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man and beast be covered with sackcloth and cry mightily to god yes let everyone turn from his evil way and from the violence that is in his hands who can tell if god will turn and relent and turn from his fierce anger so that we may not perish and unless to the reaction of god now verse 10 then god saw their works that they turned from their evil way and god relented from the disaster that he had said he would bring upon them and he did not do it you know someone says that repentance comes in four steps and let me run on the four steps the first step in repentance is that you listen to the holy spirit step number two we acknowledge or wrongdoing by confessing our sins to god step number three we turn from our wicked ways and final step we turn to god first john 1 verse 9 says this if we confess our sins is faithful and just to forgive our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness second chronicles 7 verse 14 says this if my people were called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways what will i do then i will hear from heaven and i will forgive their sin and heal their land and i say amen amen to that but then we want to win there's no wednesdays listen and we we encounter a angry angry and restless missionary why is jonah angry the people of nineveh they heard the message and they repented jonah was successful but still wasn't happy why wasn't he happy he wasn't happy that the people repented and that god forgave them and speared the city why was jonah not happy jonah was concerned about him being called a false prophet dancing 120 persons destroyed talk about selfishness he was more important he was more interested in his reputation than in seeing 120 000 persons being saved let us look what the bible says as we pick up the story in chapter 4 of jonah jonah chapter 4 verses 1 to 3 but it displeased jonah exceedingly and he became angry so he prayed to the lord and said our lord was not this what i said when i was still in my country therefore i proved i fled previously to tarshish for i know that you are gracious and a merciful god slow to anger and abundant in loving kindness one who relents from doing harm and you will think that that was that is a good thing but in the eyes of jonah it's not so good and jonah went on therefore no lord please take my life from me for it is better for me to die than for me to live those are those are those are serious words from jonah but what was god doing god was trying to reveal to jonah that he needed to develop bowels of kindness and compassion for other nations not just israel once it is israel jonah doesn't have a problem in god saving them but once god goes outside of israel he has a problem and perhaps we have that problem today there is there's a remnant and we're okay if if those persons are safe but when we start once we start looking at other groups persons verses have problems what are the other groups probably persons who are in the prison some people believe that god god's grace shouldn't be extended to them what about homosexuals should god's grace be extended to the homosexuals and the list could go on and on and on and god was trying to teach jonah a lesson and listen is this whosoever will may come my kingdom is not a it's not an exclusive club where only certain people can get to come whosoever will may come and and so it is when we are called to participate in in the saving of of others we should not discriminate we shouldn't look to be reaching some persons at the expense of others god's kingdom is an all-inclusive kingdom and as his followers we have to be all-inclusive as well you know we have some persons who said talk about this thing that they call a circle and it would say something like this you know i keep my circle small only a certain amount of people elected my circle and everybody else's has to stay out but guess what as christians our circle has to be as wide as what as the world we can discriminate against another of god's creation because it could be you who says a word to that person and that person's com comes to our saving knowledge of of jesus christ so we can't be picky in who gets to receive salvation's message and i think that was one of the things that god was trying to to teach jonah we can't be picky we have to extend god's grace to to everyone you know the one of the one of the reasons why jonah didn't want to go down to nineveh in that he harbored resentment in his heart for the for the people of nineveh let me just talk on that for a little while we can we can be baptized and our names are added to the to the membership of the church and we can still have resentment in our hearts true or false we can join the choir and every sabbath we come and we sing but we still have resentment in our hearts taking it a step further we can access it on a church board and every church board meeting were there but we still have resentment in our hearts like jonah the pastor can come and he can preach a sermon every suburb and and he will have weddings and funerals and go visit the sick and all of that and still have resentment in his heart but watch us know can i go to heaven with resentment in my heart yes or no and so we have to surrender some of those attitudes that is it's not christlike we have to surrender them to god or else on the judgment day when we think that we're good and that we're going to be walking on streets of gold we're going to hear from god depart from me i know you i know you're not and you weren't a bad person you're a christian in church for 5 10 15 20 25 years 30 up to 50 years you period every month or every week you're at wednesday night and sunday night meeting you're at church on sabbath when i call our work day you're here but guess what because you have small cherishing in your heart like jonah had jonah resented the people of nineveh and that was why he didn't want to go and and once he held on to that resentment then he was in trouble i i i when we get to heaven it would be good to ask um jonah when exactly along that part did he resolve that because i believe that jonah will be in heaven are we harboring resentment in in our hearts as as members of spanish stone church do we have perhaps a parent that we haven't talked to for 10 years or more parents do you have children that you haven't spoken to you don't even know where in the world they are persons who would have probably gotten married i know they are estranged and they're still resentment god is saying that it's time that we surrender those resentments to him if we're going to if we're going to make it to the kingdom god sent jonah down to nineveh to save the inhabitants of nineveh but he also was trying to save jonah as well and i hope you don't miss that may god help us as we as we continue to study his word but not only study it but i will apply it to our daily lives thank you primary lesson primary lesson lesson 12 topic whose side are you on the message we can worship our awesome god every day remember verse do not let your hearts be troubled you believe in god believe also in me john 14 verse 1 this week lesson is about how joshua met the commander of the israelites army joshua walked between rows of tents he smiled at the families he passed but he did not stop to talk he needed some exercise he needed some time alone to think so many amazing things that happened in the past few days he walked on until he had a good view of the jordan river the river was flooded and dangerous but the israelites were all safely across and in the promised land as dust was slowly turned in a circle he studied the great wall of the city of jericho how was he going to lead the people against the mighty city of jericho they had no fancy weapons of war suddenly someone stood in front of joshua holding a sword just for stepped only up to him whose side are you on joshua asks ours or our enemies neither the man replied i am here as the commander of the lord's army suddenly joshua realized that this was no ordinary soldier this was the lord himself joshua fell at his knees in worship take off your sandals you were standing on holy ground joshua removed his sandals and worshipped the lord what i believe joshua had been thinking about battle plans but now he learned that the battle was the lord's the plans were already made and