Which State in the NORTHEAST is the WORST??

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hey forget about it hey forget about it forget about it forget no ice forget about it the northeast perhaps our most misunderstood and contentious region of our country northeasterners are widely viewed as rude and uptight and always in a hurry and smart or at least they think they're smart and they let you know it too there's a big rivalry between people in this part of the country many new yorkers think they live in the best place on earth new jersey hates new york massachusetts hates everyone connecticut feels like they're squished in between a bunch of idiots and do delaware and rhode island ever get any respect we're going to use data and some controversial metrics to rank these states from worst to best in the end there will be no doubt which state has bragging rights and which ones need to back the f up okay so this should be fun we're gonna rank the states in the northeast now in order to do so we need two things a list of states and some criteria we're going to use these as our 11 states these can be considered part of the northeast in terms of criteria we're going to use everything from of course cost of living and quality of life and crime but we're also going to use some stereotypes like which northeastern states have the worst roads and which ones have the most blizzards and of course which ones are the smartest because everybody in the northeast well they're a bunch of know-it-alls let's get going shall we now step right up and let's see who wins on a big old northeast fight we're gonna match these states all up to see which one's all right here we are in baltimore this is widely perceived as the most dangerous city in this part of the country but not all of baltimore is like this and certainly maryland has many desirable locations and much of the northeast is more peaceful and quiet like this area in rural new hampshire let's begin our analysis with crime which northeastern states have the worst crime and which ones are the safest well that's pretty easy look i have a map and wowzers look at the dark blue which means safe most of the upper new england area is very safe they sweep the top three actually surprisingly maybe delaware ranks as the most dangerous place in the northeast mostly because of wilmington which is a hood in many areas you might also be surprised to see that new jersey is the fourth safest state in the country interesting but we can use these rankings to put together our first score as you can see delaware gets one point because it's the most dangerous new hampshire gets 11 points because it's the safest out of 11 states the lower the score the worse the state now i could rank on best to worst but you people are sick and you want to see everything shown in a negative light now let's move on to a northeast stereotype many folks up here are concerned with money people they take pride in earning money being fiscally responsible and they complain about taxes a lot but more on that in a minute it should be pretty easy to rank these dates based on how much money each state has overall we'll just use the census to see which folks have the highest annual salaries and for those of you northeasterners who think i'm being shallow well then stop using money as a status symbol i mean just saying here we go this chart here gives maryland some bragging rights households here average just under 82 000 a year annually which is actually the highest amount in the country and new jersey and massachusetts are too far behind either the poorest northeastern state is maine but outside of maine 10 of our 11 northeast states rank in the top 15 overall in the nation for family wealth connecticut used to be the rich estate but folks are leaving this state because of taxes and speaking of taxes let's see which state has the highest taxes just because you bringing in the dough doesn't mean you get to keep it all right it's pretty easy to see which states up here pay the most in taxes every year and just like our previous chart it's pretty clear that not only do these states earn the most money they pay by far the most in taxes in the country too this part of the country has seven states in the top 11 for tax burdens so sad so sad new yorkers have a lot to complain about their tax burden's the highest in the whole country at 12.2 percent and with all the drama involving the rioting and the whole coveted thing happening in new york city you might see these go up even higher too folks main support stayed up here but they pay the fourth highest taxes of all states the states with the smallest tax burdens are delaware and new hampshire delaware has the country's fourth lowest property taxes and new hampshire's income tax is basically zero and for everyone in massachusetts who complains about all the taxes and they call your state taxachusetts you don't have a lot to complain about you have the seventh lowest taxes of all new england states and you're just about average nationwide so shut up so we've had another shift after our first three categories new york is the worst state haha no surprises there and new hampshire is the best state in the northeast so far now a lot of the northeast is known for having great food whether it's the seafood in places like rhode island in massachusetts or the lobster in maine or pennsylvania's cheesesteaks or the unlimited options of new york city but which one has the worst food and which one has the best food well this is a little subjective but food