Warlords of Atlantis | Full Movie | Cinema Quest

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] a [Music] ready zy okay Mr [Music] Collinson you want to throw a few Charlie oh thank you I'll save my energy for the dive and I've been telling you for years Gregory the name is Charles are you sure you got the right outfit on we're not going to a cricket match old boy but it's the gear that's been recommended by the Royal Society that's a rather knowledgeable group not that you've ever heard of it but I can't be a genius about everything Charles as well as long as you're sure about this am I sure I build it looks just right for the job I'm glad you're the one that's operating it well you just keep your knoow on the TBO hunting I'll keep mine on getting us down there all right sounds like an excellent idea I think best one you're liable to get [Music] Charlie we're well past the Bermudas nazer we'll be at the destination by Don tomorrow excellent D look I'm not very happy about this Voyage so you keep telling me Captain I try to give you some sound advice you could at least listen I hear you perfectly well you have an irrational dislike of these Seas look there are a lot of fine ships have gone down in these these Waters I don't want the Texas Rose to be another very well your protest is noted that's all [Music] sir Oh Captain D is my father still in his cabin oh yeah he's there and he still won't listen I keep on warning both of you about the dangers in these Waters all right just what I need that's to the professor go and make him another one he deserves [Music] it hey haven't you got that thing rigged out yet just a safety check Skipper just a safety check I don't want anything to go wrong when you send us down men crammed into that Sardine Can Under the Sea how you going to expect to breathe simple I have some coffee than of us this coffee cup turned upside down you plunge the cup into the water and there's air trapped inside right yeah but that Bottom's wide open I mean that's crazy crazy crazy but it works believe me when I go down if it didn't Skipper I'm telling you this Baby's got a emergency backup system throughout and besides I'm no hero well I think Daniels has a point I think there is something strange about those Seas south of theoda I've provided you with the finest education possible you've attained the highest degrees in the best university in Europe and you can believe that superstitious nonsense father you know time after time we've uncovered cases of disappearances disasters that have never really been explained ships are lost all over the oceans of the world my boy you told Daniel's nothing I hope Mr Collinson I've sailed every bit of water from Hong Kong to the uh barbery Coast I've carried cargos that would make your hair crackle but this dang fool thing it's crazy crazy thank you Sandy thank you I've told nobody not even Gregory you know I've never really felt happy about that well neither have I after all I've known him most of my life almost as long as you and we could never have managed without him well that's the point look at if I told Gregory the truth he'd have laughed at us all the way back to California I suppose you're right Americans tend to be natural Skeptics and certainly we couldn't afford any risks this Expedition is the culmination of our life's work it could revolutionize Mankind's knowledge of his past yes well anyway he's got enough to worry about with the dive tomorrow think you're ready to go Mr Grogan we're going aboard a i sir Joo then give the gentleman some assistance after you no no after you Charlie [Music] [Music] go let's see Charlie I thank you [Music] Gregory [Music] and I'm telling you that they've got more money than brains yeah but when you think of what it must have cost them it's a wondrous thing though and beautifully built yeah yeah oh real be I still say they're crazy all ready Mr Grogen I sir just waiting for the word I'll talk to them first well Gentlemen The Experiment begins everything's been checked and double checked Professor I rely on your confidence Gregory ready when you are Professor if you like theand the phone goodbye Gregory son father mind your head it's too bad he can't go with it you nervous Charlie no Gregory I'm sure the the two of us will justify my father's trust and investment and why are you sweating you're right it is a little hot in here take her over Mr [Music] Gren gently gently gently [Music] gently start the pumps Professor start the pumps Mr Goan pump away ja in position gory lower away lower away Mr Gren [Music] thoroughly here we go don't get your feet wet good luck hey slow it down not so fast don't let them down too quickly it's a matter of balancing the air pressure you see it's fantastic Gregory glad you like what a sight six fathoms and all is well Professor let's lower down to 10 and we'll really see the sights now the way to 10 [Music] [Music] sh no can we go any deeper we're getting pretty