South Park: The Fractured But Whole All Cutscenes (Game Movie) Full Story PS4 PRO 1080p

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what has become of this city there used to be Naz justice not anymore kram is out of control cats are missing and townspeople are being victimized who pooped on my porch we were supposed to protect those who couldn't protect themselves get off her car you little [ __ ] now superheroes are torn apart by political differences we are two sides at Ward [Music] but lore isn't going to save our city time fellas might only hope now myths tell of ancient times when a new king United a kingdom torn apart by a powerful state hi I'm Jana there's no time to waste I have to go back change the present if I can find his cat and in doing so perhaps I can change what has happened [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] where is the king we should be happy that he's made friends in this town so quickly we came here to hide more friends just means more trouble you're being paranoid you need to lay off that stuff it's changing you oh one thing that helps me relax from your stupid [ __ ] oh hey whippersnapper didn't see you there your friends are downstairs kiddo get out there and play [Music] your friends are at the front door honey go outside and play my lord the fill team are attempting to overtake [Music] take us all on let's go we've got to get inside Karma's out stand aside or die we're going through that door you can't oh come on yeah because everything is running here is lava oh dude no way all that is lava yep everything's up here you hear his lover you can't project jet come on let's get inside we can't they're seeing everything in further going lava that's not fair oh my god he defeated the dragon no frickin way that kids amazing [Music] [Music] speak Bard what happened to the stick of truth the wizard had it thrown into the ocean lies you shall feel the wrath of a Moorish unhand him you heathens release the bottle you'll have the King to do it hey they say he can slay a dragon with one blow that's right if you don't wait wait where is it I thought he was with you guys now we got a distress they know to come help him here the wizard is down my name is the king I'm from the future dude we said we're not play got any more yeah we're all split up what's the point this is the point in mad time there is a massive crime wave and missing cats I knew my only hope was to assemble the team hey you can switch teams like this where's the stick of truth shut up Kevin this is about some dumb stick there's a cat in trouble and it's the key to finding the crime syndicate new to our town in the future I'm syndicate head that sounds too heavy for Coonan red well what do you want tag you want the [ __ ] freedom pal to find the missing cat get the hundred dollar reward and make their superhero franchise more popular reproductive freedom pouch dude that's right oops again there's a laughing coming from your basement playroom hakuna there come on [ __ ] friends go get your stuff and report back to the cool air in the future [ __ ] and friends this symbol sorry guys you can't play with us we're playing superheroes now and you guys are dorks oh hello the boys are down in their little basement playroom [ __ ] you mom there's no anything that's not enough mosquito we have to act fast before the freedom pals can $100 reward do you know what that could mean to our superhero franchise that cat looks pretty old maybe just died in the gutter somewhere human kaiju I have to remind you that as of right now freedom pals have a hundred followers on Instagram we have six the five of us and Billy Turner who's a ginger this is the key to finally baiting those [ __ ] but where do we start looking that cat could be anyway we need to split up mosquito take to the air and check out all the city parks you got it mosquito away human catch see if the cat is stuck up a tree somewhere you've got the storm drains super Craig fast fast I need you to use your superhuman speed to get to the mayor's office and tell her we're on the case don't worry [ __ ] you can count on it to get there keep it excuse me super Craig super Craig this is Kim do you copy super quick the [ __ ] are you I repeat the [ __ ] are you super Craig wait now the security system isn't working dude what the [ __ ] ordinary citizens aren't allowed in the toon there we're playing superheroes now and you aren't a superhero new kids so [ __ ] off okay okay all right look you can watch us play superheroes as long as you don't get in the way make yourself useful go grab me just a furnace a device it's over there you took it again we all [ __ ] die well that took long enough it's the first a device active [Music] you really want to be a superhero huh play with the big boys well maybe maybe you can be useful have a seat at the table teabag all right in order to play superheroes you have to have a superhero persona then you can fill out your character sheet on coaster gram do you have a crew sea gram page oh boy you're not even on Q Instagram have well I guess I can create one for you okay douche bag but now we need to find out what terrible thing in your past drives you you see douche all superheroes have a compelling backstory it's from that backstory that their powers gained meaning let's take you back to when you were just a child you lay awake that night like so many other nights you couldn't sleep because you knew you weren't like the other kids you walked to the mirror you looked in the mirror and you felt alone and that's when it happened a loud noise you swore you could hear your mother calling for help you left your room out in the hallway you saw two intruders in front of your parents door you had to stop them from hurting your parents you knew you had the power to stop them so for the first time you called upon your stupid fake powers a super-strong brutalist arrow you cracked your knuckles and prepared to prom yeah and so you beat them all seem to be okay but then you finally reached your parents door and what you saw when you open that door changed your life forever and led you to fighting crime you were too late because when you open that door you saw you saw your dad suck your man Wow that's a pretty heavy backstory you fight crime because you never forgot the night you weren't intending and you saw your own father the man you trusted [ __ ] your mind it's like a ripple in time you can't ever change isn't it alright now that you're a superhero I have a mission for you I need you to go out into town and try to get as many followers as you can on currency Graham it's the only way our franchise was revived [Music] hey kid I got a row to finish do such a thing it's just so mean hey kid you know anything about this somebody's King my wife's car at night it's happening every night I thought it was just one of you damn kids but will here come here take a look at this whoever scratching the car is also leaving notes I'm just scared it's a jilted lover or something you won't forgive me that easy I thought we had something I'll tell the world about you [ __ ] listen I'm sick of having to puff this [ __ ] out if you can catch whoever's keying my wife's car tonight I'll follow you on Kunz to Gram trust me you want me as a follower I'm a pretty big deal [Music] [Music] really you said a newbie to my distress call you're such a dick [ __ ] sorry kid but my problem is too big for a rookie a few days ago there was an anomaly in the universe another version of me the human kite from an alternate dimension showed up here and it's destroying everything right now it's upstairs in my room I don't think anything can stop it human kite from another universe is behind this door I can't fight him for obvious reasons you know alternative universe paradox [ __ ] so you are going to have to take him out you've got to really kick his ass dude so that he wants to return back to his universe on the East Coast you ready all right go get him oh hey Kyle I'm big who's your friend did he come to play with us all right what do you mean Kyle we're a team remember I'm not from another universe we were like best super pals as you can see he is the one running around giving to him a kind of bad name he was sent here to destroy me and weaken my power no no I came to spend two weeks with my cousin and wanted to play superheroes and then he said okay what superhero do you want to be and I said I want to be a human kite but he said you can't be a human kite I'm here me kite and I said well why can't we be human kites together so I went to aunt Sheila and I said I want to be human kite to candy and she told him he had to do what I said since I was the guest remember I'm sorry me from another universe but it is time for you to learn that playing superheroes is too painful new kid you must now destroy my alter ego how jay-z's we're gonna fight that's right if you really want to play then this is how you do it well I'll write anything to make me and my cousin more alike that'll be nice I haven't done a whole lot of sparring it's a no contest King full-contact not sparring oh I'm afraid that's impossible I didn't bring that in [Music] all right here we go my super ultimate power get ready are you ready oh Jesus okay wrath height from an alternate universe [Music] oh I think I might have ruptured my hair yet you've had enough I'll get at me yeah the superhero stuff really hurts I better go back to my University oh you're leaving dude that sucks yeah I'll be going back to my University now human kite I need some came to Phoenix for my ear because I got a scrape on it they're being farted on dude I don't know how to thank you from now on call of you whatever you need help [Music] cute PJs kid if you see butters could you tell him he's grounded again if I take a selfie with you will you skedaddle [Music] [Music] now cat by Norton those are sixth graders they're the most vile evil beings known to superheroes you guys are stupid everyone knows Kieffer's mom has the nice boobs dude shut up about my mom's kids breath why don't you make me sit face when I finish kicking your butt I'm gonna kick your butt you really you think me Wow nice work new kid you took down at 6:00 Raider keep it up I cannot and form a few guys all day no way conformist go away I'm not really into the selfie thing this town's going to [ __ ] like even more than usual so we figured we'd try this black magic spy we looked up online but Henrietta's stupid brothers stole the sacred tome we need to do the ritual so we're screwed if you could find that tone kid well that'd be pretty goth of you soon you will be approaching super Craig's Fortress of Solitude super Craig has a check-in I hope nothing's man greetings citizen it is I super Craig I'm sorry but I cannot assist anyone with their problems right now super Craig can't fight his guinea pig go tell the coud that I'm not playing until I find stripe he's not just adorable guinea pig he belongs to me and my ex-boyfriend that's right super Craig is gay I'll bet stripe is down in the basement again we should start at the basement that's the last place ahead I'll stand by the stairs to keep him from escaping you do the rest butthole be careful this is probably the most palace existed you've ever been give it [Music] yes drive a brilliant rescue but it wasn't just me we have but lorded it's sickening [ __ ] tonight you get a new me if you ever need help you can count on a super Kraig without a stripe is like a super girl without a bicycle new kid hey there oh you want a Craig's friends you're looking for Craig me let's just say I'm an art collector specializing in a delightfully modern and extremely confusing Asian art form known as yaoi crazy right but this stuff is worth a fortune to the right buyer if in your adventures you find any of these bring them to me I will reward you instantly not bad you kid not bad way to go out and get some followers on Instagram I think you're ready for the next level head back to the pin lair Kim nuke it snap you see all those little red Lego bricks that's nava you try and cross lava you die don't even touch it wait this doesn't make sense who would put lava there I can't make it too easy for you what good is a world without a little will deal with chaos when the time is right for now we have to keep our eye on the prize tune accident now watch this bro sick creators are way too powerful for you rookie just keep walking don't even look at them ah there you are but huh being a superhero is a little harder than you thought huh it's okay you totally suck but I can't help but feel sorry for you because your dad [ __ ] your mom and your dad come this way I'm gonna teach you about artifacts you see most superheroes augment their abilities with specialized equipment it's a strength you'll find things like these out of a town the trick is to equip them into your out of fact [ __ ] go on give it you'll find more artifacts out there doing your superhero adventures you can even craft your own just remember with great power comes great chicks in life Oh a new kit you found your first bat travel tickets look for more don't make your life way easier no Crocker instead those are expensive give me the rock are we really going to take on the sixth graders that's what doesn't do any damage at all okay that was pretty badass we make a good team oh sweet wait till it gets on the internet about how to [ __ ] and friends beat up for sixth graders this is great for a franchise it's not for you though new kid kids now the six graders are gonna be coming after you probably should've done that that's pretty stupid okay now go and get our franchise more followers will oh wait a minute you didn't fill out your kryptonite so what you're invincible there's no way that's against the rules you have to have a weakness no fine mosquito he can help you out I'll put the rest of the character sheet stuff on your map oh hi you're the new kid right oh great thanks for coming have a seat as your counselor you can talk to me about anything okay you understand you want to talk about okay see I'm highly trained in them sexy she's okay and you don't have to be afraid okay new kids it's really simple when uh when you want to talk about your sex you simply you can start by simply saying you know I'm a boy or a girl or other right exactly you got it now new kid this might get confusing but listen close okay if you were born a boy that's called being a cisgender boy okay or sis for short but well you you might have transitioned into being the board you see what I mean if you were not born a boy but now identifies one well that's called being transgendered okay or trans for short we're good so um do you identify as being cisgendered or transgendered I need to call your parents just take a second hello this is mr. Macky the school counselor yes I have your child here in my office and well he's just let me know that he's cisgender that means he identifies with the sex he was assigned at Birth no you knew that okay well no no it's it's fun I just wanted to make sure that you knew he had other options you know you know you don't always have to go with the first hand you're dealt okay yeah no that's that's great that's great to know I think I can really maybe be of help from here on out on thank you very much okay bye-bye now okay well I'm really glad we had this talk as a cisgendered male myself I know how hard it can be out there for a boy who chooses to love someone of the opposite sex just remember love is love even if you're a guy who happens to like titties just be careful okay cuz there's there's a lot of people out there who don't accept you for what you are and you're gonna have to deal with them okay so uh but come see me any time around here let's welcome this fan to our town wait a move [Music] [Music] really do solve everything guys so satisfying see you new kid call on me whenever you want to get somewhere call on me whenever you wanna get somewhere yeah call on me whenever you wanna get too much that's raisins new kid mosquito must be inside get in there but you'll not be tempted by their amazing wings and hot [ __ ] [Music] hi just one of you today what come right over here beauty one of our raisins girls we'll be right with you just the cutest thing he sure can't eat a lot of wings yeah so