Bravest Warriors Season 1 on Cartoon Hangover (Every Episode)

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I am Supreme Chancellor Gail from the moon of Glendale we need help word up Gail we're on our way whoa slow down don't eject your core champ I called to speak with the courageous battlers that was our parents old team they all got sucked into the see-through zone two years ago we haven't seen them since any job they can do we can do ma'am we're the bravest warriors but you all kind of looked like dorks hey we're the mighty zeroes in the universe Gail if you don't want our help up yours Danny don't take out your move on Gail you got to learn to express your Moop in more productive ways yeah sorry man I'm taking moot management classes warriors to the health laughter Tom station one [Music] I'm Chris this is Danny Beth and Walt don't cheat wallows hand his glove gets jealous pixel shut down he's a little needy Danny's still fine-tuning his Nana nads actually wallow and I go way back you're still so booming Gail about that day not necessary speak out of the past no no come we must hurry professor fog sparkles we'll explain but first I must wake him from his time lab professor these are the bravest warriors they kind of like dorks listen up farts bark after the great time catastrophe I invented the fart Sparkle time generator to keep the flow of time pumping but something is very wrong the generators core is an artificial intelligence and it's getting Moody this is what's known as the fart sparkles effect you probably shouldn't let this guy name everything after himself look is that us you cloned us kill if you want in my body you could have just heavens no those people are just as much you as you are we are all of us trapped in a time loop they are us from exactly five Glendale in minutes ago time is overlapping on itself that means there's another group of us only five minutes behind that group and then another if this keeps up your planet's gonna have a much undesirable population bill so you do understand perhaps you are not dorks after all repairs a time loop save Glendale now put me back in my time nap let's get to the generator I don't want to know what happens if the next group catches up with us tune-up sparkles chamber professor fart sparkles will explain but first I must wake him from his time it's us deals right it really is us we're Hector dead this must be the group that was just ahead of us in the time loop we caught up to her future selves but that means sometime the next five grand alien minutes we're all gonna die in this room Danny we have to break the cycle we did and the time generators out of control sweet all these years I've been holding on to so much mom Julie jail I never stopped loving you you're teaching at the means of love whoa smooth harder slow pixal you don't understand dude we're pissing off the big time fix you your gloves but she can't take it it's the bravest warriors bed no dude I ain't going in there sorry Gail you should put some time clams on it see if it wears itself out we gots the book I'll call you [Music] we got our buns waxed at least we're not dead let me get home I'm just gonna relax with a nice head of butter lettuce you're such a weirdo Danny how's life supportive damage to vital systems Danny I think something's wrong with Danny yeah he doesn't normally do that he was hysterical like a regular nutbar I noted several whacked-out spasms of pain Chris computer diagnosed Danny diagnosis Danny has contracted cigarettes his fever whoops all right time to replace his eyeball hmm something's not right I'm getting that weird feeling kind of barfy this whole mission has been so whack first I'll be landed on some roxas to help King Kong with hard fight the hardcore Hill midgets didn't it seem more like they were softcore Hill midgets I noticed you noticing that then when you guys were towing their artificial Sun that moon dragon totally got the wrong idea and kept trying to have sassy moments with our app boosters and then Beth grow a tail yeah and I got a tail hello just take my good looks and my country pork rinds back to the bus stop pretend I was never here um greetings that guy wasn't here a second ago don't let me tarnish your track pants I'm garbage I can just go down we were talking yeah and then there was a aged man with pork rinds listing off unusual cares that's right and I saw a bus over there I'm not sure what we just saw some kind of spectral phenomenon alien really here yeah but readings say he was human and very emotional you see those powers you guys I think that was an emotion Lord what no one's ever seen an emotion Lord it's just weak people created to feel safe about their weakness you talk about me like I'm not even here now what am I gonna do with all this motor oil and you guys already have all the motor oil you could ever need that old man is not too crazy these scans don't make sense Chris I think you were standing too close to him for me to get a clear reading Lord patient critical all major organs failing dang we're losing them Computers sterilized area for immediate surgery yep this place is now sterile Chris wants space chickens what no I don't learn a space chickens go chickens no space chickens are a surgeon's worst nightmare I don't get it who is this old guy we don't need space chickens at all oh no the space chickens are getting into the motor oil computer contained area Andry sterilized running out of time is the emotion Lord Gunn I think so all right laser scalpel ready and removing