the lord was in charge the lord was here his awesome god was with him lesson 12 topic god give manna memory verse you will have plenty to eat and you will pray the name of the lord joel 2 verse 26 message we thank god for giving us good food lesson 12 lesson 12 the topic is inside oh when i read the thought when i read the topic i thought it was very funny this story is about choosing a king for israel when saul disobeyed the lord it was time to replace him the lord sent samuel who was the prophet to bethlehem to the house of jesse to choose a king from among these boys as each boy passed before samuel he said to himself this is the one but the lord said no when all seven boys went by samuel asked jesse do you have any other sons there is still the youngest but he is out in the fields attending attending to the sheep get him right away david was a bit surprised when a messenger came for him as an obedient boy he went as quickly as his legs could carry him when samuel saw david the lord instructed him to anoint him for he is the one david felt deeply moved that god had chosen him a humble shepherd boy and the youngest in his family to one day rule the nation of israel his heart was full of gratitude and the praise to god samuel was looking of the physical appearance to choose a king but as the memory verse says the lord does not look at the things people look at people look at the outward appearance what the lord looks on the heart first samuel 16 verse 7 have a wonderful day worshiping the lord amen church hello happy sabbath everyone the testimony will be done by the robinson family good day everyone the privilege to tell you good day everyone the privilege is ours my son and i to tell you how the pandemic cove igniting has affected us i'm nicola robinson and joshua benson just to be brief i will tell you the pandemic affects us physically financially and spiritually physically i'm an extrovert and i enjoy going out so having to deal with the restriction the six feet apart not being able to visit my friends and family because they too are fearful that affects me mentally financially my job in tears going out meeting people and selling my product the challenges i face is the reluctances of clients not even wanting me in their social space they would rather to do online presentations which is not as effective as meeting and greeting that affects my stats and also affects my pay spiritually not being able to attend church physically the fellowship that we have with our brethren to embrace each other especially being an osha i really miss that camaraderie but thanks be to god the pandemic has drawn us closer to christ we spend more time together as a family we spend more time in prayer and also studying god's words which helps us to accept what is going on around us it tells us that the coming of the lord is near and she we should all look up as a gentian drawing knife what about you joshua it affects me from going to school meeting my teachers friends playing with my friends i used to be in shock and feel but i can't train church bible class i can't go there anymore part finders i miss the older boys playing the drums and most of all i don't like wearing the mask guys the closing thought for today's sabbath school is do not be afraid for i am with you stop being anxious and watchful for i am your god i give you strength i bring you help i uphold you with my victorious right hand we will now have a closing song by the wholeness sisters [Music] [Music] i can see her now her withered skin old straw hat and crooked grin and she said child let's make this garden grow [Music] let's till the soil and pull some weeds and here's your back of precious seeds cause grandma's got a secret you should know you always dream exactly what you saw [Music] so mercy so grace [Music] so kindness so [Music] faith are like water [Music] sprinkled with a love you will harvest all your hearts been dreaming so mercy [Music] [Music] was holy land and she said child i learned this [Music] oh you can bless or curse you can live or die you see you choose the crop you want in life and that's the greatest secret grass [Music] you always ain't exactly what you saw [Music] so mercy so grace so kindness [Music] so faith words are like water [Music] sprinkled with love and you will harvest all your hearts been dreaming off cause one day god forbid you act a fool and fall down hard and fast cause life is cruel if you ever reached to help a friend a hand you held might lift you up again what goes around comes around you know you always reap exactly what you saw if you saw mercy soul grace soul kindness and soul faith words [Music] been dreaming [Music] you will harvest all your hearts been dreaming of this so mercy so grace so kindness [Music] so mercy [Music] as we say goodbye from sabbath school this morning want to turn the whole sisters for that beautiful song our focus was on i will go joshua joshua as we can see he not only was faithful to god but he was faithful to god through his obedience and i would like to just leave you with the words of this song and as we move forward in this time amidst the pandemic amidst the crisis amidst the high prices let us hold firm to this word trust and obey for there is no other way to be happy in jesus but to trust and obey i thank you this morning for being a part of sabbath school and as we move into our divine hour on this our path friend today may your hearts continue to bless amen good morning and a happy sabbath to those joining us live on our youtube channel and to those in the sanctuary amidst all the previous challenges that we have had so far we should indeed be thankful these are the following notices for sabbath september 18 2021 general notices baba class continues this afternoon with elder finsdale light body and elder baron town the topic for the discussion will be the goddard this can be viewed on our church's youtube channel prayer meeting will be held here on wednesday september 22 2021 from 10 am to 11 am please join us a blessing awaits all kuna members are reminded to make their monthly payments by the 25th of each month so that payments can be submitted to the cjsc office by the first of each month i repeat again all kuna members should make their monthly payments by the 25th so the payments can be submitted to the cjsc office by the first of each month death and funeral notices sister dorothy walker lost her mother on wednesday of this week please keep her please keep her and her family in your prayers sorry the thanksgiving service for the late walter george irons the uncle of dr beryl irons will be on thursday september 23rd 2021 at 4 pm the zoom link will be issued in the various group chats the burial for the late howard livingston henry brother of sister lightbody will be on thursday september 23rd at third fourth park cemetery at 11 a.m the zoom link will also be posted in the various group chats let us remember our sick and shut-ins those who are experiencing bereavement please continue to lift them up in your prayers and keep them in your thoughts good morning everyone happy sabbath to you all those who are here in the physical sanctuary and our very good friends who are joining us as usual online trust your week has been a rewarding and fulfilling one and that as we enter into these sacred hearts we will be closer drawn to christ and to each other in preparation for living together throughout eternity it is good that we can be in the house of the lord it is good that we can still have our praises ascending to him and to have the certainty of life through jesus christ or lord in addition to those announcements you just been served i want you to keep in mind the program of evangelism the mission of god's church more than ever before it is important that as god's people we keep focus on the mission he has assigned to us central jamaica conference will tomorrow morning from 6 to 9 00 am be engaged in a fasting and purse service that will be done virtually and this service is done in preparation for what will commence on the 26th of this very month for one solid week to the second of october we'll be engaging the people of god near and far in a wonderful series known as heralds of hopes where we will be looking at the three angels messages and their meaning and relevance to us as we come towards the end of time i want everybody