so that I flew into the sky and I beat up all the bad guys well any no mosquitoes can be so tough yeah well ever heard of the Zika virus another plate of wings cutie sure just put it on my tab big spender hey beat it kid these are by woman's what superhero are you stupid wait oh my god commissioned by fellow superheroes I've completely forgot back away tip to this mosquito knows what you were trying to do what are you talking about kid this girl's kryptonite you got to get me out of here well okay then here's your pill ha ha you tried to charm me I will not pay this bill you want to leave a tip that's why they aren't going to let us go without a fight kid that works slide your elbow base you're just jealous with my whirlwind romance [Music] I wanted to order a Lebanese I guess it's too late oh those witches are my kryptonite and you must have saved me just in time I'm forever in your debt but zero what is your kryptonite dude you can't be a superhero without something that you're powerless against any particular Phobos any emotional hang-ups I mean come on there's got to be something look it's okay I'm on your team but kid you can tell me all right all right let me see your character see you're doing great really quality character sheet stuff happening here I've got a super secret mission for you head over to the new taco shop on Main Street and buy me attack [Music] well hello new child I haven't seen you before but you come at a crucial time South Park is sliding into moral decline someone's stealing our cats they're TP houses okay maybe it's not full on Armageddon yet but we do need a hero not to make the hard sell but do you see yourself as a good person well I can understand the confusion but there comes a time when we need to choose our path will you find Jesus and take the righteous path or maybe a walk the middle way let's not talk about the third alternative I'm hoping you're part of the solution of the problem take the first step my child by entering this meditative chamber which will allow you to confront your deepest fears face your fears new tile face your fears [Music] your dad [ __ ] your mom you afraid of the dark specs color blue oh hey I am in your imagination just a friendly Catholic priest who would like to get to know you a little better yeah that's right I'm totally in your imagination - about to give you a shoulder rub never imagined you'd feel something like this let me adjust the lighting in here a bit so we can get some visuals with that I guess this one lacks a browser me I've got God [ __ ] Who am I gonna get such a god damn it I can't put a child in a dark room for two minutes without you bastards showing up we are definitely going to hell now get out of here that's not what the Queen spider says I'll go say ten mil Harry's well gosh I feel just awful about all that tell you what a rabbi friend gave me this macaroni mixer in times of trouble and tribulation use it to call upon the prophet Moses good luck on your spiritual journey motto new kid you've done a decent job sofa come back to the pool later I think we should advance your character to nap [ __ ] you mom alright well how's it going out there okay good talk but listen I think you show some potential and I'm gonna upgrade you to somebody's sidekick or something congratulations I just maybe wanted to talk about your superhero character a little bit um your character sucks to be honest and I think I'm gonna let you do a class let's pick another abilities hat okay I think those two will work nicely together but now we're gonna need to change your backstory too so let's go back again to that fateful night back when you were little you did lay awake that night but the reason you couldn't sleep was because you wanted to make the world a safer place you walk to the mirror you looked in the mirror and wondered if anyone would ever love you then you heard a noise but but it was a baby crying [Music] out of the hallway you thought you guys attacking a helpless baby on the floor you can't stop them from hurting that baby didn't you you knew you had the power to stop them and so you called upon your newly discovered power power surged through your cybernetic appendages as you focus on your prime directive protect the baby back for some reason with loitering in your hallway [Music] he's more machine than man and so you beat them you swept the baby up in your arms to take him somewhere safe and then that's when the unthinkable happened you saw your dad [ __ ] your bun from then on you had to live with the fact because you were busy helping a baby stop your mom being [ __ ] by that's heavy man I'm really sorry I know you probably want to know why why your dad [ __ ] your mom but those are answers you'll have to find for yourself [Music] what's happening what have they done now hurry we're coming [ __ ] app well new kid looks like you might be meeting those newfound powers follow me [Music] no time to waste but Oh [Music] wait toward the bus stop it's a quicker trap my kinks it's not fire freedom houses on the move a confrontation is brewing yes this way keep going towards the bus stop man escort missions are the worst god damn it so close head towards Main Street but hope and courage your loins for battle we're supposed to be a duo remember tweek yeah I remember so when I walked out of Qunu friend you should have walked out with me I like coded friends because you had your own boobies thank god you're here they're really going at it super Craig had to have movies before wonders week was introduced and they do sets otherwise y'all don't make no sense because you're a traitor tweek and now you're with a group of super traitors this was started by you by people who thought there should be preferential treatment to certain heroes we are the ones who walked out of the [ __ ] franchise mysterion all right you must listen to me right now I'm speaking to you telepathically get out of my head Timmy your franchise is going nowhere face the truth you guys are kind of douchebags [Music] he just called his douchebags in mime and he did all right you son of a [ __ ] [Music] I thought I'd supposed to be Wonder tweakin by moving no mercy you're really getting the hang of this hey wait what about poo oh [ __ ] come on whoo what happened Timmy got away hey hey completely made to my mind you okay no seriously you guys he [ __ ] the [ __ ] out of my brains huh I grabbed him we fought for a little bit but it's his mental powers are too strong so we did all that for nothing not quite I got to me cell phone you're dead there's sure to be a lead on that let's get this back to base super quick and analyze it hello is this the little superhero who's getting all the followers on Instagram your presence is requested at City Hall the mayor of South Park wishes to speak with you don't make her wait ah there you are but huh all right let's get to work what have you found super Craig Timmy's float has a bunch of notes in it something about a girl who has information about all the criminal activity in town what girl it just says spied the girl with the dick tattoo what girl in town has a dick tattoo I don't know mosquito but the freedom pals must think she's the key to finding the missing cat if the freedom house find her before we do they'll get the hundred dollar reward we cannot let that happen we have to stop the freedom pals from having a sweet franchise at all costs then we have to find the girl with that tattoos tonight that passes right we all have to sneak out of our houses tonight and search the entire town what do you say new kid you up for it yeah who let this guy join us anyway go easy on him you guys he's had a tough life when he was six years old his dead [ __ ] his man what I'm sorry friend but it's time they learned you're a tragic backstory but who doesn't trust anyone because his dad [ __ ] his mom and he couldn't do anything to stop it that doesn't make any sense I know how could the person you trust do that to the only other person you love Carbon everyone's dad [ __ ] everyone's mom huh that's how it works stupid our dad's [ __ ] our mom's alright so does that mean your dad [ __ ] your mom cam yeah yes my dad [ __ ] my mom that's why I'm here don't steal his backstory dude that's not cool you're so [ __ ] stupid every human alive on earth had a dad who [ __ ] their mom acts naw this is not what's important right now we need to find the lady with the dick tattoo yeah let's get up so we can prepare for evening missions let's go [ __ ] friends he's such a [ __ ] idiot it's okay calm down I'm afraid you'll have to deal with that kind of bigotry your whole life but hope when people don't understand they lash out I'm going to let you be a sidekick tonight to one of the [ __ ] friends go home and sneak out after your parents are asleep I'll fill you in later [Music] what are you even talking to the school counselor why'd you answer the phone have you lost your [ __ ] mind our child felt the need to go talk to the school counselor doesn't that bother you at all so you told him the truth no we didn't talk about that at all you dumb [ __ ] you'll ruin everything I don't have to listen to this from a stoned out pothead I need a drink sure drown your problems in Chardonnay you stupid skank oh hey whippersnapper have a fun day out playing no well I'm exhausted gonna get ready for bed dinner's on the table if you want it Punk but then straight to bed okay pothead alcoholic sweetie I just want you to know that whatever happens mommy always loved you good night sweetheart [Music] that time that's when the creeps come out but unfortunately for the creats the other thing that comes out at night yes my old man your gentlemen was the power of diabetes I his control I used to be a simple elementary school student but then one day a freak science at cynic heard my diabetes he said super booming sprints I'm excited we're supposed to go investigate a girl whom I know the location of the missing cat follow me [ __ ] you like this psychic okay we'll move all the way I need to go buy some more beer I'm sorry but captain diabetes cannot let you drive I'm fine to drive okay yeah I hear they give it like cheese you're right no condition sir I'm fine okay look look look I'm fine okay give me my keys I'll return them tomorrow [ __ ] [ __ ] you too [Music] I'll get those keys right after this short little nip go on it there's a shortcut through human typeface Kyle's on another mission back down your earn our own socket it's up to us to get to the bottom of this if your catch up there in the Attic the [ __ ] gave permission to use it when I have too much sugar I get really anxious strong I call it ready to strike down evil and bring peace yeah because they're not starting Sounders see you I feel like home they die up to make captain Gabby you feel insecure about himself I think you see psychic but nothing soft dark is quite a different place we've got to get into the peppermint hippo [Applause] go back [Applause] and I am on yu-gi-oh oh my god [ __ ] I'll be Ritch [Applause] here it is here's where we're going to find the girl they're sure to be unsavory characters and lots of boobies and sighs hey beat it kids 21 and over only it is i top diabetes i must speak with the ladies inside get out he just [ __ ] throw you out hmm there must be another way in somewhere oh of course stand aside sidekick [Music] [Music] there's only one thing we can do we have to pick someone and take them to the VIP room kind of sure I like I'm short do you take the one with the speech impediment come on get some dances yeah first to get gasses then we talked oh okay so have you gentlemen ever had dances some a girl with a pina tattoo hey we didn't come back here to talk baby yeah no talking until you finish grinding on our jobs okay sidekick you know what this means [Music] oh man what kind of work you guys you and if you ever dance with a girl here who has a penis tattoo why are you keep talking about a stripper with a penis tattoo yeah yeah classy that's her name her name is classy yeah classy with an eye and a little dick that hangs off to see which [ __ ] the L out of the a SS car thanks eka - we have to make new cake ha ha what are you talking about the work VIP experience ever yeah I did was get hurt it on you ain't going nowhere ha ha I am the ordinary skipper I am captain diabetes what nice sidekick and I simply use our powers of disguise to extract information from you you won't get away with this captain diabetes hippos in Italy thank you nuki now let's get back to the main floor alright guys hope you're having a good night out there be sure to tip your waitresses and maybe buy a drink for the DJ let's give it up [Music] [Music] [Music] sorry you have to kick on sidekick but nothing in the quilt makes me more hangers insights and awakens the deep-seated rage can i - see me - activate carts but that'll definitely piggy keep me out long enough friends all right someone finally by the DJ drink that's really nice to do that went down really good the TJ's sure does appreciate it Oh oh man I think someone farted in my drink guys I'll be right guys let's get on out here not trust me with an eye and a little GiftA [ __ ] the hell out of ya SS give it up for because hey hey what you call the me out fo I ain't on stage yet wait a minute you ain't the DJ help us see who can oh [ __ ] nobody's allowed back here yeah get lost you want to get to her you're gonna have to go through us bring it on oh and subbing in from the day shift give it up for blaze hey can we turn the house lights down just a touch she could smash and watermelon between her thighs it's Anastasia okay guys better look out for this coke and she'll stick you right up her butt it's Rhonda oh you little bastards don't [ __ ] up don't get a bootay look out ladies and gents here comes the queen of cookies the mistress of BDSM your dominatrix dream come true it's spontaneous you ain't ready for this brute tired I'm gonna crush you in my booty cheeks I'm gonna break every bone in your body with my booze there [Music] [Music] go on scram I ain't afraid to use this thing even my diabetic Reds can't move this son yeah huh yeah hey it's too much bread and you're not Italian I need that no no okay you got to help me out yeah but you let me actually I'm calling you cheap kappa [Music] oh god no somebody please hey how's it going for you guys you know what makes my fart super bad and crafted techsmith's not just any handcrafted tex-mex it's got to be something extra special you know what to do new kid [Music] I'm alive what happened who are you waving what happened I got a guy from diabetes I remember seeing a bright life the hand of God became towards me then somebody farted in my face and I was back I can almost still smell it Wow your first can actually move objects in time that's it we were busy syncing our watches no we were looking at menus because Cartman made us ordered food fighting crime on an empty stomach is very dangerous human catch it's for your own good whatever she couldn't have left we would have seen her go out the front door laughing maybe he hit the back okay you guys check it out call us if you need help we'll be waiting for you with our bread sticks I can easily lift it out of my way but I can't use my apple juice without insulin to bring me back down my check a mild-mannered superhero it don't look impossible it puts me into a state of blind rage except wait you're psychic you're terrible fighter throw me in different ways of course the [ __ ] wasn't trying to make me feel insecure Lee told me that my hot fries gave me diet president help me unlock my true powers we've got you through there just a classic psychic for the good of snapper for [ __ ] and friends I need you to follow my sense all right ready when you are [Music] we did it the path is clear it's hard for me to lose control of myself but if we're ever in a situation like that again psychic know that you can sargam I think we gotta tell the guys we found missing a whole wilmuth him duty scrambles one of them negative none of them are fat enough then what about the girl we're still tracking her we have to find out what she knows get going we're so close I got a psychic sounds like there could be trouble behind that door there's someone in it I [Music] told you to cancel chasing