network is totally reputable right since they talk about food all day long over there so we went with this rundown of each state's food rankings as it turns out new york has the best food and delaware has the worst food that makes sense to me kinda mostly wait new hampshire doesn't have good food i mean they call it the arkansas of new england for a reason and it looks like all that possum pie they eat up there is a detriment people but even after ranking last for food new hampshire is still the best date so far delaware and rhode island are tied as the worst states in the region port delaware and rhode island now earlier we mentioned that one stereotype of north easterners is that they're opinionated harsh direct and frankly rude i don't have the budget to go and ask everybody up there what they think of my youtube channel but i'm sure many would tell me i'm an idiot but we can look at polling a somewhat reputable travel company which states are friendly and which states are downright rude and we have the results here people okay this isn't a surprise new york is deemed not only the rude estate in this region but in the whole country now i've been there before and i found most new yorkers were direct but somewhat pleasant other highly rude states up here include delaware delaware massachusetts new jersey new hampshire man most of the rudest states in the whole country are up here what does that say the nicest state of all is minnesota but in terms of the states we're talking about it's pennsylvania that's a little surprising but their state motto is you've got a friend in pennsylvania so i guess they mean it good for you pennsylvania here are the final mean to nice new england states this result is going to certainly push new york back into the top spot is the worst day to live in the northeast what do you think about that lady [Applause] living in the northeast means plenty of blizzards people and just bad weather in general it's actually pretty dreary for many long months up here for this metric we're going to look at cloud cover and snowfall for cloudy estates it isn't even close vermont only has 58 days of sun a year on average with new york being right behind maryland's the sunniest state in terms of snowfall maine vermont and new hampshire all rank in the top three and the whole nation for average snowfall every year maryland and delaware are tiny so they don't get a lot of snowfall either because there's less land on which snow can fall but overall the states with the worst weather in the northeast are as follows maryland has the best weather in the northeast followed by delaware vermont and new york have the worst weather i would never live in a state with so much snow and clouds especially if i have to pay taxes well little happy kid that's a good point mappy taught you well and that's why so many people are moving away from this region of our country of course another knock on the northeast is the sheer number of people and the traffic while many states up here are wide open many are just packed in with people people which states have the highest population densities in which have the worst traffic of course new jersey's most crowded it has the highest population density in the country where there are 1200 people per square mile i mean my god my god rhode island is pretty small but it's packed in there most of the northeast is pretty packed actually the states with the least number of people per square mile in this region are maine and vermont which is pretty easy to see when you visit maine and vermont this somewhat overwhelming chart shows us which states have the worst traffic new york pennsylvania and new jersey are bad vermont and rhode island are not so we have our two crowded and too much traffic final numbers and they are as follows to no surprise new jersey has it the worst followed by massachusetts and new york looking good up there in vermont and in maine too in a second we're going to show you an update of all the states but not before we go through sports people perhaps the biggest northeast stereotype of all of course sports is something to brag about in each of these states most men up here live and die by their sports teams but some states don't have any sports teams so they're going to do badly in this one to measure this one we're just going to add up the most sports titles for each state since maine vermont new hampshire delaware rhode island and connecticut don't have any actual sports teams sorry hartford whaler fans those states get a big zero in this category the other states can compete though and if you measure the total number of sports titles by state you can see that new york has no sports titles mostly because the yankees won like 38 world series massachusetts isn't too far behind with 50 world titles 17 of those because of the celtics pennsylvania's had 43 from what looks like pittsburgh and philadelphia have combined for 39 world titles but i don't know where the other four came from and new jersey has had four that's not very many even maryland has 14. since we're talking about sports this would be a good time to look at our standings shall we right now new york is the worst state even worse in delaware but maryland is the best state so far and it's not even close damn okay so which state has the worst roads rhode island has the worst roads in this country which is probably a trivia question you can win some money with a quarter of the roads in rhode island are in pitiful shape and you'd think that a state with road in their name would have