Yom Kippur 10am Service Congregation Beth Israel 5782

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[Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] martial [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] let's join together [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] this morning you may already be starting to feel that you haven't had your coffee you didn't have your breakfast and eventually those grumbles in our stomach are going to reach a roar as we make it through this journey inward today we're going to reach something inside of ourselves that changes us that's the point today to come to that place of change and yet i also want to offer a word an encouragement as you come into your fast today that it isn't supposed to be easy it's going to make you feel uncomfortable there's going to be long periods of standing there's going to be discomfort what there should not be today is pain so if you need to take a break if you need to sit down it's going to be over 100 degrees if you need some water drink some water we'd rather you make it through the day so take care of yourself but also allow yourself to find that place within you where the discomfort motivates you where it helps you go deeper while we travel on this journey together today so if you're here in the room with us and your phone is nearby make sure you turn it off so it's not a distraction if you're home with us and your phone is doing something other than watching the service find yourself in a place of concentration so that we can really be present in this holy day let's turn to page 176 as we begin with the khatsikarishime [Music] is [Music] let's turn to page 178 and stand for the bahu [Music] i [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] top of page 185 and then we'll turn to 186. hey naney behold i stand ready to listen and learn to embrace in thought and deed to proclaim with a whole heart the sacred unity of all beings [Music] is [Music] is [Music] yes [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Applause] let's be seated and we invite sloane gorman to join us on the bema as she leads us in the vehicle this morning and since it is yom kippur let us all sing together loudly and proudly [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] me [Music] a story israel entered the red sea singing when they sang mihamoha the first time the water came up just to their ankles and as the song continued the water rose further washing over their heads this time the word hamocha came out as kamoka because you can't say ha when your mouth is full of water only when they were in over their heads did god divide the sea this morning may we keep our heads above water as we recount this past year the weight that we carry lifts as we forgive and are forgiven for our lesser moments our renewed soul is buoyant and our mouths fill with words of praise let's join together in mihamoha on page 196. [Music] this [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] israel is [Music] guided by the wisdom of our tradition and the spiritual insights of our sages i open myself through prayer to the sovereign of compassion i open my lips to seek the soul of forgiveness let's stand for the amidah page 198. [Music] is [Music] that my mouth [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] my [Music] hello [Music] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] more oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] i um [Music] [Applause] [Music] uh [Music] [Applause] yes [Music] oh [Music] me [Music] oh be seated top of page 208 of sovereign god of pardon and forgiveness that these words of sanctity ascend to you let us proclaim the power of this day a day whose holiness awakens deep deepest awake and inspires highest praise for your dominion for your throne is a throne of love you reign in a reign of truth together in truth you are judge and plaintiff counselor and witness you inscribe and seal you record and recount you remember all that we have forgotten and when you open the book of memories it speaks for itself for every human hand leaves its mark an imprint like no other [Music] [Music] god [Music] [Applause] [Music] ah [Music] [Music] is [Music] me [Music] hey [Applause] [Music] [Applause] and we continue together on page 200 and 12. [Music] oh [Music] god [Music] it's all [Music] [Applause] [Music] m [Music] me [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] we shall live ourselves me join together [Music] my [Music] heart please join in responsive reading we'll share every other paragraph to get every other verse together on page 213 an empty page an open book a day of ultimate questions will i still be here next year as time with the ones i love beside me what is in store for my family and what will become of my friends who will have a reason to celebrate who will contend with grief new love new babies marriages deepening or breaking apart prosperity struggle reversal of fortune illness and health await us who will be missing when we gather next who will stand apart who will be estranged and who will have joined us enriching our community on the edge of the unknown we treble what lies ahead for us all an empty page an open book nothing is written and nothing is sealed flesh and blood frail creatures our lives are fleeting and subject to chance yes we possess the strength to persist to comfort one another in the dark prayer right action a turning toward the good these give us hope and help us bear the pains of life two hundred fourteen [Music] [Laughter] [Music] but through return to the right path through prayer and righteous giving we can transcend the harshness of the decree together you are everything that we praise you for slow to anger quick to forgive you do not wish the death of sinners but urge them to return from their ways and live until the day of death you wait for them you accept them at once if they return