me and you let them hear you stupid [ __ ] who you calling a stupid [ __ ] do I look like your mama that's funny these kids are cops that ain't no cop that's captain diabetes when he was born his mom farted during labor and it gave him diabetes that he uses to fight crime yet they aren't cops then we can shoot him along with this [ __ ] too oh yeah turning on me I knew I shouldn't win in a visit without Tony Soprano look at [ __ ] so long captain diabetes let's see your diabetes Savior now wasted on red wine red wine drunk is the worst truck there is let's get the [ __ ] out here all right captain diabetes this is it my [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] hang on Sharon's texted me can't type why the [ __ ] am i why my thumb so big hey Siri [ __ ] take a note tell my wife [ __ ] off fight poop emoji she sounds pissed which one you [ __ ] told Sharon I was here hold on hold on be home soon looking for my [ __ ] keys heart heart XO alright I'm gonna take a cow nobody Wi-Fi [ __ ] look all I know is there's a kingpin trying to get new high-grade drugs out on the street it's somebody trying to bring the Italians and Chinese crime families together is she in that smell touch where is scrambles Sonia Nez Cisco he just saw them low-class [ __ ] start working two months ago he be talking all this [ __ ] about making money off the crime in the city cuz some bigshot white boy be running all the drugs not hookers and [ __ ] right okay uh-huh but not me I'm my own pants you know what I'm saying it's like I got one investment in this world and that's my [ __ ] and I ain't putting no mortgage on that to some high-paying [ __ ] talk about trying to make more money off crime and [ __ ] classy I'm sorry but what about the cat's own Aircast okay that's this little asian freak named Jackie Baba some [ __ ] like that he going around paying all these little sixth graders to take people's cash that's [ __ ] up I think taking that [ __ ] and like taking money you know what I'm saying that's like criminal [ __ ] where do the cat go I can tell you but I ain't saying [ __ ] until I know I'm safe you understand these [ __ ] ain't playing and I need to know you gonna protect my ass Eric Cartman do you have any idea what time it is this is a school night mom not now we're seriously onto something you kids all get home now or I'm calling your parents sorry mrs. Cartman please don't tell my mom and who is this stripper woman these comb friends offer me protection well she's not staying here fine Fastpass take her to your house okay and now the news program that starts your day off right good morning South Park good morning South Park a new vigilante took to the streets last night and is apparently single-handedly taken down the fam bony crime family here with more is a [ __ ] in a bikini Tom I'm standing outside the buca di faggocini where the vigilante declared war on crime in South Park security camera footage showed a young person farting in people's faces on their balls it was just terrifying the kid came in and just started farting on people it was out of nowhere man maybe someones finally standing up to what's wrong with this city this new kids a hero the kids a menace if you ask me how long before he or she kills an innocent person how long before daredevil becomes the Punisher huh three season three seasons police called to the scene found a treasure trove of illegal items that they claimed might tie the Italian restaurant to a larger crime syndicate this may be just the tip of the iceberg certainly chilling stuff and their reports the vigilante possibly had a sidekick there was thought to be a sidekick Tom but further investigation showed it was just some little twerp with diabetes thanks [ __ ] and of course the question on everyone's minds now who is - farting vigilante this is going to make us look bad you [ __ ] up it wasn't our fault this kid just came into the restaurant and started farting like there was no tomorrow all you Italians are supposed to do is move the product the Chinese and Russians do the rest everything has to be discreet and quiet or people are going to learn the truth and we put the product into people's drugs and alcohol in order to create more crime you just keep doing your part in getting the cheese out on the streets well maybe I'll start dealing directly with the Russians or the Chinese or the sixth-graders [Music] oh man what a great sleep yeah I haven't slept that well in weeks hmm so you guys do anything interesting last night oh no you know the usual just watch some TV and went to bed yep nothing exciting an art but boring lives well then I guess I'll just be seeing you guys tomorrow you've got a big day ahead of you new kid get changed into your superhero costume and wait for a message from the king [Music] alright my lord it's time for us to get the information we need from classy any good superhero should know how to interrogate get over to Jimmy's house and find out what she knows oh yes you will yeah sup hero don't be fightin in my faces [ __ ] hey Fast Pass one of your super homies is here oh hey new kid the [ __ ] told me he wants you to question the witness so go ahead hi Betty go ahead new kid ask her anything you want oh that's smart using the silent treatment can really make a witness auntie I look I know y'all need my help is [ __ ] but I ain't talking to you go get my medication your medication yeah I can't think straight without my medication you gotta go pick up my prescription eye until you get my prescription I ain't tellin you little heroes [ __ ] well alright fine looks like you got more worked at your new kid but before you go back out in the world I want to show you something that might [ __ ] your crime-fighting let's get up to my day all right new kids it's time to take your superpowers to the next level go ahead and stand in the DNA simulator all right you kids just stand still and I'll talk you through this that's a dude new kids hope you have a grasp of it now get out there and kick some booty problem you help me take back ASAP please [Music] you made a real mistake when you attacked us I need to brush my teeth like right now [Music] [ __ ] don't you well it's time for you to meet someone say hi Rebecca break you in half and stick you up my bus oh my god right now hello new kid don't worry I'm unfriending their instagrams exponentially they will be back for a while you gotta be careful playing superhero you can make a lot of enemies some bullies think girls don't make good superheroes what do you think you think girls are just as good a gamers as you boys you'd like to remain mysterious huh fine look you've got problems new kid whatever you did last night got a lot of people's attention bad people there's a crime boss who's been calling the shots here in South Park and now that person is planning to run for office whatever you did last night is scared I'm tracking everyone's instagrams and Facebook's and we'll continue to cross-reference with tumblr while monitoring Twitter and LinkedIn if you need information just know you can rely on call girl watch your back handsome thanks for coming it's over here in the backyard I'm big will you deal with him please look cousin Kyle if that Maine kid who picked me up at foot yeah oh no somebody stop him don't worry cousin Kyle I have developed these super sensors which will make it almost impossible for him to beat us up this time I have to stay out of this please please make it go away prepare to meet your doom evil bully kids [Music] okay okay that does it you guys asked for it and now human kite shall use his Hebrew face to call upon the power of the wind he knew Shinya let the strength of the wind make my kite oh Jesus it came off ow Jesus Mike I just blew up into the tree cousin Kyle then give up don't worry super buddy cousin perhaps I no longer have my kite but I still have my super weapon and these kids are picking on me [Music] [Music] [Music] I did you sprain my notes Megan is like the roof I know who's gonna get laser burns next [Music] you okay guys Kyle get inside and call the police we have to get these kids arrested no no mom no police this is all my fault what look it's just I couldn't take my cousin copying everything I do the human kite is about saving people not about Judaism and now look at all the damage you've caused I should press charges against your friends and let my kite up in a tree I'm sorry please I'll do anything you are going to let your cousin play with you from now on is that clear oh boy Kyle and Gina says I get to play with you yes sometimes you can play with us you be now get your cousin's kite out of that tree you're not playing anymore until you do come on sugar now let's get you some bactine oh I hate bactine because it gets on my fingers and I get eczema from the lidocaine well crap how we gonna get that pipe down Wow your ass is full of surprises great so my mom can stop pissing me I'm going to call that my court when you meet to reach high out-of-the-way spot give me a call and we'll fire core up there then hope I never need to do that public though kind of embarrassing now this may sting a little bubby oh is it supposed to burn aunt Sheila because it's stinging and it's burning best I don't know it's working look puppy they got your kite out of the tree yeah I can fly again time to be the biggest superhero cousin Kyle and forgive our new neighbor why don't you two take a nice photograph together okay I forgive me a new kid say human kite from an alternate universe ah new kid I see you've also come to assist in assuring class ease cooperation please after you hello we're picking up some medicine for a friend Oh is your friend looking for an energizing mental feeling or more of a full-body heart I don't know well send over our expert budtender who can help you out okay you want to get high Oh telly got you into rehab yeah Dean but now back in South Park clean and sober almost a year clean and sober no drugs at all and I tell you what I don't listen and you work here in a pot store Hanabusa's erican yeah it's great now I get high helping people cure their insomnia it's back pain migraines and stress match rooms did you know that ancient Chinese gave cannabis to their infants for tea mix I have an addictive personality so I'm cool without it now I got a kid with my ladies so better to stay on the straight and narrow you know you have a kid right that turns out I had one the whole time I was too hard to realize now I'm holding down a job and paying the rent but I'm also doing good helping people find the herbal remedies they need to combat all the modern stressors of a job and taxi is a traffic and a wife written down my neck about an apartment Sally we got a leak why can't you fix it I let a plumber [ __ ] I'm not a [ __ ] plumber okay we're here to pick up our friends medicine her name is classy Oh classy classy with a wire with the Clint hanging off rate coming around and licking the [ __ ] out of the sea no no classy with a dick hanging off the eye that's [ __ ] the L out of the SS oh that classy sure I got her order she likes the manacles for a back pain and some of the platinum oh wait what the [ __ ] put the chillax push in with the oj mellow bliss what the [ __ ] it's cool relax no it is not [ __ ] cool I'm trying to run a legitimate business here and my back hurts I can't sleep I got no appetite the shitty town is so [ __ ] up we gotta buy all our product from [ __ ] sixth graders and who knows what the [ __ ] they're putting in it [ __ ] top it off I got a couple little dick liquors coming in the back door [ __ ] [ __ ] oh hey hi you better I hear cool Batman I'm psyched to see you man hey this is for classy guys throw in a couple hash nuggets and some granddaddy purple shatter on the house but come by anytime for a hooker see here's the new kid now you got class ease prescription damn well better hand my prescription when it's about [ __ ] time praise Jesus I need this [ __ ] babe if I don't get my medication I lose my [ __ ] mind you know what I'm saying much [ __ ] better all right listen the place y'all [ __ ] need to go is you story that's where they taking a cast you know what I'm saying that's it [ __ ] this is this the new kid got the entail from classy not bad new kid what'd you find out it's the you story in the northeast of temp classy says the cats are being taken day did you store it we should have known all right keep classy safe I'll get back to you guys soon Roger that Fast Pass Fast Pass Oh guys let's head out hey kid you're that farting vigilante from the news right not a talker huh well sergeant wants to have a few words with you over at the station oh hey new kid yeah so it turns out gender is actually a little more complicated than what we talked about yesterday okay uh could you come back to my office so we could sort this out maybe huh oh great thanks for coming have a seat I got some some feedback from the principal that our discussion about sex I mean about gender wasn't a precise enough and uh well you can you gave me some guidelines how to do a more uh thorough pass helping you identify your gender is the gender that you were assigned with at Birth the gender that you currently identify with okay great so as you know that means that your cisgendered okay great now the next thing i want to talk to you about with your gender is your sexuality now a lot of people think that gender and sexual are the same but now that's but that's wrong it's by now how would you describe the sex of the kinds of people you find yourself sexually attracted okay so that makes you straight or heterosexual okay well I'm really glad we had this talk okay just be careful okay cuz there's there's a lot of people out there who don't accept you for what you are and you're gonna have to deal with them okay so uh but come see me anytime Oh Oh what do we have here you're the one who made the news last night huh well the police can always use the help of concerned citizens I guess we can give our little junior detective a special kitty case to work on all right listen up there's somebody new to town shaking up the crime families this is a real bad dude a kingpin of crime it wants to control all the drugs in the city we tracked him to this location here I need you to go in and neutralize him you lead point my boys will be there after if you take out the drug kingpin we'll give you this junior detective badge pretty neat huh now get out there so exactly why are you wandering around the police station do you have information about who's behind the big crime wave in South Park I understand that this attention must be scary for you you know what else is scary choking on Jarrod's $5 footlong yeah I wrote that myself actually do stand-up on the weekends here's my headshot you know with this crime wave I'm looking for work you take my headshot around town and I'll let you see what's in my bottom drawer here in my desk want to see what's in my bottom drawer yeah where's that smile go ahead get my headshot out there and I'll give you a treat hey you helped me out I helped you out okay you're approaching the hideout find a way in but be careful he's probably armed to the teeth Thermal Imaging is showing the suspect is in the rear of the house you should have him in sight are you what are you doing in my house holy [ __ ] you're the real deal superhero that's one less violent degenerate this town has to deal with please come by and help us again a little crime stopper back for more I got something you might be interested in it turns out that scum you [ __ ] up is just the low guy on the totem pole we now believe the real kingpin is over here on your phone that I'm holding right now thanks for letting me hold your phone to show you this he's hiding out in some big luxury mansion bought with blood money scumbag this is a whole nother level little crime fighter his house is like a fortress every window and door is wired to a state-of-the-art high-tech security system you'll need this this mobile hacking device will help you bypass the security system good hunting hero a superhero looks like the guard is on a piss break or something proceed past the gate and around the back to find an entry point not this time sir not this time please move the [ __ ] along or I will [ __ ] you up and on lethally