Space Wolves vs Thousands. Combat Patrol. Stephanie's back and takes on Mubin.

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is there any more iconic battle than Thousand Suns versus Space Wolves whether it's apocalyptic battles across the surface of Fenris or it's a combat Patrol type battle in a grim dark corner of the universe either way there's bad blood between these two armies and we're bringing them to you today in this episode of combat Patrol Stephanie's back for another combat Patrol game you can follow along with her at Orion's Belt Minis on all the socials she's a fantastic painter as well as player make sure to check her stuff out she's going to be playing the Space Wolves today the Cub EP Patrol versus moomin's thousand Sons I'm here to play some combat Patrol and I'm here to play some thousands on movements thousand Sons Army consists of one infernal Master five Scarab occult Terminators and 20 zangors movements chosen temporal sorceries for his enhancement on his infernal master and sorceress ritual for his secondary my opponent today is Stephanie and she is bringing some Space Wolves first of all Space Wolves second of all she's pretty bringing Victor dice to this game I'm a little intimidated I haven't played anyone with Victor dice yet my name is Stephanie I am back I am the victor of my first match with play on tabletop and I plan to take another Victory against move-in and His Thousand Sons with myspaceables and I am so excited Stephanie space poppers consist of a primaries lieutenant and invictor tactical War suit 10 primary intercessors and five primaris reavers she's taken Mighty Saga for her secondary and tireless Hunter for her enhancement I took the tireless Hunter enhancement today and that gives me plus one to my wound rolls I'm hoping to stack that with my oath of moment and get some seriously sweet Buffs on my dice today 's mission is archeo Tech recovery there are five objectives two of which in no man's land will disappear the last No Man's Land objective is worth 10 at the end of the game and each objective is worth five victory points to a maximum of 15 per turn scoring early is going to be key to Victory pregame movement has put his Scarab called terminiers and reserves and they've been the target of tireless Hunter and Stephanie has responded with putting her reavers in reserves seeing as I need to kill enemy models with psychic attacks this means it's going to be up to the infernal master and those Scarab occult Terminators to pull in all that work while the zangoris just provide support and control objectives Stephanie's got her battle leader on her home objective with the invictor in the back corner one of the biggest threats in that space wolves combat Patrol is that in Victor War suit and movements dropped his sorcerer dead metal I am going straight after moving's leader with my forces I cannot wait to take it down and watch as he squirms without his psycher abilities he's got a long time before she's within 12 to shoot him if I take him out I am scoring eight victory points if I manage to do it with my battle leader I get 12. I think we're deployed ready to go this only means one thing who goes first oh five five and five all right well I guess we're re-rolling all right I'm gonna take it I'm gonna go first you're going first good luck Stephanie you two moving May the best players I mean we're here to burn so we're good this episode's sponsor is Baron of dice Baron of dice makes fantastic resin dice for all your favorite games not just 40K their hand squirrel than laser Edge resin have zero mode lines or balance issues without micro bubbles we love them so much that our play on dice are from Baron of dice including these exclusive Victor dice for all your custom dice needs your go-to should be Baron of dice check out the link below and as always tell them play on sent you Stephanie's got first turn here we go both players take up to one command Point okay I'm going to use my tireless Hunter enhancement and Target your Terminators so that I get plus one to my wound rolls against them yeah smart smart because that offsets their minus one to wounds declaring Oath a moment this turn on that Squad of zangos onto the movement phase both nearby objectives have been secured by Stephanie's battle line troops so she's going to hold them until movement into command phase within range and she isn't on them oh she's definitely got a stretch across the table here there's a lot of ground to cover so I will go ahead and shoot my one guy into those things I have a six up involve okay it was worth a shot you really tried there they did try they did now let me see what my line of visibility is with the other guys oh my God so we're saying that yeah because it crossed the wall okay just the two sticks up involves wow shooting face here move has made more sex-up saves than he really deserves to that's a pretty quick turn one no score yet as we head to move into half of the first turn both players up to two command points and movement only generates Fork of all points this turn the Thousand Sons Army rule is cabal of sorcerers which