close to our limit Charlie going a little deeper Professor head slow ahead set get slow ahead please Captain get slow ahead is go to away five fathoms Mr [Music] [Music] Goan [Music] [Music] what was that it's amazing a living plor in this day and [Music] age if only I could name it but don't bother whatever is it's trouble yes it's an antiarch battery on the ohly you don't do that you'll fighten this away well I'm not going to invite him in for a tea Charlie come on we're getting out of here [Music] yes Father it's a plader oh [Music] yes it cut my [Music] pencil are you all right it's coming back from all what are you doing just do as I say can I tell you pull that switch ring uh not now wait [Music] on [Music] Lively devil wasn't he father it was an Antioch poopus a magnificent specimen well let's hope he's gone for good at least 20 ft long [Music] was right father was right the old man was right about what Charlie that's not what you think it is it's not what I think there's one thing for sure that's no tadpole out there Professor we're going up slowly not too [Music] fast [Music] slowly slowly steady now that's it stop can we raise it char can we get it the board we must all right I'll try some cat Charlie you uh you have any idea what this this thing's made [Music] though [Music] an unusual even rare specimen wonderful yes I must uh consult my [Music] books just look at it go straight from El Dorado hey Groen maybe these guys weren't as stupid as we thought sure I knew they wouldn't go to all that trouble just to look at a lot of fish nobody told me we were hunting for Treasure it is not to be regarded as treasure finding that statue is an archaeologist's dream a discovery Beyond price yeah and every man on this ship knows what that thing's made of gold they will believe what I tell them it is a statue nothing more all right well then don't hold me answerable for what they'll get up to that's all crude discipline is your responsibility sir not when that Unholy statue is sitting on board my ship captain Daniels you command this vessel but I command this Expedition I say that statue is a scientific and historic specimen look you're not going to bambooz a l with fancy words now do as I say make them a deal give them a bonus get back to port for all our sakes what are they doing up there forgotten Us in the excitement I expect don't get so impatient now impatient I think the old man would give us a passing thought they're wanting up that'll make it five of them against three of us here here that was our saying why don't they answer just tell me that Greg stop Laing and look just look at that got a warning there's two down to begin [Music] with [Music] Professor please listen to me listen broken and F and the other two I was just up on the bridge and they you don't understand Groen Charlie help me turn that Bell off will you this one [Music] yeah hello it's no use look we must have been torn free of the ship by that creature what the heck is going on up [Music] there what do you want what are you doing [Music] here [Music] nothing the worry about Charlie we have the emergency system remember safety first four cylinders again back [Music] there see that switch when I tell you pull it look it's coming back it's got the crew [Music] [Music] Daniels [Music] up no will you give me [Music] hand hold [Music] on I know how much P you can take no [Music] we're going up looks that way Charlie let's look at this Eng it means we're going [Music] down [Music] all right let's go have a look after you Charlie can you swim no [Music] what Charlie Charlie you all right that dep gauge it must have jammed I checked it and I double checked it Daniels the last thing I remember is that monster attack in a ship this saor strength glad you made it there's not supposed to be Lander they're on here for 200 miles what is this place I have no idea Charlie good Lord look there are the others it's almost as they come back to the dead three on Shore three here do not account it for sand and the old man holy St Hilda where are we what's happened to us and where's the Texas Rose and the others huh come on [Music] mate take it easy kid we're alive and that's good enough for now I we're not the only ones hey Skipper don't get to Carri away Jackle Daniels might have some idea what we were up to everybody okay yeah all I remember was that devil fish coming at us yeah hit us like a runaway tornado in here I we didn't stand a chance in the world sir that must have been when the cables tore away from the bell I there wasn't a thing we could do about it what about the ship she was still afloat when I went under and Sandy the professor could still be aboard yeah well I wonder what he believes now sailor's Yarns that's what he [Music] said [Music] Travelers my name is admir welcome oh thank you I wonder could you tell us exactly where we are we've been cast ashore here you could certainly do us some [Music] help holy Saint Helen [Music] the