Danny's I live davin is gone I'm calling it time of death 1600 hours we lost a good one come on man I can't find my Fresh next victory hat anywhere anyone seen it please Danny's gonna die if I don't cashews in your mouth [Music] yeah that is enough come out here and fight me villain yoo-hoo it was you wasn't it over here you caused the freaky stuff on Stratos you're irrational irresponsible Marco hello overly emotional and unattractive don't shoot at me and you're the reason daddy's gonna die Chris calm down aren't you don't fire lasers in this direction [Music] I cannot train him he's not ready what are you talking about I was prepared to begin you on the path toward your destiny but you are too young self-absorbed and impatient what destiny you want to train me wait a minute no more space chickens no more tail and your little friend Andy he'll feel fresh is the Dickens one day Chris Kirkman you will know the full extent of your power but not now one day I will return wait me I'm gonna have powers are you kidding yeah I'm kidding 500 chocolate puppies gotta blow this is the best day of my life take the pledge to become a bravest warrior visit bravest warriors calm nice whiskers ah dude why can't a guy ever have his private time you've been in here since last night come on Chris I need to use the bathroom I haven't defeated the boss yet oh man that's great Plains wildebeest with wizard hat and staff nobody's ever beaten that thing he's going down man that's too intense for 6:00 in the morning you can create whatever you want here in the holler John hmmm why don't you just I don't know play nice muffins and yogurt fantasy whether goals for you wizard I'm not have some dignity see that this will take hella fortnight's and you'll get prolapsed anus from sitting there all day who's hogging the hollow John [Music] Great Plains wildebeest hey Danny we're bathroom froze no we're not I want to be bathroom Bros huh Danny nobody Rams my bathroom bro I see your safety settings are right part I like hey computer Chris needs a reward for his bravery hello Beth hologram maker princess screaming what are you doing and make it like 30% sexier than normal what Danny Beth is my best friend no way you're right Chris 30 is not enough 40% sexier yeah Bravo courageous Knight aye all right Danny that's enough man this is wrong you've got it so bad you know the real Beth is in a room right down the hall just go get down abysmal inja but then I grew up together I'm not gonna ruin our relationship with biz you fools were meant to be together like all in a soft rock soulmates and puberty kind of way everybody knows it ah computer save and flush Crowe Danny dad it wasn't me Wow classic Lankershim wankershim who's the dirty little maple ah yes you are [Music] computer show sync voice command lockout b9 Delta load butter lettuce fantasy bath program 3 Oh and lock holo drawn door from the outside I'm going back to that what the hey computer show exit you that locally-grown water lettuce [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] neo Mars Convention Center Thanks thank you Thanks hi I'm Chris hello you look familiar but I know you from somewhere no I wait I think I do know you I think you're aren't you my friend what my name is Beth I think you're someone I care about a lot why can't I remember you're like my closest friend boyfriend shoot I can be your husband or your dentist I have no idea we could be anybody this guy says his name is wallow Hey and I'm Danny this is jelly kids I don't remember how to fly we're all going to die [Music] has everyone here lost their memories memories what the Dickens is happening to us I think we're going on to Mars [Music] warning reduce your feet hey maybe jelly Q can pilot the shuttle softdisk are initiated nope canceled check it out guys I've got a sticker on my belt and when I rub it no cat comes out maybe we're in a bed yeah maybe we're all rock stars and Beth is our mom maybe the three of us are assassins I'm all sent here to kill Danny dog I get it so you're the cool one you're the funny one and you're the girl which one am i okay check the wax Siri controls are ie locked and we're picking up speed so we're gonna crash right into the neo Mars Convention Center and died natural burrowers seminar 200 we're here to help you that's why we're here we assist peeps salarino dude I promise you you will dance again I don't know it's a memory dog convention I don't know how to thank you I'm getting on in years and last month I had my license taken away so you had to take public transportation yes but people lose their memories whenever they're near me and the pilot forgot how to fly but why did you attack us oh I just dunked out for a moment it happens I'm okay now indeed I am president memory dawg you bravest warriors have to me safely to my followers we did it Beth all of us together as a reward I return to you your memories I think I know which one you are you're my best friend Wow that's insane you're just my best friend oh right just friends dance for us about a radioman jugs while the world is watching [Music] ding-dong okay man hey hey moron t-minus 10 seconds to transference of entities [Music] funds are ago ago good to go on bets and voila Chris Beth we've only got one shot at this the fate of bunless nine is riding on this dance mixer three [Music] it feels so plug to be inside a physical being after five centuries blood pumping funds surging with life let us mingle man oh I haven't seen champs in a grip things didn't end well between us