means at the end of every command phase I get to generate cabal points which I can then use for Weaver of fate or Echoes from the war oh I don't like that sound all right first things first we're gonna start with these angles looks like he's gonna move up to Target those intersters with his infernal Master on to shooting because they were completely out of range those Anglers are completely out of range I've only got the infernal Master to shoot I am going to use the infernal Masters screamer invocation and I'm actually going to use it at the focused witchfire profile which means it's hazardous it's torrent but it's 2d6 attacks torrent means it automatically hits correct um hazardous means if you roll a one I have to roll a dice and if I roll a one I take three more to look okay so I'm Gonna Roll 2d6 for attacks okay ouch this is gonna hurt I am saving on fives yes oh no oh no it was right and free them die oh man no no my heart okay that's okay that's okay I'm I'm happy with that you did good except now the Moment of Truth hazardous please oh he's okay that now allows me to roll D3 for victory points at the end of the shooting phase okay because I killed at least one enemy model with a psychic attack and I will score one Victory Point okay well that's pretty impressive moving scores a point for sorceress ritual to give him one secondary point for a total score of one nothing after round one I'm thinking round two we're gonna see some bloodshed the battle shot test on the intercessor succeed and 10 victory points for Stephanie and two stickied objectives she's gonna hold those until moving drops within range at the end of a command phase foreign Squad of intercessors now Advanced to be within 12. the wounded Squad closes up as well that's going to get them entirely on top of that Aquila or Crater and that's going to give them a bonus to the cover save against higher AP weapons and then at the end of movement that's when my Reapers can yes but I'm also going to spend a command point and fire OverWatch here we go because that sorcerer's got some work to do we're going Focus switch fire into the unit with the leader 2d6 only three okay second command point I'm going to reroll a number of shots for a nine on threes four five up saves required here and another intercession goes down and now for what really matters hazardous oh no he takes three mortal wounds he's only got one left I am now that much closer due to his own attack you know what though that was worth this that was worth the risk laughs so I'm actually gonna sit on my reavers and see what plays out after this battle rounge fantastic because end of the face I killed another model with psychic attack because I can do it on any space right these your victory points for me for two okay moving I see you so round two shooting we are on to the shooting phase now and this is where it gets fun start of the phase movement space two cabal points here to get a re-roll save for a sorcerer because he's gonna need it all right so I am going to go ahead and shoot we're starting the party um let's go ahead with the sparse Squad okay I want to see what's gonna happen over there um so let's just go with my regular intercessor first four up he's okay oh we have these three in the front that are within range and I am going to shoot you with them you've got oath so you can re-roll three go ahead oh all of them they're looking for fours oh it's a moment for the win well the moment's really good wow re-rolling with oats of Boom it's really strong she definitely needs it her roles are not helping her out right now you do have command points command point to re-roll again here fails and move and says both he's okay what is this dice jujuice he's just blessed me oh okay that is okay I am not gonna smack you with my and Victor going for my six seven Bowl nope one of them will bite the dust looking for sixes no sixes two more go down and I make both I am so terrified of this thing he is terrifying except when I decided to just blow my own brains out yeah small caveat and a Stephanie's turn two she's got two command points the movements one movement does have three secondary points halfway through turn two it's 10-3 in Stephanie's favor the zangor's gained movement at cabal point and he gets two from his master so he's gonna total of four cabal points this turn so The Inferno Master does have to take a battle shock test he's a leadership six it's an interesting choice here he's choosing not to use insane bravery on him and that's gonna mean he can't Target him with stratagems later he also scores 10 primary points to make it 13-10 as we head into moving's moving phase the movement movement phase movement moving I like to move and movement I like to move it moving uh zagors run up to get some protection here I think that Stephanie has missed her opportunity to pop that sorcerer without bringing in her reavers last turn okay we are going to be using rapid Ingress it's a core stratagem to bring my reavers into the battle this got way more serious way quicker than I thought it was coming nope I need reinforcements that is a solid tactical