All 50 States Ranked WORST To BEST

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I'm gonna rank all 50 states from worst to best for the rankings I used three inputs my personal ranking system which takes into account seven factors including crime schools cost of living and jobs I googled other state rankings published by reputable sources and factored in their opinions and I used my own personal first-hand experience I've been to all but six states then I've had all the data into a big giant computer and I had these nerds crunch all the information for me they were expensive I found him on up work we're gonna run through these fast because if I didn't we'd be here all day and nobody wants that I can only hear myself talk for so long so I get it plus these guys cost like one hundred and fifty dollars an hour each one two three let's go we begin our worst about state rankings in sorry New Mexico that's just how it's got to be you ranked last best property crimes here the highest in the country and people are the fifth poorest not that there's anything wrong with poor people but this state is just so basic it's pretty here though West Virginia is pretty too but Meghan times are tough they ranked last an economy and infrastructure and there's nothing to do here at all Arkansas is also poor and there aren't a ton of jobs here except at Walmart I guess which is just part of the life here home prices are the third lowest in the country and there's a reason why however apparently Arkansas reans are the 10th happiest people in the country stay that way Arkansas ok I think we're gonna be in the South a lot at the beginning of this video Mississippi's the poorest state and one in three residents here don't even know how to spell Mississippi it's unbearable here in the summer and who eats catfish not me right next door is Mississippi's slightly more successful younger brother jobs are increasing in Alabama though so that's good more people go to church here than in any other state so maybe they can pray to move up the list actually they probably don't even care oh no Oklahoma say it isn't so you knew the state was coming up sooner or later right hey Oklahoma ladies you have no room to complain you have the most women in prison per capita than any other state and I learned Oklahoma residents eat the least number of fruits and veggies and that is just so irresponsible of you so the people in the small towns Louisiana are the most genuine and giving people I think I've ever met however their state ranks in the bottom 10 on 8 of 11 categories from my own personal ranking system if I had measured gross things to put crawfish in Louisiana would have ranked even worse also ranking poorly is Missouri which some people here call misery and for what reason I can only speculate high crime poor health poor people one leading news organization said Missouri ranks dead last for quality of life and that is just mean this factor in all the crime in st. Louis yes it does map and that's a dumb hat now if you live in Ohio you either love it or hate it but you'll say that you love it jobs here continue to leave as do residents Ohio ranks 10th worst for business opportunities all of Ohio's largest cities except Columbus are terrible for crime poverty and drugs just terrible you should be ashamed of yourselves you may not know it but South Carolina is the fifth most dangerous state in the country when you measure property and violent crimes however on the bright side South Carolina ranks ninth for a percentage growth meaning people are moving here more than well 41 other states I guess okay let's take a break those are our bottom 10 there shouldn't be any surprises right if there are I'm sure I'll hear that in the comments below let's crunch the numbers on the next ten states to see what we get our next round kicks off in Delaware port Delaware what are you gonna do fight somebody speaking of fighting sure Washington has a great economy and tons of tech jobs and they care about the environment and it's pretty but Seattle is an absolute mess which is sad because it used to be such a great city if you can fix the adil Washington's in the top five for sure people in Kentucky are the sixth poorest and live the third shortest lifespans both of these are directly correlated with one another it's also the fifth least educated state and more people die from smoking than anywhere else and those are directly correlated with one another Tennessee's capital Nashville's booming its second biggest city Memphis is booming too but those are gunshots lots of people here are obese smoke and are just generally unhealthy and should think about how to improve their health and no I'm not a doctor the economy of Pennsylvania has struggled since coal and steel aren't as popular as they once were Pittsburgh's been a bright spot among the rest belt members of the family Philadelphia has been rocked by poverty crime drugs and corruption since like forever ago there's always mushrooms apples milk and grapes not that they eat a lot of that here of course they eat cheesesteaks no those are Pennsylvania's best agricultural outputs Alaska is the most dangerous state in the country ranking first for violent crimes and second for property crimes Alaska also has the most gun owners per capita Alaska also has the most bear attacks per capita you think the criminals and bears would stay away but Alaska Georgia is pretty much Atlanta and the rest of the state Atlanta's a terrible place filled with crime and traffic unless you're a rich white person in the suburbs but that's not Atlanta the rest of the state is camouflage and trucks if that is pretty much Las Vegas and the rest of the state Las Vegas is a terrible place filled with crime and casinos unless you're a rich white person in the suburbs but that's not Vegas the rest of the state is just sand there's a reason Illinois ranks fourth in the country for people leaving it mostly because of Chicago drama the rest of the state isn't too impressive either and they're probably bored likely maybe oh my girlfriends I can't you don't know people in Chicago shut up woman South Dakota is better than Illinois according to the data it is and the number of screen average with the capital a South Dakota also