I will feed you until my shift is over sir you just assaulted an officer of the loan but this on your good friend go tell everyone you cut yourself manscaping I have had it like this [ __ ] you're barking up the wrong tree get your mom to kick that boo-boo [Music] oh you're really good at this game okay quick superhero answer the phone and use your hack hello this is Jeff with Wolf home security is everything all right hello yes sorry I live here and I can't remember my code to turn off the dang alarm oh that's okay sir do you have your security password you can tell me is everything all right can you hear me can you hold that just a minute yes no problem I've got it right here hang on a second dang it let me look at how wrong drawer can you hold that just a minute I'm sorry no problem sir did you maybe write the password down anywhere sir like a notepad or something yes yes must be something let's see let me check in this drawer huh looks like they need to find my classes here hold on is everything all right is everything all right maybe it's my middle name could you drive my middle name okay so I tell you what let's just look up your account profile and get a new password for you if you can just hang on the line here don't be fooled by his attempts at upper middle class Sensibility oldest trick in the book can't afford this one here oh he's got a temper on him choose your moment now hey who the hell are you you can't just break in here brilliant work here oh you're really getting into the program you understand exactly what we're doing and you're doing it right along with us meet me back at the station I've got something for you oh [Music] hello new kid did you lose your crown wow I hope you're having me doing dishes all day long my little Eric loves making new friends and so do I listen I have new business cards and I need a little helper to hand them out around town see I'm a personal tutor who does house calls try starting at skeeters bar help me get some clients and I will cook you something super yummy get scrambles we can't do the super Craig movie before the human kite Netflix series guys that doesn't make any sense well what about introducing super Craig in the second [ __ ] and friends movie that'd be pretty DC comics of us I wouldn't recommend it ah but lord please have a seat sorry guys can I have a moment with but lord please Sharon think come on fast pass right behind your mosquito but lord I just wanted to let you know that we've decided to let you have your own Netflix series right after the Fast Pass Fox miniseries and the third [ __ ] and friends united movie congratulations okay well get out there and finish your girls just wanted to tell you the exciting news what do you want a new kid I already let you do a class there's nothing left to talk about oh no no no no you are not going to have three classes new kid new kid no do not give me those sad puppy eyes nobody gets to be three classes it you think that just because you have to live through your dad's [ __ ] your mom you should get all the sympathy in the world don't you I'm sorry I didn't mean to bring that it all right how do I find if you were going to add another class what would it be okay but if you're gonna be triple class and we have to change your backstory it is pretty dumb let's go back in time again back to when you were just a child you couldn't sleep that night but it was because you saw strange lights in the sky you walk to the mirror and in the mirror you saw a kid who maybe wasn't from this world and that's when you heard him strange alien sounds from the hallway you walked out and saw two intruders and an alien in your house tried to stop them so you called upon your new powers as an assassin hero you sharpened your blades are prepared to do what you do best kill hey that kid has a knife oh [ __ ] seriously even as he lost blood did shooter swung his crowbar Bobby on your face your spin slaps to the fury of 50 knives and I'll direct you see what hit him linked back into the shadows that kids like some kind of super assassin the alien took you by the hand and led you into a dark room and that's when you saw that your dad had just [ __ ] your mom whoa boy that is pretty tragic new kid I'm so sorry where the aliens helping you by showing you who [ __ ] your mom or were they trying to make you full of Rage you might never know all right get back out there but Lord you serve a lot of things to do new kid biggest fan fest get to the playground one of the Freedom House is calling us out my future one of the freedoms House wants to meet with us later is sex said it was very urgent yeah but why would the freedom pals want to talk to us unless this is some kind of trap relax [ __ ] friends I didn't come to fight hello toolshed long time no see toolshed is a counter to your class visionary archetype and a [ __ ] trader just listen to me I understand that the nuke it helped take my dad's keys last night new kid I don't know why you were looking out for my dad but I owe you one that's all I came to say you might be in the wrong franchise but if you ever need help I'll return the favor huh you think the new kid [ __ ] cares about you you belong to a loser zero income franchise that's run by a douchebag in a wheelchair at least he's not a frat on a phone stealer oh not him again man you call us losers when the only way you can get a lead is to steal it where is dr. Timothy's phone sorry freedom [ __ ] that info is hey you guys need to stop investigating the Chamber of Commerce and leave it to the professionals superheroes oh yeah you guys are the professional superheroes it just so happens mysterion that we already have a connection with Netflix no you don't yes we do we're just about to get the human kite and Netflix series off the ground so no Jimmy no no stop it stop stop stop it Timmy he's trying to break my mind ah they don't have a connection at Netflix Freedom House just raped my mind you guys let's get these pedophile [ __ ] and friends it's Timbo freedom pals unite Civil War to go down you're outmatched give up before you embarrass yourself you wield those tools like a surgeon suck on that without gonna use your head next time try putting a little harder [Music] look [ __ ] up yo G that bad super Craig but try not to slouch next time [Music] feels right person or flake the Raider sting oh yeah oh yeah that is twice we kicked your asses you guys are nothing without the new kid and you know it new kid my offer stands I still owe you one and if you ever want to be part of a real franchise just call me PM right you got your DC Comics we're Marvel [ __ ] [ __ ] you guys have Zack Snyder to thank you [ __ ] baby did all [ __ ] friends we have the information we need and are ready for our next mission everyone reports to the cooler immediately there you are Jesus took you long enough have a seat but Lord all right everyone but Lord interrogated classy and found out our next lead is that the you store in here in town we need to infiltrate it tonight it can't be done why not ask you because the you stored entrance is all lava the whole thing is [ __ ] lava yet there has to be a way to get past it there is tool shed to shed what's that dunkey [ __ ] have to do with anything toolshed has a device that clears lava remember it's one of his superpowers Hey and toolshed said that he owes the new kid a favor well looks like you're gonna come in handy again phugoid super quick right and an ominous email to tool [ __ ] tell the new kid is ready to have his favour returned everyone else go home and get in bed we meet at the you store in tonight to fan everybody [ __ ] friends are on the case go on home but Lord if all goes according to plan tool shed will meet up with you later just be careful toolshed is a two-faced backstabbing butt sniffer why would you tell the school principal what race we are I didn't tell him our child did but you confirmed it when the principal called you how long before they find out everything our little boy is hurting don't you get it he's asking questions about his race and sexual orientation because he's confused confusion was the point the more our child learns about the truth the more dangerous it becomes you stupid [ __ ] look who's here then Out playing little squirt your dinner is on the table pumpkin then straight to bed you have school tomorrow tomorrow don't even think of getting high right now whatever's in these things are making you crazy crazy like telling the world who our child is that we took so long to hide hey kiddo listen I know we never talked about it but your mother and I are very proud Japanese ninite Punk [Music] night falls upon the town like a fat slimy turd the stink of greed corruption and crime rises from the gutters fills the streets only one thing to deal with fat turd Frieda's so we meet again new kid I have to put our petty differences aside there's something happening to this city and it needs tools [ __ ] well follow me to Professor Casas lair you'll probably want to know about my superhero backstory you see when I was just a child my father was in the garage working on a project there was a huge storm and lightning blew my father off his workbench I ran to help him but at that moment another blast somehow fused his power tools onto my body I became a superhero while my father was left mentally impaired Randy get him here right now and stop keying my car okay but this is different my father's acting even stupider than ever before perhaps toolshed wants to help his father because he feels he could have saved him all those years ago what is your backstory did something happen with your parents do that's okay if you don't talk about it it must be very painful this is the home of mysterion he has a shortcut to the north of town yeah be back the [ __ ] up I can show you toolshed smells mighty cool the sandblaster with the force it generates it can clear nearly any obstacle turn it on and I'll show you my power this is mysterion secret tunnel uh-oh these guys are blocking our path there's got to be a way to get through them that cardboard box is our secret tunnel and you're not gonna stop it from going through it your secret tunnels our back patio all right new kid I guess the two of us have to drill through these guys let's get him come on into my parlor kid yeah [ __ ] friends ascend up well well the [ __ ] trader actually showed up hey whoa whoa nah I said I'd help the new kid not you losers yeah well the new kid is a [ __ ] friend and [ __ ] friends work together douche come on we need to get inside this fence yeah to shed that's what the new kid wants fine as long as there's a power generator nearby I can use my dad's sand blaster to clear almost any obstacle Wow that is good let's get one thing straight [ __ ] I don't trust you you make one move out of line and I'll shred you I'm only here for the new kid fat-ass after tonight were sworn enemies again all right class II said the cats all go to one of these storage facilities everyone fan out you're getting Beauty ere get it get it get it be help me out [Music] [Music] what 20,000 just to keep people from snooping around but as we need a few hundred for that so you know what I'm gonna do with all the rest go to Paris to get a pee toilet has fitted [ __ ] French chicks super Craig [Music] minions no minions you gotta kill him not Danny goddamnit all right this is fine really fine get out of here think I wouldn't have a plan did you do you not comprehend how many minions $20,000 in back butters will you just go home we're trying to find a missing cat I don't think shuttle [ __ ] friends butters actually if somebody gave you a bunch of money by law guy money belongs to our franchise all of us nil you see more cash means Kunie friends like [ __ ] what now without my new funding I found an even greater source of minions all who are willing to work for alright boys we can't just sit here and let him keep messing up our team in its cute ass [Music] is that the last of them god only knows you guys take the alley over there super Craig and I are hitting the rooftops why would Kaos let you wrap an entire truck and a little bit of foil that's not the problem is aluminum foil really what you guys are concerned with who the [ __ ] is that you were right about the Italian restaurant new kid the owner is a part of a new crime syndicate who does [ __ ] is that I have no idea well she's not in the Union excuse me are you on Instagram there's someone new in town who's bringing all the crime families together okay cube thank you bad you mean like a kingpin you guys do not say anything we're not playing with her check out storage facility 56 D new kid and here take this call me if you need me I think you're gonna need all the help you can get so I guess now any [ __ ] [ __ ] thinks they can be a superhero come on let's just find scrambles and be done I see scrambles here not professor chaos his partner and bribed general disarray careful he's a ginge do you know what Professor chaos has planned for this city look kid you and butters are taking this way too far yeah it's time to teach you a lesson that won't be as easy as you think [Music] terrifying death machines known as no mecha minions estamos cola kados en el modo now make a minion vamonos [Music] Wow someone's ready for their spin up in Turkish markets in the attack these mortal creatures of the day love [Music] I think that's the last of them don't count on it we should make it wait wait super cake oh my god super Craig super Craig just hold tight [ __ ] there's no air compressor here no way I can remove that lava hang on super Craig we're gonna find something to plug to a shed sandblaster in - you and I both know I've already danced no super Craig we're gonna find a way to save you do something Jewish dad there's nothing here my sand blaster needs compressed air to work it's the one from the entrance the game slammed and locked shut remember it's okay guys we all do when we signed on to be [ __ ] friends that it might end like this stay calm super Craig we're gonna get you home sorry dude but it looks like this was a one-way trip no super kicker I'm starting to remember things like that things I regret people I wish I'd been tiger do my shoes only resists heat from friction what are you doing are you crazy do you know what kind of firepower someone would need to make that work right that's an [ __ ] what what happened the new kid shut the tube up his ass you cleared away all the lava oh you guys don't get care I've gotta try and stabilize super Craig Wow [ __ ] its kid what the [ __ ] was that you [ __ ] it's an intra cardiac injection super Craig I had to stabilize you are you [ __ ] serious right now you're gonna [ __ ] kill me who the [ __ ] did you get that Cartman online super Craig just stay still you suffered a lot you guys go ahead I'm gonna just try and stabilize him hey that was really cool back there now we can clear love it whenever we want we make a great team but Lord so we can do some magic it up he's super annoying nice one [Music] you can see everything from up here this way new kid got what you need your ass is awesome dude hey what the [ __ ] who is that oh my god that's the vigilante that's right the king and some little fat kid - this cat where is it that's some real high-grade [ __ ] there cat like that would go to the boss man himself you idiot you don't talk about him now we gotta kill these ships looks like you could use some help [Music] all right look it ain't us okay the big man has all the crime families working together the Italians the Russians the sixth-graders they all work for him we just put the cat urine in the drugs and alcohol who is the big man he don't even do it for the money man it's like it's like he wants more crime in the streets wow that sounds ok you don't even know spooky man we got to do this if they tell us don't you get it he's gonna declare the entire town lava well with him you actually made it to the end come French food and France butters to piece together my great [Music] Ehsan trabajo oh [ __ ] bro [Music] [Music] [Music] we're here to watch alright chaos talk who gave you the money to do all this my god I think he's dead dude he's not dead fellas I think we better get him back to base alright come on let's take him to the holding cell the holding