if you and Beth don't get these two creatures to fall back in love by the time the celestial ascension occurs the funless people will be plunged into 100 years of war and darkness remember the alien entities bunless team three ready happiness and cue dancing rock hello Chelsea so how's the apartment cold you still have my yokubou no tell my joy is disingenuous Danny sector five I got him come on you to show the entities how it's done these guys need to remember that they're soul mates one too many trips to the punch ball for slobs only two minutes until the Ascension stand by team three you uh you and Kira sure are touching in that gown Beth team 3q validation thanks Chris I really like how your hair goes show pink jamsi is also quite handsome they aren't speaking ask her to dance you promised we wouldn't have to you know I don't dance come on Chris I'll help you through it hey is that noted DJ shot at PNC bone spinning over there let's dance dancing Oh bully just relax and follow what I do this is a nice night for some viewings to happen kill Rock you always were pretty smooth that should knock all that signature dancing runs in my family I feel sexier just saying it out loud it's working Chris say something else your eyes make me want to share with you a costly pasta meal he's so sweet please whistle dandelions sniffers need a good smack in the statement what why do you have to be so critical you never believed in my landscaping business well maybe you'd accepted my father's alone here we go just accept handouts like applica flip like a dirty plague of the Ascension it's it's happening now we're out of time good mind if I cut in Danny what are you doing saving your BOTS kill rock may I have the pleasure of this dance [Music] boom that's what people do in a mixer Chauncey anyway Danny's a good dancer [Music] takes what it was you're all I've ever wanted face us together man behold the celestial essentialism and a new era of peace dogs were a planet Wow Chris you were amazing it was nothing we're on our way Oh church suka I made these seats out of moondragon so now we have to reach the high that's gonna plant this bomb the butter probes will map the way for us go butter probes no too hot for the little chance now how are we gonna make it through this maze [Applause] nourishing oh sorry as you were Jackson the chocolate puppy guy alright what are these dab me oh man not the emotion Lord I've been surviving alone on burritos for eight long years stick with me and you might survive what we just saw you last month for me he time works differently I'm going to the top what's that sure they can follow me but they'll probably all die on the way these people don't have the pepper Chris that guy's talking smack about our pepper let's quit swooning in the bouncy house and storm that you want to tell us what you're doing here well I was gonna draw this thing out over several more mind-blowing encounters but what the hey I'm Chris from the future hey Chris whoo Chris you I'm 200 year old you whoa boy am I glad I got that off my chest we're not falling for that you're an emotion Lord and you're totally bananas and I don't have powers like you so you're not me a green Gonzalez dad hey we survived now who's ready for some vitamin b12 I'm having trouble feeling the pepper come on be my little pepper master I ate your pepper master I'm an emotion Lord you're the pepper master and those are some phosphorescent maize midgets shampooing each other now move Chris you might want to see this I've completed my scan of his IQ fingerprints favorite color and DNA he might really be you he's messing with your dang comet er don't believe anything you see his unique temporal signature is out of sync with our si 180 for years he's a time traveler see Toby he'd never accept the truth and who are you always talking to oh that's just the concierge he's a little hologram fella but where's the suit and takes notes on everything I do isn't he cute in his highchair [Music] what happens to Chris in his future what made you like this I was the greatest of all emotion lords Beth I reign supreme for over a century well turns out I didn't take enough b12 when I was young and that is why I went bald no I didn't mean your hair you sure I can't offer you a b12 bro no I don't want your b12 and I don't believe your eyes I'm just trying to have a Chris - Chris power here I lead you up the maze and you can't even take a jail cap for a hairless old man all right old Chris start wrecking these ugly can't emotion Lords do anything they want I can't change fate we might rip a hole in the space-time clampy and if that happens it could create a temporal paradox if you were really me you help your team get out of this alive what if you control the soldiers minds I can't do that then leave I didn't ask you to be here I don't want to know anything about my future just go away it's alright I understand if you're ashamed of me I remember we never did like the idea of growing up emotion Lord's can't control people death I'm sorry but what I can do is give your enemy the ability to read your minds what will know our weaknesses Chris there is a really special energy flowing between us right now my name is Halcyon you guys can read our minds so the war is like over now we don't have to blow up your evil high no man that's all in the past Chris your feet are aching for freedom here take my orthopedic clogs oh thanks man but your little B shoes don't fit me I'm not a B but brother I forgive you for that discrepancy no you guys are