play I did not see that coming oh the rapid Ingress thankfully I managed to Zone them out and push them into a corner that I wanted them to be in but this now puts my home objective at risk all right on to the shooting so I'm going to start with this squad of zangos they're all gonna fire their Auto pistols into that unit fours you got all those sixes again right so sixes I love these dice um however only winning on five what I will take the three sixes no AP though so you will get your three up saved okay okay phew all right because I'm battle shock and I don't want to take my chances because I can't reroll my dice I'm not gonna go for the focus which fire this time I'm just gonna go with the standard so it's only two D3 attacks but I will still continue to Target Your Leader Squad no four shots because it's 2d3 I can live with that okay Auto hit so going to threes two wounds okay uh only one twice one damage so looking for fours again yeah ah threes two threes not what I want so that'll kill the wounded intercessor through victory points for three the Scarab occult Terminators are gonna fire everything into the squad of intercessors we're gonna start with the Hellfire missile rack looking for two shots on threes I make one kill one twos no three damage will kill one of them are within half range which means I look at four shots with three of them looking for threes and then fours to do 's killing me those bolters are doing some serious work down goes another intercessor next up because they still have more shooting to go the soul Reaper Cannon oh all right I'm terrified that's the end of my shooting phase right now yeah this could go bad I'm gonna start with the shiny pretty looking zanglers they're gonna charge your leader you got this okay six inch charge so that's still a nine inch charge zinc this is where I need you to be here come on Siege no that's an eight we saw that too we should have just known I I know I know moving not setting the Terminators in that's really interesting yeah the unit of zangos that were on my home objective are gonna try and go for the nine inch charge back into the reverse to try and keep them away I'm command rerolling going down to one I'm command re-rolling it just never works this never works but it keeps you off of that objective and I need to make this happen and he fails his charge again that is huge I've only got one unit that charged in so they are going to Pile in okay please survive I'm looking for fours look at all those six what the sixes uh however I still need forced to wound all right would you kindly just fail the ball the zagors managed to wound on the battle leader of thork for one but moving loses two's angles and around two we gotta score 60-10 movements favor but Stephanie has got better board position for sure start of the battle round before you do anything else we have to see which one of these objectives is going to disappear so it's one two three four five six sure time to choose an objective to disappear next turn and it looks like the top objective is the one both moment Target every single turn I pick him and I never get there but I think this might be the turn I actually do both the moment targeting The Infernal Master again I think it should be those Terminators as they're damn hard to shift and really need to die now but let's see how this plays out so battle sharks test for those intercessors in the crater looking for at least six oh they're good all right go with the seven five victory points to Stephanie to put it to 60 to 15 in muban's favor all right all right now we move to movement [Music] I am falling back an inch I do plan on charging right back in later so I don't want to get a call right there oh the invictor is lining up some Terminator shots this is where it gets really interesting there's a lot going on there's a lot going on right now um go for Glory so yeah so let's see here also start of your shooting phase I'm going to spend two cabal points off of The Infernal master to give me at least a single reroll for a save roll okay I think you might need it try to keep them alive try all right so these four in the front here are within shooting range of him we're gonna go ahead and do that this guy in the back is going to shoot here not the zangos yes the zangos first floor into the infernal master yep oh boy I make one fail one I'm going to use a glimpse of Eternity here okay and make that three an unmodified six so he's safe for this from the shots there I still have the re-rolled safe okay and then I guess we'll just resolve this last attack over here into the zanglers no and that was no bueno okay so we're gonna go ahead and shoot there three up okay so one we roll because you have both that's right okay good so both looking for fours pulse a five and a six and looking for four UPS again because they're AP1 oh wow battle shock matters without being able to spend stratagems on that character that infernal Master is gone eight victory points and a dead infernal Master good grief and all cause I used hazardous I am in a shoot two fours four another six okay okay well now all the fun shots