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this video brought to you by my barbecue Oh route 32 in Tallahassee come on there we got some great food that's my barbecue Nena nee nee nee nee nee nee nee nee nee is there anything wrong with being called a redneck I mean for some people it's a compliment like the neck year you are the more you're respected like this dude go on with your bad self brother in pop culture rednecks have been glorified they're fun to be around and always have the best lines and movies America's full of rednecks in fact a recent poll indicated that of all conservatives in America ninety percent of rednecks the rest are lawyers police officers and doctors and point one percent our redneck doctors JK in order to determine which states have the most rednecks we just need to measure redneck banks typical redneck stereotypes include high school dropouts folks who live in trailer parks and people who shop at Walmart we'll use those as our measuring sticks of course we're gonna hear from lots of people who were gonna say I have a master's degree but I got a big old boat and spit chew and I'm probably more redneck than most of my friends to that I'd say good for you fella you get a prize okay so let's grab our camo thrown at you and hop in the truck as we go through America's most redneck states we begin our redneck tour of america and a pretty likely place Oklahoma judging on how this state votes every year you know there's rednecks up and down and all around this funny-looking state Oklahoma isn't too bad for high school dropouts it's only the 19th highest and Oklahoma also has the 19th most trailer parks per capita but what really gets Oklahoma into the top tab or the number of Walmart's per capita in fact Oklahoma ranks second in America for that look at how many Walmart's that are just Oklahoma City alone how many Walmart's does a city of six hundred and forty three thousand six hundred and forty eight need anyways for comparison the least redneck state in America's Hawaii where the high school graduation rates about average but the number of Walmart's and trailer parks is almost dead last you can bet that when you're in Oklahoma City Tulsa or many of the other backwoods places in the Sooner State you're gonna see rednecks everywhere we're gonna hop in the truck and head on down to our next most redneck state in America as we pull into the state of Georgia of course if you've ever been to Georgia you know outside of the Atlanta metro area which might as well be its own state practically the entire state of Georgia's dressed in camo Georgia has the fourth highest dropout rate ranks 15th for mobile home parks and has the 22nd most Walmart's per capita did you know the nation's biggest redneck games were held in Dublin Georgia map he's right they even have their own Wikipedia entry 5,000 people turned out for the first event in 1996 events included the mud pit belly flop bobbing for pigs feet redneck horseshoes hubcap hurl and the armpit serenade so mappy did you name your new baby boy yet yes we did his name's Ricky happy you're a total redneck you have two sons named Ricky and Bobby holy crap Matthew you've just earned a lot more respect among a bunch of our subscribers where's mrs. Mackey anyways why are you watching both of the boys she got a job we needed extra income with four mouths to feed now all right we're gonna have to check on mrs. Mackey and see what kind of job she got I can't even imagine our next stop along our neck tour brings us to West Virginia what how redneck is America and West Virginia is only eighth what does that say about our culture in general okay so maybe our methodology is flat a little bit because I Drive through West Virginia like every few weeks and I can attest there are some of the most hillbilly people tucked back in them hollers why is West Virginia only eight according to our obviously almost right data well what might be surprising is how high West Virginia scored on the graduation rate factor the mountain State is only twenty second worst in terms of number of high school dropouts perhaps that's a sign that this state's getting serious about education there's plenty of trailer parks here West Virgina ranked six highest there but there aren't too many Walmart's though because there's not a lot of places to put them of course West Virginia has a lot of coal miner jobs that's really redneck but the energy sector is only the fourth highest employer in West Virginia Walmart West Virginia University and Kroger are in the top three here let's call a random person in West Virginia and mess with them for a bit hey is this West Virginia okay hey I'm doing a YouTube channel about rednecks are there a lot of rednecks in West Virginia are you a redneck okay because I mean I hear there's a lot of rednecks that live in West Virginia I'm trying to understand if that's true or not yeah who else am I gonna call should I call another bar [Music] dang sounds like West Virginia gets a little bit sensitive about being called rednecks but I bet long Nick ice-cold mayor's never broke their hearts we're going back down to the South once again but definitely not for the last time as we pull into the very agriculture friendly state of South Carolina which is basically tobacco cotton in cornfields for a majority of the state there's one big reason South Carolina's on this list it starts with M and ends in O Bowl a staggering 18% of the homes in South Carolina are considered mobile homes and trailers this state is also in the top 20 for high school dropouts and number of Walmart's - if you want to see them just head outside of a major city and look for a big pile of beer cans oh and bring duct tape they're out oh my gosh mrs. mappy you got a job at Walmart so how to take something first of all Karen mappy there's nothing wrong with working a Walmart in fact it's the biggest employer and nearly half of all US states and hey at least you're contributing to your family's take-home pay you should be proud yes mrs. mappy I think you're gonna be delighted with her paycheck when this videos over with man I hope she doesn't freak out when she realizes how much taxes and Social Security's coming out of her teeny paycheck but for now it's time to move on we're heading to our next most redneck state