Guardians are here to protect you you will not be harmed go with them peacefully where are you taking us to safety thank you thank you why are you so polite all the time well we are strangers in this land maners maketh man did you don't know Charlie here too much you know that my son forgive it's me sir Sandy together we found the source it was cursed like the great tombs reject the graveen image The Mask be full the the statue sir dark hled God Warlords of Atlantis Charles take [Music] care [Music] a city city in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean you will not find it on any map but you know its name Atlantis oh come on Charlie that's that's a legend no no no not just the sunken ruins of a city but a living civilization that is Troy the third City we can rest there the third City so what happened to one and two they are lost beneath the Waters of the outer limits forever what just a rot all things Decay we control many things but even we cannot make time stand still eventually the five remaining cities will also disappear Seven Cities to Atlantis you know the Greeks always claimed there were n Plato was not always right you know about our far more than you realize how is there the way is safe for us to proceed quickly you and your old man knew this place was here all along why didn't you tell me well I did want to tell you Gregory but um we thought you might walk out on us you see you did it to me again you know I had now what's it use there's no future in getting mad at you but be honest if we had told you the truth now would you have come eh what difference do it make I'm here anyway but next time try me no I meant to talk to you about [Music] that [Music] [Music] we must take our chance now [Music] I say this place what was it used for it was the court of judgment in the third City Troy and that huge octopus that attacked us that giant milipede thing are there like nothing on Earth they are not creatures of Your World they are mutations they like freaks out of his side show you mean Natural Evolution here in your undersea world has changed Direction produced a whole new species of violent creatures that evolution didn't start here my friend huh well let's make a break for it while we got the chance don't be a fool F our best chance is sticking together unless you've got some master plan for getting us out of here but it's a terrible place I and it's all the for of that engineer fellow Gregory these Guardians aren't freaks are human like us but they fzy can't see their eyes well there's something behind there we have only a short Journey before we arrive at VAR the fourth city you will be safe there I like that idea been [Music] safe [Music] la come on [Applause] EDS [Music] the it's just like an anel beehive I don't get it great have you noticed our clothes must have been brought here years ago prisoners like us not for long pal not for they don't seem too unhappy any they well I can understand that what maybe it's not all that bad [Music] here oh uh Gregory um May I just remind you it is still a scientific Expedition we around I'm thinking of the Expedition Charlie she knows this place we don't besides guys it'll be great from her out here let me give you a hand with that no you mustn't but thank you what's wrong get a gentleman offer to help a lady in a place like this you're a newcomer Guardian you must do no more than you have to otherwise the reason to get all riled up rck look out [Music] what God if we lose him we're never going to get out of here you called it Skipper what are we waiting for come [Music] on come on SK come on come on come [Music] on take them away no oh Father they'll be taken to the chamber it has to be done deline you know it's best they don't know what's going to happen to them you know if it isn't done they'll be dead within two days girl that's a fact I know at least now they're still [Music] humans some welcome admir do not waste your energy and anger soon you will come to think of Atlantis as your only home hey where are you taking us yes where are you taking me to chinka City 5 but why don't you worry Mr Ain [Music] [Music] this is the newcomer atken atken at Ken a superior name thank you and may one inquire after yours at s i Inquisitor for the Council of the elite [Music] my friends they are no longer your concern oh do not worry they will be cared for why am I being treated differently you are alpha you are a superior person you have qualities that we honor and respect and because of that you are to meet at Tron imperator of the Council of the elite how do you know so much about me but my [Music] name your companions will serve the community of Atlantis but they will never be privileged as you are Atkin to see this city chinqua playground of the elite oh Lord are you afraid of beautiful things not quite what I'm used to at home all these pools fountains water is like life to us we do not merely use it we enjoy it because it represents a