some good roads new jersey and massachusetts also have terrible roads in fact four of the top 10 worst roads in the country are in this region supposedly vermont has the best roads where only three percent of the pavement here is in bad shape good for you vermont okay so a few more to measure before we can come up with our final rankings entertainment right like which states have the most things to do for fun clearly new york will win this one but we can use some internet searching to find a previously determined ranking list of states based on entertainment and nightlife and no we're not measuring hiking though i understand that's a thing to do up here this ranking takes into account previously mentioned metrics and as i thought new york is at the top and pennsylvania is not too far down either the most boring northeast states are delaware and rhode island no surprises there after our latest rankings we have a new leader as the worst state in the northeast rhode island with delaware and new york not too far behind and our best state still remains maryland in terms of jobs and opportunities it's pretty easy to see the states with the highest unemployment rates those are going to be inflated due to kovid but they are what they are an indication of the amount of work available per each state rhode island has the highest unemployment rate at 12.8 percent which is just sad for the folks up there new york is right behind it 12.5 percent vermont has the region's lowest unemployment rate at 4.8 percent so there's a big variation between the states with the strongest workforce and the weakest and maryland which has the northeast second lowest unemployment rate has opened up its lead even more people whoa we only have two more things to measure intelligence and schools because people in the northeast take pride in being smart a bunch of know-it-alls up there in terms of quality of public schools massachusetts wins in a landslide but we knew that already their schools are always gapped about when it comes to school quality and cost per student new jersey schools are also solid but uh oh rhode island this might clinch it you have the worst schools in the northeast and when it comes to intelligence it's very easy to see which state has bragging rights and which ones are real dunces massachusetts again has the highest iq at 104.3 which sounds like a rock station channel new hampshire and vermont and maine are also pretty smart the dumbest state in the northeast is rhode island where the iq doesn't even crack a hundred but five of the top 10 smartest states in the country are in the northeast and this is our final ranking so there we go that clinches it our final standings and rhode island takes the cake as the worst state in the northeast rhode island actually got worst in the final six categories so sad so sad but lol at new york it tied delaware as the second worst state in the northeast it's actually pretty funny i'm sure there's lots of people in new york that would agree with that and if we used state governors to break the tie i think delaware would win and look at maryland though the second dumbest state overall is still our official winner according to nick johnson as the best state in the northeast it wasn't even close and that's with baltimore as your starting quarterback too a team effort up there in the old line state kind of surprising to me mostly okay so that was fun using economic indicators and some data in modern stereotypes we ranked the northeastern states there were probably a few surprises like who would have thought maryland would have done so well right anyway if you live in a great state great and if you live in rhode island don't feel so bad i mean you could have tied with delaware new york now step right up and let's see who wins on a big old northeast fight we're gonna match these states all up to see which one's all right these places all like to think that they are all so good and great by the end of this ranking there just might be a lot more hate be a lot more hate yeah with rhode island new hampshire too new jersey and new york [Music] connecticut new hampshire and maryland they're all gonna fight now hey guys if you learned something new about america or what it's like to live in america great you should think about subscribing and turning on your notifications you can also click one of these videos or playlists for more you can also now buy my songs on itunes and other formats click the link in the description thanks for watching and remember while we all might have different views we should all be nice to each other and try to make the u.s a better place in a positive way this is sage nyx manager this has been a corner house entertainment production
Channel: Nick Johnson
Views: 131,551
Rating: 4.8179111 out of 5
Keywords: New york, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Masssachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Delaware, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Vermont, best states in the northeast, moving to the northeast, best states, worst states, moving to new york, moving to New jersey, moving to Connecticut, moving to Massachusetts, moving to maine, moving to new hampshire, new york city, moving to pennsylvania, moving to maryland, pittsburgh, boston, the northeast, maryland, philadelphia, portland, baltimore, dover
Id: NTVgAJwlfeg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 44sec (944 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 20 2020
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