Poverty in Arkansas.

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hey welcome back to the world according to Briggs my name is Briggs I make videos I travel and I've been known to use aliases at Starbucks it's nothing like watching someone yell Cleopatra and I walk up and get my coffee today we're gonna take a look at Arkansas and the mess that is Arkansas according to the US Census Bureau the national poverty rate was eleven point eight percent or thirty eight point one million Americans living in poverty in 2018 these states have the highest percentage of poverty in the country Mississippi New Mexico Louisiana West Virginia Arkansas Kentucky Alabama the District of Columbia even though it's not a state Oklahoma South Carolina and again not a state but a territory Puerto Rico so why are we starting with Arkansas last month I got an email from a guy named Glenn in Little Rock who said I best not put Arkansas back in my mouth again after some video I made like two years ago he said he'd find me pulled me out of my electric car and crushed my head I replied dude how do you even watch my videos you're using AOL dial-up he replied what's wrong with a well dial-up I said nothing if it were 1997 he never replied so in Glens honor I'm putting Arkansas back in my mouth and we're gonna take a look at the poorest towns in Arkansas of course we got to start with number 10 Jericho Arkansas not far north of West Memphis Arkansas you have the sad little town of Jericho Arkansas and its population of one hundred and nineteen people and that's reported as of the 2010 census about 27% of the population is living in poverty that's courting the same census and anyone who's ever visited and yes there is a Memphis in Arkansas West Memphis Memphis is right across the river from them just to save you the headache of correcting me and telling me Memphis is in Tennessee moving on the average residents yearly income in Jericho's $9,000 that's Top Ramen and squirrel for dinner every night type money at least I won't be getting any angry emails from anyone in Jericho about this video I doubt any of them have internet an interesting thing happened in Jericho in August of 2009 10 years ago a little over 10 years ago one of the Jericho's seven police officers shot the town's fire chief Don Payne in the hip after he appeared in court a second time on the same day to dispute two different traffic tickets I guess the town's only income was from tickets or something because they're just story after story about how the cops just gave everyone a ticket they only have a hundred residents and they had seven cops one of the residents said nobody in this town can afford a loaf of bread but we can afford seven cops they disbanded the police force soon after the shooting number nine Fargo Arkansas besides the town's boundaries looking like a 1980s player from a football video game Fargo is an old rail town pretty much in the middle of nowhere Fargo's located just north of Brinkley Arkansas in Monroe County and was once home to a six mile section of the missouri north Arkansas railroad the long defunct rail line provided freight and passenger service from Joplin Missouri or Missouri pin on where you come from the state to Helena Arkansas from 1906 to 1946 now I'm not sure why anyone would want to travel to either one of those much less between the two of them but apparently they did this railway was one of the last portions to be abandoned by the railroad in the 1970s leaving Fargo to become one of the state's poorest towns as of the 2010 census the town's per capita income was under $9,000 and about 35% of the town's population was living under the poverty line don't move here number eight Mitchellville Arkansas in 1980 mint oval had 646 residents they've cut that in half they now have 323 Mitchell villas just north of Dumas which I have an incredibly hard time calling it Dumas I always want to call it dumbass that's because I work with a guy named Dumas and we called him dumbass when he wasn't around actually I think we started calling him it to his face and he was kind of okay with it anyway the town's per capita income is listed as eight thousand six hundred eighty dollars a year that leaves nearly 44 percent of the residents living under the poverty line a lot of the issues for this town are farming jobs that have slowly gone away the farms are still there they just need fewer and fewer workers because of automation it sucks number seven zinc Arkansas once known as one of Arkansas's boom towns during the profitable mining period in the 1920s it's just a shell of its former glory now I bet you can't guess what they mined here if you said coal gemstone limestone chalk dimension stone Salt Rock gravel gold silver copper or clay you'd be wrong it was zinc of all things the population of zinc Arkansas has fallen to 103 residents as reported by the 2010 census the town's residents have struggled to stay in their town they have no jobs and the town's per-capita income is reported in the 2010 census again as eighty six hundred dollars a year nearly 36 percent of the population is living well below the poverty line number six Cove Arkansas yep that's the whole name Cove not málaga Cove sundown Cove magical Cove just Cove when you have the word Cove it always has a name before it I grew up an area in Southern California we had Palos Verdes Cove Malibu Cove like Malaga Cove was one of them not Arkansas it's like they ran out of ink when they were naming the place they probably couldn't afford to buy more ink either the town contains a Mexican food place to franchise chain stores the Dollar General in the gas station used to be a Phillips 66 but who knows what it is now they change all the time Smith food centers the only place you can go for groceries the town of Cove has a population of 382 people that was reported in the 2010 census the town's per capita income is about eighty three hundred dollars a year 33% of the town's population