since you created us you know our impulses we are but flesh and blood let's continue now on 218 with the kedusha please stand [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] higher [Music] [Music] my [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] god [Music] oh [Music] she [Music] [Applause] [Music] page 244. [Music] our god divine presence whose path our ancestors walked bless us now with the words first bestowed on israel in the time of moses and aaron the threefold blessing given us through torah that joins our hopes with theirs [Music] yay [Music] may god grace you with the warmth of a smile [Music] [Music] may god turn to you and shine into your eyes and unfold you in a mantle of peace kenya here at zone amen amen you may be seated as we take some time for our own private prayer and internal reflection [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] let there be peace and grant goodness blessing and grace constancy and compassion to us and all israel your people may we all be inscribed the book of life for a year of good health ahead page 246. [Music] sure [Music] [Applause] [Music] let's join together [Music] r oh [Music] refrain [Music] [Applause] [Music] r [Music] [Applause] [Music] our [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh oh [Music] let's stand and turn to page 252 for avinu malcano [Music] almighty and merciful hear our voice [Music] [Music] have [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] do not turn us away from you with nothing [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] merciful answer us with grace for our deeds our wanting save us through acts of justice and love we join together [Music] m [Music] [Laughter] [Music] page 255 for both at home and here please don't forget in light of the cautions that we're taking we don't do the hakafa but we do invite you to blow kisses to the torah and we'll make sure to blow a kiss to you at home as well so we are again on page two hundred fifty-five [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] 18 [Music] [Applause] shall [Music] foreign [Music] me 256 adonai adonai god compassionate gracious endlessly patient loving and true showing mercy to the thousandth generations forgiving evil defiance and wrongdoing granting pardon me [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] we are going to uh before we speak a little bit about the uh parsha for this very sacred day of yom kippur which is also called shabbat shabbaton or the sabbath of sabbaths we're going to ask first for god's prayers of healing of mind and body and spirit for our loved ones some who are with us in this room some who are at home and some who in fact may be in rehab centers or in hospitals or hospice and i will in a moment read the names of our communal healing list but also ask for you here and for you at home if you wish to type in the name of a loved one who you would like us to pray for we're going to be singing first misha barach and then in the middle of the two verses we will call for names after i read the names of our congregants [Music] [Music] new together may the source of strength bless the ones before us help us find the courage to make our lives a blessing and let us [Music] this congregation on this yom kippur we are sending our prayers and our hearts filled with blessing for cassie black stephen black jaya basmiriam christine kobo christine cohen elisa talia dina mordechai tsv ben sarah rocco sharon deutsch michael first larry maggie grishon ben miriam karen berman mizomi dannymon height shirley oberfield maria antonia ospina masha bachchashana rachmiel binbanishwavida khalaya bhat baruch cooper romanelli lee ronnell sally rosenbloom marty rosenthal andrew schwartz kathleen smith michael peeler smith kathy suthholter david wisher jim unruh fran white if you are here please feel free at this time to say the name of a loved one if you are at home again please feel free to type in the comment section below the name of your loved one so that we can take them into our hearts with our own me shaping [Music] [Music] bless those in need of healing with refuge [Music] the renewal the renewal of spirit and let us [Music] as you all know misha barach is said for healing misha barach has said for someone who was called for an aliyah misha barack has said for a new baby at a bris or a baby naming misha barach is the prayer part excellence when we are praying on behalf of someone else but many of us don't know what the two words mean me shabarach followed by avraham it means quite literally you oh god or may you god who blessed abraham isaac and jacob sarah rebecca rachel and leah bless the following and then you can literally fill in the blank someone who's sick someone who comes to bless the torah a couple at a wedding a baby at a bris or a naming and so on and so on and in no way even though it is by implication a generic formulated prayer the misha barach in no way is it generic at all because it is specific for the person who is receiving it so when i say a misha barach for someone who is sick it is specifically for that person whose name i read whether their name is read in hebrew or in english the question is why do we invoke our ancestors you may ask why in general are we constantly invoking in judaism people who lived four thousand years ago well there are many reasons and a separate sermon answering that question why our ancestors but let me put it simply our ancestors mean everything to us not just our parents and our grandparents but their parents and their grandparents we are nothing we are nothing as individuals and as people both literally and figuratively without our ancestors reminding us of their trials and tribulations of their sins and their forgivenesses of their dysfunction and their functioning we are nothing without them empires empires have risen and fallen but this small group of israelites walking through the desert with