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ah the South such an important part of America's culture if you don't live in the south you're missing out on a lot pal it's an interesting region which I regularly poked fun of on this channel the South can be defined roughly as this part the deep south down here and these states which are in the south but not in the south if you catch my drift but for the sake of clarification for this video I'll be using these ten states during this analysis the goal today is to find out which southern states are bad and which ones are not so bad there are many ways that you can define bad versus good so we're gonna take into consideration common southern stereotypes as well as agreed-upon metrics which people say they want and don't want when deciding on a place to live along the way we'll probably learn a lot about the southern part of our country and you may grow a deeper appreciation for the American South it's a region that's lovable in many ways you just have to know where to look so get out your camo and your Bibles as we rank these southern states from worst to best you take the red you take the neck you take them both and there you get the Sun States the southern states there's a time you gotta go and show the world what you know about the states the southern states all right I think we're ready to start so how do we rank southern states in an obscure interesting and fun way by looking at things that most people would say define the southern experience you know things like weather culture and politics so we'll do our best to find the data to rank them and keep a running tally on this sheet let's begin with something that's typically defined as a southern commonality politics which states are the most conservative to put it another way the best southern states will be the most conservative the more read your state is the more southern you are right well that's pretty easy to find there's maps all over the internet that show pretty clearly the redness that is the south here's one you can see here that Kentucky is the most conservative of all southern states where 53 percent of residents vote red obviously William sticks that numbers closer to a hundred percent but metro areas like Louisville are pretty liberal anyways Mississippi Arkansas and Tennessee are also very conservative but Florida and Texas are less conservative than their southern neighbors which according to our rankings would make them less southern so we can update our chart here with our first metric measuring politics the states at the top are the worst southern states because they are the least read Florida and Texas are losing right now Kentucky being the most conservative is the best southern state because they are the most conservative see how that works [Music] what about alligators for this metric the more alligators your state has the worse you are because alligators and crocodiles are mean and they eat small dogs at an alarming rate or people sometimes every now and then rarely well it's not so easy to actually count alligators I mean would you want to be the guy or girl who has to do a headcount in a swamp every year and we can't ask alligators to fill out a census I mean they just bite your hand if you try to hand it to him I bet but we can measure the number of alligator attacks in each state that's pretty easy turns out that Florida no surprise has by far the most alligator attacks and number of estimated Gators in the u.s. you can see here that there have been 22 people killed in the state of Florida from alligator attacks since somebody decided to start counting them although I'm sure a long time ago tons of Native Americans were also killed by them but we weren't counting back then at least we weren't there have been almost 500 actual alligator attacks in Florida and 16,000 nuisance complaints when that happens I'm pretty sure they just send somebody out to try to catch the Gator and then they take it to a swamp nearby where it will probably become a nuisance there cuz you don't they say anybody a water that's more than knee-deep in Florida probably has a gator in it Florida also has an estimated 1.2 million alligators within its borders which is more than the entire human population of like eight of our states so Florida wins or loses this one again having the most alligators makes them the worst southern state in this metric as you can see it's not even close Texas has only had a handful of attacks and Georgia has had a couple of deaths Kentucky our leader from the last round hasn't had any confirmed alligator attacks yay Kentucky here's our updated chart Florida and Texas continue to lead as the worst southern states and Kentucky continues to remain the best southern state now what about church attendance as you may know the southern part of the country is by far the most religious region so then according to our ranking methodology we'd probably agree that the most prototypical true southern states would probably have high church attendance right and those who don't go to church as much aren't really as southern this interesting map shows the states who claim that religion is very important or at least somewhat important in their lives as you can see down here in the south they sure do thump their Bibles aloud on Sundays Alabama and Louisiana lead the nation in terms of religious fervor and it's a virtual tie when it comes to a few others down here you can also see that way up here in the Northeast folks don't believe in God as much and that's their god-given right to do that I guess and once again Florida ranks at the bottom of our list we're only 78 percent of people feel religion is a part of their lives that's not very southern of them is it it's flora gonna run away with this whole thing or what tornadoes sure are scary as our hurricanes in case you haven't been paying attention the global weather pattern has shifted a little bit instead of tornadoes crushing the Midwest in an area called Tornado Alley that are now kind of happening more often in the south in an area called Dixie alley and hurricanes are happening more and more - and they also hit the South more often so it makes sense that the states where there's more tornadoes and hurricanes would be considered worse right well for hurricanes that's easy check out this impact map Florida again leads this metric with a hundred and seventeen named storms that have impacted the state since records began in the 1850s Texas and Louisiana ranked second and third respectively and clearly three states in our competition have had no hurricane impacts because they aren't on the coast when it comes to tornadoes Texas tops a list probably because it's the biggest state in fact Texas leads the whole nation with tornadoes per year probably because it's the biggest date I guess Florida our next highest southern tornado state sees only about a third as many tornadoes as Texas does but you can see Alabama and Mississippi are up there as well South Carolina hardly sees any tornadoes Nevada gets about two tornadoes a year probably way out in the desert where nobody really sees him Vermont leads