ranks third and fiscal stability and second in natural environment we means there's hardly any pollution here at all by South Dakota okay so that's our sort of bad states but not worst states list if your state's on that list then your state's kind of bad but not really bad we continue these guys are really working hard here to bring us our next ten states man do these guys have any other hobbies of what now I've never been to Wyoming so it wouldn't be fair for me to speculate on exactly what it's like to live here all the data seems to agree that Wyoming is the 30th best date and who's gonna argue with that alternatively Indiana's estate I know really well the data says Indiana's average and after living there for five years I'd agree the people here are hard workers they steal from one another and Walmart is the only form of entertainment for like 90 percent of the population and that is just sad Rhode Island the smallest state it has the least pollution in the country and the fifth best health care what can you say bad about little Rhode Island even their flag is cute and non-threatening hope hope nearby as New York ask anybody in New York if they think their state should be the 27th best state you'll hear two opinions we should be last or we should be first New York City's average upstate is below average a very popular destination for people looking to get away from their terribly managed states Arizona has an average unemployment rate average poverty levels and below average schools but it's pretty here and there's far worse places for weather I guess like Arizona Oregon's population is increasing rapidly and as a result that cost of living is also increasing rapidly and like Arizona everything about Oregon is just average except the public schools which aren't the state has perhaps the prettiest coastline in the nation so that's cool speaking of average Kansas is just about as average as you can get that's why it's right in the middle and of course there are environmentalists in Kansas because in case you didn't know it's illegal to hunt whales here and I'm not kidding about that that's actually a state law California what only the 23rd best date to other web sites ranked California 14th and 19th but my personal experience has it much lower I mean I could have ranked him last but that wouldn't be very nice to me would it I mean California does have the best economy so that wouldn't have been fair at all I love La La's dumb and so are you North Dakota is better than California yes it is I've been there like three times people there are true blue and there's very little drama up here as long as the oil keeps flowing the economy will remain strong and people keep flocking there turn the oil off and this date has some trouble ahead another oil friendly state is Texas everybody wants to move to Texas there's a ton of jobs here but Texas has a lot to deal with with poverty and education and crime but it's relatively inexpensive still and folks are friendly and they love football so that's okay with me okay so those were our not-so-good not-so-bad states were you on it if so consider yourself average let's move on and pick things up at number 20 what are these guys all wearing the same clothes anyway is that like a data analyst ting or what hey Montana it's pretty quiet and kind of boring you only really need one sentence to sum up this fine state and I just gave it to a very wealthy state Connecticut is definitely the haves and have-nots there's a large educated wealthy population and then you have cities like Hartford Waterbury New Haven and Bridgeport where communities are straight-up struggling a lot of people are leaving Connecticut and you can understand why when you read very long articles about how Connecticut's economy is in shambles this will be controversial Minnesota people are really smart and the economy here is growing it's actually super affordable 60 percent of the population lives in the Minneapolis st. Paul metro area which have both seen their fair share of drama lately it's an outdoors paradise here not that a lot of Americans actually get outside and see nature anymore now Maryland ranked in the top 10 on every single publication I cited but I've been to Baltimore and I've seen Maryland's backwoods and neither of those justified a top 10 ranking okay so I never actually drove through really fancy communities but come on look at this place Iowa ah everything about Iowa's good not great the unemployment rate here is lower than most other states Iowa City and Des Moines or places people are moving to to start their families plus Iowa didn't do anything wrong to anyone like ever Hawaii has a lot going for it it's a really healthy state with a good economy and pretty good crime numbers of course it's really pretty but apparently after asking around I discovered the traffic here is bad and you're forced to listen to Adele and reggae on the radio all day and it costs like ten dollars for a gallon of milk outside of some terrible terrible places to live as a whole Michigan's great now the major news organizations all had Michigan and the 25-ish range but I've spent a lot of time in Michigan and well I like it a lot but clearly there are some things Michigan needs to figure out is it because of me no never yeah Idaho a state we've talked about a lot on this channel this is the new flavor of the month for everybody west of the Rockies it's all the rage for a reason it's affordable the Sun shines a lot and crime is far lower than most of America and another fun fact Idaho has twice as many mobile homes per capita than any other state here's a song I wrote about Wisconsin not the whole song but part of it cheese and cows and bratwurst funny accents blizzards cheese and cows and bratwurst funny accents blizzards beer and brats and pretzels Packers fans and dumb hats beer and brats and pretzels Packers fans and dumb hats love Andrew Hatem New Jersey arts live in a pretty cool spot the very boring reasons the computers ranked New Jersey so high the poverty rate here is the fifth lowest in the US people live these six longest and a lot of people have solid education and earned great salaries it's the most densely populated place in the country that there's 1,200 people per square mile