nothing but the shoes on their feet four thousand three thousand years ago we are their descendants the roman empire is no longer the islamic empire is no longer the christian empire is no longer kingdoms have fallen but we jews are still here with the most unlikely story and most unlikely outcome we're still here and it occurred to me that it has maybe something more to do than just our ancestors why we're here although they are critically as i said we are nothing without them this is the 30th year i have in one way or another been part of leading facilitating high holy day services and it occurred to me that at no time during our high holy days do we take a moment to acknowledge the joys we have celebrated and shared individually and collectively this past year the simchas the joys and maybe this dovetails although i would not try to even think of saying it the way that rabbi mason barkin did last night but it dovetails on this idea of an alphabetical if you will or spiritual listing of joys that we have shared we always seem to acknowledge those who are he in need of healing those who are sick before kaddish we acknowledge those that are no longer with us is on this day of yom kippur we acknowledge sin i think i'm going to start a new tradition i think we're going to start a new tradition of also acknowledging and leaving a little space for joy for simcha in judaism it's okay to think about happiness we ask each other all the time are we happy am i happy happy is a very finely tuned individual emotion i am happy but just because i'm happy doesn't mean you're happy or you're happy or you're happy and if you're like me sometimes happy people annoy you always happy we cannot share in one's happiness as jews our word is samach means joy and joy is a shared communal emotion we share in joy so starting this morning we're going to acknowledge joy not just to create some sort of equivocation with sadness and sin and healing but because you are actually commanded it is a mitzvah to acknowledge and celebrate and feel joy in fact one of the five questions were asked before we enter heaven pastor mackie you're going to like this one one of the five questions because you're going to have no problem answering this is did you ever miss an opportunity to share joy did you ever miss out on an opportunity for joy whether it's during a pandemic whether it's during a war whether it's during an economic collapse did you miss out on an opportunity for joy when i see you i think the word joy of other words but joy did we miss an opportunity for a joyous exchange a joyous moment i believe we have and i believe for the very same reasons rabbi mason barkin so eloquently shared with us last night we become so bogged down in the sad and the anger in the hostility in the depression in the rage that we miss out on opportunities for joy little experiment this is going to include some group participation i will admit i don't like this kind of group participation but i am forcing myself to do it and not forcing you so if you wish if you wish if any of these statements speak to you here or at home if they apply to you i want to take a moment to acknowledge joy so i will ask you to please stand it'll get easier as we go on please stand at your seat or at home if you have navigated a significant health challenge this year please stand if you have celebrated a bar or a bat mitzvah a wedding even if it wasn't when you planned it please stand if you have been a member of congregation beth israel for 50 or more years please stand marty schultz popped right up and the leukowitz is how about 40 years about 30 years about 20 years how about you just joined this last year and we welcome you please stand if you celebrated a milestone birthday 18 21 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 kanahara 100 please stand please stand if you arrived at a significant moment in a relationship like an engagement please stand if you welcomed a baby into your family a grandchild or a child please stand if you were brave enough to start a new hobby this last year please stand if you traveled for the first time in a long time please stand if you are grateful for the miracle of a vaccine for covet 19 created in record time please stand if you adopted a covet puppy or cat and if you're just grateful that after a long year and a half we've arrived here together please stand look around and acknowledge the joy that everyone has experienced during this last year every single person is standing please be seated are the words we say when we experience something for the first time or a joyous occasion for giving us life but kiamanu for enabling us to rise to stand whether we can physically stand or not behindu and bringing us here joy is about the here and now but it's also about gratitude for our lives joy is a bomb for the soul because it's shared just as we just did by an entire community it means that even if i suffered a loss this last year i can still share in your joy it means even if i am having issues with infertility i can share in the joy of another who had a baby it means even if i have a mom or a dad who have cancer i can share in the joy of another who is in remission it means even if i experienced a separation or divorce i can celebrate at someone else's marriage spiritual ecstasy is what abraham joshua heschel calls joy spiritual ecstasy is what keeps us alive during dark times and reminds us that we navigate our lives through a combination of things that we cannot control that we have no dominion over by acknowledging moments of joy i received an email card a couple of weeks ago may the new jewish year bring you many joyful events to kvetch about see for us jews really acknowledging and being in the moment of joy is difficult it's almost counterintuitive to say i'm having a good time this is joyous or joyful right maybe not for you but for me definitely but yet sometimes it's okay not to