to prepare for it to be a part of the fasting tomorrow i want you to share with others in your homes in your neighborhoods and as far as you possibly can so that others can be a part of what is going to take place we want god's people not to be unaware as to what is happening and why and what it is that god intends for us to do even as we go through these challenging moments so fasting and prayer tomorrow morning start six and it goes up till nine not a long long period but i'm sure it will be rewarding and the effect will be long-lasting we also want you to know that those of our loved ones who have lost their relatives and family members are very much a part of our story who are alive and this coming week sister light body will be burying her brother howard henry it's going to be on thursday and i think there will be a zoom platform that is created for a program to be actually aired but primarily the titford is where it's going to happen and as usual we will have to abide by the protocol so it's just a certain amount of persons who can be present for the physical burial at the cemetery also therefore it means on thursday another funeral service that is going to be held in terms of zoom not the actual burial the burial will take place after dr irons uncle walter irons a very faithful patriarch who has given sterling contribution to the truth as it is in christ we will be having a zoom service for him this coming thursday it begins at 4 00 p.m i trust that the links will be sent out so you can join onto the platform and share with us in giving thanks to god for a life well-lived sister sharon williams she will be having the burial of her sister i think yes tomorrow it's going to be at 10 but as usual you know we have to give way because of the protocols no more than x amount of persons are expected to be in attendance but these are individuals that we must always keep in our hearts we must always pray for and seek to encourage there are others i know who also are going through challenging time we have sister map who is really on the mend she is much better than she was previously so let's remember these individuals we have sister bingham who also has lost two relatives so there are lots of persons who are going through the valley and they will be able to get through much better when they know that we are supporting them with our calls with our prayers and with our intercessions so let us pray each other up let us encourage one another and let us stand firm on the rock christ jesus baptismal service will be coming up shortly also the final sabbath we want it to be but i'll give you some more detail the sabbath is a bit challenging sometimes because of the numbers that we have to work with but we will see our best but we want it to be the end by the end of this month so i'm going to ask that those who have made up your mind to keep steadfast to your decision those who are thinking about it there is not much time left let's make our calling an election sure today my brothers and sisters the pathfinders are the ones in charge today we thank god for them and it's just a pity that we can't fill this sanctuary as we would want to but that's all it is for now let's remember to keep safe let's remember to do what is necessary but the best thing that i admonish each one to do every day is to make sure you commit your lives to the lord and ask him for his protection and his care ultimately only he is able to give us that complete coverage and protection from all hills and all walls may the lord bless you richly today as we continue to worship in the beauty of holiness remember again this coming thursday the office will be closed because of course there are two funeral programs that will be engaged in one for sister light body and the other a zoom for walter walter irons that's dr iron's uncle god bless you and be strong in the lord finally dr sheriff's mom suffered a stroke and she is now being hospitalized so i'm going to ask you again don't leave her out keep her in your hearts and keep her before the throne of god god bless [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] thank you very much just before i exit there's something important that i want to engage you in and i'm almost sure i committed the unpardonable sin for not making it a part of the template i was using earlier on but my brothers and sisters those who are here and all of our friends and brothers and sisters online we solicit earnestly your assistance in helping to acquire some very important equipment these are mics in order to make certain that our programs are able to be of a certain quality and order that will be very very satisfying not only to god but to all of us we need some funds and we need it now so i'm going to appeal to everyone those here and those who are on the platform just to be sacrificial to be kind and gracious and to assist us to acquire some cordless mics we have to quali we have to get the quality that will be enhancing to worship so we would want you to go on the platform we have our means that are available for you to make your contribution so that we can acquire these mics and we need them like now so we want you this week or if you can today just to look at the platform the giving platform our accounts and just to make a contribution you can state what this contribution is for so that it does not go as tides or as regular offerings we encourage you to do that too you tied your offerings give to the lord and ensure the work goes forward but this particular appeal is to acquire some well-needed microphones cordless and there must be of a certain specification so we want you to pour into the treasury all that you possibly can even sacrificially so that we can climb over this hurdle as we go forward we need it badly we need it now in order to take care of some programs that are coming up so i'm going to ask you to work hard and sacrificially so that this can be realized this week the latest god bless you and i know that he's working with you even now [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you for the crosstalk [Music] thank you for the prize you paid bearing all my sin and shame in love you came and gave amazing grace thank you for this [Music] wash me in your cleansing flow now all i know is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] many [Music] victorious [Music] jesus of god [Applause] the darling of heaven crucified [Music] is [Music] is [Music] victory [Music] of jesus the darling of heaven [Music] worthy is [Music] so [Music] [Music] we set our work aside we leave our cares behind on this day of sabbath on this your holy day we come to give you praise on this day holy rest on [Music] holy red out of all the weak the best we have come to be blessed on this day [Music] holy rest [Music] blessed and sanctified [Music] we have come to be blessed this [Music] love happy sabbath everyone on behalf of the pegasus and pathfinders adventurer club here at spanish stone church it is our pleasure to extend a very warm welcome to you all who joined us today on our pathfinders and adventurous day we are happy to have you with us whether it may be online or in person and we hope that you all enjoy and will be blessed by today's service no matter where you are thank you again and have a bath praise the lord all nations extol him all you peoples for his love is protecting us is strong the lord's constancy is everlasting oh praise the lord the church is now called to worship [Music] there is a sweep anointing in the sanctuary there is a stillness [Music] god is here [Music] he is he is here he is to heal the hopeless heart and bless the broken come and lay down the [Music] god is here [Music] or heavenly father to our pathfinder celebrating the world over we petition your throne lord that you will bless us on this our 71st birthday bless us and grant unto us a sabbath day blessing may hearts be watered be soul be enriched and may at the end of it we all put our hands up and shout i will go this is all prayer in jesus name amen our opening him is him six one two onwards christian soldiers that is him six one two [Music] marching as to [Music] of jesus christ is [Music] of jesus [Music] and with [Music] kingdoms rise and wind but the church of jesus constance will remain gates of hell can never [Music] of jesus going on [Music] your voices [Music] unto christ our king this through countless ages men and angels sing onwards christ and soul just marching as to [Music] of jesus [Music] happy sabbath again everyone we will now have the children's story hey kids have you ever been on a super important super special mission like sneaking behind enemy lines to capture the flag to bring your team to victory or grabbing something from the pantry so your mom can make dinner well today that's what we're talking about the most important mission of all it's called the great commission and we first hear about it from jesus in the book of matthew let's take a look and see what it says jesus came and told his disciples go and make disciples of all the nations baptizing them in the name of the father and the son and the holy spirit teach these new disciples to obey all the commands i've given you jesus said this to his disciples but it's for us too so let's see how we can complete our mission go make disciples when jesus died on the cross he made a way for us to follow him and so that we can be in heaven with him someday and if you put your faith in him that makes you a disciple but jesus wants everybody to be a disciple so it's up to us to help him and the best way to do that is to tell others about him tell them how much jesus loves them and that he died on the cross for them too then hopefully they'll start to follow jesus too next baptize them see when somebody puts their faith in jesus they're saved that's it there's nothing else they have to do jesus has done everything for them but new disciples like to get baptized because it shows everybody around them that they belong to jesus now it shows others that just like jesus died and rose again we go into the water and come back out signifying our new life with him last teach them to obey jesus now that someone is saved they need to know how jesus wants them to live their life see when we know what jesus wants from us and we go do it that's called obedience and it's our job to help new disciples do that teach them about what the bible says and show them how to do it in their lives and that's the great commission it wasn't just for the disciples it was for all of us and that's why it's our memory verse therefore go and make disciples of all the nations so next time you're on a super special important mission remember the most important mission of all and go tell others about jesus [Music] so they gave according to their means and beyond their means of their own free will but first they gave themself to the lord deacons deacon and deaconesses could it please stand in their place for the offering tizen offering our online viewers remember to submit your tithes and offerings to their accounts provided by the the church okay let us free eternal god and our father we thank you for this beautiful sabbath day father we're asking you to be with us be with this day there lord father as we are about to collect our tithes and offering by asking you to have that we will give according to our means i pray in jesus name [Music] [Music] we keep [Music] we give thee by thine on whatever the gift may be or that is [Music] [Music] please please keep standing scripture reading this morning this is taken from first samuel 17 and verse 32 and it reads and david said to saul let no man's heart fall because of him thy servant will go and and fight with the philistine hear him the portion of god's holy word let us say thanks be to god [Music] oh dear lord as we pray [Music] [Music] of the world all around may our lies be transformed by our love may our souls be refreshed from above at this moment that people everywhere [Music] join us now as we come to you in prayer we lift our hearts to god at this time as we pray eternal father we are so thankful for your goodness and mercy towards us and as pathfinders and as young people through the various challenges this year and a half has posed for us as far as our schooling is concerned meeting our friends and so many other things some of our parents have lost jobs some are having major challenges but despite everything lord we want to say you have been a good god and so we come to you seeking your divine wisdom and guidance on our part oh lord as we listen to your words today may we be inspired so that we can say i will go wherever the lord sends me and so we pray for each pathfinder even now whatever they are going through whatever they face at home at school in the community in the family you will help them to face each challenge with you knowing that you are always near to us to help us and to guide us in all that we have to do day by day we present the parents before you lord knowing that they too as they try to help the pathfinders and our young people to be what you would have them to be give them lord wisdom give them the tact and the wherewithal to take care in a holistic way or young people so that they can grow up in the fear and admonition of the lord today your man's servant elder damian mandison will be sharing the word and so as he comes to share the word we pray that our hearts will be open to receive the empress of your spirit so that we can leave service today whether we are physically at within these walls or on the various social media platforms we will receive the blessings that you have in store for us so lord we leave everything into your hands we ask lord that throughout not just this divine service but throughout your sabbath our minds and our hearts will be kept fully in tune with you in jesus name we pray amen [Music] [Music] [Music] to the heart [Music] the lord the lord has chosen this morning to bring us the word elder damian madison i've known him for many years ella madison currently served as a superintendent of police are the saint angel south division in charge of operations he's a man that loved god and loved the pathfindering and adventure movement we currently serve together as era coordinator for central jamaica conference in charge of master guide elder mandison is a member of the waterford sda church where he served as part finder director he's also married to the daughter of one of our former senior pastor pastor walker and the union has produced two boys zachary and ace he loves youth ministry he loves people he loves serving and today the lord has cemented the words in his heart to bring to his people i encourage that you whisper a prayer in your heart the lord will use him to carry out his mandate before we hear the word from god through elder damian mandelson sister chantal morrison will give us a song in meditation after which eldo mandison will give the word this [Music] it's my desire to live for jesus it's my desire to live for him though oft i failed and brought him much it's my desire to live for him if you could see where jesus brought me from to where i am today then you would know the reason why i love him so [Music] i don't need earth fame it's my desire to live for here [Music] it's my desire to help someone today someone who may have failed to see the way though i've been so long but i found my way back to god and it's my desire if you could see where god has brought me from to where i am today then you would know the reason why and you could take this world it's 12 minutes i don't need those things it's my desire to live for him and you could take this world itself and riches i don't need earth [Music] it's my desire it's my desire it's my desire to live for him [Music] to live for him [Music] uh what a beautiful beautiful rendition by chantel thank you for sharing that wonderful song with us on this or international path finders there and to my good friend and brother robert miller for such kind words of introduction at one point i wonder who will speak it off if it was me but so it is with friendship and so it is with uh brotherly love and of course in this the path find a movement that's how it is i it's really my pleasure to be here to share with you for all those who are joining on youtube or on facebook or on instagram or on whatever social media platform you are we want to say to you it's our pleasure and absolute privilege to have you joining us whether you're a member whether you are just visiting and more so even warm and joyous welcome to our pathfinders to those who are between especially if i may even expanded to the adventures those who are between the ages of six or