vital force from our past does chinka displease you no it's like a dream it's Perfection grobes or plats there's not enough salt you think there' be enough salt around here well I never thought I'd see you again uh deline deline this is my work task besides I I wanted to thank you you couldn't have thought of a better way what have they told you nothing you know what they have planed for us my father can explain better than I can why can't you tell us herself what's so bad that we can't face up to it I don't know Skipper but I'm not waiting to find out here pride of intellect is a virtue admired above all others this is the Hall of contemplation Workshop of intellect good Lord that floating levitation is not so difficult but but how power of Mind a quality Laten even in some humans such as yourself Atkin and what are you watch and listen [Music] from our dying planet we journeyed across space we brought our cities our way of life our power and ambition a comet wrecked our charted course thrown into the gravitational field of your planet Earth we fell into the life preserving Waters of the ocean now above us but we found ourselves trapped slowly decaying in this alien world were so primitive and so that it had barely evolved intelligent life forms only by ordering the destiny of that world could we ever hope to [Music] escape man's Destiny Guided by your minds here in Atlantis it's impossible we are a master race we control we manipulate we of the red planet do not soil our hands with blood the red planet [Music] [Music] Mars [Music] be at peace Charles at K who are you Aton imperator of the Supreme Council and I welcome you you have seen our cities our way of life do you not want answers yes what has become of my friends deline says you can tell us what's going on here how come you know so much because I've been here all of 20 years that's why Captain Briggs of the mar Celeste the mar Celeste holy SA pass so was a giant actus that did it for you too wife child crew strip the ship clean now we both have a score to settle you help us get out of here no chance why you can fight can't you we're damned Mister trapped forever in this rock bubble we've had to make a life here as best we can but that fell at here walking all over you like you were scum he's our section counselor unless we defend V it'll end up like the rest of the outer limits you've seen the creatures there V is our only hope of survival but why have we been brought here to replace losses casualties some of you will become workers others guards whichever There's No Escape for heaven's sakes man you can at least try what's the matter with everyone [Music] father the surgery is simple they feel no pain without it they would die because of the atmosphere that you need to live in remember you are the aliens here in Atlantis with your intelligence is it not possible to adapt to our way of living and breathing we do not want this planet as our home our destiny lies elsewhere how about the humans that you've reduced to Guild creatures they are content content knowing that they may never return to our world above I prefer to live you have no choice Mister but we do not for long come [Music] on come on come on come on to your [Music] [Music] post adir what's going on zag are attacking where have you taken Charlie Charles Atkin is no longer any concern of yours soon his Superior brain energies will be used to enhance and fulfill the atlantian destiny what are you talking about count yourself fortunate that you are not of his intellectual capacity when this attack is over you will be properly done de with but at least you will survive S [Music] Guns in position [Music] w [Music] P of the [Music] gun P two gun we are safe here in zeft the ruling class must always survive oh yeah how very [Music] democratic [Music] come on you son push your back it come on now they reached the wall secure the cannons [Music] yeah it's my [Music] [Music] a [Music] look out holy [Music] sh [Music] now what are you doing here you want to get yourself killed get out of here there's nothing to lose anymore my father's dead careful don't end up like us you must take your chance go now before it's too late I can't not without Charlie leave him he wanted to stay didn't he we don't even know where they've taken him and he's the one who got us into all this he even double crossed you that's between Charlie and me you do as you like you can back me up or take off on your own that's ridiculous now you're the only one have going operate that driving Bel it's not him yeah you haven't got much Choice have you they would have taken him to Ze the topmost city okay how do we find him there are Gods all over this place what's that opening over there it's just part of the drainage system from the upper cities Grogan can you bend those bars you just watch [Music] me a sewer that's no way for a gentleman to travel if it's good enough for rats it's good enough for you now don't joke f you know