fetch yiddish phrase upside down applies to what we are seeing around us humanity in the opposite way of what we are created in the god's image to do how we are capable of behaving as partners with god friends we just experienced together through our experience of shared joy and acknowledging that shared joy what it means to have the ability to make bold assertions of personal agency in the face of a world beyond our control personal agency not divine agency personal agency in a world that is beyond our control rabbi elliot cosgrove of park avenue synagogue a conservative shul in manhattan states the following the realization that life can come and go in the blink of an eye that there is an instability built into our lives can undoubtedly drive a person into nihilistic despair i know we've all been there this last year and a half but the theological calculus of the high holy days is very explicit life is precious existence is unstable so personal agency is everything only we can live our lives making each and every day count we can live with the desperate intentionality that the world could be upended tomorrow we can infuse life with meaning living in a manner that reflects our awareness and that means our awareness of joy the awareness as king solomon taught in that famous story of the ring that said ganza ya'avor this too shall pass the purpose of that ring was in dark times to remind us gam zaya voor this two shall pass but in moments when we're feeling on top of the world to also be reminded gamsai ya'abor this too shall pass joy and acknowledging that joy and owning it that is that personal agency can enable us to live balanced when we're sad to acknowledge happiness in others when we're joyous to acknowledge the sadness in others only the jews would tell you during your seven most immediate days of mourning to stop mourning because a holiday is coming only in judaism would you literally stop mourning the death of your mom or your dad or your brother or your sister because pesach is coming and starting because rosh hashanah yom kippur is starting the joy of the community in judaism outweighs the mourning of the individual not that you shouldn't be sad and not that you shouldn't mourn but there's a message in it the more joy the more energy of joy the more agency we have and take control of through our joy the more the world turns the more the individual can find healing awareness of this engagement in personal agency is what our tradition mandates from us what i'm saying is i know it's easy to turn god into the divine complaint department why would god do this why is god doing this why won't god do something and that goes back to our ancestors abraham isaac jacob sarah rebecca rachel and leah each one of them asked those questions god please give me a sign god please give me an intervention god please fix it for me but in judaism personal agency that is to say you own your life you have authority over your life god is there cheering you on like that obnoxious parent in the bleachers at the basketball game you know what i'm talking about that's god's role but again i remind you of the words of rabbi cosgrove the theological calculus of these days of awe is to remember that life is precious existence is unstable and personal agency is everything it's all about you because it's all about us and so on this shabbat of shabbatot the shabbat shabbaton i beg you and i implore you and i empower you to enjoy joy the bane mitzvah that we have shared with 10 12 people in the sanctuary have been among the most intimate and most beautiful and most joyous and i commend parents for the courage they had the courage they had to schedule and reschedule but to celebrate a simcha a joyous occasion and that is not placing judgment on those who would rather have and wish to postpone it because i understand that we worry our parents and grandparents may not live long enough for the wedding and so at least we need to have them at the bar about mitzvah and let's wait until they can be their safety i get it but i want to commend you who kept your dates and had 12 11 10 people there i want to acknowledge those courageous couples who let us share in the simpler of a wedding i shared in a wedding in dallas with 12 people the immediate immediate family when we sang simon tova mazel tov at the end when the glass was broken it was as if there were 1200 people there the energy the uplift we needed joy we need your joy it changes the world it transcends time and space i want us to begin our conversation with god with a sacred and profound understanding of what is beautiful and right and good in the world what we have celebrated what we have joy what joys we have shared in together this past year misha bera teen over hamilton nutenosaurus god who blessed abraham isaac and jacob sarah rebecca rachel and leah bless those who experienced joy this past year may they live by the words of king david from the book of psalms that those who sow with tears will reap in joy let us pray that these tears of sadness fear and loss that we shared these past 18 months will speedily pass so that we can all continue to reap enjoy and even if it doesn't let us still make ourselves celebrate and force ourselves to feel joy and to acknowledge it and to feel good by it it has not been an easy time yet as with generations of jews before us abraham isaac jacob sarah rebecca rachel and leia we will look toward a better future to sustain us now we will take personal agency to change the energy of the world around us by living and accepting and sharing joy and as we continue to prepare for this long day ahead we hope you will join us in the coming days for sukkot which is also called zman sinclair tenu the season of our joy as we transition to 5782 together that we may all of us and all israel reap with songs of joy for years to come good job well we are now going to take the time to hear from parashat thank