straight through to 15 or even those who are even older and in the spirit the true spirit of pathfinding because that's what it's all about so this afternoon we are sharing or today we are sharing under the theme i will go and hear it spanishtown church if i may just pause to say thank you to or elder and to our pastor pastor nathan and the entire part finder and leadership here at the at your pathfinder club we just want to say thanks for being here my wife and children are here with me and i just want to acknowledge them for their continued support the theme i will go and here today we share with i will go amidst i will go amidst it it's it's really comforting when you amidst all that is happening you can rest assured in the word of god i wish i could hear somebody say amen it is comforting to know that when everything else is falling apart we have learned to trust in the lord of mercy it is good to know that when others seemingly losing hope as to if this pandemic will end as children of god as part finders we rest assure in the word of god that soon will be done with the troubles of god mercy will be done with the troubles of this world and so it's with confidence that as part of us we amid what is happening we keep smiling in jesus as children of god amidst what is happening we hang on to hope that we are found in christ and so this afternoon i will keep with the theme i will go amiss or scripture reading which was taken from first samuel 17 and verse 32 and it reads david said to saul let no one lose heart on account of this philistine your servant will go somebody didn't hear that your servant will go pardon me if i may just adjust here by saying i will go and fight him the theme i will go amidst wherever you are on the various platforms are here inside the congregation i invite you at this time to borrow heads as we invoke the very divine presence of almighty god our heavenly father and friend as pathfinders we stand boldly before you humbled for what you have done and continue to do through this movement after 71 years as we come before your presence this afternoon to share in your word rehash for adjunction to function we ask for a word for the moment we ask lord for your divine hand to touch my very lips and lord i ask of you even though to fasten me to the rock christ jesus and hung upon me his portrait so that i be not seen but christ be glorified let a part find a walk away from that screen walk away from this place acknowledging and coming one and one contact with jesus let heaven come down and glory fill somebody's soul today we pray in jesus name amen in our world today there are many individuals who are considered to be great icon see in fact i want to paint a slight picture even of some individuals and take your two possible some of these arenas i i want you to think of uh being called or been you're sitting in a in a stadium with uh thousands of of of fans and folks out there and here comes walking in from from one of those um athletic pathways when you look you behold one that looks rather little bit slender but rather tall and strong and by from afar you recognize him to be usain bolt i want you to imagine that he took up he took a mic and he immediately called out asking if there's anyone who think you can beat me at 100 meters if there's anyone who thinks you can run faster than me i invite you to come out and come feel and come and face me i want to think that especially if it is in his a day that i doubt very much that anyone would seriously consider that they have a chance imagine even now that shelly and frieza or even the fastest woman alive elaine thompson imagine she walking out and posing the challenge who will come and run against me i i want to think that as much as it is that she's a female i i would not want to quote my bets on being able to go up against him but i want you to realize that as impossible as it might seems for you or for me to seek to take on such a challenge there was a young man who faced a similar challenge a challenge that seemed physically humanly impossible by now you realize that i might be referencing and speaking about david you see david was faced with a challenge just like we do as part finders just like we do with our academics just as we do with peer pressure just as we do now with the pandemic david was faced with a challenge that seemed insurmountable i want to paint for you a little appreciation of the challenge that david faced i want you to know some basic facts about goliath i want you to know this that goliath goliath the bible tells us that goliath's height was approximately 2.97 meters that is equivalent to some nine feet and all i should many persons said we can equate it to just about 10 feet because it's nine feet and eight inches goliath was not just tall but it said that the shackles that goliath carried weighed some 126 pounds not just that but goliath goliath spear and if i may say that's just correct that is harm we're 126 pounds a spear with some 14.9 we can approximate it to 15 pounds goliath was not just tall goliath was a big man uh even in today's age to see and in spite of even in today's age to see a 10 feet man walking is a giant goliath would have easily weighed over 400 pounds and 400 pounds but not overweight but in full strength and and physique goliath was a pure giant in every form of the word goliath was he who david had to challenge i want to let everyone appreciate that in our lives our circumstances our situations our holy goliaths have mercy have mercy or challenges in our lives or spirit you know during our spiritual walk the obstacles that we face are merely goliaths and it's important for us to face our situations in the right perspective because if we fail to do that then we will look at our goliaths pretty much like oh saul and david's brother and the entire army of israel looked at goliath already for 40 days they saw themselves as defeated for 40 days the philistine came out and mocked the god of the israelites for 40 days the israelites saw themselves as defeated fools because for four days they kept looking at goliath have mercy have mercy they kept looking at goliath but one day david i believe led by inspiration decided to send his shepherd son the one that was too small to fight the one that was too young to go to war he decided to send the sun that was not fitted to represent the family on the battlefield by divine inspiration he sent him jesus sent him to tend to his brothers david gotten getting wind of what was happening decided that after beholding his god for so many years when he looked up and when he saw goliath he realized oh little goliath was to his big god have mercy somebody he realized that after looking at his god for so many years he recognized that it's not that goliath was a giant but by then he realized how mighty and powerful his god is i want to present to us this afternoon in very short several basic facts learned from the life of david in overcoming his giant goliath and these are several principles are several basic elements i want for us to walk away from here and walk away with confidence knowing that amidst all that is happening in our lives amidst everything that is happening in our world we can answer the call i will go number one before reaching the battlefield even make sure that god has been with him and he has been with god i hear somebody say amen before he got to the battlefield david made sure that his connection with god was intact come on somebody you see there are many persons who are losing hope in these trying times because trying times they are many are losing hope because we have lost loved ones we have lost neighbors we have lost friends i believe when we should resume church if we should church will just never look the same again because we have lost so many brethren along the way last two years have been treacherous we have been rocked on every side i've listened to members i've listened to folks in our community saying that they are lost they don't know what to do they have lost all hope that things will ever be better but i tell you lose hope in these times because you did not have a connection with god before these times let me say to somebody before david got to the battle david made sure that he knew who god was and god knew him of mercy make sure that we have been with god in first samuel 17 