dragon Ball GT that bad oh the answer is yes I cannot I cannot stomach GT apologists because they haven't watched it they haven't watched it recently they've only watched the intro which has an amazing song an amazing animation amazing imaginative character designs and then you get to the show and it's a slideshow where like Dr slump rejects yell at each other and make weird uncomfortable sexual innuendos yeah Dragon Ball GT you can take a hike right now Super Saiyan 4 Gogeta was pretty cool I've never seen that yeah it was pretty cool yeah I I think Super Saiyan 4 would have been pretty cool if like the fur was gold because the pink doesn't really work I don't think oh it looks so bad doesn't it it's been cool yeah I like the design but I think the color scheme should have been different uh Eli you're you're a good place don't ever watch it don't ever don't ever subject yourself is good sleep is a super cat actually covered slightly towards the end I have a confession to make oh no I have never seen Dragon Ball Z in any form I have seen the first like 20 episodes of the original so I can only say I've seen dragon ball kind of yeah I mean the early parts are probably the best I would say yeah we're not talking the freezer yeah freezer freezer is the best yeah with a Saiyan close runner-up God what did people did people didn't have childhoods in this in this goodness and he was too busy preparing to make fun of me for not seeing movies before he didn't know who I was yeah you guys watching Dragon Ball I was watching The Godfather I suppose oh man he's got him there I studied the blade I know and now look at us what we're doing on a Friday Night Boys what's wrong with that we're having fun well I committed genocide and Paradox interactive games I feel good about this round though Okay so the third round has concluded on the scores shall know be tallied who will come out on top who will come out and bottom who will come out in the middle find out next time on lore crimes [Music] seriously we're just doing it now instead of you know waiting for a week Okay so which relatively obscure chapter was on the cover art for the first edition of Warhammer 40 000. okay let's take a look-see Andy yeah for God's the mentors really oh they were in first edition and they were like get them out of here I said obscure and I was like okay the answer is obviously the Crimson fists ultramarines or imperial fists yeah but they're like that's what I was I I gotta be honest I thought that and I was like they're not obscure yeah that's like the black Templars are obscure like no they're not they're kind of relegated to obscurity these days though on the black Templars level anymore yeah I'd say they are still kind of experience that's why my thinking pattern was the mentors are weird because they've been there since like the very beginning and they were like oh you could actually put them in your army and then they evolved that to oh their chapter is about they literally are like head teachers who go around all the chapters and go like right the CEO exam results what are you up to this could be improving so that that's what threw me off better head teachers got the right answers on the last they're actually my favorite chapter as well oh I'm so sorry no no yeah you should say it wasn't there don't worry I'm going to smash the next few questions all good Brothers we'll see okay oh I should say for the um Hal also answered cryptic munge which yeah think about it you don't even know what to do with that is that minus five points that must be minus five yeah we'll have to just that just the fact that you said that phrase now and it's on the internet I've written your channel mobile phone notification when he gets a text it doesn't even mean anything I can imagine some things it might mean but I don't want to let's not go there this is this this is a kid-friendly Channel how you are full of [ __ ] yeah I've got that correct then okay everyone got that correct except Andy and that was partially due to my own uh formulation of the question which I admit was not ideal so we will I don't know how you want to handle that since you're the one telling the point it's fine I reckon the next two I'm gonna do really well but yeah he's already got it like he's letting slam dunkers what weapon is on the chapter Badge of the emperor Spears and it is of course say it with me guys that's right for some what God damned reason I Trident isn't his beer I'm sorry it's it's a fishing implement I didn't have a chance in hell that keeps you up at night because it's like they're called for Spears right so their chapter five should be a spirit or have a spear on it but no it's it's a trident it's a trident with a skull on it it may surprise you all to know there is no uh chapter there is no Space Marine chapter with a come suck on their chapter there's got to be like once yeah they gotta be one slot Edition just you wait there's gonna be a slash warband out there Relic to it donate to it thank you all for watching Law crimes we apologize once again for our I'm gonna have I wanna I have the credits [Laughter] silhouette you now voice modulate you so people can't tell who you are oh my God quickly guys throw the cup song Brothers I am pinned here sacred at the moment don't let the blood Ravens near the come suck oh God okay I'll also said for that one I speed home so I can kiss my dad on the lips which is very sweet oh my god well I don't know you're related to Tom Brady but he he wisely uh changed it sentence magma first so just to clarify just to clarify so who got that right there were so many answers there that I'm not sure what's going on anymore I think everyone except Colin um who did not take it seriously okay okay okay so has has Clarity been achieved Clarity yeah yeah yeah okay so the final the final but the GT final bite grantor which primarks have chapters named directly after them and which Primark has the most chapters named after them so we've got Gilman Dorne sanguinius and jagatai from Andy which are all correct that is the correct answer damn yeah yes and he also answered Doran has the most that's true as well so two points two points smug prick so