you which i feel like we just read a couple weeks ago at shul but it is the torah portion that our movement has determined uh should be read for this day of yom kippur morning if you're following along in your master room we're going to be on page 266 and it is our custom at cbi to welcome for the yom kippur morning aliyah some of our newest members people who have joined the synagogue in the last year and so it's our pleasure to call for our aliyah today dr sandra j um i like to say levy but it's levy levy in hebrew levy and rabbi charles levy who's in our choir so i assume they'll be meeting up here and the writers eve and steve again you wouldn't know that they joined the temple in the last year because you probably haven't seen them since they joined unless you come to torah study and what's really cute is we have a rabbi and his lovely wife and we have two parents of a rabbi so there's a theme in our aliyah group today so i'm going to have the cantor call you up officially by your hebrew names but first he's going to call up all of our torah readers for today we would like to invite up grace and selden page katai nashiva lukamai and sydney wollman to go ahead and please come on up no i think you guys have your books though okay [Music] [Music] [Music] ah [Music] [Music] take off your mask [Music] [Music] [Music] israel [Music] adonai [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] me [Music] me a new [Music] hello [Music] [Music] alfred may god who bless our ancestors abraham isaac and jacob sarabeka rachel and leia bless those who have been called for a blessing of the torah for the aliyah on this yom khaki purim may god bless them and their families their children their grandchildren their extended family with nothing but health and well-being and of course with lots of joy and nachos as it turns out and may god know may god bless them with the spirit of friendship and community as they have joined our congregation this year may they be each to themselves a light to our congregation as they have thus far and may they know how much we appreciate their becoming part of our holy community may they continue to be blessed with abundant love and peace amen thank you sure thank you thank you rabbi mason bergen wants to say hi we're going to take a moment to lift and redress the torah before we hear from our haftarah we'll be calling matthew rush and kayla trevino to assist us with the hof torah blessings everyone else can please stand at this time as the torah is lifted to be redressed [Music] is [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Laughter] you may be seated for this yom kippur cantor can you remind me the page number it is going to be page 277. perfect two hundred and seventy three seven five the fast that i desire uh these are the beautiful words of isaiah chapter 58 for those of you at home if you don't have a monster we are on uh isaiah chapter 58 verse five verse five great please if uh you're here at home read the english as you're listening to it these are very powerful words from this huff torah portion and the blessing over the reading of the torah can be found on page 200 and 75. baruch [Music] [Music] um a [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] jose [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we join together on page 280 for the blessings after the hafthara on yom kippur baruch [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is man let's stand we'll turn to page 290 as we return the torah to the ark [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] a [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] name may be seated page 292. let's read it together responsively we stand in humility conscious of our failings hear our call together true sacrifice to god is a penitent spirit you treasure a crush and repentant heart for you are close to the brokenhearted and you give strength to a suffering soul you are the healer of shattered hearts you are the one who binds up their wounds for thus says the high and exalted one who lives forever whose name is holy i dwell in a high and holy place but also with the downcast and lowly to bring new life to despondent souls to restore and revive repentant hearts return now is israel your god for you have fallen because of your sin take words with you and return to god ask the eternal forgive what is wrong accept what is good we stand in humility conscious of our failings we set before you the wrongs we have done we trust in your compassion for you know who we are hear our call page 296. together in the middle our god and god of all generations may our prayers reach your presence and when we turn to you do not be indifferent we are arrogant and stubborn claiming to be blameless and free of sin in truth we have stumbled and strayed we have done wrong we'll stand together for the chanting of a shamnu our alphabet of woe i i i i i i [Music] i [Music] come [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] i [Music] we sit and turn to page 300 for the video our long confession is the ways we have wronged you under duress and by choice and harm we have caused in your world consciously and unconsciously the ways we have wronged you through our thoughtlessness and harm we have caused in your world through impulsive acts of malice [Music] the ways we have wronged you by abusing our power and harm we have caused in your world through disrespect to parents and teachers the ways we have wronged you by giving in to our hostile impulses and harm we have caused in your world through inflexibility and stubbornness the ways we have wronged you through lies and deceit and harm we have caused in your world by making light of serious matters the ways we have wronged you in our routine conversations and harm we have caused in your world through envy let us join together [Music] they are [Music] [Music] [Music] the ways we have wronged you openly and secretly