that I have a mortal fear at tunnel look will you two build up stay right here make sure the Way's clear for us to get back out and keep out of sight you're a lovely man sir he's a lovely man the crystal Summit of your city we are standing in it now its order unfolds us charging us with occult powers of Mind far beyond your comprehension you will be shown own those Powers think atken what you now call science was once condemned as magic yet it is only the understanding and control of the natural order mind over matter you have already seen what pure thought can achieve it's trickery illusion we have no need for childish games seize on this chance to be one of us now before it is too late would you know the power of your mind [Music] Atkin Collinson hold on a minute hold on a bit I can't take this pace you know what our father said time's running out we got to keep moving sh listen what a lot of it and traveling fast quickly it's part of the atlantan defense system your intellect is not yet trained to its ultimate degree this helmet formed from the Crystal Heart above us will concentrate and intensify the full power of your inner Vision you will know not only what is to be but how to achieve it this power is yours for the asking dare to walk through time itself Atkin I dare Lead Me are with unresisting [Music] [Music] fig [Applause] [Music] this is a future we aim to create [Music] military state it will not merely set the world beneath its heels one that will through force of War release the full creative energies of 20th century science the New Millennium science creating Utopia perfect Society I never seen a place so deserted gives me the [Music] Shivers in here they've got him in here what's that Contraption they put on his [Music] head I see it I see it at k your mind serving Atlantis can help us to achieve the greatest discovery of 20th century science Neutron energy an energy will help us break the chains that bind us to this Petty Planet an energy will take us back to the Stars Where We Belong [Music] how the heck do we get in there and Ken let your mind join with us in the greatness of our Quest serving the power of Atlantis serving the power of Atlantis power of [Music] [Applause] with us let [Music] us come on Charlie we're going home oh you fool do you realize what you've done I realize what I've done but you don't come on we're getting out of here tell them Atkin tell them you're one of us now yes sorry Charlie I I told you not to worry Mr Atkin you cannot Escape we'll take our chances the only safety is here in Atlantis where the hell are they those monsters I've got a mortal fear of monsters you got a mortal fear about everything you're the one who wanted to stay remember a lovely man now we're on our own oh did you have to hit me quite that hard was for your own good Charlie great the things they showed me future so brilliant so cruel and you nearly fell for it didn't you well it doesn't have to be the way they showed me it could be to the advantage of man when are you scientists ever going to learn they were going to wipe you out Charlie look cut the philosophy will you now let's move out we still have time magnificent superb Alpha Brain Sublime energies what power a power so nearly our he must be returned immediately and the lower grades they are nothing they can die where the heck you been wa you think I've been those monsters are getting a close but we ain't exactly been having a picnic you know something Charlie those zards make sure not to be our best friends what do you mean the guards will be too busy to worry about us this is our chance to get get out of here come [Music] on that looks like a great way to get killed I can always stay here and turn into a goldfish very well Greg even if we do find our way out of here we don't know where we are and all those devil monsters out there and thus without so much as a peashooter the girl she can get us through St it f he's right you'd never get through without me Del you must stay here there's nothing left for me here now I want to come how much longer we going to hang around here we're not we've got to move this way you will bring back Atkin quickly we need him alive and the others destroy [Music] them come on [Music] Winchester radiates I wonder what ship they got those from I don't know you stay here let's take him go for the [Applause] kill get the r [Music] Qui let's [Music] go [Music] ow my Longs are on fire I can't take another step pull yourself together Jacko come on now you'll make it come on come on you [Music] lot M on Charlie rest you stay here be careful Mr Collinson we don't want to lose you thank you Mr [Applause] clogan if we both fire together all right Charlie aim for his throat [Music] now [Applause] [Music] now [Music] now go Fe come on you [Music] CHS [Applause] stop come on stand [Music] up go go what's that listen sounds like a tidal wave the water pressure is increasing they control that yes they must know