10 Places that will pay you to move there. United States

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what is going on everyone welcome back to world coordinated briggs it is time to update a past video in 2019 we did a couple videos on places in the united states that will pay you to move there some paid you in the form of a tax credit others offered a down payment for home a couple paid down student loans and some just straight up gave you cash for showing up sort of like your grandmother on your birthday since then we get weekly emails about these videos most of the time it's from people that want to get information on these programs others are about how the program has expired i should take down the video i even got one city official who sent me a long drawn out email about how his office has been flooded with calls over my video he informed me that they don't have a program like that they never have they never will and i should take down the video i sent him a link to the program from his city's website he apologized and said he would look into it and admitted that he should have done more research before he emailed me that was kind of nice he really admitted he was wrong so that was cool so we've talked about a couple of the towns on this list before but some on this list have been updated some have expired and others are brand new with a focus on remote workers these days cities and towns with a low-cost living and low-cost housing are coming up with new programs to lure remote workers to their communities really it's a win-win for a community you get a tax paying resident who will put money into the local economy through whether it's taxes or purchasing things whatever and they don't need a job a lot of these rural communities and small towns they don't have jobs for people that's why most people are moving out so paying someone to relocate is a good investment for the community in the description section below i will provide links to these programs if they have them now keep in mind this video was uploaded in march of 2021 some of these programs have budgets and time limits so if you're watching this in like 2025 chances are some of these programs have ended but if you're a city or town official and i've missed your community let me know about it email me leave a comment whatever i'd love to do another video and include your town these days the average joe needs as much help as he can get all right let's see what we found number 10 chattanooga tennessee recently we talked about chattanooga and how it's turning into a place that needs tech workers this tennessee city on the georgia border is looking to bolster its tech population they already bring up the fact they have a city-wide gigabyte network every chance they get like anything you read about them they bring that up they want tech workers so bad they started a geek move program yeah that's really what it's called geek move this offers tech workers twelve hundred and fifty dollars in relocation expenses and a ten thousand dollar forgivable mortgage incentive meaning they give you ten thousand dollars towards your mortgage you gotta pay it back but if you stay there long enough they forgive it this one's currently not accepting applications but that probably has a lot to do with the pandemic like some of the other ones on this video it may open again so keep checking back there's a link below number nine savannah georgia the savannah economic development authority was offering up to 2 000 reimbursement for 50 new residents who moved to savannah before the end of 2020. the money would cover moving service charges vehicle rental utility deposits gasoline all kinds of things this program ended in december of 2020 but it has the potential to run again after pandemic like so many other things so keep your eye out on that one there is a link below savannah's a great city i like savannah i was stationed not too far from there once i did a video about some things you should know before you move there the video like all negative videos wasn't flattering and these people are still crying about it in the comments section of that video i like the city it's just not for everyone no place is no place is perfect be realistic these people have been whining about that video forever oh my god there were some requirements you must work in tech and have three years experience in the field you must relocate to catherine county where savannah is located and sign a one-year lease or buy property you can only apply for the grant after you've lived in the county for 30 days and once you have a georgia driver's license with a catherine county address uh there is a link below for this one too number eight tulsa oklahoma the city of tulsa is looking to inject new life into their city with a remote worker incentive this another one where they're just trying to get remote workers in there like i said it's a win-win for anyone when a remote worker comes into your community they don't need a job and they're putting money into the local economy remember that that's very important these cities and towns their program is called tulsa remote and as of right now it is a live program there's a link below they offer you ten thousand dollars for relocation and a thousand dollar housing stipend the payment is made over the course of a year and there are other eligibility requirements so make sure you read thoroughly before you really get into this one oklahoma in general and tulsa they're great places to live great for families and things like that and i will tell you this and i know a couple people have moved to one oklahoma city and one to tulsa and they came from los angeles they said it's a little different there nothing wrong with the people there they just take things a little slower they do things a little different and as one friend put it far too many cowboy boots and gun racks on the back of trucks that's his thing i don't know but just be prepared you know it's a new adventure if you move there just enjoy it and cost living and housing is dirt cheap in tulsa compared to other cities in this country but yeah like i said there's a link below check it out and see if it works out for you number seven newton iowa newton iowa is in between des moines iowa and cedar rapids and this is a giant town that has a lot of i'm totally kidding this place is small and pretty much boring that's why they're offering incentives to get people in there now it's a great place to raise a family don't get me wrong you know just about any place in iowa is like that this place is just where nightlife goes to die that's all there is to it the city of newton goes an extra length to get residents to settle in here long term they offer ten thousand dollars cash to new home buyers and they throw in a welcome package of twenty five hundred dollars called the get to know newton package yeah the incentive also applies to new home construction as well as giving anyone looking to plant down roots the opportunity to build a dream home here the median cost of a home in newton is just over a hundred and five thousand dollars that is so cheap i mean there's not many places in the united states besides like the swamps of mississippi and louisiana where you could buy a decent home for 105 000 but newton is a quiet community and a great place to raise a family it's kid-friendly things to do they have iowa speedway museums botanical gardens des moines not too far away it's a solid option for someone that likes a life that's a little bit slower i'm not saying there's anything wrong with it i mean some people like that there's nothing wrong with it number six northwest arkansas i've talked about northwest arkansas a lot mostly because it isn't like the rest of arkansas they have a few differences number one the northwest part of arkansas with rogers fayetteville and springdale they have good jobs and industries that require a lot of tech workers number two most