the nation with Tornado knows florida's led just about every single worst category so far and right now to the frontrunners to win as he were southern state our updated standings show Florida is still the worst southern state by far flawed by Texas in Georgia and Kentucky is still the best state in the south by far good for you tacky crime and poverty are two ways to determine the likeability of a state the south is a very dangerous and poor area statistically probably the highest levels of both in America this crime map shows which states have the highest number of property and violent crimes in America Hey look Florida is almost the best when it comes to crime rates per capita Kentucky is the safest state in the south followed by Mississippi and then Georgia in terms of dangerous states Louisiana Arkansas South Carolina and Tennessee or where criminals go to die poverty wise it ain't pretty down here either look at this map it's practically a southern sweep outside of New Mexico all the poorest states are in the south in Mississippi the poverty level is 20% for the entire state Alabama and Louisiana are close at 18% average annual incomes for households in these poorest states averaged about 48,000 per household for the whole state our least poor southern state is Texas where household incomes average close to 60,000 a year that's pretty good and far from the poverty levels of the deep south here are our updated standings after crime and poverty now we're gonna measure a couple more categories one of which is gonna be what I'll call our redneck metric because the south isn't the south if you don't have your redneck categories right you know stuff like NASCAR tracks trailer parks and places yet guns as far as NASCAR tracks go we can count those everybody gets a point if they have a NASCAR track and minus the point if they don't three states Arkansas Louisiana and Mississippi don't have a NASCAR track and those folks should call Charlotte right now and demand one trailer park wise it's a mobile home park Hayden down here half of the nation's mobile home parks are in the south and believe it or not the census actually keeps tabs on the number of mobile homes per capita catching now this isn't ranked from top to bottom so I had to make a new map so you can make sense of the matter South Carolina has the most mobile and trailer parks per capita and by quite a bit meaning they are the most southern Texas in Tennessee how the lowest number of trailer parks per capita which makes them less southern and finally guns now you might think the South would crush it in gun owners per capita while Texas has by far the most registered gun owners overall as a state it's not that high Wyoming has the most gun owners per capita now for our southern states Alabama has the most gun owners per capita followed by Louisiana and South Carolina the southern states with the least number of gun owners per capita are Mississippi and Tennessee that's not very southern of you guys so our redneck metrics are done here the most redneck states based on our redneck categories if your state is high on this list you're a better southern state Alabama is our most redneck state followed by South Carolina and Florida Tennessee is our least redneck state which will move Tennessee up on our worst list because if you ain't redneck then you ain't a true southern state what's funny is that I've done a lot of people in Tennessee right now our pissed they're like I demand a recount we got to be more redneck than anybody else Texas got a low redneck score so they are now the worst southern state and since Arkansas scored so well on the redneck metrics they move into the best southern state spot is known for a lot of things we have the great weather of the sunshine oranges but of course Florida man those bizarre stories you hear about all the time that seemed to only happen here in Florida and finally can we measure true southern states by the type of news coming out maybe we ran a query on Reddit under odd in weird news to see which dates had the most hits and it was Florida by a mile like Florida man who thought he was in Alice in Wonderland this guy thought he was gonna get out of trouble by claiming he was in a fairy tale and Florida woman named Crystal Metheny got arrested and Florida man who was bitten by a shark punched by monkeys bitten by a rattlesnake and struck by lightning Alabama's headlines were dominated by stories of weird animals running around like pythons and goats and a rogue squirrel the squirrel ran all around church and scared everybody until it got trapped by a collection plate ah Tennessee had this story about a terrible person okay they can move up not on the worst list jerk and how about the guy in Arkansas who shot himself in the face trying to shoot an armadillo what the what the okay that clinches it Arkansas is the best southern state that is just so southern okay so there we go our worst state in the south is Florida while getting third on the redneck metric overall Florida is just not really very truly southern neither's Texas really at least anymore and maybe now there's people in Arkansas who can finally make a claim as to be in the best in the south he freaking ha you know what maybe I'll call somebody in Arkansas and tell them the good news hey there ma'am I am doing a youtube video on the best and worst southern states and Arkansas is the best state in the south how do you feel about that she sounds thrilled well anyway somebody needs to send somebody in Arkansas a keg of beer cuz they deserve it they finally won something okay that's it the southern states ranked from worst to best hopefully you learned something I did and hopefully you have a newfound appreciation for what it's like to live in the south while this part of the country takes some knocks for being backwards in many areas it's a great place to be generally kinda I mean this is real America right you take the red you take the neck you take them both and there you get the Sun States the southern states there's a time you gotta go and show the world what you know about the southern states the southern states where the Walmart supreme and you feel not up to your dreams then suddenly you're finding out the southern states are growing on you you it says a lot about your pride when you live in a double-wide hey guys if you learn something new or you just like this video make sure to like it and if you really like this video make sure you hit that subscribe button so you get all of our videos about what it's like to live in different places in America peace
Channel: Nick Johnson
Views: 273,689
Rating: 4.3059721 out of 5
Keywords: florida, texas, georgia, mississippi, alabama, kentucky, tennessee, arkansas, louisiana, south carolina, best states in the south, worst states in the south, whats the south like, southern states, moving to the south, should i move to the south, texas real estate, florida real estate, georgia real estate, rankings, top 10
Id: MUi93pcTWZM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 19sec (859 seconds)
Published: Fri May 15 2020
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