where we are that's supposed to be extinct all we if we don't get out of [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] here go [Applause] [Music] [Music] on beat them terribly narrow squeak that he tell you too much well one thing even ATM's not going to get past that place I sure am going to miss that little Jackal there's no time to rest they don't give up easily all right come [Music] [Applause] on [Music] there she is Charlie there's my little beauty down aliens cease your actions are futile how in the hell did they get here ahead of us they must have used the underground canals if you give yourself up bin the others can go come let us return to the safety of the upper cities no don't listen to him you'll all die get down Charlie [Music] down you cannot escape the world of Atlantis we track we're going to have to get down there somehow but how we jump pal after you Charlie see you come on you're the only one to get that Contraption working okay hey do you follow one by one now Daniels listen Eline you know I can go no further well what happen to you it'll take me back to far Life Will Go On [Music] [Applause] w [Music] come baby that's my [Music] girl come on right you to come on move out oh come on jump J don't Ming Captain Daniels you [Applause] next [Music] I'll try and hold at here until you're safely away you've done so much for us already time you looked after yourself please don't worry once you escaped you won't har me [Music] [Music] arm I can't see a thing but you'll feel it as soon as we hit the tunnel look going to sers look going to again hold on [Music] [Music] here we go Charlie open that valve over there right there drone we're going to drone a a I can't see any out here we're falling thatle thatle I'm going to get out of [Music] [Music] here hey it's time to go up oh brother I I got to get out of here can't this thing go any faster they're top of s speed now they're going faster all collaps of the [Music] bend you can relax F we're almost there [Music] you weren't worried were you right then there she is good old Texas Rose right you chaps um Mr Grogan I think you first my pleasure Mr Atkin my boy uh Captain Daniels you [Music] ready F show you know maybe I should have left you there no I'm glad you're aboard Charlie see you on the ship yes [Applause] sir you're a [Music] beauty [Applause] Sor of all our troubles I in the answer to all of our prayers Sandy s it's us I wasn't aing it you sir but those two I thought they killed you they tried to kill the professor the old man is he all right where is he he's badly wounded so down in the cabin they going to take over the ship so they can steal that no you got it all wrong son it was the octopus yeah yeah kid I seen it with my own eyes they cut the winch line to the Bell what do you say to that Gro don't take any notice of them sir mad that's what he is being left alone and all that he's got a touch of the sun it's true sir believe me we believe you kid We Believe come on let me look after him done a great job a great job that dog and get over here come on what's this all about Daniels well I'll tell you what it's all about I tried to make a deal with a professor he want everything for himself Groen you mean you're with us who do you think shoty old man murdering treacherous lying you treacherous I no his was a treachery come look for a few fish he said all the time you were looking for the gold well not it's ours now you take them below and you lock them [Music] [Music] up Charles Charles Charles you thank God you're alive how did I do Grogen you're learning kid [Music] Mister let's up anchor hi I skipper [Music] holy keyote get her what [Music] the [Music] get [Music] away get away Skipper come in open the door Skipper open holy Jing Neptune you know what now that dang thing is gone and stolen ours get you [Music] hey Charlie get that Professor I'm going to the door get out come on Charlie [Music] they broke out come on [Music] me [Music] a get he's crushing me [Music] [Music] come on [Music] that [Music] [Music] I think maybe we went a little below our depth H well we shall just be better prepared next time next time all right you two hang on Grogan kick I was better off down below sorry Grogan you heard what A man if you ever do that again I'm going to get KN it off come on get off hang on hey wait for [Music] us [Music] I but I really do hate being [Music] called [Music] [Applause] [Music] t [Music]
Channel: Cinema Quest
Views: 337,333
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cinema Quest, Cinema, Movies, Fantasy Movies, Fantasy, Fantasy Genre, movie clips, clips, film clips, fantasy movie clips, magic, warlords of atlantis full movie, atlantis, peter gilmore, full movie, full feature, warlords of atlantis 1978
Id: IK1i6thGJds
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 52sec (5572 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 08 2024
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