happen we're gonna do grenades that way we're gonna send everything else this way I really want these guys to meet their fate today so no no Terminators you will survive I believe in you so we're gonna do the twin Hill Auto Cannon first that's three shots threes and twos all of them so normally you'd be wounding them on threes but Scarab called Terminators have a role that can minus one to wound but you also marked them so they're plus one doing so back to threes again I like it okay two two wounds so we roll the twos because it's twin length there we go that's three because they're Terminators I'm looking for three UPS okay I love that face and re-rolling the fail he's okay okay so none of them go through all right we're coming in with the twin iron hail why are these names so long because Space Marines the twin Iron Hill heavy stubborn and I am within rapid fire Ranger I believe but yeah for sure oh yeah yeah oh yeah easily oh yeah you're definitely in range that's six shots then yep two ups but I still get a one okay one wounded Terminator but maybe too little too late as moving is rapidly losing assets D6 shots five okay foreign charge okay well I think this is pretty straightforward for once the battle leader charges back into combat only three inches but it's enough the two-man intercessors charge that same unit the reavers into the last zangar Squad and they're in let's I'm going to start with fork 60s no that's one and that's it nope okay so two of them die so we'll do him first all right all right here we go can you do it can he kill the mutant looking for fours no no you know what it's the regular intercessor that's gonna take the glory for you again this is the one guy he should have been the sergeant the battle right here you got one one is all you need yes they feel so good in my hands okay and we want threes you look for threes okay there's a bunch of ones and twos in there I like that I like that give me some Force I make none okay yay four of them die all right that's good news gotta take a battle shock test here but apparently zangos are tough or Stephanie's dice are a bit cold now the zangars slap back but only managed a single wound the mutant's gonna go for Glory and he's gonna try and kill your leader three attacks okay on fours and then fours again come on Force it's just typical yeah it takes another damage re-roll succeeds two command points for Stephanie left what a massive turn three for Stephanie with a dead infernal master that puts her to 23 points to move in 16 as we head into movement's turn all battle shock tests are passed and movements home objective has been stolen from the Reverb so only 10 points for moving this turn 26-23 his favor man the lone sangor falls back scarabs are coming for that mid table try to avoid the invictor the zangos also fall back to reassert dominance on that objective okay movement phase is done onto the shoesting the only unit that I have that is going to do any sort of shooting is that Squad of Terminators missile rack Soul Reaper and a Bolter into leader the rest of the bolters and warps Knight into the intercessors let's start with the leader first so two shots from the Hellfire missile rack looking for threes and then twos okay both Miss okay command re-roll to hit with a Hellfire missile of the battle leader down to one still misses oh no movement is that a one command point on to the soul Reaper Cannon uh looking for threes with six shots and then winning on threes because spring six Soul Reaper Cannon is missed uh and I said one of the bullets is going this way but it's not going to be in rapid fire range so only two shots one Bolter hit okay the vulture misses okay so the leader is going to survive he's going to join the dead Leaders Club with you but it's not I really thought that was going to be the case too but apparently not foreign yeah that hurts that hurts sorry movie no no this is what the dice do to me every time the four Boulder shots into the intercessors okay Boulders are doing stuff at least uh winning on fours though one wound AP one because you're in covered nope still take the one the wounded intercessor goes bye-bye look at this one not him and then the warp Smite because that's what I say for last uh look for threes okay that's where I get all the rolls all of them did but these are anti-infantry four with devastating oh my God every single one that's three mortal wounds he's just gone he's not just dead he's just vaporized yup I got D3 victory points this is why I picked this for two so battle shocks for them at the beginning of the fight phase they're okay with the nine heroic intervention for two command points from the reavers coming for the zangors Stephanie is down to one command Point yeah I'll be fine yeah five is more than enough let's go that way all right I'm gonna go ahead and toss these things they feel so good so you are looking for threes I like this I like this I'm okay with this oh I got two sixes but it's still not enough yeah that takes out the squad what a game we've got edit turn three tour of movement and both players have a single command Point what has