is living below the poverty line in most cases well below the poverty line number five Georgetown Arkansas it's not to be confused with the Georgetown neighborhood in Washington DC that is a charming area with federal style architecture cobblestone streets and fashion and design shops Georgetown Arkansas has broken down cars in the front yard the good news is in georgetown arkansas you can buy a home on maker of land with a world war two bomb shelter for under $28,000 I kid you not for sale right now on Zillow look it up this is the type of town a real estate agent will try and talk you out of not to upsell you for a better neighborhood or a better house just so they don't feel guilty Georgetown was first settled in 1789 and remains Arkansas's oldest continuously settled area in the 2010 census it was reported to have 124 residents with a per capita income of about eighty two hundred dollars a year forty-two percent of the people in Georgetown lived below the poverty line number four Hanes Arkansas Hanes is one of those places you see out the window as you pass it on the highway you probably assume that it's the outskirts of a bigger town but you know what they say about assuming don't you most the time you're wrong and when you're wrong you look like an idiot Hanes from the highway is pretty much all of Hanes Hanes is in Lee County has a population of about 214 residents and that's as of the 2010 census approximately 42 percent of these people live well below the poverty line the average income for this city is eight thousand fifty seven dollars that's not a lot of money to get through the year the most exciting thing to do in Hanes is not get hit by the train on Main Street that's about it number three wicks Arkansas not too far from I am Groot and just up the Baker spring road from Empire Arkansas yes umpire not empire like umpire like guy that calls balls and strikes yeah that one anyway you have the little town of wicks Arkansas this is what it says about them online wicks has historic places such as a hundred year old city hall and a lighthouse drive-in okay they also have a place called Randy's Mexican market I'm not sure if it's still in business and what's the deal with this place anyway was Randy Mexican and that's just what he wanted to name his restaurant was he selling Mexican food type things what was going on was it a poorly thought out pinata and sombrero shop I don't know couldn't find any information on Randy's Mexican market anyway the 2010 census listed Wix as having a population of 754 residents and 30 percent of the people living in Wix lived below the poverty line the town's per capita income is seven thousand five hundred seventy two dollars a year number two vander Verruckt arkansas van der root i don't know maybe that's how you pronounce a it's in arkansas it's called van der Brut I am Groot I don't know named after a prominent early twentieth-century railway dudes mom the town of van de route I am Groot is located in Polk County and has a population of about 87 when the 2010 census was taken they lost 40 people from the 2000 census I'm thinking those forty people looked around and said you know we ain't got no jobs but we got two churches we're miles away from everything and we got a gas station that sells frito-lay pie on Fridays there's got to be a better place to live Martha pack up the Chrysler we're moving don't forget the kids even the new one that cries the town's per-capita income was reported to be seven thousand four hundred and twenty one dollars a year and 47 percent of these residents live under the poverty line but at least they got free to lay pie and number one Jeanette Arkansas now I think that's how it's pronounced I don't know if they frenched it up and call it janae but who knows we've come to the bottom of the barrel of Arkansas maybe a lot of the county areas are probably worse but there isn't much data on them so we go with the towns that have more information Jeannette or janae or Jeannette whatever it's sort of away from everything they have two churches and not many people not a single businesses in town which is fine because not many people here have money to buy anything with this is a town that the good economy forgot these people are still living like it's in a recession the town of Jeannette Janae's not whatever is 21 miles west of Memphis that sounds good but it's not Memphis sucks and should be avoided like CPR from an 80 year old homeless dude with a cold sore in 2010 the population of Jeannette jennae whatever was listed as a hundred and fifteen residents forty-five percent of them are living below the poverty line the town's per-capita income was listed as seven thousand five hundred and seventy one dollars a year that sucks that's bad and you got Memphis right down the road really not good anyway [Music] all right so that is the poorest towns in the Arkansas hope you guys got some information out of it especially if you're thinking about moving to Arkansas my advice to you is don't write there I'm helping you out given you know public service announcements anyway don't forget all the links below give the video big thumbs up tell me what you thought please subscribe everybody have a great day be nice to each other you
Channel: World According To Briggs
Views: 630,785
Rating: 4.2663093 out of 5
Keywords: Royalty Free Images Stock, Travel, where to live in America, Top 10, Top Ten Lists, Move to, Top 10 reasons not to, best cities to live in, worst cities to live in, world according to Briggs, us cities, worst places to live, worst states in america, united states, affordable housing, memphis tennessee, mortgage payoff, worst small towns, real estate agent, redfin, arkansas, small town lifestyle, mortgage broker, worst towns in america
Id: CsQcvfKbjLw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 6sec (666 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 13 2019
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