and verse 37 pathfinders the lord says the lord who rescued me from the paul of the lion says david and the poor of the bear will rescue me from the hand of the philistine the god who took me through my circumstances in the past is the same god today and is the same god that will never be forevermore the same god who provided for me ten years ago when things were rough and i could not see my way that god would provide for me even today the god who sent me a job when i was jobless that god would still turn up today you see because god never changed david is saying if god could have taken me through all my battles in the past or what is this uncircumcised philistine to to threaten my god david had a connection with god no wonder it says in psalm chapter 23 and verse 1 the lord of mercy david was a shepherd but when david looked at his own life he recognized that he is no different from his own sheep who often time go astray of mercy jesus so when david look at his life and realize that he himself is like his sheep david penned these beautiful words in psalm chapter 23 david says the lord the lord his my shepherd have mercy the lord is my shepherd i am his sheep and he will take care of me if i david will do all i can for my sheep i just imagine what almighty god will do for me and david says in psalm chapter 5 and verse 3 in the morning lord you hear my voice in the morning i lay my request before you and wait expectedly in the more i i say this to us david had a connection with god and got a connection with david before he faced it's battles i'm inviting a pathfinder i'm inviting a master guide i'm inviting a backslider i'm inviting uh someone who's never been with god i'm inviting a church member i'm inviting somebody today that now is the time for you to get your connection with god in the right place now is the time for you to ensure that your soul is anchored in jesus christ maybe because when your battles get rough you oftentimes see the giant and not see your god when your battle is rough if you don't know jesus you you will you'll cry as the israelites did for 40 days to say we cannot go up against this giant but when we would have been with jesus like david did then of course we'll realize how big our god is i know small or giants are david preparation did not begin with his this great battle rather it began alone with god those small spiritual experiences those apparent small victories those apparent small encounters all they did was prepare david for the greater battle that was to come no wonder it says that he that is faithful in a few things god will make them stewards over many things i i want you to understand the spiritual growth and the experience that we have in jesus the second point i want to make with us about the life of david is that the warrior called by god is humble and obedient amidst the warrior called by god part finals are humble and obedient i often use this phrase especially in corporate and sometimes when it gets to this time of the year going down to individuals that before you can be a leader you must be able to be led don't think you're with me before you can be a leader you must first of all be able to be led and to be a good follower david knew what it meant to be humble and to be led amidst the fact that he was here marked for the throne even amidst all that was happening and the victories he had i want you to understand who david was when you look at first samuel 17 34-35 the bible says but david said to saul your servant have mercy your servant i david your servant has been keeping his father's sheep i want you to understand that david was not here boasting about some big fancy attractive tasks that he had to do appreciate that he was attending to the sheep because he was felt like there was nothing else for him to do there was nothing as it seemed that he could do who want to attend to sheep so ever so often go astray ever so often you have to be out by day or by night hunting them down trying to bring them back to the fall who else want to he wasn't boasting about being any magnificent having any magnificent tasks but rather pointing to the fact like martin luther king says david was saying anything that i put my hands to do i will do it so well not unto man but unto god knowing quite well that my master is my lord david was saying as a shepherd boy i did it with all that i had i have been faithful to my god evil so that when a lion and even when a beer came and carried off a sheep from the flock i went after it struck it and rescued the sheep from them from from its mouth when it turned on me i seized it by the hair and struck it and kill it david's assignment was to care for sheep even while his brothers were senior members and fighters in the army of israel i also want you to realize like i have referenced before first summer 17 17 and 18 that when jesse called david from the field it was not a promotion but a part of his routine it would seems or a part of his stars to be a servant to his dad and his family so his call was to you come take these the meal take this these supplies to your brothers who are fighting on the battle in the battle david is a shepherd and a heron boy it seems but it does not limit his effect and his contribution and his commitment to god i want to say to a path final today you might feel like you're not the favorite in the family you might feel that you're not the favorite in class you might even feel like you are seemingly insignificant to the mass of all that is happening around you but i want to point you to the life of david though sometime he might have felt forgotten lost in the field with a sheep seemed like it was insignificant david did his job as a shepherd boy not unto his father holy not unto his king but more than anything else he did it unto almighty god i say to you whatsoever your hand find us to do do it with all thy might do it with all thy heart because it is god preparing you for better things to come and even if it's not in this life but it is indeed for eternity david answer the caller i will go amaze my third point as i run on the warrior must bring god to the camp have mercy the warrior must bring god to the cap of all the points this is easily one of my favorites because oftentimes our classmates or neighbors or friends or co-workers that we leave jesus in the car or we leave him at home david took god to the camp amidst david said in psalm 17 1726 who is this uncircumcised philistine that he should defy the harmonies of the living god israel's army at 40 days talked about the giant david immediately realize and begin to talk about is god and not the giant i encourage you wherever you go ensure that you take jesus with you not just on your lips but most in your hearts and can i say further and serve the adventists especially in our actions have mercy especially in our actions so we care for others especially in these tough times encourage us pathfinders to reflect jesus in all that we do number four the warrior is not afraid if god is at their side a warrior is not afraid and god is by himself in first samuel 17 verse 26 david asks the men standing near him what will be done for the man who kills the philistine and remove this disgrace from israel who is this uncircumcised philistine that he should defy the harmonies of the living god and verse 32 says david said to saul let no one lose art on account of this philistine your servant will go and fight him your servant will go and fight him psalms 21 25 and verse 1 says those who trust in the lord those who trust in the lord are like mount zion which cannot be shaken but but but endures but endures forever i want to say to us in this amidst the circumstances that we're facing like david says those who trust in the lord those who anchor their faith in almighty god those who during these tough times find pleasure in the word of god those who are amidst all the conspiracies that are taking place part finders who who would have been built and who would have been nurtured would have been guided through the word of god from busy be righteous those who who have been in the word and have been in christ will find in these times great solace in jesus christ i encourage everyone i encourage every part finder that amidst all the controversies that are going on around us let us hank our faith knowing quite well that these