we're gonna get two points for all of that dude I I only asked two questions per Primark you mentioned or something I don't know so you can give yourself as much many points as you want then I'm giving myself 50 points for that and cut enough I'm confident fat L this question you scoundrel you said Gilman Lionel Johnson Lehman Russ and sanguine is a second I was really hoping there was like a sons of Russ primaris chapter out there or something I missed that that is the silliest thing I ever heard in my life but I will grant you that there are a lot of chapters called Lions of something so you know yeah there's the enemy angels are out there don't don't have the name Lion in your Primark name and I won't have to be so confused the line was one too Frick lines is pronoun I've just had to rethink how I formulate that whole question like how many points people get for it because it's like Colin did get one he got to thank you for being my the angel on my shoulder you're welcome I made you read out I speed home and kiss my dad in the lips I think and then Colin gets one no two two whoa Colin gets two Eli let us okay yeah you you got three right for the primarks you said the lion instead of uh sanguine no you said lion instead of Gilman but you got the most the most chapters right for Dorne so you get a four out of five are we tied oh we're still tied man jeez okay and uh I did poorly you got Gilman and sanguineous right but yeah so two out of five there damn so over there Ferris and corex bro bro what can I kind of chapter name as Core X in it I thought one of them might do or this it's like Raven they're basically all Raven Raven the Ravens of the Ravens armed in Raven armor with their ravenclaws and their Ravens but Ravens 100 century okay have you seen um that AI modulated version of Jonathan cables where someone did a video talking about all the primarks and the Corpus corex one it's just like corvus corex is more Rel is is more relevant it's so irrelevant to the setting that he's harder to see when he's not invisible you're like oh that hurts bad pain would be very upset oh Lord alrighty then I think we're uh oh my God I'm always winning now though and are you in the league 18 points a piece surprised I mean the scores at the moment I believe are me and Eli are on 18 house on 14 and Collins on 12. yo Colin you do have the like largest channel by far of all of us I think so this is simply the Universe I I make myself look like a clown on my own channel I'm happy to play the role of the jester here as well just imagining Colin Fanning a bunch of um US Dollars going oh I'm losing the quiz the silver play button just in a big shrine oh I'm melting it down into a raven Garden mini as we speak on a shelf and never be seen again okay I did have a bonus question in my pocket that I may not withdraw okay this last question is inexplicably worth 10 million points can Harry Potter so I don't know whoever gets it right wins I guess okay which one of these is not a real Space Marine chapter a real Space Marine chapter okay the gore Golems the tarantulas the silver stewards the Genesis chapter and Bringers so which of these is not a real Space Marine chapter oh no uh wait we had a massive rant with a massive rant about one of these guys um the Genesis chapter Colin oh no and if you got this just just please be honest with me I don't know hey the thing is the thing is here's a spiciest thing I will say I made all the logos but if I'm thinking about this these are probably ones that don't have logos so I am kind of Uncertain yeah they're not like I think most of them are like single paragraph in an issue of white dwarf so these are really bottom of the barrel except the Genesis chapter I think they have like a color scheme and stuff [Laughter] sometimes a one out of five isn't it I mean Colin did you want to talk about what we said about the Genesis chapter and the ultramarine spot I love my Bargain Bin ultramarines Discount Dance Smurfs is it obvious this one or is this it's I don't know nothing because everything rides on this one can I ask a question um could could the one that's not real be a Homebrew uh no it's it's I literally just made it up when I was writing the questions okay well that's that depends if he's uh if he's gone for one that like sounds too normal to be safe or he's gone for one that's obscure can I change my answer really quick can I redo my answer really quick I've had a change of heart oh no I'm keeping that other part and I'm just changing it oh oh I think I think I think someone's question oh oh no okay uh I don't know if this achieved at cincinnati.com I I have to the the silver stewards are fake oh yes Andy got it yeah the gorgolum's are real I don't I don't know no did you change that before I saw it or did you oh me no I added in um the bit after it which do you want to read that out I really don't I'll read it it's the silver stewards slash I moan when I wipe [Music] [Music] because uh it just seemed like I thought it might be tarantulas but that just seemed like too out there and maybe it'll be a boring one yeah I knew the gorgo I knew about the gorgalum's painbringers and Genesis chapter because they're a bit like two Edge Lords and we already talked about the Genesis so for me it was tarantulas they've got things like the WASP people have what they call the um the ones from the badab war the yellow jacket so I was like they probably have tarantulas so I thought Silver Stuart seems like it's trying too much to be like tone Keepers or something so yeah yeah you you got me a bit safe I looked up I looked up glow gobs like oh that sounds cool I'll make a video about them there's one sentence is there a loyalist Space Marine chapter of it's one of those genetic Origins you know what it is it's one of those ones where someone at games workshops kid came to like like watch them like when those I bring you bring your child to work day and they're like I want to make up a chapter it's like oh my god um golems that was all it was from the this isn't the ninth Edition space Marine's codex apparently yeah like I was gonna go with I was gonna include the Knights of Byzantium but it's like literally just