Stephanie got left in the gas tank start of the battle round this objective disappears so that's gone and then I get to randomly determine which one of these two is the last one remaining one two three four five six yep four five six it's the one in the middle 15 primary victory points as those intercessors held the center objective and movement's command phase that's big oh the invictor here comes the high stepper the invictor is gonna do some work I can still do this and I'm gonna do this because it's about the best shot I've got right now your invictor's moved I'm gonna fire OverWatch with those Terminators uh I might as well do it I might as well do it for you moving overwatching for a command point trying to knock wounds off the invictor with no effect do you want to start with that one first get rid of the poor little mutant let's let him suffer over there for a little bit all right so we're going in threes make one fill one so the wounded one goes sport yay finally I hate these I've decided and Victor's now gonna go whoop whoop whoop heavy Bolter iron hail fails to hurt a Terminator down to a wound wow that was not enough these are really uh gonna put them out of his misery now or do you want to charge them let's do that you know what let's take him on a glorious combat yeah let's do it let's do the Space Wolves way yeah look at that guy shooting him is for coward yeah all right we're gonna charge in with our invictor why not we're here at the end might as well go For Broke oh yeah you're in look at that the heat is good Thor charges the lone zangor I think he's gonna make some goat stew with him I can't interrupt so you can basically choose whatever you want to fight with this is the invictor into the terminators the invictor puts three wounds on the Terminators Stephanie's down to one command point though because they haven't been chosen to fight yet I am actually going to go ahead and spend my last command Point okay last command point for moving on wreath in Warframe the lethal hit five up so fives to hit will automatically wound that's five so far for the lethal hits and then I'm looking for fives to wounds another three so that's a total of eight at ap2 two damage each what I wanted okay yes okay so you're looking for eight six go through it's 12 damage holy crap the invictor has gone down to the wound I did not see that coming and I don't think the players did either movement took my invictor from being untouched to dead no I should have done that uh I should have actually taken this shot but the staff I just realized I missed out on D3 victory points uh I should have used my fourth stuff so I'm totally okay with that do you want to murder this poor little thing right now get that over with yeah five attack goodness gracious me oh my what a turn of events I score my five for primary because I'm holding that objective I still have you still have that that disappears before you score I have this and you have that one I'm pretty sure the way this Maps out reach high at the start of Stephanie's turn she's going to score 10 points on primary that's going to take her to 48. and movement is going to score five primary for 38 and he will score 10 for holding the last Snowman's Land objective to make his score 48 plus paint 58-58 wow there are no winners on Veterans we split a pack okay that was a hell of a game keep moving what a fantastic game both players played their absolute butts off and it was a lot of fun to watch special thanks again to Stephanie from Orion's Belt minis coming up bringing her votan and her space walls for this battle fantastic having her in studio and can't wait to have her back and a big big thanks to you for watching if you like what we do please consider supporting us through YouTube membership or patreon you'll get exclusive releases as well as behind the scenes interviews early access to most of our shows and access to our Discord the most happening 40K Community around thank you again to barretted ice for not only these fantastic dice but for our play on dice make sure to check out the link in the description below and tell him play on sent you that's it for all of us here at play on Studios folks once again it's JT McDowell saying until the next time you see us in the far-flung future of a grim Dark Universe play on thank you Stephanie that was an amazing game let's just say I am so happy I can barely even sit here this is the most exciting outcome that ever could have happened climate Patrol is fantastic I actually can't wait to play more the real question is what army do I play next I get to add to my other Victor's Dice from my last combat Patrol game so I think this is the best possible outcome you have to win so then nobody gets them no no no unfortunately neither of us got those Victor dice [Laughter]
Channel: Play On Tabletop
Views: 149,429
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 40k, Warhammer, battle reports
Id: l2VXUwAO4t0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 13sec (1873 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 11 2023
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