are the last days of earth's history and in just a little while we are going home number five the warriors when he goes in the name of the lord does not hear the negative voices of mercy i run on by saying when david started getting ready for battle first of all when he proposed to go and fight everybody laughed at him everybody mocked him and they cheered him because how can it be that one you're slender you're you're you're not fitted you don't have the physique that is required for this task david oh shepherd boy you you don't have the experience to fight in such an important battle not for your whole soul not for your family not for israel and of course not in this battle there were so many things that were go that was not in his favor when they could have passed everything else when he got to the chance of putting on the harmon to go and fight that was when it was easily most obvious let me say to somebody here your resume might not match the prerequisite for that job have mercy your experience might not match what the world and those looking on expected where you are and your physical ability let me speak to my path finders and my youngsters in the church and in a world who have their various physical challenges your circumstances might not dictate or or look like that which they are looking for but i want you to rest assured i want you to rest assured that david did not have what it takes somebody said how could you say that or could you say that david did not have what it takes to fight goliath i want you to come with me i want you to come with me while david did not have what it takes the beauty about god and the beauty about is that david knew what it takes come on i don't think you're with david did not have it but david had a big brother david had a father who he can call upon and while david did not have it he knew exactly that all he needed to do was just to lean on jesus christ he knew that all he needed to do was just lean on almighty god and god would fix it for him in spite the negative things that are said i want you to say let the negative things be negative things that are unsubstantiated because if there are negative things being said and they are true that is something else but when the negative things are being said and they are not true you can glory amidst in the cross when you look at verse 33 of the same chapter saul replied to david he said you are not able to go out against this philistine and fight him you are only a young man have mercy over the time you are only five feet plus height they would say you are only or you only have a few subjects you only have this you only have that i want to let somebody know i want a part finder today to know the what's the only thing that you have is the only thing that god needs to work his miracle have mercy the only thing you have is the only thing that god needs just to work that miracle in your life and so i say while others will see the giant i invite you to not see the giant in goliath but see the giant there is in almighty god verse 37 says the lord david says to him the lord who rescued me from the pause of the lion and the paws of the bear will rescue me from the hands of the philistine the value of daily walk with god saul said to david go and the lord be with you have mercy if the lord goes with me then i'll go but if the lord don't go with me i i will not move from here one says i will not move from here david doesn't doesn't say i think he'll deliver me but rather with confidence in the god he has served over the years david says i know that he will deliver me point number six the warrior fills his mouth with god and with god's word mercy the warrior fills his mouth with god and with god's words i say to somebody if you often time wants to know where a person is with their relationship with god it's possible to check their instagram page it's possible to check their facebook page it's possible to check their tweets it's possible to check because when you are in love with someone of mercy i don't think let me let me draw this acknowledge and i will try to make it as as acceptable as possible to my pathfinders but let me speak to the adults first when you're in love with someone like when i met my wife when you check my display picture if it was not my wife there it was me and my wife are you are you with me when you check my facebook page i i had nothing else i wanted to talk about i was interested in no one else i don't want to talk about anyone when i meet with my friends all my discussions was what was about my wife and my last encounter what we're going to do next where we're going to go next all i wanted to talk about was was she with whom i'm in love with have mercy can i can i bring this up to you david was in a love tangled up bind up wrapped up relationship with god when david met his encounter with goliath i want you to appreciate when you when you'll go with me to verse 45 to 40 to 47 of the same chapter that all david spoke about was his god all he knew to talk about was his david didn't know to boast about anything else that he had david did not know to boast about a car that he had because more so he didn't have one david did not know to boast about any strength that he had because by now david realized that his strength lie wholly in almighty god david realized that there was no bank account to boston david realized that he couldn't boast in his family line of inheritance david realized that the only thing he could boast of when you read these three verses some at least six times david mentioned almighty god as he boasts about what he believes and accept that he's god can and will do i say to us as i now speak to a part finals as a pathfinder when you answer the call i will go you answer the call with the assurance and with confidence that you're going with god that you're going in god and that god is going with you no wonder or emblem speak about a song in my heart as i go on god's parents you see it's by being wrapped up with jesus with god on our lips we're here then and only then to share jesus with those we come in contact with and i've said this before not on many occasions it's not the absence of just speaking the word because some of us are good at it but it's the ability to live that word as an example to our neighbors and our friends it's the ability to share with our neighbors and many a time to compromise our position by some of the very things we tweet so the very things that we say some of the very things that we post but i encourage somebody to start a conversation with a friend by simply tweeting i will go amidst someone will ask you back i will go amidst what i will go amidst the travesties of this world and live for jesus i will go amid all that is happening around me and will be a disciple for jesus christ i will go amidst all that is going on i will go for jesus seven and final warrior david does not play with evil but he cut off evil zed have mercy let me tell you something it's our time that we learn from david not to play with the enemy it's not by chance that he was thrown out of heaven you know because the devil is not someone to play with when david got the chance with goliath when he was down david made sure that he was out because david is trying to understand that we are not to play with evil we are not to try i often tell the story about while growing up i heard the story of someone who was taken to a precipice and where i come from in woodford up in san andreas there are plenty of those it was taken and someone asked the question how close do you think you can come to this precipice without falling over one man says i can come just about a feet or less i i can go pretty close i'm not falling over i'm that skin my balance is great another says that's that's that's not anything man i can do much better than that in fact you see i can tiptoe i'm that good i can tiptoe to the edge of that precipice and you see my my balance and my kinesthetic ability so great i i can hold it there on my toes and not fall over one man says you see i should have been a gym this year i should have been i should have done gymnastics and in fact i can hang off of my body over there half on and still not fall over and then they got to another man and they said oh for all clothes can you come to this oh before you follow he said sir i'll tell you the truth