shell oh geez it's kind of late fellas I should get home or I'm gonna be grounded you should have thought of that before you tried to live in a town Cass hey dude it was great working with you again man it was like old times yeah well I told you this was a one-shot deal I only helped out because I owe the new kid a favor come on shed come back to the key can't do that kite freedom pals is gonna make way more money with their franchise you're wrong we're gonna make like a billion dollars we are gonna make like a billion dollars what if the person paying butters wasn't a kid is that it chaos were you paid by the toast I'm telling you I don't know his name fellas nobody does he's just finding out all the crime families to tell he's everywhere he's nameless faceless he can change his appearance like the wind changes direction Rick what did you say he says there's a revolution coming and the toughness of our own hugs will bring about our undoing oh my god hey he has that which liberates and he knows the true weakness of tolerance and his coming will bring about a tide of chaos not nothing we've never seen you thinking oh my god could it be no it's impossible what's impossible there's only one person I know of who can disguise himself so easily and it's the same person who might have a motive for tearing South Park apart who Mitch Conner Mitch Potter oh no no no no no no no who's Nick Turner it's Carmen's dumbass hand puppet you know damn well that Connor was just using my hand to suit his needs at first he disguised himself as Jennifer Lopez who loves tacos and burritos when his cover was blown he was arrested by the police but escaped but why would he want to take down south huh and where would he get all his money shut up it's not med stupid [ __ ] Connor how do you know know Kylie's right you guys it couldn't be Mitch Connor Connor died in an oil rig explosion in northern Alaska [ __ ] this I'm going to bed yes yes good idea human kite everyone get back to your homes it's getting late let's all reconvene tomorrow after and now the news program that starts your day off right good morning South Park the South Park vigilante struck again last night this time at a meth lab in the downtown new storage facility here with more is a [ __ ] in a fedora Tom six people were arrested last night after the vigilante exposed a huge meth lab in the storage facility behind me eyewitnesses have come forward with shocking reports that the vigilante sports were so awful they seemed to actually rip the fabric of time you ain't never heard a fart like this man he was like one minute he farted on my dick and the next thing my dick was like 20 seconds in the past finally someone is standing up to all the crime in this city if you ask me these people here all deserve to be farted on he's a menace if you asked me how long before this vigilante gets radical and blows up a school or a church huh how long before Captain America becomes captain ideology the third Captain America movie how long was that about six years about six years dozens of protesters gathered outside the police station today as award was issued for the vigilantes arrest [Applause] / math Crusaders who sneak around and fart on people at night we urge all citizens to arm themselves and fight against this kind of rectal oppression [Applause] yeah it's me nobody knows anything about this kid not what race he is not even if it's a boy or a girl what do we do sir just keep getting the product into people's drugs and alcohol I'll handle the vigilante this deals getting out of control you said you could get the mayor out of office you wanted to be left alone Commissioner to do what you love doing I've made that happen just stay calm and soon everyone will have exactly what they were [Music] you are the new kid right my name is Wendy nice to have you at her school that little problem call girl told you about it's a lot worse the Chamber of Commerce wants to get rid of the vigilante no matter what it takes you know the bathrooms in the park call girl wants you to meet her there right now I need alternate friends to report to the cool air repeat all [ __ ] and friends report to the cool air you're the one who keeps farting on all my best people are we really so different you and I we both want what's best for this city I know you've places to be but why don't you come talk to me instead I'm at the old soda so PI ruins come on what do the [ __ ] friends really have to offer you stupid [ __ ] cow have another glass of chardonnay why don't you I have to drink to deal with you that marijuana is changing you somehow at least marijuana is natural not like grapes you're [ __ ] hot maybe so but I'm not telling everyone our child's secret oh he paranoid some more in your room another drink tell me I'll be paranoid another drink Kelly oh hey kiddo daddy's gonna go upstairs to his room mommy's gonna go get a drink okay here's party pants now come join us [Music] [ __ ] friends these are dark times we now know for a fact that scrambles the missing cat is part of a larger conspiracy we also know that the [ __ ] freedom pals have more information about this conspiracy than we do FAC maybe we should just face it guys maybe freedom pals have a better super franchise that we do hey that's no way to talk mosquito the only reason that freedom pals are ahead of us right now is because they're but [ __ ] cheaters who sold out yeah but freedom paths have dr. Timothy and he can read people's nice and bent reality yeah cuz he just said that when we made up our super powers he was like well I have every power to do [ __ ] it everything you think that's fair it's time for us to be as dirty as f we have to know what the freedom house know how we ever gonna get the help of freedom panel but send a spy someone in our group who pretends to want to switch sides and join Freedom Pass somebody who they don't know very well the new kid joins Freedom House but aspera says it's investigating the community's hope the new cut is good at bullshitting you'll never get past security grace they change it every day I can get the new kid and said I've got hacking abilities remember cuz I'm the gadget to your class with your tinkling ability no dyes chaos you're just saying that to get out of jail you better let him go the new kid will need him all right Fang get the new kid inside freedom pounds base okay if he tries anything funny kill him all right you ready to go to see freedom pals with me okay come on I gotta get my minions first you're about to enter the chamber of chaos new kid there's no way to unsee the Horde within where they cleaned up for a while so watch where you're stepping no now that's not it what's this no no oh here we go [Music] where have you been mr. boo hey Dad I better but I guess I just been hanging out with my new friend I didn't come home last night butters your mom and I were worried sick we could barely enjoy the movie we were watching I'm sorry dad I just when you fainted did you really mean sorry's not gonna cut it miss her and you what's your name you got season you don't escape I asked you a question who are you please please don't do this that does it butters you are grounded and so is your smartass little friend [Music] what are you doing new kid do you need to go to the bathroom [Music] but but that's impossible I grounded you how could you be here right now if it wasn't me get it with a new kid you have some kind of ability to unground people whoever you touch becomes ungrounded is that it your evil magic is not welcome here darling [Applause] your fault [Music] [Music] we must go now and infiltrate the Freedom House please meet me outside the Freedom House school for the gifted and talented here it is Freedom House school for the gifted and talented Wow now there's a superhero age holy smokes they got a training room and computers and legends well this makes a crap out of coach based on who can say I can play here every day what are you doing here oh hey hey mysterion well we were just hoping to speak with dr. Timothy why haha no kid wants to switch franchises and I told him I'd help hey new kid thought you might end up here they're here to spy on what Timothy is working on I see we rip them to shreds calm down everyone let us hear what they have to say okay it can this is a fairly shocking change apart for you professor you really wished to help the new kid switch franchises well yeah yeah you know we just thought that you know you're free attractions level open it progressive but you know we just thought he should switch because Cunha friend's son isn't going anywhere oh god see you kid came to me and said coded friends excited helpful now you get anything the aluminum foil is helmet seem to be blocking my abilities don't trust them doc they can't see what you've been working on back there what if the new kid really wants to switch where you can see if the new kids intentions up hero we're sending tuck away on a very important mission today you can help him with that mission I don't need backup especially not a new easy tough remember the freedom pals motto yeah retribution but with inclusion I'll send you the details on the mission when you get there we can begin in the meantime I must get back to my work looking for answers mr. Connor sends his regards he wanted to come himself but he's a very busy man he mentioned some horrible tragedy happened to your mother funny how a few moments in our lives can completely change who we are huh and now you're gonna be taken out by assassins known as the city ninja service you know what to do it and when you're done you forgot to pay me after it's done no no no you have services I'll be [ __ ] me into service you'll pay your parents that's a that's on the website you don't sound Japanese you sure you really ninjas look at my [ __ ] eyes come on give me a check made out to a shitty ninja service just get it over with ninja I'm afraid we got paid to or assassinate you today so uh we have to do that of course on rice you want to pay us not to $5,000 okay if you don't want to pay bribe we're gonna have to MIT you won't see me [Music] [Music] victory okay [Music] okay new kid apparently tweek and Craig have agreed to some counseling together could you meet us at the school thank you a new kid come on in and have a seat [Music] okay apparently we're having a little quarrel mm-hmm Craig and tweek have agreed to some counseling as long as your present new kid okay so uh no Craig what do you what do you want to say to tweek I think he has some stuff he should say to me okay good week you want to start okay okay well maybe a new kid maybe you should share some of your thoughts okay well this isn't really going that well um okay boys I want to do an exercise with you and I have some kids here to help us out when we're trying to have some therapy the first thing we need to do is is take out our resentments okay so uh let's have our resentments come out coming out over come over resentments okay and then in any relationship we also have expectations okay because expectations lead to resentment which of course brings about accusations come on out accusations okay and then that of course leads to victimization and withdraw now you've got to learn to overcome all of these things okay are you ready are you ready go [ __ ] them up there they are right there wait Greg oh go beat the [ __ ] out of them expectations doesn't go down that easy there's always more expectations you boys have to work together if you're gonna eliminate all of those expectations you doing wait he's right huh we're only going to get rid of these expectations and everything else if we do it together [Music] yeah I thought that coming don't you feel better yeah I to do okay we'll just come back anytime you need counseling okay that's uh that's it thanks for all your help new kid yeah [ __ ] you expectations thanks new kid we have a lot of work to do but I think we both want to do it now come on I'll get you your laptop it's our laptop wait here don't the new kid all right kid this is a very important mission are you sure you're up to it [Music] come on let's go freedom pal we're here for the community service Oh wonderful everyone some of the local children are here to sing for us I'd love to play my triangle my triangle goes when I am sad I love to hear my triangle go it cheers me up and it makes me smile you suck we're sorry folks this kid's new I have to play my triangle my triangle does I love to play my mandolin my mandolin goes when I am sad I love to hear my mandolin go it cheers me up and makes me smile get off the stage to play my mandolin my mandolin goes I love to play my flugelhorn my flugelhorn goes I love to play my few gelhorn my flugelhorn goes when I am sad I love to hear my fugle horn go to me up disgusting and it makes me smile wait that's the kid he's the Fernan vigilante from the news hey that's the kid going around taking out all the drugs in town vigilante wants to take over I need my pills [Music] [Music] [Music] doc this is mysterion we had some trouble but the mission is complete nice work everyone nuke it congratulations you're officially a member of Freedom House you can join us tonight on our mission to the police station we've ascertained that the police are being paid off by whoever's running crime in the city that's right we believe we'll find the answers to what's going on there welcome to the team friend we'll see you tonight don't tell anyone we're going to the police station attention all [ __ ] friends report to the coudair Reno now with the freedom pals no I'll come read Finnick Odair great work but you know those emigrate minions I hired well I sorta can't pay them now because you know will you kind of fold my plans and so I didn't get paid enough well I had some pretty pissed-off minions can you meet me at the bank I'd really appreciate it Oh new kid over here thank you thanks for coming new kid alright so this is the person you wish to have co-sign for you well that's correct see I hired a bunch of minions to help me destroy the town but my plan didn't actually come to fruition and so I'm unable to pay the minions at this time all right well what we can do is set up an LLC for you which we can use to fund a money market account co-signed by your friend here whose house we can put a lien on to an overseas investment behind its guy which gun your friend's house it's got owned by a company in Hong Kong now thank you you have a nice day but I just needed to pay my minions I didn't mean to get my friend's house taken away yeah you're not too good at this economic stuff huh perhaps your friend should play yeah you play new kid round and round she goes where she stops nobody knows all right Kate try your luck and it's real estate now you've got the taxpayer bailout bonus when you land on bankruptcy it's the taxpayers that take the head and you've done it [Music] winner winner chicken dinner these children just got a loan for over 80 thousand dollars to pay immigrant workers their salaries you can be a winner too just keep on trying people here's your check it all right guys listen up but Lord has discovered that the freedom pals are infiltrating the police station tonight we have to get there before they do the police station we can't take down the police are you crazy yeah just let the freedom cows go do it we can't do that guys Mac because at approximately 10:30 a.m. this morning Class E was arrested by the police how do we have to help we made a promise if we let freedom pals go do this on their own and where the douche bag franchise they say we are but why would freedom house work with us don't forget the new kid is all buddy-buddy with freedom pals now but Lord can trick them into an assault on the lower level of the police station and meanwhile we'll sneak in and bust classi out you're probably going to get the Freedom House killed and then whose superhero franchise would be number one we can't make a promise to classy everyone get home and get to bed we have a big job to do tonight that'll be all but Lord go home and wait to hear from the Freedom Pass what what do you want now what again with the puppy eyes are you [ __ ] kidding me right now no new kid absolutely not you cannot have another class look I'm sorry about what happened to your mother I know