delightful you want to come live with us I feel like my heart is just telling me to just murder you with this laser right now you can now get river stories merch at stores like Walmart Hot Topic and five below bravest where's comments are available at your local comic shop or through the comixology app don't feel like leaving the house buy your merch online at wila find calm and thank you calm we've got a lot more coming soon so become a warrior to be the first to find out meanwhile at the bravest warriors invisible hideout legit he's just wearing his hover trunks I can make even teens to your splashes with my hover moustache yeah your tea diabetics support socks perfect for the course or the clubhouse a wallet was buying me this way you gas powered stick gas powered stick gas powered stick your your bet you're the best friend huh that's friend I can't wait to get my hover car permit I thought you were old enough they make new roofs wait longer hey plum if you're lucky I might teach you I got my license I was born with my license it's right here in my mouth is that baby wallow I was just about to go for a spin right now to the dunes of Phobos I could maybe show you my maneuvers oh you know I was gonna hey look over here look at this [Music] you guys horrid Almighty I knew you guys couldn't handle it if I brought plum over it's ok bet your buds are so funny I'm gonna go and eat the rest of that soft taco it's getting cold [Music] man he's adorable come here little guy hey jerk girl oh it's thick I think you've had enough of these chips thought you were watching your waistline for me baby wallow your dog is bunk yeah that's not my dog that's impossible come on plum let's go hang out in my room before we get pregnant never rosada get there's a java stick whoa who's throwing pitches that's the most perfect peach ever my Anacapa what young only hardcore no midgets I have x-ray vision I gotta tell Beth no [Music] [Music] I'm just a dude alone outside your door but I could watch you shave your pits a billion minutes more what's happening girlfriend ma'am plum remember me from ten minutes ago so you're just chilling out singing to the wild huh hey why are you all up in my jam all of a sudden what Beth was right you are interesting hey Chris can I try something weird let's get weird [Music] okay but I can see the windows and that little wooden seagull with the spinny wings right well it's not a secret hideout exactly it's just invisible oh I just want to say I really liked smooching on your face and such but it's kind of bad timing yeah I guess so you want me to just give up huh not really so listen next time you come over maybe we could plum plum hello plumb [Music] [Music] you finished your time machine the hours come and last my brother I'm proud of you buddy now you can go back and save the DAC likes people from that boiling soup storm or you could stop the lizard boys from eating my expensive cheese that turned him into lizard boys no way he's probably going to the future to french-kiss himself Beth are you daydreaming about my juicy lips again mm-hmm oh good I'm so filled with juice gross no I'm traveling into the past to change things for the better remember how when I was little I lived in the Martian Badlands outside the city in new Miami yeah what you don't know is it was there that a cool pack of little hackers always used to rag on me real bad the low gravity hacker pack actually we do know all this you don't have things days I got to hang with you guys with the shiz but there are other memories dark memories that are not the shiz let me slip into my crew be in memory specs [Music] everyone teased me because as you may remember my nipples always showed through my shirt it's the whole reason girls weren't super into me back then for some reason I just didn't get it all I ever wore were hooded skin tight unitard you're humanoids were fresh I scraped all summer for a unitard ten pack to be as fresh as you they were just jealous all I ever wanted to be was a hacker but the low-gravity hacker never invited me to any of their hacker potlucks the main hacker was named Hans critique centers right and Hans Christian T Fanta stole his dad's garage door opener and hacked it so that every time Hans pressed the button you'd puke there was no escaping that electric puke button I puked on the night of my big flute solo for the president during my first spiritual experience and you puked in your grandma's mouth the day she got out of jail we know I didn't know I thought he just had the flu every day I was too ashamed to tell you guys I lived in fear and you puked at the preemie ward on a goat on that goats grandma and I think the button got stuck when I was playing Santa at the homeless shelter but what really got me Hecate out is when low gravity Fantas in his Miami Hatcher pack destroyed my first science fair project [Music] so this time machine is all for revenge when I'm through no child will ever fear bullying again keep the simulation I made [Music] hello children now get ready buy yourself some sweaters you're gonna punch children history is about to change no not at all isn't time travel dangerous what if you create a temporal paradox or something that could like destroy the fabric of space and time if anything goes wrong can always come back in time right to this moment and destroy the time machine before I ever even use it problema saw oh man that's Duke sorry dude doesn't work out this happens every time you invent a time machine I'm gonna go feed the lizard boys so