of them have their teeth and number three hardly anyone here is named jed or thelma the northwest arkansas council is a group that is trying to lure in tech residents as they call it they haven't said how many applicants they'll accept but they are putting a million dollars towards the life work here initiative as they call it in addition to the ten thousand dollar stipend you get for working there other perks that this program has is a street or mountain bike so that new residents can explore the 162 miles of paved trails and 322 miles of mountain biking trails yeah mountain biking they got a lot of it here also you have the ozark mountains right there there's a lot of things to do outdoors here they have museums and all the typical things you'd find in a bigger city now this is several i wouldn't call them small cities but they are they're kind of three or four small cities all put together and they kind of make up this metro area called northwest arkansas and it's a nice place to live and they really want people to move there and the cost of living isn't crazy here and housing's not terrible either there's a link for this one in the comment section below as well number five harmony minnesota harmony is about an hour west of the mississippi river near the iowa border and about two hours away from my favorite new youtube creator chris antoinette if you're into cameras and filmmaking and things like that definitely check her out i'll leave a link below harmony offers cash rebates for new homes anywhere from five thousand to twelve thousand as long as you're building a new home in the city the harmony economic development authority or eda has decided to dole out this cash in a rebate form for new homes now the house has to be 125 000 in value to get any money and that's 5 000 if it's right around that area if the house is worth more than 225 you get 12 g's now what's cool about this one there's no restrictions or limits on the applicant's age income level or residency a lot of these programs they need you to have a certain income because they don't want a bunch of you know people that are broke moving in their neighborhoods and getting some kind of money and they're really not adding too much to the economy things like that they just want people to move to harmony this one is still going on as far as i can tell there is a link below number four shoals alabama before the pandemic remote work was on the rise between 2016-2017 the number of people working remotely grew by 7.9 almost 8 percent is a big leap how much we've jumped since this last year with pandemic is anywhere from 10 to 20 percent that exact number won't be known until after the pandemic and we get back to some kind of normality in northwest alabama in the muscle shoals sheffield area they have a plan called remote shoals they are offering ten thousand dollars as a relocation incentive this one you have to be a remote worker making at least 53 000 you have to be 18 years or older and be able to move to the area within six months of your application's approval the shoals area includes the cities of florence muscle shoals sheffield and tuscumbia now this is a nice part of alabama i've been through here it's been years but i liked it when i was through there like 15 years since i was there this isn't a bad place you have the university of north alabama right there in florence and you got three walmart super centers in the area it don't get no better than that number three alaska alaska is like a manager of a busy restaurant that is always under staff and three people called out they're trying to get people in and they'll do whatever they can they'll pay you extra just to show up simply put alaska needs people so much so that they offer numerous grants and tax incentives to make you an alaskan resident and then they have the permanent fund dividend this is a perfect example of how you know pretty much desperate they've been forever residents who remain in the state receive a check every single year in 1976 the state constitution established the alaska permanent fund corporation to manage the state's oil revenue and in 1982 they began paying residents a portion of the funds the last few years this is what they've gotten in 2017 everyone got a check for 1100 2018 it was 1600 2019 it was 1606 and last year kind of sucked it was only 992 so it varies and it fluctuates but you're still getting a check just for living in a place that is beautiful been there it's great and on top of all that they got no state income tax bravo alaska number two natchez mississippi the hardest part about this one is telling your family that you're willingly moving to mississippi but if you want a crazy low-cost living and housing prices like california had in the 1960s might be worth it now this program is called shift south it is a remote worker incentive program that encourages workers to relocate to this area if they have the ability to work remotely this incentive program offers eligible workers up to six thousand dollars to offset relocation expenses when they move to natchez or adams county mississippi the purpose of this program is to grow the area just like all of them they just want people to come this area and see what they have to offer now i make fun of mississippi a lot i got family that's from there and i've been there too many times to count you know i there's a lot wrong with mississippi but there's also a lot of good going on in mississippi and if you could work remotely and you want to save some money not a better place to save money than living in mississippi now with a commitment to purchase a home in natchez or adams county valued no less than 150 000 natchez incorporated is called will offer a cash incentive of up to six thousand dollars for relocation expenses and assist with the first year's cost of living yeah so it's not bad the big draw to this one is if you know how cheap it is to live in mississippi it's almost worth it all right before we get to number two i just want to let you know i will have links in the description below about all these things and i will also have some links to videos that are similar to this one that you might find interesting maybe you didn't see them before like really cheap places to buy land so on and so forth so those will be down in the comment section below all right on to number one and number one topeka kansas topeka kansas isn't really a place many people dream about moving to it's just not most people living there were either born there got transferred there by their employer or they're living in the topeka men's correctional facility rooming with a guy named ted who keeps saying you look like his girlfriend they have several programs to get you to move here none of them say anything about ted the main one is called choose topeka and you could get up to fifteen thousand dollars just to move there this program partners with shawnee county employers to select talented professionals to relocate to topeka and the shawnee community you can get up to ten thousand dollars if you're a renter and fifteen thousand if you decide to purchase a home here so that's good this program is still going on as far as i can tell the website's still up it's accepting applications and there's a link down below all right that's today's video hope you guys enjoyed it hope you got some information out of it everybody have a great day be nice to each other
Channel: World According To Briggs
Views: 412,683
Rating: 4.9261823 out of 5
Keywords: Travel, where to live in America, Top 10, Top Ten Lists, Move to, Top 10 reasons not to, best cities to live in, world according to Briggs, United States, Ranked, Lists, Best States, Best Cities, Relocate, Maps, Get paid to move, Alaska, Minnesota, Remote workers
Id: ps-4Flbgku0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 9sec (849 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 14 2021
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