that you want closure but oh no I guess I don't know how if you you're right you're right maybe you should have just one work you're laying in bed and you heard your mom scream you walk down to the hallway as a martial arts team superhero you focus your Chi to ready your body for combat [Music] shouldn't have doubted your moves I'm sorry [Music] okay that was that was actually pretty cool you read your parents door and before anything bad could happen you ran inside to protect your mouth but you were too late your dad totally [ __ ] er oh I must be tearing you apart inside how people can do that to other people I just I'm so sorry anyway we've got work to do tonight I'll see you at the police station sweetie you forgot to eat your dinner mommy put it down on the table come on honey daddy your supper did you put more of that stuff in our child's food shut your [ __ ] mouth we know that medicine doesn't have side effects huh you drunken horse [ __ ] dare you make our child to side having anyone choose sides go on down and eat your supper champ [Music] No Ken get dressed and meet me out front hurry the night awaits it's about time you know how hard it is to look mysterious when you're just standing around in some kids front yard it's pretty [ __ ] hard I'm glad you're with us new kid it's been tough being the only one on the team with real superpowers while all the other kids are playing and working on their franchise plans I'm stuck defending the city against evil with barely any time to work on my pitch for a mysterion spin-off movie sometimes it feels like a curse having these powers you know how it is because you're like me I'm sure the power of your ass weighs heavy on you [Applause] let's just get to the police station and find the information we need [Applause] [Music] no ma'am now please don't I'll be a goodbye upon it Wow it doesn't sound really up their minds [Applause] [Music] this is not normal you're really mysterious new kid and coming from mysterion that's really high praise look there they are alright Freedom House here's the plan once we get inside the police station toolshed at the new kid we'll set up a diversion and then done wait what the [ __ ] yeah come on guys we've got to get inside the police station what are you [ __ ] doing here we're here to investigate a hot lead regarding the South Park Police you're doing oh no no no this is our superhero mission freedom pass [ __ ] you guys get lost before there's a fight fellas fellas have we all forgotten there's a little girl in trouble in there fastpasses rat I suppose that just this once we should put our petty differences aside and work together alright mysterion what's the plan I think some of us should cause a diversion make the cops head towards it so the rest of us can sneak in without the cops noticing good idea [ __ ] friends we'll go up the fire escape and cause a diversion so freedom pals can sneak in the front this is all pretty coincidental did you guys just steal our lead again innocent people are being arrested to a shed that's all that matters to us you should be all that matters to you okay [ __ ] friends at the first game I got standby we gotta wait for the diversion come take a look at this oh man that's strong [ __ ] you know does this coach seem a little off to you no no this is sweet you guys want to call some hookers what the [ __ ] was that come on let's check it out bring the coke all right come on but Lord the coast is clear oh [ __ ] a criminal finish with an innocent child Code Red wow I didn't see that coming oh [ __ ] I guess we're doing with these guys ourselves [Music] [Music] that's enough just stand down kid look I know why you're here you're fed up because you think all cops do is harass black people I know that to a young kid it can seem like cops are racist and bigoted but you can't believe what the media tells you cops are just people like you your friends your family people who work hard oh damn it Vince you get your ass upstairs hey get us out of here token thank god you're here son [Music] [Music] [Music] here we go okay okay I know this looks bad you really think cops just go around arresting black people for no reason what purpose could that possibly serve it's reverse discrimination that's what it is if we were all black cops and our jails were filled with white people nobody would say a word so I guess you've learned that the real bigots here are you huh kids guess you can all go home no [ __ ] we're innocent so breaking out of jail isn't a crime right I'm not sticking around to find out I smelled a class-action lawsuit when the Supreme Court here we come token what did I tell you about playing too rough mom I was defending justice I don't care what you were defending you could have gotten hurt I took more cake here he's impervious to pain is he impervious to getting his butt spanked no that's right you know what a cop is new kid a cop is a slave a robot was told not to think for himself it's the politicians who are the real bigots that mayor has been sitting in her office telling us we have to change our ways the only way to have a remove was to raise crime in the streets and now cops are finally able to do things the old way again don't you see this is better for everyone holy [ __ ] that scramble freedom fells we've got the police sheet top floor what can I say you kids have me by the bus almost by the boss you know not every prisoner we have here is black we actually do have one white guy [Music] this is a trap I'm sorry kids but you left me no choice he's still looking good eating the summer sandy cheese [Music] hey kids you want some candy oh [ __ ] it's Jared you'll excuse me if I don't want to watch this here we go you're so melodramatic I get this but yeah I thought that comedy what are the police doing with the people they arrested how should I know I'm just a sandwich guy you can't fart in his face no please please I'm sorry I'll tell you anything what is the police chief hiding that's theirs Marcel's down below cops take that elevator prisoners go down there but they don't come back what's the code come on how should I know huh huh yeah yeah I seen him type it in 1 4 7 7 please I'm sorry it's just that I like being with children you know because because I never had a childhood of my own yeah that's it I like kids cuz I never had a childhood it's your decision new kid part of being a superhero is deciding what to do at moments like these [Music] Wow that was hardcore all right well that was pretty uncomfortable I know being a vector for disease it's kind of my thing but I I feel kind of dirty should we do anything with the body this is a one-time shot khun after tonight we are enemies again our petty little differences aren't what matter right now mysterion black lives matter yeah dick you're a [ __ ] dick mosquito let's go open the gate you guys are [ __ ] well come on guys have to take much longer I might need a short snack break [Music] huh what was that hello hello someone there no I guess no one's there where else they would have said something alright then it's just me and you kitty no one's gonna find us in here come on give me that good stuff stop it Oh Oh bananas the cat got away can't see a thing in here sounds like the cat's getting into the toxic chemicals darn it that's not good I hope those weren't the toxic chemicals I was just talking about that broke on the floor just now oh no I think they were drat those chemicals mixed together on the floor it'll turn into a gas that'll kill me in seconds blast it there's the gas yes it's definitely killing me now [Music] oh well thank God the exhaust fans sucking out the toxic gas yeah I'm not gonna die now where's that blasted cat no no I think the cat just jumped into the exhaust fan jammed it gas filling up the room it's killing me again dying again yeah the emergency door closed I'm trapped in here yeah yeah I'm saved that's it the door's locked now I'm stuck in here they help me the gas is filling yeah I'm really dying this time wait I think I feel the Mike wish [Music] yeah yeah shub-niggurath black code of the woods blessed be us your faithful servants the Destroyers of light yea yea shub-niggurath Black Goat of 1000 morbid young draw down the moon and distinguish the Sun alright oh I see I guess because cops feed african-americans to an elder god they're racist shub-niggurath is an outer God kids who must be a piece and whose coming was foretold by the great HP Lovecraft but I supposed HP Lovecraft was a racist - oh [ __ ] was he really like like how racist really really yo boy give me the [ __ ] up outta here is completely cry let's end it all right you kids wanna battle let's do this we have to end this now okay Chuck another one in [ __ ] hell no no the all mother can't stand white meat death is coming better run the ole mother demands black flesh its might sting thanks I'll save you the trouble of flipping that get it on [Music] no I will not let you bring harm to the goat with a thousand young I'm here to protect thee my queen no mercy it's only gonna get worse here we go that was a thorough fifty [Music] I get this Spectre oh my god I feel like I'm finally safe in this [ __ ] town you're welcome who are you oh my god you guys we've got a hundred bucks to get our franchise off the ground [Music] wait what's going on where are you taking that cat oh yeah sorry Freedom House there's a certain Intel we have that we can't share with you you know it's that's bad that's because we've been tricked ah [ __ ] the new kid played us Freedom House wanting to join our side as a ruse what yeah the new kid kind of totally [ __ ] you guys over sorry they followed our lead to the police station and now intend to get a hundred dollar reward for that missing cat well all's fair in love and war freedom [ __ ] I love me country too pretty you [ __ ] we're the ones that stopped the police chief's evil plan we deserve that hundred dollar reward oh yeah just try and take it from us we will civil war three it's going down that's it nuke it we're gonna rip you apart no the stereo we won't fight the new kid they will all right new kid time to dad let's get this little [ __ ] it must heal me from your mouth good boy pinion underneath [Music] Cartman is only working for himself new kid [Music] [Music] [Music] well [ __ ] nuki I guess we'll have to settle this the old-fashioned way in fact for a miracle meanwhile at the Hall of super best friends but all debts be forgiven and all slaves free [Music] [Music] [Music] well what what happened how'd my lip get busted where the [ __ ] did classy go dr. Timothy you [ __ ] animal he was trying to help us dude mysterion is pissed at you kid you guys started this war not us you don't [ __ ] understand dr. Timothy was working on a way to save all of us freedom pals and [ __ ] friends what easy doc you've taken a lot of hits wow this is your guy face this is fantastic this looks like so much fun yeah [ __ ] there has not closed out dude but that is care dr. Timothy was never your enemy he was trying to help us all but how with this oh my god they figured it out it was dr. Timothy's passion he worked tirelessly on it a franchise plan to involve everyone each hero got their own movie and TV series every hero mathematically equal to the other so while we were out trying to stick it to you guys Timmy was actually trying to include us yeah and then this kid nearly killed him we're sorry the new kid is an [ __ ] that isn't our fault yeah we were just using you guys there's a 100 dollar reward for this cat and you wanted her to yourselves yeah but not anymore if we prove anything tonight it's that we are the best when we are all together it's too late for that we all started as one team we all wanted to be superheroes for the same reason to sell our franchise and make millions of dollars let's be one team again I agree come on guys no more Civil War let's get the reward money for this cap and use it together for one franchise yeah let's do it oh but we're calling it freedom house freedom pals and so like Jimmy is sort of the leader of freedom path he's like don't he's like the one in charge yes well I think it's awesome honestly freedom houses are way better named and koona friends freedom freedom Pass I'm super cool with this but it's so tomorrow we get the reward money for scrambles and we use it to kickstart Timmy's franchise plan together freedom pals retribution inclusion [ __ ] yeah you guys let's do this [Music] now the news program that starts your day off right good morning South Park an attack on the SP PD police station last night has left citizens in shock and disbelief with prisoners now on the loose and policemen in the hospital one member of the Chamber of Commerce has had enough and is announcing his bid for mayor the citizens have stopped hard deserve to be a safe safe from vigilantes who go around voting on people dead together we can free ourselves from the anal terrorism that has been forced upon us my name is Mitch Khurana and I enjoy sitting [Applause] [Music] like you have no idea what like you haven't been given any direction and you're unsure what's even going on my child it's because you've been trying to find yourself in the wrong way knowing your sexual identity or race or ethnicity that's nothing compared to knowing who you are spiritually go to the pond my child someone is waiting for you at the pond who will finally help you find your true self I just wanted to thank your ass but take it down to couple [Music] [Music] it's destroyed it's all gone man Timmy's franchise plan all that work it's barely even readable you must have come in the night got past the security grid who the hell would do this I'll bet it was the sixth grader only they would stoop to this level no this was someone who wanted to hurt us personally yes sirree incoming video message played a message fullscreen hey isn't that the new kids parents this is a message to [ __ ] and friends oh god damn it looks like I had something that the new kid once that's good because the new kid had something good I want Conner that's sort of a [ __ ] care to make a trade new kid let's make a deal and then do exactly as I say new kid or you will never see your parents again and hurry or else there'll be more of this where are they fat-ass where is who human catch the new kids parents where are they how should I know because that's [ __ ] you you took the new kids parents because you hate that we merged with Freedom House that's not true I want this mega franchise more than anybody tell him dad you have five seconds Cartman I'm on your side yo kid you believe me don't you [Music] - at you [Music] all right new kid I'm gonna tell you where to go and you're gonna go there on foot no fast travel you got that the first one is easy go to the place where people get their copy fix better hurry tick tock tick tock where'd you get to the location you're gonna see a guy in a red shirt go talk to him hello welcome to tweet coffee what can I interest you in today oh whoa isn't that the vigilante I don't know if you're a hero or a menace man this coffee really hasn't buzzed hello that's for you that's real good new kid but now I'm gonna make things a little harder on you instead of telling you where to go I'm giving you a riddle you ready a place where death comes in all shapes and sizes go into this door to find what your prize is dear I'm so it's me buddy a place where death comes in all shapes and sizes what could it mean we've got to solve this riddle take down Connor together and prove our innocence hey thanks for being the only one who believes in me Rita pal this is super Greg no sign of carpet at the park so you stopped my video huh you're not as dumb as a fat you see the guy standing over there take a selfie with him do it now your mom is gonna suffer crime Fighting's not a game for landing you're getting close new kid but to find me you're gonna have to stop one more riddle I'm a place where seats hang from chains part desert part jungle where happiness reign part desert desert always means sand what place has sand and seats that hang with chains how did you solve my riddle god you're so smart wow I'm so jelly all right you see that woman there go talk to her he he told me if I didn't do what he said he'd do horrible things to my patio get a selfie with