aren't you supposed to disappear now or cease to exist or something hmm yeah oh here goes here I go ceasing to exist [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] you okay [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Music] blabla [Music] [Applause] [Music] nosh [Music] [Music] Bell over who had 7,000 superdude [Music] smoogle sniffy do marvin think sea cocky [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the planets are aligned man that was a pain in the butt whoa that's fingering Beth thanks dude [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey no worries [Music] I'm not in denial if you don't want to make babies with her why are we out before dawn and pick up some fancy gourmet breakfast that gets up at sunrise and I'm surprising her with breakfast in bed today's the 10-year anniversary of the first time she James me Mexican sweet bread by Mars rules the person who gets jinx can't speak until he gets the winner whatever she wants and Beth wanted one bowl of moon frosted double dolphin smacks please coming right up cutie what makes you think she's even gonna remember this jinx uh bursary she'll remember we're gonna make it special a few pink cover drops over drops some gluten-free face mellows a fellow's a dash of rainbow spit it's gonna be perfect see this is what you need me man buying gifts her Beth is too sweet it probably hurts their chances of ever making five babies with it our bond goes way beyond all that stereotypical male-female jive it's a spiritual thing she could be a walrus and I would feel exactly the same way I present this to you in honor of a love that has no need for physical expression be honest with yourself Chris go to bed and look deep into her heart and tell me you don't just want to be smooching all over that fresh little chuck wagon breathing in that Cinnamon Girl they're all making like 60 babies oh and don't forget the seahorse dreams it has to have seahorse dreams dolphin smacks that way anymore but seahorse dreams are Beth's favorite you have to know serial master your daddy wasn't right [Music] right right on yeah daddy I'm the best barrel master it's not the same without seahorse dreams man she'll sizzle off her own face and now for my final ingredients tap water straight from the municipal Lagoon [Music] [Music] you totally emotion lorded those seahorse dreams what no I was just thinking about Beth I got it [Music] [Music] what good morning double dolphin smacks with seahorse dreams our jinx a bursary I knew you remember Chris I [Laughter] [Music] molecules stable I didn't think it was possible but wankershim has become an independent life-form you just made history I am no longer merely a hologram map brother wankers him where you are going I cannot follow I'm sorry I have grown beyond you brothers bankís computer and program neo mars park has a new attraction Lankershim two weeks ago this crazy critter was nothing more than a computer character in a video game self-awareness he became a new form of life that is now 50 stories tall and still growing this month little elf has captured the heart of neo Mars city how do you think this will affect the Martian tourism industry catbug come on I see not to feed wankers that's your lunch he got big what happens when he has to pee what if wankershim keeps expanding infinitely who knows what might happen we should have the very least run some scans I'm proud of the little big guy hey it's always been wakers him emotion Lord jellyfish say hello to him oh man cheese he begged me to take him back in time for the dawning of Lankershim dude you're me what's the dawning of wankershim the day in history when the great prophet wankershim absorbs the universe into his wanker being what what happens then oh the end of reality as we know it you lucky mortals today we all become one with Lancashire what the beans does this mean how do we stop it are you really all up in my jam asking for dangerous knowledge of the future that might damage space-time do you want a temporal pair of socks on your conscience you mean a paradox no a temporal pair of socks it's far worse I can't tell you the future but I can help you figure it out on your own but why would dude please don't magically apply close to me you want to know about wankershim then set up an MV 12 assertive reactor it will answer all your questions it's always been wankers him can we trust him why do you think he's really here give him a chance Chris he knows things you don't kids can I ask a private question Oh somebody's getting curious about his powers when we can read upside down and our dancing skills improve quite nicely actually I was wondering about Beth she's my best friend but you know someday I mean or even mental you know I can't tell you anyway you can see the future yourself that's one of your dank powers hey Chris we could use a hand over here before the world ends there's gotta be something we can do I like myself too much to become a tiny piece of a giant elf here empty your mind seeing the future okay just don't kiss me again focus on the person or thing you love more than anything else in the world got it yeah fill up with that feeling who's your biz innit I still don't see anything [Applause] my arm is missing you have the same decision what did you do to me Chris look it's happening but wait what was all that [Music] how do I work this thing I got it calculating [Music] he's always been waitressing that's the spirit everyone take shelter in his divine wanker shame [Music] [Music] you're looking