some guy who works at games workshops Homebrew chapter so I don't know if that they've got a logo they look like a purpley like sons of the iron hands thing yeah it's not they're not in a codex or in white dwarf it was just on the website so I don't know if that counts so I decided to change it got a sick purple color scheme though I've got their logo somewhere let me see if I can find it for you and it's a hippocampus yeah I was gonna go with them I was gonna do the question like what's the only Space Marine chapter named after a real place but then like oh are they official are they unofficial I don't know so I aired on the side of caution I'm sure no one would have carried either way we've got a cool logo yeah that's all you need really are you telling me there's not a chapter called Greg's in Brixton that's a very UK joke by the way I don't think you have Greg's in uh uh North America do you you know Greg's is Colin yeah I know what Greggs is from the 4chan green text where the man was kicked out of Greg's for being racist what uh what a Ultra specific I mean you asked oh my God should we uh should we tally up the scores boys Andy you have to let Andy's got to let us know how we all did now because uh oh I'm quaking are we adding a point to the scores with me and how like just one point or something yeah whichever way you want to take that okay um that'd be joined first then yeah the only thing is I do the scoreboards I don't want to put 10 million in this really tiny frame so we'll just we'll just add one uh resistance yeah it's it's actually quite close um so in fourth place with 12 points we had Colin let's go let's go double digits nothing to be ashamed of hey um are we still holding to whoever got the bonus technically overall someone with points so we're just going to add one point I think we'll just add one point what do you want one's fine one's fine okay well in in that case minus 10 million points from that Hal came in third with 15. not bad for my weak spot technically and then it was between me and Eli by one point I'm doomed to lose forever now e like 18. I got 19. I'm so sorry Eli One wipe it cost you everything you had an opening when I messed up uh what was that fourth question Fists so that's my fault oh that was fun well copy and paste better next time I swear it could be worse you could have you could have typed in uh cryptic munch I speak down the lips you could have written that I didn't have a single meme answer this quiz that's crazy I know Eli was playing to win yeah you're on our best behavior with our guest today I was totally not sorry I don't I check myself very seriously I'll have you know didn't you uh didn't you yell out like literally tell like 20 minutes ago oh you have rain I'm coming it was under duress you made him say it I was pressurized hey though because I didn't say I'm on when I oh [ __ ] [Laughter] The Mastermind behind Chief Lord Glock and the whip would never stoop solo geez that's one of my favorite videos on the internet yeah I used slanesh fan art and she had her titties out oh yeah so it was only on screen for like two seconds but it still did me and oh man that's such a funny video holy frick you should all go watch you should all go watch the video viewers let's all go watch some dreading on videos with Adblock off yeah okay that's right yeah actually watch this ad block as well we'll appreciate it boys we have to say that uh thank you so much for coming on dread it was very much we have uh scarred you I think you will not uh Warhammer is not the same for any of us we are victims uh thank you so much for coming on man it was uh it was pretty cool to get a bit of fit obscure uh chapters is not saying we would have probably necessarily delved into so it's not a bit of like a bit of spice there a bit of a bit of a you punked me Andy because I didn't know I was dealing with an expert [Laughter] yeah he's quite terrifying I like that just like my gravestone Andy quote from Hal he was quite terrifying that's like the rest of me is it the Undertaker where Colin Manchester is I think it's just standing behind just like like breathing in like pretty heavily uh thank you for everyone who played along uh everyone who's listening as well um hopefully you suffered as much as we did there uh obviously we said some foul stuff at some point so mainly me it's already over preemptively canceled we're this is this will be embarrassment for the future don't worry people um but uh yeah so thank you so much for watching guys if you want to see more of this if you want to see uh if you want to see dread come on again maybe he might be uh one of our little uh guests as well there I don't mean guests I mean you'll actually play the quiz maybe next time we have some ideas of what we could maybe do in the future like uh like an idea of maybe we we have a chosen champion of law crimes pitted against one of our guests or something like that we'll see what happens something spicy boys and uh for next time we've actually got a little bit of a special a bit of a different idea we'll keep that as a surprise for now um so well obviously you'll have to stay tuned and see what's coming next uh again thank you dread thank you so much for coming on man it was really cool yeah I I had a great and lastly again thank you guys so much for listening and we'll catch you all next time see you guys thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Lorecrimes
Views: 18,539
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warhammer 40k, 40k, 30k, pancreasnowork, amber king, deadlifts for the darkgods, the remembrancer, battle report, 40k lore, lore channel, 30k lore, warhammer lore, loremaster, loremasters, 40k podcast, warhammer podcast, dreadanon, DreadAnon, space marines, novamarines, lamentors, minotaurs, carchoradons, space marine lore, astartes lore, successor chapter, successor chapters, dark angels, ultramarines, blood angels, white scars, iron hands, space wolves, imperial fists, salamanders
Id: WgYgB1_7QVk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 8sec (4808 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 15 2023
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