her do it I'm sorry he said he would poop on my patio Oh was I supposed to do we just don't you just about do it sorry kid I have what I need now see you around where's everyone else doesn't matter there's no time let's get this fat turf while we can all right one two three [Music] wherever if it isn't the freedom pals and their newest recruit what have you done with the new kids parents badass nothing yet but when I'm finished with you I can't say they'll be exactly safe this has gone far enough we end it now the only thing about the end is you Mysteria we aren't gonna fight you coming no put your stupid hands down and stop playing games we have to stop him you guys he's got all the new kids followers now even with their help you can't stop me King we'll see about that [ __ ] all right Cartman you want us to kill Mitch Rahner we [ __ ] kill him it here we go with the new kid I thought you run magic hey that was me watch the friendly fire [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you're out I'm on your side yet you won't see me coming I didn't kidnap by large parents lock there it's gonna take more than that freedom pass no Connor not cool right about what again where are they where are the new kids parents hey you'll never know Potter no [ __ ] he's gone come on we're taking this fat piece of [ __ ] back to base what's that piece of [ __ ] human catch the only way we're going to get Carmen to talk is to torture him yeah sometimes torture is the only answer you're gonna torture me for what everyone get back to freedom pal space we have to make this [ __ ] talk what are you talking about guys it's me the key with this new kid we're ready to start torturing the cone we need your help come to freedom pal race but it's wrong with you cast I'm not your enemy you're going to talk Cartman new kid you're going to have to make carbon talk what what are you gonna do with that you guys are wasting your time I'm cocoon torture doesn't work against me remember so so what I just have to watch you eat is that it I'm not afraid wow this is so we yeah yeah she doesn't even faze me guys I really wish we could just wrap this up now Zack not no not even a little bit I can cobble those farts up see broccoli I'm not afraid of prop it gets a bad rap if you ask me yep yep that's much don't bother me at all hit him again oh geez well I guess we're done here huh did someone reach around and get is not well actually the asparagus might taste better with my vomit oh now that's pretty gross you guys okay yeah you guys might as well keep up there you guys oh my god oh god the cats what cats I just remembered Connor I think the first time I memory that he said something about making cats more powerful than yes I said he must he must want to genetically alter the cats the genetics laughs doctor mephesto yes that must be a test does it sometimes seem like you're just blindly going from place to place without really knowing why a person without spirituality is like a hooker without a John get to the pond find your religion I've been watching you and I believe we can help each other have you heard of the super best friends well it is I see man a powerful superhero with the amazing ability to talk to fish and swim its semen that see man it is my job to help all creatures of the sea and right now there is a gay fish who wants help getting his mother into heaven I want to help the little gay fish but all the other super best friends keep saying they're too busy will you help then swim down to the water's depth with me don't worry my water defenses shall protect you and so the new kid dives down through the water protected by seaman sea man down to where the little gay fish makes his home do not cry little fish I have returned and with help oh thank you seaman you really think you can help my mom get to heaven it's sea man and yes I do this child has incredible powers all right if you get my mom into heaven I will give you three million dollars and some jewelry just touch my little gay flipper and we shall be magically transported to help her [Music] seaman and his sidekick are transported to Valhalla where another fish rides a unicorn I'm here mama it's me we're gonna get you to heaven mama just hold on this kid's gonna help [Music] yeah bye see you soon wait what the [ __ ] is that supposed to mean mama hold on a sec what is that you have done very well my child thank you Jesus not you seaman the kid sea man oh yeah right anyway you had no reason to help this little gay fish my child and yet you did kid had every reason to help me I'm a lyrical genius voice of a generation I see that you were trying to determine your spirituality my child allow me to help thee there are good and bad in every religion my child which are you a neutral Wiccan congratulations my child you know who you are now you are one step closer to believing in yourself good luck my little neutral Wiccan all right the new kids here come on you kids yes the night tour correct oh yeah we're a little early well I'm afraid for safety purposes the tours are only offered from 10:00 p.m. to midnight what just to be extra spooky it'll be worth the wait my friends see you tonight [ __ ] now what do we do we'll just have to race we can't afford to let anyone else go in or out of this game I agree we're just gonna have to wait here until nighttime okay how far away is that about six hours all right wait six hours and we're good to go how long now still about six hours okay cool you know kid you still have yet to tap the full potential of your time bending has something that could enhance your ability could possibly make time pass more quickly be freaky you see that AC fan over there right there behind you over by the gate on the left side can't miss it if you fart into that fair the oscillation of the gas will filter it through the expansion valve mixing it with the pressurized refrigerant inside the condenser course don't question if that makes any sense kid just come on I'll fire it up me out right now holy [ __ ] dude what the hell just happened oh dude it smells like rotten meat out here well looks like it next time everyone regroup hi uh yes comment [Applause] now some young people interested in genetic engineering huh wonderful please come in oh hello oh there's more okay my my there's a lot of you tonight well I'm so pleased that you children are interested in genetic engineering genetic science began as a simple question can a monkey be made to have four asses instead of one the answer was yes and now we've been able to get more asses to pigs horses everything you can imagine yes little boy out of that help oh you're one of the cynics huh we'll meet me over here for the tour and I'll show you how come on don't be shy we don't want to miss the forests gorillas feeding please have a seat you ever play that video game half-life okay here we go [Music] here you can see our greenhouse genetic engineering is helpful to grow larger tomatoes onions cucumbers fruits and vegetables with more asses means more nutrition for people all around the planet what good does that do huh you bible-thumpers are all alike don't play God you'll pay for it let's continue up to the second level shall we another benefit of genetic science of course is combining animals like these donkey Apes funny fish squirrel donkeys and more once we put more asses on these we will truly be benefiting science will you please explain how that benefits science at all what's your name little boy super Craig you see super Craig once we know how to do things to animals we can hopefully apply them to mankind you think having more asses is impossible I tell you it's not you see genetic engineering is not just for animals and veggies we are working towards helping people as well here you can see genetic mutations of my dead son most people don't remember that I once had a young child named Terrence well yeah I remember that kid I was wondering whatever happened here Terrence was killed tragically in town when some kids were playing around with a relic belonging to Barbara Streisand oh jeez I think that was us so you're doing this all as a way to bring back your dead son bring it back well of course not I'm trying to give his dead body more asses so he can finally rest in peace now let's continue on to the fourth floor ah [ __ ] well here we are the top floor of the building and the end of our tour what it ease these horrible monstrous mistakes of science our new benefactor has asked that we genetically alter some of the local sixth graders and make them stronger and crazier okay okay why the [ __ ] would you do that how do you mean why the [ __ ] would you make genetically enhanced sixth graders calm down super Craig how do you think we pay for all this we have financial donors our latest benefactor has asked for this army of mutated sixth graders to protect his altered cats what altered cats no right over this way a wealthy benefactor named mr. Connor has donated money to have stray cats enhanced with more asses our company can add asses to things that very competitive rates the problem is that cats seem to become really aggressive when given our houses they've proven to be quite better why would you break up like your kids up here look there's nothing to worry about this entire facility has a very complex security grid that's never happened before what are you mr. Connor if you shut down the security grid then everyone in this building is going to die what [Music] [Applause] [Music] my poor creatures we must escape the lab maybe maybe we can go through some of the larger exhibits this way children mutant sixth graders are on the loose this was definitely not supposed to happen it's okay we'll be safe in the tour trim all the tour tram is offline somebody's gonna have to get to the CPU and hit the override switch where's the CPU down on the third level we're silly to put it there wasn't it so somebody has to walk down to the third level and flip the switch once you got it sorry kid but it really should be you anyway yeah if you think about it this is all kind of your father's I put the stairs behind that portal door but to open the door you're gonna need power electricity get that generator powered up and the access to the stairs will open that's it now you can access the stairs get down to the third level look at the little 40 Dork hey Jasper get over here deep there's a picture of some Biebs man it's I want to see some boobs that's it he's cleared the way the CPU should be right through that dork head will come down and join you new kid thank god you've got to stop him he's out of his mind Cartman you [ __ ] [ __ ] what are you doing Connor brought me here Steven catch sick son of a [ __ ] you shut up King soon this town will be rid of you and all the kin friends we're Freedom House badass we know what you're doing Eric putting cut urine into people's drugs and alcohol to make them crazy we want to know why yeah why you sick sick do I really have to spell it out June this city is sick we both know it there's only one time of year when this town is the way it should be on Christmas so I joined the Chamber of Commerce and use them to unleash my master plan escalate crime in the city blame crime on mayor run for mayor get tons of followers cloned new kid into genetic Newton win election make everyday Christmas where do you think pretty sweet plan right dude quick some of the shame that no one will ever know how perfectly my plan worked dude you've got too far this time nobody's gonna let you be mayor I know I've got all the new kids followers every last one of them is now following me gee that was smart Eric I know that Christmas every day sounds like fun but it really wouldn't be Becky dr. Timothy if you guys don't mind I've got an election to win goddammit well there goes the main CPU darn it why did I put that thing on a mobilize trapdoor why wouldn't you I'm afraid now someone will have to go clear to the ground level and call for the tour tram from there alright fine hurry up nuke a we gotta get out of here yeah new kid stop wasting time Oh looks like all the mutated animals have broken loose welp [Applause] looks like you've run into mutant sixth-graders oh and they look hungry don't get eaten be careful of the grates I've designed them to be removable in case anything wanted to attack people from below soundproofing the walls in here so that no one could hear screams was not cheap let me tell you Raiders came out of nowhere my legs are broken sweetie mommy can't walk you have to go into town and get help sweetheart listen to me they were about to cut off your father's head to scan his DNA I'm sorry sweetheart to finish the job only way out of here is to kill daddy oh you're the victim again huh like you don't deconstruct everything I say okay go do it sweetie go cut up daddy what'd she say did she say how nothing is their fault like usual I knew something like this would happen and it's why I've told your mother to keep her [ __ ] mouth shut I told you with our child powers were discovered they try to harvest her DNA and make a genetic flaw listen kiddo the CPU is waiting for either of our DNA just trick your mom into walking over to it I'm trapped inside of a tube thingy you don't get mommy's arm that should do it no please baby I've lost a lot of blood already if you take my arm it will kill me please don't kill mommy sweetheart mommy loves you okay okay wait wait wait is this about the medicine I put in your food we only did it to protect you your dad knew it had side effects go ask him go ask your dad about the side effect [Music] you did the right thing sweetheart Oh get out of here and don't get help Organic units accepted there we go see that wasn't so hard was it what took you so long new kid you just screwing around having fun miles we've got to get out to the town and tell everyone what Cartman is doing I don't think so gasps you came all this way just to die [ __ ] and friends freedom pals Coonan Frank's freedom pals [ __ ] and friend Kenny potatoes eggs careful guys he's got some kind of super weapon it's over fat-ass we're gonna tell everyone on you yeah you hear that Connor you shut up King we need each other don't you get it I create the crime and you stop it out I'm good for your franchise oh [ __ ] I get it now but then the new kid had to come along and try to stop me for good I had no choice but to have my own new kid built what have you done Eric simple how do you stop a [ __ ] friend by creating a massive genetically altered [ __ ] friend from that heroes DNA what dude that's so [ __ ] bass where do you minke really you're just gonna fight a superhero by creating a big genetic mutant from the heroes DNA that's like every douchebag superhero movie ever yeah cuz it's kids it's not kid no no it's cool because it's like the ultimate enemy Oh give me a break well anyways I wasn't able to finish getting the new kids DNA so I had to resort to cloning a different superhero which superhero I I'm a genetic mutation it's ok cousin well can you help because I need to tell you the restructuring is effected my brain and I have to attack you all over get a migraine prepare for battle weakly it's gonna be ok sorry Kyle but I feel with new rage and I have to destroy you guys wait wait hold everything is there a problem doctor ok I just wished to observe a genetically augmented superhero squashing his tiny foes into a viscous red pace pretend I'm not [Music] we can't beat this thing we have to hold off until day time his skin can't handle the Sun how we gonna last hold a time I don't know but we have to try okay time and I finish cleaning my gravy we need is a 3/8 inch drywall screw and we can hang a picture off that wound [Music] oh oh I think I gotta pull myself I don't think I should play anymore that was pretty amazing dude I've never heard anyone rip one like that well I hope you've all enjoyed the tour maybe now you have a new appreciation for what genetic engineering has to offer you're now all free to exit right through the gift shop yes Yap feel free to look around before enjoying the rest of your day perhaps you'd like to buy a I survived genetic mutants t-shirt or purchase a photo of you enjoying the tour lots of great things to remember your visit let's get the [ __ ] out of here that was [ __ ] [Music] all