at Beth and you're crying wait what what's wrong I just miss her miss her why does something happen to Beth does she die you have to tell me Oh Dean I've given you dangerous for knowledge of the future I may have created a temporal paradox I did there it is the pair of socks I can't not put these on no tell me about No is it over our we won with wanker ship ah anybody else feel kind of tender I guess he's everywhere now red who wants soft tacos interesting taco [Music] [Applause] but science tells us the universe goes forever the space-time Calliope contains infinite worlds and alien species we all know it's been proven but we still can't comprehend it I haven't given up yet our brains just weren't designed to understand the concept of forever what about your horse he realized the meaning of the universe back when we were 6 oh yeah he hasn't moved since I feel like I should ride him more often but he's always so blown away sorry we made your private little world Danny I see someone painted her pigs get out oh come on you look adorable dude what do you want oh I just thought you ladies might want to hear about all the presents we got today from our parents catbug lives in two separate dimensions jumping back and forth between realities but until now we never knew exactly where he goes when he jumps to the Caesar zone where all our parents have been trapped for two years they've been sending catbug back with presents my dad sent my pony Lord's battle aquarium oh I haven't seen this in a hell of fortnight Chris's parents sent his baby pictures Oh some Will Rogers commemorative stamps ah and a sinus irrigator sweet I got this expired lottery ticket and a knife my mom's got class kapa jumped he'll be back any second Chris we are alive love mom and dad this is bonkers anything from my dad yes it's peanut butter squares those are for my mom they're my favorite what did she say your mom said to say I could have just one peanut butter slow but not till after they cool down good boy catbug are they really okay in the see-through zone okay did you see my dad I don't think so that didn't get any presents you're very brave buddy ask them if they need us to send anything okay it's crawling with some kind of freaky micro organism it's a virus all the gifts are covered in it can you identify it I've never seen anything like this I can't kill it I can't even affect it a virus from outside the space-time Calliope hey you guys these gifts are getting up to some mischief this thing's rising like a hot oven biscuit if this grows into some kind of extra dimensional monster it could destroy me on Mars for the whole planet containment pains won't help the laws of space-time don't apply trying to control this thing is kind of like trying to make oatmeal cry why don't you do that it's like trying to use the president's mouth to make out with God's middle name hopefully trying to stir diarrhea with your dog's sense of humor [Applause] [Music] adorn our parents sent us a door it must lead to the see-through zone I'm gonna see my mom again is there a key hang on we can't just assume our parents knew this door would materialize is it from my dad Ralph Waldo pickle chips is the key who's that I don't know I don't care what I have to do or how long it takes me I will not rest until I've opened that door I'm going to bed sleepiest warriors to the pillow zone oh well at least you know our parents are still alive oh sorry Beth I haven't given up yet I think I'm gonna go outside and visit my horse paralyzed horses log July 3rd 3085 every day I hear and I see eternity I am frozen in awe of my knowledge of forever but I belong only to one girl no where can I see more clearly than into her heart when Beth feels heartbreak I'm stranded in the Stygian void helpless to comfort her for I am just a horse sleep now bravest warriors and dream of doors and keys and Ralph Waldo pickle chips today something unnatural has slipped into your universe an octave of the a tentacle of time it is the final gift and it is not for you Beth does not know it now but this gift is for her [Music] bravest warriors calm is where you become a warrior see bravest warriors previous episodes and behind-the-scenes content before anyone else plus exclusive content that only noble and righteous true warriors can see you'll also get promo codes invitations to special events various sneak peeks and so much more take the pledge become a warrior [Music] [Music]
Channel: Cartoon Hangover
Views: 5,621,771
Rating: 4.9223676 out of 5
Keywords: Cartoon Hangover, Bravest Warriors, Season 1, Season one, Episode, Episodes, Pen Ward, Adventure Time, Adventure Time (TV Program), Animation, Animation (Professional Field), CartoonHangover, YouTube, Cartoon, Cartoons, Animated Cartoon (TV Genre), Time Slime, Emotion Lord, Butter Lettuce, Memory Donk, The Bunless, Gas Powered Stick, Lavarinth, Dan Before Time, Frederator Studios (Organization), Frederator, Full, Season Episode, Watch, Series, New, Free, Preview
Id: nv99gj1xxWw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 15sec (4215 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 05 2013
Reddit Comments

I love when Chris says "Lets get weird" replying to Plum :)

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/LethargicSuccubus 📅︎︎ Oct 06 2013 🗫︎ replies

Are some of the scenes different? I'm noticing small differences in a bunch of them.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/SemiFAIL96 📅︎︎ Oct 06 2013 🗫︎ replies
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