here that's more than Puerto Rico and by the way Alaska has one person per square mile Camden sucks Oh No okay the suspense is building if your state hasn't been mentioned yet then you live in one of the ten best states to live but before we get to the final ten let's go to our sponsor this video brought to you by my barbecue Oh route 32 in Tallahassee come on there we got some great food that my barbecue our 10th best state to live is Florida the sunny state ranks in the top 5 for its economy in its education it's a big deal for tourism it's about middle of the road for crime Florida's just all over the place its 1st in random categories and then last in others one study said Florida's last in scene or safety and that is just terrible this is my cat max barbecue ugh and did I mention the we got Gator we got some good Gator come down and try out Gator a we will throw in some hush puppies that's max barbecue on route 32 in Tallahassee in case you didn't know it Omaha's becoming the Silicon Valley of the Midwest they call it the silicon Prairie tech jobs and innovation are pouring in in Nebraska as companies as far away as California are relocating here due to Nebraska's absurdly low cost of living and crime numbers don't knock it till you try it America not too far away ok maybe 1,200 miles is the Commonwealth of Virginia which ranks on every top-10 list I could find including my own the area around DC is one of the wealthiest most successful places in America but Virginia's not just Southern sympathizers anymore it's growing up right before our eyes as a place for innovation and progressive values North Carolina ok this might be a little biased I mean this is my home state while every other website ranked my home state as average I've spent a lot of time traveling and this is the prettiest place in the country jobs are pouring in as our people sure there's rednecks everywhere but come on they're not hurting anybody if you don't agree then just in the video right now you've already watched like 95 percent of it anyways including all the ads so I don't care if you stop now Massachusetts is number six now part of that's because nearly half the population has a college degree and they have good jobs and a good diet and they always wear their seat belts and drink their milk too I bet okay so there's five states left and according to this computer Vermont is the fifth best state to live in if you live in Vermont you know this is a gem of a place Vermont ranks high in all the boring categories of data nerds love stuff like health outcomes for seniors and GDP and infrastructure and education and fiscal stability Utah you probably weren't waiting for Utah to come up you probably didn't even remember Utah was left Maine you probably weren't waiting for me to come up you probably didn't even remember Maine was left okay so we have two states left if you're paying attention you'd know which dates those are if you're not paying attention I understand this has been a marathon and you probably want to tune me out at this point so which states are second best to live in New Hampshire is that means Colorado is the best state in the u.s. a good for you Colorado Colorado people are like oh hell no we don't need any more good publicity Colorado consistently ranks as the healthiest state the poverty rates low the sun's out all the time it's almost a prettiest state right after North Carolina it's still sort of affordable and the state has great health care there's a reason everyone's moving here hopefully the rest of us don't ruin it but it might be too late and regarding New Hampshire while the kids in New Hampshire are probably bored the numbers don't lie there's less people in poverty here or without jobs than anywhere else in the country people are mostly healthy except those who are not New Hampshire is also ranked as the safest state by more than one website that gets a lot of traffic [Music] so that is it our top-to-bottom worse - best date list now a lot of this is based on things that great leadership can control and fix hopefully a lot of things I talked about many of these states can get solved through a series of leadership and policy changes hopefully a lot of things we addressed in many of these states can get solved through a change in leadership and policies wouldn't be great if we had a 50 way tie for the best states now run along there's probably another YouTube video you can watch tell your friends unless you live in New Mexico then don't tell your friends now some really bad singing move to Wisconsin you'll hate it there's a lot of boring stuff not a lot of fun move to Wisconsin you'll hate it there's a lot of boring stuff not a lot of fun their quarterback has a funny mustache there's a lot of Brewers fans to people here wear tiny shorts and they have a lot of pretty lakes and it's cold everybody here ice fishes if you want to come then you better not forget your Pole everybody here ice fishes if you want to come then you better not forget your Pole everybody here ice fishes if you want to come then you better not forget your Pole everybody here ice fishes if you want to come then you better not forget your pork bamm-bamm Wisconsin [Music] hey guys if you learn something new or you just like this video make sure to like it and if you really like this video make sure you hit that subscribe button so you get all of our videos about what it's like to live in different places in America [Music]
Channel: Nick Johnson
Views: 628,680
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: best states, worst states, states ranked, usa, america, rankings, california, new york, texas, illinois, pennsylvania, north carolina, oregon, washington, ohio, new jersey, colorado, michigan, indiana, alabama, florida, mississippi, iowa, vermont, virginia, tennessee, kentucky, utah, hawaii, alaska, arizona, arkansas, connecticut, delaware, georgia, idaho, kansas, louisiana, maine, maryland, massachusetts, minnesota, missouri, nebraska, nevada, new hampshire, oklahoma, south carolina, west virginia, wisconsin, wyoming
Id: MqEp0xsc6RI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 51sec (1131 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 16 2020
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