right we gotta go tell on Cartman oh oh no what is it mysterion dude the new kid farted so fake he made it next week what check your phone's it's ten days later oh great the new kid farted us to next week way to go new kid and it's all the new kids [ __ ] come on freedom pals we have to stop him [Music] the whole mayor's office is blocked like a fortress how can Cartman do that he can do whatever he wants he's man look up in the window it's over we lost but we can't lose face it Kyle thanks to the new kid Carmen is mayor and there's no one left to help us new kid new kid come in pretty sure that's Morgan Freeman new kid there's been some kind of time shift anomaly I can only assume it came from your ass come to the taco shop we have to fix this you heard the man all freedom powers report to Freeman's tacos now alright the new kids here Morgan Freeman says he can help us stop Cartman stop now he's already been elected mayor it's the new kids fault he ordered a forward in time new kid your farts have sped up time we have to somehow go back and stop Mitch Conner from ever rising to power this is the seven-layer quesarito Chipotle beefy nacho supreme the last time someone tried it they farted so bad it created a wormhole that made time travel possible now I have to warn you friend once you eat the seven-layer quesarito Chipotle beefy nacho supreme there is no going back make sure you have everything you need before you eat this do you understand so you're ready to heat the seven-layer quesarito Chipotle beefy nacho supreme now you must fart back in time to before Mitch Conner was sworn into office you can do it you just have to believe in yourself new kids I don't think it are you sure you're believing in yourself Merry Christmas happy holidays guys cuz wish guy let's get [ __ ] up we're too late the new kids sent us forward in time to when Cartman is already mayor you have to take us back new kid back to before this all happened [Applause] it isn't working I think maybe the new kid has a fractured but whole fractured but whole that's ridiculous tool shun is right we have to get the kid to a doctor fast be careful new kid South Park is a really scary place on Christmas [Music] Christmas oh god damn again [Applause] now don't be scared yeah we're simply here to celebrate the coming of our Lord and Savior Merry Christmas everybody it's the vigilante the mayor told us about if we murder him we get fries wait a minute it's Christmas I know who can help new kid you have to pray to Christ all right who the [ __ ] home sent it down from the sky you killed my reindeer [Music] Santa Claus Santa Claus well now maybe we can eat a splash hail Satan oh you little [ __ ] critters again huh Santa's gonna kick the [ __ ] out of you we weren't expected Santa to show up whatever will we do we're in a bit of a bind rabid II don't be sad Barry shucks I can just tuck myself that's one less creature staring [Music] you're welcome kids now what the [ __ ] is this all about we're sorry but we're trying to go back in time but the new kid has a fractured puddle so we're trying to get them to the abortion clinic oh all right you kids get his ass fix Santa we'll hold off these drunken [ __ ] rods get moving for the abortion clinic I stand back kids we got a lot of abortions today it's Christmas we need a doctor to look at our friends [ __ ] lemme guess has got a big crack down the middle ha ha ha the mayor has to be stopped we know how to do it the mayor that scumbag made the town that [ __ ] always today we can put a stop to it please just look at our friends hat can you fix it I put a splint on it and a little sling to take pressure off the sphincter try again try to take us back honey your friends are at the door and they want you to come out and play we should be happy that he's made friends in this town so quickly we came here to hide more friends just means more trouble you're being paranoid you need to lay off that stuff it's changing you Oh lay off it's the one thing that helps me relax from your stupid [ __ ] oh hey whippersnapper didn't see you there your friends are downstairs kiddo get out there and overtake Koopa yeah hey we're not playing Super Heroes dumbass come on you can't get away you guys we've got to stop carpet before he starts all this what do you kids do eating stop playing superheroes like five days ago yeah get lost juice bags the visitor dragons may rank [ __ ] you dude I'm Craig we don't have time for this stand aside we have to get to Cartman well you just have to get past us in our team or the king or the king oh hell the case I'll take you on me I got your back man these primitives have no chance against our future dish [Applause] [Music] this is a job for the Kings cutting rope you're not going to last long fighting all of us yourself cap well I would be the foolish stupid drag coach endo jutsu are you hearing it that's so [ __ ] late yes I gotta take this [ __ ] on for the king yes you're a formidable foe technique but I'll defeat you even with your guard you're no match for us Wow Pascal had such a cool costume what happened maybe we split off into another timeline geez don't worry I got you kneel before the king junior kid meanwhile at the Hall of super best friends the gold debts be forgiven and all slaves free whoa [Music] oh you cannot cross here this is all lava we don't have time for this [ __ ] oh my god how do you do are you joking it's like the rules don't even matter Jesus Christ did you see that oh hi kids I believe Eric is up in his room guys I was just traveling back in time to find you a cat's missing there's a big reward wait why you guys already playing superhero we know what you're up to fat-ass mysterion but you're with the Freedom House we're all freedom pals we're from the future you fat turd no I'm from the future I was just coming back to stick a tooth times to get you guys we aren't playing anymore we know everything show us your left hand my left hand when I watch your [ __ ] left hand [Music] Hey hello freedom pass time travel ain't it a [ __ ] Connor what the hell are you doing here I had a plan to use the new kid as means to get what I always wanted but it looks like some do-gooders travelled back in time to stop me Cartman I swear to God if you don't knock it off that's okay because I still know something you all don't what's that how to make someone fart super bad by hitting them in a solar plexus where are we now Connor we're in the time that a superhero was born recognize this place new kid a little child laying awake at night unable to sleep why have you brought us here don't you see this is the night new kid a fateful night your dad [ __ ] your mom you walked to the mirror don't do this to him but don't you see Kim this is what he wanted out alone to fix it whoo-hoo you heard your mother calling for help so you left your room go nuke it you can't change the past of course you can go look okay don't you see new kid I've given you an opportunity which will you do new kid fight the bad guys again or fight your younger self so that you never have to witness what's behind your parents door bad guys look we're just followers right you're the little kid with like a zillion followers right we just thought what we thought that if you could add us and maybe you know maybe we could have friends because we don't really have any followers couldn't you please add us oh boy oh boy our moments our moment is finally here wow it's happening [Music] oh gosh I'm just wow oh hey kiddo everything all right yeah go back to bed honey daddy and I are a little busy okay you did it you stopped your dad you saved your mom new kid that's bad and now there's nobody left to stop me I'm off to another ten ten I don't know who the hell are you I'm the king this is your kid from the future our child from the future Oh God I knew something like this would happen our child knows we've been lying and wants some answers you're right kiddo we've been dishonest but only because we wanted to protect you the truth is your mom and I have certain abilities powers that normal humans don't have I discovered mine when I was younger one day I created a Facebook profile and within a few hours I had over three million followers my powers are similar except they only seem to work on Instagram I got 4 million followers as soon as I posted my first picture of course powers like that don't go unnoticed for long shortly after that your mother and I were kidnapped by the government where they had scientists spending months doing experiments on us trying to figure out how we were able to gain so many followers so fast that's where your dad and I met and fell in love inside a cold damp government lab yes by day they ran experiments and by night we made sweet love my powers combined with your mother's you received over 10 million followers the minute you were born and by the time they cut the umbilical cord you were already more powerful than all the Kardashians combined that's why we had to escape because we knew the government would use you to do horrible things and we've been on the run ever since moving from city to city always trying to stay one step ahead but everywhere we go you just can't seem to stop gaining followers sometimes they even break into our house and use our toilet just to be close to you that's why we've been putting special medicine in your dinner sweetie to try to curb your powers but it didn't work the side effects of the medicine just gave you really powerful and really smelly farts we're sorry kiddo oh my god I feel so relieved to have finally told the truth me too honey I you know I don't think I need to drink anymore and I don't need to run from my problems with pop brownies oh honey I feel like your future is going to be totally different now I believe in us God but what about you sweetie now that you know the truth do do you think you can believe in yourself too [Music] we're back in downtown South Park but where is everybody more importantly what period of time have we landed at look white boy day for South Park this town is sucked for a long time and finally Mitch Conner is going to be sworn in there is my honor to introduce Mitch Conner today a man with some [ __ ] dude city but it's inauguration cake can still stop Connor from becoming mayor let's eat it come on we can still stop this [ __ ] there he is guys you're alive oh thank god Mitch Connors about to be sworn in come on guys we got to stop him you're not going anywhere you piece of [ __ ] you're gonna finally admit this was all you I am NOT on Mitch Conner sighs you guys not this you are Mitch Conner admit it Armin no I'm not Kyle admit it no child I have no control over Mitch Conner you are Mitch Conner you've always been Mitch Conner and you better stop right [ __ ] now then how do you explain this care [Music] well well well the plot thickens that's not funny cap I'm not doing it dude [ __ ] you what's the matter [ __ ] shoes on the other hand how [ __ ] knock it off why are you pissed at him because he's [ __ ] making it up that's why I'm not making it up dude that's your [ __ ] hand [ __ ] it's not [ __ ] controlling me how is he telling you Kings because he's trying to teach me a lesson about being deceitful wait so you admit you were making it up before see this is a troll to get me to admit I was trolling you guys this is just when I run it all the [ __ ] friends at each other's throats dude come on are you doing that maybe he is which means maybe Cartman was just doing it before well will you admit it Cartman you see that proves it see what he's doing right I have no [ __ ] idea oh how one little issue of mistrust can rip a team apart well freedom pass who do you attack me or the king knock it off Kyle seriously it's not [ __ ] funny yo I'm not doing it bull [ __ ] what's the matter kid you're not happy to see me good god damn you guys this isn't fair I'll say well well well good to see you again Mitch from an alternate universe total freedom power you think if you just come in here and make your own rules and posture we stop messing around pop just put your hand down you can't defeat the real Mitch Conner funny I was gonna say the same thing let's dance [Music] I'd call that an appropriate application of course it'll take more than that freedom pass oh this is King [ __ ] [ __ ] wait what wait wait wait wait wait you're not even good enough to be my fake carbon [Music] let Lords really giving them [ __ ] dude dude enough already you got to drop it Kyle you [ __ ] drop it fat-ass tell these guys you were just [ __ ] with me they're gonna just keep beating the [ __ ] out of both of us yeah dude Kyle if you're just [ __ ] with us we have to know you're just making things more confusing if I was just [ __ ] with you then so is he fine maybe I'll admit it I'll admit I was just [ __ ] with you guys but only if Kyle admits you at first I'm not seeing anything until he does you admit it first all right fine will goes admitted at the same time all right on three we'll both say I was just [ __ ] with you guys fine okay fine one two three I was just [ __ ] with you haha gotcha oh you [ __ ] and for too long our town has been led by a dumbass [ __ ] mayor who never did anything to stop crime and now Mitch Carter's gonna talking just make me mayor already its Mitch corner go on hurry swear me in alright to begin the inauguration mr. Connor would you raise your right hand please I do solemnly swear at you solemnly swear what's going on here just finish the ceremony everyone listen this is all just a plan to get more crime in our town so that the [ __ ] and French franchise would be bigger than the freedom pal franchise cat urine has been put into your drugs and alcohol to raise crime in the city so that the [ __ ] would have more crime to fight everything was thought up by hassel Mitch Conner rads a fat raccoon no don't you get it he did it all go ahead new kid show them the selfie you took [Music] good now upload it to me and I'll put it on Connors Instagram for everyone to see oh no [ __ ] Connors plan hey there Rai you mean he was putting poison in our wine and cocaine y-yeah I'll tell you where because the new kid isn't the only person who had a parent get [ __ ] my dad got [ __ ] when I was nine years old what only two people on this stage know how that feels stop with that already Shh I want to hear this my father will be avenged even if it means everyone else has to die Mitch Mitch it's over man what the hell are you doing here I've been here all along soon it's not your fault Mitch it's NASA what are you talking about it was me Mitch I'm the one who [ __ ] your dad what you [ __ ] my dad man well I did it for understand I wanted a future for you how these years fighting for the person that [ __ ] my dad and it was my own mother Mitch try and stay calm [ __ ] you King you may be really cute but even you can't fix this did he look at you man huh did he look you in the eye when he snuck up and sucked him Mitch it was an odd time again not to me this every night again forgive her Mitch please tell me you're not buying into this I'm gonna kill you for what you did well thank God that guy isn't gonna be mayor come on everybody let's go get clean drugs and alcohol from the next town over [Applause] [Music] [Music] you're the tickle bunny no you're the tickle bunny Oh kiddo been out playing with your friends honey this is a great town isn't it I love it here I'm so glad that all those years ago we came clean about our child's past I feel like I don't know like our lives are different now somehow I love you and I love you [Music] in fact Kido would you excuse us for a moment mommy and daddy have a little business to take care of upstairs oh you've little sneak did you really think you could stop bad things from happening don't you see the chaos oh these catches up with you he's try being a hero there's only one truth of this party no matter how hard you try to change the past [Laughter]
Channel: NRMgamingHD
Views: 2,162,379
Rating: 4.4712458 out of 5
Keywords: South Park: The Fractured But Whole, All Cutscenes, All Boss Fights, Full Ending, PS4 PRO
Id: C_qNpQX15dU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 206min 33sec (12393 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 29 2017
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