in America Wyoming there's only about 700,000 people in Wyoming and I bet like 690 thousand of them are some shade a neck the data backs up that assumption Wyoming's redneck indicators are all in the red and this date ranks especially high a number of trailer parks per capita the six highest what's the difference between a redneck and a cowboy perhaps Wyoming is the melting pot of both where each can roam is one of course farming and ranching are a big part of the Wyoming culture as our rodeos those are all redneck things Oh give me a home where the rednecks can roam where the beer and the copenhagen play our next stop along our redneck tour of america brings us number five and where else the state of Alabama this isn't a shocker is it folks here in Alabama the redneck quotient is quite high Alabama ranks 19th for dropouts fifth for mobile home parks and has the eighth most Walmart's in the entire country in fact there's a hundred and forty five Walmart's in Alabama alone whoo-wee Alabama but we didn't need stereotypical statistics to tell us this place is red Nick after all practically every neck in the backwoods of Alabama has Mountain Dew in his veins at some point in the day now he shoots off the cuff it's morning they're nipping at that fiddle mountain dude there's a NASCAR track great fishing and hunting and there's a TV show called the redneck Housewives of Alabama here sort of a knockoff of Louisiana based duck dynasty this show chronicles the wives of redneck men who like to get stuck in mud who's our number four most rednecks date in all of America Louisiana is of course Louisiana's on this list Pelican states full of oil working crawfish eating bird shoot and get your truck stuck in the mud rednecks statistically Louisiana is in the top ten in every category we measured 10-4 Walmart's eight for mobile home parks and six for number of high school dropouts in all of America good for them except the dropout part stay in school kids our dad says if we don't go to school we'll end up like our uncle Marty watching NASCAR in his deer stand all day yeah and he eats raccoons that he runs over with his truck yeah those things were bad kids nobody should do those things at all except on your birthday here's an interesting poll we conducted we asked to Louisianans when you're in louisiana are you more likely to see somebody in a Buick or somebody with an Audi the answer was outies by a landslide okay we're down to our last three this shouldn't be hard to guess our next most redneck state in America is Missouri although we can imagine there's a bunch of rednecks in Missouri who were gonna stop the video right here because they didn't win sorry Missouri rednecks fact is if you're not a redneck you just don't fit in in Missouri if you've ever seen somebody wearing a Coonskin cap to church you were probably in Missouri to show me how to catch a catfish when I'm six-month-old state just eeks redneck ism just about everyone here hunts and dads pull their kids out of school on the opening day of deer season Kansas City Missouri was named as the second most redneck city in the entire country in fact here's City Hall in Kansas City Missouri where the rednecks meet to make important legislative decisions just kidding rednecks don't have laws okay so who's our second most redneck state in America Arkansas what how is Arkansas not atop this list well according to our always accurate data Arkansas is just a little less redneck than our winner of course Arkansas ranks first in America for number of Walmart's per capita Bentonville Arkansas is home to Walmart's headquarters and the number of trailer parks is fifth highest in the u.s. too but Arkansas high school dropout rate is only the 18th highest man just imagine Arkansas if you hadn't studied so hard you might have won this whole thing fact is there's some real hard-working people in the natural state and we should commend them as such I just got my first paycheck 75 it's all that uh yeah that's a lot missus mappy good for you that'll buy a lot of shoes mappy will be so proud of you fifty two dollars that won't even buy a week's worth of diapers for Ricky oh really Maddie you're not fishing while I was dealing with Avery customers who are trying to steal from the self checkout line okay you two stop bickering I know this is a video about rednecks but come on I have a feeling this isn't over okay so where's our most redneck state in America of course Mississippi the camo state ranks really high in all three categories it has the eighth highest dropout rate is third in mobile home parks and third in number of Walmart's per capita it wasn't even close the dropout rate here is about 25 percent and 15 percent of all homes in Mississippi are of the mobile variety okay so how do we do well according to the merriam-webster dictionary which everyone agrees is the Bible of literature a redneck is a white person who lives in a small southern town who typically has a working-class job and who is seen by others as being uneducated sounds like all the states we just talked about doesn't it and even the mappy family - of course rednecks in those states were just kidding around we love hard-working blue collar peeps don't get your camo panties all wound up okay hope you were entertained and you learned something today we did as America full of rednecks yes siree is that a bad thing nope god bless america hey guys we've started a whole new channel and soon won't be uploading to this channel as often the new channel is called planet snacks the links in the description it's going to be about the same type of stuff but less negative because the tube has decided this channel has been flagged so often that our video views are getting crushed so we have to start a new channel anyways it'll be awesome even better than this one if you like what I've been doing then please go and subscribe
Channel: Nick Johnson
Views: 1,074,237
Rating: 4.4067039 out of 5
Keywords: america, united states, country, oklahoma, west virginia, arkansas, louisiana, alabama, mississippi, wyoming, georgia, south carolina, missouri, planet snacks
Id: ozr4jjhFcMU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 25sec (865 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 03 2019
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.