and harm we have caused you in the world by hating without cause the ways we have wronged you by losing self-control and harm we have caused in your world through consumption of food and drink the ways we have wronged you through sexual immorality and harm we have caused in your world by hardening our hearts the ways we have wronged you through greed and exploitation and harm we have caused in your world through dishonesty in business the ways we have wronged you through our innermost thoughts and harm we have caused in your world through gossip and rumors [Music] the ways we have wronged you by offering or accepting bribes and harm we have caused in your world by profaning your name in public [Music] hello [Music] and may we hear yours and our apologies and confessions in the meditations of our heart and the accounting of our soul together hear our call and may we hear yours in words of counsel and consolation and the silence of one who listens and the strength of a hand that upholds hear our call adonai eloheinu as we strive to hear yours on this day of the heart this day of repair and healing we have so many announcements and i'm going to read them fast like when i was in middle school and they said stop saying like and slow down i'll do it without the likes but i'm not gonna slow down ready okay we want to first of all extend some thank yous first of all a heartfelt huge um big big thank you to pastor mackey and elder yarborough and all of our friends here at pilgrim rest baptist church we are just continue to be beyond blown away by the support the friendship the joyful spirit talk about joy this is one of those joyful moments so thank you and thank you and thank all of you for bringing making that a part of our our worship this morning i would like to thank our many greeters jackie and lance cohen stephen bressler yetta gettleman elaine and michael glaser andrew goldschmidt alison kiermann george ann levy amy nadel hedy and jerry orodenker debbie jonathan jessica and danielle rosenberg and carol seidberg exclamation point speaking of jerry auredenker i want to make sure you know that our sukkah construction crew is beginning this friday at 7 30 a.m so join jerry and friends if you want to help put up the sukkah we need you we need your hands we need your work so let jerry know if you're interested in joining that team the rest of the schedule for today at 12 30 today we invite you to start here we invite you to join rabbi khan and pastor mackey right here in this room for an overview of our joint cbi prbc israel trip pastor mackie will be teaching us about the many sites which are holy to christianity and rabbi khan will do the same for the jewish sites that we will be visiting please check the website for the live stream link and then of course this afternoon we will be back home at cbi for the remainder of the afternoon so that means starting at two o'clock p.m our one voice family service our suggested age for that service is kids five-ish and up but really kids that are able to sit and wear a mask all are welcome our healing service this is new this year will begin at 3 45 in the ballroom and cantor we're beginning promptly on that one 3 45. our yusker service will begin at 4 45 and then followed by nila and havdala at 5 30 pm check the website if you forget camp stein registration is open for summer 2022 all of the information you need for dates rates early bird registration all that good stuff through october 15th and then information is coming soon for our 11th and 12th graders and in addition to big jewish fun of camp stein and habercorn religious schools cbi youth of all ages can come together for fun and engaging programming all throughout the year our all youth kickoff will be held in our ballroom immediately following the first day of religious school there will be pizza there will be games additional events including teen program and our virtual option of minecraft mondays made famous last year by the jewish news can be found on our website we can't wait to welcome back all of our students in grades 8 through 12 for our better than ever in person mayan program starting on thursday september 23rd the link to register can be found on our website please feel free to contact senior director of education youth engagement stacy rosenthal give us there there she is or any member of the clergy team or staff with any questions before we get to simchat torah i'm going to vamp for a moment about our sukkot congregational dinner and service on friday september 24th we will have our regular shabbat service and then we will go out to the courtyard for dinner catered by bradley's mobile pizza oven little personal pizzas and caesar salad and our first congregational dinner other than the one we had at rosh hashanah in a really really long time so we hope that you'll join us you should have gotten the link to register uh just the other day and check the website for more we do need you to register so that we know how many are coming and we make sure there's enough food please join us then following that our simchat torah chantathon as part of our simchat tourist celebration on monday september 27th we will again invite all of the cbi binet mitzvah alumni to send in a video of themselves chanting the first verse of their bar about mitzvah torah portion just the first verse please speak to cantor ettinger if you have questions or send your video directly to him via email to be part of the chanter chantathon no later than wednesday september 22nd we will also be officially launching our centennial torah project during the simchatura evening festivities you do not want to miss it then mark your calendars for our family retreat experience shabbat and the pines with cbi at our very own camp daisy and harry stein see what all the fuss is about it will be an incredible weekend of friendship and fun march 4th through 6th next sheer joy choir talk about joy the