you see when it comes down to precipice i don't i don't run those jokes you see sir i am so scared of heights i'm so scared of it i am not even gonna come close to that thing in fact i'm gonna stay far from that precipice because i don't want to fall over i want to say to some part finder today there are some temptations that from a distance they appear to be attractive they are deceptions of the devil they are deceptions of the enemy i'm inviting you don't try to tiptoe to see how skillful you are to play with sin don't try to see how good you are at sinful gymnastics i invite you stay as far from sin as possible stay as far from the enemy as possible i invite you to answer the call answer the call from almighty god i will go i will not try to see how skillful i am in navigating on my own i will go with god i will walk away from sin and i will walk with him if you are willing to respond to this call wherever you are on whatever platform i ask of you to respond i will go i will go make sure as you seek to answer the call that if you will go make sure you have you've had an encounter with god not just that but make sure that you're humble and obedient to his word not just that but ensure that you are pledging your heart through almighty god that you will keep his commandments not just that but make sure that if you're willing to go that you put all your trust in almighty god if you are willing to go fill your mouth with the word and the promises of god if you are willing to go leave the fight to him and hide behind jesus christ and his cross if you are willing to go follow his instructions to the verity and to the very end if you are willing to go learn to hear the voice of god if you are willing to go young people cut the ties with sin and with evil not just our young people but our adults as well cut the ties with sin and evil if you're willing to go recognize that victory comes from almighty god if you are willing to go do not waste time but get up now and leave it all in the hands of almighty god if you're willing to go wherever you are in front of your phones your tablets your your your your your television set you're in front of your your laptop wherever you are whatever you're doing if you're willing to go if you look at the life of david and you learn from him these seven lessons to say as a worry of i want to be a warrior for the king but as a warrior i am willing to go you're saying lord here i am faulty as david was undone as he was imperfect not fitted for the battle but god fit him for the call you're saying lord i also want to be fitted i also want to take on this call for you you're saying lord i will go i will go amids my weaknesses i will go amidst my shortcomings i will go amidst the heaviness of the armor that is bearing me down i will go amid my family situations i will go amid my educational limitations or my educational exploits i will go amids god is saying to you i will fit you for the call wherever you are you're in this congregation or wherever you are ask you to stand with me as we offer a very special prayer for our finest we offer a very special prayer as we all answer the call not heavenly father i will go amidst bore your heads as we pray heavily father as this appeal goes out to our or pathfinders or or young people those who have accepted you in the past and those who who who even at this during this hour of meditation accepted you even those who are making the decision now even those who are who are toiling between two opinions even though lord these young people who are online or wherever they are they're watching on and they're saying lord it's a difficult task to face my giants but but when i look at the life of david unfitted undone ah lord lord i'm not even sure if i have the confidence in sign it they are saying lord but but they're saying nonetheless i will go answer the call jesus we're answering the call we ask of you lord to take our lives and let it be consecrated lord to thee take our silver and our gold take our will take our livestick or every bean take our families or situations or circumstances take everything we have heavenly father because i will go we will go as pathfinders lord as we celebrate our 71st year the world of the lord we're saying we will go there is a battle to be won there is a victory to be won there there's a message to be sure yes lord we will go we accept your call lord and we ask you to fit us not just for this life but for eternity let your will be done in our lives so ask you to bless our pathfinders bless the homes for which they represent bless the families for which they represent bless their going out and they are coming in lord we ask you to help us to be beacons you know various fears of life so that others will indeed find the path to jesus christ help us lord to be true pathfinders to be true guides for her master to be true adventurous for jesus literally will be done in our lives and let us to live out our pledge in our creeds so that not unto this life only but unto jesus christ even so lord we ask you be with those who are going through tough times financial circumstances and family situation health deteriorating lord families are in pain families are mourning jesus loving god their families who are at the brink of giving up they started this journey with strength and with vigor it seems but even though they are uncertain lord as to where their faith lie in you they're hanging by a tread hanging by a thread jesus today lord we ask of you hunger somebody's faith lord hank of somebody's faith in you that they never give up keep us true lord jesus keep us true as we run this race keep us true like david did in jesus name we pray amen amen [Music] [Music] [Music] is him 537 [Music] with heavenly comfort from is [Music] his faithful followers [Music] [Music] [Music] his faithful followers [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] his faithful [Music] is [Applause] [Music] hey kids have you ever been on a super important super special mission like sneaking behind enemy lines to capture the flag to bring your team to victory or grabbing something from the pantry it is a blessed and beautiful sabbath day especially as we celebrate world pathfinder day the pathfinder movement began 71 years ago 71 glorious years this great and powerful movement has been equipping youth with life skills helping them to have a deeper commitment with god to develop their physical strength and to foster social development we do believe that at this time the pathfinder club is more valuable it's more relevant than we would ever imagine because as crises unfold we need to develop new skills to meet these demands so i ask if you're a parent and you have not yet enlisted your child in the pathfinder movement now is the time if you're a child and you want to develop your skills in your and your abilities to be the best person you could ever be to realize your goals to fulfill your dreams join the pathfinder club and as we celebrate today i express appreciation to or conference youth ministries directors in their respective fields and today we will be inspired by pastor kevin barnaby of the central jamaica conference i pray that or area coordinators federation officers local club leaders who continue to give off their contribution to make sacrificial service for the advancement and the development of our youth that you too will stay the course and by the grace of god i pray that you will receive fresh inspiration as for me i will go i hope that you two will say i will go i will go and make a big difference for jesus have yourselves a happy pathfinder day god bless you we close off the service with benediction we thank you again lord for your words today for your words that have inspired us has motivated us and your words that have brought us even closer to you may it continue to transform us as young people to make us into the persons you would have us to be and now may the grace of our lord jesus christ the love of the father and the fellowship of his spirit be with us all both now and forevermore amen [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: Spanish Town SDA Church
Views: 729
Rating: 5 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 143min 19sec (8599 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 18 2021
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