sheer sheer joy choir is back and will be meeting on tuesday evenings from 7 to 8 30 in the plotkin museum beginning october 5th no prior musical experience is required and this year the choir will be participating in several community-wide events including centennial festival for the arizona jewish historical society phoenix sings hanukkah sing along and the hallelujah centennial concert on february 22nd at the madison center for the arts contact cantor ettinger if you're interested in joining a couple more things to save the date for songs for social justice weekend with mountain view presbyterian church and pilgrim rest baptist church that's where we are right now january 14th to 17th 2022 ruach shabbat and our next congregational dinner featuring klezmerban mostly kosher friday january 28th and of course we are delighted to welcome our bma members of our board of direct welcome to our bema kama members of our board of directors and past presidents julie hymovich bruce and pam meyer sid and julie sapperstein wendy and david carrier and jeff and mickey leonard thank you all for being here good yountiff and shanatova please do they did great thank you rabbi so all of you who are here have received a copy of the khara shot and there have been several articles published and written about the music program that is central to our high holiday musical and spiritual experience and if you have read those articles it says that the planning for the high holidays does not begin in may june or july it will happen tonight once we are finished with naila and it is a a time of relaxation but also a time where our high holiday music director and choir director jackie huber and i gather in the office and go okay what did we like what we didn't like what's going to change for next year it's a wonderful conversation i invite you all to be a part of it um but really on a more serious note i i i are clergy all who are involved could not provide as wonderful of an experience for all of you if it were not for these beautiful 25 people who are behind us one who you can't even see but who is so important to our high holiday musical experience um this is the sheer joy choir and they have been working tirelessly for the past eight weeks to prepare the music that you so wonderfully heard this morning and so i want to take a moment to thank all of them right now we can all go ahead and do so with a rubbing of the hand i want to thank susan sandro rabbi charlie levy brian weinberger eric lerner jeffrey stevens stephen scher mitzler rachel wallach sandra strand melanie ohm linda weiss lee brooks barbara london kathy diamond linda bandler maria antonia ospina stephanie leventhal ben schafer jeffrey strand i and eileen aub and i also want to thank donna harris even though she could not be with us this morning she is at home with our family and i also want to take the time i'm going to try to not tear up but to take the time to thank two people who have been so integral to our sheer joy choir since i've been here but are sadly no longer with us because we lost them during these past 18 months since we since we were together so i want to take a moment to acknowledge our beautiful sherry lowenstein one of our sopranos who is such a long time member of our choir and and the choir was her was her judaism and unfortunately she passed away during covet times and the one of the reasons why many of our choir members are here is because of the great lorraine greenberg who also passed away earlier this year their memories will forever be a blessing and will always be a source of light and music and melodious blessing for our choir and for all of us who are here and we remember them and i want to give a big thank you and i acknowledge that it wasn't my intention to put him behind the ark but of course he cannot go ahead and hide from us a big big big thank you to our choir conductor ken gutenberger um who wasn't able to see me but as you can go ahead and see we we are in absolute absolute uh sink and and synergy so on behalf of all of us in the congregation beth israel immediate family and extended family we thank you all so much for lending your gifts with us and we look forward to a wonderful 57-82 ahead thank you and then i want to take the time uh to thank sydney wollman who sang our barosha shana this morning so wonderfully and sloane gorman for chanting uh veya hofta as well as our torah readers in order off the top of my head grace and selden page katai nashivai lukamai and sydney wohlmann as well as our hoftara blessing chanters matthew rush and kayla trevino thank you so much for your time and effort in lending your gifts this year before we conclude with our final song i just want to also acknowledge stephanie and josh from cbi for the hours of time that you have put on and will continue to put in this afternoon for our sound and video and elder yarbro thank you so much for uh running the con over there at the sound station and we have more in store this afternoon as well so but thank you guys very very much for everything you've done we're going to again continue with our concluding song there's no formal end to the morning service because this is one long service today so it really will continue at two or at one of the later services back at cbi so cancer take us away [Music] oh foreign [Music] is [Music] a [Music] let's sing together [Applause] [Music] [Music] continue to have an easy fast and a safe drive back to cbi and uh we will begin probably a few minutes after 12 30 up in here pastor mackey and i uh to talk about our israel experience next november good job we'll see you in a couple hours you
Channel: Congregation Beth Israel Scottsdale
Views: 4,573
Rating: 4.9411764 out of 5
Id: or9YPSgEW-g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 133min 55sec (8035 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 16 2021
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